In the modern rhythm of life, smartphones have become indispensable assistants and information centers.

Technologies are developing very quickly - every year there are some innovations and technologies that simplify the life of the user. For example, let's recall a fingerprint or iris scanner, a face recognition system, and actively emerging technologies artificial intelligence. Despite this, in terms of autonomy and batteries no special progress has occurred - even the latest expensive flagships are not able to provide two days of active use of the device. Today we will try to figure out whether it is possible to use phones while charging, and what potential dangers this can bring.

Battery heating

The first and most important probable problem of the situation described above is. While using the smartphone and charging it at the same time, the battery has a high load. On the one hand, it gives off energy, on the other hand, it receives, so strong heating is possible.

The pattern is simple - the higher the load on the battery, the stronger the heating. The gadget will be especially hot in heavy games and multitasking mode when the mobile 4G Internet is activated and the display brightness is set to high. It is important to note that the highest heating is usually noticed at the socket, since the current strength is highest here. While charging from a power bank or car, the temperature of the device rises by so much.

The conclusion is simple - it is undesirable to use the phone while charging because of its possible heating. If this does occur, keep the battery case and prevent overheating.

Charging speed

It is logical that using a smartphone while charging requires energy - it is both wasted and replenished at the same time. Therefore, the devices will grow significantly. This must be taken into account if you need to quickly replenish the battery of the device.

Other hazards

It should be noted very rare, but really dangerous situations. Unfortunately, news from time to time appears in the media about the death of smartphone owners when they use them in the bathroom. The fall of an electrical device connected to the network (not just a telephone) into water often ends in fatal consequences.


It is undesirable to use a smartphone while charging - the phone often heats up, and the charging speed slows down. In most cases, nothing terrible will happen, but it is very important to take precautions and be on the alert.

Can you really turn on your phone on an airplane? and got the best answer

Answer from DJ Storge[guru]
“Please turn off mobile phones and do not use other types of electronic equipment during the flight. The operation of aviation equipment can harm your sensitive instruments.” This is how Sky Express flight attendants today convince passengers to refrain from using various equipment before takeoff and during the flight.
However, not all passengers heed the requests of aircraft crews. They continue to talk on the phones while the flight attendants try to convey to them the importance and necessity of the albeit boring, but mandatory procedure for turning off equipment during the flight. Many passengers open their laptops, put on headphones and watch movies without having time to sit in the seat of the aircraft, ignoring the calls of the flight personnel and the ongoing briefing.
As for the attention to the actions of the crew and elementary courtesy, then everything is clear. But are working mobile phones, players and personal computers? Let's try to figure out why airlines so urgently require passengers to turn off their equipment.
In fact, all of the listed devices are not harmful or dangerous for radio navigation devices and aircraft on-board computers. The frequencies at which aviation equipment operates differ significantly from the characteristics of household electrical appliances. It is only on earth that craftsmen can tune in to the frequency of law enforcement agencies and know all the movements of patrol cars and their negotiations. Everything is different in the air. Even the most sophisticated laptop is not able to influence on-board computer or interfere with the negotiations of pilots and controllers.
The fact is that all the fears and actions of airlines to ban the use of personal equipment and mobile communications are rooted in history. Indeed, at one time these recommendations were relevant. The decision to turn off various devices by passengers was actually taken to avoid the possible impact of radio devices, such as telephones and radios, on aircraft instruments. But even then, in the 90s, the impact of personal devices was not obvious. Everything was done in order to "no matter what happens." Today, technologies are developing even more rapidly, but aviation technology has always remained and remains a special technological branch of radio electronics, which in no way intersects with the development of consumer telecommunications.
In the USA, for example, a document regulating the rules for the use of passengers electronic devices in aircraft, is Advisory Circular 91.21-1A, issued October 2000. Its requirements are reflected in the practices of many US airlines. The devices that are allowed to operate during the entire time spent on the aircraft are as follows:
- implanted medical devices (eg pacemakers and electronic nerve stimulators);
- Hearing Aids;
- digital clock.
Instruments that are allowed to operate before takeoff and after landing:
- mobile phones, pagers, as well as devices capable of sending and receiving email messages and text notifications.
During cruise flight (in steady climb and in level flight at a given flight level and speed) it is allowed to use:
- personal and pocket computers;
- devices capable of composing email messages and text messages without transmitting and/or receiving them;
- cell phones in "game" modes;
- digital cameras;
- DVD or CD players;
- GPS receivers;
- PDA computers.
In Russia, I did not find such standards at all. Therefore, I don’t know where the airlines get such requirements from. May be US standards are being used. Although this, you see, would be strange.
The reason for many prohibitions and restrictions is some outdated standards and rules that aviators have been using for many years now. The same situation has developed with the transportation of people with disabilities. It is obsolete

