A radiotelephone is a telephone that consists of base station(base) and one or more handsets (wireless terminals). The radiotelephone base connects to telephone network, the signal between the tubes is transmitted using radio waves. Such a device, in addition to communicating with the telephone network, can communicate between handsets of the same base. To install a radiotelephone, it is not necessary to call a specialist. You will do everything yourself if you carefully follow the installation instructions.


  • To begin, select the location where the radiotelephone will be installed. It is not desirable that it be located next to a refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine and other equipment, as well as directly in proximity to metal objects, sources of heat and electromagnetic fields. Also, it is desirable that direct sunlight does not fall on the phone, and high humidity does not affect it.
  • The best place to install the radiotelephone is determined empirically. If you are installing the radiotelephone in an office, please note that the base units must be installed at least two meters apart. If this is not the case, then it will be impossible to transfer information between the base and the handset.
  • Before connecting the radiotelephone, charge battery within the time specified in the instructions, and also set the security code. To do this, place the handset on the base and press the "page" key. The control system will automatically set the code. Repeat this every time you disconnect the base or battery, as in such cases the code is reset and the handset loses communication with the base.
  • Connect the radiotelephone to the telephone network using a modular connector. It does not fit into ordinary telephone sockets, so purchase an adapter in advance.
  • The pin connectors of the power supply also do not fit with standard sockets, connect them to the mains sockets also using the appropriate adapter. Handle the radiotelephone with care, avoid bumps, falls, as the design of the device contains parts that are quite sensitive to mechanical damage, which can destroy it.
  • Brief information about what a radiotelephone is, what they are,

    how and at what frequencies they work, advice and wishes for buyers.

    Man has always strived for freedom in everything. This fate did not pass and telephony. At first, the phone was stationary, and its owner was on a "short leash" at the device. But time does not stand still - radio communication systems become cheaper, become smaller and the handset is freed from wires.

    The first had angular shapes and large dimensions, and the quality and range of communication were at a very low level. At present, models have already been created that can work in a home, office, and even cellular network.

    Almost everyone has seen ordinary households, with which you can move freely around the apartment, and sometimes go outside close to the street. Everyone already knows what a cell phone is. But about long range radiotelephones not everyone knows.

    So what is it? Now imagine: you have an ordinary (outwardly) phone at your house, you pick up the handset of this phone and go to the other end of the city or even leave for another city 5-50 km from your house, and the handset of the phone that you took with you continues to work! It is these phones that have a long range.

    So what do we end up with? There is a regular home phone, for which we already pay monthly, plus we have mobile phone for which we pay absolutely nothing! The question immediately arises: Do we need a cell phone?

    It is definitely difficult to answer this question. In the current situation with prices for mobile and cellular radio communications in the Moscow region, it is not so expensive to have a mobile phone. But what about other regions? Naturally, the prices are not the same, and not everyone can afford to have a cell phone. Another thing, having a regular telephone line at home or in the office and installing a long-range radiotelephone, organize an alternative for yourself. cellular communication"local radius". Even forwarding calls from a mobile phone to such a radiotelephone will be more profitable than answering a call directly from a mobile phone, being not so far from a regular city telephone line! After all, a person spends most of his time not on the road, but sitting in the office, being at home or relaxing in the country.

    Phone in the country

    Apart from profitable replacement cell phone , often the use of a long-range radiotelephone is the only and reasonable how to organize a phone in the country, and sometimes at home, if the Regional Communication Center does not have free lines in your area. Usually this task is solved using 2 telephone line emulators, one of which is connected to an existing telephone line, and the second one you install in your country house or wherever you want and connect the most regular phone ny apparatus.

    Communication with a remote office

    By using telephone line emulators, which were mentioned above, it is possible to organize a direct telephone channel between two remote buildings, without involving the regional communication center. And for this channel, you again do not pay anything to anyone!

    Often there is a need telephone some remote object, for example, a summer house, a country house, a garage, a warehouse, a shop, a car, etc. An extended range radiotelephone, especially with a directional antenna, partially solves this problem, however, it is often desirable to have at a remote site not just a handset, but a full-fledged telephone line to which you can connect a fax, modem, other radio, or a regular telephone or mini-PBX.

    By using telephone interface you can get a telephone line (for other devices that only work through it) where there is none, such as a handset of a radiotelephone or a radio station PTT. And then connect other devices (PBX or fax, for example) that will assume that they are connected to an honest telephone line. That is, to fully telephonize objects remote from the main telephone line and connect any telephone sets, FAXES, MODEMS and mini PBXs. Using a certified cordless phone can legally telephone objects that are not available for connecting a physical line.

    Implementing for yourself telephone radio channel, You can transfer data over this radio channel at a speed of up to 32 Kbps (for comparison, hypothetically 9.6 Kbps over a cellular; maximum 56 Kbps over a regular telephone line, but actually 14-38 Kbps, especially in the regions) .

