Since 2002, the STARK Security Group has been working to maximize the use of modern technical facilities for the protection of facilities in its professional activities. This allows you to improve the quality of services while reducing costs. Thanks to many years of experience, we can offer customers a wide range of technical security equipment at the best prices. Our specialists provide a whole range of services: from design and installation of the system to its subsequent maintenance.

Types of proposed technical means

Video surveillance systems

Definition. A video surveillance system is a security device designed for continuous visual monitoring of a selected area of ​​an object, which allows timely response to illegal actions. Today, there are complexes with which you can monitor not only individual parts of the building, but also the structure as a whole.

Appointment. The protected object and the area adjacent to it are under round-the-clock visual control. This allows you to quickly track any movements (authorized and illegal) across the territory, as well as the workflow at the enterprise. Thanks to the technical means of video surveillance, it is possible to record attempts to illegally enter the perimeter, and in combination with other security methods, to stop these violations in a timely manner. Such systems make it possible to both quickly carry out visual control and save a record of incidents for the archive.

Classification. Depending on the type of equipment used, video surveillance systems are divided into two types:

  • Analog systems. This type of device is used if video surveillance needs to be organized in a small number of rooms. Information from the cameras is recorded on a video recorder.
  • Digital systems. They are used to ensure the protection of geographically distributed or especially responsible objects and are usually integrated into security complexes. Such complexes record, record and analyze information coming from video cameras, fire and security sensors, readers of the access control system, and then “make a decision” to protect the territory under their jurisdiction at the direction of the operator or offline.

Security and fire alarms

Definition. The security and fire alarm is a set of technical means designed to timely detect a source of fire and illegal entry into a protected area. In most cases, this alarm is integrated into a complex that combines building engineering systems with security systems. This allows you to provide up-to-date address information for fire extinguishing, warning, smoke removal, access control, etc.

Appointment. The security and fire alarm complex performs two main tasks. Firstly, it promptly notifies the security service of the fact of illegal entry or an attempt to gain unauthorized access to the building and its premises. The date, time and place of violations are recorded. Secondly, the fire and security alarm system promptly detects fires and generates control signals for warning devices and automatic fire extinguishing.

Device types. These technical means of protecting the facility include controllers, sensors for monitoring movement, smoke, water leakage, as well as various types of annunciators and network transmission equipment.

Classification. Depending on the method of detecting an alarm and generating a signal, fire and security alarm systems are divided into the following types:

  • Non-address systems. Detectors in conventional systems have a fixed sensitivity threshold. A group of detectors is included in the general fire alarm loop: if one of the technical means is triggered, a generalized alarm signal is generated.
  • address systems. In the event of an alarm, they allow the security service to obtain information about the address of the triggered alarm device. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine the fire zone with an accuracy up to the location of the detector.
  • Address-analogue systems. In such systems, "smart" detectors are used, which makes it possible to transmit the current value of the controlled parameter with the address via the security and fire alarm loop. This method monitoring is designed for early detection of an emergency, obtaining information about the maintenance of equipment, etc.

Access control systems (ACS)

Definition. ACS is a set of software and hardware security tools designed to restrict and register the entry / exit of people or the entry / exit of vehicles through “pass points”: checkpoints, gates, doors.


The basis for ensuring reliable protection of objects from criminal encroachments is proper engineering and technical strength in combination with the equipment of this object with security and alarm systems. Access control and management systems, CCTV and warning systems are used to enhance the protection of the facility and prompt response.

Depending on the significance and concentration of material, artistic, historical, cultural and religious values ​​located at the facility, the consequences of possible criminal encroachments on them, all objects, their premises and territories are divided into two groups (categories): A and B. Due to the large diversity of heterogeneous objects in each group, they are further subdivided into two subgroups each: AI and AII, AI and BII.

Objects of subgroups AI and AII are objects of particular importance, increased danger and life support, illegal actions (theft, robbery, robbery, terrorism and others) on which, in accordance with criminal law Russian Federation can lead to large, especially large economic or social damage to the state, society, enterprise, ecology or other owner of the property.

Objects of subgroups BI and BII are objects, theft of which, in accordance with the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, can lead to damage in the amount of up to 500 minimum wages and over 500, respectively.

For each category of objects, taking into account their functional purpose, there are recommendations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the organization of a security system (SSS), which may include a security and alarm system, an access control and management system, and a security television system.

AT last years One of the most effective approaches to solving the problem of integrated security of objects is the use of access control and management systems (ACS) and CCTV systems (SOT).

The use of ACS allows you to prohibit unauthorized access on the territory, in the building, separate floors and premises. At the same time, they do not create obstacles for the admission of personnel, visitors and vehicles to the areas allowed for them. The use of ACS significantly increases the efficiency of the security service, especially in the presence of numerous risk areas and frees employees from the routine work of identification, providing them with additional time to perform the main functions of protecting the facility and protecting employees and visitors from criminal encroachments.

The ACS includes a variety of technical means directly designed to restrict access to an object and software systems consisting of personal computers and specialized software installed on them, designed for centralized management of these tools and the system as a whole. Thus, the access control and management system is a complex of hardware and software tools that restricts access of unauthorized persons to the territory of the facility, as well as controls the movement of people and vehicles inside it, which ensures an increase in the level of safety of personnel and material assets.

The value of television systems lies in the fact that they allow you to get a visual picture of the state of the protected object, which is highly informative. In this case, a person is taken out of the observation zone into a safe zone, which creates conditions for him to analyze the information received and make a deliberate decision. The television image is capable of transmitting unique information about the situation at the protected facility or about the behavior and individual characteristics of the intruder, which in some cases makes COT mandatory for ensuring the security of the facility.

The specificity of CCTV systems lies in the wide range of functions that they are able to perform, depending on the chosen configuration. For example, ostentatiously installed video surveillance cameras perform a preventive function, they are able to have a psychological impact on potential criminals. SOTs are also capable of taking on some functions of the burglar alarm system - motion detection allows you to use video cameras as volumetric detectors. The use of motion detection in modern SOTs makes it possible to automate, to some extent, the monitoring of video surveillance zones, which makes it possible for a single operator to service a large number of cameras, but this is possible only in the case of monitoring zones in which there is practically no movement during the security period. On the other hand, the most effective use of television systems for monitoring areas in which there is constant movement (trading floors, museums, casinos, etc.), however, it should be borne in mind that in these conditions the use of motion detectors is difficult.

Modern intelligent video technologies make it possible to use CCTV systems for the identification of persons, road and rail transport.

The use of SOT is especially important at facilities with a long perimeter, where in some cases television systems are more economically beneficial and much more informative than perimeter security systems.

