If 3-4 years ago every driver sought to acquire a special navigation device, now there is no need for this - navigation software can also be installed on an Apple gadget. At the same time, the driver's choice is not limited only to the popular Navitel and Garmin systems - the number of navigators for iOS in the AppStore is growing rapidly. It is important for the driver to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of popular applications, because some of them are quite expensive, and buying a “pig in a poke” turns out to be expensive for the wallet.

Price: Free+

Navitel is an application that is recommended for users living outside the two capitals. This navigator for iPhone loads detailed maps of 156,000 Russian cities, as well as maps of the CIS countries and Europe. The application itself can be downloaded for free, but you will have to pay for downloading maps - navigating around Russia will cost 1,790 rubles.

The main advantages of Navitel Navigator for iPhone are:

  • Detail and precision. On the maps of Moscow and St. Petersburg, even courtyard passages are drawn. At the same time, maps are regularly updated, while maintaining relevance.
  • Availability trial period . The driver can enjoy all the benefits of the Navitel navigator for free for 7 days and after that decide whether the navigator is worth paying for the cards.
  • Huge base objectsPOI (points of interest). POIs are places that can be useful for a driver: hotels, gas stations, traffic police posts. Moreover, POIs on Navitel are dynamic - there is a regular update of information about the services provided (for example, about gasoline prices, if we are talking about a gas station).
  • Additional onlineServices. Let's say Navitel.Events talk about accidents and road works, and Navitel.SMS will allow you to communicate with friends through messages without interrupting navigation. Navitel can work without Internet access, however, then online services will be unavailable.

The disadvantages of Navitel also cannot be kept silent:

. Even with a 4G connection, the download will occur at a speed of 20 Kb / s.
  • iPhone battery drain fast. Owner of an Apple device with installed navigator It is advisable for Navitel to stock up on an external battery, since the iPhone will definitely use up all 100% of the charge in the first two to three hours of travel.
  • bad interface, which is criticized by many users.
  • Obviously, the Navitel application needs to be improved, and we should start with the interface. If for the iPad with its large screen, the presence of many buttons is not a problem, then on the iPhone useless features fill almost the entire display, while the really necessary buttons cannot be found.


    Price: Free+

    CityGuide is considered the best navigator for iPhone in many respects: firstly, it works smartly and in just 30 seconds is able to download the necessary maps and get directions, and secondly, it is very accurate and will never lead the driver to a dead end.

    There are other benefits too:

    • CityGuide is itself a free navigator for iPhone. The user can download both the application itself and maps OSM (Open Street Maps), without paying a single ruble. However, when starting the program, you will have to buy a license for 2 Capitals cards, which costs 1290 rubles. Also, on a paid basis, you can add maps of Europe Here from Nokia.
    • CityGuide can work without the Internet. Maps are loaded in iPhone memory during installation, and therefore the program does not require a mandatory connection to the servers in order for the new site to become available.
    • There are modes 3 D- after its activation, all buildings on the map are drawn taking into account the number of floors - and Junction view. The second mode allows you to get a photographic image of a difficult section of the road, on the basis of which the driver can decide whether to take a detour.

    Disadvantages of CityGuide are typical for mobile navigators:

    • Errors in maps of small towns.
    • Weak coverage - CityGuide periodically loses GPS signal while outside of metropolitan areas.

    Inside major cities, CityGuide behaves perfectly and will definitely give Navitel a head start.


    Price: Free

    Yandex.Navigator is an absolutely free navigator in Russian that does not require a trial period and does not force the user to buy a license or maps. In terms of the number of downloads, Yandex.Navigator surpasses any similar application, primarily because this navigator is a favorite among taxi drivers.

    The advantages of the application from Yandex include:

    • Nice interface, designed specifically for smartphone screens and does not slow down when scaling. Competitors from Navitel have a lot to learn.
    • Location notificationsPOI, traffic jams, and weather changes.
    • Possibility voice control navigator.

    However, there are plenty of downsides as well. Users claim that maps of only 500 cities in Russia and Ukraine are available compared to the Navitel indicator (156,000 cities), this value seems pitiful. However, the main disadvantage is that the navigator for the iPhone from Yandex without the Internet loses many useful features. It is not possible to get directions offline, since only the part of the map saved in the cache is available.


