You do not need to be a righteous person or a mouthpiece of the ultimate truth to understand that working at a computer at night is the cause of nervous breakdowns and can be a factor in serious illnesses.

There is no doubt that night rallies at the computer have their own reasons for everyone, and we will not wonder what exactly you do at the computer at night and whether your mother knows about it.

by the most in a simple way Do not expose your eyes to strong light will decrease the brightness of your screen.

Windows 7 Tools

In Windows 7, this function opens after moving from the "Control Panel" through "System and Security" to "Power Options":

By moving the slider to the right or left, the brightness value that is preferred for your eyes is reached:

In laptop computers, when “Changing the power plan”, there is an option to adjust (with the same sliders) the brightness values ​​​​at which your monitor will work on mains or battery power.

Video card driver

Programmatic adjustment of screen lighting using a video card call is provided for devices from many manufacturers (say, Intel or AMD, etc.).

To start setting the screen characteristics using a driver, for example, from Nvidia, you need to call the context menu with the right mouse button in any field of the desktop, select "Control Panel" in the list (when working with different video cards, this menu may slightly differ):

In order to enable the brightness setting, navigate through "Video" to "Adjust color settings ..." and go to the second item of the four (don't forget to enable the Nvidia settings checkbox). You already know about the “drag and drop” function of the sliders:

Manual adjustment

Any of the stationary displays has a built-in manual adjustment resource. In addition, it is independent of the operating system installed on the PC.

For example, for the LG Flatron display, the mode manual debugging is turned on by pressing the "MENU" key, and the movement to the brightness control is performed by the "AUTO / SET" button.

According to customers who liked the f.lux program, after two or three days of operation, returning to normal operation entails discomfort, and I really want to return to f.lux.

To watch the video it has a special mode "Movie Mode".

The use of graphic products requires its disabling. Otherwise, there will be incorrect color reproduction.

Disables "f.lux" in the tray. First you need to left-click on its icon, and then check the box next to "Disable for one hour". To enable, uncheck the box.

Night Light Windows 10

An equally elegant way to subordinate the brightness of the screen to the sunlight outside your window is to use the night mode feature in Windows 10.

Enabling "Night Light" in the settings Windows systems 10 is located in the "Screen" section of the system, which can be accessed from the "Start" menu through "Settings" and "System".

This is done by setting the switch to the desired position.

During normal power-up without making changes to Extra options sunset time will correspond to nine o'clock in the evening, and sunrise - seven o'clock in the morning.

You can change this clock yourself by going to "Settings":

And you can bind to your real time zone. To do this, the service for determining your coordinates must be activated.

Can be adjusted and the color scheme for the night, which is optimal for you.

You can turn off "Night Light" in Windows 10 in the same "Screen" settings by moving the switch to the opposite position:

If, for some reason, enabling Night Light in Windows 10 is not available to you, turn off your antivirus and update your operating system.

We hope that the tips we have proposed in the article will benefit all those who read it, regardless of the operating system used in the work.

Take care of your eyes, try not to overwork them. Remember that the most precious thing in this world is health. After all, no amount of money can buy it.

Reading mode is the safety of vision, concentration and aesthetic pleasure. In this mode, web pages in the browser window are cleared of ads, menus, sidebars and other site elements that are not directly related to the main publication. The article appears before the reader in a readable format - with the right type of text on the right background of the web page.

Below we will get acquainted with the regular reading modes of some browsers. We will also consider universal solutions - reading modes that are built into browsers using special extensions.

1. Regular reading mode in the Maxthon browser

Reading mode as a regular feature first appeared in the Safari browser, and then was implemented in the Maxthon browser. In Maxthon, the Reader Mode button appears at the end of the browser's address bar when the browser is in Ultra mode (powered by the WebKit engine).

The reading mode in this browser is customizable: you can choose the width of the text block on the page, the background color, the font, there is the so-called night mode with a dark background. A unique feature of Maxthon is the ability to customize for sites automatic start reading mode. It turns itself on when the user navigates from home page site to the page with the publication or gets to the last one by a link, for example, from an RSS reader.

