Suppose the user has data in absolute terms. He needs to display information on a chart. For better clarity, it is necessary to show the relative values ​​of the data. For example, how many percent of the plan have been completed, how many goods have been sold, what percentage of students have completed the task, what percentage of employees have higher education, etc.

It's not that hard to do. But if there are not enough skills to work in Excel program, there may be some difficulty. Let's take a closer look at how to make a percentage chart in Excel.

Pie percentage chart

Let's build a pie chart of the percentage distribution. For example, let's take the official tax analytics "Receipts by types of taxes to the consolidated budget Russian Federation for 2015" (information from the website of the Federal Tax Service):

Select the entire table, including the column names. On the "Insert" tab in the "Charts" group, select a simple circular.

Immediately after clicking on the label of the selected type, a view diagram appears on the sheet:

A separate segment of the circle is the share of each tax in the total amount of revenues to the consolidated budget in 2015.

Now let's show on the diagram the percentage of types of taxes. Let's click on it right click mice. In the dialog box that opens, select the "Add data labels" task.

The values ​​from the second column of the table will appear on the parts of the circle:

Right-click on the chart again and select "Format Data Labels":

In the menu that opens, in the “Signature Options” subgroup, uncheck the box next to “Include values ​​in signatures” and put it next to “Include shares in signatures”.

In the "Number" subgroup, change the general format to percentage. We remove decimal places, set the format code to "0%".

If you need to display percentages with one decimal place, put "0.0%" in the "Format Code" field. With two decimal places - "0.00%". And so on.

Standard settings allow you to change the place of labels on the diagram. Possible options:

  • "In the center" - the captions will be displayed in the center of the segments;
  • "At the top, inside" - labels will be displayed from the inside of the circle;
  • "At the top, outside" - the labels will appear from the outside of the circle, if you select the parameter, the chart itself will be somewhat smaller, but if there is small data, the readability improves;
  • "By width" - the parameter allows Excel to set the labels in the most optimal way.

To change the direction of the labels, in the Alignment subgroup, you can use the Text Direction tool. This is where the angle of inclination is set.

Let's choose the horizontal direction of the data labels and the position "By width".

The percentage pie chart is ready. The diagram shows the percentage distribution of income from taxation.

Bar chart

Let's add auxiliary columns to the table: 1 - with percentages (the percentage contribution of each type of tax to the total amount); 2 - 100%.

Click on any cell in the table. Go to the "Insert" tab. In the "Charts" group, select "Normalized Stacked Histogram".

The automatically generated diagram does not solve the problem. Therefore, on the "Designer" tab in the "Data" group, go to the "Select Data" item.

Use the arrow to change the order of the rows so that the percentages are at the bottom. The row showing absolute values ​​is deleted. In the "Categories" remove the "Type of tax" cell. The title should not be a horizontal axis label.

Select any column of the created chart. Go to the "Layout" tab. In the "Current Fragment" group, click the "Format Selection" item.

In the menu that opens, go to the "Row Options" tab. Set the row overlap to 100%.

As a result of the work done, we get a diagram of the following form:

This diagram gives a general idea of ​​the percentage of tax types in the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation.

Good day to all, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today, if you don't mind, you and I will continue to hustle text editor Microsoft Word. Due to the nature of my activity, I often have to deal with him, so I cannot leave him unattended.

And today we will work with tables. Yes. Without this, our business is simply nowhere. But many do not even know how this can be implemented, and even more so in several ways. Therefore, I will tell you how to draw a table in a Word, using several different options and methods. I will do this as usual in office 2013, but if you have 2010, then this article will also be relevant. Ready? Then let's go!


The first way we will have is the simplest and most classic, namely the usual insertion of a table. Here we do not need any supernatural abilities. You just need to set the number of rows and columns.

Enter the Word and go to the "Insert" menu, then select "Table" and visually choose how your table will look in real time using the squares. If everything suits you, then just press the left mouse button at the desired point. The truth is in this line limited quantity rows and columns. In this case, another option will help us.

To set a certain number of columns and rows, we need to enter the same section again, only this time select the "Insert Table" item.

We will see a new window where you will be prompted to select the desired number of rows and columns.


A fairly convenient way to create a plate is to draw it. That is, here you yourself choose initially how it will look for you. In order to bring this to life, we need in the same paragraph "Insert" - "Table", well, then click on "Draw Table". Your cursor should change to a pencil.

With this pencil we will draw our plate. For this we press left button mice from one edge and lead it to the other lower edge, after which we release our rodent.

