In this post I will write briefly how exactly you can use TDS in working with file traffic. Those who are in the subject well, but this post is for those who are not in the know and have not worked with TDS yet.

TDS is a traffic distribution system used to distribute traffic according to various parameters.

For reference, I chose a TDS called. This is an improved mod of the famous TDS Simple TDS. These two TDS are OpenSource, i.e. free.

So, first of all, download TDS and install it on a reliable hosting. There is an instruction for installation in the archive - there is nothing complicated. The only thing on your hosting may not be installed GeoIP mod. It should also be PHP 5, compiled with: GD 2+ and FreeType 2+.

When configuring TDS in the config.php file:

1. We register your database access data (// MySQL Settings). The base must be created in advance on the hosting and the dump is imported into it - it goes in the install folder.
2. If you have a static IP and not a dynamic one, enable access to the admin panel of your TDS only from the specified IPs and specify your IP (// IP Access to Admin Panel).
3. Set complex password and login, so that it would be difficult for attackers to pick it up (// TDS Settings).
4. It is advisable to rename your go.php file, etc. Then we edit everything that we consider necessary.

After installation, we enter our TDS. To do this, use the link enter.php

After entering the admin panel of your TDS, create a new thread. To do this, enter the name of the stream and press Add New Schema.

After creating the thread, you will see the following picture:

Schema info - the name of your thread
Send Traffic URL - a link to which you should merge your traffic from your doors.
DEL is to remove the thread
S - flow statistics
OUTS - Your outs for this stream.

You can create a lot of threads (Schema).

OUTS- these are the links where your visitors will be redirected to when they get to this stream. OUTS just prescribes the rules of how, why and according to what principles to distribute your traffic. Each thread (Schema) has its own outs (OUTS).

Press the OUTS button. And we create our first out on the Potok 1 stream.

Here we need to specify the drain link to the affiliate program StimulProfit. But there is one caveat, in the link we need to pass the name of the downloaded file as a minimum, and as a maximum, the stream number and file size. To do this, we need to use Metaparameters. All this is well written in the manual for the TDS, so without unnecessary details I immediately show what to write.

If we want to merge files, we take a link in the StimulProfit admin panel (Traffic flows - generate a link - search phrase = key - Direct link to download the archive), for example

And we enter it in OUT Url, but since we need to transfer the file name - key, we enter the tds parameter instead, for example ((tds-key)). It turns out:

If we want to filter traffic by country, then enter the country symbol in the GEO field (you can find out by clicking All Countries - how). But since in this case we refer traffic from all countries to the same link, we leave ALL in the GEO field.

Press the button to create an out (Add).

If we want to send traffic not to a file but to a paid site, then we take the appropriate link in the StimulProfit admin panel, for example:

We enter a metaparameter instead of key, we get:

We get the second out:

Only I disabled the second out (unchecked Active). It turns out now the traffic on files will merge. If you enable the second out and disable the first one, it will merge to the pay site. You can set the weight of outs (Weight), and merge part of the traffic to files, part to the incentive payer, etc.

Or, for example, you can merge traffic from Russia to files - to the first out and everything else to the second out to the paysite. It will look something like this:
That is, you can configure how you want where and how to merge your traffic.

Main essence: from your doors, you merge all traffic to the same link to your TDS to some one stream of your TDS. And then distribute it as you like, filter it, change the domain where to merge, etc. And all this changes in one place - in the outs of your tds flow.

So, you need to merge traffic from our doors to the Send Traffic URL, it looks like this:
on my screenshots, just go.php is renamed to perehod.php

But, since we are sending traffic to the StimulProfit affiliate program, but we need to transfer the file name in the link, besides, we have provided for this in our outs.

To do this, simply add the &tds-key=Your Key mataparameter, i.e.: Key - this is the domain on which your TDS is located
go.php is the name of the redirect file on your TDS (maybe you renamed it)
?sid=1 is your stream number on your TDS
&tds-key= is a meta-parameter of your TDS.
- this is the JakoDorgen PRO dorgen macro, keyword name. When generating a dora, this macro will be replaced with keywords.

Thus, on doors, you always insert a link only to your TDS, and not to StimulProfit domains. But already on TDS in outs you insert links to domains and StimulProfit payers (as described above).

Why using TDS is convenient:

You merge traffic from all your doors into one place.
You can see the exact volumes of your traffic.
You can switch at any time where to merge all your traffic from all doors with one correction of outs in your TDS.
You can distribute your traffic according to different criteria.

If you want to transfer other data from doors to StimulProfit, then we do it in the same way through metaparameters.

