Most of the problems that PC users face can be solved by cleaning the registry. Exposure to malware, slow computer performance, spam viruses, etc. You can easily deal with all these "illnesses". But how to do that? First you need to understand what a registry is.

The registry or system storage is one of the most important components of any operating system. Without it, the functioning of the computer is impossible in principle. What is a registry? Basically, it is a gigantic database that contains all the software and hardware settings of a PC. It stores data about the location of files, programs, etc.

How to open the registry in Windows 10 and other versions of this OS? There are several ways to do this.

regedit Command

The easiest way to open the registry in Windows 7, 8, 10 is to use the built-in utility called Run. To call it, you need to use the combination Win keys+ R. After the appearance of a new window, you must enter the regedit command and press the Enter key.

Search through "Start"

How to open the registry in Windows 7 or 10 if the Run utility does not start. In this case, the easiest way to find the system storage editor is through a search.

First you need to open the Start menu. In the tab that appears, there is a small search field. Enter the name of the program you want to find there. In our case, this is regedit. Press the Enter key, after which the operating system will show us the utility icon. To open the registry editor, simply run the found program.


The registry editor has an executable file which is located at system drive. First you need to go to the "Computer". To do this, launch the Start menu and select the appropriate item. Then go to drive C, then go to Windows folder. The executable file is located there, by running which you can open the Windows 10 registry editor. The application is called regedit and looks like this:


Instead of looking for an executable file, you can create a shortcut to it directly on your desktop. This is done in the following way. We press RMB on an empty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desktop, move the cursor to the "Create" item. In the drop-down list, click on "Shortcut".

A new window will appear. Enter the name of the executable file (regedit) there. Click on the "Next" button.

Enter a name for the label in the field, and then click the "Finish" button. A shortcut will appear on the desktop through which you can enter the registry.

The activation of the registry editor in Windows can be tied to a hotkey combination. To do this, you need to click on our RMB shortcut and click on select "Properties". In the "Shortcut" tab, click on the field that is located opposite the "Quick Call" inscription, and then enter the desired combination. It is worth noting that global keyboard shortcuts (for example, Ctrl + C) cannot be used.

Cleaning methods

Why do you need to clean the registry? This can be useful if your computer has viruses. As a rule, even the most best systems protection cannot completely remove traces of malware. Some files still remain. They can reduce computer performance, or even completely re-infect a computer.

But malware- this is not the only reason to clean the registry. During the installation of the software, temporary files are generated that are not always deleted from the computer. Unnecessary data can also get into the registry during uninstallation, if it was carried out incorrectly. Thus, junk files gradually accumulate and slow down the computer. The only way to fix this is to free up system storage.

Automatic cleaning

Automatic cleaning is carried out using a specialized software. In the open spaces world wide web There are many programs that allow you to clean Windows registry 7. Among the cleaners, we can distinguish such utilities as Wise Registry Cleaner, Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, Easy Cleaner, etc. But we will use a program called CCleaner. There are several reasons for this:

  • Reliability. CCleaner has been around for over 10 years. During this time, the program has been debugged to perfection and now it does not contain bugs.
  • Simplicity. The utility is very easy to use. A complete cleaning of the Windows 10 registry is carried out in just a couple of clicks.
  • License. CCleaner is distributed under the Freemium model. And that means getting licensed version programs are completely free.
  • Localization. The utility is multilingual and supports more than 200 languages ​​of the world. Of course, Russian is also among them.

You can download CCleaner on the official website of the developer. But how to clean the registry using this program? First you need to run the cleaner and go to the "Registry" section. Then you need to click on the "Search for problems" button, which is located below. The program will start looking for errors and unnecessary entries in the registry. This will take a certain amount of time.

Upon completion of the search, CCleaner will give you a list of files to be deleted. To clean the Windows 10 registry, click on the "Fix Selected" button. The utility will prompt you to do backup. It is better to agree to this procedure. A copy will be needed to restore the system if cleaning the Windows 7 registry leads to some unexpected consequences.