Now start drawing vertical lines from where you would like them to go. This will be the division between our columns.

And to top it off, start drawing in the same way horizontal lines from beginning to end, so that we have a complete table. By the way, we can lead some lines not from beginning to end, but from any other place, for example, from the second line. In which case, you can always finish what we lack.

other methods

I will briefly cover two other methods, namely the insertion of an excel table and an express table. If we use an excel table, then naturally it will be loaded. This thing is convenient in that you can use all the benefits of excel in a Word document, such as sum cells.

Spreadsheets are simply ready-made templates that will help make your sign more interesting in terms of design. For example, with the help of them you can create a calendar in one click. But these functions are usually used less frequently.

Other features

If you select a table or part of it, then you will have a new temporary menu in the ribbon, which will be called "Working with Tables". This menu will in turn include two tabs: Layout and Design.

In the "Designer" we will be able to fill our entire structure or individual cells with any color, in addition, you can choose one of the templates, which slightly changes appearance your table. Well, at the same time you can change the color and thickness of the borders.

But on the "Layout" I would like to dwell a little more. Here we have an abundance of various functions that will come in handy. For example, if you select "Eraser", then thanks to it you can erase any line inside the table, an entire cell, etc. Sometimes this thing is just necessary. I often use it myself.

In addition, you can add new rows or columns anywhere, even in the middle. To do this, select one of the items: insert above, below, right, left. Although for good, inserting another line can be easier. To do this, just put the cursor at the end of the line after which you want to create a new one.

Another great feature is "Sorting". For example, you can easily sort the values ​​in any column. Let's for the sake of interest, I will write the numbers out of order in the first column and we will have 5, 2, 16, 1, 2, 13. Now I will select this column and click on the "Sort (A-Z)" button.

After that, a new window will appear where you need to select a specific column by which sorting will be performed, as well as a sign (number, date, text). But if you have selected a specific column, then all values ​​will be substituted automatically. Well, then we press OK and now everything will be in order.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Word is a very advanced and powerful text editor. In most documents, as a rule, you can see various tables, since some information is much more convenient to perceive in this form. But at the same time, not all users know how to work with such objects. In this article, we will teach you how to make a table in Word.

Several methods can be used for this purpose. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

The easiest way

The easiest way to create a table is as follows:

  1. Open the main menu "Insert".
  2. Select the Table tool.
  3. Select the desired number of cells with the cursor.

  1. Thanks to this, you will be able to create a table with the specified dimensions.

This method is the fastest and most convenient.

How to create a big table

In the above method, you can build an object with a maximum size of 10 columns by 8 rows. But sometimes you need to insert a table with a large number of cells. In this case it is necessary:

  1. Go to the "Insert" section.
  2. Click on the Table tool.
  3. Click on the indicated item.

  1. Then you will need:
    • enter the number of columns and rows;
    • select the width of each column;
    • apply the setting to all new tables.
  2. In order for a new object to appear on the sheet, you need to click on "OK".

  1. As a result of the specified data, we will see the following table.

How to draw a table

Besides, word editor allows you to draw a table yourself. For this:

  1. Open the "Insert" section.
  2. Click on the indicated item.

  1. After that, you will see a pencil with which you can draw any table you need:
    • any size;
    • any number of cells.

  1. You can continue drawing from either side. In addition, new cells can be either adjacent or inside existing ones.

How to add an Excel table

In addition to all this, Word allows you to place tables of the Excel editor in the document. The process is as follows.

  1. Switch back to the Insert toolbar.
  2. Click on "Table".
  3. Then select the indicated menu item.

  1. Thanks to these actions, you will see that the Microsoft Word editor was able to accommodate the Excel workspace. You will have access to all the possible tools that are here. This object can also be stretched and made larger.

  1. Create some kind of table (select any cells and add borders to them).
  2. Then click in any empty space.

  1. As a result, you will return to the Word program again and be able to do with the table what you want.
  2. Note that all empty unselected cells are also pasted. If you do not need such a number of cells, you can delete them at any time. Or you can compress the boundaries of the object in the Excel editor.

In order to format this table in some other way (increase or decrease the number of cells, change borders, and so on) in the Excel editor, you must follow the instructions below.

  1. Right click on the table.
  2. Then click on the "Sheet Object" item.
  3. After - "Edit".

  1. As a result, you will again see the Excel editor and can remake the table as you wish.

How to copy a table from Excel

As a rule, it is much easier and more convenient to be in Excel itself than to watch the transfer of its functions to Word. You can always create and design a table in a full-fledged editor, and then copy it wherever you want. It can be transferred different ways.