    Most of the navigators available in the AppStore are raw and unfinished products. Regardless of the price of the application, the user will remain dissatisfied with one or another aspect of the work. Therefore, if the Internet on your iPhone is stable, it is better to download the free Yandex.Navigator. With navigation through the major cities of the country, he copes no worse than the "vaunted" Navitel, the purchase of which will cost "a pretty penny".

    Living in a more or less large settlement, it is very difficult to do without navigation tools. What can I say if you live in a metropolis. That is why you should definitely have one of the navigation apps for your iPhone handy.

    One of the first navigators for smartphones, in which offline maps were implemented, thanks to which, in order to find the point "B", it is not at all necessary to access the Internet. But 2GIS is not just mobile cards, it is also an extremely informative guide, comparable to the Yellow Pages. Find a nearby place to eat? No problem. Moreover, if you want to book a table, in 2GIS you will find out not only the address, but also the opening hours, as well as contact details.

    The peculiarity of the application is that the first time you start it, you will need to download offline maps for your city anyway, that is, 2GIS simply does not work online. When building a route, 2GIS takes into account how you will get there: on foot, by public transport, taxi or private car. For each of the cases, one or more shortest routes will be selected.

    Yandex maps

    And if 2GIS allowed you to work with offline maps from the very beginning, then this feature appeared in Yandex.Maps quite recently. But this does not make the application worse, because thanks to the ability to work online, we get a lot of useful information. For example, if you are moving to land transport, it is important to know the current state of the roads. The application will show the level of traffic congestion on your route and, if necessary, select a route to bypass traffic jams.

    As in the case of 2GIS, the route is formed based on how you plan to get there. Moreover, if you want to take a taxi, you can immediately see the cost of the trip from the application, as well as call Yandex.Taxi in just one click. And when you reach your destination for the first time, you will certainly be pleased with the possibility of a virtual walk through the streets of the city using the function "Augmented Reality".


    If Yandex.Maps is a universal application for creating any type of routes, searching for organizations, viewing their working hours and contact details, then Yandex.Navigator is an indispensable assistant for motorists. It is not difficult to arrive at your destination by the most optimal route - for this you just need to follow the prompts on the maps of the navigator. And so that you do not miss the right turn, the autoinformer will tell you in advance where you should move.

    The features of Yandex.Navigator can be listed for a very long time, here are just the main ones: speed control (you can set your own parameters), notification of speed cameras, displaying the level of traffic jams, offline work, "Conversations", where drivers can share information about the condition of roads in specific sections. Various voices for the informant will be a nice bonus, for example, users have recently been able to hear hints from Darth Vader, Optimus Prime, Master Yoda and many other famous characters. If you have a car, then this navigator must also be installed.

    Navitel Navigator

    Next in line is another car navigator for the iPhone. If you are an experienced motorist, then you have probably heard of such a well-known company as Navitel, whose maps were once installed on almost every navigator. If we talk about the application for the iPhone, here the developers pay attention at the last moment to the interface, which cannot be said about the functionality.

    For example, the most significant plus of Navitel is the coverage area: if you are an avid traveler, you will be pleased with the fact that he feels great throughout Europe, Asia and America, and the navigator functions offline (but you should take into account the impressive weight many cards). Among other possibilities, it is worth highlighting convenient search important organizations, display traffic levels, provide detailed weather forecasts, control speed, and find and add friends.

    Google Maps

    One of the most important services Google are Maps. If earlier the Google application was much inferior to the Yandex solution (largely due to the low map detail even in large cities), now they are approximately equal, but Google has several noteworthy options that the competitor does not have.

    For example, during a long Google usage Kart, you will surely be interested in seeing the places you have visited. If you need your loved ones to know where you are at the moment, activate the transfer of location data. No internet access? No problem! Just pre-download offline maps and use them at any time, wherever you are.


    An essential app for travelers. When deciding to visit a new country for you, do not forget to download the region you need in order to use MAPS.ME without access to the Internet.

    Among the main features of MAPS.ME, it is worth highlighting the selection of entertainment in the selected region, the formation of routes (unlike other mapping applications for the iPhone, there is the possibility of compiling bicycle routes), convenient search for establishments by category, instant saving of tags, sending the current location to friends and much more. other.

