The cost of search promotion and its result depend on how we adapt the site for mobile devices.

To bookmarks

Dmitry Mrachkovsky, optimizer from Ashmanov & Partners, told how to choose between an adaptive and a mobile site and what non-obvious problems you will face.

Benefits of Responsive and Mobile Websites

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which adaptation technology for smartphones and tablets is more effective in terms of SEO. Even among the big players, I did not notice an advantage in favor of some decision. M.Video, DNS, Wildberries, Aviasales use adaptive layout, and Lamoda, 220 Volt, Ulmart, Yandex.Market use mobile sites. But let's take a look at what benefits the first and second get.

Adaptive layout of the site "M.Video" and mobile version of the site "220 Volt"

Responsive layout helps to do without developing a separate mobile version. This has advantages:

  • We don't need a separate page structure to display on mobile devices. It is enough to correct the desktop version of the site with using CSS.
  • For desktop and mobile versions, a single URL is used. Therefore, the content of the site is not duplicated, the pages do not compete with each other, and the promotion work affects the ranking in desktop and mobile searches.

The mobile version is a more costly and flexible solution. It can be edited without affecting the main site. This gives you the following benefits:

  • A mobile site can be made as easy and fast as possible to load by removing unnecessary functionality at the code level.
  • The interface can be improved for mobile users by adding functionality that was not available on the desktop version of the site.
  • The user can always switch to the main version of the site on a mobile device if he wants.

I want to mention one more technology - RESS. It shows the user a desktop or mobile template depending on the device, but the URL of the page does not change. RESS combines the advantages of the adaptive and mobile versions described above. But it also has two disadvantages: complex and expensive implementation and errors in the identification of rare and unpopular phone models.

Problems with responsive layout

Adaptive is an economical and convenient solution, but in terms of search promotion it has several pitfalls.

Misinterpretation of adaptive

Some implement adaptive layout incorrectly and display two templates on one page in the code at once - desktop and mobile. Depending on the user's device, the desired part of the code remains visible, while the rest is hidden using display: none . This raises three problems:

  1. All content elements are loaded twice: texts, images, H1 and H6 headings, breadcrumbs, related and featured products, and so on. And search engines really don't like duplicates.
  2. Unused parts of content are hidden with CSS. The opinion of search engines on this issue is ambiguous. Google stated that it ignores the content of hidden blocks, and Yandex - that it takes into account the entire content of the page. Most SEO experts agree that such a scheme creates the risk of being penalized.
  3. The code is duplicated and the site loads slower.

Such an implementation is the wrong approach to RESS technology.

Hiding unnecessary elements

To make an interface adaptive version more convenient, some get rid of part of the functionality: distracting blocks, large texts in catalog categories, and so on. Everything superfluous is hidden using display: none . But the problem is that all the code is used to load the page and the site is slow. In addition, as mentioned above, search engines have a controversial attitude towards such content - there is a risk of falling under sanctions.

Incorrect use of JavaScript

Some use JS to avoid displaying unnecessary blocks on mobile devices. But this method is no better than display: none . There is a risk that search engines will not index the content intended for them even on the desktop version. Search engines generally do not always correctly perceive AJAX content, especially if a number of conditions for correct indexing are not met.

Why do people still use responsive design?

The choice of adaptive is usually driven by two main advantages: development of only one version of the site and the absence of problems with multiple URLs.

It is also a convenient solution for promotion to several regions. We focus all our efforts on one domain and get results in desktop and mobile searches. To do this, you need to link the regions of interest to the site in Yandex.Directory.

And for Google, create a page with the addresses of branches, so that the search engine understands in which regions you work. Adaptive layout with single domain uses M.Video very successfully. The store has high positions in mobile and desktop results for product, category and information queries.

You can go the other way - use geo-subdomains to increase the text relevance of pages. In this case, subdomains like,, are assigned regions through Yandex.Webmaster and then titles and meta tags are assigned with the toponym. Another plus is that it is easy to set up separate analytics for geo-subdomains to track results by region. This method of promotion is practiced by MediaMarkt.

Problems with mobile versions of sites

The relative high cost of development is not the only disadvantage of mobile sites. Here is a list of less obvious problems that you may encounter when choosing this technology.

Double promotion work

The mobile site is optimized and promoted separately from the main site, and this requires more resources than in the case of adaptive. Optimization should start with mobile version was correctly indexed and did not compete with the desktop one. To do this, link them in Yandex.Webmaster and Search Console, set the correct rel="alternate" attributes, set up indexing and XML map generation.

