I decided to do a little research on the topic quantitative indicators profits of sites linked to attendance. Based on this blog post. Since he came out on stable attendance of about 500 unique visitors and about 1000 views per day, and I just hung as many ad units as I could, it will be convenient to count.

So, a little finstrip from Alice: you wonder how much my hobby will make me?

1 Banner from Rotaban - 80 fixed rubles per month after deduction of the exchange commission

2 Teasers - about 100 rubles per month with current attendance

3 Runner - about 50 rubles, but it's kind of unstable - sometimes for several days on zero, sometimes one expensive click slips

4 Adsense - the exact numbers are forbidden to be disclosed by the rules, but I can say the order: for every thousand views it comes out in the region of a dollar, about 900 rubles should be received per month

All this is still hypothetical, because the minimum withdrawal amounts are large and I put up advertising not so long ago - so far, payments have come only from Teasernet. so let's summarize: 1130 rubles should theoretically bring a site or blog with 1000 views per day. And I focus on views, not on visitors, because the involvement of the audience can be different, I have two views per visitor, someone has one, someone has 5. Thus, with 1000 visitors per day, there may be different profitability- Ads will be refreshed with every view!

What conclusions can be drawn from the above:

1. With 1,000 unique visitors per day, this particular blog can bring in about 2260 rubles of income per month. Let's round up to 2000, so as not to be disappointed later.

2. To reach an income of 100,000 rubles per month (this is exactly the goal I set myself), I will need to increase traffic by about 100 times, or buy sites - I will need another 99 of these, which will cost from 1,200,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

3. This blog can be sold today in the range from 13 to 35 thousand rubles.

4. Universal formula for calculating income from the site similar topics (finance) can be represented as: 1 view per day = 1 ruble per month. Or less exactly 1 unique visitor per day = 2 rubles per month.

I have already shown how much large sites earn. I think I'm on the right track. The site's advertising revenue grew very quickly at first– I added all new ways of monetization. On the this moment Enough ads. It will be possible to play with their location and try to increase the number when the traffic is huge and this will make a tangible difference. I think it is possible to squeeze out another 30 percent yield on top of the indicated figures, if you approach the matter wisely.

Hello friends and followers of my blog. Now I want to tell you about how much you can earn on your site. I’ll tell you about the types of advertising, what methods can be used, and how much you can “squeeze” out of them :).

I will say right away that I will not analyze the topics of illegal receipt of money from sites. But I will focus on five white, the most popular and legal types of earnings.

Let's imagine that you already have a small site, say, of a culinary theme. You write all sorts of articles, post delicious recipes and want to start getting at least some money from your site. I will help you with this. Go!

Types of earnings

1. Banner advertising

Banner example:

Banner on home page Yandex

How much pay? Price per banner ads strictly tied to the subject of your site. Also, the size of the banner directly affects the price. The larger it is, the more expensive it is. For example, if you have a culinary website, then the price for 1000 impressions will be 20-30 rubles.

But you have a highly specialized site, and even better commercial, for example, "forex", or medicine, or auto. That price for 1000 impressions can be from 100-200 rubles and more, up to 500 rubles.

We believe

Each user views 2 pages on the site on average. That is, 1 user makes 2 views.

3000 people visit your site every day. 3000*2 = 6000 views per day. 6000 * 30 days = 180,000 views.

Also, do not forget that you can put 2-3 banners on the site (no more needed). The main difficulty of banner monetization is that you will have to look for a direct advertiser yourself, prepare a commercial offer, prove that your site is the best and the client should stay with you. Plus the hassle with contracts, taxes, etc.

2. Contextual advertising

These are text ads that are shown in a special block on the site. Ads are selected based on what queries you previously made in the search engine.

For example, if you were looking for “where to buy a Gibson guitar” an hour ago, you may notice that now almost all sites seem to advertise Gibson guitars.

How to make money on it?

  1. Register and add your site to the Yandex Advertising Network;
  2. Create an ad block in the code constructor;
  3. Install the code on the site and start making profit.

Allocate special places on the site where advertising will be displayed. For example, you will have 3 places for advertising: before the article and after the article (if you have an article site or blog), and 1 block inside the article, under some important element.

