The activities of individuals and organizations now increasingly depend on the knowledge they have, one of the most valuable resources of modern society, and the ability to use it effectively. However, the means intended for the representation of knowledge are still quite imperfect and often force people to look for solutions to the same problems again and again.

To optimize the search for the necessary information, all kinds of online services are being created today. So, on the basis of Wiki-technology in 2001, Wales and Sanger opened the site "Wikipedia". Wikipedia is a multilingual, public, freely distributed encyclopedia published on the Internet. This "public" encyclopedia is a prime example of the rapid growth and accumulation of knowledge in the distributed environment of the Internet. It is created by the collective work of volunteer authors using Wiki technology.

Before Wikipedia on the Internet, many ways of group communication were invented: chat, web forum, blog. These technologies allow you to exchange information and organize it in some way, but none of them allows you to create a full-fledged, dynamically updated site. Wikipedia currently has 253 language sections.

The Ukrainian part of Wikipedia currently consists of over 70 thousand articles, and the Russian part - over 250 thousand. Their growth rates are among the highest (1000 articles per month). Obviously, not all Ukrainian and Russian-speaking Internet users know about Wikipedia, but given how many scientists and students are among these users, we can expect a significant increase in the rate of filling these resources.

During its development, the Wikipedia project, despite the fears associated with the unprofessionalism of the authors, possible vandalism, and the spontaneity of creating individual articles, made it possible to create a fairly high-quality product - a complete and objective, freely accessible multilingual encyclopedia. The success of Wikipedia has demonstrated that Internet users need reliable encyclopedic information. Therefore, the network encyclopedia project is already today a serious source background information, knowledge, which, unlike traditional sources, has a remarkable feature - efficiency.

The success of Wikipedia has spawned a wide variety of other essential projects that operate on similar principles and serve to create other kinds of educational and reference publications.

Wiki technology and its main characteristics

Wiki is a technology for building a website that allows users to actively participate in the process of editing its content through a web interface - fixing errors, adding new materials. Wiki technology does not require the use of special programs, registration on the server and knowledge of HTML. The term Wiki is also used to refer to software that is developed to create such sites.

The information provided in the Wiki has a non-linear navigational structure. Each page usually contains a large number of hyperlinks to other pages. The first wiki, WikiWikiWeb, was developed in 1994 and first appeared on the Internet in 1995. The first wiki was Ward Cunningham's "Portland Specimen Repository", where fragments were collected program code. The largest and most famous Wiki site is Wikipedia. Today, Wiki technology is used to create directories, knowledge bases, and documentation development. Modern Wiki engines allow you to work not only with texts, but also with spreadsheets, calendars, image galleries, files, etc. Map services can also be built according to the Wiki principle. There have been developments of Wiki applications for corporate environments (eg Confluence, Jot, Near-Time).

Wiki is designed to solve a simple and natural task - to enable each visitor to participate in the development of content. Participate not only as a commentator, but also as a full-fledged author and editor - on a par with the administration and staff members of the project. This requires two things: first, the user must have technical possibility making changes to the pages of the site, and secondly, this process should not require special knowledge and skills.

The Wiki technology allows accumulating the knowledge of mankind, presenting it in an electronic interoperable form, providing navigation through this knowledge base and means of updating it. At the same time, communities of various sizes and thematic focus can use the Wiki, creating knowledge bases from global Wikipedias and electronic encyclopedias large corporations to easily updated help systems for small organizations, businesses and educational institutions. Wiki is a fairly complex system for collecting and structuring information. Its main characteristics are:

- Support for multi-user work is provided;

there is the possibility of multiple editing of any text using the Wiki-environment (website);

- the appearance of changes immediately after they are made;

- each Wiki article has its own unique name;

- the language of this markup is quite simple and does not require special knowledge;

- It is possible to revert to a previous version.

Compared to CMS (Content Management Systems), Wiki technology has the following differences:

— The title of the article is also a hyperlink to external systems.

- Articles are created and edited almost at any time by any user.

- Articles available for editing are located directly in the web browser.

- Each article provides access to view and edit the chronology / versions of the page, which supports the search for existing discrepancies.

- Each article grants the user access to that article's talk page.

Wiki assumes broader user rights when editing content, lack of hierarchy and freer access to information. In addition, Wiki-enabled pages provide interoperability and knowledge reuse.

Wiki engines

Wiki engines are software used to create Wiki sites. A Wiki engine is a set of programs that converts Wiki markup into a human-readable HTML representation.

MediaWiki is a software engine for creating websites based on Wiki technology, developed specifically for Wikipedia by a German student M. Manske. It is one of the most powerful Wiki engines, written specifically for Wikipedia and used in many other Wikimedia projects. MediaWiki is written in PHP and uses a relational database in its work (you can use MySQL, PostgreSQL); supports memcached and Squid programs.

MediaWiki provides an interface for working with the page database, differentiation of access rights to system administration, as well as the following features:

— process text both in native format and in HTML and TeX formats (for formulas)

- upload images or other files, etc.

A flexible extension system allows users to add their own features and programming interfaces. Further versions of MediaWiki continue to be developed. For example, among the new features present in the experimental version of MediaWiki are PostgreSQL support and a system for approving completed and verified articles. Version 1.7.0 removed support for Oracle due to the lack of movement in the development of this direction.