Chaos due to absolute links in content

Desktop and mobile templates in 99% of cases, they download content from one database. If it uses absolute links to the internal page of the desktop site, indicating the protocol and domain, they will also be displayed on the mobile page. When you click on a link, one of two scenarios will occur:

  • If the desktop version has user agent, the user will see the mobile version of the page.
  • In other cases, the user will see a desktop page, and the work of creating a mobile version will be in vain.

In this case, the internal link weight of the site may be violated. To avoid a problem, use in the content relative links. That is, for the href attribute, specify /page/ instead of .

The content and structure of desktop and mobile sites may differ. Therefore, it is logical to index the content of both in the search in order to avoid errors. Google recommends on the mobile version to indicate that the content of the desktop site is canonical. On the other hand, the search engine says that the content of non-canonical pages is not taken into account.

Everything is clear with Yandex in this regard - it separately indexes the content of mobile and desktop pages. To do this, just set the rel="alternate" attribute from the main version to the mobile one, and you can also set up 301 redirects from the desktop version to the mobile one, taking into account the user agent of the device.

Unclear requirements of the mobile-first index

To prepare for the transition to a mobile-first index, it is logical to choose the mobile version of the site as canonical page. True, there are some ambiguities in recommendations regarding mobile-first. For example, Google's guidelines say that the content of the mobile and desktop versions should be similar, but does not disclose the degree of "similarity".

But what if ranking in desktop search requires a certain block of content, which in the mobile version will be superfluous, but the priority will be given to the mobile version?

An excerpt from Google's guide to indexing mobile sites

Excerpt from Google's report on the implementation of the mobile-first index

Mindless use of turbo pages

Some innovate search engines indiscriminately, with the expectation of affecting rankings. For example, Yandex turbo pages, which do not replace full-fledged mobile pages in search, include a small part of user functionality and are less converting. If you have a commercial site and you are confident in the quality of the mobile version, do not rush to implement "turbo" - even for pages with articles and reviews.

Reducing the effect of external links

Links are still important for rankings, especially in Google search. When we have a mobile subdomain, some users start referring to it in social networks and forums. And the other part uses links to the main site address. As a result, links perform less in mobile and desktop searches than if we had one domain.

Features of promotion in the regions

Above, we talked about two ways to promote the adaptive regionally - using a single domain and geo-subdomains. Consider these options for mobile versions.

In the first case, we promote the main domain and the mobile subdomain Each of them needs to set the regions through Yandex.Directory. The problem is that sometimes it is impossible to link the mobile version of the site to the branch on your own. You will have to contact technical support, but this does not guarantee a result. You cannot create a separate organization for the mobile version of the site. Therefore, if there are many branches, the binding may take a long time.

We generally exclude the option of using subdomains like or Although, for example, uses it. But in this case, you need to set up addressing between all regions of mobile and desktop versions, keep them up to date, track changes and monitor services for webmasters. This is a huge job that is unlikely to pay off.

Submitting for a Mobile Appropriateness Check

If you don't submit an optimized version of your site to Yandex.Webmaster for mobile-friendliness testing, it may not appear in mobile search results. The problem also applies to adaptation. This does not always happen, but I recommend that you follow the messages in Webmaster.

A fragment of communication with Yandex technical support about assigning a region to the mobile version of the site

Why are mobile versions used?

The main advantages of mobile versions are, of course, the ability to create a separate template and high download speed. In addition, it is easier for old sites to create a separate mobile version than to implement an adaptive one.

Also, many SEO specialists noted an increase in search traffic after the introduction of a mobile site instead of an adaptive one. Although I do not rule out that the reason for the growth was that there were errors in their adaptive layout that negatively affected the ranking.

Which option to choose

If you are developing a website from scratch, or you have a small project, take a closer look at the adaptive layout. This is a more economical and faster solution. But it is better to plan the functionality right away so that you don’t have to hide part of the site from being shown on mobile devices in the future.

If you prioritize user experience, you should opt for the mobile version. It can be changed without consequences for the desktop. This is important if the site occupies a leading position in the desktop issue in its segment.

You can also use the RESS technology, but remember that in this case, Google prefers the mobile version.

An excerpt from Google's guide to indexing sites using RESS

Whatever technology you choose, try to make sure that the site and its versions are correctly indexed, loaded as quickly as possible and displayed on all devices without problems.

Thanks SEO Specialists

In the current article, we will talk about how the mobile version of the site is checked, its convenience, readability and correct display.