Answer from Ol "ka[guru]
You can enable offline mode on your phone and enjoy music or games. I used to do this

Answer from Rus[guru]
All airlines require you to turn off everything electronic devices during taxiing, takeoff, landing, climb and descent. During level flight, some airlines allow the use of phones, and some - only devices that do not transmit or receive information.
Some models of phones have a "flight" mode, in this mode they do not emit anything and, therefore, by turning on this mode, they can be used during level flight in an aircraft of any company, but be prepared that you will have to explain this to the stewardess.

When collecting a conscript for service, parents are interested in: is it allowed to use a mobile phone in the army? A mobile device has become commonplace and everyday life of our lives, sometimes it may seem that without it we are like without hands. But the army has its own laws, and only those who have already served or are well aware of Russian legislation know which ones.

Not everyone has such knowledge, so we will help you figure out whether it is worth taking a phone with you to the army or is it a useless exercise, it is better to leave it at home.

Should I take the phone to the army

The telephone is the only means of communication for the conscript with his home, family and relatives, so, of course, you need to take it. In the army in 2019, it is allowed to use a cell phone, but at the same time, you should remember the basic rules, in case of violation of which the soldier will have to answer to the command to the fullest extent of army laws:

  1. The Order of the Minister of Defense, registered in 2009, specifies that in Russian army you can use the phone only on certain days and hours, which is set by the leadership of a particular military unit.
  2. You can also have a phone in 2019 in your personal time, that is, you will have to forget about it when serving in a daily outfit. The same applies to the garrison.
  3. To better navigate the rules, find and download the “Army and Law” application to your smartphone, before you go to the draft, study it from A to Z, this will help you avoid many punishments for misconduct. AT mobile program you can also ask a lawyer a question if a controversial situation suddenly arises, but it’s better not to bring it to that.

You must notify your family members about these rules of army life that are in force for conscripts in 2019, explain that the army is not a passage yard where you can afford to do whatever you want. This is your job for the next 12 months, and work according to a clearly established schedule, now it is up to you to decide when you get up in the morning and when you go to bed.

In fact, you are not able to fully manage your life for a whole year, so talking on the phone for a long time and when parents or a beloved girl need it, they will have to forget for a while.

Which phone is better to take to the army

So, we have already found out that it is not only possible for a conscript to take a phone, but even necessary, but using it is with restrictions. Some military personnel take 2 devices with them at once, hand over one to a responsible person, and hide the second in the pocket of their uniform, but in part they do not approve of such experiments.

Think about how much you need a mobile phone - during study and training, physical and strength exercises for endurance, a mobile phone can fall out and break, then you definitely won’t be healthy, and you can’t return the device, it’s useless.

That is why former soldiers do not recommend “earning” conscious outfits and punishments out of turn, you are drafted into the army to learn something, and not to wash floors or clean potato sacks. Newfangled smartphones are also useless - they quickly break down, even one blow can cause the failure of some functions, which will never happen with a simple push-button device.

Choose a cheap, hiking but reliable option mobile device, which not a single soldier will covet and which it is not a pity to replace in case of a sudden breakdown. This authorized phone should be deposited with the person in charge, once a week it will be given out to call relatives. The soldier does not need the apparatus for any other purposes.

It happens that the command is not too strict about having a second phone, so sometimes you can ask your parents to bring a second mobile to a meeting, but only if you accurately study the daily routine and the rules in force in the military unit.

What phones can not be worn on the territory of a military unit

To avoid reprimand and dress, the soldier must refuse cellular devices GSM format communications. For ease of use, give preference to a simple model with a microUSB power connector - this is a single standard for charging absolutely all mobile phones, it can be used to charge almost all gadgets, tablets, phones.

