And for her sake, many sold their quite relevant fours. Siri has become exclusive to latest version apple smartphone, they tried their best, and analogues like . Competitors, meanwhile, also did not doze off and prepared their answers to the intelligent assistant iPhone 4S.

Today's short review we will dedicate analogues of Siri on Android. Why is this on such a narrow site? People must know the enemy by sight.

Three alternatives to Siri for Android came to our test: skyvi,iris. and Assistant. Each program has its pros and cons. When one application copes with the task, the other cannot do anything. During testing, there was one such case. So let's go.


The start screen allows you to learn basic commands. The settings are implemented very clumsily. No indication of one's own name or address. It is possible to dictate the address, upon leaving which a reminder will be displayed. Let's take a look at the screenshots.

We asked a question that Siri couldn't answer (about displaying abortion clinics). Here the result is the same.

Program benefits- nice interface, in most cases correct answers to questions.

Cons of the program- clumsy settings, does not always accurately publish entries on Twitter and Facebook.


This program has been the most enjoyable. She clearly understood my pronunciation and gave quite accurate answers. The main thing is to speak at a decent distance from the phone, then everything will be recognized normally. One has only to bring the phone close to your face and you will see completely different words on the screen.

The main screen is very simple. Only basic instructions and a power button. The settings are also very modest.

As you can see, the utility could not show my location. I asked " Who is Justin Bieber", because " Who is Steve Jobs"She just didn't understand.

Program benefits- Accurate voice recognition, quite clearly expresses his opinion in various matters.

Cons of the program- did not show my location, few settings.


Pretty interesting program. It has a lot more settings than its competitors. You can select a voice (male, female, UK, USA, or standard device voice). I don’t know, maybe it should be, but all voices that are different from the standard voice of the device read out the answer after a certain period of time. Standard reads everything at once. Naturally, the additional voices of the program sound much better than the standard one.

A notable feature is that the question can be typed manually. Unlike iris, the program accurately determined our location even when we were outside the city. In the settings you can even change appearance your assistant.

Program benefits- many settings, beautiful interface, clear and precise answers.

Cons of the program- thinks for a long time before answering.

Neither Siri nor its counterparts on Android devices yet

Dusya is a Russian-language analogue of the popular android voice assistant Siri. Users who downloaded Dusya to their computer claim that, unlike their English-speaking “colleague”, this application has a much wider functional set and a lot of unique features.

Application functionality

AT modern world it’s hard to surprise someone with a “talker” mobile phone with a virtual assistant. In the computer market of such applications there are great amount and their number is constantly growing. However, the developers of the UseYoVoice studio managed to create a program that radically changed the idea of ​​voice assistants. The program has existed for more than 2 years, and all this time it continues to develop actively.

The first thing that immediately catches your eye after launch is almost complete absence interface. No, of course, the software window is present here, but it is almost invisible. The assistant works in the background, which allows you to access Dusa without activating the screen or monitor.

But there are a lot of settings. You can set a voice, select and edit a passphrase for activation, determine the “wake up” time of the assistant program, and much more.

After downloading Dusya to your computer, you will also be pleasantly surprised by the wide range of functions. The main features of the utility using voice control:

  • Making calls, sending SMS messages.
  • Navigation, search for a specified place, viewing notes, news feed, etc.
  • Alarm and reminder function.
  • Manage your device settings, interact with social networks.
  • The ability to listen to music and watch movies, search for multimedia content on your request.

Special attention deserves the possibility of creating your own scripts - a kind of mini-programs designed to perform one specific action. Scripts teach the android assistant new functions, and their main advantage is the ability to create scripts on their own.

Having installed Dusya on a PC, it will not be difficult to figure out how to create scripts. If you have any difficulties, you can always refer to the official blog of the application, where it is available step by step video instruction and detailed description creation process.

With the help of scripts, you can teach the assistant anything you want. For example, playing with words or solving math problems.

The command recognition system is also pleasing. If the phrase is illegible or does not have an action algorithm, the utility will think, and then ask what exactly it needs to do. Recognition prevents "embarrassment" when working, and a large built-in dictionary of synonyms allows you to choose a replacement for any incomprehensible word.