Checking your site for the convenience of displaying on mobile devices can be checked using various web services. In particular, this service from Google allows you to adequately assess the literacy of your mobile layout.

Recently Google stated that sites that do not meet the requirements of mobile layout will be pessimized in searches carried out using mobile devices. This algorithm is already working and some sites that haven't bothered to display on mobile platforms ah, indeed, have been omitted in search results for mobile devices.

If your site is three times convenient for desktop platforms, you need to check the quality of the mobile layout, otherwise you will lose an impressive part of the traffic (the share of mobile platforms in search is growing rapidly every year), which means you will lose your customers. Therefore, you need to adapt your sites for mobile devices and check the correct display of sites in mobile browsers.

Checking the quality of mobile layout using Google Chrome

For developers, Google has a great mobile simulation tool. This tool is built into Google browser Chrome. To access it, press F12 in the browser (switch to developer mode) and click on the smartphone icon:

The page transforms into device switching mode, where you can select one of the popular mobile devices, network type (GPRS, 2G, 3G, 4G, etc.), specify strict display settings. This allows you to simulate the operation of the site on specific mobile devices. Devices available include various iPad versions, iPad Mini, iPhone, BlackBerry, Google Nexus, HTC, LG, Nokia, samsung galaxy and some other popular devices.

By selecting a specific device, you can check the site on a mobile device. For example, displaying the main page of the site "Nubex" on iPad 3:

And on Samsung Galaxy S4:

Here you can not only see the display of the site on a particular device, but also fully work with the site, as if you have the right gadget in front of you. Undoubtedly, this tool is simply indispensable when developing a mobile version of the site, but how your site will be displayed on real devices needs to be checked on real devices. This is especially important if you need to check the display of the site in "native" browsers (Safari - for iPad / iPhone, IE - for Windows phone etc.).

The cost of developing a mobile version of the site - from 15,000 rubles

With the advent of mobile devices in our lives, a lot has changed - in particular, the possibilities for emergency access to the Internet have significantly expanded. Now it is absolutely not necessary to have a laptop or personal computer with you to go over the summary. latest news or go to the website of the company you are interested in. To do this, it is enough to have a smartphone at hand.

Thus, there is a tendency to increase the mobile audience of the Internet, which means that your website, that is, the representation of your company on the World Wide Web, needs to be modified.

What is the mobile version of the site

Most modern sites are displayed incorrectly on the screens of mobile devices and tablets. The physical screen of the gadget used is traditionally small in size, so the site that is on the screen personal computer looks perfect, it turns out to be completely unsuitable for viewing on a smartphone screen.

Actually, mobile version development is a separate project, involving the creation special design, usability development, layout and content optimization. The main task of the designer is to convey the main ideas of the company as accurately as possible and at the same time fit them within a small screen.

In some cases, the content of the site is reduced, leaving only the most important. The structure and functionality also change, only the stylistic design, some elements and content remain unchanged.

Mobile version of the site is an opportunity for a complete solution of your business issues. Within this version, for example, device-specific functions that are not available to PC users can be implemented. All this contributes to the increase in traffic by increasing the attractiveness of your site for mobile users.

How the Internet audience preferred smartphones to personal computers

Tabloids with enviable regularity shoot headlines from the category "Internet users massively emigrate to smartphones", "Russian users go to the mobile Internet." Needless to say, there are plenty of grounds for such statements.

According to research firm Mediascope, By 2017, the audience of mobile Internet users in Russia reached 66 million people, which is 54% of the population. Moreover, 16% use exclusively mobile Internet.

It is also noted that the Internet audience on smartphones is growing very rapidly, while computer web surfing continues to steadily lose ground. Per Last year the number of Russians using desktop computers to access the network decreased by 4%.

As you can see, the era mobile internet, and if your site still doesn't qualify for convenient viewing from mobile devices, this is a very serious omission.

Why mobile website is important for promoting your business

Is your site still not mobile friendly? An ordinary Internet user who wants to instantly receive the necessary information is likely to leave him, unable to endure such inconvenience. What will happen next? It will immediately open the site of your direct competitor, who has taken care of the interests of the mobile audience.

