It turns out to save the image, and in some cases the graphics take up a lot of memory. Therefore, screenshots on Android will be a rational and practical solution. This is true for the Instagram application, from which photos are not saved.

Such pictures show everything that is visible on the screen. At the same time, the user is subsequently given the opportunity to view, edit and send to any person.

But the universal option still exists. A screenshot on Android 4.0+ is done by pressing two keys. The first is the power button. The second is sound reduction. The keys are pressed at the same time and held for one or two seconds.

The result of the work done will be a characteristic sound and a temporary whitening of the screen. The status bar will also notify the user about a successfully completed action. The picture is saved to the phone in the corresponding section of the gallery.

Further, the screen on Android can be edited, changed and sent to other people. In other words, the user does whatever they want with the snapshot. If necessary, this image is transferred to or using a special cable, via a wireless connection.

For users of smartphones with such an operating system, another option is available. The user must hold down the power key. After that, a menu is displayed on the monitor, which includes some actions. As a rule, this is:

  • power off;
  • restart;
  • flight mode;
  • screen screenshot.

The last point is what you need. This option is selected and the desired photo is taken.

Screenshot on Samsung smartphones and tablets

Method number 1

Taking a screenshot on Android is done differently. The first option is used for most models of this brand. At the same time, the window minimization key and the power button are pressed. After that, the corresponding icon is displayed in the status bar on the screen that the screenshot has been taken. How this is done is shown below with an example.

The button does not need to be pressed for more than two seconds. If this method does not work, then you need to use one of the following.

It will be useful to know « ».

Method number 2

The second method is used if there is no mechanical key on the front panel of the device, which is responsible for minimizing windows. In this case, the power and volume down buttons are pressed. Actions are shown in .

The result is saved in the gallery, and the corresponding icon is displayed on the display, as in the previous case. If this option is not suitable, then the next one applies.

Method number 3

This method is used for modifications released earlier. To take a screenshot of the phone screen, for example on the Galaxy S, you also need to hold down two buttons. These are the windows minimization and back keys. The result will be notified by an icon in the left corner of the monitor.

Method number 4

If the above options are not suitable, then the last one applies. In this case, the screenshot on Android is done with the palm of your hand. This option is only suitable for flagships. This is the Galaxy S line Galaxy Note. For example, Galaxy S6 Edge. To do this, the following steps are performed:

The menu opens.

  1. The settings section is selected.
  2. The motion category is pressed, followed by palm control, gesture control, or auxiliary options (depending on the device).
  3. The option to take a picture with the palm of your hand is turned on.
  4. Swipe your hand across the screen from one side to the other.

When performing an action, the palm must be in contact with the display.

How to take a screenshot with ADB

There is also an option to do it in a different way. How to take a screenshot on Android with using ADB? To do this, the developer mode is initially turned on on the phone, for example, on. Also, the gadget is connected to a PC or laptop. Actions are:

  • A set of a special algorithm that involves moving to the root of the device's SD card. It looks like this: adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screen.png.
  • Downloading the resulting image. For this, the traditional pull option is used. The image is then saved to the PC. If you do not specify a storage location, the picture will remain in the location where the user was at the time of the call.
  • Deleting an image from the device. This action is done when necessary to free memory.

After that, the process ends.

The steps may vary depending on the smartphone model and manufacturer. In any case, these operations are accompanied by a characteristic sound and a notification in the left corner of the display. If none of the options listed above fit, then you need to try holding the key combination longer. When this does not work, then the problem lies in the device. Alternatively, incorrectly installed software platform or the operating system is non-original. It is worse when the smartphone is a fake.

See also the video "How to take a screenshot on android devices".

Our article will tell you in detail how to take a screenshot on your phone. But first, let's figure out what this option is.

Screenshot is

A printscreen should be understood as a photo of the screen of the smartphone itself. The option is also possible on a PC, laptop. Those. this is a copy of the image that is on the screen of the gadget. It can be a picture, a desktop photo, an image of a frame from a cartoon or a movie.

Modern gadget developers have come up with this option so that device users can exchange information faster. The picture is used as an insert in a document or for sending via messenger. On it, using the appropriate program, you can draw additions, emphasize important information, leave comments and explanations.

Below we will look at how to take a screenshot of the screen on the phone in standard ways.

