From the photo you like, you have to first reduce its size. This can be done in several ways.

First of all, you can use any graphics program starting from standard applications operating system Windows and ending with such "heavyweights" of design as Adobe Photoshop. Not really experienced user The easiest way is to use the standard Paint.NET program that comes with Windows.

To open this program, go to the following path: "START" - "Accessories" - "Paint.NET". In the main menu of the program, select the path "File" - "Open" and in the window that appears, select the image file you need. After the graphic file is loaded, you can work with the image.

To reduce or select "Resize". In the window that opens, find the line " Size"And under it are two small fields for inserting the desired values. Choose the size you want. Default for avatars it's 100x100 pixels. Click the "OK" button and follow the program's prompts to save the modified image.

If independent work with a graphics program still seems too complicated, you can use one of the online services for creating avatars. Go to site and click the "Browse" button next to empty field. The standard Windows window, which reflects the directories and files on your . Select desired file and click OK. In the bottom field, select the desired size instead of arbitrary, click the "Next" button and follow detailed instructions systems As a result, you will receive a finished product of the size and type you need.

Useful advice

When resizing an image in Paint.NET, there is no need to enter the required length and width dimensions of the image at the same time. Enter only the required value for the largest side (for example, "width - 100px"), the program will calculate the rest of the values ​​itself, adjusting the appropriate proportions of the image.


  • Create avatars online

Suppose you have found an avatar that fully reflects the essence of your controversial nature, but met with a small obstacle - it turned out to be too small in size. And if you look for a larger version of the desire is missing, you can solve this problem when help from Adobe Photoshop.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop


Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the avatar in it: click the menu item "File" (File)\u003e "Open" (Open) or click on the hot keys Ctrl + O. In the next window, select the file and click OK. The picture will appear in the working area of ​​the program.

Call the Image size window. It can be done different ways. First, click the menu item “Image” (Image)> “Image size” (Image size). Second - press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + I. In the menu that appears, you should be interested in the “Pixel dimensions” section, and specifically what is in it, i.e. items "Width" (Width) and "Height" (Height). On the this moment they contain parameters open document, i.e. avatar.

pay attention to lower part windows, there are at least two items of interest to you. The first is “Constrain proportions”, if there is a checkmark next to it, then the image will not lose its proportionality under any circumstances. The fact that this item is activated will also mean the presence of an emblem in the form of a square bracket and a chain to the right of the "Width" and "Height" fields. The second is “Interpolation” (Resample image), check the box next to it, and in the drop-down menu below, select “Bicubic smoother (best for enlargement)” (Bicubic smoother (best for enlargement)).

Set the required values ​​in the "Width" and "Height" fields and click OK. The image will enlarge. To save the result, click the menu item “File” (File)> “Save as” (Save as) or click the key combination Ctrl + Shift + S. In the new window, specify the path for the enlarged avatar, its name, the required format and click "Save".

Small pictures or photographs - - it is customary to upload to your account on the Internet. It is the avatar that represents us to each other in the virtual world. Anyone with a world wide web user becomes more alive and complete in the presence of a visual image. However, an avatar is not a face. It can and even needs to be changed from time to time. Depending on the season, your mood or various situations, you can choose and put a new avatar for yourself.



It must be remembered that each picture has its rightful owner. Ask permission to use someone else's pictures. Or choose free avatars.

Many users who work with photos are faced with the task of changing them to a given value. There are several options that can help resolve this issue.


To resize using the first option, use one of the image editing programs. These may be standard Windows Applications MS Paint and Picture Manager Microsoft office". To launch the first program, select Start –> All Programs –> Accessories –> Paint. For the second - "Start" -\u003e "All Programs" -\u003e Microsoft Office -\u003e "Microsoft Office Tools" -\u003e "Microsoft Office Picture Manager". You can also use any other application convenient for you.

Open the desired image in the program. Use the edit menu to select the resize option. Specify the desired width and height, and then save the changes by selecting "File" -\u003e "Save". Do the same with the rest of the images.

However, this method is inconvenient when you want to change the size a large number photos. To do this, you will need one of the programs for bulk image editing. An example would be Fotosizer, free app, which can be downloaded from the official website

Launch Fotosizer. In the right part of the program window, select necessary settings: image size (you can set it manually or choose a preset), keep or not keep aspect ratio, format of resized images, save folder, and other options.

