Bring your site to the TOP-10 of one or more search engines? The task is difficult, but doable. You can do this for a long time and correctly, or you can do it quickly, but not entirely honestly. There is a whole range of technologies for promoting web resources, which are called "white", "gray" and "black". How effective is each method? What surprises do the owners of sites promoted "in a black way" face? What to choose for your resource? Let's talk about this in more detail.

White hat methods of website promotion on the Internet

To promote a site without using black hat SEO methods, you do not need to reinvent the wheel. Despite the fact that search engine ranking algorithms are constantly undergoing changes (every time frightening “black optimizers” with their unpredictability), the basic principles of selection in the TOP have not changed for years. It's basically:

  • correct page code, which meets the requirements of a search robot - with well-written meta tags, etc.;
  • relevant content, which reflects the semantics of the project and includes certain requests in the required quantity (according to the results of competitor analysis);
  • good reputation site from users of the Network, which is a generator of the formation of a link mass.

In other words, if the code is written correctly, the pages have interesting and useful texts that respond to user requests, then the project will be popular, acquire natural links and become a leader. Of course, as in any other business, there are subtleties here. But in general, the picture looks exactly like this.

SEO gray area

Those who want quick results often use methods of “semi-legal” website promotion on the Internet, which rarely cause search robots to include filters or so-called bans. The most popular methods are:

  • buying links. To increase the link weight of the project, you can simply buy links. There are entire services for this;
  • density increase keywords. This method is no longer valid. Search engines quite easily identify spam and impose appropriate sanctions. And this technology does not contribute to increasing the readability of texts.

Black promotion

Quick result - short-term effect. Approximately so it is possible to describe consequences of use of black technologies of promotion of sites. They are not approved by search engines, and if signs of such methods are identified, resources fall under the filter of search robots, up to a lifetime ban. Among the key tactical means of the method, we note:

  • spamdexing. Creation of pages with non-thematic text written in a very small font or in a color that matches the background color, solely for indexing;
  • swap. Replacing content on sites after achieving the intended results in the search results. Valid until the first indexation, the method is not designed for a long-term effect;
  • link bombing. One of the varieties of link spam. main feature- inconsistency of the titles of the links with the subject of the pages;
  • doorways. These are donor resources that perform the functions of redirecting traffic to the main site. They are gray and black. The first type is a conscious text with links, the second is incoherent content that does not carry a semantic load;
  • cloaking. Replacing the content of the page with optimized content in accordance with the requirements of the robot.

Considering all that has been said above, we can formulate a brief summary: the ideal option is a skillful combination of gray and white methods of website promotion on the Internet, which gives a predictable and stable result in the medium term.

Now I will show you the DIY SEO method that I used to get my site up to 5,000 unique visitors per day in just 9 months. Moreover, I promoted my site from scratch, exclusively on my own and for free.

I called this method "Impact site promotion". It differs in many ways from what is usually offered as a “recipe for SEO promotion”. But the main thing is that it works, and you can repeat it.

In this article, we will talk about the promotion of the site with the help of articles. That is, we will not buy any links. Exclusively white safe methods - they wrote an article, optimized it, brought it to the TOP, repeated this scheme 50 - 100 times. That's all promotion =)

And the very first step is choosing the right keyword for your article.

Step #1 – Select keywords per million

I hope you already know that you can’t write articles on the site “just like that”. Be sure to choose in advance a specific key query for which you will optimize your article. For example, this article is optimized for the query “do-it-yourself seo promotion”. That's why I put this phrase in the title.

Without this, search robots simply will not understand what your article is about. Although they are very smart, they are still robots.

And our task is to choose key queries that:

  1. Have a large number of monthly requests (otherwise you have to write 1000 articles to see any traffic);
  2. They have low competition (otherwise it will be almost impossible for you to break into the TOP);
  3. They have a good prospect of "career growth" (more on that below).

Gathering a pool of such key queries is called compiling semantic core. And if it seems to you that it is difficult and long, it seems to you right. But it is better to spend a couple of weeks choosing 30 queries now than to spend a couple of years writing articles and not achieve anything in the end.