To start working with the program, first of all, you need to initialize the microphone. To do this, you need to run the utility, wait sound signal and get started. You can also assign a special activator phrase that launches the assistant.

Application pros and cons

The application has more than enough advantages over similar programs:

  • The lack of an interface and work in the tray, which allows you not to "clutter up" the desktop with unnecessary windows.
  • Self-learning through written scripts and the ability to create your own set of commands.
  • A large database of scripts for every taste, created by other users.
  • Ease of use and Russian-language menu.
  • Support from developers and daily updates of the list of commands.

Unfortunately, the android assistant is not perfect. There are also disadvantages in it, the only good news is that there are few of them:

  • Voice recognition is not always accurate.
  • Paid version. The developer wants money for their creation, so you can only use it for free for 90 days, then you need an activation code.

How to run Dusya on PC

To manage not only a smartphone, tablet and other mobile gadgets, but also have the ability to interact with a PC or laptop, you will need to install the utility on your computer. To do this, you need to use an emulator, which was created for installing android programs on a PC.

Installing the emulator won't take long. You just need to download the download file and unpack it, having previously assigned the download folder. When the emulator is installed, follow the simple instructions:

  • DataBot Assistant. Another virtual assistant with a standard functional set: sending messages, browsing web pages, searching for information on your requests on the Internet, creating short presentations, etc. Of the significant disadvantages is the lack of a Russian-language interface. Also DataBot Assistant doesn't understand voice commands in Russian.
  • Lyra Virtual Assistant. Assistant with a pleasant female voice. The functionality is relatively standard, with the exception of the ability to joke and the skill of laying a route on the map. Lyra is practically not found among Russian-speaking users, since she can neither understand nor speak Russian.

Video review


This virtual assistant has become a truly powerful tool for implementing the most daring ideas for teaching Dusi. Unlike similar clients, Dusya knows how to self-learn, opening up endless possibilities for you. By downloading the Dusya program to your computer, you can create an ideal assistant program for yourself that fully meets your requirements and accurately executes all commands.

Siri, Cortana, Google Now… Everyone knows these names today. Voice assistants from the world's leading smartphone manufacturers are gaining popularity among users today. They are already trying to find out who is cooler ... But are these assistants so applicable in our Everyday life? Naturally, the lack of support for the Russian language greatly limits their capabilities for Russian-speaking users. But is it only?

It seems to me that if the voice as an interaction interface is so flexible, then the voice assistant should have the same flexibility property. It should have many settings that allow you to customize any function for yourself, and GUI he doesn't need it at all. Except those settings.

The Russian voice assistant Dusya is developing along this path! Dusya came out a few days ago, but immediately won the hearts of many users. Largely due to the fact that usersparticipate on a special forum in its creation and improvement every day, putting forward their suggestions, ideas and finding errors.

See what Dusya can do right out of the box!

How is Dusya different from the rest? Not only because she understands Russian and at the same time can work offline.

This is not a search engine, not an encyclopedia, and not a chatbot. She will not try to "communicate" with you. She clearly executes only those commands that she is trained in.. But she does have a lot. As many as there are all kinds of settings that allow you to customize any function for your device and your personal preferences.

But most importantly, Dusi no interface. Yes, there is a widget, but the main way to interact with it is all sorts of activation methods by voice, wave of the hand, shaking the phone, putting it to the ear, automatically on the lock screen, from the headset button and simply by clicking on the notification in the status bar.

At the same time, she does not take up a single inch of your display.It runs in the background all the time and integrates with many popular third party applications, with the help of which it executes your commands.

Yes, and more she knows how to learn and, like all of us, listens to music In contact with!

Moreover, if Dusya did not understand something, then she will always ask you “What to do with it?”, And you can direct her by saying only the part of the command that you see in the hint. Dusya, as it were, adds the next logical iteration to the just executed command.

You can simply dictate the text of the SMS message, and when Dusya asks “What is this?”, not understanding what to do with the entered text, command “Send this to Vasya!” The message that you dictated will go to Vasya from the address book to his mobile.