A new window will appear. To carry out automatic cleaning, click on the "Fix marked" button.

Manual cleaning

Cleaning the Windows 7 registry manually is not an easy task. In order not to harm the computer, an experienced user should deal with it. To start cleaning, you first need to enter it. How to enter the Windows 10 registry has already been described above.

You must back up your settings before cleaning. To do this, go to the "File" menu and in the drop-down tab, click the "Export" item. Specify the desired name and location where the data will be stored. At the bottom, check the item "Entire registry" and click on the "Save" button.

Now you can proceed directly to cleaning the registry. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section and open SOFTWARE. This is where all application records are stored. To remove the remnants of the program, you must right-click on the name, after which the corresponding tab will appear.

Finding traces of malicious software is quite difficult. To make things easier, you can use the built-in search. To call the search menu, press the standard combination Ctrl keys+ F. Enter the name of the program in the line, and then click on the "Find next" button. If, upon a given request, a file is given to us, then we delete it and repeat this procedure until we completely clear the registry of garbage.


Regular cleaning of the registry is the most important procedure that will provide your computer with many years of life. It must be done at least once a month. If you have no desire to delve into the system data storage and look for unnecessary files on your own, then you can entrust this routine to cleaner programs. In just a couple of minutes, they will free the register from junk data.

In contact with

Just as a car engine needs an oil change, an apartment cleaned, and clothes washed, a computer operating system needs regular cleaning. Its registry is constantly clogged, which is facilitated not only by installed, but also by already removed programs. For a while, this does not cause inconvenience, until the speed begins to decrease. Windows work and there are no errors in operation.

Cleaning and fixing registry errors is important, but not difficult. Exist special programs, who will do this job in a couple of minutes and will definitely remind you when the time for the next check comes up. And some will take additional steps to optimize the system.

Method 1: CCleaner

The list will open with a powerful and simple tool developed by the British company Piriform Limited. And these are not just words, at one time it was appreciated by such popular electronic publications as CNET,, The Independent, etc. main feature The program consists in deep and complex maintenance of the system.

In addition to cleaning and fixing errors in the registry, the application deals with complete removal standard and third party software. His responsibilities include deleting temporary files, working with startup and implementing the system restore function.

Method 2: Wise Registry Cleaner

Method 3: Vit Registry Fix

Method 4: Registry Life

But ChemTable SoftWare employees realized that it is much more pleasant to use completely free utility, so they created it, which has no less interesting functions in its arsenal. Her responsibilities include finding and removing unnecessary entries, as well as reducing the size of registry files and eliminating their fragmentation. To get started you need:

Method 5: Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Method 7: TweakNow RegCleaner

In the case of this utility, there is no need to say unnecessary words, everything has been said on the developers' website for a long time. The program quickly scans the registry, finds obsolete entries with perfect accuracy, guarantees the creation of a backup copy, and all this is completely free. To use you need:

Method 8: Advanced System Care Free

The list will be completed by the flagship product of IObit, which in just one click does a great job of optimizing, repairing and cleaning the computer. To do this, Free provides a whole set of useful and powerful tools that monitor the state of the system in the background. Specifically, cleaning the registry will not take much time, for this you need to take two simple steps:

By the way, ASCF promises to crawl deeper if the user splurges on the Pro version.

Naturally, the choice is not obvious, although some assumptions can be made. For example, given the fact that all of the listed programs clean the registry in good faith, then what's the point of buying a license? Another question, if you need something more than a simple cleaning, some contenders are ready to offer a solid set of features. And you can try all the options and stop at the one that really facilitates and speeds up the system.

If you encounter a problem when you want to install a program, and your operating system gives an error: "This program is already installed." This often happens because you have already installed this program, after which they deleted it, but the entry in the registry remained. If you have a similar incident or just want to clean the registry, then read on or watch the video. It will be useful for you to know how to clean the registry manually.