This is the fastest way to do it:

  1. Open any book.

  1. Select its contents and press the hot keys Ctrl+C. In order for the table to be transferred completely, make sure that the dotted border appears around it entirely.

  1. Then open Word and press the hot keys Ctrl + V.
  2. The result will be the following.

You will see that the table has migrated unchanged.

Note that editing is still possible because this object is inserted as a full table rather than as an image.

How to insert a quick table

It takes a lot of time to create beautiful objects. It is much easier to work with ready-made tables in Word itself. It does not ask you to download any add-on or extension. Everything is available automatically by default and for free.

We do everything in order.

  1. Open the main menu "Insert".
  2. We use the table tool.
  3. We choose the last item.
  1. Thanks to this, you will see a list of various blanks (calendars, schedules and various information).
  2. Click on any of them.

In addition to calendars, there are also tables with subtitles.

  1. With this, you will see the following.

Table conversion

The Word editor allows you to convert information in text form into a tabular format. It is very easy to do this.

  1. Type some sentence - not necessarily complex. The main thing is to have a few words.
  2. Go to the "Insert" section.
  3. Click on the Table tool.
  4. Select the indicated item.
  1. After this action, you must specify the number of columns and rows. In this case, the second parameter is not available, since our phrase is in one line.
  2. You also need to specify the "Delimiter". The default is paragraph.

It is better to change the value to something else. A paragraph is only appropriate if your text is not just one line.

As an example, you can specify:

  • 3 columns;
  • separator is a space character.
  1. Thanks to this, Word was able to separate our line into three cells.

How to clear information

In order to erase the text in the table, it is enough to perform a couple of simple manipulations.

  1. Select the desired cells.
  1. Press the Delete key.
  2. All information will disappear. Only the formatting of the cells will remain (they remained painted in different colors).

You can remove cell decoration in the following way.

  1. Select a table.
  2. Click on the fill tool.
  3. Select No Color.
  1. The result comes out as follows.

How to delete a table

If you want to destroy your creation, you will have to perform the following manipulations.

  1. Select a table.
  2. Right click on any cell.
  3. Then click on "Delete Table".

Or press the Backspace key.

  1. As a result, all information will disappear.

How to insert a picture

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to insert some figure or any other graphic image into the table.

This is done quite simply.

  1. Click on any cell in the table (where you want to place the picture).
  2. Go to the "Insert" section.
  3. Use the illustration tool.
  4. Click on the "Pictures" icon.
  1. Specify desired file. Click "Insert" to continue.
  1. As a rule, images that are much larger than the capacity of the cell are most often used. It's the same here. We see that part of the file is under adjacent cells. You have two options: expand the column or narrow the image.
  1. For the second case, you need to move the cursor to the right lower part drawing and drag the cursor in the opposite direction.
  1. If you see that further reduction will result in loss of readability of the text, you will need to expand the cell border a little. In order to move the vertical bar, just move the cursor over it and, as soon as its appearance changes, drag it to the right side.
  1. With such actions, you should try to change the width of the cell and the scale of the image so that it does not crawl out of one cell.

Changing document margins

Sometimes the steps above are not possible. This case applies to tables with a large number of columns. In situations like this, increasing the width of one column can negatively affect the other as it becomes smaller.

As a result, parts of the pictures may disappear already there. Moreover, all the text can be shifted and look ugly. In such situations, it is recommended to reduce the size of the fields. Thanks to this table, more space will be gained, since it can be extended up to new frontier sheet.

You can move the borders using the ruler. For this it is enough:

  1. Move the cursor over the border of white and gray.
  2. Pull it to the left.
  1. The result will be the following.

It is also not uncommon for a table to run out of vertical space (top or bottom) and move to the next page. This case is not critical if the object occupies most of the next sheet. But if there is only one line, then it looks ugly.

In such situations, you can use the ruler to raise the upper border of the workspace or select ready-made field formats. This is done in the following way:

  1. Click on the "Fields" tool.
  2. Choose any suitable option.

Repeat title on every page

We continue the theme of long tables. By default, the header is displayed only at the beginning. And no matter how many pages you have, you will see it only at the very top. It's not very convenient. Especially when you have to work with strings in large numbers.

You can specify which fragment should be repeated on each sheet. Step-by-step instruction in this case looks like this.

  1. Write a title for each column (you can label them however you like).
  1. Scroll down. Make sure the header on the next page is not visible.
  1. Then you need to select the first line, which should go down when scrolling.
  2. Open the Layout section from the menu.
  3. Click on the "Data" icon.
  4. Select Repeat Header Rows.
  1. Then you need to go down and evaluate the result. Now after the break, the headers are repeated again.

