mail program Mozilla Thunderbird is a free, cross-platform software that works as a universal Email and a news link generator. In addition, to the latest versions of this utility, there is integration with the Lightning product and the calendar. Outwardly and in terms of its technical characteristics, Mazila Thunderbird is very similar to a personal information manager Microsoft Outlook.

Application Features

Suitable for work on personal computers with any engine, whether Microsoft Windows OS, macOS or linux.

Protocol support:

  • IMAP & NNTP - Internet Message Access and Network News Transfer Protocols
  • SMTP & POP3 - Simple Mail Transfer and Post Office Version 3 Protocols
  • RSS - Rich Site Summary

Designed at the end of winter 2008 mail client Mozilla, from the non-profit organization "Mozilla Foundation", has undergone four years of various changes, both in names and in technical specifications. In the fall of 2012, further development was discontinued and handed over to individuals and organizations. The Mozilla Foundation justified its decision by the drop in demand for applications for personal computers in favor of mobile versions.

To date, the Burevestnik program is successfully developing and helping millions of users to optimize their activities with a variety of different e-mails.

You can download the Mozilla Thunderbird mail program here by going to the developer's proprietary Internet resources:

The advantages of this software lots of. All of them can be found at official portal Mozilla:

But the most important and useful property a universal mail program is the ability to aggregate several "mailers" into one shell. That is, if a user has several accounts in different mail programs, they can be combined under one shell.

  • Yandex Mail
  • gmail
  • Rambler

In this case, there will be no need to open several clients to check your mail. All accounts can be concentrated in one program. Further, setting up Mozilla Thunderbird will allow the user to set up their personal filters and cut off unnecessary information in the form of spam, advertising messages, broadcasts.

master this program and customizing it to your needs is quite simple. The interface is intuitive. And if users have experience with mail Microsoft program Outlook then problems with by Mozilla Thunderbird won't show up at all.

  • Among useful features and features of Thunderbird can be distinguished such as:
  • Convenient access to the address book;
  • Tabs, similar to those in Mozilla itself, after closing the "mailer", are saved;
  • Flexible filter settings;
  • Convenient search for letters;
  • Possibility to archive messages;
  • Activity and add-on managers;
  • Automatic update;
  • Setting for protection against suspicious emails and spam;
  • Openness to developer innovation.

The uniqueness and originality in writing letters and such a function as in Mozilla Thunderbird to make a signature and add a picture at the end of the message will not leave indifferent any friends or acquaintances. And they will always look forward to new emails from Thunderbird users.

Installing Mozilla Thunderbird

The Mozilla Thunderbird mail program is not additional extension to . The mailer is a separate development and is a standalone software.

After downloading the file, you need to go to the "Downloads" folder.

After successful installation, the user needs to either get a new email address or maintain existing data.

The interface during installation and after it, when the user starts working in his new universal mail tool in Russian. There are useful and informative tips for beginners. Worth spending some of your precious time on initial settings according to their needs and expectations and in the future, the saved minutes, and maybe hours, will allow users to use them wisely for pleasant or useful actions.

Mozilla Thunderbird is a popular free mail program for email and newsgroups. Contains many useful and convenient features: self-learning anti-spam filters, importing email and message settings from Microsoft Outlook, and The Bat, quick search for letters, spell check during text entry.

Key features of Mozilla Thunderbird

  • Supports IMAP, POP, HTML and RSS feeds.
  • Antispam filters. automatically recognize unwanted mail.
  • Digital signatures, message encryption, certificate verification.
  • Attachments are never opened without your command, providing protection against viruses.
  • Archiving messages. The "Archive" button or the "A" key places the mail in the archive.
  • Fraudulent email protection monitors for phishing emails.
  • Add-ons Manager - Search and install add-ons directly from Thunderbird.
  • virtual folders. The email is displayed in several folders based on filters.
  • Interface customization, visual themes. By default, the interface is similar to the Outlook Express mail client.

Mozilla Thunderbird download

Download Mozilla Thunderbird for free Russian version from the official site. We keep track of all program updates so that you have latest version Mozilla Thunderbird email client.

Mozilla thunderbird mail client is free program with support for the Russian language, which will make working with e-mail a simple and understandable task. In the current digital age, even the most ordinary user receives so many different e-mails a day that one cannot do without a special assistant in their processing.