Or, for example, say "Upcoming season." It is clear that the context of this phrase is so incomplete that it is impossible to say unequivocally what you meant. Then you can answer Dusi's question, "This is such a hypermarket." And when Dusya starts looking for it on the map, she will additionally remember for herself the new name of one of the objects of the „ score“. So the next time you say "Where is the season?", Dusya will immediately start looking for the nearest option on the map (which one is more convenient for you - select in the settings).

Dusya uses speech recognition in her work Google, so it happens that it returns to Douce not exactly what you said. For such cases, she has synonyms. it alternative titles or names that you can assign, for example, to some contacts that are difficult to recognize, or to applications. Then Dusya will always know what you meant.

There are a lot of settings, and only by understanding them, you can get a really working voice application at your disposal.

A voice assistant is not a chatbot. Its function is to help you do something on the device without touching the screen and not being distracted by the phone as such. What can I say - Dusya runs nimbly even on a Chinese Android watch for 5 thousand rubles. and does a great job:

Assistant Dusya is just beginning her journey, offering all Android users a fresh look at this type of program. And we, users and developers, together can make a tool that is really necessary in everyday life!

It's always nice to hear someone's voice. Even if this is the voice of a virtual assistant, and not a real interlocutor. Especially such a “conversation” helps when exploring the capabilities of a new gadget, because by downloading Siri to your computer, you get a universal assistant that will help you quickly deal with any device.


Siri is a personal virtual assistant originally developed as a basic application installed on mobile platforms Apple company. This program was created in international center artificial intelligence, the first versions "came out" in 2008. The app's first voice acting was dictated by American actress and singer Susan Bennett. Russian version I got Siri on my PC in 2014.

The principle of operation of the utility is based on the processing of natural speech, which allows the program to adapt individually for each user. The application has the ability to self-educate - studying the features of the user's speech for a long time, it gradually forms its own "language base", expanding the built-in dictionary.

The application has quite a few settings. All of them are concentrated in the section of the same name, where you can configure:

  • Activation with passphrase. After activating this option, your assistant will automatically respond to a welcome voice command.
  • Set language support.
  • Voice. You can choose whose voice the assistant will communicate with you: male or female. It is also possible to adjust the tone of the voice. By the way, it was the presence of a female voice, which became the original version of the voice acting, that gave the utility a female name.
  • Audio review. This option allows you to hear this moment the program does. Audio feedback will notify you about each action of the utility, if this is not necessary, you can completely disable voice prompts.

Working with the application is not particularly difficult. It is enough just to clearly pronounce the necessary commands, and the assistant will do the rest on its own. It is clear that the Siri program on an online computer will not print a report on its own or will not work with documents, but it will do just fine with finding the necessary information or saving pictures.


  • Opening any applications on the appropriate command.
  • Recording messages, letters from dictation and sending them to recipients.
  • Publishing posts and comments on Internet blogs.
  • Reminder of various events. This feature is available only if you have previously recorded the cases in the organizer.
  • Link reminders to location.
  • Laying the optimal route on the map.
  • Tracking the exchange rate and weather forecast.
  • Search for information on the net. True, to work with the Internet, the assistant needs to clearly formulate a search query, otherwise you risk getting the wrong result.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages are:

  • Instant readiness for work after the first start.
  • Self-learning - the more you talk to her, the more she understands you.
  • Automatic memorization of the voice with its subsequent saving in the voice database.
  • In the process of learning, Siri on a PC learns to respond to non-standard questions. For example, “How is the rain today?” or “Should I bring a raincoat with me?”.
  • The program can be "acquainted" with the list of contacts. She will remember your contact list and will automatically contact familiar users. For example, with the command "Letter for your beloved", she will send a message to your girlfriend or wife on her own.
  • Sense of humor. The developer is gradually teaching the program not only to respond to other people's jokes, but also to create their own.
  • Multilingual support with the presence of a fully Russified version.

There are not so many disadvantages of the application:

  • Complete helplessness offline. If there is no access to the network, the assistant simply will not get in touch.
  • Inability to work with applications. The utility will be able to open them, but then you will have to work on your own.
  • Selectivity. Siri for Windows 7 does not always respond adequately to search terms. For example, by asking to find the results of Spartak games, you can easily get material about the slave uprising, and not the results of a sports match.
  • Too much initiative. If you do not control the functionality, the assistant may begin to take a useless initiative, reminding you of past affairs, endlessly informing you about the weather forecast, etc.