The practical value of this function is very high. Especially when dealing with large amounts of data. Especially if you need to print the entire table. It will be very convenient for you to analyze the data if you see every time exactly what each column means.

Thanks to this, you do not need to make unnecessary movements when viewing this information from the first page. This is very important if you are making any kind of presentation to strangers as they may forget the invisible hat. And in the end, they will ask unnecessary questions. For example - what and where is located.

How to unpin the header

If you no longer need the first line to be transferred to all subsequent sheets, it will be enough to repeat the steps described above, and everything will return to its previous form.

If you were able to fix the hat, then you can undo it without much effort.

How to sort data in cells

Cell sorting occurs as follows:

  1. As an example, you need to fill in some range of values ​​(they must be located horizontally or vertically). In our case, this will be random numbering.
  1. Then they need to be selected.
  2. Open the Layout section from the menu.
  3. Click on the "Data" icon.
  4. Select "Sort".
  1. After that, a window of the same name will appear.
  2. Here you can specify how exactly you want to sort the selected cells:
    • which column (if the cells are selected in advance, the required value will be automatically substituted);
    • type of comparison (by numbers, alphabetically, and so on);
    • ascending or descending.
  3. Click the "OK" button to continue.
  1. Because of this, Word was able to number the values ​​in ascending order.

How to display the grid

Sometimes it happens that part of the borders is invisible. Perhaps someone tried to hide them intentionally. For example, so that they are not visible when printed.

  1. Click on any cell.
  2. Open the Layout section from the menu.
  3. Click on the Show Mesh tool.
  1. As a result of this, you will see a torn area. Now she is not invisible.

Please note that these dotted lines are only visible while working with the document. When printing on another computer, they will not be visible (unless the same function is enabled there).

Thanks to this, writing text in cells will become much easier and more convenient. Since you can now visually separate them from each other.

Editing a table frame

You can change the appearance of this element in various ways. Let's consider them more carefully.

How to add new rows and columns

This can be done with the following steps:

  1. Open the Layout section from the menu.
  2. Choose the right tool:
    • insert from above;
    • insert from below;
    • insert left;
    • insert on the right.

When adding new columns, you need to be very careful. It is important to calculate whether there is enough space. Since if the table is already large (it occupies the entire distance between the borders of the sheet), then for new elements, part of the space is transferred from existing ones. As a result, a distortion of the appearance may occur. Thus, you can lose a beautiful table. Therefore, be very careful.

The same manipulations can be performed using the context menu.

  1. Make a right click on any cell.
  2. Select "Insert".
  3. Then you will see exactly the same options for adding new elements.

Removing rows and columns

If in the process of filling out the table you see that you have empty or unnecessary cells left, you can always get rid of them. For this you need:

  1. Jump to the right place.
  2. Open the "Layout" tab.
  3. Click on the "Delete" icon.
  4. You can then remove:
    • current cell;
    • the column you are in;
    • the line in which the active cell is located;
    • the table in its entirety.

As a rule, Microsoft developers like to duplicate various functions in the toolbar and in context menu. And this case is no exception.

If you right-click on any cell, you will see a context menu. In it you will need to select the item "Delete cells".

Then you will need to specify what exactly needs to be deleted and how:

  • with a shift to the left;
  • with shift to the right;
  • the entire line;
  • the entire column.

Before deleting something, double-check whether you did everything correctly. If you accidentally destroy something important, it will be enough to press the hot keys Ctrl + Z.

Merging cells

Merging cells is pretty easy.

  1. Select the required range of elements.
  2. Right-click on the specified area.
  3. Select the specified item from the context menu.
  1. Thanks to this, you were able to connect the selected cells.

The same actions can be done using the toolbar. In this case, the course of action will be as follows:

  1. Select the required cells.
  2. Open the menu section "Layout".
  3. Click on the "Combine" icon.
  4. Click on "Merge Cells".

The result will be exactly the same. You can use whichever is most convenient for you.

How to split cells

We learned how to merge cells. Now let's figure out how to break them into several components.

In this case, you are required to take the following steps.

  1. Right click on the cell we worked with earlier.
  2. Select "Split Cells".
  1. Then you need to put down the desired number of rows and columns.
  2. Click the "OK" button to continue.
  1. The result will be the following.

We have already said that in the Word editor many functions are duplicated in different menus. The same is true here. Some people find it much more convenient to use the toolbar than the context menu.

In this case, the instruction looks like this.

