Frequency random access memory - the higher the frequency, the faster the information will be transferred for processing and the higher the computer performance will be. When talking about the frequency of RAM, they mean the data transfer frequency, not the clock frequency.

  1. DDR- 200/266/333/400 MHz (clock frequency 100/133/166/200 MHz).
    DDR2- 400/533/667/800/1066 MHz (200/266/333/400/533 MHz clock frequency).
  2. DDR3- 800/1066/1333/1600/1800/2000/2133/2200/2400 MHz (400/533/667/800/1800/1000/1066/1100/1200 MHz clock frequency). But due to high timings (delays), memory modules of the same frequency lose DDR2 performance.
  3. DDR4 — 2133/2400/2666/2800/3000/3200/3333.

Communication frequency

Data transfer frequency (correctly called it - data transfer rate, Data rate) - the number of data transfer operations per second through the selected channel. Measured in gigatransfers (GT/s) or megatransfers (MT/s). For DDR3-1333, the data rate will be 1333 MT/s.

You need to understand that this is not a clock frequency. The real frequency will be half of the specified one, DDR (Double Data Rate) is twice the data transfer rate. Therefore, DDR-400 memory operates at 200 MHz, DDR2-800 at 400 MHz, and DDR3-1333 at 666 MHz.

The frequency of RAM indicated on the board is the maximum frequency with which it will be able to work. If you install 2 DDR3-2400 and DDR3-1333 boards, the system will operate at the maximum frequency of the weakest board, i.e. by 1333. Thus, the throughput will decrease, but the decrease in throughput is not the only problem, errors may appear when loading the operating system and critical errors in the course of work. If you are going to buy RAM, you need to consider the frequency at which it can work. This frequency must match the frequency supported motherboard.

Maximum data transfer rate

The second parameter (in the photo PC3-10666) is maximum speed data transfer measured in Mb/s. For DDR3-1333 PC3-10666, the maximum transfer rate is 10.664 MB/s.

Timings and frequency of RAM

Many motherboards, when installing memory modules on them, do not set the maximum clock speed for them. One of the reasons is the lack of performance gain with an increase in clock frequency, because with an increase in frequency, operating timings increase. Of course, this may improve performance in some applications, but also reduce it in others, or it may not affect applications at all that do not depend on memory latency or bandwidth.

Timing determines the delay time of the memory. For example, the CAS Latency (CL, or access time) parameter determines how many memory module clock cycles will delay the return of data requested by the processor. CL 9 RAM will delay nine clock cycles to transfer the requested data, and CL 7 memory will delay seven clock cycles to transfer it. Both RAMs can have the same frequency and data transfer settings, but the second RAM will transfer data faster than the first. This problem is known as "latency".

The lower the timing parameter, the faster the memory.

For example. The Corsair memory module installed on the M4A79 Deluxe motherboard will have the following timings: 5-5-5-18. If you increase the memory clock speed to DDR2-1066, the timings will increase and will have the following values ​​5-7-7-24.

The Qimonda memory module, when operating at a clock frequency of DDR3-1066, has working timings of 7-7-7-20, when the operating frequency increases to DDR3-1333, the board sets the timings of 9-9-9-25. As a rule, timings are written in SPD and may differ for different modules.

From time to time, many users want to perform such an interesting operation as checking RAM.

The fact is that very often in the Windows operating system, RAM does not cope with the load assigned to it, although, judging by the volume, it should.

In other words, the computer does not give out the speed that it should give, based on the amount of RAM.

In general, this is far from the only problem that occurs with memory in Windows operating systems.

Additional utility memtest86+

In addition to the standard tool described above, there is more than one special utility to check the RAM.

All of them can be easily downloaded and some of them are even in Russian. This option is just right for Windows 10 and Windows XP.

Such programs also do an excellent job with their main task, that is, checking for errors. But according to many users, the best one is memtest86+.

This program gives the most accurate data and can work in the most different versions operating systems, including Windows 7, 10, Vista and so on.