      The main subsystem of the SSS of objects is the security and alarm system. It allows you to detect the intruder's penetration into the protected area, timely transmit an "alarm" signal and ensure the promptness of the actions of the squads upon arrival at the facility on this signal.

      The composition of any security alarm system includes detectors, control panels (PKP), annunciators and notification transmission systems (SPI).

      Security detector security alarm technical means designed to detect the intruder's intrusion into the protected area and generate an intrusion notification. Types and classification of detectors are shown in the figures of fig. 4.1 and fig. 4.3.

      Intrusion notice a message that carries information about the penetration into the protected area and is presented with the help of electrical, light and (or) sound signals.

      Alarm loop electrical circuit connecting the detectors with control panels.

      Control panel security alarm technical means designed to receive notifications from detectors and transfer them to the control panel and / or issue commands to turn on the alarms. The type and classification of control panels are shown in the figures in fig. 4.2 and fig. 4.4.

      Annunciator security alarm technical means designed to notify people of intrusion into a protected area by giving sound and / or light signals (bells, howlers, sirens, ordinary or special electric lamps).

      Notification system - a technical system that monitors the condition of the signaling means installed at the facilities; receiving information from all objects at the centralized security point (CPS) and issuing to the duty operator all the necessary information about

      The alarm system can be used to protect both the perimeter of the territory and buildings and premises. Technical means of perimeter protection are active means of early detection, as they can give an alarm notification not only when an intruder tries to overcome the main fence of the territory of the object, but also on the approaches to it. This allows security personnel to quickly respond to the appearance of a threat to the facility and provide violators with appropriate countermeasures.

      The technical means of perimeter protection are selected depending on the type of the alleged threat to the object, the interference situation, the terrain, the length and technical strength of the perimeter, the type of fence, the presence of roads along the perimeter, the exclusion zone, its width.

    As a means of detecting penetration through the perimeter line of the territory, detectors operating on various principles of detection are used.

    Radio wave detectors create an insurmountable volumetric detection zone along the fence and are most often used in perimeter security . Currently, radio wave detectors "Linar", "Radiy" are promising for the protection of territories. The Linar two-position linear radio wave detector provides protection for perimeter sections with a length of 10 to 100 m. Diagram of the detection zone of the Linar detector » shown in the figure fig. 4.6.

    Optoelectronic detectors have a linear detection zone and allow you to organize narrow invisible infrared barriers in any plane. A characteristic representative of this class is the SPEC detector (Fig. 4.7).

    Capacitive detectors have an extended sensitive element, which unfolds along the perimeter and is used on mechanically strong fences, especially where buildings and structures enter the fences, and there are also entrance gates.

    Wire wave detectors create a three-dimensional detection zone around the sensing element, which consists of two insulated wires, and can be installed on any type of fence made of various materials.

    Vibration detectors perceive the vibration (deformation) of the elements of a mesh or lattice fence, peaks of solid fences in the form of a spiral of barbed tape, smooth or barbed wire, metal mesh, on which a sensitive element is installed.

    Optical fiber react to change luminous flux in fiber optic cable when the guard vibrates and are applied on a well-fixed welded mesh guard.

    radio detectors, operating on the principle of "leaky wave line",are used, as a rule, where high camouflage of perimeter alarm means is required.

    Quick deploy detectors used to equip temporary security lines on unprepared terrain with any terrain, in the absence of a main fence and cable communications (blocking areas with damaged signaling, parking lots, open warehouses, etc.).

    Open areas with material assets on the territory of the facility are protected by volumetric, surface or linear detectors of various operating principles. Of the radio wave detectors, Fon-3 and Fon-3/1 are often used. Volumetric radio wave detector

    "Fon-3" provides protection of open areas up to 400 m2 with a detection range of 10 to 30 m. The detection diagram of the Fon-3 detector is shown in fig. 4.8. The detector "Fon-3/1" is designed to protect small (up to 30 m2) open areas or individual objects located in open areas. The range of the detector is from 4 to 12 m.

    To protect buildings, premises, individual items, technical means of burglar alarms are used, which should be equipped with all premises with permanent or temporary storage of material assets, as well as all vulnerable areas of the building (windows, doors, hatches, ventilation shafts, ducts, etc.) , through which unauthorized entry into the premises of the facility is possible. Objects of subgroups AI, AII and BII are equipped with a multi-line alarm system, objects of subgroup BI are equipped with a single-line one.

    The protection of such objects can be autonomous or centralized.

    Under autonomous security system understand the system that outputs an alarm signal to the control panel located on the object, and object light and sound annunciators.

    Under centralized security system refers to a system that issues an alarm signal to a notification transmission system installed at a centralized security point (CPS). The mobile armed group of detention responds to the alarm signal.

    The perimeter of a protected building, as a rule, is divided into protected zones (facade, rear, sides of the building, central entrance and other areas) with information about their condition displayed on external light and sound annunciators or central monitoring stations.

    The first line of the security alarm, depending on the type of alleged threats to the object, is blocked by:

    • entrance doors, loading and unloading hatches, gates for "tearing off" and "destruction" ("breach");

      glazed structures for “opening” and “destruction” (“breaking”) of glass;

      walls, ceilings and partitions that have an insufficient degree of protection against burglary or behind which premises of other owners are located, allowing hidden works on the destruction of the wall for "destruction" ("break");

      shells of value stores for "destruction" ("break") and


      grilles, blinds and other protective structures installed on the outside of the window opening "opening" and "destruction"

    The second frontier of the burglar alarm protects the approaches to valuables (room volumes) with the help of volumetric detectors of various operating principles.

    The third line of the security alarm in the premises is blocked by individual items, safes, metal cabinets, in which valuables are concentrated.

    To enhance security and increase its reliability, additional trap detectors are sometimes installed at facilities.

    For the prompt transmission of messages to the ARC and / or to the duty department of the internal affairs bodies about illegal actions against personnel or visitors (for example, robbery attacks, hooligan actions, threats), objects are equipped with alarm devices (TS): mechanical buttons, radio buttons, remote controls, pedals and other devices. TS devices at the facility are installed in places recommended by private security and at the request of the owner of the facility.

    Way of influence

    Type of detectors

    Destruction of glazed structures (breaking, cutting, extrusion, eversion)

    Electrocontact (foil), shock contact, acoustic, piezoelectric

    Destruction of wooden structures (break, dismantling)

    Destruction of metal structures (chopping, pushing apart, sawing, drilling)

    Electrocontact (wire), piezoelectric

    Destruction of walls and ceilings (breaking, punching, extrusion, sawing, drilling, disassembly)

    Electrocontact (wire), piezoelectric

    Opening structures

    Magnetic contact

    Touching, approaching the protected object

    Capacitive, optoelectronic, ultrasonic, radio wave

    Penetration, movement outside

    optoelectronic, ultrasonic,

    radio wave

    Movement, destruction of a protected item

    Magnetic contact, piezoelectric, capacitive

    Integrated security systems (ISS) are used to increase the security level of an object by automating the processing of information from various SSS subsystems. Modern ISB is a high-tech software and hardware complex that combines the following main systems:

      information collection and processing system (ISOS);

      security alarm system;

      Fire alarm system;

      access control and management system;

      security television system;

      information security system;

      fire extinguishing and smoke removal system;

      guaranteed power supply system.