We take our original link

To pass the key, use the parameter ((tds-key)) , and for stream transmission let's say ((tds-potok)) . In out in the TDS we put the link:

Well, by analogy, if we merge on a paysite:

In out, enter:

From dorov helmet to: Key&tds-potok=Your Flow

For those who don't understand:

If the StimulProfit domain (both public and yours parked there) is banned by an antivirus, you change it to a new one only in your TDS in outs and that's it. You don't need to touch your dors for this.

With TDS you never lose traffic.

See other related posts:

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  2. >>> I propose to purchase my new template for JakoDorgen PRO, which I specially made for the StimulProfit affiliate program. The template is a bit like DLE. New: The template comes with dorgen settings files (options.txt, proj.txt and others), which will allow you to see what settings I usually set. Includes 2 settings and 2 slightly different templates....

  3. >>> I propose to download for free my new today made template for JakoDorgen PRO, which I specially made for the StimulProfit affiliate program. The template is a bit like DLE. The template is provided free of charge only to my referrals in StimulProfit....

  4. >>> Template for JakoDorgen 3R3 under StimulProfit Free for referrals Today I made a template for good old free JakoDorgen 3R3. Nothing happened. How quickly it generates compared to PRO :-), although there are not too many macros in it ....

  5. >>> JakoDorgen PRO doorway generator Description of the generator: JakoDorgen PRO doorway generator creates high-quality doorways with wp-like article site structure. Doorways created on JakoDorgen PRO have a competent layout logic and page hierarchy, and are well indexed search engines. Dorgen allows you to quickly create a large number of doorways for an affiliate program for converting download traffic StimulProfit....

  6. >>> The author of the dorgen JakoDorgen announced the release of a new desktop version of JakoDorgen-PRO in a couple of weeks: “JakoKruzo: Above the desktop JakoDorgen-PRO. Time is hard to tell. I think 2-3 weeks. Today wrote new interface. In the pro version, it will be completely html, i.e. like server progs, and it will be possible to change it, remake it, make your own.”...

Another system for traffic distribution, which in my opinion deserves attention. I started with it myself and still actively use it.


  • say there are security holes;
  • morally obsolete, the last release is already from 2008;
  • does not know how to separate mobile and desktop traffic.

Advantages and features that I like:

  • is free;
  • clear and fast traffic redirection depending on the country;
  • additional filters for individual ip addresses and a range of ip addresses. Example: we merge traffic of prohibited topics from social network, we catch a ban. We look at the TDS logs - we calculate the ip address of the moderator - we add it to the filter, and next time we direct it according to the ip filter not to our affiliate program, but to the Orthodox dating site;
  • a system of several "outs" (outgoing traffic flows) with customizable priorities. Those. for example, we have three offers/affiliates with the same GEOs, assign them to outs (outgoing traffic flows) different weight: 100, 5, 1, as a result, the first click of the user is most likely to send him to a link with a weight of "100", the second click of the same user will send him to a link with a weight of "5", and so on. The nuance is useful, because there are a lot of woodpeckers who follow the same link several times - and this is a chance to slip the user exactly the site and the offer that will ultimately satisfy him.
Basic installation steps

1. Register on the hosting - choose the Blog tariff, it will be enough.

2. We register a domain and attach it to the hosting, create login data via ftp to your hosting. If there is no ftp client, I recommend FileZilla Portable.

3. ftp client we go to the hosting, in the public_html folder we create a directory where we will put Simple TDS. You can put it in the root directory, but for paranoid security reasons - it's better to put it in a sub-folder. In addition, you can use the domain in parallel, creating a dull blog on it (like me).

4. In the hosting control panel, go to the MySQL section

And create a database

5. Download the actual files, unzip them, let them lie.

6. Return to the hosting control panel -> MySQL > follow the link phpMyAdmin

We enter using the login and password from point No. 4.

7. Go to the tab Import

And we import the dump with the structure of the MySQL database (we are looking for the dump.sql file among the files from point No. 5).

We receive a message about the successful completion of the import.

8. Among the once-archived files from the fifth paragraph, we find the most important and important - config.php - open it and make the necessary changes - your login / password from the MySQL database, the password for accessing the admin panel directly to the TDS, a backup url where to poison traffic that does not fit any scheme, the url on which your tds will work.