For most companies availability of a mobile version of the site - not at all a trend of today, but an urgent need, which is expressed as follows:

  • Site promotion efficiency. According to Google representatives, sites that do not have a mobile version will a priori be ranked lower in comparison with web resources adapted to smartphone screens. Thus, the mobile version of the site today is not only an opportunity to attract more traffic, but also a prerequisite for the successful promotion of the site on the Internet.
  • Convenience for users. 40% of Internet users honestly admit that they will switch to another site if the site they are interested in does not have a mobile version. From a business standpoint, you are missing out on a huge amount. potential clients if your company's website is not adapted for mobile phones and tablets.
  • Brilliant reputation. Incorrect display of your site on the screen of a modern gadget is a significant disadvantage and a guaranteed reproachful look of the Internet user. On the other hand, the presence of a mobile version is a kind of "plus for karma" and maintaining the correct image of the company.
  • Competitive advantage. Did you find out that your competitors website does not have a mobile version? It's time to take advantage of this misfire and secure a powerful competitive advantage, namely, to get customers who leave the non-responsive sites of your business opponents.

How to "make friends" a site with mobile devices

There are two ways to solve the problem of the correct display of your site on smartphones:

  1. Create a separate version of the site that will exist as an alternative to the original version.
  2. Create adaptive design, capable of automatically adjusting to any screen size.

If your company's website already exists and you have no desire to redesign, but at the same time you want to increase the site's loyalty to mobile devices, it is more profitable to order mobile version development. In this case, it is possible to save only the content that will be useful for smartphone owners.

If the site is just being created and you want to immediately take care of the interests of the Internet audience, you should prefer adaptive design. In the case of a ready-made site, the creation of an adaptive design implies a high labor intensity of the process and, accordingly, a higher cost.

Mobile version of the site from the web studio "Aspect": the cost of development

To date, only a part of the sites are adapted to work with mobile devices, which means that you still have a chance to win back your share of traffic. The development of a mobile version of the site is offered to you by the Aspect web studio.

The cost of this service is from 15 000 rubles. We create a mobile version based on the existing site and involve only the best specialists in this task.

The cost of work includes:

  • Prototyping new pages.
  • Mobile design development.
  • Layout.
  • Programming the mobile version of the site and linking it to the main one.

How long does it take to create a mobile version?

On average, the development of a mobile version of the site takes from 10 working days. Specific terms depend on the amount of work, that is, the number of pages on the site, the type of information presented on them.

You can reduce deadlines by reducing the number of pages that need to be "transferred" to smartphone screens - these may be pages that provide secondary information that is not of value to mobile Internet users.

How is the development of the mobile version in our web studio

The algorithm of our work can be represented as follows:

  1. Your application for the development of a mobile version (by phone, e-mail).
  2. Meeting and discussion of the project with the manager.
  3. Evaluation of the scope of work and calculation of the exact cost of the service.
  4. Drawing up and signing the contract.
  5. Payment and start of work.
  6. Development of the design of the mobile version of the site.
  7. Coordination and signing of the act of acceptance of the design layout.
  8. Mobile version layout.
  9. Content transfer.
  10. Delivery of the project.

Convinced of the need for a mobile version and want to order its development? Web Studio "Aspect" always focuses on the latest trends and is ready to provide you with professional assistance in the "mobilization" of your site.

With the advent of the mobile device boom, developers were faced with a choice: should they keep mobile versions of their sites along with “full-fledged” ones, or should sites become responsive and adapt themselves to different screen sizes?

At the moment, when building mobile versions of sites, there are 3 main ways to build them:

  • Adaptive design;
  • Separate mobile version of the site;
  • RESS (Responsive Design + Server Side).
Each of the methods has its pros and cons, which I will try to describe in detail.

Adaptive design

CSS3 Media Queries are commonly used to implement responsive design. Depending on the screen size, the user will see a different picture:

@media screen and (max-width: 1600px) ( div.for-example (width: 1500px;) ) @media screen and (max-width: 1280px) ( div.for-example (width: 1100px;) ) @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) ( div.for-example (width: 980px;) )