We believe

You only get paid when your website visitors click on your ads. And your earnings depend on how many people clicked on the ad (on the link in the ad).

– A reasonable question, but how much will I earn with one click? Let's say I put a block of contextual advertising, my friend came to me and clicked on the ad, how much will I get?

I answer: the price of a click directly depends on the subject of your site and on what queries your friend entered earlier in the search. The average price of one click: from 3 to 50 rubles.

There are topics where the cost of a click can reach 100-500 rubles and more!

How many people click on ads on average?

On average, out of 100 visitors who come to your site, 3 will click. Everything here depends very much on the place where you placed your ad, on CPM. If you put it at the end of the site, closer to the “basement”, then naturally, they will notice it less and click on it less.

But you can’t go to the other extreme, you don’t need to put ads everywhere, before the article, inside, at the end, and so on. Remember, people come to your site for information, not for advertising. Spammed advertising sites are filtered by search engines. You risk losing positions and traffic from search engines Don't overload your site with ads. 3-5 blocks per page will be enough.

Let's say you have the same culinary site with 3,000 daily visitors. If out of 100 people click on the ad 3, then out of 3000 people get 90.

90 clicks for ~5 rubles. = 450 rubles. per day. Pretty good 🙂

Monthly output: 13,500 rubles. Also, do not forget that the traffic on the site varies greatly during the week, and usually site traffic drops on weekends, and grows on Monday-Tuesday.

You can register here:

  • Contextual advertising from Yandex: partner.yandex.ru
  • Contextual advertising from Google: google.com/adsense ‎

UPD 2018. I highly recommend getting acquainted with the new Yandex technology - RTB.

3. Affiliate program.

Or simply “partnership” is a type of cooperation when the seller shares profits with you, and in return you supply customers to him.

Example: There is a certain Vasya Pupkin-Nevsky and he sells his super-course “100 chicken breast dishes”. The course is available in electronic format DVDs. And so Vasya tells you that if you bring me a client and he buys a course from me, I will pay you 30% of the purchase. In the end, I will earn and you. Everyone benefits, everyone is happy.

There are many types of affiliate programs. You can advertise the services of the Air company, and earn on ticket sales. You can advertise the services of cosmetic companies, and also receive a percentage of their sales. You can advertise the books of some online store, and its owner will pay you a commission.

Almost every major store, service, company or course has affiliate programs. So, no matter what site you have, you will find a suitable affiliate program for it.

How much can you earn on it?

Here the price range is also very large. There are hundreds of sites on the Internet that offer their affiliate programs. I will show an example on a very popular info-product affiliate program (training courses on DVD, popular not so long ago).

Example: You still have a food site with 1,000 hits.

  • Find paid courses on your subject on the Internet;
  • Register in the affiliate program;
  • AT personal account You are given banners or links for advertising with a unique identifier (your id);
  • Place banners or links on your site.

Now, when users of your site click on the course banner, go to its owner's site and buy it, you will receive your commission.

We believe

So, the most pleasant. Let's say the course costs 3000 rubles. The standard commission percentage is 30%. 3000 * 25% = 900 rubles

That's exactly 900 rubles. You will receive if someone saves the course by clicking on your link or banner.

As a result, the more traffic to your site, the more people will buy the course, or another product that you advertise.

4. Placing articles and reviews for money

The method is suitable for almost all sites, and it consists in this. You can PAY on YOUR website OTHER'S advertising materials.

This happens as follows: a certain Vasya Pupkin-Nevsky turns to you and offers to place his advertising article on your site.

For what?

  • Thanks to such promotional articles, people can advertise their site, company, service;
  • As a rule, in such articles there are links that have a good effect on the rating of the site being promoted.

How to determine what price to ask for the placement of an article?

It's simple, find through the same Yandex similar sites (your competitors), and find pages that are dedicated to advertising. And compare how much they charge for similar services, and put a little lower.

The most important factor when evaluating the cost of an advertising article is the traffic to your site. As well as its subject matter and its SEO indicators (TIC and PageRank). The higher they are, the more expensive you can sell advertising.