The ultimate keyword research tool

Let's say we want to write an article about how blogging is great and cool. We come up with such a title for the article - "Why you need to keep your blog." It would seem that the topic will certainly be of interest to a wide range of readers.

But to check, we first go to Yandex.Wordstat. it free tool, which will immediately show you the exact popularity of a particular request. Enter the selected key in the line and click "Pick up".

As you can see in the screenshot above, this query has 0 views per month. So no one is looking for him, and no one needs him. Please note that I put the request in quotation marks. So Yandex.Wordstat shows the exact frequency. If you leave the query without quotes, it will show completely wrong numbers.

We conclude that the keyword needs to be changed. But what is the best way to formulate it? We begin to enter our main word “blog” into the Wordstat line and add interrogative words - “how”, “what”, “why”.

And here we already get a very wide field for activity. We take each keyword that we like and put it in quotes to check the exact frequency. As a result, we get:

Now that's another matter. If our article is in the TOP on request for 1500 impressions per month, then we will definitely get good attendance. But that's not the end of the story. Will we be able to break into the first places for this request? Let's now turn to another tool.

SEO Competition Checker Tool

To check the level of competition in requests, we will use a service called " Mutagen". It is paid, but every day you can do 10 free checks. Yes, and paid checks are very inexpensive - a few kopecks apiece.

The essence of this service is that it compares many different indicators of sites that are in first place in the search results for a particular query, and concludes how easy or difficult it will be for these sites to “move”.

For example, we take the same request that we found with you - “what is a blog”, enter it into the Mutagen check line and press Enter.

This query shows competition "more than 25". This is the maximum level of competition that Mutagen shows. That is, breaking into the TOP for this key will be as difficult as possible. We are not satisfied with this.

If your resource is not yet strongly promoted, then it is better to choose keywords with a competition level of 5-7 or even lower. So what do we do with this topic? Abandon the idea and write an article about something else?

Not necessarily. Now we need to try to reformulate the request so that it has a significantly reduced level of competition, and the number of requests does not fall very much. And the first thing you should try to do is to lengthen the keyword with additional words.

Now that's better. Suppose this query option has only 28 views per month. It is better to take it for the article, because it has a level of competition of only 7. If you come out on top for this key, then it is likely that Yandex will put you in the TOP for a wider one.

Many people believe that the more words in a key query, the fewer views it will have (because people are too lazy to manually enter long keywords). But as you can see, this is not always the case. We further lengthened our key, and got a competition level of only 4, and almost 200 net views.

This is the perfect key to writing an article. We stop at it and proceed to the next stage - writing an article that deserves the first place in the TOP.

Step #2 – Writing Armor Piercing Articles

The amount of money in your pocket directly depends on the amount of traffic on your site. And the amount of traffic depends on the number of articles you posted. The more articles, the more traffic. Everyone knows this, but for some reason articles are still “not written”.

And here I will give you a couple of life hacks that will help you write less and get more traffic.

Write Yourself or Hire a Copywriter?

I recommend that all owners of content sites write articles for their own resource. So you will immediately bypass the numerous competitors who hire copywriters for this business. Here's my opinion - a copywriter will never write an article well enough.

Firstly, he is not an expert in the topic on which you made your site. This will be immediately noticeable by the amount of "water" and banal advice in the articles.

Secondly, a copywriter is not the owner of the site, and he will not be killed much in order for the article to turn out to be really high-quality and quite voluminous.

And thirdly, what is called “copywriting” today is actually rewriting in 95% of cases. That is, a freelancer takes several articles on a given topic, crosses them with each other, adds some water, and that's it. Even if different text uniqueness checking services show “95-100% uniqueness” of such texts, Yandex and Google have their own verification algorithms.

Non-unique content is what search engines are now actively fighting. And if you start doing things that no one else does (that is, writing unique author's articles with really valuable content on your own), you will be immediately noticed and put in the TOP.

Should I write long articles or short ones?

One of the questions that I get asked the most is something like this: “Dmitry, why do you write such long articles for the site? Nobody reads them." In fact, they are reading. And the longer the article, the more on average a person spends on the site (within reasonable limits, of course).