How to run Siri on PC

To download Siri to a computer in Russian, you need to seek help from an emulator, the installation of which will not take much time.

To install BlueStacks, download the installation file and start the download. After the installation process is completed, the utility will automatically launch, opening the application store login window.

To download the setup file with the assistant, enter the store, and use the search bar to find desired file. After the results appear, select the one you need, and click the "Install" button.

  • Indigo Virtual Assistant. virtual assistant- an interlocutor who is able not only to perform actions on command, but also to maintain a simple conversation. Indigo has a fairly wide range of features, but, unfortunately, does not support the Russian language.
  • Assistant Lana. A nice virtual girl with a cute avatar, acting as a voice assistant. She cannot learn on her own, but the developers are constantly improving Lana, expanding the functionality and improving speech recognition.

System requirements

  • BlueStacks emulator for any Windows versions or Mac.
  • Permanent access to the web.
  • 20 MB of free space.
  • The presence of a microphone for communication with an assistant.

Video review

Results and comments

Downloading Siri to your computer means getting a functional and convenient virtual assistant. True, it will not function without access to the Web, but it will be indispensable for searching for the necessary information and other actions online.


Every day smartphones help us in our everyday life (internet, navigation, etc.) and almost every year this goes to a new level. For example, smartphones have learned to perform tasks by voice commands. This week's selection is dedicated to voice assistants that will make using all the functionality of a smartphone more convenient.

For most languages, the app requires an internet connection. This app is perfect for driving. Thanks to this, you will not endanger the lives of yours and others. When you receive a message, this app will display and even read it if you so choose. If you want to make a call, just say the word and word the contact's name.

This application can activate the loudspeaker if you like. Download this incredible app and explore additional functions that have been implemented for you. Internet access is required for voice recognition in some languages. If they contain signs and words that are difficult to speak, you must change them.

Google Now- say "Ok Google"

Google Now comes preinstalled on many Android devices, but not all. In most cases, to launch Google Now, you need to hold down the Home button or click on the application icon. In some cases, this can be configured, it depends on your smartphone, or rather on its firmware. It is also possible to launch using the very famous phrase “Ok Google”, after which you immediately need to voice the command to it.

Example: "Navigation Street New York Aberdeen". Example for keyword: "delete since". An application for accessing the Internet. So loaded dress, which can be found in the application, as well as in order to hold it. Thanks to these handsfree commands, you will be able to use your phone without touching it, which is amazing. For example, you can use your phone as a device speakerphone while driving, while fully focusing on the road!

Also, consider turning on voice recognition from any screen for better hands-free device control. All phrases and actions have been successfully tested, but availability may vary by country. Be sure to install it on your device to use our app.

All rights reserved and protected by law. Personal assistants are an increasingly popular feature on smartphones. Siri was the first personal, voice-activated assistant introduced on a smartphone. Now the question is what personal assistant better.

You use it to search the web or on your device. The beta version is not officially available. Press and hold the home button on your device. A prompt will appear, you have a new assistant. It can read your latest text messages and inform you about the weather. Low functionality and features but this app is in beta so expect new features to be added.

The main advantage of Google Now is the connection in others Google services. He will tell you the weather forecast, your location, get directions, dial a number, help you write an SMS, create a note or reminder, set an alarm, open an application, perform a mathematical operation, or simply make a query in your search engine.

Assistant Dusya- funny and smart

Click the overflow button and select "Settings" from the menu that opens. Voice-guided computing has been around for quite some time. Today, there are hundreds of artificially intelligent voice-activated virtual assistants for your phone, allowing you to control your device without touching your screen. All of today's voice assistants have been tested by asking them to call, send a text, show when it will rain, and if he can tell a joke. In the meantime, we kept an eye on how fast they were.

At the moment, he can only understand English. This is a very interesting experience. However, the reverb can't make calls on your request and tends to slow down quite often. You have to keep the microphone pressed to speak into it, and it leaves you with a great voice menu to speak without having to access the app. It may also appear on the lock screen. However, we thought it was time to update our recommendation. It blossoms so much into a real personal assistant that takes advantage of your usage, your search habits, your location, etc. And turns it all into useful tool, which will proactively help you manage your time better, get where you need to be faster, keep up to date with your appointments, and learn about businesses and events that might interest you.

