Sometimes it becomes necessary to carry out some actions on your computer, but this arises great amount questions. One of them: how to disable the processor. The main thing to remember is that you need to be very careful and careful. It is in solving such issues that the proverb is very appropriate: "Measure seven times, cut once."

We remove the processor

A person who wants to do some manipulations with a computer should have at least a basic understanding of the internal structure of a computer. Before proceeding, you need to study the specification of your particular car model according to the documentation or pull it from the Internet.

After reading the documentation, you can proceed to the next step. Turn off the computer from the power supply, disconnect all the wires and only then unscrew and remove the cover from the left side system block. We find the motherboard - the largest in size, which is located on the opposite side of the cover we removed. Directly on it there will be a protruding part in the form of a square, on which the brand of the processor should be written. In most cases, the processor itself comes with a cooler, being under it on the motherboard. They take off together.

The next step will require you to be extremely careful. First - remove the clips, and very carefully remove the entire part in the shape of a square. Even more carefully we take out the processor itself, in no case touching its legs, do not drop it and take all possible measures to prevent dirt or any liquid from getting on the processor. This can permanently damage your processor and you will have to purchase a new one for further work.

The processor is disabled. Then follow the steps you need. If you decide to replace it with a new one, then do all the work only in the reverse order. Be careful and careful, doing everything step by step. Before installation, you can clean the cooler from dirt, but do not be zealous. Be sure to secure it with clips after installation.

How to disable cpu cores

  • in command line we type msconfig;
  • in the "System Configuration" window, go to the tab Boot / Advanced boot options / and specify the number of processors (working);
  • save the changes and reboot the computer.

Loading of processor cores

  • in multi-core processors the operating system itself distributes threads between the cores, i.e. they load approximately evenly. The operation of such processors often leads to increased power consumption and reduced performance;
  • to solve this problem, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 introduced the “ideal kernel” feature, which allows a process to run on a single core;
  • You can view the load of processor cores by calling the "Task Manager" (Crtl + Shift + Del) on the "Performance / Performance" tab;
  • to optimize the work of loading the processor cores, go to the "Control Panel" on Power Options / Set up a power plan / Change Extra options power/Processor power management and activate the following functions: minimum number of cores in the idle state; resolve power down states; disable processor idle; kernel redefinition; suspension of the kernel.

How to disable an unnecessary kernel?

Master's response:

Often, in order to work in any application, it is necessary to disable an extra processor core, since the application simply cannot correctly use several cores at the same time. Also, this method is used to check each core separately. However, if the Windows XP operating system was used when disconnecting, there is no guarantee that it will be possible to connect it back.

What to do? Let's consider this question in detail.

So, we need a disk with Windows 7 and a little experience as a user of a personal computer.

First you need to make sure that only one core is running. To do this, you need to launch the task manager by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete. So, in the window that opens, we go to the tab responsible for performance. We find the top graph and see if it is split into two or more parts. If so, then the cores were not disabled.

If the cores were disabled using any special program, then try it and return the disabled kernels back. On Windows XP, this may not work due to the specifics of the operating system.

If you have not been able to turn on the kernel so far, then reinstall your system on Windows 7. Before installing a new operating system, it is recommended to save all important data, such as passwords, logins, and so on, to some medium that does not depend on the computer and reinstall the system . For example, on a flash drive or another available. Next, you should boot the computer directly from the installation disk, selecting the drive as the device from which your personal computer will boot.

The next step is to install the operating system. Various options are available. You can install it as a replacement for the old one, or additionally, as a second one. In this case, you can simultaneously work in both the old and the new installed system. Moreover, if you install Windows 7 as additional system, then it will be unnecessary to format local disk while retaining all user files.

After new system installed, all settings should return to their original ones, that is, all disabled cores should work. If this did not happen, then you can enter the BIOS during boot, find the CPU section there, by moving on the arrow keys. In this section, see the status of all options related to the operation of the kernels, and if any of them are disabled, try to enable them. You can also check the operation of the kernels using the device manager.

In 2005, Intel released the first 2-core CPU for personal computers– Intel Pentium D laying the foundation for multi-core computing for home programs and applications. Modern CPUs have a larger number of cores and computational threads than back in 2005. For example, Intel Core The i7-8700 has 6 cores and 12 threads. In this article, we will show you how to enable all processor cores on Windows 10.

Run all CPU cores Windows 10

Default, Windows systems use the full power of the CPU to achieve the best performance. But if your computer crashes or is exposed to viruses, the number of running threads may differ from the maximum.