There are many Wiki-engines with their own characteristics and advantages. In the table on p. 59 provides an overview of modern Wiki engines. The choice of a Wiki engine depends on what set of features and capabilities is required (version control, access restrictions, RSS feeds with information about page changes, subscription to changes to specific pages, etc.), on which platform it will be based and how all this will work, etc. First of all, you need to determine what will be used: a Wiki on your own server or a Wiki service provided by an external organization. For creating online encyclopedias, many people recommend MediaWiki. WackoWiki, Confluence and NPJ are often used to form knowledge bases. For personal use, use WikidPad or deskDo. Using Wiki-technologies in the absence of the Internet allows TiddlyWiki and deskDo.

How to create articles for Wikipedia

There is a 90-9-1 theory that estimates the percentage of Wiki users, dividing them into three groups: 1) readers - 90%; 2) those who occasionally contribute in some way, 9% and 3) those who actively work on filling the content of the Wiki - only 1%. Most of the work is done by 1% of users, but it is also useful for the rest to know how they can join this group.

The openness of the technology did not lead, as many feared, to the destruction and deterioration of materials: the Wiki saves all the changes that have occurred to all articles since their creation, so you can compare at any time different versions the same article, edit the page again, or simply return to old version. Thus, repairing the damage done is easier than causing it. In addition, administrators always have the opportunity to block changes to individual pages (in particular, the most controversial ones).

Wiki pages are articles whose content is plain text where you can use HTML tags or special Wiki markup, more convenient for text documents than HTML. Using a link or button, any visitor to the Wiki site can edit and save a modified version of the text of any existing page or create a new one. The procedure for publishing text on Wikipedia is reduced to two buttons - "Edit" and "Save".

The rules for creating Wikipedia articles, aimed at creating high-quality texts, are quite simple, but several conditions must be met:

2. When writing any article, one should strive for a neutral presentation and reflect all known points of view.

3. It is necessary to indicate the sources of information to confirm the reliability of the information.

There are two kinds of articles that do not comply with the neutrality policy: articles that clearly conflict with the requirements of neutrality and articles that do not describe all opinions or are not detailed enough. In the first case, the article should be marked as biased (((POV))). The non-neutral part of the information of such an article is subject to correction or deletion. In the second case, the article should only be considered incomplete, no matter how impartial and detailed the information already available in it may be.

A certain part of Wikipedia articles is automatically created "blanks". There are three types of links on Wikipedia - to existing articles, to articles not yet written, and to external web resources. In order to create a hyperlink to an article, it is enough to enclose the name of the article to which you want to link in double square brackets - [[Article name]] when making Wiki markup. If the article to which the link points does not exist, then the link will still be created, but its text will be red instead of the usual blue. By activating this link, you can go to the article template and write it, actually correcting the template.

When any author marks a term or phrase in the text as a link to a non-existent article, Wikipedia automatically generates a new template article containing the text: "The article has not been written yet, you can write it." The authors who access this link expand the content of the "dummy".

Almost any page on a Wiki site can be edited. In order to make changes to the article, you must:

- make the desired changes to the text of the article;

- for the purpose of control, view the list of changes made (button "Changes made");

- make sure that the edits are correct by viewing the text of the article in advance (button " Preview»);

- fill in the "Briefly describe the essence of your edit" field and click the "Save page" button.

Wikipedia search

Today there are many national Wikipedias and projects. Search this set information resources manually is quite laborious. Qwika is search engine, focused on the processing of Wiki-sites. Its task is to cover all major Wikipedias in all fairly common languages, translate them and provide a quick search. The system currently indexes the following resources:

- English-language Wikipedia and all namespaces in its composition (Chat, Image, User, etc.).

- English-language Wikipedias (machine translation of popular Wikipedias in other languages).

- Wikipedia in other languages.

— Tourism project WikiTravel.

- Cached versions of all pages in both the original language and machine translation.l

Gladun Anatoly, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences, International Scientific and Educational

information technology center

and systems of NASU;

Rogushina Julia, Senior Researcher

employee, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences of the Institute software systems NASU

Developmental education;

Problem learning;

Multi-level training;

Project-based teaching methods;



Variants of differentiation.

static couple. In it, at will, two students are combined, changing the roles of "teacher" and "student"; two weak students, two strong ones, a strong one and a weak one, can do this under the condition of mutual psychological compatibility.

dynamic couple.

Variation couple. In it, each of the four members of the group receives their task, performs it, analyzes it together with the teacher, conducts mutual learning according to the scheme with the other three comrades, as a result, each one learns four portions of the educational content.

A module is a target functional unit that combines educational content and technology for mastering it. The content of training is "conserved" in complete independent information blocks. The didactic goal contains not only indications of the amount of knowledge, but also the level of its assimilation. Modules allow you to individualize work with individual students, dose assistance to each of them, change the forms of communication between the teacher and the student. The teacher develops a program that consists of a set of modules and progressively more complex didactic tasks, providing for input and intermediate control, which allows the student, together with the teacher, to manage learning. The module consists of cycles of lessons (two and four lessons). The location and number of cycles in the block can be anything. Each cycle in this technology is a kind of mini-block and has a rigidly defined structure.


S.N. Lysenkova discovered a remarkable phenomenon: in order to reduce the objective difficulty of some questions of the program, it is necessary to get ahead of their introduction into the educational process. Thus, a difficult topic can be touched upon in advance in some connection with the material being studied at the moment. A promising (subsequent after the studied) topic is given at each lesson in small doses (5-7 minutes). At the same time, the theme is revealed slowly, sequentially, with all the necessary logical transitions.