You can download memtest86+ very quickly online. The whole process of using this program from start to finish is as follows:

  • Download memtest86+ from the official site. The link looks like this: . There are several download options available to us:
    • in .gz format for the Linux operating system and the like (underlined in Figure 5 with a red line);
    • in .zip format in order to burn the image later on a regular CD or DVD disc(underlined with a green line);
    • in .exe format for writing to a flash drive (blue line).

  • After that, you will need to write the downloaded image to a USB flash drive or to the most normal disk so that later, when the system starts, these files can start.
    Everything is very simple here - if you downloaded .zip, then standard means we write the file to disk, if .exe, then we dump it on a USB flash drive, deleting everything else from it. And if you downloaded .gz, then just run it.
  • After recording, it is necessary to put the boot from the shooting media into the BIOS. To do this, you need to make sure that the system checks at startup for anything in the drives and connectors.
    To make this happen, we restart the computer and when it starts, press the Delete button (on some computers F2). Thus, we will get into the BIOS.
    There we are looking for an item whose name contains the word "Boot" (for example, in Award BIOS it's called "Advanced BIOS Features" - shown in Figure #6).

There we are looking for the item “Boot Sequence” (again, depending on the version, the name may change).

In the window that appears, we see a list of all available media from which loading can occur. The name of the flash drive will appear "USB", in the name of the disk - "CD / DVD".

We need to click on the first item, i.e. "1st boot device» and select the desired drive in the window that appears. In the example above, this is a flash drive, that is, a USB drive.

  • We insert the media with the program. It will start automatically. The program window looks as shown in Figure 10.

Advice: It is better to check each RAM module separately. This means that you need to physically (by hand) remove each memory module in turn and run a test. In this case, the utilitymemtest86+will find the module that is damaged.It's better to just throw away the problematic memory module and replace it with a new one.

If problems are found, the memtest86+ window will look like Figure 11.

Unfortunately, memtest86+ does not work in Russian. But it can be easily and quickly downloaded online.

Yes, and here the main thing is to find problems, and if they exist, we will see a red color, as shown in Figure No. 11.

You can learn more about how memtest86+ works in the video below.

Thematic video:

Story random access memory, or RAM, began back in 1834, when Charles Babbage developed the "analytical engine" - in fact, the prototype of a computer. Part of this machine, which was responsible for storing intermediate data, he called the "warehouse". Memorization of information there was organized in a purely mechanical way, by means of shafts and gears.

In the first generations of computers, RAM was used cathode ray tubes, magnetic drums, later magnetic cores appeared, and after them, in the third generation of computers, memory on microcircuits appeared.

Now the RAM is performed according to the technology DRAM in form factors DIMMs and SO-DIMMs, this is dynamic memory, organized as integrated circuits semiconductors. It is volatile, that is, the data disappears when there is no power.

The choice of RAM is not challenging task today, the main thing here is to understand the types of memory, its purpose and main characteristics.

Memory types


SO-DIMM form factor memory is designed for use in laptops, compact ITX systems, monoblocks - in a word, where the minimum physical size of memory modules is important. It differs from the DIMM form factor by a module length reduced by about 2 times, and a smaller number of pins on the board (204 and 360 pins for SO-DIMM DDR3 and DDR4 versus 240 and 288 for boards of the same types of DIMM memory).
In terms of other characteristics - frequency, timings, volume, SO-DIMM modules can be any, and they do not differ from DIMMs in any fundamental way.


DIMM - random access memory for full-size computers.
The type of memory you choose must first of all be compatible with the socket on the motherboard. RAM for a computer is divided into 4 types - DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4.

DDR memory appeared in 2001 and had 184 pins. The supply voltage ranged from 2.2 to 2.4 V. The operating frequency was 400 MHz. Still found on sale, however, the choice is small. Today, the format is outdated - it is suitable only if you do not want to completely update the system, and in the old motherboard the connectors are only for DDR.