First, let's check the CPU for "multi-core".

Open Device Manager (Win+X) and expand the Processors list.

If you do not have a multiprocessor system (when the motherboard allows you to use more than one CPU, it is found in the server segment of computers), but the number of all processor cores (and physical and logical threads) will be displayed.

You can also check the specification of your CPU on the manufacturer's website - Intel or AMD.
You can also check the quantity through the editor Windows Registry. Open the registry editor (regedit) and follow the path:


This branch will contain information about the version, model, revision, frequency and other CPU parameters.

You can configure the number of cores on Windows 10 in the System Configuration settings. To do this, open the Run window (Win + R) and enter the command msconfig.

We will see a window for configuring memory and processor cores.

By default, all checkboxes should be unchecked (the number of cores is indicated as 1) and these options are inactive. To activate all cores Windows processor 10, check the "Number of processors" box and in the drop-down menu, select the maximum available number (in our case it is 8).

Click OK and reboot to apply changes to the system.

You can enable the second core of the Windows 10 processor in the same way by setting the value to 2 or unchecking the "Number of processors", in which case the number will be determined based on the UEFI (BIOS) data.

Connect all Windows 10 CPU cores via UEFI

You can change the number of cores not only in the system settings, UEFI (BIOS) can also help with this motherboard.

Depending on the parameters of the CPU and the manufacturer of the motherboard, the settings may vary significantly. Motherboards above the budget level allow you to fine-tune the operation of the internal processes of the system, from the speed of coolers to overclocking the CPU and memory.

Using the Asrock Z68 motherboard as an example, the Advanced - CPU Configuration settings will allow you to configure the number of active cores and enable / disable Hyper-Threading and set desired settings for the CPU.

Hyper-Threading is an Intel multi-threading technology. Allows you to use on one physical core - 2 logical computation threads. On four - 8 threads, etc.

The Active Processor Cores setting is responsible for the number of active CPU cores. The image shows a choice between All (All), 1, 2 and 3, since the i7 -2600 is a quad-core.

By selecting the All value you will be able to use all the processor cores.

If you are wondering how to enable 2 or 4 cores on Windows 10 using UEFI, then in advanced settings CPU can be configured not only the number of cores, but also the number of threads.

It is worth noting that the functionality depends on the manufacturer of the BIOS version.

Unlock cores for applications

It is worth noting that applications are built on the basis of tools provided by Microsoft. Therefore, the application is created with the necessary conditions for using multithreading or a single core. If an application is built with a single core in mind, unlocking them all won't make any difference in performance.

But there are different cases where unlocking them helped fix some performance and lag issues. To do this, open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and go to the Details tab. Among a large number of applications, find the one you need and press RMB. Then, select set affinity and in the next window select "All Processors".

How to disable the processor core in Windows 10?

Using all the methods described above, you can disable the CPU cores. This can help you with overheating, but only in extreme cases. We do not recommend disabling or enabling kernels unless necessary, otherwise you may encounter multiple system errors and BSODs.

How to unlock cores on AMD processors?

CPUs of the Phenom II, Athlon X2, Athlon II, Sempron families have hidden potential in the form of locked cores. The essence of hidden cores is to reject CPUs with more of them (indicators do not fit into the standard, errors, overheating, etc.). For example, you buy a 2-core CPU, which has 4 of them physically, but they are not active.

Unlocking and activation depends on several factors, such as the desired CPU model, chipset, or motherboard northbridge. Most detailed information on this topic, you will find on the overclockers There is a lot of information provided there and in case of questions or difficulties, you can clarify immediately on the forum.

Have a great day!

Many inexperienced PC or laptop users are wondering how to turn on all the cores of the device when applications that are difficult to implement fail.

How to enable the second processor core: instructions

As a rule, the second processor core is disabled to save electricity. To enable it, you need to refer to the commands in the Start menu.

  1. From the Start menu, select Run. In the window that appears, enter the "msconfig" command. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Win" and "R" to bring up the "Run" window.
  2. In the window that appears, go to the "Download" tab. A list will open where you need to select the operating system you are using (if more than one is installed on your computer). Now click on the "More Options" button.
  3. You will see the item "Number of processors". Check the box next to it, and from the drop-down menu, select the number "2". In addition, pay attention to the "Debug" and "PCI Balancing" items. You need to make sure that there are no checkboxes for these functions.
  4. Now click "OK" and then "Apply".
  5. Close all windows and running programs. save everything unsaved documents. Enter the Start menu and restart your computer.
  6. After the reboot, open the task manager, which can be called up using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+Del". In the manager, open the "Performance" tab.
  7. In case the 2nd core is connected, you will be able to observe two independent "CPU Load History" graphs.
  8. For finer control over the operation of the processor, you can assign different cores for the operation of certain programs. To do this, refer to the "Processes" tab and by clicking right click mouse on desired program, select Set Match.
  9. After that, you will have the opportunity to choose the work of one or another kernel (or all together) to serve a particular application.