  1. Select another cell.
  2. Open the Layout tab.
  3. Click on the Union tool.
  4. Click the "Split Cells" button.
  1. Then you need to specify the desired number of columns and rows. You can change the values ​​with the arrows or manually.
  2. Click "OK" to save.
  1. As a result, you will see the following.


You can do anything with tables in Word. For example, you will be able to:

  • align any text;
  • adjust the size of the cells in height and width;
  • specify a different fill;
  • choose any line spacing;
  • lower table borders;
  • rotate text 90 degrees;
  • move the table to any part of the sheet;
  • lift it up;
  • perform some calculations (find the sum of values, and so on);
  • insert ready-made tables from the Internet from any site and much more.

Let's consider some manipulations in more detail.

Border editing

In order to customize the appearance of borders, you need to do the following.

  1. Select some cells.
  2. Go to the "Home" tab.
  3. Click on the border tool.
  4. Choose any of the proposed options (which lines do you need).

If the proposed options are not enough for you or you want to use different kinds borders, you will need to open a special window. To do this, repeat the steps above. But this time click on the last item.

Thanks to this, you will see the following window. Here you can:

  • choose a ready type of borders;
  • specify the type of lines;
  • customize the desired color and width;
  • using a sample, indicate exactly where the lines should be (you will need to click on the indicated borders);
  • apply the setting to any desired fragment.

Preset Styles

In addition, you can use ready-made templates. This is done very simply.

  1. Select the desired range of cells.
  2. Click with the right mouse button.
  3. Then select "Border Styles".
  4. Thanks to this, you will be able to expand the list of different options. Click on any of them.

How to change cell height and width

There are times when you need to increase cell sizes.

  1. Hover your cursor over a border.
  2. After that, the appearance should change.
  3. Click the left mouse button and drag the cursor down.
  1. Thanks to this method, you can expand or reduce any borders (both the table itself and individual cells).

If you need to specify the exact dimensions of the cells, and not "by eye", you will need to use the toolbar.

  1. Choose any cell.
  2. Open the Layout section from the menu.
  3. Specify the desired values.

Text alignment

For this purpose are used standard buttons, which are located on the main toolbar. With their help, you can align text:

  • along the left edge;
  • in the center;
  • along the right edge;
  • in width.

Text direction

If you want to rotate the text, change its position or make a mirror rotation, you will need to perform the following operations.

  1. Make a right click on any cell with text.
  2. Select Text Direction.
  1. After that, a window will appear in which you can adjust the text orientation. In this case, a sample will be available, since the first time you can flip the text in the wrong direction.
  2. Click "OK" to save the changes.

The result will be the following.

How to change the style

If you are too lazy to adjust the borders and fill manually, it is better to use ready-made templates from MS Word. To do this is quite simple.

  1. Hover your cursor over any of the options.
  1. You will immediately see a preview.
  1. In order to expand the entire list, you must click in the specified area.
  1. There are quite a few options. When you hover over each of them, an inscription with a small description will appear.
  2. In order to select the desired style, just click on it.

Style Editing

You can make your own changes if you wish. Creating your templates is quite an interesting process. It happens as follows.

  1. Repeat the steps above.
  2. But this time, click on Change Table Style.
  1. Immediately after that, a large window with various options will open.
  2. Here you can:
    • write the desired style name;
    • choose the basis for this template;
    • indicate exactly where it will be used;
    • choose the desired name and font size;
    • adjust cell borders;
    • paint over the desired cells and much more.
  3. Every time you make any change, you will see the result of your actions (preview).
  4. To save your work, you will need to click "OK".

Clearing the design

If it began to seem to you that you went too far with the design, then to return to initial state you need to follow the following instructions.

  1. Expand the list of all possible styles.
  2. Click on "Clear".
  1. In the end, everything disappears. Even borders.

Creating your own style

We have already talked about editing templates above. But there it was about changing existing ones. If you want to create something from scratch, you will need to do the following steps.

  1. Expand the list of styles again.
  2. Click on Create Table Style.
  1. After that, exactly the same window will appear, only with an empty unformatted table.
  2. Enter all the necessary settings and save with the "OK" button.

Filling cells

As a rule, very often the cells need to be highlighted with different colors. In order to apply the desired shade for a specific fragment of the table, you need to do the following steps.

  1. Select the desired cells.
  2. Open the Design tab.
  3. Click on the Fill icon.
  4. Specify the desired color.
  1. You will end up with something like this.

Table Properties

All the settings described above (which were scattered around different places) can be found in one menu.

