The Tunngle client and the virtual adapter installed along with it were created at one time so that fans of online team games located in different parts of the globe could play together using a network created on the basis of an Internet connection. However, as it turns out, not everything is so simple. When installing or trying to launch and use client program the system often reports that it was unable to initialize the Tunngle network adapter. Why this happens and how to fix the problem, read on. But in order to fully understand the essence of the issue, let us first dwell on possible reasons occurrence of such situations.

"Failed to initialize Tunngle network adapter" error: what does it mean?

To begin with, the use of this tool requires the creation of a virtual VPN networks. In addition, a client program and a special adapter must be installed on the computer, through which communication between players is carried out and access to game servers is provided.

Accordingly, the network card installed on the computer only indirectly relates to such a connection. The main role is played by the adapter being installed - a kind of the same Network Card but only virtual. To be more precise, this is a certain host through which the Internet is accessed. And if, when using it, the system reports that it failed to initialize network adapter Tunngle, it only means that there are problems with it. Which ones can be found out exclusively by the error code, which will be discussed separately. As it turns out, there is only one typical failure, but there are quite a few reasons for which it occurs. Ultimately, it is from their clarification in each specific case that the solution used to eliminate the problem will depend.

Tunngle Network Adapter Failed to Initialize: Causes

As for the reasons for this phenomenon, there can be quite a lot of them. One of the most common is called separate registration, which is necessary to gain access. The fact is that it is best to register on official resource initially, and only then install the client application and enter registration data, although it seems to be supposed to create account possible during the installation process. It is not known for certain why this happens, but the facts of the appearance of an error speak for themselves (these are far from isolated cases).

But that's not all there is to it. For example, a failure with a message that the Tunngle network adapter could not be initialized (0 is an error code indicating that game server not visible in the system) appears if the installed virtual component has a lower priority for accessing the Internet, compared to, for example, Ethernet. There are many more types of failures, but we won’t dwell on them too much, but we will try to give general solutions to correct the current situation. For the most part, the proposed methods correct the situation, unless the appearance of errors is associated with malfunctions in the operation of the operating system itself or virus exposure.

Questions about the correct installation of the client and adapter

Errors related to the fact that at some point it is impossible to initialize the Tunngle network adapter can appear even at the installation stage of both the client and the adapter.

It seems that the installer starts without problems, the installation proceeds normally and is nearing completion. But at the last stage, suddenly it is reported that the installation of Tunngle failed. Why is that? Yes, only because in all versions of Windows, starting from the seventh, it is necessary to run the installer exclusively on behalf of the administrator, despite the fact that the start is possible without it.

First start and disabling the lock

After the installation is complete, a full reboot is performed. computer system, after which the first start is supposed to be carried out. In theory, the program should itself tune in to the optimal mode of operation, deploy virtual network and select the network adapter (in our case, Tunngle), which will be used by default.

But why then does a message appear saying that the Tunngle network adapter could not be initialized (code 19)? The main reason, many experts call an unfinished installation. In other words, the components required for the operation of the program and the adapter were not installed in full. In such a situation, you must completely remove everything that was installed and install again as an administrator. For complete removal better not to use Windows tools, but turn to uninstaller programs like iObit Uninstaller.

On the other hand, it may very well be that the appearance of notifications that the Tunngle network adapter could not be initialized is due only to the fact that the application and, as a result, its related components are blocked by an antivirus or firewall.

There is only one way out: disable the antivirus and try to start the client again.

Firewall setup

On the Windows firewall, it is worth dwelling separately. In principle, it can be turned off completely and completely so that each time it does not respond to its requests for a safe start.

If for some reason it needs to be kept active, you will need to add the client application to the list of exceptions using the appropriate section for this, adding the program you are looking for to the list of allowed ones.

Sometimes a notification that the system failed to initialize the Tunngle network adapter may also appear due to the blocking of the port used (you can find it directly in the program settings). This port must also be added to the exclusion list by creating a new port rule.

Restart adapter

One of the simplest and completely trivial solutions to the problem can be called disabling and restarting the adapter itself.

To do this, in the network properties, find the connection used by the adapter, select disable via RMB, and then enable it again in the same way. A reboot can be used between turning off and on.

Along the way, check the IPv4 protocol settings to automatically obtain addresses of all types and the installed virtual adapter. In the settings, there must be a checkmark next to the line for using the automatic metric.

User Account Control Issues

Another technique to get rid of the intrusive message that the Tunngle network adapter could not be initialized is to lower the level of control of user registration records, because the system places hard restrictions on the use of some hardware or software.

In order not to go through the settings for a long time, enter the abbreviation UAC in the search field of the Start menu. In the window that appears on the left there is a special fader that sets the level of control, which should be moved to the lowest position. If this was the problem, it is quite possible that it will disappear.

Installing an old device

Now let's see how to initialize the Tunngle network adapter in non-trivial ways. To do this, we need the "Device Manager", which can be called from the "Control Panel" or accessed through the "Run" console by typing the devmgmt.msc command.

Here you need to use the action section on the panel at the top and select the installation of the old device.

After that, in the "Wizard" that opens, the installation is selected manually from the list, then the line of network adapters is indicated, and the TAP-Win32 Provider V9 Adapter (Tunngle) device is selected from the list, if it is there. If it is not available, you must use the installation from the disk, and then specify the driver located along the path Program Files - Tunngle - Drivers on system drive, according to the architecture of the installed operating system.

Adapter boot priority

But even after the above steps, the system may again report that it was unable to initialize the Tunngle network adapter. What to do in this case? You need to change the priority of the device to a higher one.