      Access control and management systems allow solving the following main tasks.

      1. Restriction of access of employees and visitors of the facility to protected premises.

        Temporary control of the movement of employees and visitors around the facility. This means that the use of ACS allows you to restrict access to different zones and individual premises of the facility, depending on the current time and date.

        Control over the actions of the guards during duty.

        Timesheet for each employee.

        Fixing the time of arrival and departure of visitors.

        Temporary and personal control of the opening of internal premises (when and by whom they are opened).

        Ensuring joint work with fire and security alarm systems and video surveillance (when the detectors are triggered, they are blocked or vice versa, for example, in case of fire, the doors of the protected premises are unlocked)

        moving or turning on the camcorder).

        Registration and issuance of information about attempts of unauthorized entry into the protected premises.

      In general, the operation algorithm of any ACS involves the following steps:

      a visitor or an employee of an organization wishing to enter the controlled area enters information about their rights into the system using an electronic individual pass;

      the system compares the entered information with the reference one and decides whether to allow or deny access;

      after the visitor passes, the entrance device (door, turnstile, etc.) is blocked, and the system goes into standby mode.

      Depending on the functional purpose, the access control and management systems may include the following components:

      controlled blocking devices (turnstiles, barriers, sluices, walk-through booths, etc.);

      executive devices (locks, door drives, barriers, turnstiles, etc.);

      identification devices (identifiers); reading devices (readers);

      control devices (controllers and software systems).

      Controlled blocking devices represent a class of devices designed to form a physical obstacle at an access point (door, gate, entrance, etc.). Controlled blocking devices are classified according to the type of passage opening blocking (Fig. 4.10).

      Executive devices. These include electromechanical and electromagnetic locks, electromagnetic latches, door and gate drive mechanisms (Fig. 4.13).

      All electromechanical locks keep the door closed by means of a bolt (bolt), the movement of which can be controlled by a mechanical key or a special electromechanical device controlled by an ACS. This device can be an electric motor, and such electromechanical locks are called motor locks. The bolt can also be controlled by an electromagnet, or a solenoid, and such electromechanical locks are called solenoid. The motor lock provides a more reliable locking of the door, but reacts to the control voltage rather slowly. Solenoid locks respond faster to a control signal and are usually installed on doors with a higher number of open/close cycles.

      Depending on the state in the absence of control voltage, electromechanical locks are divided into normally open and normally closed. If the electromechanical lock has factory setting“normally closed”, then when the control voltage is applied to the lock, the door can be opened. In the absence of voltage, a normally closed lock can only be opened with a key or an inside handle. If the electromechanical lock has the “normally open” setting, this means that when the control voltage is applied, the lock closes and can only be opened mechanically. In the absence of voltage, such electromechanical locks do not work, and the doors are in the unlocked state. Most often, normally closed electromechanical locks are installed on doors controlled by ACS. Normally open locks are installed on escape and fire doors, and they are constantly energized in the closed state.

      Electromagnetic locks hold doors closed by a strong electromagnet that attracts metal

      plate attached to the door. To open the door, use the exit button or the control signal comes from the controller of the access control system - ACS. However, during an unplanned power outage, the electromagnet releases the plate and the door goes into the unlocked state. Therefore, not only electromagnetic locks, but also conventional mechanical

      Electromagnetic strikes are also divided into normally open and normally closed The term "normally open" means that the electromagnetic strike holds the door in the locked position as long as it is powered. If the power supply circuit opens, the device's tongue moves and the door can be opened with the lock bolt extended. In this case, the latch works on the principle of an electromagnetic relay: when voltage is applied to the electromagnet winding, the tongue is attracted to the core and blocks the extended bolt of the door lock, thereby locking the door.

      Identification devices (identifiers). An identifier is a device or feature by which a user is identified. In other words, an identifier is an object in which (on which) code information is entered using special technology, confirming the authority of the rights of its owner and serving to control access to a protected area. Identifiers can be made in the form of cards, keys, key chains, etc. (Fig. 4.14).

      Identifiers are a fairly broad class of devices designed to store an identification code in a certain form.

      Mechanical. The identification code is stored in the identifier due to changes in the design elements of the identifiers (perforations, elements of mechanical keys, etc.).

      Magnetic. Magnetic identifiers include plastic cards with a magnetic stripe, Wiegand cards, etc.

      A magnetic card is a standard plastic card with a magnetic strip printed on it, on which a personal digital code is recorded using a special encoder. According to the ISO international standard, a magnetic strip can contain from one to three recording tracks, and the position of the tracks, their width and recording depth are strictly regulated by the standard. The main element of the reader is a magnetic head, similar to a tape recorder. Information is collected by contact. By moving the card in a special slot, we

      we move the magnetic strip past the reading head, which determines the personal code of the card.

      Wiegand cards. During production, two strips of conductors are woven into the structure of a plastic card, arranged in a strictly defined sequence (different for different cards), which contain information about the personal code of its owner. The reader is practically an induction coil with two magnets of opposite polarity, and all this is in a plastic or metal case and is filled with a special insulating material for complete tightness. When the card is swiped across the reader, one of the strips gives positive induction current surges (they are interpreted by the system as units), and the second one is negative (treated as zeros). Thus, the binary code of the card is read.

      The reader has two magnetic heads arranged so that each of the rows of conductors, when the card is pulled through the reader, passes under its own head.

      Optical. Identifiers are lines of different thickness applied to the surface. In the most complex modifications of the cards, infrared masking was used as a protection with an opaque film in the optical range. The barcode has received the greatest distribution in trade and warehouse systems. In ACS, this technology was rarely used due to the low degree of protection against forgery.

      Electronic contact. Identifiers are an electronic code recorded in the electronic chip of the identifier (electronic keys "Touch Memory", etc.).

      Electronic radio frequency. Reading the code from electronic identifiers occurs by transmitting data over a radio channel. In terms of the combination of the most important characteristics, the technology of contactless radio frequency identification is one of the most common and widely used in ACS. This class includes proximity cards, smart cards, etc. Reading the code from such devices is carried out remotely at a distance of 5 to 20 cm.

      Acoustic. They are a coded acoustic signal.