Assistant Dusya is one of the smartest of its kind. The functionality of this assistant is really impressive. Using Dusya, you can forget about taps on the screen, since all actions can be performed using your voice.

After installing special scripts, the application will also be able to tell you jokes, play cities, search for the necessary VK music, write on WhatsApp and much more, you can also create your own scripts.

It doesn't hurt that almost all of this is actually relevant and useful at the time it's presented. As we said, sometimes it displays cards that are not useful simply because you were looking for something or looking for some certain moment. If the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, this can be a great service.

The app covers all the basics you would expect from a personal assistant. It can organize your calendar, inform you about upcoming appointments and events, and set alarms and voice reminders, etc. adding and searching for appointments and nearby businesses or destinations is quick.

It can't talk to you, but if you want a quieter, more productive, and staff-oriented assistant, this is worth a look. Sherpa is all about talking to the phone. While some of the other contenders here interact with you from time to time, talk when you want to, or don't talk at all, Sherpa's claim to fame is that she understands natural language, doesn't make you remember commands, and also can understand multiple languages ​​and accents. Sherpa is not as powerful as some of the other assistants in the review, but you get a lot of information for you - basic knowledge issues and trivia are not a problem for the application, and it can play music without first downloading the songs for you or requiring you to you had an artist in your library.

The design of the application is standard, everything is clear in it and there is nothing superfluous. You can view the list of functions that Dusya can perform (they are divided into categories: calls, navigation, places, messages, etc.), as well as change their settings.

When installing the application, the developers give time to test this assistant, after the line expires, you need to purchase an unlimited version.

It looks like he has grown in many ways. Although we think the app still spends too much time trying to give you a cute cartoon avatar on the screen to interact with instead of suggesting useful features that can help you succeed, this has improved a lot, and if you don't need much ad hoc other than some basic voice commands and some witty banter, this is a great option. To be fair, while it offers plenty of customization options on the surface of how your assistant might look, talk, and sound, it didn't add significant upgrades to its core features at the time.

Assistant in Russian

Assistant in Russian is a multifunctional assistant in your phone that will simplify the use of a smartphone. Here you can instantly go to the browser page with the right information, open desired application, set an alarm, view the weather in your area, know everything about sports and cinema, find the nearest cinema or cafe, ask to be reminded of an important event.

It will even work if it thinks you need to know something, and it can connect to dozens of other apps. It has a fan base, but the app itself is still pretty limited. If you don't sacrifice any feature for form and customization, this app is for you. Ginny is old but still a great option. It's one of the lightest options in the review here, but it also suffers from some stagnation.

Then select "Settings" and then "Language". Now a new button opens where the language can be changed from "Standard - German" to "English". This means that you can use your phone through voice control. Starts a conversation with your mobile phone.

This app comes in handy even when you're bored. After all, you can play the game with an assistant. To do this, you need to offer to play in the city. In addition, the assistant has a pleasant voice.

However, it may take several weeks for it to be available for all smartphones. We look forward to seeing you from the very beginning. In addition, it must have at least one 1.5 gigabyte memory space and a resolution of 720 pixels as a minimum. In this case, just wait patiently until the deployment is processed. And one way to do this is with your voice. This means you can tell your cell phone what to do.

It can work without the Internet, but in this case the configuration work is more and the voice control is limited. You must say this phrase on the phone to "wake up". He will start listening to you and you can tell him the task with a specific voice command. Under no circumstances should you touch the phone. The device may wake up when the display is on or.

The inside of the app is pretty simple. On the left in the application, you can open the camera and immediately edit the picture taken, in the middle is the voice recording button, on the right is the menu and settings button.

You can use all the features of this assistant for only 6 days, then you have to extend the lines or purchase an unlimited version.

Therefore, you must install this application. With this system, more advanced users can program specific commands to perform one or more actions at a time. This is done through the app. This and this video explain the details about it.