This is especially true if you have to check several mailboxes at once (for example, if you have mail on Rambler, Yandex, Gmail and other popular services). Thunderbird is a very thoughtful email client, it can be downloaded for free from the official website or from our resource (a portable version is also available - portable edition).

The program can significantly reduce the time for filtering messages and help you not to miss an important message for you, which can often be deleted along with spam.

The program can stay in the background for a long time and not take away precious computer resources, and Internet traffic is often consumed only in moderation. flexible mozilla thunderbird mail settings system in Russian designed for regular user who will not engage in masochism in order to understand how to set it up. The interface is so simple that any average PC owner can configure this email client to suit their needs - make the program more convenient not only externally, but also install convenient add-ons (plugins).

It's nice when such a useful and efficient email client as mozilla thunderbird can be downloaded for free in Russian. This allows you to get rid of many of the problems associated with setting up an interface that is already clear and simple, even for a novice user.

How to set up mozilla thunderbird mail

Mozilla Thunderbird is a useful companion when dealing with a large number of emails and newsletters. The user himself upon registration account chooses where exactly the received letters and the documents attached to them will be stored: on his personal personal computer or on an existing website.

If you prefer to leave the delivered correspondence on your hard drive, then you will have to specify the specific size of the folder into which they will be downloaded. With this method of storing information, the user has constant access to all letters and files already received, even if the computer is temporarily not connected to the Internet - which is more than convenient. The disadvantage in this case may be a possible failure hard drive, so we advise you to do it from time to time backup archive of letters and export settings. Export settings to mozilla thunderbird allows you to simplify new installation and further adjustment of the mail client parameters to those made earlier.

The program also takes care of protecting all user correspondence sent via insecure communication channels. The client uses such modern encryption algorithms as SSL / TLS, while working with mail is carried out using the POP, IMAP and other protocols. For example, not so long ago Post service Yandex sent notifications to its users to update their email programs. This applied to many email clients, but not Thunderbird, because its security has always been at a high level.

Creating a signature in mozilla thunderbird is also easy. To do this, you can use the built-in tools and the PGP public key encryption system. All these features are built into the program, so you don’t have to install any add-ons.

It should be noted that a lot of attention has also been paid to working with spam. Correspondence of this kind is stored in a separate folder so that the user can independently decide what to do with this or that letter of an advertising nature.

As we noted earlier, the mail client allows you to work with several electronic mailboxes. The only thing that needs to be done is to add each of them in turn to the program. After these manipulations, the mailer will constantly check mail (the interval for checking messages can be configured) and display appropriate notifications.

For more successful work with new letters, the mail client uses a special filter system, which, when correct setting will reduce the time spent on checking such letters.

Special advantage Free Mozilla Thunderbird before its competitors (including paid ones), you can name the existing functionality for instant messaging over the Internet (for example, using Hangout Google chat or other similar systems). In addition, the program works on all popular platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, so we recommend downloading this wonderful application for free.

Good day, dear readers and other personalities.

I thought and thought and suddenly realized that by some unknown miracle I had bypassed the mail subject. No, of course, I briefly wrote about, mentioned about, and on Twitter I talked a little about my love for, but from a programmatic point of view, I forgot to devote time to any particular mail client. Weird. Fixing it :)

As you already understood, today we will talk about mail, or rather, about a program that allows this mail to be received, stored, sorted, and generally do a variety of indecent things with it. Many of you will certainly be surprised, they say, why do we need a program if modern world everything has been integrated into the browser level for a long time - take it and come in and use it.

However, as a person of the old school (my mail started back in Windows 2000) and just a professional, I think that email clients have a number of advantages over browser-based solutions. I will tell you about them (advantages) (and even show you a little), as well as, in fact, I will teach you how to install, configure and powerfully use such a wonderful mail client as Thunderbird.

Advantages of local mail over browser mail

Before proceeding, I, as promised, will first talk about what I see as the advantages of local, so to speak, programmatic mail over the one that lives in the browser.

Firstly, this is the same, support for several mailboxes at once and in different services. I don’t know how anyone, but I have more than a dozen emails that live on a bunch of different domains: @gmail, @mail, @yandex, @site, etc. It’s natural to run from box to box in the browser, even if that I will have direct bookmarks on them, you will still be tormented: while you log in, while you check everything new, while you answer .. Long and dreary.