There are many cases when a soldier lost his name cord to a smartphone and could no longer simply charge it even with the help of a charger that a friend had. The standard power connector is most often built into LG, Nokia and Alcatel phone models.

If you want to relax after watching an interesting movie with your comrades in the evening, ask your relatives to download a couple of videos to your smartphone, but do not abuse entertainment and hide the modern device somewhere away from prying eyes - in the army only you are responsible for the safety of valuables, no one is responsible for theft not insured.

How to arrange your leisure time in the army

In the service, a soldier will definitely not be bored, because the day is scheduled literally by the minute, the daily routine is quite tough early rise, certain duties, for example, in the kitchen, training and lights out.

In the absence of a cool phone, you can diversify your leisure time with such activities:

  1. Go in for sports - offer to build a sports corner, take the initiative and take part in this important process.

You can make not only barbells and weights, but also full-fledged simulators, for which the team will only say “thank you”. There is an opinion that among the “grandfathers”, who will soon leave for demobilization, it is customary to have fun by getting drunk, but here the owner is already the master, no one will force the conscript to pour alcohol. Everyone chooses for himself what is to his liking.

  1. Arrange concerts for the holidays with the participation of soldiers, thus earning additional pluses from the command in your address, and maybe even a leave home.

Can you use a cell phone in prison? Cell phones are prohibited in places of detention. They are also banned in jail.

After all, if a prisoner has a mobile phone, he will be able to inform his accomplices in the wild about what is happening in prison.

A criminal who finds himself in a pre-trial detention center with a cell phone can inform his accomplices about the progress of the investigation, confuse the tracks and interfere with the investigation in other ways. That is why cell phones are banned both in prisons and in pre-trial detention centers.

Nonetheless, Prisoners still have the opportunity to call at will.

Are devices taken away?

Upon admission to the pre-trial detention center, the offender is subjected to a search. During the search, the phone is taken away. It is also taken away upon admission to prison. In addition, in places of deprivation of liberty, prisoners are regularly searched.

A search, or prison search, is carried out from one to several times a day. If a cell phone is found on a person who is serving a sentence, he will be taken away.

Important! If a prisoner is found to have a mobile phone, he can be added to the term of stay in places of deprivation of liberty and apply other penalties. For example, a prisoner may be sent to a punishment cell.

Where do prisoners hide cell phones?

Despite the prohibitions, people serving sentences can still have a mobile phone. So that the cell phone is not taken away during the searches, it is quite securely hidden. Where do they hide the prison pipe?

One of these places is a pothole in the floor or in the wall.. Such a pothole is quite well camouflaged, and so well that even experienced guards cannot find it.

The main thing, in this case, is that the tile over the pothole lies neatly, does not stagger. It is important that the place where the phone is hidden is not in any way conspicuous to the police.

Another cell phone can be hidden in the anus. Before that, it is packaged, for example, in a condom.

Sometimes the pipe can be hidden in technology. In this case, the prisoners hope that the equipment will not be dismantled. Often convicts hide mobile phones in DVD or audio players. In some cases, the phone may be hidden in a lamp.

Important! Still, during searches, pipes are often taken away by prison workers. That is why relatives of prisoners often pass on new ones. That's why they hide them too. In order to transmit a cell phone, it is hidden in food, shoes, equipment, sometimes even in gas cylinders.

Is there internet?

Now you know if the phone is allowed in the prison, and is there the Internet in the prison? All means of communication are prohibited by the Criminal Code.

There is no official access to the Internet in a Russian prison. Nonetheless, prisoners still go online sometimes. You can log out from your phone.

In some cases, prisoners may help prison staff. In this case, the workers may break some rules and provide Internet access for some prisoners.

Be that as it may, a person who has ended up in places of deprivation of liberty can access the means of communication with the outside world.

And even 10 days of ShIZO, which a prisoner can get if a phone is found on him, do not frighten criminals.

Therefore, although cell phones are prohibited in places of detention, prisoners often have the opportunity to call outside.

The development of communications and new technologies inevitably leads to the fact that we all devote a significant part of our time to communication - we talk cell phone we share information on social media.

The work schedule is not a hindrance to this - availability cellular communication and the presence of gadgets allows you to freely not only talk with friends and relatives, but also online to follow everything that happens in the world.

And if the employer objects to such "sociality" of employees? After all, this distracts from the work process not only the “talker”, but often his colleagues as well.