Through it, you can order the touch of an icon, button or element on the screen. To play numbered item 1, simply say the word "one". To go to the previous screen or home screen, you need to say "back" or "go to start". You can even navigate by voice on web pages.

ok, notepad- will remind you of everything

This app is not as functional as others voice assistants but it does its job well nonetheless. It is great for creating reminders and notes by voice. With the “OK notepad” application, it is enough to say what needs to be done and when in the form that is familiar to us. For example: “Remind me to buy a cake tomorrow night” or “The series will start on October 18 at 18:00, remind me 1 hour in advance.” The notepad will understand everything and remind you of an important matter. You can create reminders for every day or every year, such as birthday reminders.

The app will respond as soon as the screen turns on. But it doesn't always stay active. When you stop listening, the user must wake them up manually using a button on the screen or from a notification. Unfortunately, this is a noticeable limitation. They require the user to record the voice commands they will use and the actions they want to perform when they say those commands. Once the app is downloaded, open it and view the introduction. You can activate listening on application startup by swiping home page and selecting Auto Listen.

It is also possible to make voice commands to your smartphone, such as call, send a message, set an alarm or translate a sentence. Relatively classic, this master stands out for its advanced voice recording feature. Available in English only.

However, this software is way above many competitors. The app offers most of the basic commands like voice calls or sending messages, but it also lets you take notes or organize your agenda, for example. Cortana also has some jokes in her repertoire. This allows you to listen to your personal assistant even when the screen is off and locked.

Undoubtedly Apple company makes some of the best apps in the world. Their system works like a well-oiled, well-coordinated machine. It's not surprising that some people want to get Siri-like apps on their Android devices.

For the uninitiated, Siri is Apple's voice assistant that has gained immense popularity among iPhone users. As an iPhone user, I can say that Siri seems to be one of the most famous iOS features.

In addition, there are several voices available and its assistant can be called a little personal touch. This simply allows the helper to be adapted to the context based on what appears on the screen at the time of the solicitation. When used, this function is very practical.

Unfortunately, this app is still in beta and is only available to US residents. To stand out from the competition, Indigo Virtual Assistant tries to focus on the individual and the human aspect. The goal is to provide a real presence and develop a friendly relationship with the user. In practice, this application is still in development and its speech recognition is not fully completed. In addition to most basic tasks, you can quickly translate sentences and save your favorite commands for faster work.

This article has collected best apps for Android, working on the principle of Siri. Now you can easily choose your voice assistant. However, after trying out about 10 of these apps, I've come to the conclusion that Siri remains the undisputed queen (or king) of mobile voice assistants. This does not mean that for Android systems there are no good alternatives.

Of course, these apps pale in comparison to Apple's assistant, but they still do their job well. Let's just move on without further ado. the best analogues Siri for Android devices.


The best Siri-like app for Android, distributed for free (with some restrictions). This program sets a surprisingly high level of quality that other applications should be able to reach. Assistant has everything you need from a personal assistant. It can be called a worthy alternative to Siri.

Navigation maps, high-quality voice recognition, invitations and other features are all included in the list of Assistant features. A simple, pleasant to use interface, as well as friendly jokes from the virtual assistant, give this application a special charm. Find out the cost of certain goods, make notes in a diary, look at train schedules and the titles of movies that are shown in cinemas. And even this is only a part of all functions.


  • An excellent interface that is very well perceived from the first time.
  • Fast work and good responsiveness.
  • Even if an application needs to access the Internet to work, it still processes information instantly.
  • Flexible hint system as a useful addition.


  • AT free version some functions are blocked. However, this is completely justified for developers.

Pocket Assistant

The program is a full-fledged virtual assistant, modeled in 3D. The app responds to voice commands and reacts accordingly. The 3D animation makes the interface look a bit cartoony, but it doesn't affect the functionality in any way. Moreover, this feature contributes to better interaction with the virtual assistant.

You can choose one of four animated assistants and change their appearance. Alarm clocks, work with Google Maps and many other features work great. The developers of Pocket Assistant decided to give the virtual assistant a human face, and they did it pretty well.

The animation slows things down a bit, and that's the only reason why Pocket Assistant ended up in second place on our list.

For the paid version, you do not need to additionally purchase voice packs, character clothes, or anything else. The app will have about $19 to unlock content.


Looking for an easy to use Siri app for Android? Well, then Skyvi is the perfect option for you. The program has all the features you want in a quality virtual assistant.