The DDR2 standard was released already in 2003, it received 240 pins, which increased the number of threads, decently speeding up the data transfer bus to the processor. The operating frequency of DDR2 could be up to 800 MHz (in individual cases- up to 1066 MHz), and the supply voltage from 1.8 to 2.1 V is slightly less than that of DDR. Consequently, the power consumption and heat dissipation of the memory have been reduced.
DDR2 vs DDR Differences:

240 contacts vs 120
· New slot not compatible with DDR
Less power consumption
・Improved design better cooling
Higher maximum operating frequency

Also, like DDR, an outdated type of memory - now it’s only suitable for old motherboards, in other cases it makes no sense to buy, since the new DDR3 and DDR4 are faster.

In 2007, RAM was updated with the DDR3 type, which is still massively distributed. The same 240 pins remain, but the connection slot for DDR3 has changed - there is no compatibility with DDR2. The frequency of the modules is on average from 1333 to 1866 MHz. There are also modules with frequencies up to 2800 MHz.
DDR3 is different from DDR2:

· DDR2 and DDR3 slots are not compatible.
· The clock speed of DDR3 is 2 times higher - 1600 MHz versus 800 MHz for DDR2.
Differs in a reduced supply voltage - about 1.5V, and lower power consumption (in the version DDR3L this value is on average even lower, about 1.35 V).
· Delays (timings) DDR3 more than DDR2, but the operating frequency is higher. In general, the speed of DDR3 is 20-30% higher.

DDR3 is a good choice today. Many motherboards sell DDR3 memory slots, and due to the massive popularity of this type, it is unlikely to disappear soon. It's also slightly cheaper than DDR4.

DDR4 is a new type of RAM developed only in 2012. It is an evolutionary development of the previous types. Memory bandwidth has increased again, now reaching 25.6 GB/s. The operating frequency has also risen - on average from 2133 MHz to 3600 MHz. If we compare the new type with DDR3, which lasted on the market for 8 years and became widespread, then the performance gain is insignificant, and besides, not all motherboards and processors support the new type.
DDR4 differences:

Incompatibility with previous types
Reduced supply voltage - from 1.2 to 1.05 V, power consumption also decreased
Operating memory frequency up to 3200 MHz (can reach 4166 MHz in some brackets), while, of course, proportionally increased timings
May slightly outperform DDR3

If you already have DDR3 sticks, then there is no point in rushing to change them to DDR4. When this format spreads massively, and all motherboards already support DDR4, the transition to a new type will happen by itself with an update of the entire system. Thus, we can summarize that DDR4 is more of a marketing than a really new type of RAM.

What memory frequency to choose?

Choosing a frequency should begin with checking the maximum supported frequencies by your processor and motherboard. It makes sense to take a frequency higher than supported by the processor only when overclocking the processor.

Today, you should not choose memory with a frequency below 1600 MHz. The 1333 MHz option is acceptable in the case of DDR3, if these are not old modules lying around at the seller, which will obviously be slower than new ones.

The best option for today is memory with a frequency interval from 1600 to 2400 MHz. A higher frequency has almost no advantage, but costs much more, and is usually overclocked modules with raised timings. For example, the difference between modules at 1600 and 2133 MHz in a number of work programs will be no more than 5-8%, in games the difference can be even less. Frequencies in 2133-2400 MHz are worth taking if you are engaged in video / audio encoding, rendering.

The difference between the frequencies of 2400 and 3600 MHz will cost you quite a lot, without adding any noticeable speed.

How much RAM to take?

The amount you need depends on the type of work being done on the computer, the operating system installed, and the programs you use. Also, do not lose sight of the maximum amount of memory supported by your motherboard.

Volume 2 GB- for today, it may be enough only for browsing the Internet. Will eat more than half operating system, the rest is enough for the leisurely work of undemanding programs.