In a similar way, you can turn on all the processor cores.

How to enable all kernels on Windows 7? This question is often asked by users, and periodically freezes.

Even on multi-core devices, stuttering can occur. Let's take a closer look, how to speed up your pc and "force" the system to use all available cores to the fullest.

Modern computers are multi-core devices. However, no operating system uses all the cores to their full capacity.

Such a limitation is necessary to save the resources of PCs and laptops.

Modern hardware technologies allow "load" the required number of cores in the process of working with certain programs that require more performance.

If your PC does not start up faster even when a powerful photo editor, game or editing program is running, you need to adjust the processor usage mode yourself.

Method 1 - Setting up multitasking in OS startup mode

This configuration option is one of the simplest and most effective. The bottom line is that the processor is overclocked immediately.

The user can always change the settings and return the original parameters.

Follow instructions:

  • Open the command window with a shortcut Win keys and R;
  • In the text field of the window that opens, type in the msconfig system configuration command;

Rice. 1 - call the Windows configuration window

  • Now go to the downloads tab. Here you can view the version of the installed OS, configure safe mode and other download options;
  • Press advanced options key;

Rice. 2 - Windows configuration window

  • In the tab that opens, the mode of using the available computing characteristics of your PC is set. Check the boxes next to the number of processors and the maximum amount of memory. These lines were previously inactive because the computer was in resource-saving mode;
  • Choose the highest number of cores and maximum amount available memory;

Rice. 3 - setting boot options

After turning on the computer again, the multitasking mode is activated. The user can also select fewer processors and memory.

The optimal number for fast work- 5-6 cores and 1024 MB of memory for each processor.

Read also:

Method 2 - BIOS setup

Another option for setting the speed of the OS is to set new settings in the BIOS.

This option allows not only to increase the efficiency of tasks, but also prevents crashes that have occurred in the OS and the regular appearance of a blue screen.

The program allows you to carry out a comprehensive configuration of hardware and software components:

  • Processor;
  • Cash;
  • motherboard;
  • memory;
  • System module parameters (Serial Presence Detect).

To enable all cores, we need the CPU tab. The figure below shows the configuration display window in the CPU-Z application.

At the bottom there is a Cores field, its value is the number of PC cores that operate at the same frequency. Enter the maximum number of processors in the field.

The Threads field must be equal to Cores.

Rice. 5 - the main window of the CPU-Z application

After making changes, press the "OK" button. Turn off the program and restart the device.

Method 4 - AIDA64 program

Another one good program to set the number of cores to use is . Application features:

  • Ability to view the hardware characteristics of a PC or laptop;
  • Formation of reports on the operation of the device;
  • Displays the characteristics of the installed OS;
  • Ability to change the parameters of the processor usage;
  • PC speed test function.

To get started, see how many cores are available in your PC. The information is in the Multi CPU tab (in the left part of the window, select "Motherboard"- "CPU"):

Rice. 6 - the main window of the AIDA64 utility

Turn on each of the cores. Reload the program and check if the activation of the processors has failed. This can happen due to a conflict between the program and the hardware components of the PC.

You should repeat the setting again. It remains only to re-apply and enjoy its fast work.

It is advisable to activate all the cores if there is an urgent need to perform complex operations in the process of editing videos or to speed up the work of video games.

If your computer is running too slowly without using all the cores, this may indicate failures in the OS.

A set of actions should be taken to optimize the operation of the operating system.

OS optimization

Computer optimization is an action, as a result of which, and errors occur less frequently.

How to optimize Windows? This procedure is the same regardless of system version.

To speed up the browser and other programs, close unnecessary processes in the Device Manager window.

And also clear the tab from unwanted software that starts with the inclusion of the OS and operates in the background.

Cleaning will help improve the overall performance of the system. hard drive from unnecessary files and other garbage.

Go to the tab "My computer", click on the icon of the storage medium and open the properties window.

Select "Disk Cleanup" and wait for the redundant files report to finish. Clear all the data by checking the unnecessary fields.

Rice. 7- Windows optimization 7