Hello. On this page I will tell you how to clean the registry manually. This will help you not only when the program is not installed, it will be useful in order to keep the registry clean. That is, you will learn how to delete unnecessary entries in the registry. Begin.

How to clean the registry?

In order to clean the registry, you can use third-party programs. There are a lot of similar programs, for example, "CCleaner", " Reg Organizer» and the like. I talked about these programs in these notes: and.

These programs are good, but they do not always completely clean the registry. And in order to better clean the registry, we will use the manual method.

Cleaning the registry manually

While on the desktop, press the key combination "Windows + R". The Run utility will open. In the window of this utility, enter the following inscription "regedit" and click "OK". The Registry Editor will open. This is where we will work.

While in the registry editor, press "Ctrl + F", a search window will open. In this window, enter the name of the program whose entries you want to delete. Please note that you must enter the exact name of the program. But, be careful! There are programs with similar names, for example, you have installed the program " Microsoft office", and the program "OpenOffice" is also installed.

If you enter just the word “Office” in the search, you can spoil the performance of the wrong program, the entries of which you want to delete. Therefore, in such a case, I would enter the exact name of the program, for example, "OpenOffice", then you will not affect the records of the "Microsoft Office" program.

Also, I do not advise you to specify too long names in the search, for example, "Apache OpenOffice", because not all registry entries will contain the word "Apache". In the worst case, the search will not find records on similar request. I hope everything is clear here.

We figured out how to enter the name of the program whose entries we want to delete. Enter a name and click "Find Next".

Now the registry editor will look for files that contain the word that you specified in the search. As soon as it finds a similar file, the search will stop and you will see a highlighted file that you need to delete.

Just click the "Delete" button and confirm the deletion. To continue the search, press the "F3" button. Next, the following file will appear, which you will also delete. Do the same until the registry editor writes that the search is completed "Registry search completed." You can, just in case, check everything remotely by pressing “Ctrl + F” and “Find Next”, if a message also appears that the search is completed, then you can close the registry editor, you have completed your task.

Now about possible "extraordinary" situations. It happens that during the deletion they will write to you that you cannot delete given file. What to do in this case? In such a case, you need to uninstall in "Safe Mode". That is, you need to restart your computer and enter safe mode in the way that you know. For example, if you have a Windows 7 operating system, after rebooting, as soon as the first picture appears, press and hold the "F8" button, select "Safe Mode" in the menu that appears.

AT safe mode do the same as you did before. Open the registry editor and delete files with entries. That's all. As you can see, everything is very simple! But, if everything is not completely clear to you, watch the video below, in the video I showed manually cleaning the registry using the example of a remote program.

Try it, you will succeed. I wish you success!

Video: Cleaning the registry manually.

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical operating system database that contains settings and other information concerning work the system itself, user profiles, third-party software, and computer hardware. This information is directly contained in registry keysstring parameters with certain values. The keys are cataloged into their subfolders, which in turn are part of the parent folders, subfolders, and sections.

Cluttering an important Windows work area

The more data is contained in the registry, the wider the scope of the search, respectively. And the more time the operating system needs to access to the required data. This negatively affects performance. Database Growth system registry promotes work dynamics with a computer in terms of experiments with third-party software. When installing programs, they register their keys in the registry, which are stored there even after these programs are removed from the system. Invalid remote software keys over time accumulate and litter such an important working area of ​​Windows.

The way out of the situation is periodic cleaning. But it is important to understand that this kind of optimizing operation will not solve the problem globally. low power computers, in particular with slow HDDs on board.

Cleaning can be done by manual removal each of the unnecessary keys, or in staff editor Windows Regedit.exe, or using special third party programs. The latter usually provide for the possibility automatic search non-working keys - an option suitable for most users.

Regseeker utility

The registry cleaner feature is one of the features of the free portable Regseeker utility. We launch program, switch to the section " Registry". Before further action you need to check the box " Backupbefore deletion", is the creation backup Windows registry. Then we press " Clean the Registry».