P.s. You can find out SEO indicators in the pr-cy.ru service. You can also add your site to the Miralinks.ru system. I advise you not to get too carried away with advertising posts, this can lower the ranking of your site in search engines, and users will not really like it.

How much can you earn?

For a culinary site with 1,000 visitors a day, average price will be 300-500 rubles. for placing 1 advertising article. On average, you will place about 5-10 advertising posts per month.

Total: ~3000 rub. per month.

Recent STREAM on the topic of making money on their sites.

5. Paid section

You can create a special paid section on your website, or blog, or forum. And you will let people in there only for a small fee. For example, $5. Or 20 or 100$. It all depends on what you offer.

For a culinary site, the price can be small. In fact, you sell copyright material on commercial topics (for example, how to increase site traffic by 2 times, or how to increase the cost of a click in contextual advertising on your site 3 times). For such information, you can take many times more money. The main thing is that it is useful and relevant.


And for dessert, let's calculate how much you can earn on the site.

  • Theme: Home/children;
  • Attendance: 3000 per day.

We use all 5 methods and get the sum:

1. Placement of banners: 9,000 rubles;

3. affiliate program: ~5 sales, that's 4,500 rubles;

5. Paid section: ~10 purchases, that's $50 (3,000 rubles).

Total: 33,000 rubles.

Pretty good salary

Just do not flatter yourself, and do not think that nothing needs to be done and the money will flow like a river. Do not forget that the site needs to be developed, optimized for search engines. You need to order unique articles, and this is a salary for copywriters. You need to pay for hosting and a domain, you need to invest in promotion and advertise in every possible way so that its traffic does not fall, but only grows.

And God forbid, half of this money will remain clean. But, no one forbids you to create 10 similar sites on different topics 😉

p.s. If anyone is interested, write in the comments, I will tell you about other, less popular types of earnings on their sites.

  • My .

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today will not be ordinary, but guest post from one of them, in which he talks about his experience of achieving this attendance mark. What was done? What has been effective and what has not? All this below.

Representatives Etxt try to maintain warm relations with their clients, so it is not surprising that one of them shared the history of the development of his Internet project. Truth for money - as the exchange redeems customer stories with a payment of up to $ 200 per story. So, meet 🙂

How did I increase website traffic to 300 people a day?

“Just like you, when creating a new site, I encountered a problem like zero traffic or lack of traffic. This issue is especially acute for young projects. Therefore, many of their owners begin to look for resources on the Internet about “how to promote a site.”

I felt sorry for those people who spend hours studying various articles and videos, and I decided to reveal my secrets, which helped to increase traffic on my site to 300 people a day. However, it just so happened that when I was finishing writing this article, the attendance of my brainchild had already exceeded 500 unique visitors per day. Therefore, I ask you to read this article, and in the future, wait for the continuation, in which I will tell you how to increase site traffic to 500 visitors.

First steps

The first thing I started promotion with was adding the site to the most popular search engines - Yandex, Google. You can immediately forget about other search engines, because only Yandex and Google are sources of Russian-language traffic in 90% of cases.

Then I added a link to my project to various site directories. The purpose of links is to help the resource to be indexed (many people think that this is not effective - well, yes, this is my experience and my result). Thus, he will have a high chance that Yandex or Google will detect and use your link. But this step did not bring results. All my counters and indicators remained unchanged. Other than that, some of the custom catalog entries were bogus.

The next thing I took advantage of was thematic forums. After I found the forums I needed, I registered on them, filled out a profile and started posting. Then, having chosen the necessary topic, he left a link to his site there. I think it's enough to visit 15 forums. The main thing is that they are "live" and that they are not closed external links nofollow tag. All these steps will bring you your first traffic.

Many people think that creating a website is the only thing they have to do. But I assure you that the first six months will have to be given to the project entirely and free of charge. Almost all efforts will be in vain, due to the fact that the young resource will be blocked by the search engine with a sandbox filter, which immediately filters out empty and useless projects.

Website directories

A little later, I tried it myself, and when it didn’t work out very well, I ordered a run through site directories from specialists. As a result, I did not get anything, except that I wasted my time, and I threw money away. It turned out that almost all links (99%) were not indexed. And experts of this kind assured me that all kinds of indicators would increase for my resource and indexing would accelerate, although they themselves have projects with only 15 people a day attendance.