Another feature of this technology is commented control. It combines three actions of the student: I think, I speak, I write down. The third "whale" of the system S.N. Lysenkova - supporting schemes, or simply supports - conclusions that are born before the eyes of students in the process of explanation and design in the form of tables, cards, drawings, drawings. When the student answers the teacher's question, using the support (reads the answer), stiffness and fear of mistakes are removed. The scheme becomes an algorithm of reasoning and proof, and all attention is directed not to remembering or reproducing what is given, but to the essence, reflection, and awareness of cause-and-effect relationships.

Game technologies.

The game, along with work and learning, is one of the activities not only for a child, but also for an adult. The game recreates the conditions of situations, some type of activity, social experience, and as a result, self-management of one's behavior is formed and improved. In a modern school that relies on the activation and intensification of the educational process, gaming activities are used in the following cases:

As an independent technology;

As an element of pedagogical technology;

As a form of lesson or part of it;

His extracurricular work.

The place and role of game technology, its elements in the educational process largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the function of the game. The effectiveness of didactic games depends, firstly, on their systematic use, and secondly, on the purposeful construction of their programs, their combination with conventional didactic exercises. The gaming activity includes games and exercises that form the ability to identify the main characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them; games that develop the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unreal ones, educating the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction, ear for music, ingenuity, etc.

Business games came to school from the life of adults. They are used to solve complex problems of mastering new material, developing creative abilities, and forming general educational skills. The game allows students to understand and study educational material from different perspectives. Such games are divided into simulation, operational, role-playing, etc.

In imitation, the activity of any organization, enterprise or its division is imitated. Events, specific types of people's activities (business meeting, discussion of a plan, conversation, etc.) can be simulated.

Operating rooms help to practice the performance of specific specific operations, for example, the skill of public speaking, writing an essay, solving problems, conducting propaganda and agitation. C) the corresponding workflow is modeled in these games. They are carried out in conditions that mimic real ones.

In role-playing, tactics of behavior, actions, performance of functions and duties of a particular person are worked out. For such games, a situation scenario is developed, the roles of actors are distributed among the students.

Game technologies.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of learning and a pedagogical result corresponding to it. The functions of the game in the educational process are to provide an emotionally elevated environment for the reproduction of knowledge, which facilitates the assimilation of the material. In the learning process, the game simulates life situations or conditional interactions of people, things, phenomena - in mathematics lessons, dramatized relationships of characters - in reading, history lessons. For example, when studying the topic “Clothing at different times”, children receive homework on history: dress paper dolls in clothes from different eras, cut out paper, color, come up with dialogues for conversation.

Game technologies.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of learning and a pedagogical result corresponding to it. The functions of the game in the educational process are to provide an emotionally elevated environment for the reproduction of knowledge, which facilitates the assimilation of the material. In the learning process, the game simulates life situations or conditional interactions of people, things, phenomena - in mathematics lessons, dramatized relationships of characters - in reading, history lessons. For example, when studying the topic “Clothes at different times”, children receive homework in history: dress paper dolls in clothes from different eras, cut out paper, color, come up with dialogues for conversation.

The technology of all business games consists of several stages.

1. Preparatory.Includes scenario development - a conditional display of the situation and the object. The scenario includes: the learning goal of the lesson, characteristics
problems, substantiation of the task, plan business game, description of the procedure, situations, characteristics of the actors.

2. Entering the game. The participants, the conditions of the game, the experts, the main goal are announced, the statement of the problem and the choice of the situation are justified. Packages of materials, instructions, rules, installations are issued.

3. Game process. With its beginning, no one has the right to interfere and change the course. Only the facilitator can correct the actions of the participants if they move away from main goal games.

4. Analysis and evaluation of the results of the game.Speeches of experts, exchange of opinions, protection by students of their decisions and conclusions. In conclusion, the teacher states the results achieved, notes the mistakes made, formulates the final result of the lesson.

Problem-Based Learning Technologies

Such training is based on the acquisition of new knowledge by students in solving theoretical and practical problems in the problem situations that are created for this. In each of them, students are forced to independently look for a solution, and the teacher only helps the student, explains the problem, formulates it and solves it. Such problems include, for example, the independent derivation of a law of physics, spelling rules, a mathematical formula, a method for proving a geometric theorem, etc. Problem-based learning includes the following steps:

  • awareness of the general problem situation;
  • its analysis, the formulation of a specific problem;
  • decision (promotion, substantiation of hypotheses, their consistent testing);
  • checking the correctness of the solution.
    The "unit" of the educational process is the problem -

hidden or obvious contradiction inherent in things, phenomena of the material and ideal world. Of course, not every question to which the student does not know the answer creates a genuine problem situation. Questions like: "What is the number of inhabitants in Moscow?" or “When was the Battle of Poltava?” are not considered problems from a psychological and didactic point of view, since the answer can be obtained from a reference book, an encyclopedia without any thought process. A task that is not difficult for the student (for example, to calculate the area of ​​a triangle, if he knows how to do this) is not a problem.

There are such rules for creating problem situations.

1. Students are given a practical or theoretical task, the fulfillment of which will require the discovery of knowledge and the acquisition of new skills.

2. The task must correspond to the intellectual capabilities of the student.

3. The problem task is given before the explanation of the new material.

4. Such tasks can be: assimilation, formulation of the question, practical actions.

The same problematic situation can be caused various types assignments.

There are four levels of difficulty in learning.

1. The teacher himself sets the problem (task) and solves it himself with active attention and discussion by students (traditional system).

2. The teacher poses a problem, students independently or under his guidance find a solution; he also directs an independent search for solutions (partial search method).