      Biometric (only for readers). Today they are considered the most promising direction for the development of access control systems. The principle of operation of biometric readers is based on the analysis of various personal physiological characteristics of people, such as the shape and size of the hand, fingerprint, voice and retinal parameters.

      The main physiological characteristics to be analyzed are the following: fingerprint; hand geometry; iris; retina; voice; facial geometry; signature.

      combined, where several identification features are used simultaneously for identification.

      Reading devices (readers). The reader is electronic device designed to read the code information

      Depending on the principles of the identifier, the technology for reading the code also changes.

      Control devices (controllers and software systems). Control means can be controllers and specialized software systems consisting of personal computers and specialized software installed on them.

      However, controllers share a number of common features: data analysis coming from readers;

      registration in the memory of information about events related to access to the premises of the owners " electronic keys”, the codes of which were entered into his memory;

      communication with other controllers and a software package for organizing centralized control of the system;

      control of barrier devices.

      Software complexes are designed to manage ACS in general.

      There are also a number of common features here:

      making decisions on restricting and allowing access based on information received from controllers and readers;

      maintaining databases of "electronic cards" of registered key owners according to a variety of criteria;

      setting object and temporary access restrictions both for individual key owners and for groups of owners identified by some attribute;

      setting access zone numbers, which are lists of doors through which the owner can enter and exit the premises and building;

      saving information on all events in the database; displaying the state of the system on floor plans;

      accounting of the working time of employees of the organization for an arbitrary period.

      According to the method of control, ACS are divided as follows.

      The main difference between autonomous ACS and centralized ones is the inability to obtain information about the state of the access point and quickly manage the access process itself. Standard off-line ACS operation mode. If the ACS is not capable of working in on-line mode, then the operator will not be able to quickly receive data on events on specific access points equipped with such a system.

      Rice. 4.20 An example of the implementation of a network access control system for offices and budgetary organizations "Kronverk-Start".

      business centers "Kronverk Professional"

      As practice shows, almost any centralized access control system is universal, because. switches to offline mode in case of problems with the control center.

      By the number of controlled access points, the following types of ACS can be distinguished:

      small capacity (no more than 84 points); medium capacity (from 84 to 256 points); large capacity (more than 256 points).

The COT used in the framework of technical safety systems solve the following functions:

solution of operational tasks for protection; monitoring of the protected object; video recording (video recording).

The solution of operational tasks for the protection of an object implies an automatic reaction of the system to changes in video control zones using motion detectors, which allows you to receive the most complete information for an immediate response.

The function of monitoring a protected object allows the operator to receive a high-quality image of a potentially dangerous video monitoring zone in real time.

Of particular importance is video recording - recording information from video cameras and further work with the video archive. Video recording plays a significant role in solving crimes and illegal actions, and also contributes to the prevention and prevention of illegal actions.

The main hardware components of modern CCTV systems are video cameras and video input cards for video input into video

Additional hardware components of CCTV systems include video memory devices, camera control devices, infrared illumination devices, PTZ devices, etc.

All video surveillance cameras can be conditionally divided into stationary and controlled, which, in turn, depending on the operating conditions, are classified as video cameras for indoors and video cameras for outdoor use.

Fixed video cameras for indoors can be divided into standard (without built-in lens); cylindrical and dome lenses that already have a fixed aperture lens or a lens with automatic adjustment diaphragm (ARD).

Stationary video cameras for outdoor use are installed in a thermal housing, which is supplemented with a power supply, a glass and internal volume heating system.

According to their design, controlled (with the ability to remotely change the position of the line of observation in a two-coordinate system) video cameras can be divided into standard, built on the basis of a two-coordinate turret and a thermal housing with a video camera, and dome cameras.

All modern video cameras are built on the basis of CCD matrices. Light falling on the matrix causes the accumulation in each cell of the matrix of an electric charge proportional to the illumination of this cell, this electric charge periodically sequentially read from all cells of the matrix and converted into a video signal, which is displayed on the monitor. The surface of a CCD array is made up of many photosensitive pixel cells. The higher the number of pixels, the better and clearer the image.

Among the main parameters of video cameras are the following:

    Matrix Format is the diagonal size of the matrix in inches. The matrix format is standardized and can take the following values: 1"", 2/3"",1/2"", 1/3"", 1/4"". matrices large format 1 "", 2/3"" are practically not produced today, since cameras based on them are very bulky and costly.

    horny. Subminiature cameras are produced on the basis of matrices of the 1/4 "" format. The most widely used cameras with matrices format 1/3 "". The size of the sensor is important in determining the required viewing angle of the camera. With the same lenses, a camera based on a 1/2"" sensor has a larger angle of view than a camera with a 1/3"" sensor.

    Permission is the ability of a camera to reproduce fine details in an image. Cameras with more high resolution transmit the video picture in more detail, informatively.

    Resolution is measured in television lines (TVL), and not in pixels, as, for example, in monitors and recorders, since the detail of the picture depends not only on the number of pixels in the CCD matrix, but also on the parameters electronic circuit cameras. The average resolution is considered to be 380-450 TVL, in most cases this is quite enough for observation. To implement recognition functions, high-resolution video cameras (>560 TVL) are used. The resolution of color cameras is somewhat worse than the resolution of black and white ones. For color cameras, a resolution of more than 460 TVL is considered high resolution.

    It should be noted that the “resolution” parameter is related not only to the CCD matrix in the camera, but also to all digital devices, such as: multiplexers, quads, digital synchronizers, etc. They also limit the overall resolution of the system.

    Resolution may vary under different lighting conditions, but it is usually reduced in low light.

    Sensitivity Another important parameter of the TV camera. This setting determines the performance of the camera in low light. The unit of measure for sensitivity is lux. The values ​​of the minimum illumination on the matrix and on the object differ, as a rule, by more than 10 times. Compared to the human eye, the sensitivity of monochrome TV cameras is significantly shifted to the infrared region. This circumstance allows the use of special infrared illuminators in low light conditions. Infrared radiation invisible to the human eye, but perfectly captured by CCD TV cameras.

    Color TV cameras are characterized by significantly lower sensitivity compared to monochrome and lack of sensitivity in the infrared region of the spectrum.

    Sensitivity is closely related to the parameter " signal to noise ratio» ( S/N=signal to noise). This value is measured in decibels. S/N=20log(video signal/noise).

    For example, a signal to noise ratio of 60 dB means that the signal amplitude is 1000 times the noise. With signal-to-noise parameters of 50 dB or more, a clear picture without visible signs of noise will be visible on the monitor. At 40 dB, flickering dots are sometimes noticeable, and at 30 dB “snow” over the entire screen, a 20 dB image is practically unacceptable, although large contrasting objects can still be seen through a continuous “snowy” veil.