    Each of the presented iPhone apps has detailed and constantly updated maps, but at the same time, they are very different, with their own unique features. We hope that with our help you were able to find the perfect offline maps for yourself.

    With the widespread use of digital information services and a large number mobile devices various kinds of “in the hands” of users, the expected distribution has come. These are applications that use data from pre-compiled maps of roads, terrain and the location of objects on it.

    By reading the GPS sensors, navigators can determine the location of the device and provide the user with many options for plotting a route both by car and on foot.

    Today's realities are such that navigators multiply like mushrooms after rain. Some are more comfortable for hiking, others show top scores for motorists. In addition, many tablets are sold immediately with pre-installed programs. Each firm offers one of the common "brands" of such software.

    To choose the best navigator for, it is worth considering this particular segment, since the choice of a particular program for the first use is often based on the recommendations of friends and acquaintances.

    Built-in navigator, which is provided with the tablet. In general, the program is quite convenient. It is set to the minimum battery consumption, the display is activated only when it is really needed. For example, if it's time to turn.

    The program is Russian-language, voice prompts can be given by a male or female “character”. However, the work of the navigator is estimated rather poorly. The software uses services from Yandex when navigating the terrain and laying routes, but does not take into account almost any "usefulness". The route is laid along the optimal trajectory. No attention to traffic jams, road works, traffic jams and accidents. Although Yandex has all this information.

    Therefore, if you use Apple Maps, be prepared for the fact that pleasant tips will lead you into a dead traffic jam or a dug up dead end that is difficult to get out of.

    Another navigator for which you can often hear about. The version of this program is sold together with other mobile devices.

    The quality of the program is quite high. The latest released version got rid of the problems of the previous ones - maps are drawn and loaded smoothly. To arrive at your destination, you can simply listen to the prompts of two characters - Dima or Oksana, the voice of the navigator.

    The program can track everything - traffic jams, traffic police posts, traffic jams and incidents, repair work. In addition to the data of the Yandex service, a "people's map" is also used, based on the marks of other people. In accordance with the changes, the route is constantly adjusted in real time.

    The program, along with really smart construction and route tracking, has one more plus - it is completely free. Among the shortcomings, one can name the fact that the service is still developing and maps of only about 500 cities in Russia and neighboring countries are available.

    The most famous program for mobile devices. If you come to the salon and ask for a navigator for iPad, they will most likely offer it. Navitel itself is free, but you will have to pay for each card, albeit a little. Maps are stored in memory, so there will not be a large load on the data transmission channel. Updates are periodically released, which preserves the reliability of the location of roads and objects on the ground.

    The amount of information is simply enormous. Maps of large Russian cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, for example, are drawn right up to the passages inside the yards. About 120 thousand cities in Russia are available, about 25 thousand - in Ukraine, there are a similar number in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, etc. There is everything for Europe, since Navitel uses data from land-based navigation services of the eurozone countries.

    The indisputable advantage of the program is that maps are loaded into it, and the Internet is not required. The route is laid instantly. In addition, you can upload your own versions of maps with your own notes. On the network you can find different options for one city, designed for pedestrian or car travel. If there is a connection to the network, Navitel can receive weather and traffic data. The program will navigate according to the time of day. The ability to exchange "I'm here" tags with friends will be added, which makes it easier to navigate, especially in unfamiliar areas.

    A product from the giant of the information industry. It may well claim the title of "best navigator for" with one caveat - if there is an Internet connection. For the iPod, the Internet is constantly needed, especially if you want to use the navigator and walk.

    The functionality is the richest. Detailed maps of over 200 countries. In addition, all interesting objects in the form of gas stations, hotels, cafes, shops and so on are marked. They have all the information, up to operating modes, contact numbers and photos of entrances, if the user is able to navigate only by visual signs. For real scrupulous restaurant visitors, for example, there are even photos of interiors interior spaces. There are even features not normally found in a navigator, such as filtering catering establishments by the type of cuisine on offer.

    Naturally, weather and operational information about traffic jams and accidents is available. Paving a route for specified address carried out quickly. You can put labels and remember the location of objects for reuse. But there is an inconvenience - the tags are not signed, and it is quite difficult to remember which, when and why was set.