Basic methods for taking a screenshot on a smartphone

These methods are generally recognized. They work on all devices that operate on the Android system. Let's talk about everything in order.

Clamping buttons

A screenshot is taken when two buttons are pressed at the same time. As you can see from the picture above, we are talking about "Power" and "Volume Down". After that, you will see a sign from above and hear a click that will take a picture. It will remain in the memory of your phone in the standard folder for pictures. You can go to it and look at the screen at any time, as well as send it to one of the other users if necessary.

This method is applied to different models smartphones from Honor, Huawei, xiaomi and samsung, as well as many others. We are talking about those variations of gadgets that operate on the Android OS. True, please note that the version must be at least 4.0.

Often, the buttons on your smartphone stop functioning properly as you use it. For this reason, it is not always possible to take a picture, relying on this method. But do not think that from now on you are deprived of this privilege. There are other ways that will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Smartphone quick settings panel

The screenshot option is on the android phone on almost all models. It is located in the panel quick settings. The first step is to get access to it. For this purpose, swipe your finger from top to bottom on the smartphone screen. Navigate to the "Quick Settings" button.

AT this section you will be able to select the "Screenshot" option from the proposed list. Then click on the "Save" button. After that, the "Screenshot" button will appear. By clicking on it, the picture will be taken.

Root rights

There may also be such a situation when a version of Android 2.3 is installed on a Samsunggalaxy smartphone or other other models, or maybe even earlier. To take a screenshot, you will need to have a "Root Agreement". Only then will it be possible to install any of the applications on your gadget. Including, there will be an option to make a print screen of the screen.

If we talk about tablets with Android, then the picture is taken using the icon, it is provided in this option technology. If it is not there, then you can activate the print screen by pressing the "menu" and "screen lock" buttons. After that, a window will appear that will allow you to confirm this operation.

You will need to choose a resolution and a copy, and then send them for storage to the gallery. On different models of gadgets, this key combination is different. If you can’t take a picture, then for such cases, the developers suggest using special programs.


On the phone of Samsung and other manufacturers, there is a “photo” gesture option. This is a very convenient solution. Just remember that you need to enable it by referring to the gadget settings. There, the information will be presented to your attention.

The basic mechanism is that the owner of the device will swipe their fingers across the screen. This method will be available on latest models devices that have appeared recently.

Ways to take a screenshot for different brands of smartphones

Take screenshots on different mobile devices ah, you can, if you know certain proprietary methods. Let's talk about them in more detail right now.


There is an additional algorithm in models from Chinese manufacturers, which makes it possible to take a screen shot if necessary. For these purposes, it is worth pressing at the same time: turn down the volume ”and the keys in the menu, which are presented in the form of 3 stripes.


On older models of smartphones from a South Korean manufacturer, it is worth holding the "Home" and "Back" buttons for about 2 seconds to get a screen shot.

But if you have a model that went on sale later than 2014, then you should use the mentioned standard way, it was already discussed above in our article.

In the latest models from 2016, for example, Samsung J3, there is another method to take a screen. It is worth pressing "Home" and "Turn on" at the same time. At the same time, not on some devices, 2 options can be included in the work, but on others - only the last one.


On some Chinese-made devices, holding down the Power button will bring up the menu. A key in the form of scissors will also appear in the list. It's called "Screenshot".

Applications for Screenshot

We will look at the most popular applications that allow you to successfully take screenshots on Android devices. It should be noted that there will be no problems with the implementation of this task. You can always download the application, especially since most of them are free.

ScreenshotUltimate app. Downloading does not require payment. This is an easy way to master screenshots. The application will allow you to capture the screen by clicking on a special icon. You can also do this by shaking, swiping the screen, voice option, power button. You can edit the resulting image if necessary. Those. make an inscription, crop the picture.

Today there are many applications for this. Download them through

Google Play or Nine Store. Pay attention to the tested options. This is My Phone Explorer Google Play, Ok Screenshot, and a host of others.

Saving a screenshot: ways to solve problems

It is possible that you made a screen using one of the above methods, but you can’t save it in the gadget’s memory. So, it is worth following certain decisions.

We advise you to reboot your gadget first. It is likely that this is the problem. You can also update all downloaded files on your phone. Also, after that, it is worth rebooting the entire device.