3. The student poses a problem, the teacher helps to solve it. The student develops the ability to independently formulate a problem (research method).

4. The student himself poses the problem and solves it himself (research method).

In problem-based learning, the main thing is the research method - such an organization of educational work in which students get acquainted with scientific methods of obtaining knowledge, master the elements of scientific methods, master the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, plan a search and discover a new dependence or pattern for themselves.

In the process of such training, schoolchildren learn to think logically, scientifically, dialectically, creatively; the knowledge they have gained is converted into convictions; they experience a feeling of deep satisfaction, confidence in their abilities and strengths; self-acquired knowledge is more solid.

However, problem-based learning is always associated with difficulties for the student, it takes much more time to comprehend and find solutions than with traditional learning. The teacher requires high pedagogical skills. Apparently, it is precisely these circumstances that do not allow the widespread use of such training.



The method of developing education is a fundamentally different construction of educational "activity, which has nothing to do with reproductive education based on coaching and memorization. The essence of its concepts is to create conditions when the development of the child becomes the main task for both the teacher and the student himself The method of organization, content, methods and forms of developmental education are focused onall-round development of the child.

With such training, children not only acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, but first of all learn how to independently comprehend them, they develop a creative attitude to activity, develop thinking, imagination, attention, memory, will.

The core idea of ​​developmental education isadvancing development of thinking,which ensures the readiness of the child to independently use their creative potential.

Thinking can be productive and reproductive, creative and primitive. characteristic featureproductive thinkingin comparison with reproductive is the possibility of self-discovery of knowledge. Creative thinking characterizes the highest level of human development. It is aimed at obtaining a result that no one has achieved before; the ability to act in different ways in a situation where it is not known which of them can lead to the desired outcome; allows you to solve problems in the absence of sufficient experience.

Possession of methods of mastering knowledge lays the foundation for human activity and awareness of himself as a cognizing subject. Emphasis should be placed on ensuringtransition from unconscious to conscious activity.The teacher constantly encourages the student to analyze his own mental actions, remember how he achieved the learning result, what mental operations and in what sequence he performed for this. At first, the student only tells, verbally reproduces his actions, their sequence, and gradually brings up in himself a kind of reflection of the process of educational activity.

A distinctive feature of developmental education is the absence of traditional school grades. The teacher evaluates the work of schoolchildren according to individual standards, which creates situations of success for each of them. A meaningful self-assessment of the achieved result is introduced, carried out with the help of clear criteria received from the teacher. The self-assessment of the student precedes the assessment of the teacher, with a large discrepancy, it is consistent with him.

Having mastered the methodology of self-assessment, the student himself determines whether the result of his educational actions corresponds to the ultimate goal. Sometimes the test work specifically includes material that has not yet been studied in the lesson, or tasks that are solved in a way unknown to the child. This allows you to assess the formed skills to learn, to determine the ability of children to assess what they know and what they do not know, to follow the development of their intellectual abilities.

Educational activities are initially organized in an atmosphere of collective reflection, discussion and joint search for solutions to the problem. In fact, education is based ondialogue communicationboth between teacher and students and between them.

Interaction of the parties of the educational process

The following recommendations can be made on the methods of interaction between participants in the educational process in the mode of developing training.

1. The “teacher-student” variant of didactic communication, traditional for the modern school, is used only to pose a problem.

  1. Work in a pair of "student-student". She is especially important
    in the area of ​​self-control and self-assessment.
  2. Group work in which the teacher acts as a consultant. Gradually, collective actions contribute to the individual solution of educational problems.
  3. Intergroup interaction organized by generalization, derivation of general patterns, formulation of fundamental provisions necessary for the next stage of work.
  4. Discussion of a particular task by a student at home with parents, and in the next lesson a story in class about this, the students' point of view on the problem.
  5. Individual work of the student, including mastering the methods of independent search for knowledge, solving creative problems.

The actions of a teacher in the educational process of a traditional school resemble a guide through an unfamiliar area. In a developing school, the emphasis shifts to the actual learning activities of students, and the main task of the teacher becomes a kind of "service" for the teaching of schoolchildren.

Functions of a teacher in developmental education

1. The function of providing individual goal setting,those. ensuring that the student understands why it is necessary to do this, what expected result to focus on. The goal of the teacher's activity should be consistent with the goal of the student's activity.

  1. Accompanying function.In order to direct the teaching of schoolchildren from within, the teacher must become a direct participant in the general educational search action.

The function of providing reflexive actions of the student
cov.The goals of reflection are to remember, identify and realize
the main components of the activity, its meaning, methods, problems, ways to solve them, anticipate the results, etc.

As you can see, the focus of the teacher is not the explanation of new material, but the search for methods of effective organization of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren in order to obtain it. For the teacher, it is not the result itself that is of great value (does the student know or does not know?), but the student’s attitude to the material, the desire not only to study it, to learn new things, but to realize oneself in cognitive activity, to achieve the desired.

The basis of the structure of the educational processin the system of developing education is a training cycle, i.e. lesson block. Study cycle is a system of tasks that guide the activities of students, ranging from goal setting to modeling theoretical generalizations and their application in solving particular practical issues.

A typical scheme of the training cycle consists of orienting-motivational, search-research, practical (application of the results of activities at previous stages) and reflective-evaluative acts.

Approximate motivational actincludes setting a learning task together with children, motivating students for upcoming activities. At this stage, it is necessary to achieve in children a sense of conflict between knowledge and ignorance. This conflict is understood as another educational task or problem.