I can name at least 5 reasons why you should also write long articles:

  1. Search robots think logically. And if they see that you have an article of 1500 words, and all other articles on this topic are 700 words, he concludes that your article contains 2 times more information on the topic. It's logical. Accordingly, he will at least give people the opportunity to "try" it.
  2. The longer your article is, the more words and phrases on the topic you use in it. And this gives what is called “tail traffic”. That is, 80% of your traffic will not come from the main keyword, but from many small queries that users search for 1-2 times a month.
  3. Even just scrolling through a long article to the end takes time. Accordingly, this greatly reduces the bounce rate - when a visitor spends less than 10-15 seconds on your site. And this is a very important indicator of the quality of the site.
  4. By publishing long articles on the site, you immediately show search engines that this is copyrighted content, and not just another copywriting (more on this below).
  5. An article of 1.5 - 2 thousand words is very difficult to re-optimize. Even if you use the main key in the article a dozen times, against the background of the total amount of text, this will be a very easy optimization. And the search engines will have no reason to think that you are trying to deceive them.

Regarding the fourth item on this list. My articles are usually 2000 words or more. This is an average of 14 - 15 thousand characters. Today, a more or less normal copywriter on the stock exchange takes 70-80 rubles for 1000 rewriting characters. In total, to get an article for 15,000 characters, you will have to pay 1200 rubles.

For a content site, this is too much. Considering the quality of copywriting texts, you will need 300 - 600 articles to start getting meaningful traffic. These are too big expenses. Therefore, all webmasters who write articles as "copywriters" order texts for 3-4 thousand characters, no more. And so the search engines immediately distinguish them from those who write on their own.

And so you and I will not need 300-600 articles. My site reached 5,000 visitors per day with only 30 large author's articles. That is, you do not have to worry that you will have to spend your whole life, every day, for several hours to write huge articles.

It will be enough for you to write only a dozen articles, as I indicated above, and you will already have more traffic than others receive from hundreds of articles. But for this we need to help our article a little more after you wrote it.

Step #3 - Quick access to the TOP

Turnkey article optimization

After you have written an article, you need to do some light optimization (without fanaticism). To do this, take the main keyword for which the article is written, and place it in the following places:

  1. In the H1 header;
  2. In the SEO title, which is called "title";
  3. At the very beginning of the article (preferably in the first sentence);
  4. In the alt tag and in image captions;
  5. In the URL of your article;
  6. In subheading H2;
  7. In the middle and at the end of the article.

This will be quite enough for Yandex and Google to understand what your article is about and what key request it wants to compete for. Now it remains only to wait for the verdict of the search engines.

We speed up the release of the article in the TOP

It usually takes 2-3 months for an article to “set up” enough and take its place in the TOP of search engines. But you can also speed up this process. Then your articles can be in the first places in just 5-10 minutes after you click the "Publish" button.

To achieve the same result, here is what you need to do:

  • Write and publish articles every day at a specific time. If Yandex notices that every day at 12 o'clock it appears on your site new material, then soon he will start sending his special robot to your site at exactly 12 o'clock. This is the so-called "quick robot", whose task is to quickly index new and relevant materials.
  • After publishing the article, go to Yandex.Webmaster and send your article for re-bypass. This is the so-called “adurilka” of Yandex:

  • Place links to your new material in all in social networks, wherever you can: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Google + and others.
  • Make a mailing list to your subscriber base with a notification about a new article (if you don’t have it yet, it’s time to start collecting)

Actually, this is where the main work on website promotion ends. Now you need to repeat this algorithm several dozen times, and your site will grow first to the “thousander”, and then to the “ten thousandth”. It would be a wish)

I hope that this article was useful to you, and now you better understand how to properly do SEO promotion yourself. Add it to your bookmarks so you don't lose it. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience for 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

Hello friends, Pavel Yamb is in touch. With this article I open new section- promotion. You will learn about how sites are promoted on the Internet. I will show everything with examples and you will be able to use the information for your blogs and websites. I want to say that I finally got here and I will devote all my free time to this site. Let's take a quick look at where I start, or rather, continue after a long absence. As of today - 06/27/2015 we have the following indicators:

  1. TIC - 30;
  2. PR-2;
  3. Alexa - 2,972,095;
  4. LiveInternet - 20-30 visitors;
  5. According to xtool trust xt = 4.