    Lens focal length indicated in millimeters and ceteris paribus determines the angle of view. A wider angle is provided by a shorter focal length. And vice versa - the longer the focal length, the smaller the angle of view of the lens. The normal viewing angle of a TV camera is equivalent to the viewing angle of a person, while the lens has a focal length proportional to the diagonal size of the CCD matrix.

    Depth of field shows how much of the field of view is in focus, i.e. displayed by the camera with maximum clarity. A large depth of field means that more of the field of view is in focus. A shallow depth of field allows only a small fragment of the field of view to be observed in focus. Depth of field is affected by certain factors. For example, lenses with a wide angle of view provide, as a rule, a large depth of field. The shallowest depth of field is possible at night when the aperture is fully open (so a lens that is focused during the day may be out of focus at night).

As devices for collecting and processing video signals in modern CCTV systems, there are mainly digital video recorders (video servers) that receive a signal from video cameras and process and store it in digital form.

General classification of digital (DVR - digital video recording) of CCTV systems is as follows (Fig. 4.27):

Modular video hardware systems are independent hardware with embedded software, where all the components necessary for recording, archiving and image retrieval are located in a single stand-alone module. Although the data is saved

are taken digitally on HDD, control is usually carried out with keypad recorder body.

Basically, these systems are only capable of recording and displaying video data. These devices do not have additional functions(eg, intelligent video signal processing, event response programming, distributed network functionality, database synchronization, etc.), which can sometimes be performed by external systems. In some cases, these DVRs can be connected to a PC for remote video viewing and control.

Standard PC-based video systems are systems based on the architecture of a personal computer and running a standard or specialized operating system.

A PC-based DVR looks a lot like any office or home PC, but it performs specialized security functions, handles huge data streams, and operates 24 hours a day. The stability of the video system as a whole, its reliability and many others the most important parameters directly depend on the platform of the personal computer, its components and accessories. In general, in standard video systems on a PC, the following is installed:

    at least one video capture card,

    software this board (driver),

    interface shell for working with the automated workstation (AWS) system of the operator.

PC-based video systems with hardware DSP compression are systems based on a personal computer architecture with additional digital signal processors (DSPs) for hardware compression. To implement this solution, specialized software and at least one hardware DSP video compression card are installed on a personal computer. Unlike the standard PC-based video systems described above, the compression procedure is performed by digital signal processors, which have the necessary computing power for real-time compression of incoming video streams of a multi-channel video system. CPU the computer itself remains unloaded and can perform other service operations and control functions.

IP video systems are systems based on a network architecture that consist of IP cameras and IP video servers. IP cameras form the basis of this solution. IP cameras are intelligent network devices that receive video, digitize it, compress it, and transmit the digital data stream over the network. Some camera models have a digital storage device for temporary storage (buffering) of video data.

Recording and control of such a system is carried out by a personal computer with appropriate software installed to receive already compressed video data over the network, control the system and record a video archive.

It should be noted that with all the advantages of digital equipment, video cameras themselves in the overwhelming majority of cases remain analog. This is due to the fact that digital IP video cameras that can work as full-fledged network devices are still too expensive for their mass implementation in security systems, but their use is undoubtedly one of the promising areas for the development of modern CCTV systems.

In addition to the use of digital IP cameras, the development of video security systems at the present stage takes place in two directions:

    video systems with the possibility of remote monitoring;

    intelligent video surveillance systems.

Since the perspective of the television systems themselves is digital video signal processing, then the main channels and communication technologies in the construction of security systems should be considered modern telecommunication technologies used to organize computer networks, including the Internet. A significant reduction in the cost of access to Internet resources and the development of mobile networks allow us to talk about the transition of security systems to a new era of distributed solutions.

Traditionally, intelligent systems are understood as systems based on the mathematical apparatus of artificial intelligence, which has the ability to detect properties associated with intelligent human behavior. In other words, such systems that are capable of self-learning to one degree or another. However, in relation to video surveillance systems, the term “intelligent video” is considered somewhat broader. The "intelligent" functions of CCTV systems include those in which television takes on the function of automatic assessment of the situation or acts as a technical means of detection. Among them:

    Movement detection in the surveillance area (video detection). Almost all registrars support this function. In this case, the operator can set the area on the monitor screen, the movement in which causes an alarm.

    Recognition (classification) of objects. More complex function. The system must not only detect a dynamic object, but also correctly assign it to any class, distinguish a person from an animal and from the swaying of tree branches. This makes it possible to sharply increase the noise immunity of a video detector operating in a difficult interference environment, for example, outdoors. The main parameters by which pattern recognition is performed are the spatial characteristics of objects: overall dimensions, perimeter, area, etc.

    Dynamic tracking of the intruder. Dynamic targeting systems analyze changes in the coordinates of the characteristic points of an object, such as the center of gravity, color.

An intelligent video surveillance system combines a whole complex modern technologies including:

new algorithms video compression, developed in contrast to the standard specifically for the needs of security television;

various technologies for processing images from several video cameras, for example - obtaining a panoramic view, implementing logical operations(intersection, subtraction, addition);

technologies for organizing video archives and performing searches in them. Currently, there are developments that deviate from the traditional principle of searching in the video archive - by time, and use completely new algorithms in their work that allow you to search not by time, but by the content of the frame. This approach allows several times to increase the efficiency of archive analysis;

specialized file and Operating Systems, specially developed as platforms on which other technologies are built;

use of intelligent detectors.

It is smart detectors that make it possible to build truly complex systems capable of not only transmitting, storing and converting video data, but, for example, independently assess the situation at the facility, detect emergency situations and switch the security system to

"Alarm" in fact without the participation of the operator.

To smart detectors used in modern systems can be attributed:

    motion and direction detector is a fundamental detector. It is triggered by the appearance of movement in the frame, detects moving objects and determines the direction of their movement;

    the face detector notifies you when a face appears in the frame;

    the detector of the left objects notifies about the appearance or disappearance of an object in the frame;

    audio detectors sound and human speech detector;

    chamber closure and illumination detectors;

    camera focus detectors and other service detectors.

Test questions
Give the definition of a detector, a control panel, a notification transmission system.
List the main tasks solved with the use of ACS.
What is the simplest ACS algorithm?
How are controlled blocking devices classified?
What devices are included in executive devices?
How are identifiers classified?
List the types of identifiers according to the type of identification features.
What is multilayer security?
What are security alarms?
What are the main functions of software packages?
On what grounds are ACS classified?
What is the difference between autonomous access control systems and centralized ones?
List and decipher the main functions of CCTV systems.
How is it customary to classify SOT depending on the target tasks of video monitoring?
How is it customary to classify SOT depending on the type of observation?
List the main and additional components SOT.
What types of video cameras are used in SOT?
Describe the main characteristics of video cameras.
Describe the types of digital devices for receiving and processing video information.
What are remote video monitoring systems for objects?
List the types of control devices.