2. Regular reading mode in the Microsoft Edge browser

After the Maxthon browser, some could get acquainted with the regular reading mode Windows users 8. With this operating system a browser was supplied Internet Explorer 11, the Metro tablet version of which provides a simple reading mode. Later, Microsoft developed this idea by implementing a custom reading mode already in the browser. Microsoft Edge.

Reading mode is set to Microsoft settings edge. True, you can change a little - the font size and background color.

3. Regular reading mode in the Mozilla Firefox browser

Regular Reading mode in Mozilla Firefox appeared not so long ago, when the not yet fully finalized Microsoft Edge on board the preliminary test Windows versions 10 went to the masses.

In terms of functionality, Reading Mode in Firefox is not far from its counterpart in Microsoft Edge. In "Fire Fox", readers, in addition to changing the background color and size of the text, can also choose a font - with or without serifs. A more functional reading mode in Mozilla Firefox is being implemented using the Clearly extension from Evernote.

4. Regular reading mode in the Google Chrome browser

Browser Creators Google Chrome this idea was also adopted. AT this moment work on the implementation of the regular reading mode in Google Chrome has not yet been completed, but the new option can be tested if desired. True, we won’t even see the minimalism of Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox in it. So far, this is just a function of clearing the browser page from web elements without any chips and settings.

To test the reading mode of Google Chrome, you need to enable the special mode of the browser. You need to open the properties of the Chrome launch shortcut and in the "Object" column, add the following command with a space:

Applies Reading Mode using the Shrink Page command in the Chrome menu.

Probably, upon completion of the development process, the regular reading mode will be able to offer more interesting features, but for now in Google Chrome, as well as in other Chromium browsers, it is better to organize it using the Readability extension from the lazy reading web service of the same name. Chrome and its many clones can also embed Evernote's Clearly extension mentioned above. Let's take a look at these extensions below.

5. Filters for web pages in the Vivaldi browser

Vivaldi, a newcomer to the browser market, does not yet have a built-in reading mode. But this browser already supports installing extensions from the Google Chrome store, so minimalist readers can use the same Readability and Clearly extensions when reading. At the same time, Vivaldi has a mass unique features by preset, including various filters for web pages. To improve the readability of content on web pages, you can use, for example, a flash animation blocking filter and apply a sepia color effect.

Of course, this is not a full-fledged reading mode, but rather a tool in the wings. You can apply night mode type inversion to web pages in the Vivaldi window.

In the Vivaldi window, text on any site on the Internet can be made monospaced by applying the appropriate effect.

6. Reading mode cleanPages with autoscrolling for Opera and Yandex.Browser

Opera and Yandex.Browser do not have a regular reading mode. But it is for these two browsers that the largest selection plug-in extensions offering customizable reading modes.

Indeed, for Opera and Yandex.Browser there is the largest range of extensions in general. Being the brainchild of the Chromium platform, Opera and Yandex.Browser can work with extensions from the Google Chrome store. Opera also has its own extension store. From the same store, you can install extensions in Yandex.Browser. Moreover, the latter is initially ready to install extensions from any store, while in the Opera you must first implement the Download Chrome Extension extension from its store, which ensures the adaptation of Chrome extensions.

To implement reading mode in Opera and Yandex.Browser, you can install the Readability extension in the Google Chrome store, and Clearly from Evernote in the Opera store. But the cleanPages extension with the autoscrolling function is presented so far only in the Opera store.

The cleanPages extension is a flexible reading mode. You can adjust the width of the text block, its alignment, font and size, text and background colors, auto-scrolling speed.

Autoscrolling is triggered by the last button on the cleanPages sidebar.

7. Clearly Reading Mode by Evernote

Clearly is perhaps universal mode reading. This extension can be installed in any Chromium-based browser, in any Firefox clone based on its Gecko engine. If only such a browser supported the installation of extensions from the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox stores.

The Clearly extension is designed to popularize Evernote, while bringing benefits even to those who do not use this web-based note service.