  1. Right-click on the table (it doesn't matter where).
  2. Select "Table Properties".
  1. This will open a window that contains all the properties of this object.

You can adjust each parameter individually using the toolbar or edit them in this window. There is absolutely no difference.

How to build a chart on a table

In the Word editor, there is no way to build graphs and charts based on data from the current document. For this purpose, built-in Excel spreadsheets are used. It happens in the following way.

  1. Go to the "Insert" section.
  2. Click on the "Illustrations" button.
  3. Click on the diagram.
  1. Then a window will appear in which you can select the type of chart you need.
  2. Click "OK" to paste.
  1. As a result, an object will be inserted with random values. You can change them as you wish.

If you need to use data from your document, then you can simply copy it to Excel. Then the graph will be built according to the updated data.

How to translate a table into a PDF file

We will use the program as a converter Adobe Acrobat, since it is installed by most users.

The PDF file conversion process is as follows.

  1. Click on the main menu "File".
  1. Click on "Save as Adobe PDF".
  1. Choose a name and location to save the document.
  2. Then click on the appropriate button.
  1. The waiting time will depend on the size of the Word file.
  1. The PDF file will look like this.

In addition to this method, there are many others. More precisely, there are more programs and sites that can do the same.

Using formulas in tables

It is important to understand that Word is not Excel. In this case, the number and possibilities of formulas are severely limited. In order to insert them into table cells, you need to perform the following operations.

  1. Make any cell active.
  2. Open the Layout tab.
  3. Click on the Data tool.
  4. Click on the "Formula" icon.
  1. After that, a window for entering the formula will open.

You can learn more about this tool on the official Microsoft website.

Version difference

This instruction is suitable for modern Word editors (2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016). In Word 2003, the process is different. To create tables in old version using a separate menu. In new programs, this can be done using the "Insert" tab.

Almost everywhere in every point the principle of operation is the same. It wasn't until 2003 that it was possible to use Express Spreadsheets or "Excel Spreadsheets". It could only be moved using the Ctrl+C Ctrl+V keys.

Only the choice of styles is very different.


To customize the appearance of a table, follow these steps.

  1. Open the main menu "Table".
  2. Select AutoFormat Table.
  1. This will open a window with the same name. various settings. Here you can:
    • choose ready-made styles;
    • edit the design;
    • create or delete your template;
    • undo formatting and return to default values.
  2. In order for all the changes made to take effect, you will need to click on the "Apply" button.


In this article, we examined in detail how you can build tables in the Word editor. In addition, special attention was paid to the process of editing and designing cells using different methods.

This manual is intended for both dummies and self-confident users. Even the latter may have questions: “Why?”, “From where?”, “How?” and so on. If something doesn't work for you, you might be doing something wrong. Or - select the wrong cells.

Video instruction

For those readers who still have some questions, we have prepared a special video tutorial that describes and shows the methods of working with tables described above with additional comments.

A table in Word 2007 is created very simply. But many novice users are intimidated when it comes to tables. Let's take a step-by-step look at what you can do with them. After reading the article, you will be a master in the work and design of tables.

The main thing is to learn how to design and format them, and not just create them. Information is often easier to perceive when it is presented in a user-friendly way. Let's consider everything step by step.

How to create tables in Word

First, open the Word editor. At the top of the panel there is an "Insert" tab (Insert in English versions).

There is a table button. You need to click on it, and then a special menu will appear where you can do the following:

  • insert table;
  • draw a table
  • insert express table;
  • insert an Excel spreadsheet;
  • convert table.

You can insert a table different ways. For example, the simplest is to select the required number of rows and columns on a special panel. You can do it like this.

How to create tables in Word in other ways? You can also click on a row in the Insert Table menu. As a result, a special window with table settings will open.

Here you can specify the number of columns and the number of rows. You can also specify the width of the columns. Enter everything you need, and then click on the "OK" button.

How to draw a table

In addition, you can draw a table. This is the next line on the menu after inserting a table.

By clicking on this item, you will have a brush tool with which you can draw tables. But this method is usually not used, since it is easy to get confused there. Much more efficient to insert as above.

Express table

How to create tables in Word with advance ready-made templates? Pretty simple. You need to click on the menu item "Express Tables". After that, you will have a whole list of templates.

You can choose any option that you need and like more.

How to merge cells in Word?

When designing tables, you often need to merge cells. For example, when creating a header. To do this is quite simple. Select several cells and press the right mouse button.

And after that, the selected cells will become one. Such actions can be done as many times as you like, until only one cell remains in the table.

You can merge both vertically and horizontally.