"Safe city" is a modern level and Feedback. // Security. 2007. No. 4. - P.4-8.
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GOST R 50777-95 (IEC 839-1-b-90) Alarm systems Part 2. Requirements for intruder alarm systems.
GOST R 51241-2008 “Means and systems for access control and management. Classification. General technical requirements. Test Methods".
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Lukyanitsa A.A. Digital processing of video images./ A.A. Lukyanitsa, A.G. Shishkin. - M .: "IS-ES Press", 2009. - 518 p.
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About concept approval federal system monitoring of critical facilities and (or) potentially hazardous infrastructure facilities of the Russian Federation and dangerous goods: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2005 No. 1314-r.
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Recommendations: Selection and application of security television systems. - M.: FGU NITs "Protection" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2010, 183 p.
Systems mobile communications: textbook / V.S. Zarubin, S.N. Khaustov, A.N. Babkin Voronezh: Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007. 150 p.
Security television systems: a methodological guide / N.V. Budzinsky [and others]. - M.: NIC "Protection", 2008. - 222 p.
Federal Law No. 35-FZ dated March 6, 2006 "On Combating Terrorism".

The protection of various objects has been in demand at all times. But if earlier it was carried out by people who were hired to perform the function of a watchman or sentry, now times have changed.

Security companies in Moscow and any other city now use special technical security equipment. This made it possible to avoid the notorious "human factor" and enhance the security of facilities, especially large ones, the area and length of which is quite large.

Security systems

Technical means of protection mean the following systems:

  • access restrictions;
  • video surveillance;
  • different types of alarms.

All these tools work separately or form a whole complex controlled by a computer.

No matter how difficult they are, but the devices in them all use the same:

  • remote hub;
  • sensitive sensors;
  • executive devices.

It should be noted that security system It comes in both wired and wireless. The first is remarkable in that the connection between its constituent devices is carried out via cable. In the second version, the sensors are equipped with transmitters, the signal from which is sent to the receiver - the remote control. Such a security system that does not have wires is much more convenient, easier to install, and therefore is in great demand.

Security is not only protection from intruders, but also the provision of preventive measures in case of emergency, such as explosion, fire, etc.

Some types of systems

The list of measures that the security system is called upon to carry out includes restricting access to certain premises. To do this, use a combination lock or a special card.

There are magnetic cards, but their protection is not very reliable. There are also Wi-Fi cards with magnetized wires and a proximity card with a chip.

The most reliable is the electronic card. A reader removes information from it, the data is recorded by a computer, and the controller gives permission to enter.

Video surveillance is widely used in security. The operator can simultaneously see how many rooms or places that can be significantly removed from each other.

Such systems consist of cameras and monitors, which are quite easy to control. They allow just one person to control several objects, which is very convenient.

The operator will always respond in time to a non-standard situation and give a signal to the rest of the guards.

Multilevel security system for energy facilities:

The use of technical security equipment (TSO), in combination with the traditional physical security system of the facility, has a number of advantages for the client - from increasing the level of security of the facility to significant savings in security costs in the medium term, due to more effective use resources.

Specialists of the Angel Group of Companies are ready to offer you services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a full arsenal of TCO systems. The most popular systems include:

  • CCTV system (SOT),
  • Access control and management system (ACS or ACS),
  • Security and fire alarm systems.

Services are provided by a system integrator for a solution challenging tasks large clients. Based on the knowledge of the Chief Operating Technology of Angel Group, iSES is the architect of integrated security solutions that take into account maximum amount risky situations.

Security television system (SOT) or video surveillance

The standard composition of the video surveillance system consists of video cameras installed on the external and internal perimeter of the object (in places requiring special attention), a video recorder (video server) and an automated workplace (AWS) of the video surveillance operator.

The signal from the cameras is transmitted to the DVR, which stores the recordings from the cameras. The period of storage of this data depends on the amount of memory of the recorder and the amount of information being processed. For the most effective video archive management in places with a low flow of visitors, it is recommended to use video surveillance cameras with motion detection recording. In this case, the image from the camera will be recorded only if motion is detected in its immediate vicinity. The configuration of the workstation of the video surveillance operator differs depending on the volume of the system and the tasks facing it. If the system includes a small number of cameras, the operator station may Personal Computer. When the number of cameras installed at the facility is in the tens, they equip a separate monitor room with special equipment (video wall, control panel, and so on).

Modern IP video surveillance systems allow you to organize a remote workplace from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection). This service highly demanded in residential buildings and apartments to control staff (nannies and housekeepers).

The use of the SOT system allows:

  • Conduct round-the-clock visual control over the entire territory of the facility where the system is equipped, using minimal human resources (as a rule, by one video surveillance operator).
  • Identify signs of emergency and emergency situations, signs of preparation for the commission of illegal actions, and promptly respond to them.
  • Record events occurring at the facility.
  • Restore the chronology of events during official investigations and proceedings.

In addition, the equipment of the object with a video surveillance system is a very effective measure for the prevention of various offenses. The presence of video cameras encourages potential violators to act within the framework of the law, to comply with the internal regime, and the rules, since video recording is irrefutable evidence.

Access control and management system (ACS)

The use of ACS is aimed at effectively reducing the threats to the security of the facility, related both to the safety of property and reputational risks (safety of technologies and other confidential information). The specific configuration and composition of the equipment is determined based on the specific tasks of the system at the facility, taking into account the identified risks.

Among the elements of the system most frequently used at industrial and commercial purpose, the following components can be distinguished:

  • barriers (including those equipped with a remote opening function),
  • magnetic locking devices on doors,
  • contactless personal access cards (proximity cards),
  • single turnstiles and turnstile lines,
  • card readers (control over the withdrawal of temporary passes from visitors to the facility).

The use of ACS equipment at the facility as part of the access system allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • controlling people's access to office premises and special areas of the facility (including setting restrictions on the time of day, days of the week, and so on);
  • control of vehicle access to the territory of the facility;
  • formation and maintenance of databases with statistics for each employee or visitor (including time tracking);
  • tracking the process of employees passing control points.

Security and fire alarms

Burglar alarm is one of the most important systems for monitoring the state of the facility and preventive protection measures. This system It is customary to subdivide into internal, responsible for the safety of property and material values ​​inside the premises, and external, providing control over unauthorized entry into the territory of the facility through the perimeter fence. Loud sound signal, accompanied by an alarm, scares off intruders by drawing attention to what is happening. And the signal received by the centralized security console allows security officers to quickly take the necessary response measures, in accordance with the Instructions for the protection of the facility.

The purpose of a fire alarm is to timely detect the fact of fire or smoke at the facility, with the exact localization of its source. Prompt response to such emergency situations allows minimizing possible damage.