In the gallery, you can create a folder called screenshot. The problem may be that it is missing, and therefore saving the picture is not possible. The user will be able to insert a memory card into the device with further saving of pictures. This procedure is performed due to the existing settings. You can put saving pictures on the SD card.

It may also happen that all the space in your device is simply occupied. Photo by size cannot be in the vault. In this case, it is important to clean internal memory device and try again. It may also be that one of the keys that you hold down to take a screenshot has failed on the phone. In general, the best solution is to find the manual and read it. This will solve the problem with your gadget.

It would seem that the most banal and simplest action - creating screenshots on Android - but it raises many questions. Especially if the user has just started working with an Android device, and jokes in chats, an epic moment of the game, a frame from the TV series - all this just screams about the need to take a screenshot in android, but how?
In most gadgets, it is enough to simultaneously press a certain key combination. Most often this is either the volume down key and the power button, or the home button and the power button. I propose to start with this - hold down the volume down and the button to turn off the display at the same time.

The screenshot is accompanied by the sound of the camera shutter, the notification panel will confirm that the screenshot has been saved. You can find the screenshot in the gallery app of your Android device.

On some devices, the screenshot is taken in a different way: long press on the power button and three items will appear in the dialog box: turn off the device, reboot, screenshot.

Some gadgets take screenshots in their own specific way, for example on

  • Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note 2 take a screenshot using the S Pen.
  • On some Samsung smartphones, just click on the special virtual button "Screenshot", located in the bottom menu along with "Back" and "Menu". A screenshot of an android on a Samsung Galaxy is done either as indicated above, or the volume is minus and the power is on.
  • In HTC gadgets, there is a combination of the power button and the Home touch key
  • On tablets and smartphones Sony Xperia you can take a screenshot by pressing the on / off and volume keys or using the menu by long pressing the power key
  • LG - also keyboard shortcut or with Quick Memo instant note taking app
In addition to the methods listed (quite simple, isn't it?), you can take a screenshot on Android using thousands of programs from Google Play - just type “screenshot” into the Play Store search and select the option you like. Many apps, by the way, allow you to take screenshots by waving your Android device.

If you do not know how to take a screenshot on Android, believe me - above we have described 99% of the options for how you can do this. Similar methods can be tried both for creating screenshots on an Android phone and for Android tablets - screenshots are taken there in the same way. Despite its apparent simplicity for many, there are people who are faced with the problem of taking screenshots on their Android devices. Let's hope this article on taking a screenshot on Android 4, Android 4.1, Android 4.2, Android 4.4 and Android 5.0 will work for you.

Good time!

What can be shown in a screenshot (picture) cannot always be explained in words (it's not for nothing that there is a saying "It's better to see once than..." 😉). But on phones, as well as on PCs, there are (sometimes) difficulties with creating screenshots...

In this note, I will give some of the most popular ways (button combinations) to create screenshots that work on most smartphones (and even quite old ones). If none of the combinations suits you, check out the 6 way in which it is shown in simple example, how to take a screenshot by simply shaking the device.

To help!

How to Download Photos and Files from Phone to Computer (6 Ways) -

Method 1: universal

The first versions of the Android OS did not have the function of creating screenshots, which was a clear inconvenience. Therefore, if you have a very old device, go straight to method 6.

Since version 4.0, developers have built in a universal way - simultaneous pressing of the buttons (as a rule, the buttons must be pressed for 1-2 seconds until the created screen appears on the phone screen). See photo below.

This option works for most modern smartphones. Unless there are certain difficulties with some models from Samsung, Xiaomi and HTC (for them, see methods 2, 3, 4 ...).

Method 2

  1. turn on the phone and open the application (place) that you want to screen;
  2. press the buttons at the same time "Home" and "Food" for 2-3 seconds;
  3. after a slight click should sound (as when photographing) - the screen is ready!

Method 3

This method worked and was relevant on the first models of devices from Samsung. However, judging by the reviews, it still works ...

  1. find the screen you want to screenshot;
  2. press the buttons at the same time "Home" + "Back" and wait 2-3 seconds;
  3. after clicking the shutter - the screenshot will be saved.

Method 4

For some devices (LG, Bright & Quick, etc.), the software shell of smartphones contains a built-in function for creating screenshots. To use it, just lower the curtain of the notification panel and click on the corresponding tool ("Screenshot" - see the picture below).