The program window will display scan results- keys, defined by the program as non-working. AT context menu a number of operations are available for each key, in particular:

For removal all found keys click " select all».

We confirm removal.

Give the backup a name.

And that's it. If there are problems with the system after that, the previous state can be reestablish from a backup. In the same section Registry» press « Backups».

Click on the backup and click on the bottom " restore».


The free CCleaner, the world's most popular Windows cleaner, contains functionality similar to the one discussed above. In the program window, switch to the section " Registry» and press « Troubleshooting».

By pressing the button " Fix selected» CCleaner will prompt you to create a backup. Click " Yes» and specify the location of the backup file on the disk.

Next we can delete found keys - either one by one with the button " To correct", or all together in one click with the button " Fix marked».

If after that Windows will malfunction, we go along the path of saving the backup in the system explorer, launch double click file and confirm recovery.


Defragmentation is a separate system-optimizing feature that can be part of disk cleaners or disk defragmenters. What is its essence? When it comes to defragmenting the registry, we mean merging fragments its files - the Default, Software, System files located on the C drive in the "Windows" directory. it not optimization data structures within it, as many believe. And therefore, such an operation simply does not make sense. First, Windows is constantly draws to the registry data, and its files on the disk will, accordingly, also be permanently fragment. Secondly, the HDD defragmentation process is included in the automatic maintenance operations of Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

Important: it is impossible to allow defragmentation of even the disk as a whole, even its individual files in relation to SSD- drives. And Windows is well aware of this. These devices have a different storage mechanism than the HDD: their read speed does not depend from a continuous sequence of data clusters. On the contrary, overwriting data during the defragmentation process will reduce the life of the SSD.

How to remove a program from the registry

To remove an individually selected program from the registry, i.e. destroy all her keys run staff editor regedit.exe.

The principle of restoring the registry from a backup is the same as in the case of CCleaner.

How to keep your critical Windows work area from getting cluttered

Better than cleaning prevent its littering. Avoid clogging the system registry with keys remote programs you can, if you use special software to uninstall - uninstallers with cleaning up residues. Among those are the programs Uninstall Tool, Soft Organizer, Revo Uninstaller.

operating room registry Windows systems is a large database that stores all information about the PC configuration, OS settings, information about installed programs and their paths. Over time, this database is filled with obsolete and incorrect entries (keys), which appear in Russian due to the crooked hands of the creators of the programs and the operating system itself. For example, you decide to delete an already boring game. We launched the uninstaller, waited for the end of the process, and, it seems, that's all, but there could be entries about this game in the registry, which are now dead weight there. And the longer you use your computer, the more garbage accumulates in the registry. This slows down the overall performance of the computer. and slows down the launch of programs, so you need to periodically clean the registry.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning the Windows registry

Theoretically, it is possible to clean the registry manually, but firstly, it is very long, and secondly, it is not safe, especially for non-computer craft professionals. Therefore, CCleaner will come to our aid - a free, powerful and absolutely safe system cleaning tool. CCleaner will help you find all the garbage from third party applications, and destroy it in just a couple of minutes.

After you have installed ccleaner, run the application, go to the left menu in the section " Registry", and select the function " Troubleshooting«:

CCleaner will start checking your operating system's registry for errors. This process takes from one to three minutes (depending on the size of the database itself). At the end of the process, press "To correct…" in the lower right corner of the program.

Here ccleaner will prompt you to back up the current state of the registry. Be sure to agree - if something goes wrong, you can simply restore the saved copy.

After you save the backup, a window will appear with a description of the problems found. Here you can either fix each error individually (recommended only for experienced users), or press« Fix marked« , and ccleaner will automatically fix all found errors and issues.

At the end of the process, you will see a window like this, informing you that the registry cleaning is completed. For your own interest, you can click on the links and see what specific problems have been solved.

That's all, ccleaner has finished cleaning the registry and now your computer will run a little faster. Repeat this procedure once a month to keep the windows registry clean and tidy.