    Which navigator to choose?

    If you do a review and choose the best navigator for you, you need to do it honestly. Take into account the availability of an Internet connection, the level of service, the cost and the convenience of constant use. When choosing a navigator for iOS, determine the purpose of use and conditions of work.

    Since we are talking about navigators, why not choose the best navigator for a device like an iPhone. There are a lot of them now and it will be very difficult to choose.

    I thought about navigators for the iPhone for a very long time and thought it would be rational to choose a program according to the situation. Then you will understand everything yourself.

    A lot of people may just need to get their bearings in a city, when traveling or just walking.

    There are not very many options here, because many navigators are paid and I propose to consider three free navigator according to these criteria:

    1. for Russia, Ukraine and neighbors;
    2. for Europe and other countries;
    3. if there is no internet available.

    First case. Here is the best fit Yandex maps. It is they who always have the latest updates on our territories and will help you find almost any point on the map.

    Previously, there was no pedestrian navigation in this program, but now it is and works quite well. Always keep in mind one nuance - there is always a shorter way.

    Second case. With the availability of the Internet in Europe, America or another country, it is best suited Google Maps. Initially, they had a focus on such regions.

    The streets are painted more accurately, and if we make an analogy, it's like Yandex Maps for our regions. In the same way, you can use Google Maps with confidence while traveling.

    Third case. There is no need to look for a long time, because the answer will be long-recommended cards MAPS.ME.

    Just download the city you need and go ahead to conquer new places. Without them, my first travels must have been terrible.

    All the most famous hotels, various establishments and, of course, sights are always marked with special marks on these maps.

    If you are a car owner and need good app as a navigator on your smartphone, then simply select the program according to the situation.

    Everything is absolutely identical with the item above, choose your case and download desired program. Each of these programs has a mode for highways.

    There will be a slight difference with Yandex.Maps. They are also good to navigate, but voice guidance and other convenient car parts you will find in Yandex.Navigator.

    It does not matter how and on what you move, the main thing is to have offline maps at hand. The best choice, proven in practice were MAPS.ME.

    I have already talked a little about them a little higher, but now I will talk about the main advantages of this program and a couple of nuances for using it.

    The very first big advantage, I think, is downloading a map of each city separately. By downloading the map desired city, and not the whole world, you can save a lot of space on your iPhone.

    Further it is worth noting the presence of absolutely the entire map of the world. Find me one good navigator using offline so that even the most remote countries are present.

    Of all the benefits, you can make the following list:

    • free;
    • take up little space;
    • great for travel.

    This app is a must-have for every traveler. Even if you know the city perfectly, offline maps can come in handy at the most unexpected moment.

    Results. I think now you can navigate and choose for yourself the most suitable and best navigator for your favorite iPhone.

    Which navigators on the iPhone are the most popular among users? This question was answered by the subscribers of our public in Viber and it turned out that there are several services that Apple smartphone owners especially like.

    Note: More than 1,000 iPhone users took part in the navigation preference survey.

    Material on the topic : .

    The most popular navigation app for iPhone is " Yandex.Navigator". The brainchild of Yandex rightfully deserves this title, as it is regularly improved and supplemented with new features. Developers take into account the wishes of users, and also give them the opportunity to participate in the finalization of the application. As a result, 29.7% of the votes in our poll went to Yandex.Navigator, and latest version applications in App Store has an average rating of a maximum of five stars.

    The second most popular navigator for the iPhone was the application " 2 GIS". Its share is no less impressive - 20%. It attracts users of 2GIS with the widest range of functions, many of which other navigators do not have.

    They close the top three with a share of 13.9% " Google Maps". Decent indicator of navigation Google service not surprising - the application is constantly being improved, offering users more and more useful information and functions.

    Applications are located very close to the leaders MAPS.ME(11.4%) and standard cards from Apple (9.3%). Staffing rate iOS apps“Maps” surprised me a little, because many of the features in it are not available on the territory of the CIS countries. Other well-known navigation apps received significantly fewer votes, largely due to the fact that they are not free and require in-app purchases to fully use. " Navitel» - 4.6%, cityguide- 3.8%, " Progorod» - 2.7%. Another 4.6% went to other navigation apps.