AT search and research actthe teacher leads students to independent comprehension of new material (missing knowledge), formulating the necessary conclusions, fixing them in a model form that is easy to remember.

Reflective-evaluative actinvolves the creation of conditions when the student himself makes demands on himself. The result of reflection is the student's awareness of the insufficiency of the methods of mental actions or knowledge at his disposal.


The most famous and popular system of developmental education L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elko-nina-V.V. Davydov, technologies for the development of the creative qualities of the individual, etc.

The application of these technologies requires special training of a teacher who is ready to work in a constant experiment, since each of them has to be constantly adapted not only to different ages children, but also at different initial levels of their development.

Let's consider the ways of implementing these technologies in the educational process.

The system of developing education L.V. Zankov

Its main principles are the following:

  • training should be conducted at a high level of difficulty;
  • theoretical knowledge should play a leading role in teaching;
  • advancement in the study of the material is provided at a rapid pace;
  • schoolchildren must themselves be aware of the course of mental actions;
  • seek inclusion in the learning process of the emotional sphere;
  • The teacher should pay attention to the development of each student.

System L.V. Zankova involves the formation of cognitive interest among schoolchildren, the flexible structure of the lesson, building the learning process “from the student”, intensive independent activity of students, collective search for information based on observation, comparison, grouping, classification, elucidation of patterns, etc. in a communication situation.

Central locationoccupies work on a clear distinction between different features of the studied objects and phenomena. Each element is assimilated in connection with the other and within a certain whole. The dominant principle in this system is the inductive path. Through a well-organized comparison, they establish in what ways things and phenomena are similar and in what ways they are different, differentiate their properties, sides, relationships. Then allocate different sides and properties of phenomena.

The methodological goal of any lesson- creation of conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students. The features of the lesson are:

  1. The organization of knowledge - "from the students", i.e. what they know or don't know.
  2. The transformative nature of the student's activity: they compare observations, group, classify, draw conclusions, find out patterns.
  3. Intensive independent activity of students associated with emotional experience, which is accompanied by the effect of unexpectedness of the task, the inclusion of an orienting-research reaction, the mechanism of creativity, help and encouragement from the teacher.
  4. A collective search directed by the teacher, which is provided with questions that awaken the independent thought of students, preliminary homework.
  5. Creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, selectivity in ways of working; creating an environment for natural self-expression of the student.
  6. Flexible structure. The identified general goals and means of organizing a lesson in the technology of developing education are specified by the teacher, depending on the purpose of the lesson, its thematic content.

Elkonin-Davydov technology

It focuses on the formation theoretical schoolchildren's thinking. They learn and get used to understand the origin of things and phenomena.the real world, abstract concepts reflecting their relationship, verbally formulate their vision various processes, including theoretical thinking itself.

Studying proccess is aimed at obtaining internal results, characterized by the achievement of an abstract level of thinking. The student in the educational process takes the position of a researcher, a creator capable of reflective consideration of the grounds for his own actions. The teacher at each lesson organizes collective mental activity - dialogues, discussions, business communication of children.

At the first stage of training, the method of learning tasks is the main one, at the second - problem-based learning. The quality and volume of work are evaluated in terms of the subjective capabilities of students. The assessment reflects the personal development of the student, the perfection of his educational activities.

Features of the content of trainingare reflected in the special construction of the subject, modeling the content and methods of the scientific field, organizing the child's knowledge of the theoretically essential properties and relations of objects, the conditions for their origin and transformation. Meaningful generalizations form the basis of the system of theoretical knowledge. It can be:

  • the most general concepts of science, expressing causal relationships and patterns, categories (number, word, energy, matter, etc.);
  • concepts in which not external, subject-specific features are highlighted, but internal connections (for example, historical, genetic);
  • theoretical images obtained by mental operations with abstract objects.

Ways of mental actions, thinking are divided into rational (empirical, based on visual images) and reasonable, or dialectical (associated with the study of the nature of the concepts themselves).

The formation of the basic concepts of the subject in students is built asmovement in a spiral from the center to the periphery.In the center is an abstract general idea of ​​the concept being formed, and on the periphery this idea is concretized, enriched and finally turns into a formulated scientific and theoretical one.

Let's look at this with an example. The basis of teaching the Russian language is the phonemic principle. The letter is considered as a sign of the phoneme. For children starting to learn a language, the object of consideration is the word. It is a meaningful generalization, representing a complex system of interrelated meanings, the carriers of which are morphemes consisting of certain phonemes. Having mastered the sound analysis of the word (meaningful abstraction), children move on to learning tasks related to sentences and phrases.

Performing various educational activities to analyze and transform phonemes, morphemes, words and sentences, children learn the phonemic principle of writing and begin to correctly solve specific spelling tasks.

The features of the methodology in this system are based on the organization of purposeful educational activities.Purposeful learning activity (TSUD)differs from other types of educational activity primarily in that it is aimed at obtaining not external, but internal results, at achieving a theoretical level of thinking. CUD is a special form of a child's activity aimed at changing himself as a subject of learning.

The teaching methodology is based onproblematization.The teacher not only informs the children of the conclusions of science, but, as far as possible, leads them along the path of discovery, makes them follow the dialectical movement of thought towards the truth, makes them accomplices in scientific search.

The educational task in the technology of developmental education is similar to a problem situation. This is ignorance, a collision with something new, unknown, and the solution of the educational problem consists in finding a general method of action, the principle of solving a whole class of similar problems.