    How to make a Skype Telegram wireless telephone extension cord with your own hands. Everyone who is connected with computers knows very well Skype. Working on Skype allows you to negotiate almost free of charge and see the interlocutor who is on the other side of the world. Skype is also very convenient for local calls, when you need to hold lengthy discussions or consultations. In ordinary life, additional communication equipment other than a microphone, speakers or headset is not required. It is convenient to work with such a communication set when negotiations are not long or you constantly need to access a computer. And when conducting lengthy negotiations on abstract topics, constant connection to a computer can tire and hamper freedom. To eliminate this inconvenience, to plug radiotelephone to a computer. Studying the documentation for different types radiotelephones showed that there should be no difficulties in connecting to a computer. We managed to pick up a phone of the initial DECT series from telephone trash Panasonic KX-TCD700 phones are reliable and can still be found in offices. This is a 900 MHz radiotelephone with a communication range of up to 70 meters and, most importantly, requires “AA” batteries for its power, and not special batteries. With the choice of a donor radiotelephone, the question of how to make a wireless extender for Skype with your own hands began to be resolved.

    How to make skypophone with your own hands

    1. We insert the batteries into the handset, connect the 220v adapter to the base and check the operation of the radiotelephone when connected to a conventional telephone network. The device must be working. The subtleties of setting the base tube are given in the instruction manual.

    Phone is a donor

    2. We open the base. At first it was uncomfortable at the sight of a dense installation. But the study of the circuit and the abundant marking of the elements on the board made it possible to calculate and find the connection points to the conversational node of the board. Connection points can be chosen as guidelines when adapting to a computer and other phone models, in my opinion, any radiotelephone will be able to connect. It was necessary to find the transmit and receive signals - going to the conversational node of the telephone line and take them to connect to the microphone input and line output of the computer. According to the scheme, these are the signals RX-AF and TX-AF, respectively. To connect to a computer, a test point TP82 and a capacitor C62 are selected (test point TP96 is not marked on the board).

    The insides of the base Fragment of the circuit Fragment of the wiring diagram

    3. The connection cable is taken from the cheapest computer headset, it has pleasantly accelerated the work. The ends of the cable conductors are cleaned and covered with solder.

    4. To decouple galvanic connections along the signal circuits and limit the signal strength, the connection to the control points was made through two RC circuits. An RC circuit is a series connection of a 0.1uF capacitor and a 5.1kΩ resistor. Soldering points are shown in the wiring diagram and photograph. To checkpoints soldered extension wires. The capacitors are glued with hot glue, and the resistors are fixed in a volumetric way.

    Computer headset We connect to the board Parts are filled with hot melt adhesive

    5. The headset cable is passed through the hole in the RG-45 connector and soldered with the corresponding ends to the capacitors. the cable is fixed in the connector with hot glue. The RX signal goes to the microphone input, the TX signal goes to the line output. Passing the cable through the connector performed at the same time foolproofing. I admit that when the phone is connected to the telephone network at the same time, some troubles may occur, for example, with a microphone input.

    6. We assemble the base and connect the radiotelephone. The self-made radio extender based on the Panasonic KX-TCD700 phone started working right away, it was only necessary to correctly adjust the signal strength using computer settings. Tests have shown the performance of the device at a distance of 30 meters from the base (there was a comfortable sofa 😉). Since it is not possible to establish a connection in the program from a phone connected to the computer, the connection is established in the usual way, and then you can pick up the handset by pressing the key and start talking.

    Cord exit

    It follows from the features of the connection that the speech signal became more compressed (peculiarities of the radiotelephone), but at the other end the interlocutors usually did not notice anything unusual, except for an incomprehensible empty space in front of the computer when the video link was on. At the end of the conversation, it's a good idea to return to the computer and check the connection is broken.

    From further improvement homemade device you can consider the option of end-to-end control of speakers or a computer headset, which will turn off when removing the handset from the base or turning it on, but this will certainly complicate the design.

    At the request of readers, connection points for Panasonic phones KX-tcd410rum (rus) / KX-tcd412rum (rus) / kx-a141rum (rus) / kx-a142rum (rus) and , KX-TC1245RUB ( , ) were drawn. Friends, do not forget to report the results of the alteration, the site is working for thanks.

    Scheme KX-tcd410 Arrangement of elements

    Telephone is an electrical device that allows people to exchange information over a distance using an electrical signal. The word telephone came to us from ancient Greece. Tele - translates as "far", and background - "voice".

    After reading the article, any home master can easily connect a landline, fax or several parallel phones, including a radiotelephone.