When you click the Clearly button on the browser toolbar, the web page gets rid of unnecessary web elements and turns into a neat page with easy-to-read formatting. The pre-installed Clearly Reading Mode Theme can be changed to two alternatives from Evernote, or you can even customize your own.

On the side ribbon on the right, in addition to the reading mode buttons, there is also an Evernote mini clipper button. Clicking it will send the article to the notes web service in a simplified article format.

In Clearly reading mode, you can make notes with a marker and send the article to Evernote already with notes.

8. Readability mode for Chromium browsers

The Readability extension from the Readability.Com web service offering delayed reading functionality can be installed in the Google Chrome store for any browser that supports the installation of Chrome extensions.

This extension is suitable for those who like to keep many tabs open. Web pages in Readability mode remain even after restarting the browser, and the absence of unnecessary web elements, respectively, speeds up the launch process. Plus, in Readability mode, active tabs use less random access memory.

Readability extension embeds in the browser normal mode reading.

There are few settings: night mode, a couple of fonts, customizable size.

But a much more interesting extension feature for book lovers is the packaging of Internet articles in the EPUB e-book format. Readability web pages open in Readability can save as .epub files.

Created this way electronic books in the future, you can open it in reader applications that provide playback of the EPUB format on computers, tablets, e-readers, smartphones and other devices.

Have a great day!

Hello, friends! If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, look at various articles on sites, such as this one, or maybe it’s more convenient for you to read books online without downloading them to your computer, then the various information that is on the page in addition to the main text is very distracting .

In this article, we will figure out how you can open a page in reading mode in the Yandex browser so that only text remains in the window and necessary settings. The browser has its own similar for displaying pages, and you can use various extensions. Now let's talk about this in more detail.

Turn on the built-in reading mode in the Yandex browser

It appeared in Yandex browser quite recently. The button that turns it on appears in the window on the left in address bar if there is text on the site you have opened. It is very convenient to use it: you do not need to install anything extra, only text with pictures remains on the screen for comfortable viewing of the material.

Open Yandex browser and go to the site where you want to read the text. Then click on the button with the letter "A" and the lines that appeared on the left in the address bar.

After that, the site will open in read mode. A line with basic settings will be shown at the top. It will disappear if you scroll down, and will appear when you hover over the area where it is located. With its help, you can select the necessary settings so that the page is displayed as needed.

The line has the following buttons. "+/-" - increase / decrease the font size.

It is also possible to change the background by clicking on a circle of a suitable color.

You can also change the font style: "Georgia" or "Arial".

Installing an extension for reading pages on the Internet

If you want to use add-ons for Yandex browser, with which you can view the text on the sites you visit, then you need to select the appropriate one in the appropriate directory.

To do this, click on the three horizontal dots in the right upper corner browser and select "Add-ons" from the list.

A page will open with a list of all add-ons installed in the browser. Scroll to the very bottom and click on the "Directory of extensions for Yandex.Browser" button.

I chose "Reader View". Him clear interface and it's very easy to use. I enter the selected name in the search bar and press "Enter".

In the next window, click on the "Add to Yandex.Browser" button.

When Reader View is installed, a pop-up window will appear in the upper right corner of the browser. There you will also see its icon: an open gray book.

After that, the site will open in read mode, and the icon itself will turn orange.

At the top left of the site page, there are buttons with the necessary settings.

You can set up a convenient view by clicking on the “Aa” button.

A small menu will open in which you can change the font, reduce or increase the font size, stretch or narrow the text, adjust the line spacing, change the background of the page itself.

How to remove read mode

If you have read the necessary material in the Yandex browser using the reading mode, then to return to the original view of the site, do the following.

In the Reader View extension, you need to click on the button in the form of a cross, at the top left.

To disable the one that is built into the Yandex browser, click on the "Reading Mode" button on the left in the address bar, and you will return to the original view of the page.

As you can see, using the reading mode in Yandex browser is very convenient. And if you do not like the built-in version, you can always install the appropriate extension.

In this episode, I will tell you how to turn on night mode Google browser Chrome how it can be useful to you especially at night.

The bright light background of sites can quickly tire your eyes, especially when you are in a dark room or when you turn off the lights late in the evening or at night.