With developmental education, as already noted, the quality and volume of the work performed by the student are evaluated not from the point of view of its compliance with the subjective idea of ​​the teacher about the feasibility, availability of knowledge to the student, but from the point of view ofsubjective abilities of the student.The assessment should reflect his personal development, the perfection of educational activities. Therefore, if a student works to the limit of his abilities, he certainly deserves the highest mark, even if from the point of view of the capabilities of another student this is a very mediocre result. The pace of personal development is deeply individual, and the teacher's task is not to bring everyone to a certain, given level of knowledge, skills, skills, butbring the personality of each student into development mode.


Salnikova T.P. Pedagogical technologies: Textbook / M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. M., 1998.

Modern pedagogical technologies.

At present, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art ( dictionary). There are many definitions of the concept of "pedagogical technology". We will choose the following: this is a construction of the teacher's activity, in which all the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and integrity, and the implementation involves the achievement of the desired result and is predictable. Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies.

Among the main reasons for the emergence of new psychological and pedagogical technologies are the following:

The need for a deeper consideration and use of psychophysiological and personal characteristics of trainees;

Awareness of the urgent need to replace the ineffective verbal

(verbal) way of transferring knowledge with a system-activity approach;

The possibility of designing the educational process, organizational forms of interaction between the teacher and the student, providing guaranteed learning outcomes.

Why have no innovations of recent years produced the expected effect? There are many reasons for this phenomenon. One of them is purely pedagogical - the teacher's low innovative qualification, namely, the inability to choose the right book and technology, conduct an implementation experiment, and diagnose changes. Some teachers are not ready for innovations methodically, others psychologically, and still others technologically. The school was and remains focused on the assimilation of scientific truths embedded in programs, textbooks and teaching aids. Everything is reinforced by the dominance of the power of the teacher. The student remained a bonded subject of the learning process. AT last years teachers are trying to turn their faces to the student, introducing student-oriented, humane-personal and other learning. But the main trouble is that the very process of cognition loses its attractiveness. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to school is increasing. The positive motivation for learning has decreased, the children no longer have any signs of curiosity, interest, surprise, desire - they do not ask questions at all.

The same technology can be carried out by different performers more or less conscientiously, exactly according to instructions, or creatively. The results will be different, however, close to some average statistical value characteristic of this technology.

Sometimes a master teacher uses elements of several technologies in his work, applies original methodological techniques. In this case, one should talk about the "author's" technology of this teacher. Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowing. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state.

Traditional technology.

Positive sides

Negative sides.

The systematic nature of learning.

Orderly, logically correct presentation of educational material.

Organizational clarity.

The constant emotional impact of the teacher's personality.

Optimal resource costs for mass learning.

Template building.

Irrational distribution of time in the classroom.

The lesson provides only an initial orientation in the material, and the achievement of high levels is shifted to homework.

Students are isolated from communication with each other.

Lack of independence.

Passivity or appearance of activity of students.

Weak speech activity (average speaking time of a student is 2 minutes per day).

Weak feedback.

Lack of individual training.

Even placing students in a classroom at desks in a traditional school does not contribute to the educational process - children are forced to see only the back of each other's heads all day. But all the time to contemplate the teacher.

At present, the use of modern educational technologies that ensure the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity (reproduction of what remains in memory) in the educational process can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, more effective use study time.

Modern educational technologies include:

Developmental education;

Problem learning;

Multi-level training;

Collective learning system;

Technology for studying inventive problems (TRIZ);

Research methods in teaching;

Project-based teaching methods;

The technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games;

Collaborative learning (team, group work;

Information and communication technologies;

Health-saving technologies, etc.


Personally-oriented technologies put the student's personality at the center of the entire educational system. Ensuring comfortable, conflict-free conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials. A student in this technology is not just a subject, but a priority subject; he is the goal of the educational system. And not a means to achieve something abstract.

Features of a personality-oriented lesson.

1. Designing didactic material different type, type and form, determination of the purpose, place and time of its use in the lesson.

2. Thinking through the teacher of opportunities for self-manifestation of students. Giving them the opportunity to ask questions, express original ideas and hypotheses.

3. Organization of the exchange of thoughts, opinions, assessments. Encouraging students to supplement and analyze the answers of their comrades.

4. Using subjective experience and relying on the intuition of each student. Application of difficult situations that arise during the lesson as an area of ​​application of knowledge.

5. The desire to create a situation of success for each student.


1.Technology of multi-level education.

The abilities of students were studied in a situation where the time for studying the material was not limited, and the following categories were identified:

incapacitated; who are not able to achieve the predetermined level of knowledge and skills, even with large expenditures of study time;

Talented (about 5%), who are often able to do what everyone else cannot handle;

About 90% of students whose ability to master knowledge and skills depend on the cost of study time.

If each student is given the time he needs, corresponding to his personal abilities and capabilities, then it is possible to ensure guaranteed mastery of the basic core curriculum. For this, schools with level differentiation are needed, in which the student flow is divided into groups that are mobile in composition. Mastering the program material at the minimum (state standard), basic, variable (creative) levels.

Variants of differentiation.

The acquisition of classes of homogeneous composition from the initial stage of training.

Intra-class differentiation in the middle link, carried out through the selection of groups for separate education at different levels.

2.Technology of collective mutual learning.

2. Technology of collective mutual learning.

It has several names: “organized dialogue”, “work in pairs of shifts”.

When working on this technology, three types of pairs are used: static, dynamic and variational. Let's consider them.