Social bookmarking

Then I decided to use the social bookmarking run. But as it turned out, about 80% of all social bookmarks were useless, empty. The rest of the bookmarks still gave links, but only Google accepts them, but for some reason Yandex does not index them.


The first surprise for me was that from some Twitter accounts, links to my site began to seep into Yandex. Therefore, I advise you to take advantage of Twitter.

Article directories

I continued to experiment, and decided to try using article directories. In general, I was satisfied, but it took me a long time. Therefore, in order to save time and effort, I advise you to use paid service, which will allow you to publish your article on almost any site.

Links in profiles on trust forums

At one point, I learned that you can promote the site using links in user profiles on trust forums. I immediately booked a run. The result was not long in coming: in two weeks I already felt it, and in just 1 month, the Yandex search engine recorded a popularity of 1,000 mentions. However, after some time, Yandex begins to clean up its index system, as a result of which your mention rates will stabilize and acquire their own range. For example, after a month, my popularity metrics consistently ranged from 200 to 250 mentions. Therefore, I advise everyone to use this method to increase website traffic.

Response Services

A little later, I also came across on the Internet another way to promote the site - the response service in Google, Mail.ru, etc. As a result, I was disappointed in it. After killing a lot of time, I received penalty points from the moderators, and my answers turned out to be "spam" and were removed from the system. I never understood what the problem was, because I answered only after the fact, and all the answers were written by me personally without using templates.

What is the secret to traffic growth? Internal linking and regularly updated content

After I created my site on my own, I had no idea how to promote it and what the filters meant. Therefore, in the first year of the life of my resource, its popularity grew very slowly (70-100 people per day). As it turned out, it's all about filters that block and throw out new projects from search engines.

But I found one way for you to get around them. Since my domain was young and without history, I advise you to purchase a domain with history at any of the auctions. Then your site will gain traffic much faster.

rice. Slow growth in traffic with a small update of the site is shown

Such a domain will cost you about 10-15 dollars.

But then I got tired of it, and I decided to radically change the situation. I started writing about 15 articles a month (about 4 articles a week). Then I ordered articles on low-frequency requests (from 100 to 300 requests per month). I ordered texts from the content gods, as they specialize in texts to increase traffic. And only with them I found stories of clients who also had 300-500 visitors a day in 4-5 months.

A little later, when my site had 50 published articles, I started using internal linking. I started using Wikipedia because I think it's the best way to use internal linking.

My Iron Formula for Website Traffic Growth

If we combine everything into one and derive some kind of efficiency formula, then it will look like this:

  1. Quality and good content. Helped me with this Etxt .
  2. Constant updating and replenishment of content.
  3. Analyze and identify the right (i.e., low-frequency) requests for writing articles.
  4. I advise beginners to read this book: "15 tips on how to order texts for a significant increase in site traffic".
  5. I advise the size of texts 2500-3500 characters - they will collect more users and less for you.

How to allocate time for attendance growth?

  1. 30% of the time is spent on choosing the right keywords and topics for articles. As a rule, it takes from half an hour to 2 hours. Over time, I began to order this service at Etxt. For a small fee, they can be contacted via Skype and they will help you find keywords and suggest a topic if you are too lazy.
  2. 30% of the time is spent writing articles. One article is 1 or 2 hours. This is, of course, if you write yourself. There is another way: spend 2 minutes on the order, and the article will be ready. Your site is profitable because you have good attendance, and traffic is increased by just such articles 🙂
  3. 30% of the time is spent on publishing and designing articles. About an hour to two hours if you do everything yourself.
  4. 10% is all sorts of little things that haunt you during the process.

So, now for the costs.

300 people / day = 3 hours * 70 articles (average time to create one article multiplied by the number of required articles) = 210 hours (2-4 months of work). For about three months, you will need to acquire 50 articles. For every month you will spend from 60 to 90 dollars on texts, as a result, traffic to your site will grow very rapidly.