Before External Optimization

Internal optimization and correct setting Blogging is the main stage in promotion. You should have a website that is as close as possible to the requirements that search engines put forward today. Here are the main ones in my opinion:

And so, you started a blog, write articles there, but there are no more visitors. Why? If all of the above is in order for you, you are not banned by Yandex and Google, then go to external ways promotion. Let's start with paid ones.

I draw your attention once again to the unrealistically high importance of competently setting up your blog, make sure that it is 100% normal. After that, calmly write articles and engage in further promotion. Read this to understand what I'm talking about.

Paid promotion methods

By and large, paid promotion consists in buying links to your site from other resources. What does this mean and why?

So you have created a blog, for example, on a culinary theme. There are a lot of the same resources on the Internet where the authors share step-by-step recipes for pies, with photos and claims that they are the most delicious. But how to convince the search engine that your pies are actually tastier? Among all the other characteristics from the list above, the search engine will also look at how often other resources talk about yours. That is, refer to it. It is clear that if a visitor prepared pies or a cake according to your recipe, was delighted, and being impressed, told all his friends about your project, gave them a link in contact and twitter, and they, in turn, did the same with their friends, then on you will have a lot of links - free - you will inevitably be in the top.

In reality, this rarely happens and these links have to be bought. If your recipes are not fundamentally different from others, read on about paid methods getting links so that Google and Yandex do not understand this and eat only your pies :)

Registration in directories such as Yandex and Yahoo

These are cool directories and if they contain a link to your resource, it will give it weight. They describe sites by category, and it's a big plus to be there. Of course, I highly recommend it, but such a pleasure is not cheap, about 12,000. There is also a DMOZ catalog, but it is only free and we will talk about it below. No need to rush to save or unfasten money right now, especially if there are no extra ones. Let's use other methods.

Buying links

The most rational this moment way of paid promotion. You pay money for another resource, which has long been reputable, to link to yours. This is done either directly by agreement with the webmaster or through special exchanges. If you want, negotiate with them yourself, write to them, transfer money and they will put links to you. But where is the guarantee that they won't take them off tomorrow? And what will you prove then? So, link exchanges will give you a certain guarantee and, moreover, will greatly simplify the purchase itself. You just have to choose a platform for placement, pay it and that's it - the link is yours. I personally use this method for a very long time for my projects. Let's take a closer look at this.

What are the links

Depending on your budget, on the promotion strategy, you can either buy an eternal link - it will remain on that resource forever while it functions, or a temporary link - rent it and pay half a ruble every day.

On account of prices

The price of links depends on several logical factors. The cooler the site that links to you, the more expensive it is. And it depends on what you want - rent or purchase. Let's take a look at the prices offered by medium-trust sites. Keep in mind that I'm averaging. A link from a good site will cost about 200 - 300 rubles if you buy it forever, and 8 - 10 rubles a month - rent. Here, accordingly, there are nuances. We will talk about them. I want you to get the point for now. Well, look at these exchanges:

Exchanges of eternal links


These exchanges act as intermediaries between webmasters and you. You pay money, they write articles and put links in them. The exchange acts as a guarantor and has its own percentage for this. You yourself look for sites from their database and then everything is automatic. An eternal link looks like this:

Temporary link exchanges

Sape- the most popular of them all. You also register, choose a site that should link to you, rent a link and a small amount is withdrawn from your account every day. You choose your anchor links. Opa, we are introducing a new concept - the anchor is the text that is the link, see here is the link site - its anchor is “ site", and this link has - how to make money as a copywriter anchor, respectively, "how to make money as a copywriter." Anchor selection, a separate topic on my blog. Subscribe, comment, ask if something is not clear.

You will buy links in sape yourself, that is, in manual mode, take everything away, it's not difficult there. However, there are exchanges that will do everything for you - they will select a platform and even determine how many links you need to rent in order to bring your request to the top. Here are the markets.

Here you will be shown what position your site is currently in for the promoted request, and everything is automatic, it looks like this:

As you can see, I myself use these methods. The current position in Yandex and Google is tracked and there is a schedule for its change. Rented links are not made in the article, but in a certain place on the site and look like this:

That is, a site that decides to sell such links allocates a certain place in itself (in the picture it is in the footer, but it can be anywhere), and inserts the link text there - this is about 100 characters. And when you decide to rent this place for your link, the text with it is simply inserted into this place after payment.