. static couple.In it, at will, two students are combined, changing the roles of "teacher" and "student"; two weak students, two strong ones, a strong one and a weak one, can do this under the condition of mutual psychological compatibility.

dynamic couple.Choose four students and offer them a task that has four parts; after preparing his part of the task and self-control, the student discusses the task three times, i.e. with each partner, and each time he needs to change the logic of presentation, accents, tempo, etc., and therefore, include a mechanism for adapting to the individual characteristics of his comrades.

Variation couple.In it, each of the four members of the group receives their task, performs it, analyzes it together with the teacher, conducts mutual learning according to the scheme with the other three comrades, as a result, each one learns four portions of the educational content.

Advantages of the technology of collective mutual learning:

  • as a result of regularly repeated exercises, logical thinking skills are improved. understanding;
  • in the process of mutual communication, memory is turned on, the mobilization and actualization of previous experience and knowledge is underway;

Each student feels relaxed, works at an individual pace;

Responsibility is increasing not only for one's own successes, but also for the results of collective work;

There is no need to restrain the pace of classes, which has a positive effect on the microclimate in the team;

  • an adequate self-assessment of the individual, his capabilities and abilities, advantages and limitations is formed;
  • discussion of the same information with several interchangeable partners increases the number of associative links, and therefore provides a stronger assimilation

3. Technology cooperation.

Involves learning in small groups. The main idea of ​​learning in cooperation is to learn together, and not just to help each other, to be aware of your successes and the successes of your comrades.

There are several options for organizing training in cooperation. The main ideas inherent in all options for organizing the work of small groups. – common goals and objectives, individual responsibility and equal opportunities for success.

4. Modular learning technology

Its essence is that the student completely independently (or with a certain amount of help) achieves specific learning goals in the process of working with the module.

Module - this is the target functional unit, which combines the educational content and the technology of mastering it. The content of training is "conserved" in complete independent information blocks. The didactic goal contains not only indications of the amount of knowledge, but also the level of its assimilation. Modules allow you to individualize work with individual students, dose assistance to each of them, change the forms of communication between the teacher and the student. The teacher develops a program that consists of a set of modules and progressively more complex didactic tasks, providing for input and intermediate control, which allows the student, together with the teacher, to manage learning. The module consists of lesson cycles (two- and four-hour). The location and number of cycles in the block can be anything. Each cycle in this technology is a kind of mini-block and has a rigidly defined structure.


Any pedagogical technology has means that activate and intensify the activity of students; in some technologies, these means constitute the main idea and the basis for the effectiveness of the results. These include the technology of perspective-advancing learning (S.N. Lysenkova), game, problem-based, programmed, individual, early intensive learning and improvement of general educational skills (A.A. Zaitsev).

The technology of perspective-advancing learning.

Its main conceptual provisions can be called a personal approach (interpersonal cooperation); focus on success as the main condition for the development of children in learning; error prevention, rather than working on already committed errors; differentiation, i.e. availability of tasks for everyone; mediated learning (through a knowledgeable person to teach an unknowing person).

S.N. Lysenkova discovered a remarkable phenomenon: in order to reduce the objective difficulty of some in program needs, it is necessary to get ahead of their introduction into the educational process. Thus, a difficult topic can be touched upon in advance in some connection with the material being studied at the moment. A promising (subsequent after the studied) topic is given at each lesson in small doses (5-7 minutes). At the same time, the theme is revealed slowly, sequentially, with all the necessary logical transitions.

First, strong students are involved in the discussion of new material (a promising topic), then average students, and only then weak students. It turns out that all children gradually teach each other.

Another feature of this technology is

technology). Application of knowledge in production for the material sphere. Technology means the creation of material means (for example, machines, automatons) for the purpose of their use by man.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


TECHNOLOGY) As it is used in sociology, it covers all forms of production techniques, including manual operations, and is not synonymous with the concept of machinery, as presented in some popular concepts. In the sociology of work and employment, the term also means the physical organization of production, that is, the way in which production equipment is located in the enterprise, and thus covers the division of labor and the organization of work, which are part of efficient process production or its necessary condition. Production technologies and organization of production are social products, consequences of human acceptance certain decisions; thus, technology can be seen as the result of social processes. Sociologists working within the "human relations" tradition (see: The Human Relations School) have focused on the relationship between technology on the one hand and worker morale and alienation on the other, especially on the direct interaction between worker and machine and the impact of technology. to working groups. This kind of interaction and influence, they have shown, has a certain limited effect on people's morale. Later, technology came to be seen as an aspect of social class and class relations. Within the Marxist work process approach, technology was understood as a manifestation of relations between social classes. At the same time, it was argued that within the framework of capitalist economies, in order to mitigate the consequences of the inevitable conflict between the interests of workers (labor) and management (capital), new production technologies are developed that dominate wage workers and control them. Within the framework of some Weberian theories of class, the “labor situation” is considered as a criterion for class position, the main determining factor of which is technology. See also: Automation; Flexible specialization; Dequalification; Scientific management; Alienation; Postfordism; Sociotechnical systems; labor process; Fordism.

a sequence of material processes and operations, the implementation of which leads to the appearance of a product (use value) with properties that are necessary and useful for further human use. (See technology, innovation).