In the previous video, I told you about new feature in Windows 10, which is called, which allows you to configure the monitor screen to switch the light mode to darker and warmer tones by setting the time.

So let's take a look very useful extension for Google Chrome browser which lets you toggle night mode on and off and helps you adjust colors to suit your comfort.

This extension is called Dark Reader. You can install it from the extension store.

For this:

  1. Go to your browser settings and select the menu item "Additional tools" - "Extensions"
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click on the link "More extensions"
  3. In the search form, enter the name of the extension - Dark Reader and press « Enter". After that press the button "INSTALL" .

This extension adds a night mode to the browser, which replaces the light shades of web pages with dark ones. White background becomes almost black, and black text becomes white. The extension also handles other colors.

You can switch between light (day) and dark (night) modes using the buttons Dark/Light in the extension menu. Before that, it must be activated with the button On or key combination Alt+Shift+D.

What is also very convenient is that You can customize the night mode settings yourself: brightness, contrast, grayscale and sepia. By adjusting these parameters on the tab filter in the extension menu, you will reduce eye strain as much as possible. If you want, you can set the light theme in the same way.

Default Dark Reader adjusts all web resources that the user opens to the current mode. But on the tab Site List you can add exclusion sites and configure their display separately.

In addition, the extension allows you to select the type and thickness of the font outline in each mode. These options are on the tab. Font.

If you are typing or reading online for a long time, be sure to try Dark Reader. At continuous loads even a simple color change can be of great help to the eyes.

VIDEO: How to enable night mode in Google Chrome browser

Well, that's all for today! Please write in the comments if you managed to install the Dark Reader extension and are you going to use it?

And also if you liked this release, support it with a thumbs up and don't forget SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL and alerts by clicking on the bell next to the subscribe button!

The team of the popular YouTube site from Google constantly working on the development and improvement of its project. At the end of April 2017, a black YouTube design was presented to a special group of testers, running on a faster and more convenient Polymer engine. After conducting these tests, and studying user reviews, the developers closed access to the "night mode", leaving those who did not have time to try the innovation with nothing. In this article, I will try to help such users and tell you how to make YouTube design in black, and what methods will help us with this.

We figure out how to enable the test "night mode" on YouTube

Since after the tests, the developers quickly curtailed the ability to make youtube black(promising the activation of this functionality in the future), then users have two main tools to activate this function, namely:

In the first case, the activation of the "night mode" was carried out by going to the YouTube website, preferably in the Google Chrome browser (you must have a YouTube account and be logged into it). Then it was necessary to press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + I (enabling developer mode in the browser), in the window that opens, switch to the console tab, and enter one of the following lines in it, remembering to then press "Enter":



document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE; path=/"

After that, it was necessary to refresh the page, click on the icon of your YouTube account (there should have been an activation / deactivation lever for Night Mode). And move this lever to the on state (in some cases, the choice also helped of English language instead of Russian in the YouTube settings at the bottom before entering the line in the console).

Activation of the "night mode" is carried out by switching the corresponding lever

At the moment, the specified functionality is not active (the reader can independently try to use the mentioned toolkit for verification). Therefore, the user is left with the application various extensions for the browser, allowing you to easily and conveniently switch to Night Mode.

Using browser extensions to switch to "Night mode" on YouTube

There are several popular extensions that allow you to color YouTube black. For example, these are the following tools:

Black background in Yandex browser

Activating the "night mode" in "Yandex Browser" is no different from using it in the Google Chrome browser. You can try using the console to enter the appropriate commands (activation via Ctrl+Shift+I). And also install extensions from Chrome or Opera extension stores and add-ons (since Yandex.Browser also uses the Chromium engine, these extensions should suit it well).

Switching to YouTube night mode in Yandex.Browser is no different from other browsers on the Chromium core


In this article, I have reviewed various ways how to convert youtube design to dark color. An effective and efficient method of changing the design to black is to use various browser extensions that make it easy to use on this resource"night mode". The use of the console, which worked fine in April-May 2017, now does not give any tangible results.