Note: For modern LG devices, the instrument may be called "QMemo+". This option will allow not only to create a screen, but also to process it: apply inscriptions, trim edges, etc.

Method 5

Well, I could not help but note one more option (it is, however, rare so far, for example, on Redmi devices):

  • find the desired image (which you want to shoot);
  • click on the button "Inclusions" ;
  • select a tool from the menu that appears "Screenshot"(it will be together with the "Restart" and "Power" buttons). See example below.

Method 6: if the screen fails (for example, during games, movies, etc.)

If your device is old enough (Android version is below 4.0), or you still couldn’t find the cherished buttons for this operation, or maybe something just doesn’t work for you - in these cases, you will need to take screenshots special application. Very convenient in this regard, "Screenshot is easy."

Screenshot is easy

A very simple application that allows you to take screenshots and record videos from your phone screen. The application is not whimsical and will work even on fairly old devices.

By the way, in the arsenal of functions of this application there is an option that allows you to create screenshots by simply shaking the device! It is very convenient if the volume button does not work well for you (for example).

I'll show you how to use the application with an example. After installing and running it, turn on the mode "Shake" and click on the button. See example below.

Please note that you will have a camera icon in the notification bar (this means that the application is waiting for your command...).

Now go to the desired game, movie, find the desired image (etc.) that you want to capture - and shake your phone slightly. Woo-a-la and the screen is ready! The app made it automatically and saved to default folder (usually "Internal storage\Pictures\Screenshots").

Comfortable? I think yes!

When you do not need the application to work - go to its settings and click "Disable capture" (the camera icon should disappear from the notification panel).

Where screenshots are saved and how to transfer them to a computer

Judging by the questions, some users have difficulty finding the directory in which the phone saves screenshots.

In general, if you have not changed any settings (and have not installed special applications for working with pictures), then to view all the pictures and photos on your phone, just open the gallery. Then go to the section.

After that, you can select the files that you want to transfer to a PC (or other users) and click on the button "Send". Next, the phone will offer you several options, depending on the pre-installed applications (I usually send files by mail or drop them on).

Also, as an option, you can connect your phone with a USB cable to a computer and view the files in its memory using File Explorer.

As a rule, it is enough to open "This computer" : it will display your phone model - just open it and go to the section "Internal storage\Pictures\Screenshots" (see example below).

You can also transfer files from your phone to your PC using the Bluetooth protocol. The corresponding instructions are given below.

To help!

How to transfer files via Bluetooth between phone and laptop (computer) -

Suggestions on the subject are welcome...

Let's figure out how to take a screenshot on Android, on smartphone models from well-known manufacturers running different versions of the Android operating system. Screenshot (screenshot, screenshot) - screen image at the time of capturing an image on the device display.

Many users sooner or later face the need to take a screenshot of a smartphone or tablet running the Android operating system. When you take a screenshot, the smartphone's screen is captured in its current state, then the screenshot is saved to the device.

It is not always obvious how to use the screenshot feature on mobile device models from different manufacturers, because the process of launching a screenshot can be seriously different even on smartphones of the same brand. The Android operating system is constantly evolving, new versions of the OS are coming out, new features appear there, this directly concerns the ability to create screenshots.

How to take a screenshot on an Android smartphone if the user does not understand how to use the useful functionality? In the article, we will look at how to take a screenshot of the screen on Android in several ways on phone models from well-known manufacturers, in different versions Android operating system.

How to take a screenshot on an Android phone: a universal way

The initial versions of the Android operating system did not have the function of creating screenshots using system tools. Starting with Android 3.2 and later, the ability to create a screenshot using the system tools has been implemented.

Starting with Android 4.0 and higher, a universal way to create screenshots has appeared that works on most modern smartphones.

In order to take a screenshot of a smartphone, you need to go through several sequential steps:

  1. Open the screen you want to save as an image.
  2. Simultaneously press the "Power" button (Enable, Power), and the "Volume Down" button, holding both buttons for a few seconds.

The universal method works on most smartphones, unless the manufacturer of the mobile device has made changes to the way the screenshot function works.

Starting with Android 6.0 and above, the operating system has added the "Google Now on Tap" function, with which screenshots are taken.