The simple interface avoids confusion for users who are not too technically savvy. The program is well implemented voice control sending text messages, calls and more. With Skyvi, all this becomes extremely simple.

Dragon Mobile Assistant has one of the most user-friendly interfaces among all virtual assistants currently in existence. It may not look like the most stylish app, but it has all the basic features you need for Siri on Android.

Dragon Mobile Assistant will tell you everything from the exact time in New York to finding the cheapest restaurant in downtown Chicago. When Dragon Mobile Assistant is installed on your smartphone, voice control becomes extremely simple.

EVA - Voice Assistant

EVA is another good Siri app for Android, albeit with a very modest interface. Sometimes the program does not recognize languages ​​other than English badly. In order for EVA to recognize your voice well, be sure to hold your smartphone with the microphone turned towards you. But the application is quite reliable, has an excellent set of functions: voice navigation, weather functions, alarm clocks, etc.

EVA explains all the features of the job in a large manual. If you want to fully use the application, then this training is indispensable. The free version of the program can be used for 28 days.

The paid version has no time limits. The user gets access to complete set functions. However, even in the basic trial version, the functions are quite enough.


ANDY is a great Siri app for Android. Easy to use with clear interface without any hassle. ANDY is a smart personal assistant that will be a great companion for a student. Almost instantly, the program processes search queries related to history, science, religion.

The application also displays text on the screen and reads it aloud. We recommend ANDY to those who wish to use Wikipedia for homework (although we do not condone plagiarism). You can also ask your personal assistant questions related to mathematics, philosophy, technology, etc.

The paid version adds a solid set of features. The most important feature is the removal of advertisements. They can be quite intrusive in the free version. Without them, performance and usability are greatly improved.

Top Assistant is also a virtual assistant, but it makes you work not with your voice, but with your fingers. You will not be talking to this application. Instead, you need to touch the screen with your finger. The application will be useful to you if you need multitasking for every day. For example, if you are filling out a spreadsheet and doing complex calculations, you can launch the Top Assistant calculator by pressing a button on the screen. With this application, it will be much easier to send letters by e-mail, search for contacts, enter numbers.

You don't need to buy expensive Samsung smartphone for full multitasking. Top Assistant works on almost all Android devices, including budget ones.

Robin-the Siri Challenger

Robin is a simple and compact assistant for Android devices. The application loads very quickly and becomes fully operational.

Click on the icon and the application will appear in a translucent popup window. The interface has bright, colorful icons. Robin works well even with slow internet and consumes few device resources. All standard features are very well implemented. The app recognizes English language with different accents.


  • Very beautiful user interface.
  • The application responds quickly to questions and gives quick answers.
  • Minimum load time.
  • Soothing voice app.


  • A small set of functions in comparison with the above options. This is not to say that these functions are extremely few, but I would like to have more of them.

Indigo Virtual Assistant

Indigo boasts the most beautiful interface of the top 10 Siri apps on Android. The combination of indigo and white looks very organic and pleasing to the eye. Control your music, search for news on a specific topic, cook recipes with Indigo Virtual Assistant.

With this application, you can use the built-in translator on the go, use your native language to control Indigo. Easily search for bars and restaurants, get directions to any place on the map.

Indigo is connected to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and Yahoo. With the app, you can check accounts and update them anywhere and anytime. Synchronization with the main web services greatly expands the capabilities of the virtual assistant.


Jeannie is a Siri application with a well-executed concept of a convenient virtual assistant. The program supports voice control for calls, text messages, information search. Simple phrases will make working with a smartphone much easier.

For example, you want to set an alarm for 7 am on Friday. To do this, you only need to say: "Wake me up at 7 on Friday morning." That's all. Then the app will take care of everything. And be sure that you will be awakened exactly at the specified time. The other commands work the same way. For example, say into the microphone: “What is the capital of Brazil?”, And get an answer. Everything is very simple. The program will translate the text, remind you of important matters and talk about the horoscope for the next week.

So why is Jeannie at the very bottom of the list, despite her advantages? The fact is that in the free version, the application is rather limited in its functions. And for the paid version, you will have to pay $3. Secondly, the application interface cannot be called the best, although it is well thought out.