Insert Excel spreadsheet

There is an item "Excel Spreadsheet" in the menu. Click there.

As soon as you click there, you will have a ready-made format table in your familiar Excel. Moreover, there will be the same sheets as in the Microsoft Excel editor.

You can work there in exactly the same way as in your native editor. The right click will bring up the menu not "Word", but "Excel".

You will work in Excel while being in the Word editor. It is very comfortable. After all, that's what it's designed for.

Adding rows and columns

If you want to enlarge your table, you need to mark a cell with the cursor and call up the menu by pressing the right mouse button. There is a special item "insert". By clicking on it, you will open another additional window with other operations.

The menu is very simple, each item speaks for itself. Everyone can figure it out here.

Table Formatting

There is an item "Border" and "Fill". Click there. You will have the following window.

Initially, you will have the Fields tab open. You need to go to the "Paper Source" tab. There is an item "Fill". Choose any color you want and click OK.

But you can fill the hat with others more in a simple way. At the top of the panel there is a button with a bucket for pouring.

You can choose any color. There is a ready-made palette set with different shades. If none is suitable, then you can choose any other by clicking on the "Other colors" button.

How to create tables with ready-made design in Word? For this on top panel you need to go to the "Design" tab. It is important that you are in the table at this moment.

As a result, you will see a large number of pre-prepared design options. You can use any. To familiarize yourself, you can move the cursor over these templates, but do not click on them. The table will be transformed, but the changes will not take effect until you click on the selected option.

If you are thinking about how to divide a table in Word, then it is very simple. Move to the desired line and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. And it will be divided into 2 parts.

Moving a table

Many are wondering how to transfer a table to Word. It is very easy to move it. Stand on any table. in your left upper corner a cross will appear. Click on it and don't let go. Then move the mouse cursor to this table to any place you need.

Please note that when you click on this icon, the table is completely selected. It can be moved in another way. It is enough to press Ctrl + X on the keyboard (you will cut the contents) and press Ctrl + V in the desired position.

As a result, all rows and columns will be in the right place.

Word text editor is the most advanced word processing program. With this program, you can create any text documents, including tables. In this material, you can learn how to make a table in Word 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013.

How to make a table in Word 2007, 2010 or 2013

First, let's talk about how to make a table in new versions of Word. Starting with Word 2007, Microsoft uses in its office programs the so-called ribbon interface. This interface consists of tabs. Each tab has a number of buttons and features that the user can use after opening the tab. In order to make a table in Word 2007, 2010 or 2013, you need to go to the "INSERT" tab and click on the "TABLE" button. This will open the menu for creating tables.

At the very top of the menu that opens, there will be a square of cells. With this square, you can quickly create a table. To do this, just select the desired number of cells with the mouse and press the left mouse button. After that, a table of the size you selected will appear on the page in Word.

The only restriction this method creating tables is the size. Using mouse selection, you can create a table with a maximum of 10 by 8 cells. To create a larger table, click on the "TABLE" button and select "INSERT TABLE".

After that, a small window will appear in which you can specify the number of columns, the number of rows, and also set up automatic selection of column widths. After entering all necessary settings you need to click on the "OK" button and a table of the size you need will be created on the page.

You can also create tables with styles using the TABLE button. To do this, select the menu item "EXPRESS TABLES" and select a table with a suitable style in the menu that appears.

Another very useful feature these are excel spreadsheets inside word document. In order to make an Excel table in Word, click on the "TABLE" button and select "EXCEL TABLE".

After selecting this item on Word page A small window will appear with an Excel spreadsheet. In such a table, you can work in the same way as in Excel. You can create formulas and use all other Excel spreadsheet features.

You can also make a table manually. To do this, click on the "TABLE" button and select "DRAW TABLE". After that, the pencil tool will appear, with which you can create the outer border of the table.

Further editing of the table can be performed using the tools that are located on the "DESIGN" and "LAYOUT" tabs.

How to make a table in Word 2003

If you are still using the Word 2003 text editor, then in order to make a table you need to open the drop-down menu "TABLE - INSERT - TABLE".

After that, a small window will appear for choosing the number of columns, rows and setting the automatic selection of column widths. After making all the settings, you need to click on the "OK" button and the table will appear in the document.

You can also create a table using the button on the toolbar. But when using this method maximum size tables will be 4 by 5.

The adjacent button allows you to make an Excel spreadsheet inside a Word document.

You can also draw the table manually. To do this, select the menu item "TABLE - DRAW TABLE"

To further edit the table, you need to open the "Borders Panel". To do this, click on the corresponding button on the toolbar.