Do not think that this is a lot, because the income from it will be many times greater than the costs that go into maintaining it. It will take only a little time, and you will see for yourself. Such an investment of money becomes a good additional income for many people, because the site can generate income for years.

rice. The dependence of the number of users on the frequency of site updates

Once you get this system in place, the results will come very quickly. On my personal example you can see how the traffic of my site grew: texts to increase traffic from the gods of content + internal linking+ good keywords + regular resource updates.

rice. Active growth began after frequent website updates.

rice. general information About the site

I also advise the laziness killer program from Etxt - it helped me achieve good result especially when my webmaster is very lazy.

How do you like the post? Have any of you worked with Etxt? Share your opinion about the exchange and the format of today's publication in general. I'm waiting for your comments 😉!

It is possible that this bourgeois vision of successful blog promotion will come in handy for you (the author of the most popular SEO blog in the bourgeoisie speaks):

Hello dear readers! In 2015, I thought about how to promote a site in search engines to reach at least 1000 visitors per day. By the end of 2016, the ideas were realized. The results exceeded expectations.

What did it take to achieve the goals? Initially, I built a blog promotion strategy from scratch. Then I implemented the planned activities step by step. He spoke about them periodically in his publications. Already seen?

Due to limited finances, I try to promote the site in Yandex and Google on my own - this is one of the main advantages of my work and at the same time the main mistake. Why, I'll tell you today.

I have high hopes for 2017 in terms of increased traffic to the resource. I believe that it is realistic to increase it at least 2-3 times. If you are not lazy, everything will work out. What do you think?

In many topics, it is realistic to reach 1000-2000 attendance within 1-1.5 years. This is considered fast for my thematic niche. You can do more and faster. Guess how to do it?

I want to please you right away by mentioning one working moment. It happens that you actively develop an information site for 1-6 months and traffic almost does not grow. This is fine. I'll tell you how it was for me.

A spike in traffic is what happened after a few months.

I'll show you right away what it looks like.

At first, the indicators slowly accelerated, and then the resource traffic began to increase rapidly. This is a completely expected event, if the sites are promoted correctly. How will be correct? I talked about one of the successful, practically proven approaches in past publications. I will also provide links to key information within the framework of the current article.

Site promotion results in Yandex and Google

In June 2016, daily traffic rose to 500 clicks from search engines (organic traffic) for the first time. After about 4 months, traffic for the first time reached the level of 1000 clicks. It would probably be faster if it weren't for .

Let's take a look at the chart.

As you can see, I did not rush to write this material. To begin with, I wanted to make sure the stability of the achieved levels. I also waited until, as a result of site promotion, search traffic from Google and Yandex would not go below the mark of 1000 clicks.

Considering that I've been blogging much less than I did at the beginning, the numbers are excellent. This is not the first time I am convinced that at the very beginning of the promotion of the project, it is desirable to work thoroughly, so that later it becomes much easier. It is better, of course, not to relax too much, so that the results are much higher than in my case.

Another good news.

Giving the site at least 1-3 hours a day, it is realistic to achieve such results.

This is practical observation for two years. Moreover, it is not necessary to work on the resource every day without exception. For example, a day to rest, and the next day you need to catch up on the planned amount of work.

Naturally, some do everything faster, others slower. But what about newbies? You know, at first it will take more time, then experience and skills will appear that will allow you to quickly do the necessary work. Didn't think to understand the technique search promotion can be much easier than it seems at first glance? Everything is quite logical there.

Website promotion work: my step-by-step plan

Initially, I thoroughly thought about how to independently promote the site with minimal costs and get impressive results. If you have already studied my previous articles, then you know that I acted step by step.

Now I’m thinking: on this blog, I provide absolutely free information that allows you to either promote an information site on your own without much help, or find out where to find trusted professionals and get practical training. Which way to go is an individual choice.

So, I will seriously think about transferring some of the informational publications to a paid basis. If you want to explore them, then do not delay until they are free. The prices for such information are not small, since their use allows you to get impressive results.

A brief analysis of shortcomings with an increase in site traffic

Sooner or later comes the realization that this species analysis is still worth doing. This has its plus - an adjustment is made to the development of the project and achieve more high performance. I hope that the information below will allow you to step over this stage, getting the result more quickly.

I will list the main shortcomings in the promotion of this site, which somewhat slowed down its development.

I tried to do the work myself as much as possible, saving money on many paid services.