I would like to note the following regarding this method of promotion:

  • You can’t buy links on frankly bad resources that are only engaged in the sale of links and there are already so many of them that they run the risk of falling under any filter from search engines.
  • You can’t immediately buy a lot of links, that is, imagine you never had them, and then suddenly a hundred appeared in one day - suspicious. Buy evenly and build link mass.
  • Keep track of whether they disappeared, that is, whether the owners of the resource changed their minds, suddenly they closed the shop and deleted all links. It's bad for promotion when they disappear and then appear.

On the pages of the blog, we will return to this all, do not worry if something is not clear, read, ask in the comments.

In fact, if you understand this, then you can buy links on any of the exchanges that I have listed, and even from those that I have not listed. The main thing is to choose a good site - the site that will put the link, decide on the terms of placement and then just keep track of whether they have disappeared. I miss this list. But if it’s not enough for you, then here’s a bunch more, write in the comments if you come across them:

main link

Yes, if you already have a visited site with good performance, then you can sell links in your articles yourself and get paid for it, but more on that in another article. Move on.

contextual advertising

This is a small piece of one page with a bunch of links to different resources - that's a free catalog for you. I looked, this is generally a one-page site with PR = 2, that is, a good indicator, if not for 1800 links that go from it in different directions.

Previously, this worked, it was possible to order automatic placement of a link with the same anchor in several hundred directories and climb to the top for this request, gain popularity and attendance. Not now. Our search engines have grown up and learned to determine what is good and what is bad. Bad for them is when links to your site appear somehow illogical, that is, not natural. For example, in one day, 100 different resources referred to your site, and not a single one tomorrow. Weird? Yes, that's not to see the top, no matter how banned.

It's different if we're talking about something like this. free catalog like DMOZ, where all webmasters and seo-specialists dream of getting into. One finding there says that your site is not bad. This is due to the fact that the administrators of this directory manually review all applications, and something ugly does not get there. They wait for a response from dmoz for months after the application is submitted, and it does not come. In general, it's cool.

Link exchange

You find on the Internet a site of the same subject as yours and offer the webmaster to exchange links. You refer to him, and he refers to you. I don't like this method either. Firstly, you still need to find someone who will agree, then refer to his resource yourself, monitor that he does everything honestly. But this method is better than the previous one. You can use it in principle, it's okay, just without fanaticism. And wisely.

Well, the essence is not difficult to grasp - you need naturalness. And this pushes us to the next way, already good and correct.

Social networks

Everything is obvious here, create a group in contact or other social networks. networks on the subject of your blog, link to it, and already promote it, visitors come to your site from it, share it with friends, quite naturally. I won’t touch on this type of promotion in detail now, especially since I don’t use it on this blog yet, but for other projects, I’ll say that the time spent is justified, unless of course everything is done correctly. Why did I refer this to paid way? You need to pay money to the one who will lead your group, fill it, attract fans. Why not yourself? When you really take care of your blog, write articles in it every day, design, publish, respond to comments and in the support service, and you still have a family and a child, you will realize that in fact there is very little time in the day :)

Of course, if you do not yet have a family, a child, and all you do is one blog, then you can promote it without any money at all and do it yourself. Or if you already have adult children, and they and your wife help you, you have one blog for all - also an option :) In this case, by the way, the following methods free promotion just for you.

Getting links to your site from articles from blog platforms

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about those ways and methods and promotion of the site that can be used in the case of a commercial or informational project. Well, and so we'll see what you need to pay attention to and what can affect the success of this process.

There are actually not so many ways and methods of promotion, but it’s not so easy to choose what will be best suited for your case. There is free ways, but there are also paid ones, and very expensive ones.

But having paid money, you do not at all get a guarantee that your methods will bring you success. Here it is very important preliminary optimization and to promotion and promotion, which we will discuss in detail at the very end of the article. Well, let's go.

Which method to choose - SEO promotion or context

The purpose of this article is to understand whether it is really so important to do SEO or whether it will be possible to use any other methods and methods of promotion. And I would also like to understand what the difference will be in this case and whether there are worthy alternative ways to attract targeted visitors to your site.