In the screenshots taken in this way, there is no notification curtain, the image shows only the main part of the smartphone screen.

Another way to take a screenshot:

  1. Hold down the "Power" button for a few seconds.
  2. Select "Screenshot".

Many manufacturers are adding screenshot functionality to their brands. mobile phones, called in ways that differ from each other, depending on the brand, or on the model of the smartphone. Later in the article, we will look at several examples of the screen capture trigger function used on devices from popular mobile technology manufacturers.

How to take a screenshot on a Samsung smartphone - 1 way

On most models Samsung smartphones the following way works:

  1. Press the Home key and the Power button at the same time for a few seconds.

  1. After clicking the camera shutter, a screenshot will be created on the device.

How to take a screenshot on Android on Samsung mobile devices - 2 way

The following way to take a screenshot works on early models Samsung:

  1. Press the Home and Back keys at the same time.
  2. Hold the keys in this position for a couple of seconds.

Taking a screenshot on a Samsung smartphone - 3 way

On Samsung phone models that do not have a mechanical “Home” key, a universal method works: simultaneously pressing the “Power” and “Volume Down” buttons on a mobile device.

Taking a screenshot on a Samsung phone - 4 way

Another way: taking a screenshot with the palm of your hand, which works on flagship Samsung models S, Samsung Note, and some mid-range models. With a simple gesture, it's easy to take a screenshot without using the buttons on your mobile device.

  1. First, make sure that this function is activated in your phone settings (sections "Management", "Palm control").
  2. Select the Screenshot setting.
  3. Swipe the edge of your hand over your smartphone screen to create Sanskrit.

How to take a screenshot on Xiaomi

On Xiaomi smartphone models (Xiaomi, Xiaomi) there are several ways to take screenshots.

How to take a screenshot on an ASUS smartphone

On Asus mobile devices, including ASUS ZenPhone, you can take a screenshot in many ways.

By simultaneously pressing the "Power" and "Volume Down" buttons, the universal method works.

On the ASUS smartphone a snapshot of the display can be taken using the " Latest Apps»:

  1. Go to Settings", then to "Individual ASUS settings”, select “Recent apps button”.
  2. Activate the "Press and hold to take a screenshot" option.

  1. After that, on the Asus smartphone, when you press and hold the "Recent Apps" button for a few seconds, the screenshot creation function will work.

How to take a screenshot on Lenovo

On the Lenovo smartphones(Lenovo) the universal way to create screenshots, described above in the article, works.

On some Lenovo models, you can take a screenshot using the "Screenshot" button, which is located in the pop-up menu from the notification shade.

How to take a screenshot on Huawei and Honor

On the Huawei smartphones(Huawei) and Honor (Honor) there are several options to get a screen of the device display:

  • A universal method using the "Power" and "Volume Down" buttons.
  • Some models support the following mode: you must hold the "Power" button, and in the menu that opens, press the "Screenshot" button (in the form of scissors).
  • On some devices, the notification menu has an icon for taking a screenshot.

How to take a screenshot on an LG smartphone

In order to take a screenshot on an LG smartphone, you can use the universal method.

Most smartphones come pre-installed with the QuickMemo+ application, with which you can take screenshots:

  1. Swipe down from the top of the display to open the notifications panel.
  2. Click on the Quick Memo or Qmemo+ icon to take a screenshot.

Taking a screenshot on a ZTE phone

ZTE mobile devices use a universal way to take a screenshot. On some models of smartphones, the ability to create a screenshot using gestures is implemented. This function must be enabled in the device settings.

How to take a screenshot on an HTC smartphone

The following methods work on HTC mobile phones:

  • Simultaneously pressing the "Volume Down" and "Power" keys.
  • Simultaneously pressing the "Home" and "Power" keys.

How to view screenshots on a smartphone

By default, screenshots are saved in the "Screenshots" folder on the phone's internal storage.

To open screenshots, click on the "Gallery" icon, in "Albums" select "Screenshots". On the last Android versions, click on the "Photos" icon , select "Screenshots".


In this article, we reviewed different ways how to take a screenshot of a smartphone screen on android. AT operating system Android has universal ways to take a screenshot, in addition, mobile device manufacturers add their own functionality for creating screenshots on a smartphone.