Benefits of Responsive Design
  • Ease of development - with adaptive layout, the entire structure of the site automatically adjusts to different screen widths. In order to get a working product, you do not need to write everything from scratch - just tweak the CSS and HTML ... Given the availability of frameworks like Bootstrap, such development is not very difficult with a standard implementation. In addition, supporting such a product would be a relatively simple task.
  • One URL - saves us from unnecessary redirects, and the need for the user to remember the address of the mobile version (even if it's just the prefix m.). Also, the presence of a single address will positively affect the promotion of the site, since it will be “more convenient” for search engines to work.
Disadvantages of Responsive Design
  • Miscellaneous tasks - typical tasks of "mobile" users of large sites usually differ from those of PC users. If you are a bank client, then, most likely, in the mobile version of the site you will be interested in a very limited range of information - addresses of the nearest branches, ATMs, etc.
    In general, with adaptive layout, the most common approach is to make a copy of a regular site, implement the needs of all groups in the layout for phones target audience. But then you can forget about usability. The secondary sections necessary for five percent of visitors will create inconvenience for the bulk of customers.
  • The "weight" of sites remains a serious obstacle for mobile phone users. This means that some of the active elements typical of desktop sites, including embedded maps, videos, loan calculators, and animated menus on mobile sites, should be replaced with lighter alternatives. Can responsive design give us that ability? In a popular implementation, a user with a small screen must load the entire page in order to see only part of it. For example, if the desktop version of the main layout weighs 200 Kb, and the mobile version weighs another 50 Kb, you will have to download 250 Kb to view it. Of course, you can use page code compression, but extra requests will still go to the server.
  • Hopelessness - One of undeniable advantages mobile version: if you don't like it, you can turn it off, switch to a regular domain. Responsive design websites don't provide this simple yet important choice. If the custom layout is inconvenient, buggy, or if it hides an important navigation element, leave it alone: ​​there's nothing you can do to see it again. You will have to run to look for a desktop or competitor's website. You can come up with "crutches" to bypass this limitation (use cookies and include different style sheets). But this approach complicates development.
In general, the idea of ​​developing a mobile version in adaptive design is quite popular, despite the above disadvantages. In particular, this concept is fully supported by such giants as, for example, Google.

Separate mobile version of the site

To make the site convenient for mobile users, they often also create separate versions of sites - specially oriented to the user with a smartphone / tablet. The most common practice is to redirect mobile users to a special subdomain (,, etc.). Probably, in 99% of cases, the mobile version is a stripped-down main version - only with the functionality that, according to the developers, will be necessary and useful for users of mobile devices and tablets.
Benefits of the mobile version
  • Ease of change since the site exists, de facto, separately from the main version, it is much easier to make changes to it related only to the mobile version, since the mobile version most often does not provide redundant, unnecessary functionality.
  • User friendliness - the mobile version is usually greatly simplified compared to the desktop version, so the user will not have to go far for the information he needs.
  • Speed ​​- due to the same simplification of the site, the mobile version loads faster. This is essential for users who are still using GPRS or weak 3G.
  • Choice- most often, in the mobile version it is possible to switch to the main version of the site.
Disadvantages of the mobile version
  • Multiple addresses -
  • User inconvenience - different addresses for desktop and mobile versions. For some, this may turn out to be a plus, for others it can be an extremely annoying factor when, in order to conveniently view the site, you need to remember one more address. There are also problems with search engines: in order to avoid duplicate content, SEOs need to use the rel="alternative" and rel="canonical" meta tags. In addition, when a mobile user Google search clicks on the link in the results, he will be taken to the desktop version or redirected to the mobile version. But if the mobile version of this page does not exist, it will get an error.
  • Limitation - creating a separate mobile site means getting rid of some of the content and functionality. In addition, you may have two different sets of content that can negatively affect the overall information picture.

In general, the creation of mobile versions of sites justifies itself quite well, in particular, for large projects. As an example, Amazon uses a special, mobile version of the site.


Google itself, although it supports the use of responsive design by webmasters, uses a different system in its products. If you visit, for example, home page under different User-Agents, you can see different HTML for various devices. RESS - Responsive Design + Server Side. Implementation example, sketched "on the knee":

$DS = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . $DS . "libraries" . $DS . "browser.php"); $device = BBrowser::detectDevice(); if($device == DEVICE_TYPE_MPHONE)( $tmpl = "template.m.php"; ) else if($device == DEVICE_TYPE_TABLET)( $tmpl = "template.t.php";) else( $tmpl = "template .php"; ) include(dirname(__FILE__) . $DS . "templates" . $DS . $tmpl);

Advantages of RES
In fact, the method may include the benefits of both a separate mobile and responsive version of sites, depending on the implementation. From what will be new:
  • Traffic minimization - Unnecessary JavaScript can be removed from HTML, which frees up CPU, memory, and cache on the mobile device. It can also be specially optimized html and css.
  • It is possible to use targeting - for example, for Android devices, offer to download the application from GooglePlay, and for Apple - from iTunes. For each device, you can make your layout.
  • Difficulty in development such a method will require appropriate server configuration and the work of more programmers. It will also be necessary to make several different layout options.
  • Device detection mechanism - Unfortunately, even in our time it has not yet been brought to perfection. Stories about how someone's rare phone is not defined as a mobile device pop up quite often.