After that, click on the "Add Folder" button at the bottom of the program window if you want to resize all photos in a specific folder, or "Add Image" if you want to resize specific photos. Press the "Start" button and wait for the process to finish.

The modified photos will be saved in the folder specified in the program settings. Other bulk image editing apps work in a similar way. Examples are Batch Picture Resizer, Light Image Resizer, etc.


How to resize photos. AnyPic Image Resizer interface on English language, but this will not cause difficulties, because it is intuitive and so that you can quickly figure it out, I painted the main steps. Let's load the necessary photos into the editor by selecting the folder in which the source files are stored. The path is as follows - File>Add folder> choose a folder with photos.

Useful advice

Before you reduce the size of a photo, you should find out the parameters of pictures that can be inserted on your page. If you just want to edit your photos, decide on the output parameters. Although some minimal processing of the photo is possible. Paint program Perfect for resizing photos. We will reduce the number of pixels, due to which it will be possible to reduce the volume of the photo.


  • how to resize photos in photoshop

In the summer of 2016, the developers social network Vkontakte finally surprised its users completely updated design. In truth, the regulars of this site perceived the fresh design very ambiguously, to a greater extent it concerned the owners of communities with a merged picture as a design (avatar + banner). The distance between the pinned news and the avatar has literally doubled, the banner has noticeably enlarged and dropped lower, and now the community miniature is not a square, but a round area - all these awkward moments caused a lot of problems for people who ordered and installed designs for their groups earlier. The only way out in this situation was to remake the old design to meet the new requirements while maintaining the concept.

Although the design of Vkontakte communities seems to be quite troublesome (especially when compared with other social networks, where a rectangular cover and a square avatar are mostly enough), but in fact this is not entirely true. The requirements for graphic images and generally ways to design a group as such.

The first way to make your community marketable and attractive is standard scheme"avatar+banner+menu".


The avatar remained at 200 by 500 pixels (but still better than 400 by 1000 with a margin of quality), although initially, during beta testing of the new design, such a size option was considered as 200 by 300. The thumbnail is now round, but if this circle is inscribed in a square , then its dimensions will be 200 by 200 pixels, as it was before.

Banner (pinned post)

Optimal size banner is 1024 by 680 pixels (with a margin of quality). I have come across many variations on the Internet perfect size banner, but still at 1024 by 680 parts of the banner are not cut off when viewed from a computer, with a normal mobile version or from an Android app. It is also worth noting that the banner is now lower due to the duplication of the community name in the area above the image and the transfer of the date of posting from the area below the image to the place under the duplicate name. Another important point is the lack of clickability on the banner from a mobile device. Those. from a phone, people will have to click on the link below the picture, and not on the image itself.


In terms of menu design and wiki markup, in general, nothing has changed. I still use a menu width of 606 pixels and any length value. For adaptability to mobile devices it is better to type the navigation inside the table - this way, when viewed on a phone, it simply shrinks proportionately to fit the screen. But if you have created a navigation where the items are simply one below the other, then you don’t have to do this - the table method is necessary only for those types of menus where the number of buttons per line is more than one. In general, for the convenience of users, it is better not to make the menu only in the form of links to materials, but to create wiki pages with a complex structure.

If you need a single image for design, then first fill in some group for experiments with an avatar and a banner in the form of a pinned news. Copy all the data from the sample community to your group: status, name (this is important, because this data is duplicated in the news) and ask the client for a text that will be above the banner.
After that, you can already take a sample using a screenshot, which must be placed in Photoshop.

There is also such a design method as “cover + banner + menu”. In general, you can leave only the cover and put all the most important information. But in any case, the avatar must be set: it will not be visible in the group itself, however, the community miniature will be taken from it. The optimal cover size is 1590 by 400 pixels, and you can upload an image using the "Community Management" - "Community Cover: Upload" command.

Image sizes for VKontakte design

  • Avatar: 200 by 500 pixels (quality 400 by 1000 pixels);
  • Avatar thumbnail 200x200px
  • Banner or pinned post size in the group: 1024 by 680 pixels, but not less than 510px in width;
  • Menu: width 606px;
  • Cover 1590 by 400 pixels.