    What is the voltage in the telephone line

    The telephone line is live direct current 40-60 V if the phone is not connected or connected but the handset is on telephone set. During a call, the voltage in the communication line becomes variable with an amplitude of up to 120 V. When you remove handset, then the voltage drops to a value of 6-12 V. This voltage is not life-threatening, but it can cause discomfort.

    It is impossible to disable the communication line or damage the telephone set during connection. The telephone line may be disconnected for several minutes if the handset is picked up for a long time without dialing, or if the wires of the communication line are short-circuited. The telephone line is automatically switched off by an automatic telephone exchange (ATS) to save electricity. So feel free to start self-connection telephone to the communication line.

    Before connecting landline phone, fax or radiotelephone to the communication line, it is desirable, but not necessary, to check that the communication line is ready. Line voltage can be measured with a voltmeter, designed to measure direct voltage.

    If the phone is not connected to the line or connected, and the handset is on the phone, the device should show a voltage of 40-60 V. If there is no voltmeter, you can check using potatoes, and this is not a joke, but real way checks. It is enough to stick the noodle wires stripped of insulation into the cut of the potato. Batteries are not needed, as the wires are already energized.

    What current will flow
    in the event of a short circuit in telephone line wires

    The automatic telephone exchange has a protection system against failure of equipment and communication lines, which limits the current in case of a short circuit of the telephone line to 40 mA.

    For the communication line, one of the free pairs is taken, brown or blue. A twisted pair consists of two wires twisted together. The insulation of one of them is painted with a solid color, and the insulation of the second is white with stripes of the color of the first.

    Dect - convenient and safe wireless standard short-range radiotelephone communication, which has been successfully used for several decades in home and office environments. The first manufacturers who presented their Dect format radiotelephones to the general public were Panasonic, Siemens. Then came Philips, Voxtel, and now Russian domestic Texet and many others.

    With so many manufacturers, there is no real variety of models to observe. Yes, good and functional phones are produced (with answering machine, Bluetooth and many others). useful features), but I practically did not come across devices with good fasteners on the wall (so that you could hang the base-charging "glass" for the handset in the corridor with just a couple of bolts, without mounting the shelf).

    Therefore, when the Voxtel Wall 1910 was "thrown away" on the market, almost not believing my luck, I immediately bought it.

    However, the lifetime of the radiotelephone turns out to be dependent on the operating conditions of its portable part - the handset. A few years later, the tube, having been in greasy hands (there was a time when we fried chicken in the oven every day at home), stopped responding to pressing individual buttons. And the display stopped showing some "sticks". But here is the Dect base Voxtel Wall 1910 I didn’t want to remove it from the wall, since it fit in very organically there (it occupied a minimum of corridor space) and all the home inhabitants were already used to this base.

    I bought from a girl Alina on the site Avito Dect radio t Philips CD440 phone for 300 rubles, and decided to connect it to the base Dect base Voxtel Wall 1910, conveniently hanging on the wall in the corridor at the entrance to the apartment.

    Instructions for connecting a handset of another manufacturer to the base of the radio telephone of the Dect standard.

    To connect another manufacturer's handset to a Dect radiotelephone base, first set up the handset and base separately correctly. (In some cases, you can set up the base only if you have a "native" handset.)

    Set the correct time on the handset and base, since after connecting the handset to the base, in some cases the time cannot be changed (a "foreign" base will not allow you to do this).

    If the handset is initially connected to its native base, then you first need to remove this registration from the handset on the "native" base. Disconnect the native base from the electrical network (so as not to confuse the connected handset with the presence of a second, "native" base). Then press the handset search button on the "foreign" base (it is also the handset registration button) and hold it pressed for more than 5 seconds. At this very time, on the handset, you need to enter the Registration item and find the base with an "asterisk", i.e. ready to register a new handset.

    The handset will ask you to enter the base PIN. You need to enter the code 0000 (four zeros) and click OK. I tried to change the Voxtel Wall 1910 base code" 0000" to "8888", the native handset accepted the code, but this code did not really change in the database. It took me 4 or 5 attempts to connect the handset Philips CD440 to base Voxtel Wall 1910, but I did it successfully in the end.

    Result: the date and time on the handset cannot be changed (I made a mistake by 1 day when I set the date on the handset). And the name of the tube now sounds like "Philips?". Instead of a question mark, there should obviously be a handset number. But the base Voxtel Wall 1910 was unable to give the pipe Philips CD440 its number (in this case, number 2).

    Caller ID (Euro Caller ID, connected to the PBX) for incoming calls to Philips CD440 works great. The 11 digit number (8916...) of the caller is shown. And I didn’t need more from this additional tube.

    The tube itself was in good condition - all the buttons pressed well and there were no marks of children's or animals' teeth on it. Thanks to those who keep the equipment in good condition and sell it on the site Avito . This saves the environment.