But first, the relevance various ways promotions should be considered separately for commercial and non-commercial projects. In fact, in both cases, the main task facing site owners will be to attract as many targeted visitors as possible (how to find out and evaluate), but commercial projects have alternative way in the form or Google Adwords, but the owners of non-commercial (information) projects can only rely on Seo, because they will not have another method to break out of the circle of oblivion.

Let's first see how Seo is necessary specifically for commercial projects (offices for the provision of various services, etc.), because they really have a worthy alternative at their disposal in the form of Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. These tools belong to Yandex and the Google search engine, and along the way, they are also their main source of income (up to 90 percent of total revenues to the treasury).

Consequently, search engines have a vested interest in the fact that the owners of commercial projects prefer their services to SEO promotion, and strive to ensure that the thought of Seo arises in the minds of merchants as rarely as possible. Let's compare the possibilities of promotion and methods of attracting visitors to the site by placing ads contextual advertising.

I’ll say in advance that everything is far from unambiguous here and the butting is very serious - search engines are trying their best to screw up Seo optimizers, but they won’t hurt themselves (they can cancel purchased links, but in this case the issue will become too irrelevant), and SEOs the collective mind is looking for ways to bypass the sly intrigues of evil search engines.

If we generalize the task of merchants by , then they need to solve only one problem - to get to the search queries they need (it is described here and how it can be used).

Moreover, you can get to this first page in two main ways:

  1. engage in long, but often very effective SEO promotion (if you have a decent seo office)
  2. an alternative way is to start spending your budget on contextual advertising in Yandex and Google, and get the first visitors and customers almost immediately

Well, how? Do you still think that search promotion is the only way for you? Not at all. You can do without it and lure visitors only purely by placing contextual advertising ads. You can even not carry out internal optimization, but only work on it so that customers do not run away from your project like scalded.

The main thing is that the profitability of this enterprise should be. But this method still has the right to life and it has a number of advantages compared to the context, and in the end, no one bothers to combine systematic promotion in the Top search results with the placement of the context.

When you move up to the Top on your request, you can already stop placing contextual ads on this topic, while saving your budget. And it will be possible to leave the context anyway, thereby increasing the number of sales and not taking into account the costs.

For online stores, there is also an opportunity that can also significantly increase sales. In addition, the so-called (brand promotion and attraction of visitors from social networks, forums and other social media) is also gaining ground.

The Honest Pros and Cons of SEO, Context, and SMO

Each of the methods has its pros and cons. Let's start with the same SEO, which has a lot of ambiguity:

  1. This method has a rather long effect. Those. at the initial stage, you should invest heavily in the promotion method (site optimization, buying links, usability development), but over time, when your efforts reach their climax, you can already rest on your laurels and enjoy being in the top search results.
  2. Most likely, this method will help you get a much larger flow of visitors as a result than could be done by placing contextual advertising. But not the fact that it will be entirely your target audience.
  3. One of the biggest disadvantages of this method of site promotion is that it is very, and often "very, very" for a long time. When promoting for LF and MF requests, it can be 1-2 months, and for highly competitive HF requests - from six months to a year (or more), depending on the age of the site being promoted. Are you ready to wait that long?
  4. If you are willing to wait that long, then at the same time prepare to be completely disappointed with the results from this method. Despite any guarantees of SEO firms (some of them even write guarantees into the contract), no one will cannot guarantee results.

    If the case goes to court, then you will inevitably lose, because your unfortunate position in the Top will be interpreted as the action of an independent third party (Yandex or Google) that has nothing to do with the contract.

    Seoshniki will tell you that we, they say, tried, but, alas, the insidious search changed and we did not succeed. There are no guarantees in Seo and you will have to put up with it, or refuse this method attracting visitors permanently.

  5. In addition, search promotion can be very expensive, depending on the degree of competition in your topic. Links cost money, and you may need a lot of them. But even if you are ready to spend huge budgets on referral and office fees, in some topics it may turn out to be engaged in SEO shamanism almost hopeless (plastic windows and similar super-mega-duper competitive topics) - you will inevitably fail.
  6. Well, the last thing that can be attributed to the disadvantages of SEO promotion is the always existing risk of falling under sanctions from search engines. By using methods and methods of promotion, you are essentially engaged in their deception and spam, if you look at it honestly and talk about it without cuts.