This panel contains buttons for drawing tables, filling, sorting values ​​in the table, as well as other tools for working with tables.

Suppose you have data on employees: the number of transactions and revenue. You need to display data in a visual way, such as using a pie chart.

In this case, the circle will mean the sum of all transactions or the sum of all proceeds, that is, 100%

When constructing a circle Excel charts will automatically calculate the share and present it in the form of a beautiful and visual picture.

Instructions on how to make a pie chart in Excel 2007 or 2010

  1. To build a pie chart based on deal data, you need to select the required range of values B3:C8(column with full name and column with transactions) as in the figure. Don't forget to grab the table header.
  2. Next, go to the section Insert | Diagrams
  3. In the Charts section, select a pie chart
  4. In the drop-down list, you must select the desired type of pie chart.

That's it - the pie chart is ready.

To display the values ​​on a pie chart, right-click anywhere on the pie itself and select “ Add data labels

If you need to make a pie chart for another column, in our example it is revenue, then you also first need to select the columns that interest us. To do this, select these ranges by holding down the key ctrl on keyboard

If necessary, we also insert data signatures.

And the data donut chart displays the value as a percentage of everything and is a chart format available for use in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and 2013. Categories are represented by individual pieces. Donut charts are functionally identical to pie charts in the sense that you can display almost the same data. There are two types of charts: donut donut and exploded donut.

The basic way to create a donut chart is with the gallery when you insert a chart.

Select Insert -> Chart and then select Donut from the list.

Now you can customize the chart by adding data to the table. If you need to add a new series of data from a concentric circle in a graph, you can add a new column to the data selection in the spreadsheet.

Another Way to Make a Donut Chart in PowerPoint 2010

Here is another basic way to add a donut chart to PowerPoint from a simple pie chart.

We are starting to create a simple pie chart in PowerPoint. The basic pie chart in PowerPoint 2010 can be inserted using a gallery chart.

Customize the pie chart to display the data you want. Then add a simple circle in the center of the pie chart.

Now repeat the process and add an extra concentric circle in the center of the first shape circle that was added.

Now, let's fill the first form with a white background and the second form (the inner one) with a nice styled background. You can use gradients like gradient radial style plus good effect shadows.

Here you have the individual elements that we will use to plot the donut. Two circled shapes and a pie chart.

You can customize the inner circle by changing the properties of the Shape format.

And finally, our editable donut chart will look like this.

You can learn more about how to present your data in a toroidal chart, download donut chart templates, or you can download free PowerPoint and chart templates. If you need this template, feel free to contact us, we can kindly send it to you.

In this article, I decided to tell you how to make a table with rounded corners. I'm sure you've probably come across such tables while surfing the Internet.

I will tell you exactly about such tables. Of course, such a table can be made in several ways, this method, which I will tell you about, is the simplest and most "beautiful", because if you make such a table in a different way, then you will have to learn JAVA and combine it with CSS, and thus your the code will become very unwieldy and complex.

This method uses only HTML, but we will have to create images, that is, the corners of the table. To create corners, we need Photoshop or any other graphics program which you like (at least MS Point), but so that you can handle it. In this article I will tell you how to make them in Photoshop "e.

We proceed directly to the creation of the table. To create a table, open Dreamweaver or any other HTML editor. We create a new document or open an already created one and there we already create the table itself with 3 rows and 2 columns:

We go into Photoshop, take the Rounded Rectangle Tool and draw a rounded rectangle, while setting the rounding radius to the same one we want the table to be, I set it to 30 pixels.

First merge the background layer and the rectangle image layer by pressing and holding Ctrl key in the layers panel, select the top and bottom layers and press Ctrl + E.

Now we need to extract the corners from this rectangle, for this we take the Recatangular Marquee Tool, in the top panel select Style: Fixed Size in the Width and Height fields, write down the Radius "a values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you specified in step 2. Click on the image, a dotted one will appear in front of you square Move it so that the rounded corner is completely in the square.

Press Ctrl + C (to copy what is inside the square, that is, our corner). Now we need to create a new image to paste the corner we copied earlier, go: File-New...-Ok and immediately paste our corner Ctrl + V

In the created table, the second row will need to be combined into one, because it will be necessary to write text there.
Now we insert our images (corners) into our table.

Inserted pictures (with right-bottom and right-top) should be right-aligned.
Now the last step: you need to set the background color of the table to the same as that of the corners.

OK it's all over Now. This method is the easiest of all. I hope that this article helped you in some way, and I hope I explained everything intelligibly. Good luck!