For example, there are just over 300 articles on the blog, but there could already be 500, 1000 and even 2000 if I constantly collaborated with . In principle, I initially realized that it was solely through my own efforts that huge traffic and income for short term you won't get it. Therefore, it is better to invest, make a decent resource traffic, recoup all expenses and finally enjoy the profit with a decent amount of zeros.

An article similar in quality to my writing will cost about 100-150 rubles per thousand characters. I didn’t have the opportunity to pay such amounts, so I wrote mostly myself. It turns out qualitatively and conditionally free of charge - this was an advantage. However, it takes time, you can’t do too much with your own hands - this has become a drawback. The situation is similar with other types of work.

I fully realized this about six months after the start of blogging. There were several adjustments. Now I know exactly what is best and what will really work.

A very competitive thematic niche has been chosen for this blog.

It is very difficult to promote projects from this thematic niche. I do not regret my choice at all, so the defect is conditional. However, I will say this: if you choose a less competitive and narrower topic, for example, from the field of knowledge about beauty and fashion, then in a year and a half it is really possible to reach traffic of 5-10 thousand unique clicks from search engines.

This completes the main series of reports on how to promote your information site in Yandex and Google. Of course, there are visits from other search engines, it's just that most of the transitions are from these two.

I continue to work on my project and will soon prepare new materials. Subscribe to blog postings.

I wish you great success in life and most importantly - simple human happiness! Until communication.

Hello to all readers of the SAMSAI site! Not long ago, there was a significant event for me and my site, the site traffic exceeded one hundred unique visitors per day. Of course, for some, this is already a kindergarten, but for me it is a holiday, because my site is not even a year old, and you will agree that this is a good indicator. The site was created around March 2015, for a month I still had doubts and decided what to write about, and then, without noticing for me, everything went, went, spun and spun. By the end of 2015, the indicator gradually approached the mark of 100 uniques per day, and then exceeded it.

You will not find a counter on the site, since I installed myself. When attendance grows to at least 1,000 thousand, then you can expose your statistics, but for now, you don’t even want to. By the way, not long ago I didn’t want all movements in the admin panel to be taken into account in statistics, otherwise I hang around here for days, I don’t want to cheat myself.

In about 10 months I managed to publish about 400 entries, I write not only about creating a site, in general the site has no framework, I write about what interests me, I just create a new category and let's go! But still the main theme of the site, semantic core, is the topic - Website Development, as it is very popular, and it is very interesting to me. I like to disassemble wordpress plugins, with the help of them you can make so many different chips for the site and there are so many of them that my life is not enough to sort and describe them all.

I'm just starting my journey world wide web and it is difficult for me to advise something, but it is necessary, because I feel that my advice can help you. For beginners, I advise you to first set up your site correctly and install (marked as basic) so that you do not have problems and errors. Write about what you are interested in, it can be anything, any topic can become popular, if you do your best, then believe me, the result will be. It’s just that some people don’t want to strain too much and at the same time they want to have a result, so that their site would be popular. You need to understand that the result will be only when you start living your own business, when your business becomes the business of your whole life.

You need to love your job, try not just to do it, but to do it qualitatively, not just for someone, but for people, so that they are interested. Of course, everything comes with experience, do it, don’t quit your job if you like it, don’t give up, work hard and you will succeed! I myself always catch myself thinking that you don’t need to look back, you just need to work, mind your own business, because it’s great when you can do what you are interested in, isn’t this a reward? And the results and achievements are like additional bonuses for those who did not give up.

No one will do anything for you, you are the source of your happiness, you can do a lot if you want, if you take a chance, if you dare to allow yourself to be who you want to be. Millions of chances are waiting for you, they are waiting for you to tell them YES!

Write about every little thing It is not necessary to write only about the complex.

Experiment! if you feel that you have nothing else to write about, then this is a deceptive feeling, just switch to something else, there are so many interesting things around, turn on your brains!

Look for your style Don't be like everyone else, be yourself.

Write notes not only under popular requests, but also just ordinary records for people.

Try to help your readers so that they get on your site what they were looking for.

Don't give up, any problem can be solved If you really, really, really want to, just act and there will be a solution!