To do this, you need to enter network connections, press the Alt key to call top panel, and then from the "Advanced" section select Extra options. Now on the adapters and bindings tab in the connections field, you need to move the installed adapter to the most top position using the up/down arrows. After that, you will need to save the changes, restart the computer system and restart the client.

Update related device drivers

Finally, the problem may also be that for some devices that will be used when establishing a connection or playing the game itself, the drivers are out of date.

In order not to look for which devices require the installation of updated drivers, it is better to immediately install automated programs like driver booster and make an update with their help. The advantage of such applications is that they update the control software absolutely for all devices available in the system (both hardware and virtual), and download drivers directly from the resources of hardware manufacturers or developers of the corresponding software.

As you can see, the description and solution of most Tunngle errors is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. As for additional recommendations for eliminating the main problem, it is rather difficult to advise something specific. But separately we can say that the option of viral exposure is not excluded. If the error occurs due to a malfunction in some system services, most likely this is due to viruses. Not a fact, of course, but just in case, try scanning the system for viruses with portable programs, you never know what could be.

If we summarize briefly, we can only note that it is desirable to register even before installing the client and adapter. It is better to turn off the firewall completely (anyway, it is of no use, but only a solid blocking of applications and ports). As it is considered best solution This problem is the installation of an old device in the system. This is especially true for the capricious Windows tenth and eighth modifications. It goes without saying that setting the highest priority for the adapter itself also plays an important role, otherwise the built-in services of the system and some third-party devices strive to “pull the blanket over themselves”.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid Error 109 keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Mistakes made while editing the registry can render your PC unusable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even a single comma in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting up!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and fix any Error 109 related issues. By using the [Download] Registry Cleaner, you can automate the process of looking for broken registry entries, missing file references (such as those causing the %%error_name%% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, an automatically created backup copy, which allows you to undo any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage computer. The best part is that fixing [Download] registry errors can drastically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: If you are not experienced user PC, we do NOT recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and require reinstalling windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from misuse of Registry Editor can be resolved. You use the Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to back up by exporting the part of the registry associated with Error 109 (for example, Google Chrome):

  1. Click on the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command" in search bar... DO NOT PRESS YET ENTER!
  3. Holding keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. An access dialog will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 109-related key (eg. Google Chrome) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. Listed Save to select the folder where you want to save your Google Chrome key backup.
  11. In field File name enter a name for the backup file, such as "Google Chrome Backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export Range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with .reg extension.
  15. You now have a backup of your Google Chrome-related registry entry.

The next steps for manually editing the registry will not be covered in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information on editing the registry manually, please see the links below.

Tunngle is a program with a rather complex and not always clear system structure. It is no wonder that this or that breakdown can very often occur here. Tunngle has about 40 messages about various crashes and errors, to which about the same number should be added. possible problems about which the program itself is not able to report. We should also talk about one of the most popular - Error 4-109.

Error 4-109 in Tunngle reports that the program was unable to initialize the network adapter. This means that Tunngle is not able to start its adapter and connect to the network on its behalf. As a result, the application is unable to connect and perform its direct duties.

The reasons for this problem can be different, but most of them in one way or another boil down to incorrect installation. In its process, the installer tries to create its own adapter with the appropriate rights on the system, and some conditions may prevent this. Very often the culprits are computer protection systems - firewall and antiviruses.


The first thing to do is to reinstall the program.

After that, you should perform the installation in the normal mode. After the end, it is not recommended to immediately run the program, you must first restart the system. After that everything should work correctly.


it official instruction to fix this system, and most users report that this is often enough. Error 4-109 is quite common, and is fixed very simply without the need for additional editing of network adapter rules or digging in the registry.

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Perhaps not so often a problem, especially considering that few people even know what a tangle is. But hardcore gamers will understand. Especially if you are not bad at PC and are able to clean startup and services in your operating system yourself.

And so let's get down to business. If, at startup, tunngle takes an unusually long time to load, and eventually gives an error with code 4-102 and the message "Failed to find the service", then we immediately climb into the system configuration.

If you have windows 7, then in the start menu we are looking for execute, and there we execute msconfig. If you have win 10, then everything is a little simpler and we enter msconfig directly into the search on the taskbar.

Open the system configuration and go to the Services tab. We sort by Manufacturer and look for the TunngleService service. It probably won't have a checkmark next to it. Either you removed it yourself, or an antivirus could remove it, or some other situation occurred. In any case, check the box and click on OK.

We start the program. It should run without problems.

Second way

If the first method did not help you, then go to the task manager. You can open it by clicking right click on the taskbar.

In the manager, also select the services tab. Sort by Description and look for the same TunngleServices. His condition will be stopped. Just right-click on the service and run it.

There will be 2 options. Or it will start without problems and then the tangle itself will work. Or it will not start giving an error. In this case, you need to click on "Open Services" directly in the Task Manager.

A window will open with a list of services on your system. Already in this window, we look for TunngleServices by name and double-click to open it. Change the startup type of the service to Automatic. Click ONLY on "Apply". Then on Run and only then on OK. Close unnecessary windows and run the program.

Another reason

Another reason may be that this service simply does not exist on your system. This can happen if the program was installed incorrectly. Or even removed you or the antivirus. It could also be overwritten by another application. This problem can be solved by reinstalling Tunngle itself.

By the way, do not exclude the moment that you simply can have an increased level of system security. So, you may have to run the program as an administrator or give it all the rights necessary for correct operation.

At the beginning of the article, I attached a video in which I solve in detail and with examples this problem. So if in doubt, you can watch this video and do exactly as I tell. Good luck!