9. Upload files to hosting, to the archive folder and everything inside it set permissions to 777.

Right click mouse on folder - file permissions

We check the boxes as in the screenshot or just enter the numbers from the keyboard

10. If you use the database cleanup from obsolete statistics, then you need to configure the execution of the cron.php file on a schedule, ideally at the end of each day. In the hosting control panel, go to the CronTab section and set the cron.php script to run regularly

About the work of "outs"

  • OUT Url - Address to which traffic is to be forwarded.
  • Unics - quantity unique visitors this out.
  • GEO - filter by countries for this out. The default is ALL, which means that traffic from all countries can go to this out*. You can allow or block traffic from certain countries by entering additional two-digit codes countries. For example, if you want only traffic from the USA to go through this out, then instead of ALL you need to enter US. You can write several country codes separated by a comma, for example US,CA,GB will mean that this out* can receive traffic ONLY from the USA, Canada and the UK. And vice versa, if you need traffic from all countries, EXCEPT for any given ones, to this out *, then you need to write ALL and, separated by commas, codes of exception countries with exclamation point before the code, for example ALL,!TW,!CN - this out* will receive traffic from all countries except Taiwan and China. A list of all countries with their codes can be viewed by clicking on the Show link under the table with schemes.
  • Active - Whether this out is active or not. Traffic does not flow to inactive outs. Inactive outs* are colored red, active outs are green.
  • Reserved? - Whether to consider this out* as a reserve for this scheme. The traffic that did not fit the scheme filters, for which no working outs were found, is merged into reserve outs*. If there are no backup outs in the scheme and the traffic does not match the filters for working outs, then the traffic will be merged to the global backup out* specified in config.php.
  • Save - a button that saves changes for this out.
  • Del - a button that deletes this out.
  • Show Filters - a button that opens a frame for editing additional filters for this out (filters by ip, etc.).
  • Field - Weight. This is where the so-called out-weight is entered. The weight of the out affects the amount of traffic that will be merged into the out within the framework of the scheme. The weight is given in numbers.
  • The numbers in the Weight field are relative shares. Those. if all outs have weight = 1, then traffic will flow evenly on them. If there are three outs with weights 1, 2 and 3 respectively, then 1/6 of the traffic will go to the first one, 2/6 to the second, and 3/6 to the third. Well, or the first will be two times less than the second. The third is three times more than the first.
  • Checkbox - Exit Out. By marking it, you say to consider this out as the so-called ExitOut. This means that all non-uniques who visited all regular outs will not be re-run through them, but will be merged into ExitOuts.

In this topic, I gave a link to download the SimpleTDS distribution kit not from off. site, for only one reason - the assembly from the official site has a feature inside that prevents either normal installation or direct operation. I don't remember what the problem was, I googled it and fixed it. So it should work properly.

Login to the admin panel of the script should be done at , because when accessing the address, you will not be able to enter, index.html with the content "The requested URL was not found on this server" I put it to divert attention. Keep in mind.

I described only the main points that I encountered myself. Complete guide from the creator available at

  • Source - select a traffic source from the list. It must have been created before.
  • PP - affiliate program. It must have been created before.
  • Name - arbitrary stream name, used only in the statistics interface.
  • Link - a link through which traffic will go to the BP. The required parameter must contain a macro ((vcode)) that transmits a unique code required to download leads from the BP to the tracker. The specific format of the link depends on the SP; for SPs known to the system, a hint is displayed - in which parameter the macro is substituted ((vcode)). You can use the following macros in a link:
    • ((vcode)) - unique tracker code. Necessarily.
    • ((ad)) - ad ID
    • ((site)) - site ID
    • ((sid1)) - Sid1
    • ((sid2)) - Sid2
    • ((sid3)) - Sid3
    • ((sid4)) - Sid4
    • ((sid5)) - Sid5
    • ((price)) - price per click (passed in the link). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((cid)) - Campaign ID in the tracker. Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((ip)) - user's IP. Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((country)) - user's country, two-letter ISO code (for example, RU, UA, BY, etc.). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((city)) - user's city. Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((proxy)) - returns 1 if the user is using a proxy and 0 otherwise. Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((proxy_ip)) - user's proxy IP (if proxy is used). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((proxy_country)) - user's proxy country (if a proxy is used). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((proxy_city)) - user's proxy city (if proxy is used). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((os)) - user OS (for example, Windows). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((os_full)) - user's OS with version (for example, Windows 10). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((browser)) - the user's browser (eg Firefox). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((browser_full)) - user's browser with version (eg Firefox 63.0.1). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((type)) - user device ( possible values- desktop, mobile, tablet). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((platform)) - the user's platform (eg Windows, Unix, Android, etc.). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((device)) - name mobile device user (for example, Samsung). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((device_full)) - the name of the user's mobile device with version (eg Samsung SM-G960). Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((carrier)) - mobile operator user. Available since tracker version 04.52.
    • ((language)) - user language, two-letter designation (for example, ru, en). Available since tracker version 04.52.
  • exit link - link for exit-traffic, which is followed by the transition when using the ComeBacker script. Optional parameter. The format is similar to the main link, it must also contain a macro ((vcode)).
  • Active - determines whether the given stream is enabled. No traffic is directed to disabled streams.
  • The weight - positive number from 1 to 9999, determines the weight of the stream. It makes sense when multiple streams are set for one source and one campaign. The algorithm for using the weight depends on the campaign settings (random, priority, unique). Read more about the TDS algorithm.
  • Currency offer- the currency in which the amount of the lead is received ( possible options- ruble, dollar, euro, hryvnia, British pound). By default, the currency specified is substituted.
  • Redirect type- defines how the redirect is implemented in TDS. All available redirect types are described.
  • Retargeting Code- Javascript code to be executed on redirect. The field is not available for all types of redirect.
  • Duplicate Postback- allows, when receiving a postback from the PP, to duplicate it at the specified URL. The option is available starting from tracker version 04.25. The following macros can be used in the URL:
    • ((vcode)) - click code
    • ((amount)) - lead amount
    • ((status)) - lead status, allowed values submit, hold, decline
    • ((order_id)) - lead ID in PP
    • ((date_str)) - date and time of the lead in the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss"
    • ((date)) - date and time of the lead in timestamp format
    • ((p1)),((p2)),((p3)),((p4)),((p5)) - Extra options(available since version 04.35)