Connection security: STARTTLS
Port (for POP): 110

@gmail and @yandex
Connection Security: SSL/TLS
Port (for POP): 995
Authentication method: Basic password

When finished, you can press the button Retest"..

AND " Create an account" (after testing is over). The wizard will check the password and, if everything is correct, create an account, after which we will see something like this:

Now let's configure where on disk our mail will be stored.

Mail file storage location

It is better not to leave the initially proposed path, because it is buried somewhere in the depths of the system and, in case of problems with it, it will not always be possible to find and restore the folder later, and therefore it would be good to assign your own, which we will do now.

On the "Local folders" tab, press the "Browse" button and set the folder we created, say, with the name _mail somewhere on the disk. Having done this, click on "OK".

Of course, you can set up various rules for this very sorting (the default is "by date", but there are a variety of options, for example: "by sender", "by topic", etc., which, I think, you have already seen on previous screenshot).

Message filters in Thunderbird

We figured out the visual sorting. Let's look at the filters and try to create some of them.

Let's say that we have a huge number of mail comes with a mention in the subject of the letter, a certain site " SysAdmin Notes" and we want all these letters to be placed in the @from_site folder we created in advance (the folder is created by right-clicking on, say, the "Inbox" item). To do this, go to " Menu - Message Filters".

Here we select from the drop-down list the box for which the filters will be applied, and then click on the button "Create".

In the window that appears, fill in the appropriate fields, namely:

  • Filter name : enter something that will let you know what the filter is
  • Subject contains: In this example, I enter " SysAdmin Notes"
  • In the Move message to field: from the drop-down list, select the folder we created. In my case it is @from_site

Done, click the "OK" button. The operation of the filter can be immediately checked by selecting for the field " Run selected filters on folder" folder where we want to apply the created filter (in this case, it's "Inbox") and click on the button " Run".

If everything is done correctly, then all mail will be sorted according to the rule you set.
Naturally, as in the case of sorting, you can create filters of various directions and variations, and you can configure filtering according to several rules at once, for which the "+" button in the list is used and a new rule is set.

Over time, when you set up all the filters you need, you will be terribly pleased with how much comfort has increased when working with mail.


Here are the things.

It turned out to be very voluminous, but this is not the end yet :) Specially for Thunderbird, as well as for Firefox, there are various useful extensions, designed to make your life more convenient, but we'll talk about them next time.

Stay with the project and you will learn a lot of new and useful things;)

As always, if you have any questions, additions, thoughts, thanks, etc., I will be glad to hear them in the comments to this post.

Before setting up, you need to make sure that the Internet is connected, and also in the “Settings” menu of the mailbox on the Mail Programs tab, you need to check the box in the item “I want to access mailbox using an email client.

Automatic setting
1. You need to launch the Mozilla Thunderbird program and open the "Account Wizard":
  • enter through the "File" menu (in the upper right corner);
  • select the "Create" button;
  • go to the "Existing mail account" tab.

When you first start the program, it will automatically prompt you to create a new account.

2. In the opened window "Setting up a mail account" you need to enter:

  • email address (for example, [email protected] Incl. for other Rambler/mail domains —,, etc.);
  • password and click on the Continue button.
3. Now you need to select the required type of server (POP or IMAP) and click on the "Create an account" (or "Finish") button.

If the credentials are entered correctly, the program will perform the remaining settings automatically.

If for some reason the program fails to execute automatic tuning or need to change the settings, the client can be configured manually.

Manual setting
1. In the "Tools" menu section (the top tab of the mail client), select "Account Settings".
2. In the window that opens, go to the "Server Settings" tab, check and configure the following settings (if necessary):
  • the display name of the server, if you plan to use the IMAP protocol, should be (including for other Rambler/mail domains -,, etc.);
  • in the security settings, you need to enable a secure connection by selecting the "SSL / TLS" item.
  • server display name should be (including for other Rambler/mail domains -,, etc.);
  • in the security settings, enable a secure connection by selecting the “SSL / TLS” item and click “OK”.

If you are unable to set up your email client, detailed tutorials and background information can be found in the special section "Help"