Often, alarm data is combined into a single complex, the operation of which is carried out through the use of such detectors as:

  • glass break sensors,
  • volume sensors,
  • leakage sensors,
  • gas analyzers,
  • fire sensors (temperature, radiation, smoke sensors, etc.),
  • panic buttons and so on.

At facilities that require special attention in matters of property safety, Angel Group specialists can also offer you the installation of automatic fire extinguishing systems.

We apply an integrated comprehensive approach to our work. This allows us to find the optimal solution that best meets each specific request. Successful many years of experience in implementing projects of varying complexity, regular advanced training of specialists of the TCO department and monitoring the market of technological innovations, makes cooperation with us the best choice for comprehensive protection of your business.

As our client, you can use
extended list of services:

Security audit and consulting

As a rule, a comprehensive security audit of an object is carried out to answer a specific question of the client and includes a check in all areas:

  • reliability of the physical security system;
  • the state of technical means of protection, means of engineering protection;
  • compliance with corporate security requirements by employees;
  • examination of the premises for the presence of devices that conduct unauthorized removal of information (audio and / or video recording);
  • identification of the most probable risks and threats.

On the basis of the audit, a facility security concept is developed, which describes in detail the main approaches to its organization, analyzes probabilistic models of situations of threats and risks, and proposes reasonable solutions for the use of certain means of protection.

Private security

The personal protection service (bodyguards) is aimed at protecting the life and health of our Clients. Only those employees who, in addition to professional qualities, knowledge and skills, have such character traits as delicacy, a responsible approach to any tasks and strict confidentiality are allowed to provide this service. The main functions of the escort group can be divided into four interconnected areas:

  • protection of a protected person and property with him;
  • ensuring the safe movement of the Client, including checking the usual routes of movement, developing the best route;
  • verification of the permanent residence of the Client;
  • resolution of conflict situations, making operational decisions on the spot.

Acquisition of the escort group from among the employees of the personal security department is carried out taking into account the psychological compatibility and the wishes of the Client, based on the preliminary casting of candidates.

Employees this department undergo training and special (including special physical, tactical, fire, legal) training under the program of the FSO of the Russian Federation, adapted to the conditions of non-state security structures. At least twice a year, all employees undergo certification for compliance with the position held and the requirements, confirming their qualifications.

Information-analytical and detective services

Applying an integrated approach in matters of security and business protection, the Angel Group of Companies offers its clients the provision of Information and analytical support. Depending on the specific request received from the client, this species services can be aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • establishment of business reputation and reliability of partners;
  • collection and analysis of information for the preparation of business negotiations;
  • collection and analysis of information about competitors;
  • determination and assessment of the degree of commercial, financial and other risks;
  • preparation of conclusions and recommendations to reduce the identified risks;
  • and so on.

The service is provided to existing clients of Angel Group of Companies on the basis of an agreement. The cost of a specific request is calculated individually, based on the complexity, specifics and region of collection of the requested information (Moscow and the region, other cities of the Russian Federation, CIS countries).

Post communication system

· Alarm signaling;

· software;

Theoretical question. Ticket 15.

ITSO complex system (Engineering and technical means of protection)

The means and systems included in the ITSO complex provide automatic detection of attempts of unauthorized entry into the territory of a military facility and issue an alarm signal to the central monitoring station (CMS), logging this event.

The complex of engineering and technical means of protection (KITSO) may include the following subsystems:

object security alarm;

Perimeter security alarm;

· security television system (SOT);

· access control and management system (ACS);

Post communication system

· Alarm signaling;

· security lighting system;

· TCO and SAZ power supply system;

a system for monitoring the actions of personnel;

a system for collecting, processing and displaying information;

· software;

means of anti-terrorist protection

The main purposes of the complex of engineering and technical means of protection:

counteraction to unauthorized crossing by unauthorized persons of security zones of objects;

fixing the fact of penetration of the intruder into the territory of the object, protected zone, protected premises;

Notification of authorized personnel about intrusion (about intrusion attempts) individuals to the territory and premises;

· issuance of an "alarm" signal to the system for collecting and processing information on the security operator's console;

remote monitoring of the situation in various security zones by the operator using a CCTV system;

· centralized (or decentralized) acceptance for control and removal from control of various objects of protection;

Formation, documentation, registration and display on the workstation of signals: alerts about violation of the security zones of the object from the security alarms of the premises of buildings, video information from areas controlled by security television (SOT);

· automatic and manual monitoring of the operability of security detectors and the integrity of the signal circuits (loops);

registration and documentation of the time and number of alarms, the facts of remote monitoring, power outages;

Providing security lighting of the territory of the facility;

· provision of autonomous functioning of TSS in case of power failure from the main sources of power supply 220V, 50Hz.

Theoretical question. Tickets 16.17.

Portable sets of anti-personnel mines VKPM-1, VKPM-2.

Basic tactics - specifications

Kit name VKPM - 1 VKPM - 2
Type of applied min. OZM - 72 MON - 50
Cost center length (m) up to 200
Number of control lines (pcs)
Calculation (persons)
Installation time (min)
Removal time (min)
Transfer time to combat position (sec)
Time to transfer to a safe position (sec)
Multiplicity of application (times) at least 10
Installation method manually
Range of application (about C) from – 40 to + 50
Kit weight (kg)
Packing dimensions (mm) 772X472X250
Guarantee period storage (years)

The composition of the set VKPM - 1, VKPM - 2

Name VKPM-1 VKPM-2
Mina OZM - 72 (pcs) -
Mina MON - 50 (pcs) -
Signal mine SM (pcs)
Control panel with PM - 4 (pcs)
Coil with control line (100m) (pcs)
Puncture mechanism (pcs)
KD No. 8A (pcs)
Electric detonator EDP, EDP - r (pcs) -
Fuse MUV - 4 (pcs)
Stretching wire on the coil (computer)
Steel rope with carabiners (comp)
Peg (pcs)
Punch (pcs)
Case for NM and MUV - 4 (pcs)
Box for CD No. 8A and EDP - r (pcs)
Clamp (pcs) -
Sight (pcs) -
Sleeve (pcs) -
PVC insulating tape (roll)
Capron tape LTK (pcs) -
Sapper knife (pcs)
Bag (pcs)
Packing (pcs)

Sets VKPM - 1,2 are intended for the installation of a cost center from mines OZM - 72 and MON - 50 in order to cover the positions of troops and protect military facilities. They are packaged in wooden boxes, on the inside of the lids of which there are packing diagrams and packing lists.

The VKPM-1 and VKPM-2 kits consist of permanent and replenishable items.