Volume 4 GB
- suitable for a medium-sized computer, for a home PC media center. Enough to watch movies, and even play undemanding games. Modern - alas, with difficulty pull. (Becomes the best choice if you have a 32-bit operating system Windows system, which sees no more than 3 GB of RAM)

Volume 8 GB(or a set of 2x4GB) - the recommended volume for today for a full-fledged PC. This is enough for almost any game, to work with any resource-demanding software. Best choice for general purpose computer.

16 GB (or 2x8GB, 4x4GB sets) will be justified if you work with graphics, heavy programming environments, or constantly render video. It is also perfect for online streaming - here with 8 GB there can be freezes, especially with high quality video broadcasts. Some games in high resolutions and with HD textures can do better with 16 GB of RAM on board.

Volume 32 GB(set 2x16GB, or 4x8GB) - so far a very controversial choice, it will come in handy for some very extreme work tasks. It would be better to spend money on other computer components, this will have a stronger effect on its performance.

Operating modes: better 1 stick of memory or 2?

RAM can operate in single-channel, dual-, three- and four-channel modes. Definitely, if your motherboard has a sufficient number of slots, then it is better to take several identical smaller ones instead of one memory bar. The speed of access to them will increase from 2 to 4 times.

In order for the memory to work in dual-channel mode, you need to install brackets in slots of the same color on the motherboard. As a rule, the color is repeated through the connector. It is important at the same time that the memory frequency in the two bars is the same.

- Single channel mode– single-channel operation mode. Turns on when one stick of memory is installed, or different modules operating at different frequencies. As a result, the memory runs at the frequency of the slowest bar.
- dual mode– two-channel mode. Works only with memory modules of the same frequency, increases the speed by 2 times. Manufacturers produce specially for this kits of memory modules, in which there can be 2 or 4 identical strips.
-Triple Mode- works on the same principle as the two-channel. In practice, it is not always faster.
- Quad mode- four-channel mode, which works on the principle of two-channel, respectively, increasing the speed of work by 4 times. Used only where needed high speed- for example, in servers.

- Flex Mode- a more flexible version of the two-channel mode of operation, when the bars are of different volumes, but only the frequency is the same. In this case, the same volumes of modules will be used in dual-channel mode, and the remaining volume will operate in single-channel mode.

Does memory need a heatsink?

Now is not the time when, at a voltage of 2 V, an operating frequency of 1600 MHz was reached, and as a result, a lot of heat was generated, which had to be somehow removed. Then the heatsink could be a criterion for the survival of an overclocked module.

At present, memory power consumption has dropped significantly, and a heatsink on a module can be justified from a technical point of view only if you are fond of overclocking, and the module will operate at frequencies beyond its limits. In all other cases, radiators can be justified, perhaps, by a beautiful design.

If the heatsink is massive and noticeably increases the height of the memory bar, this is already a significant disadvantage, since it can prevent you from installing a processor supercooler in the system. By the way, there are special low-profile memory modules designed for installation in compact cases. They are slightly more expensive than regular sized modules.

What are timings?

Timings, or latency (latency)- one of the most important characteristics of RAM, determining its speed. Let us outline the general meaning of this parameter.

Simplified, RAM can be represented as a two-dimensional table in which each cell carries information. Cells are accessed by specifying the column and row number, and this is indicated by the row access strobe. RAS(Row Access Strobe) and column access gate CAS (Acess Strobe) by changing the voltage. Thus, for each cycle of work there are calls RAS and CAS, and there are certain delays between these accesses and write / read commands, which are called timings.

In the description of the RAM module, you can see five timings, which for convenience are written as a sequence of numbers separated by a hyphen, for example 8-9-9-20-27 .

· tRCD (time of RAS to CAS Delay)- timing, which determines the delay from the RAS pulse to CAS
· CL (time of CAS Latency)- timing, which determines the delay between the write / read command and the CAS pulse
· tRP (time of Row Precharge)- timing, which determines the delay in transitions from one line to the next
· tRAS (time of Active to Precharge Delay)- timing, which determines the delay between the activation of the line and the end of work with it; is considered the main value
· command rate– determines the delay between the command to select a single chip on the module until the command to activate the line; this timing is not always indicated.