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


from the Greek art, skill, skill and Greek. study) - a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result; the method of transforming the given into the necessary; mode of production. At the end of the XVIII century. in technoscience, they began to distinguish between a descriptive section and a new one, which was called "technology". The term "technology" was introduced into scientific use by Johann Beckmann in his "Introduction to Technology" (1777) to refer to handicraft art, which includes professional skills and empirical ideas about tools and labor operations. The modern understanding of technology has several meanings: 1) the technological form of the movement of matter - a global set of material processes of material-energy interaction between society and nature, occurring in technology systems and generally forming the technosphere; 2) technological process - material influences on an object, causing in it appropriate qualitative and quantitative changes in properties and spatial and temporal position. The generalized subject of technological changes is various forms of matter, energy and information (the whole set of technological processes can be expressed by a technological matrix); 3) technological sciences - a class of those. sciences that study the problems of transforming natural objects and processes into artificial expedient forms. The basis of technological sciences is technological theories that holistically describe the laws and patterns of technological interactions, parameters and conditions for the processes of transformation of matter, energy and information; 4) technological methodology - a system of principles, norms and requirements, technological methods, methods and techniques developed by engineering disciplines for the creation and regulation of technological processes for receiving, transforming, transferring and storing objects; 5) the use of any scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, such an interpretation of technology is accepted in foreign philosophical and sociological literature, mainly in English. In a broad sense, technology is a body of knowledge that can be used to produce goods and services from economic resources, and in a narrow sense, it is a way of converting matter, energy, information in the process of manufacturing products, processing and processing materials, assembling finished products, quality control , control. Technology includes methods, techniques, mode of operation, sequence of operations and procedures, it is closely related to the means, equipment, tools, materials used. Modern technologies are based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress and are focused on the production of a product: material technology creates a material product, information technology creates an information product. Technology is also a scientific discipline that develops and improves methods and tools of production. In everyday life, it is customary to call technology a description of production processes, instructions for their implementation, technological requirements, etc. Technology or a technological process is also often called the extraction, transportation and processing operations themselves, which are the basis of the production process. Technical control in production is also part of the technology. Technology development is carried out by technologists, engineers, designers, programmers and other specialists in the relevant fields. Each type of technology has its own technological model. Consequently, production, scientific, medical, etc. technologies are singled out. In each specific branch of material production, the corresponding technological processes dominate. With an integrated approach, only two forms of technologies are distinguished, namely: a) scientific and industrial technologies; b) social technologies. Modern technology is a dynamically developing area of ​​scientific knowledge and practice. There are the following main directions of modern technological developments: 1) increasing the degree of efficiency of technological processes based on computerization and automation of production and economic activities; 2) the creation of effective biotechnologies, involving the gradual replacement of discrete (discontinuous) processes with continuous technological processes, as well as a percentage increase in the share of non-mechanical technologies; 3) ecologization of technical and technological systems, i.e., an increase in the “degree of isolation” of all forms of production and economic activity. Technology contributes to the effectiveness of the implementation of certain socio-technical solutions and overcoming the corresponding problems. Consequently, technology is a real (practical) solution to a specific scientific, technical, industrial, economic and socio-political task. Technological knowledge is implemented in production and economic activities within the framework of the “technoknowledge-technology-production” system.

The term "technology" is a combination of two Greek words: "techno" - skill, ability, and "logos" - a way, technique, thought. In general, this is a set of methods and methods that use any knowledge, materials, skills that are used to create a product. And it doesn't matter if this product is tangible or intangible. The first category includes everything that you can touch with your hands: equipment, food, building materials, and so on. The second group includes intangible things. For example, television, the Internet, telephone communications And so on.

Now you understand in which areas this term is most often used. Although it must be said that this word has now begun to replace other traditional words. For example, we stopped saying “cooking recipe”, more and more often using “cooking technology”. And this is not surprising, modern terms quickly take root, changing their true content.

Every student comes across the word technology when they go to a lesson with the same name. What do they teach there? In fact, these are the same works that were in the school curriculum, where children learned how to work with certain tools or devices. Usually the boys were trained in turning or woodworking. The girls learned to sew and cut, learned the art of cooking. And today, all this is present at technology lessons, it’s just that theoretical knowledge has been added to practical skills, which the teacher presents in the form of an overview lecture.

Information Technology

This is the phrase we hear today. ? This is a set of processes associated with the storage, processing, protection, transmission and receipt of the necessary information. And for all this, computers and other modern devices are used. AT modern world this is the most necessary technology, which is very popular with a huge number of people. And if we encounter production technologies as needed (in the process of work and so on), then we deal with information technologies every day.

Technology life cycle

Like any process, like any product, technology has a life of its own. It appears (someone invents it), it changes (some additions, innovations are made to it, elements that have not justified themselves and are economically unprofitable are removed) and, in the end, dies, making room for new technologies that are more efficient. Although we must pay tribute to some that still exist. For example, the technology of baking bread, grinding grain into flour, making ceramics, making iron. These are eternal technological processes that have changed slightly since their inception.

Flour production technology cycle

I would like to use the example of the production of flour, the most important product on earth, to show how the technological process takes place. We will not touch on the technology of growing wheat here, let's start right away with the fact that the grain goes to the mill. Let's make a reservation that we will talk about modern production.

  1. Grain from the fields goes to the storage, which is called the elevator. Here it is partially cleared of pebbles, dirt and dust.
  2. From the elevator, the grain is fed to the mill. Here it is ground and sieved, divided into flour, semolina and bran.
  3. Then the flour enters the storage, where it is packaged in paper bags or taken out. special machines flour trucks to bakeries where bakery products are baked.

Any production technology divided into cycles (stages, stages, processes), this is its essence, its basis. Very often in different technologies use a large number of ingredients, some of which are basic, others are additional.