    Attention! When duplicating a postback, only the data that came in the postback from the PP is used (and not the click data!)

For each stream, you can additionally configure filters that limit the work of the stream by given parameters. Read more about setting up filters.

TDS(Traffic Direction System) - traffic distribution system. From the definition it is clear that the system will be useful to those who work with traffic. TDS is a script.

Suppose you have a website that is visited by visitors from different countries. You need to convert visitors into money with several affiliate programs. One affiliate program counts clicks only from visitors from the Russian Federation, and the second one also accepts CIS traffic. With TDS, you can manage traffic by sending visitors to the right place.

Another advantage of the traffic distribution system is that if the resource to which we send traffic is unavailable, the traffic will go further where we indicate.

I use TDS for traffic distribution on my . The use of TDS in my case is simply necessary, since it is necessary to separate visitors by country and drive traffic to several adult affiliate programs (or dating affiliate programs) at once.

There are many different TDS. There are both free and paid ones. I use the free Simple TDS system.

Simple TDS - free system traffic distribution. You can download the tds and read the documentation on it on the developer's website.

Install Simple TDS

There is nothing complicated in installing Simple TDS:
1) Download the archive with the script inside on the download page. I have version 1.3 Beta (MySQL version) - works great. (I did not try the version without MySQL).

2) Unpack the archive and upload it to the hosting. You can upload the script to a separate domain (http://my-tds..

3) Go to phpMyAdmin , create a database MySQL data and import the dump.sql file into it

4) Open the config.php file and edit it.

$mysql_host = "localhost" ; //Host name. Most often this is localhost.
$mysql_login = "login" ; //MySQL username.
$mysql_password = "password" ; // MySQL user password.
$my_database = "tds" ; // MySQL database name

$password = "123456" ; //Password to access the admin panel of the script

$debug = false ; //Set to true if debug mode is needed. In this mode, traffic is not redirected.
$scripturl = "https://website/tds/" ; //URL of the script with a closing slash at the end.
$reserved_url = "" ; //Reserve URL to which traffic flows in case of errors (outs for the scheme are not configured, wrong scheme sid in the request, filter conditions are too strict)

We save the file and upload it to the hosting.

5) Set the rights to the archive folder and everything inside it 777 .

TDS is installed and ready to use.

When accessing TDS, you will be asked to enter a password, after which you will be taken to the admin panel.
The first step is to create a schema. To do this, enter a name and click on the Add New Shema button. You can create several schemes, this is convenient when you work with multi-directional affiliate programs (for example, one scheme for dating affiliate programs, the second for adult affiliate programs).

Now we need to create Outs for the scheme. Out is the url to which the traffic from the schema url will be redirected. To create outs for a circuit, click on "Outs". Enter url and GEO (country abbreviations). If all countries are needed, then leave "ALL". Country abbreviations can be viewed by clicking the Show link:

You can create more outs, filtering traffic as you need. Also, SimpleTDS implements a visitor uniqueness check. At the end, you can create an out, which will merge all the non-uniques within the framework of this scheme. To do this, check the box next to Exit Out?

Smoke on work with SimpleTDS.