Does an employer have the right to limit such communication during the working day?

Labor discipline requires compliance

Any employee of the organization is obliged to comply with the rules of internal labor regulations and labor discipline.

This requirement is established by Article 21 of the Labor Code of Russia and is fundamental when considering whether the employer has the right to prohibit an employee from talking on the phone during working hours.

Under labor discipline obligatory obedience for all employees to the rules of conduct defined in accordance with the Russian Federation, other federal laws, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, an employment contract (part one of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Internal labor regulations- a local normative act regulating, in accordance with the Russian Federation and other federal laws, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties to an employment contract, working hours, rest periods, incentives and penalties applied to employees, as well as other issues of regulating labor relations with this employer (part four of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

By introducing the rules of conduct for employees in the workplace, including in relation to personal conversations, the employer thereby indicates that the violation of this rule means a violation of labor discipline.

And for violation of labor discipline, the employer has the right to bring the employee to disciplinary responsibility - to make a remark, reprimand or dismiss.

When holding an employee accountable, the employer must follow the procedure - request a written explanation from the employee on the fact of violation of discipline, if the employee refuses to draw up an appropriate act, properly issue an order to impose a penalty and announce the order against signature to the offending employee.

Thus, the abuse of personal negotiations in the workplace to the detriment of work is a violation of labor discipline and the employer has the right to take the measures necessary to restore order.

Telephone conversations: complete ban or time limit?

The Constitution of Russia, among the rights and freedoms of the individual, guarantees everyone the right to privacy, which, of course, includes family life.

Considering the limitation telephone conversations during working hours, it is impossible not to touch upon the issue of the relationship between the employee's obligations to the employer and the freedom of private life guaranteed to him.

It is absurd to require employees to exclude all calls to family members, but to what extent is an employer entitled to limit this communication?

Here one should distinguish between a complete unconditional ban on negotiations during working hours, which implies, among other things, a ban on bringing into the territory of the employer mobile phone, as well as a ban on calls from landline telephone sets from partial restriction.

A complete ban may be justified in cases where the object is classified as a secure facility or the activity is of a highly dangerous nature, and “irrelevant” conversations can harm other members of the team, third parties or the employee himself or otherwise interfere with work.

If the conflict situation reaches the stage of litigation, in each case, the court, taking into account all the circumstances, will examine the question of whether a complete ban on telephone conversations is justified or not.

In most cases, a complete ban is not required, and the employer insists only on a reasonable amount of communication "off the case", allowing employees to have infrequent personal conversations.

Limiting the number and time of personal conversations is the right of the employer, which is fully consistent with the obligation assumed by the employee under the employment contract to perform the function stipulated by the employment contract during working hours. It is for the performance of labor duties that the employee receives a salary.

Therefore, reasonable restrictions set by the employer are quite appropriate and do not violate the rights and freedoms of employees.

In any case, the decision on the nature of the restriction of personal conversations depends on the type of activity of the organization as a whole and the work function performed by the employee.

So, the employer noticed that employees are abusing, using working time for personal conversations and communication not related to the performance of work.

What actions should be taken?

  1. The nature of the ban . Taking into account the nature of the organization's activities, determine the nature of the ban - a complete ban on conversations or a partial restriction. In the latter case, it is desirable to determine the number and duration of calls, the time of their implementation.
  2. Inner order rules. Develop a local regulatory act in the organization - internal labor regulations, in which, among other issues, regulate in detail, including the rules of conduct for employees in the workplace, the issue of telephone conversations of employees and the use of the Internet for personal purposes during working hours. Approve the developed act by order of the head of the organization.
  3. Introduce employees. Each newly hired employee must be familiarized with the contents of the document and the established prohibition against signature. Employees working before the adoption of the act must also be familiarized with the order and internal labor regulations against signature.

Of course, any most carefully developed local normative act is not able to resolve absolutely all life situations.

There may be cases when an employee violates all prohibitions if a disaster occurs in the family. And the employer won't mind.

The opposite situation is also possible - an unscrupulous employee, despite all the prohibitions and restrictions, will use every opportunity to be distracted from work and the employer will not be able to physically track every fact of such a violation.

However, the rules developed in the organization and properly communicated to employees are necessary to streamline the workflow and effectively resolve possible conflict situations.