Screen resolution directly affects the display of icons and fonts. It also depends on the ease of use of a particular program. In case of an incorrect or inconvenient format, you need to learn how to change the screen resolution on Windows 10.

All ways to change resolution

There are several ways to change the monitor resolution. Despite the difference in approaches, the end result always remains the same. So it does not matter which way to reproduce this action. The method should be chosen based on your personal preferences and convenience.

Screen Options

The easiest way to change the extension is to change the display options settings. This can be done in the following way:

If the required permission is not in the list, you should do the following:

Windows Settings

You can change monitor extensions through the settings of the operating system itself. This is done as follows:

Control Panel

The control panel also gives access to change the display settings. Using its functionality, making changes is as follows:

  1. Through the Start menu, go to the Control Panel.
  2. Use the search bar at the top of the window to find screen settings.
  3. Go to display size settings.
  4. Set the required parameter and save.


You can also change the monitor extension through the driver. The main thing is to choose the most suitable instruction from the two types of video cards. This method helps to change extensions without entering the game. After starting the toy, the size will remain the same as it was previously set through the driver.


You can change the display extension as follows:

This method will allow you to accurately understand whether the selected resolution is suitable for the monitor or not.


With an Nvidia video card, changes in display extensions occur in the same way as for AMD. Settings are also called through the right mouse button. The settings are all in Russian, they are easy to understand.

You can also check the monitor settings before installation. This approach helps to avoid a common mistake when setting the wrong extension that the monitor does not support. Because of this, the display turns black and you can no longer just change the settings.

What to do if you can't change the screen resolution in Windows 10

In some cases, the extension cannot be changed. When it doesn't change, just change the font display and restart your computer. The display will adjust to the font.

It also happens that when you change the monitor settings, an inappropriate one is set. In this case, the monitor turns black and it is no longer possible to change the resolution windows screen 10, since the display does not respond to any actions.

In this case, you should use the instructions on how to change the screen extension to windows 10 if the screen is black:

  1. Restart your computer and press F8.
  2. Go through safe mode.
  3. Go to device manager and disable the video adapter.
  4. Then save the changes and start from normal mode.
  5. Now the monitor will be displayed.
  6. It remains only to change the resolution to the recommended one, and save the changes.

In this way, you can return to the normal settings in which the screen will be displayed.


All the ways to change the screen resolution in Windows 10 help to install necessary settings. Most methods lead to changing the monitor settings. A change in the drivers makes it possible to select an individual display for non-standard displays.

Windows 10 users have the ability to change standard settings screens that the system selects by default. Sometimes problems can arise during the process of setting up or using the monitor, but they are very easy to solve.

Screen setup

Personalizing screen settings helps you customize any screen for the best user experience. Remember the settings that were specified before your intervention, so that in case of unsuccessful changes, you can quickly restore everything.

Brightness control

There are several ways to change the brightness: through changing system settings or by using the functions of the screen itself.

Through the possibilities of the screen

Look for the brightness control buttons on your monitor and use them to increase or decrease the light. But note that these buttons are not present on all monitor models. If not, use the methods below.

Use monitor buttons to adjust brightness

Through keyboard buttons

Having studied the keys quick access, that is, from F1 to F12, you can find the button responsible for adjusting the brightness. Click or hold it to get the result.

This button may sometimes be missing or not working. In this case, use the methods below.

Use keyboard shortcuts to adjust brightness

Fast way

By clicking on the battery icon or the message icon, you will see the "Brightness" block. Use it to find the brightness level you need.

Click on the battery icon and change the brightness

Through system settings

  1. Expand system settings.

    Open system settings

  2. Go to the "System" block.

    Click on the "System" block

  3. In the "Screen" tab, find the "Brightness Level" item and move the slider. Click on the "Apply" button.

    Drag the slider to change the brightness

Video: how to adjust the brightness and other screen settings

Via power settings

  1. In the system search bar, write "Power" and open the proposed page.

    Open the Power tab

  2. Open the settings of the plan you are using.

    Click on the "Power plan settings" button

  3. In the list of parameters, find the line "Brightness" and overtake the slider to a suitable value.

    Adjust brightness in power options

What to do if brightness options are not available

Your screen may not support changing the brightness, but this problem only occurs on older devices. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of the necessary driver:

  1. Go to "Device Manager".

    Open "Device Manager"

  2. Find the "Monitors" section and expand it. If you have a sub-item "Universal PnP Monitor", right-click on it and use the "Enable" function. Done, restart your computer, go to the instructions above and try changing the brightness again.