To put it even more simply, it is important to know only one thing about timings - the smaller their values, the better. At the same time, the bars can have the same frequency of operation, but different timings, and a module with lower values ​​will always be faster. So it is worth choosing the minimum timings, for DDR4 the timings of 15-15-15-36 will be the benchmark for average values, for DDR3 - 10-10-10-30. It is also worth remembering that the timings are related to the memory frequency, so when overclocking, you will most likely have to raise the timings, and vice versa - you can manually lower the frequency, while lowering the timings. It is most beneficial to pay attention to the totality of these parameters, choosing rather a balance, and not chasing the extreme values ​​of the parameters.

How to decide on a budget?

With more money, you can afford more RAM. The main difference between cheap and expensive modules will be in timings, frequency of operation, and in the brand - well-known, advertised ones can cost a little more than noname modules from an incomprehensible manufacturer.
Besides, extra money there is a radiator installed on the modules. Not all planks need it, but manufacturers now do not skimp on them.

The price will also depend on the timings, the lower they are, the higher the speed, and, accordingly, the price.

So, having up to 2000 rubles, you can purchase a 4 GB memory module, or 2 x 2 GB modules, which is preferable. Choose depending on what your PC configuration allows. Modules like DDR3 will cost almost half as much as DDR4. With such a budget, it is more reasonable to take DDR3.

To the group up to 4000 rubles Includes 8 GB modules and 2x4 GB kits. This is the best choice for any task, except for professional work with video, and in any other heavy environments.

Into the amount up to 8000 rubles The amount of memory will cost 16 GB. Recommended for professional purposes, or for avid gamers - enough even in reserve, waiting for new demanding games.

If not a problem to spend up to 13000 rubles, then the best choice would be to put them in a set of 4 sticks of 4 GB. For this money, you can even choose prettier radiators, possibly for subsequent overclocking.

I don’t advise taking more than 16 GB without the purpose of working in professional heavy environments (and even then not in all), but if you really want to, then for the amount from 13000 rubles you can climb Olympus by purchasing a 32 GB or even 64 GB kit. True, this will not make much sense for an ordinary user or gamer - it is better to spend money on, say, a flagship video card.

Frequency plays an important role in computer performance. It is even sometimes called "brains", because its functionality largely determines computing power PC. Usually users look at the amount of RAM and do not notice the RAM at all and what does it affect? We'll talk about this.

How to find out the frequency of RAM?

The frequency of the RAM can vary in a fairly wide range. However, recently the most popular values ​​are 1333 and 1600 MHz. They are installed in modern laptops and computers. The very first and easiest way to find out what frequency of RAM is in your computer involves using the CPU-Z program. It takes only 1 MB of disk space, and you can download it for free on the official website.

Find this program on the Internet, download it and install it. Now run it and you will see the utility window on the screen. We are interested in the Timings section and the parameter that is specified there. We are talking about the DRAM Frequency parameter. If the value of 1333 MHz is opposite this parameter, then this means that the frequency of the RAM is 1333 MHz. Now you know how to check the frequency of RAM, there is nothing complicated here.

But don't stop at the frequency. Using this program, you can also find out what type of RAM sticks are used (the Type parameter is responsible for this), the total amount of memory of all bars, the number of channels, etc. It is not necessary to use CPU-Z program. There is also the Aida64 utility, which outputs more detailed information about your hardware. But it is distributed for a fee, although there is also a truncated free version. It should be enough for this purpose.

Method 2

There is a second way that tells how to find out the frequency of RAM. To do this, we need a Phillips screwdriver. As you already understood, we will unwind the computer case and look directly at the RAM bar itself.

The fact is that information stickers are pasted on the slats themselves, which display data about these same slats. So shut down your computer system unit(you do not need to do this if it is under warranty) and see what is written on the sticker. Usually, the size of the RAM module and its frequency are always indicated there.

Does this method work on laptops?

