You can download Amigo for free on this page. Download a free, very convenient and, most importantly, secure browser for everyday use.

is an Internet browser developed by and combining many of the functions used by similar programs. However, he has one unique feature– this web browser is designed for active users social networks and works perfectly in modern operating systems.

Download Amigo browser for free in Russian for Windows 7, 8, 10

The browser has an accessible and understandable interface for each user and includes an integrated panel through which the user will receive easy access to any network - "My World", "", "Twitter", "Vkontakte" and many others. In addition, it is a very fast and unpretentious browser, based on Chromium engine and practically does not waste Widows resources, and also does not slow down the work operating system.

You can download Amigo on this page, using the link above. After installing this program, you can safely remove unnecessary agents and messengers, because Amigo will take over their functions.

Program features

The main difference between Amigo and other web browsers is the ability to simultaneously connect multiple social network profiles. This is a kind of social network combine that can combine the functions of a browser for quick view Internet and programs like "WhatsApp Web" designed for communication. Thanks to this, users will always be aware of all events without going to the sites where they are registered.

Another important feature of the Internet navigator is the ability to listen to music directly from playlists, both your own and friends in various in social networks. The program has a built-in audio player with which you can manage the playlist - while it is possible to compile new collections of songs, collecting them from different places. New music collections will be available only in the Amigo program. AT new version the player has been moved to a separate utility, which can be accessed both through the program itself, from the desktop, and from the taskbar.

In addition to music, there is access to mini-games of the portal. The application will open great amount games for different tastes - from card games to various 3D shooters. But to run them, you need activation in the system. The utility, like the player, is moved to a separate program.

Unlike other browsers, it has a very handy tab manager that can be accessed by clicking on the icon above address bar. There you can see the history of transitions and restore closed tabs. As for bookmarks from other browsers, there are no problems with this - it is possible to import them through the bookmarks bar.

In order to get all this, it is enough just download amigo free and start using it.

Social media management

Once you decide to download Amigo and install it, you just have to learn how to use it. To do this, you need to connect all your social profiles. To do this, on top panel you have to press the second button from the right. An empty newsfeed will appear on the right side. To make it come to life, you need to enter all the profiles in turn - they are listed at the top of the tape. After that, comments, likes and last news. The button next to it will open a chat where you can chat with your friends. Chat from any social network can be turned off at will without removing other functions. This is convenient for those sites where you do not correspond with users, but only listen to music or read the news. The chat itself and the news feed are very easy to set up - just like on regular sites, you can turn off or turn on the sound notification, make yourself visible or take you offline.

Once you do this, you will not have to go to the sites - you will be able to write comments, make posts and reposts directly through the social media browser feed. This will save your time, and now all the most interesting and important things will be at hand and you won't have to look for links to open a particular site. In all other respects, this web navigator is very similar to others and any user will get used to it very quickly.

Amigo 61.0.3163.114

Download Amigo browser for free for Windows 7, 8 and 10

Browser Amigo- a free and fairly simple Internet browser from, designed for communication in social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. A distinctive feature of the browser is the built-in services from Receiving notifications mailbox in the background, no matter what web page you are on. Messages from friends and relatives in social networks instantly appear in a convenient feed. Built-in player - free search and listening to any music. You can download the Amigo browser for free from the link at the bottom of the page.

But main feature Amigo - load on the system. Although this browser is based on Chromium, unlike Chrome and Yandex Browser, developed on the same engine, tabs do not run as separate processes. And as a consequence, low consumption of RAM.

Features of Amigo Internet Browser:

  • Built-in services for working with the most popular social networks of Runet.
  • Automatic notifications about incoming mail on
  • Audio recordings from social networks are played in one click.
  • Posts, photos and links are promptly published on the social network.
  • Big choice design themes.
  • Built-in Unity player, support for browser games.
  • Search from Mail.Ru.
  • Player. Free search and listening to music. Text of songs and information about the performer.
  • Built-in ad blocker.