    Highlight a monitor and use the "Enable" feature

  3. If there is a "Generic Non-PnP Monitor" sub-item or an icon indicating no drivers, manually locate and install them. To do this, find the monitor manufacturer's website, download the drivers for your model from it, return to the "Device Manager", right-click on the monitor and select the "Update Drivers" function.

    Download and update monitor drivers

  4. Select "Search for drivers on this computer" and finish the procedure, and then return to the above instructions and change the brightness. You may need to restart your computer first.

    Select manual search and specify the path to the drivers

Video: How to update drivers in Windows 10

Contrast settings

The easiest way to change the color ratio is with automatic adjustment, which can be started by the following steps:

  1. In the system settings, select the "System" block. In the "Display" tab, go to advanced options.

    Click on the button " Extra options screen"

  2. Click on the "Color Calibration" button.

    Open the "Screen Calibration" section

  3. Read through several pages of instructions, each time clicking the "Next" button.
  4. Go through the screen gamma adjustment process.

    Perform Gamma Calibration

  5. Go through the brightness adjustment process.

    Adjust the brightness

  6. Go through the contrast adjustment process.

    Perform contrast adjustment

  7. Go through the color balance process.

    Customize color display

  8. Save or discard your changes.

    Save Screen Adjustments

Video: How to calibrate a monitor in Windows 10

Resolution change

The number and density of pixels involved in displaying the image depends on the screen resolution. Each monitor model has its own recommended resolution value, you can find it in the instructions for the monitor or by sorting through all the resolutions offered by the system:

Video: How to change screen resolution in Windows 10

Change orientation, scale, add multiple monitors

By going to the screen settings (the first step of the previous subparagraph), you can change not only the resolution, but also the scale, so that all fonts and icons will become either larger or smaller.

Adjust screen scale

The orientation immediately changes from landscape to portrait or portrait and vice versa. This feature is only useful if you have a monitor with a non-standard aspect ratio, such as being stretched high instead of wide.

Choose the right orientation

If several monitors are connected to the computer, then each of them will be configured separately. But first they must be recognized by clicking on the "Detect" button. Once the search is complete, the settings for each monitor will become available.

Click the "Detect" button to recognize the new screen

Troubleshooting Your Monitor

If you encounter problems while setting up or using the monitor, you should try to fix them yourself.

Blinking screen

If the screen starts flickering only in a certain application or game, this means that the program is incompatible with your build and the problem is in it. If the monitor blinks constantly, then there can be two reasons: a problem with the cable or drivers.

First, check that the cable connecting the monitor and the computer unit is not pinched or loose. Usually it is VGA or HDMI cable. Unplug it from both connectors, plug it back in and check if the problem is gone. If possible, test the monitor with a different cable.

Check if the unit and monitor are well connected

Secondly, if you are convinced that the problem is not in the cable, update the drivers:

Games won't open in full screen

Some games may open in a window instead of full screen by default. If you want to fix this, there are two ways. The first is to use the Alt + Enter combination, which gives the command to stretch the active window to full screen, the second is to go to the settings of the game itself and set the value to "Open in full screen mode". Usually the second method works completely, the game either immediately opens on Full Screen, or does so after a restart.

Turn on full screen mode in game settings

Screen calibration

Tablet Users Windows control 10 or digital pen may experience that the system does not respond correctly to finger or pen touches. In this case, you need to resort to screen calibration:

Deactivate sleep mode and turn off the monitor

By default, if the user does not interact within 15 minutes, the computer turns off the monitor. After another 15 minutes of inactivity, the system goes to sleep. This is necessary to save energy. But the power saving function can be deactivated or configured:

So, a computer monitor can be customized by changing its extension, format, brightness, contrast, and scale. If the screen is having problems, it's worth updating the drivers, checking the cable, or calibrating. You can also configure or disable computer sleep mode.