If you have a laptop, then you also need to unscrew it, but in this case everything is a little easier. Usually on laptops on the bottom panel there are covers with screws that close the compartment with installed RAM and hard drive. You just need to unscrew the screw and remove the cover. There will be installed RAM modules, which can be checked. If HDD is written on the cover, then under it is HDD so it doesn't need to be unscrewed.

How to find the frequency of RAM in the "Bios"?

This method requires restarting the computer, because otherwise we simply won’t be able to enter the BIOS. Restart your computer and immediately press the following buttons: Delete, F1, F2, F3, F6, F8. In fact, you only need to click on one of them, but in different computers to enter the "Bios" uses its own button. Therefore, press everything and do not worry, nothing bad will happen. So, you entered the "Bios". Depending on the model motherboard its interface may differ, so it is impossible to say exactly where to click.

In the Main tab, you will definitely see the amount of RAM, but not its frequency. Walking through the rest of the tabs, you will definitely find information about the RAM manufacturer, frequency, and even type. Most likely, this information is in the Advanced tab, although it may be in other sections. When you exit the "Bios" do not save the changes. Suddenly you pressed something there, which was not worth it.

Is it possible to overclock the frequency?

Many users are interested in how to increase the frequency of RAM. This can be done in theory, but is not recommended. After all, increasing the frequency without a trace for the computer will not work. When overclocking RAM, you have to change the ratio between the system bus frequency and the memory bus frequency. That is, an improvement in one parameter entails a deterioration in another.

Another thing is if yours has a frequency, for example, 2100 MHz, but operates at a frequency of 1600 MHz. In this case, its overclocking simply involves setting its real frequency in the BIOS. That is, you can manually specify the frequency and that's it. However, by default, the BIOS settings are set to Auto. This means that the system is using minimum values RAM, which are registered in a special microcircuit. After setting the desired values, restart the computer, after saving all changes.

In the same way, frequency acceleration is performed. Sometimes you can just specify a value, say, 100 MHz higher than the current one and restart the computer. After a reboot, if the system is stable and programs like Aida64 show a new frequency value, you can try to increase it even more. Again we go into the "Bios" and set the value to 100 MHz higher. Let's check our computer again. We advise you not to accelerate strongly and not to use large steps for overclocking. If, after another increase in frequency, you notice that the computer, for example, began to boot for a long time, then it is better to return the value to the previous one. But the symptoms of overclocking may be different.

Is it safe?

Is it possible to burn RAM in this way? Quite. Therefore, it is not recommended to set the frequency value, which would greatly exceed the current one. Overclocking may require the installation of radiators on the RAM bar to remove heat, since the bars themselves will heat up more. That's all. We figured out not only how to find out the frequency of RAM, but even how to overclock it.

- This is one of the most important components of a computer, on which its speed directly depends. It is a kind of working area of ​​the system processor, which stores temporary information that allows the computer to quickly and correctly respond to changing conditions of various programs and applications. All information contained in RAM (Random Access Memory) resides there until the next information arrives or until the computer is turned off. It is the volume and the speed of receiving and transmitting information that are the key factors in choosing this component of the system.

In order to know how to choose the right RAM, the type and model of the processor and motherboard of the PC must be taken into account. The physical RAM module is installed directly on the motherboard, which can only support certain types of RAM. It follows from this that there is a constant relationship between the RAM, the processor and the motherboard, and the mismatch of one of the components with the other disrupts the correct functioning of the entire system. And if with system board and everything is clear with the processor - the computer simply does not start up with a processor that does not match the board, then the RAM memory will work in most cases, however, in case of compatibility problems, an unpleasant picture will be observed, manifested in an unnaturally slow operation of the computer.

In order to avoid mistakes, you must first visit the official website of the motherboard manufacturer and find out what type of memory is supported. Next, you need to deal with the technical characteristics of the RAM, knowing which you can choose ideally suitable system memory.