Amigo free download

Download Amigo browser for free for Windows 7, 8 and 10 from the official site. Our site keeps track of all program updates to ensure that you have the latest version of the Amigo browser.

Carefully install the Amigo browser and disable unnecessary services and programs!

On the Internet, there are many complaints from users about the Amigo browser! The browser changes the start and homepage, search, bookmarks, links to services from Mail.Ru. Browser Amigo is difficult to remove from the system!

This page is for those users who, for some reason, want to "download the Amigo browser for free" and install it!

Especially for those who spend a lot of time on social networks Facebook and Twiiter, Group developers have created the Amigo browser. Algorithm based web browser Google Chrome, outwardly completely repeats its design. Differences between browsers are implemented in a special "Amigo" field on the right and top of the screen, which are reserved for displaying information from the social network. For the category of users who do not use the services "Facebook", "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki" and the like, the web browser will be indistinguishable from Google Chrome. As soon as the user logs in to the social network through Amigo, the browser changes. Without opening the service page, you can now view your news, updates, receive messages from other network members, view your friends list online, and more. You can engage in the usual web surfing for a second without being distracted from monitoring the social network.

Amigo / Amigo is a browser from the Group company, whose work is closely connected with the most popular social networks and various services. This is a fairly young browser, but already steadily gaining popularity. One of the reasons is the use of the Chromium engine, which underpins many trusted browsers. Amigo Browser can be run on any Windows versions 7, 8, 10. Its interface is very easy to understand.

It is very similar to browsers such as Google Chrome and Yandex Browser. But there are several significant differences. The first is the built-in audio player that plays your favorite songs from social networks. The second is a sidebar where you can chat with friends from Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, My World and Odnoklassniki. Browser developers have closely implemented all possible services into it, made fast access to mail, the default search is also All these innovations of the developers are very difficult, and sometimes impossible to refuse. But, despite such minor inconveniences, the browser has more pluses than minuses, and its social integration is just a godsend for those who like to sit on social networks.

Amigo browser is completely in Russian, starts quickly, provides high speed web surfing, allows you to work with a large number of tabs. If you like the Amigo Browser / Amigo, and you don't want to leave it outside the home, then install Amigo for Android on your phone. It is absolutely free to download.

Main features of Amigo Browser for Windows 7, 8, 10:

  • The interface is simple, in Russian;
  • High speed surfing;
  • Runs quickly on any version of Windows;
  • The ability to communicate with friends, scroll through feeds, post news in different social networks;
  • Built-in audio player;
  • Working with a large number of tabs.

We recommend that you see for yourself the functionality of Amigo for your computer. Download latest version Browser Amigo in Russian language for Windows, you can always visit our site via a direct link from the official site without registration and SMS.

July 31, 2018 Mail.Ru Group stopped developing and promoting the Amigo browser. Now it is not possible to download Amigo for Android for free, because it has been deleted. But you can download the Amigo browser for Windows without any problems, the company decided to leave a link to it.

Amigo Browser is a browser for social networking from Mail.Ru Group. The group of companies decided not to retreat from its competitors, and also released its own Amigo browser.

The main difference between the Amigo browser and its competitors is that it is closely connected with social networks. Applications for working with social networks are integrated into the browser, primarily with those that belong to the group, or in which this group has its share.

Amigo browser is integrated with social networks: Facebook, Twitter,, VKontakte, Moy Mir. As you can see, there are two international social networks in this list: Facebook, Twitter, as well as social networks that belong to the group: and My World, as well as a social network in which the Mail.Ru group has its share: In contact with.

Perhaps this explains the name of the browser - "Amigo". Since I studied Spanish at school, I still remember the translation of this word into Russian - “friend”. The Group emphasizes that the Amigo social browser was created primarily for communication.

Amigo Browser is based on Chromium, so Amigo Browser is very similar to Google Chrome Browser. Initially, released its own browser called "Internet". Now it's the turn of the new Amigo browser.

You can download the Amigo browser from the official website from the download page.