In the Windows 10 operating system, many typical operations are performed differently than in Windows 7 or Windows XP. For example, in Windows 10 there is no longer a familiar window with display settings in which you could change the resolution. Now the screen resolution changes in a different way. In this article, we will talk about how to change in Windows 10.

In order to change the screen resolution on Windows 10, you need to click right click mouse on the desktop and select "Display Settings".

After that, a window with screen settings will open. Here you need to click on the link "Advanced display settings".

This will open a window with a list of available permissions. Select the desired screen resolution and click on the "Apply" button.

After selecting a resolution and clicking on the "Apply" button, a window will appear asking you to save or mark the changes. Here, simply click Save Changes.

That's it, you changed the resolution on Windows 10. It should be noted that in some cases the resolution may not change. The list of available permissions may be greyed out and not open. This means that you need to install new video card drivers that support the operating system. Windows system 10.

In addition, you can change the screen resolution using the video card driver. Below we will talk about how this is done using the example from AMD and Nvidia.

How to change screen resolution in Windows 10 using AMD drivers

If you are using an AMD graphics card, then right-click on the desktop and select "AMD Catalyst Control Center".

After that, a window will appear in front of you in which you can select the screen resolution, screen refresh rate, color quality, and other monitor settings.

In order to change the screen resolution, simply select the desired resolution from the list and click on the "Apply" button.

How to Change Screen Resolution in Windows 10 Using Nvidia Drivers

For Nvidia graphics cards screen resolution is changed in the same way. First you need to open Nvidia Control Center. This can be done by right-clicking on the desktop or by using . After the Nvidia Control Center has opened, you need to go to the "Display - Change resolution" section (Screen - change the resolution).

After choosing the desired screen resolution, do not forget to save the changes.

In almost all operating systems, screen resolution changes the same way. Everything related to the screen can be configured from the context menu by right-clicking on a free area of ​​the screen. But if you came to my site with such a question, maybe you just New user and your first operating system- this is Windows 10, or maybe they just forgot :). But in any case, the article below describes step by step how to change the screen resolution in windows 10. By the way, the screen resolution can be changed not only from the context menu, the same operation can be done using the utility of your video card. Indeed, by and large, the resolution controls and allows you to display information from given parameters it's the video card. Let's talk about this too.

How to change screen resolution in windows 10 using OS

Step 1: Right-click on an empty area of ​​the screen and context menu select Display Options.

Step 2: In the system settings window on the left side, select "Display". In the right part of the window at the bottom, find the link "Advanced display settings".

Go to advanced screen options

Step 3: In the advanced parameters, the screen resolution is also configured, or rather, it is not configured, but selected. Click on the drop down list.

Step 4: From the list of available permissions, select the required one and click "Apply". The apply button will appear only after changing the existing permission to a new one.

Please note that the most optimal and correct value is determined based on the number of pixels on your monitor. Recommended in the list and is indicated. If you set it to something other than the recommended one, the video card will convert one pixel with a certain coefficient. The image in this case will be as if blurry, which is not very good for your eyes.

If the required resolution is not in the list, but only standard ones are present (640x480, 800x600), then most likely you do not have video card drivers installed or installed incorrectly. Download the most latest drivers from the manufacturer's website and install.

Choose the required resolution

Setting the resolution with the NVIDIA utility

Utilities from video card manufacturers are supplied along with drivers and utilities for configuring various parameters. With their help, you can both find out the screen resolution on windows 10, and change (increase or decrease).

Step 1: There are two ways to open the NVIDIA Control Panel. First - in the lower right part of the screen in the notification area, click on the arrow to show hidden icons, click on the NVIDIA icon and in the list, run "Open NVIDIA Control Panel".

Step 2: The second way is through the context menu of the screen. When installing drivers and utilities from NVIDIA, the program installs a contextual link by default. Launch the NVIDIA Control Panel. Both of these methods launch the graphics card management utility.

Step 3: In the task column, expand the Display list and select Change Resolution. On the right side in the "Resolution:" area, set the required parameters and confirm by clicking "Apply". Again, the apply button will appear only after changing the set to a new resolution.