RAM type

On the this moment, DDR modules are the most demanded type of memory. They differ in the following technical parameters:

DDR SDRAM is already a morally obsolete type of memory. It has a small clock frequency of 400 MHz.
- DDR2 is a pretty good solution that has been used enough for a long time. It has 120 pins on both sides, reduced, in comparison with DDR SDRAM, power consumption of 1.8 V, as well as increased clock frequency to 1066 MHz. At the moment, it is practically not used in modern motherboards.
-DDR3- modern type random access memory. At a reduced price compared to previous generations, it has much better performance: power consumption 1.5 V, clock frequency up to 2400 MHz.
- DDR4 is the next step in development. It has improved performance in all respects, however, the release this module memory has not yet begun.


This is the amount of information that can simultaneously contain RAM. It follows from this that the more it is, the better. However, it is necessary to determine the type of work performed on the computer, if it is an office computer, then a volume of 2 GB will be enough, but gaming computer With powerful processor and graphics card requires 4 GB of RAM. Also, remember that more than 3 GB of RAM will be recognized and used only by a 64-bit operating system.

Clock frequency
One of the main parameters of RAM, the speed of data exchange with the processor directly depends on its size, and the higher the frequency, the faster the performance. The clock frequency of the RAM should not exceed the clock frequency of the motherboard, otherwise, the system may crash. For example: DDR3-1600 MHz RAM module inserted into the slot system board DDR3-1333 MHz will work exactly at the clock frequency of the motherboard, while stability is not guaranteed. There is also the concept of RAM bandwidth, which directly depends on the frequency of RAM and its ratio with the processor bandwidth affects the overall performance of the entire system. Ideally, the amount of RAM bandwidth should match that of the processor. On an example, it looks like this: for a processor with a bandwidth of 10600 Mb / s, it is recommended to install two memory modules with a bandwidth of 5300 Mb / s, which in total form throughput processor.

RAM time delays, which are indicated as consecutive numbers, for example 5-5-5, each of which is responsible for its own parameter:

CAS Latency - duty cycle time
- RAS to CAS Delay - full access time
- RAS Precharge Time - Precharge time

The speed of the RAM depends on these indicators, and the lower they are, the better. However, with an increase in the clock frequency of the RAM, its timings increase, and with a decrease in the timings, the cost of RAM increases, so you should proceed from the allowable budget when choosing RAM.

RAM voltage
An indicator that determines the energy consumed for the normal operation of the RAM, and, accordingly, the heat release. The standard value for DDR3 is 1.5 V, but overclocker RAM models can have increased consumption and, accordingly, increased heat dissipation, which is why such modules have radiator plates. The supply voltage can be directly controlled from the BIOS, but this should not be done, as the RAM module may fail if it is not adapted for such manipulations.

RAM manufacturers
When buying a thing, first of all, attention is drawn to the manufacturer of it, and if the brand is of high quality, then in most cases the thing will not deceive expectations. The same applies to RAM. Of the well-established manufacturers of RAM, the following can be distinguished:


These manufacturers always provide only a quality product, and also indicate the real characteristics of their offspring. You should also be able to read the product marking code, by which you can determine all the characteristics of the memory module. For example, Kingston KHX 2000C9AD3T1K2 / 4GX, the following can be read from the main parameters:

KHX - manufacturer and model
2000 - operating frequency
9 - CAS duty cycle time
D3 – DD3 module type
4G - 4 Gb memory

In addition to all of the above, you need to know that if more than one RAM module is used, then the RAM must be of the same manufacturer from the same batch and with identical clock frequency, timings and volume parameters. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the coordinated work of the RAM modules.

PC and laptop RAM identical in technical specifications and all of the above is suitable for both computer and laptop. They only have a different form factor, and if a PC has a DIMM, then a laptop has a SO-DIMM. In appearance, they differ in size - SO-DIMM is two times shorter.

Based on the above information, you can correctly choose the right RAM module, the main thing is not to rush into the choice and clearly understand the parameters of the processor, motherboard and RAM. By choosing the right RAM, you can significantly increase the performance of your computer for a moderate amount.