Amigo Social Browser

After starting the program, the Amigo browser window will open in front of you. From the initial window of the browser, its integration with social networks is immediately visible. On the right side of the browser window there is a sidebar of social networks, for using social networks directly from the working browser window.

It will be possible to open a social network column (of your choice) in the right part of the browser window and observe the changes taking place there in real time.

Since the Amigo browser is based on Chromium, the management of the Amigo browser is very similar to the settings and management of the Google Chrome browser. You can enter the browser settings by clicking on the right upper corner on the Amigo button.

Then in context menu you need to select "Settings". This will open the Amigo Settings window. Here are the main browser settings.

You can leave the default browser settings or change them to your liking.

In the Amigo browser, you can install extensions that were created for Google browser Chrome. By default, only one extension is installed in the browser: " Visual bookmarks» from Mail.Ru.

To install new extensions in the Amigo browser, you will need to click on the "Amigo" button, and then go along the path "Tools" => "Extensions". On the Extensions page, there are extensions already installed in the browser. To install a new extension in the Amigo browser, at the very bottom of the page, click on the "More extensions" link.

Next, the Chrome Web Store page opens. On this page, you need to click on the "Extensions" button located in the right panel. You can search for the necessary extensions by sections, as well as visually, or enter the name desired extension in the search among extensions field.

After launching the Amigo browser, you will see that on the right side of the browser window, there is a social network panel, on which there are social network buttons: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, Facebook, Twitter.

You can open the side column of a social network to get acquainted with the news or for a dialogue with interlocutors. The sidebar opens or closes after clicking on the corresponding social network button. This sidebar can be collapsed to increase the display of web pages in the browser window.

AT sidebar browser, you cannot add another social network, except for those that were originally integrated into the browser.

To fully use the social network buttons on the sidebar of the browser, you will need to enter your social network account information. To do this, after entering your data, you will need to allow or block the browser from performing certain actions on your behalf in social networks in the window that opens.

When you browse any site, at the same time, in the sidebar where the social network buttons are located, you can see the last notes, send messages from there to your interlocutors.

In the window that opens, you must enter your message, a link to the web page will be placed before the message. You can select all of your social networks, or just a few. Active icons highlight those social networks whose accounts you have confirmed through the Amigo browser.

The Amigo browser has an integrated audio player. You can listen to music while browsing the Internet at the same time.

To do this, on the social networks panel, click on the social network button VKontakte or You can search for music to listen to using the “Search by Music” for this, or listen to melodies that you have already added to the playlist of the corresponding social network.

The browser can check mail and notify the user of new mail in mail service For this, the "" button is intended. Clicking this button opens the "Inbox" folder of your email inbox in

In addition, this button will display information about new letters that you have not yet read. The button will be marked with red numbers unread messages Email.

Amigo Browser - fast browser. When you click on links, you can see that web pages open in the browser very quickly.

How to uninstall Amigo browser

Amigo Browser is removed from the computer in a standard way like any other program. This can be done using the operating system or using the uninstaller program. Such a program is designed to remove other programs from the computer. In this case, the browser will be removed from the computer, and then all remnants of the program that remained on the computer after its removal will be removed.


If during installation, the Amigo browser made itself the default browser, then this is easy to change in the settings of another browser that you want to make the default browser. Also, at startup, browsers usually offer to make themselves the default browser.

The home page, if it has been replaced by a Mail.Ru page, changes in the settings of a particular browser.

If, after uninstalling the browser, windows still appear asking you to install the Amigo browser on your computer, then you will need to check for the list of programs installed on your computer manufactured by Mail.Ru. After removing them, such windows will no longer appear.

You can also enter autoload and see if there are any programs produced by If such programs are there, then you should disable them at startup. The autoload may contain the MailRuUpdater service, it will need to be disabled.

Article Conclusions

In conclusion, I can say that Amigo's social browser may be suitable for those users who are used to constant communication on social networks. Using the Amigo browser, users will always be aware of what is happening on social networks, while using the browser for its intended purpose: browsing the Internet.

Amigo Browser (video)