In general, RESS is the best of the three proposed options, however, it requires much more effort during development.


In my personal opinion, there is no ideal option that everyone should use. The best option for me is RESS. However, this is one of the rare options because it requires a lot of effort to implement. In general, all 3 options have their pros and cons, depending on the essence and direction of the site.

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The mobile version of the site is a duplicate version of the main site, for which a special layout is used, which allows you to conveniently view and navigate through the pages of the resource from mobile phones and tablets.

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The mobile phone has become a best friend for most people on the planet. Modern mobile gadgets have almost completely taken over the role desktop computers and radically changed the behavior of users on the Internet. They are both a source of information and a means of implementing many tasks. The dynamics of life require the most efficient use of time, which is why we have long been studying, buying and booking on the go.

Each project on the Internet has its own main site, but the screen resolution of mobile devices is different from computers and laptops. As a result, it is almost impossible to use the site from a phone, since its display is very inconvenient. That is why there was a need for an optimized version of the site that would be readable for pocket gadgets.

Why do you need a mobile version of the site

The abundance of identical web-resources, both informational and selling, generates a lack of loyalty on the part of visitors. Internet users have a choice, so when a visitor stumbles upon, for example, an inconvenient resource navigation, he prefers not to waste his time, but to leave the site and go to a competitor. This situation forces administrators to create the most comfortable conditions in order not only to attract visitors, but also to motivate them to stay.

The maximum coverage of the target audience and the creation of comfortable conditions for it - that's what the mobile version of the site is for.

A separate mobile version of the site is the implementation of comfortable access to the site from mobile devices, which has been used for a long time. In smartphones, the site is displayed in one column, so before making a mobile version of the site, the developer needs to think carefully about the design - place everything so as not to cut down the visitor in any way in functionality and, at the same time, make interaction with the resource as convenient as possible.

How it works

The principle by which the decision is made which version to show to the visitor is that when the user enters the site, automatic detection device screen. If the screen width is identified as a mobile gadget, then a redirect to the mobile version of the resource is triggered, which is located on a separate subdomain. To prevent search engines from treating this version as a separate resource in the future, it is better to place a subdomain on the same domain as the main site, otherwise promoting the mobile version of the site will be counterproductive.

How to translate the site to a mobile version

There are certain principles, and their implementation will require programming and layout skills.

In mob. version, you need to keep the general concept with the desktop version, but at the same time, develop separate design solutions, as well as the interface that is most convenient for usability. The resource elements on the visitor's screen should be appropriately spaced, and displayed large enough for easy finger tapping. After that, there is testing and final launch.

Mobile version vs adaptive layout

In parallel with a separate mobile version of the site, there is another interpreted variation - adaptive design.

Let's try to figure out how the mobile version of the site differs from the adaptive one.
A responsive site is not a separate version of the resource, it is the main site, and it automatically adjusts to the resolution of the device from which you log in.

The advantages of responsive layout include the fact that it has the same address as the main site, so no redirect is required. And this significantly enhances the position of the site when ranking. search engines. During the opening, absolutely the same site content and its functionality is displayed, but its appearance adjusts to the size of the window. In addition, there is the possibility of optimizing the resource.

But the development of an adaptive version is a more time-consuming process; accordingly, the costly part of the event will also be greater.

Responsive design is relevant for resources that do not have a large turnover of visitors - online stores, blogs, business cards, as well as websites, their main task is to deliver content.

Pros and cons of the mobile version

The mobile version has more high speed downloads and ease of navigation. Since the visitor sees a minimum of distracting information, the likelihood of a positive action on his part is higher. In addition, a separate mobile version is completely independent from the desktop one. This makes it possible to work with them separately.

The disadvantages of such a concept include certain difficulties in the field of SEO promotion. Since the placement of the same content is perceived as a duplicate, this requires separate measures to eliminate the negative impact on the site promotion process. Given that the mobile version is not universal, it requires a separate expense item in addition to the content of the main site.

This version of the site is suitable for large projects that already have high traffic to the main site, but want to increase loyalty to mobile devices without a redesign. In most cases, a separate mobile version is relevant for resources where download speed is important - social networks, mail services, news portals.

Summing up, we can only say that today a reasonable need for any Internet project is the ability to correctly display the site on mobile devices. How to implement this depends on the goals and objectives of the site, budget and capabilities.