    Search algorithms are constantly changing, and for what they haven’t punished until recently and what made it possible to promote sites to the Top, they are already punishing and applying various sanctions (), getting out of which is not always easy and fast.

In general, in promoting under Yandex and Google, not everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance. But despite this, according to some estimates, this market even surpasses the contextual advertising market in terms of capitalization, which means that the methods and methods of site promotion work and, for the most part, work well.

But let's now look at the advantages and disadvantages of ways to attract target audience by placing contextual advertising in Direct or Adwords:

  1. The main advantage of this method is a quick return, because immediately after placing ads you will get visitors and calls.
  2. Also, you can very clearly manage and regulate your expenses through the settings of the advertising company.
  3. Attracting visitors through contextual advertising too can be very expensive, depending on the competition in your subject
  4. With the inept setting up of an advertising company and the manifestation of some negligence, you can “inevitably” lower the entire considerable budget without getting the desired result when using this method of promotion

Those. it turns out that contextual advertising is a very good, but by no means unequivocal alternative to SEO promotion. But lately, a lot of commercial companies are looking closely towards various ways of promotion in social networks and other media.

Therefore, let's try to consider the pros and cons of this alternative to link promotion. So what can give us SMO:

  1. Breaking the traditional description of the pros and cons of a particular method of promotion, I'll start with the cons. When using promotion in social media, you will have to have an employee who will literally live in social networks and forums. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to earn the trust of network users and keep abreast.
  2. In social media, there is a fairly high level of trust in the materials and links posted there. Visitors who come to your site from social networks will be more favorable towards you than visitors who come from search results Yandex and Google.
  3. High conversion rate from social traffic with competent work to find the best ways to promote and promote the brand.

In principle, if the owner of a commercial site wants the methods of promotion and promotion to be effective, then, probably, you should not get hung up on any one of them, but start moving forward on all fronts at the same time, i.e. use everything available ways to achieve the greatest result (the easiest option is to install buttons and a block for each page of the site).

Ways to promote and promote our sites

Let's now turn our attention to information projects, like a website. The fact that my project is non-commercial does not mean at all that I do not earn money on it. Not at all. I somehow even described a couple of dozen ways that allow), for example, everything on the same, on or on the sale of links in exchanges of "eternal" links:

  1. MiraLinks described
  2. GoGetLinks— read about the nuances of working with GGL
  3. GetGoodLinks– description of the possibility of buying links from pages with PR (high static weight)

My site project is non-commercial for the simple reason that I do not sell anything and do not offer services, and therefore the search queries for which it should be promoted will be informational (read about the nuances of promoting such queries in an interview with the author), which imposes a very strong restrictions on the methods used to promote it.

Agree that attracting visitors with the help of contextual advertising ads is not a promising method in this case, especially if the main type of income for a non-commercial project may just be displaying Yandex or Google contextual advertising ads and getting paid for it. It turns out like in that old joke: they stole a box of vodka and sold it, but drank the money away.

In general, in this respect for non-commercial sites Seo promotion perhaps, but the methods should be different from the promotion of commercial projects. Nevertheless, we still have a number of tools for this:

  1. Internal optimization and licking of texts (namely, licking, not spamming), coupled with well-thought-out internal linking from article texts to other articles with well-thought-out ones, including those selected in . Read more about this in the article, as well as in the publication often may not allow this. Lick your titles and snippets if possible, and try to experiment with improving the convenience and attractiveness of navigation.)? If your project is periodically unavailable for some time, search sanctions will follow immediately.
  2. Do you know ? Although, this is something I pulled out of the wrong opera words. However, the inability to quickly type “inevitably” will lead to difficulties in promotion, because unique content is typed with pens, or rather with fingers, and preferably ten at once.
  3. Well, do you do it? If not, then it’s very useless, because numerous errors in the texts greatly undermine the behavioral characteristics of your project.
  4. If you are all of these technical problems decided that progress would be, if not inevitable, then at least not complicated by unnecessary difficulties.