When creating a public popular network VKontakte beginners often ask themselves the question of how to make an avatar and cover distinguishable from others, because the correct design is already half the battle. Many creators of VK groups turn to designers, especially if the theme of the created group relates to the sale of a product. However, you can create both an avatar for VK and a cover yourself, through Paint, or Photoshop.

The main thing is not to forget about a few simple rules:

As such, there are no specialized programs for creating avatars, but conventional graphic editors can be used.

Creating an avatar through Photoshop

To make a large avatar in the Vkontakte group in Photoshop, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

Create an avatar with Paint

To create a beautiful avatar for a VK group, you can use Paint:

How to make an avatar online

A good service for creating a cover and avatars online is Canva. It is quite easy to use and perfect for beginners.

To start need to register on the site, this can be done through social networks, a Google account, Facebook or mail.

After the registration is completed, you need to select the settings item height and width template — 240×450. You can start decorating.

The user can pay attention to the item " creating a social media template networks", but this is not suitable for VK, the dimensions are already set there, however, changing the template is possible if you get paid subscription, free is available for 30 days. But even in this case, the size editing will not be complete, but presented from a list of different layouts.

To create a cover, follow a few simple steps:

Group Templates

Templates for VK groups can be found on sites such as:

Online cover creation

Now we will learn how to make a long avatar or Vkontakte cover. We turn on the Canva site, which was mentioned earlier. Choose sizes template 1590×400. A long horizontal white sheet comes out. Then we select the layout.

We chose a layout with the ability to add multiple photos. In the middle you can put the name of the group, or slogan, and beautiful images around the edges.

Select a file without an image by clicking on it and at the top you can select filter. After the cover is ready, it remains to download it to the site.

If you are a registered user of the VKontakte social network, then you know that a lot of attention should be paid to the avatar. And if a user can put any picture on his personal page, then the selection of an avatar for a group should be approached with all seriousness. The fact is that this is a very important element that every guest pays attention to. And if he doesn’t like the content of the picture or it touches him in some way, it is likely that this user will not become a member of your community and this can become a problem with. Therefore, the avatar is able to directly influence the popularity of your group. About this, as well as about others important nuances, let's say, regarding what should be the size of the avatar for the VKontakte group, I will tell you in this material.

How to choose an avatar

I will return to the question of what size an avatar should be for a group on the VK social network, first I would like to say a few words about what you need to be guided by when choosing the “correct” picture. Many users neglect the rules, as a result, their communities are not popular, but hardly anyone thinks that the reason lies in the image of the community. But for a user who came here for the first time, a few seconds are enough to decide whether he wants to stay here or not, so it is extremely important to create the right image for the group. Here are a few rules that will help you in this controversial issue:

  1. It makes no sense to put your logo on the avatar. In most cases, this is relevant only for promoted, well-known brands. Quite acceptable is the option when the logo - component avki: this will add solidity.
  2. Another tricky trick: it's better when the community picture shows a person who identifies the target audience of the resource. That is, so that each potential participant, getting here, sees himself on the avatar. Then he will definitely want to stay here.
  3. And one more thing is that the avka also includes the interests target audience. Again, to attract her.

Avatar sizes

Now regarding what should be the size of the avatar in the group. So, the width of the image should not exceed 200 pixels, and the height - 500 pixels.

For my part, I can advise you to upload an image that is close to the maximum performance, because you need to use all the available features. you can with Photoshop. It happens that you go into the community, and there the picture is very small and nondescript, you immediately get the impression that no one is engaged in the group.

As you can see, the avatar, although not a very large element of the community in VK, is quite significant. Therefore, it is important to pay due attention to the choice of the appropriate picture.

How to make a horizontal avatar in a VKontakte group- a question that is asked by most administrators and creators of VK communities. Horizontal band cover creates an eye-catching appearance groups and creates the possibility of conveying a more accurate community atmosphere. In this article, we will tell you how to download this design detail yourself.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a horizontal avatar in a VKontakte group.

The first step is to choose a picture that you would like to see as a cover. The optimal image size for the top VKontakte picture is 1590x400 pixels. Image format: JPG, GIF, and PNG. By matching the image format and size perfectly, you can get the best match between your image and the actual look of the uploaded cover.

After selecting the image, you can immediately proceed to upload it. To do this, go to the community and go to the community management menu. In the menu that opens, find the "Community cover" field. Next, click download and follow all the instructions. Save the results and you're done! Now you have a beautiful horizontal avatar and you can start working on it.