Permanent products include: PU with PM - 4, coils with control lines, boxes for EAF and CD, cases for NM - 71 and MUV - 4, punches, sapper knives, bags for carrying kit elements, packaging for storing and transporting the kit.

Refillable consumables include fragmentation and signal mines, EAF and KD, NM - 71, streamers with coils, sapper wire, pegs, insulating tape.

The use of kits is based on the joint use of wire-controlled POM - OZM - 72 (MON - 50) and signal mines SM, installed in areas of continuous destruction of fragmentation mines.

Mine-explosive barriers deployed from VKPM-1,2 kits consist of a control panel, to the output terminals of which four control lines with fragmentation mines are connected, autonomously installed signal mines with tension target sensors, a demolition machine connected to the control panel with wires.

Rice. 4.11

Use of VKPM - 1, VKPM - 2 kits

1 - demolition machine; 2 - wires; 3 - switch; 4 - control panel; 5 – output terminal; 6 - control lines; 7 - fragmentation mine MON - 50; 8 – signal mine CM; 9 - tension target sensor.

The excitation of the fragmentation mine explosion is carried out by an electrical impulse from the blasting machine, which is delivered by wires, through the control panel, output terminals and then along one control line to the corresponding fragmentation mine. The choice of one or another mine is carried out using the control panel switch. The CM is triggered automatically when exposed to the target sensor.

The VKPM - 1.2 kit allows you to arrange cost centers, consisting of four groups of mines, which are located on the outskirts of the positions (location areas) of units or individual objects. The length of the cost center along the front can be up to 200 meters, and the control range up to 100 meters.

The group of mines includes one wire-guided fragmentation mine OZM-72 or MON-50 and two or three signal mines SM, which are installed in the zone of continuous destruction of the fragmentation mine, so that their target sensors block the most probable directions of enemy movement. For the installation, maintenance and removal of a cost center from one set, a calculation consisting of two people is assigned. The first number is the crew commander, the second number is the operator.

In preparation for mining, the first calculation number puts in a bag a PM-4 demolition machine, a box with electric detonators or a case with NM and a box with CD, a case with MUV-4, a bag with steel ropes with carbines, insulating tape and a sapper knife, and if necessary clamp, adapter sleeves and sight for MON - 50.

The second number of the calculation puts in the bag one fragmentation and two - three signal mines, four coils and a punch with a handle, in addition, he takes with him one coil with a control line, an entrenching tool and three to five poles (flags) to indicate the places of installation of mines and the boundaries of their zones of continuous destruction.

Barriers are removed by order of the unit commander, as a rule, in sections in the reverse order of their installation. It is advisable to involve the calculations that installed them in the removal of barriers.

The procedure for removing VKPM - 1.2:

Turn off the blasting machine PM - 4 and insulate the ends of the wires of the control panel;

Disconnect explosives from fragmentation mines and control lines;

Remove fragmentation mines;

Remove signal mines;

Collapse stretch marks and control lines on coils;

Put the elements of the kit in the packing box;

Report to the unit commander about the removal of the barrier.


● connect the demolition machine to electric explosive circuits without the permission of the unit commander;

● use KD, EAF, impaled mechanisms and fragmentation mines that have damage;

● check the serviceability of electroexplosive circuits when the length of the control line is less than 60 meters;

● lean over signal mines when installing and removing them;

● remove and store mines with damage that does not allow unscrewing the EAF, the pinning mechanism and removing the CD;

● reuse fuses MUV-4;

● transport kits that have free movement of elements in the cells of the packing box.

18. Portable set of anti-personnel mines UVKM and methods of its combat use (scheme)

Designed to cover the MVZ positions, areas of location of units, command posts and other important objects of the Strategic Missile Forces from the actions of the DRF.

The action of the UVKM is based on the joint use of anti-personnel mines MON-50, signal mines and TSO "Kristall-M". Mines MON-50 are installed in the modes of remote controlled detonation from the PM-4 blasting machine and automatic detonation from the IMV-M induction mine fuse.

UVKM ensures the installation of a minefield up to 300m long by a crew of 2 people in 2 hours (folding time 1.5 hours).

The kit includes:

  • PPM MON-50 - 6 sets
  • Signal mines CM - 12 sets
  • IMV-M induction mine fuses - 6 sets
  • Explosion control panel PUV-6 - 1 pc.
  • Demolition machine PM-4 - 1 pc.
  • technical means alarm system "Crystal-M" - 1 set
  • Cable control lines - 6 pcs.
  • (two at 105m, two at 145m, two at 18m)
  • Warning guard 1 set
  • Placed in 3 boxes (25, 57, 42 kg)

Kit Deployments:

UVKM is deployed on the ground according to standard schemes. Depending on the required length of the cover line, from 1 to 6 minutes MON-50 can be installed. Each mine covers a sector up to 50m wide. In this sector, 2 signal mines and 1 IMV-M fuse are installed.

19. Portable mining kit PKM and methods of its combat use (diagrams)

The portable mining kit PKM-1 is the simplest combined-arms means of remote installation of anti-tank and anti-personnel minefields.

With the help of the kit, the personnel of motorized rifle and tank units can lay anti-personnel and anti-tank minefields in front of their forward edge, including in conditions of direct contact with the enemy.

The kit consists of a primitive launcher, a PM-4 demolition machine, 2 reels with a cable (2x50m.) and a bag for carrying the kit. The weight of the set is 2.6 kg. The machine is a small metal sheet with a pallet attached to it at an angle of 45 degrees with electrical contact. This machine is used to place cassettes on it, inside which there are anti-personnel or anti-tank mines and to fire mines from cassettes. The principle of operation is extremely simple - when the cassette is connected to the machine, the contacts of the cassette and the machine close together. When an electrical impulse is supplied from a demolition machine or any other current source, an expelling powder charge in the cassette ignites, which throws mines to a distance of 30-35 meters.

20. POM-2 anti-personnel mine, its purpose, characteristics, installation and destruction procedure

The POM-2 mine is designed to disable enemy infantry.

The defeat of a person or several is inflicted due to the defeat of fragments of the body and ready-made lethal elements (balls or rollers).

Type of mine - remotely installed anti-personnel fragmentation circular destruction

  • Weight.....1.6kg.
  • Mass of explosive (PVV-4) ....... 140 gr.
  • Sensitivity ...... 350-450gr.
  • Combat work time .............................................. 4-100 hours
  • Destruction radius ............................................. up to 16m.

Temperature range of application....-20 --+40 hail.

The mine can only be installed on the ground and only by means of remote mining. The possibility of setting mines manually is not provided. The mine is non-recoverable and non-disarmable.

The mine has a self-destruction device, which ensures the self-destruction of the mine by detonation after 4-100 hours (on average 23 hours) from the moment of installation (the self-destruction time depends on the ambient temperature).