Change your screen resolution

Setting Resolution by AMD Catalyst Utility

If you have an AMD video card installed, you can change the screen settings using the manufacturer's utility, just like in the previous example.

Step 1: Right-click on a free area of ​​the screen and in the list find and run " AMD Catalyst Control Center".

Step 2: In the menu list on the left, open "Desktop Management" -\u003e "Desktop Properties" (in the Russian version of the drivers it will be Desktop Management -\u003e Desktop Properties). In the properties area, set the required screen resolution and click "Apply" or "Apply".

Select the required options

After the process is completed Windows installation 10, many users who have installed a new OS on their computer encounter problems with changing the screen resolution. Today we will consider several methods for solving this issue.

Resolution is the number of pixels displayed on the screen (the smallest particle of the image formed on the display) horizontally and vertically. In most cases, Windows 10 automatically selects the best value for this setting based on the size of your monitor. But this function is far from perfect. And the lack of a video driver in the installation distribution kit with the OS generally makes changing the resolution impossible.

So, let's consider how to set the required number of pixels that form the image on the display matrix in both planes, assuming that the video adapter drivers are installed.

Through the settings dialog

The most common method for changing monitor resolution is through the display settings interface.

  • To do this, call the context menu of the desktop and go to the "Display Options" item.
  • After we go to the "Advanced Settings" tab, where we will see a drop-down menu labeled "Resolution" and the settings supported by your monitor.
  • If there is more than one monitor, select the monitor whose resolution will be adjusted, otherwise skip the step.
  • In the drop-down menu, select the required, or better recommended, screen resolution and click "Apply".

After that, the image on the display will change for a few seconds to evaluate the picture and restore the previous resolution settings. If you experience problems (screen flickering, black background, artifacts), wait 15 seconds, after which Windows 10 will reset the settings to the previous ones.

Via Control Panel

Similarly, the display resolution is changed through the Control Panel, and in the old interface familiar from Windows XP:

  • We call the context menu of the free part of the desktop.
  • Select the "Screen" option from the drop-down list or go to the Control Panel and look for the component of the same name, located one of the last.
  • After opening the window where you can change the size of the text and interface elements, follow the link "Adjust screen resolution" located in the left menu of the dialog.

  • We select the required screen resolution and, if you use multiple monitors, indicate the settings of which we intend to change.

After clicking on the “Apply” button, as in the first case, we will be able to evaluate the selected settings and, in case of dissatisfaction with them, cancel the changes. After clicking on “OK”, the parameters will take effect immediately upon closing the window.

In addition to these classic methods, it is possible to change the screen resolution using specialized software.

Carroll App

Carrol is a tiny utility called to help adjust the screen resolution. Simple user interface allows you to change monitor settings in two clicks.

  • Launching the application on Windows
  • Select a computer monitor.
  • Specify a set of parameters (refresh rate, color gamut depth).

  • Click: “Change screen…” to apply the settings without logging out.

  • We agree to the changes.

Drivers from AMD

If you are using a video card released by ATI, then the monitor resolution in Windows 10 changes as follows:

  • In the context menu of the desktop area free from interface elements, select the first item, as in the screenshot.

  • Go to the link: "Desktop Management".

  • We call "Properties ..." by clicking on the corresponding inscription.

  • In the dialog that appears, specify the value inherent in your display and apply the changes.

Nvidia driver

  • In the context menu of the desktop, select the call to the "Nvidia Control Panel".

  • Open the menu item called "Display".
  • We select the appropriate parameters (here you also set the refresh rate of the screen in Windows 10 and the color depth).

  • Applying new settings.

Possible problems

Windows 10 is a human creation, which is why it simply cannot be perfect and work flawlessly. This also applies automatic detection and display resolution settings. In the absence of drivers, of course, this function does not work normally. But it happens that the problem appears even if there is latest version video adapter drivers. Use the tips below to solve it.

  • Try restarting Windows 10 or reinstalling your graphics card drivers.
  • Install the monitor driver from the manufacturer's support site.
  • If possible, change the monitor connection interface.
  • If the required computer resolution is not in the drop-down list of options, call "Properties" GPU and click on the display button "List of all modes".

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