The need for inventory control software happens to every entrepreneur. A wide variety of products is the main reason for such an acquisition. Moreover, business automation helps to optimize the workflow, and reporting becomes much easier and faster.

Warehouse accounting software provides a tool whose functions allow you to control and build all the necessary processes in the right direction. These are purchases, storage and sale of goods. And with the help of excellent software it is better to engage in the implementation of such actions than a long and uninteresting manual accounting of products.

There are such best prostock control grams, which make up the TOP-20:

Each of them has its own specific functionality, advantages and disadvantages of use.

Program warehouse accounting : features of choice

When selecting the most suitable software, it is necessary to take into account certain factors that affect its further use.

  1. Simple and user-friendly interface, without bright design and unnecessary functions.
  2. Compatibility with other similar programs, in case of possible data transfer or comparison.
  3. The likelihood of software being tailored to a particular type of business.
  4. Ease of use, the ability to easily solve the problem of accounting for goods in the warehouse.

Warehouse and trade programs - main types

There are many different software for reporting in the warehouses of an entrepreneur. They differ primarily in the possibility of installation on a computer or using a network (cloud application).

  1. accounting of own and commission goods;
  2. printing of documents;
  3. sales statistics and profitability calculation for each product;
  4. integration with fiscal registrar or other equipment.

Others include the possibility of comprehensive work with the client base and data exchange.

Pros and cons

Warehouse accounting program in production"MySklad" has a number of significant advantages. According to those who have started their business, among them they distinguish the possibility of using any operating system and availability special application for iOS and Android. Besides, fast connection new warehouses or other premises to the system and the reliability of the service with the ability to save data without the risk of losing them are the main tasks that the software performs.

There are also disadvantages to this system. These include a difficult to understand interface, the inability to delete your account on your own, difficulties with installing the service for a specific business. But, despite this, the MySklad program is constantly updated and improved, turning disadvantages into its advantages.

"Big Bird"

Online material inventory program is one of the most common services for small businesses. This system, which works only on the Internet, controls reporting and sales.

Service functions

The main tasks that the software performs are:

  1. accounting for all types of goods;
  2. integration with other programs, such as, service;
  3. registration of any operations with products: write-off, movement or inventory;
  4. accounting for multiple companies.

Franchise service for the repair of equipment

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of is the ability to automatically save the latest changes and an excellent interface that allows the user to quickly navigate. The disadvantages include partial malfunctions and problems associated with the online store module.

"Super Warehouse"

it simplewarehouse programcouple, which is set is free as demo version. With such a service, automation of accounting in a warehouse or in a company will be easy due to the lack of complex accounting terms in the interface.

Software Features

"SuperSklad" performs a number of diverse and very important functions. These include:

  1. keeping records of the availability and movement of finance, goods;
  2. registration, printing of various documents;
  3. analytical reports on the structure and dynamics of sales;
  4. the ability to maintain a large number of warehouses in one database, the movement of goods between them;
  5. setting access restrictions to some documentation of other users of the system.

Pros and cons

"SuperSklad" can be used in two ways. It could be free program warehouse accounting and trade as a demo or purchase already full version. The advantages of using include a very simple interface. In case of difficulties, you can watch the training video tutorial. It will help you understand how to use the software. The system provides for the use cloud service storing data online.

The disadvantages of the program include the impossibility of maintaining inventory records at large trading enterprises, where the number of warehouses exceeds 100 pieces.


This warehouse management software makes it possible to carry out comprehensive control of the activities of any wholesale or retail enterprise. It can be a small or medium business.

Properties of the system

Types of help for small businesses

To the main functionality software includes carrying out all kinds of warehouse and trading operations, financial reporting and control of mutual settlements with partners and customers, as well as maintaining documentation and analyzing the company's activities.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the program look like this:

  • the possibility of using in the production of an assembly type;
  • work with software remotely;
  • combining information about the activities of several warehouses or retail outlets in a single database.

In addition, there is free softwareamma for inventory control in the form of a demo version, which is available for 3 months.

Among the shortcomings of the software is a significant number of flaws on the part of the manufacturer. The result of this is various inconsistencies and the possibility of committing illegal actions with reporting. In addition, "Product-Money-Product" updates are provided only for the first 6 months. Later, users must pay a subscription fee for subsequent improvements.

"Info-Enterprise: Trade Warehouse"

This service is one of the most used in the field of warehouse accounting. He, together with "IP: Accounting" provide an opportunity to get twice better result business automation.


Educational programand materials in stock performs a number of key tasks:

  1. Carrying out write-offs and return of goods from warehouses;
  2. moving products from one warehouse to another;
  3. accounting for any type of product or service;
  4. calculation of the cost of goods by different methods.

Cons and pros

Programs for the account in a warehouse.

New in the category "Warehouse management":

Frigate - Warehouse Light is a free warehouse program for complex automation of accounting in production, trade and services for small businesses. The "Frigate - Warehouse Light" program has minor limitations that allow the use of the program only in small businesses, since it does not include some modules necessary for large enterprises and does not have functions for maintaining a large number of reports.

Accounting for goods 2.0 is an application for organizing accounting for goods sold in a store that has several departments. The Goods Accounting application does not have its own fixed structure and will be convenient when working in various stores that have their own accounting scheme, which requires its own modification for the warehouse program.

TCU Start 3.53 is a trading and warehouse system entry level. The TCU Start application will help keep records of trade and warehouse operations, balances in monetary and quantitative terms, and calculate the resulting commodity profit. The application also provides the ability to conduct revaluation and re-accounting.

Warehouse and trade 2.155 is an application for the organization of wholesale and retail trade and warehouse accounting. The application has a unified and highly customizable interface. The application also contains a large database with the ability to customize its subject matter for each user.

Implementer 1.5.1 is an application that will help to carry out accounting in retail trade, control of distributors and cash desks. The "Realizer" program is effectively used in kiosks, small market complexes, cafes, snack bars, bars and similar points of sale.

Mini Market 1.3 is convenient and simple application on the accounting of goods in retail trade in pavilions, outlets or in the market. For the Mini-Market program, you need to register for free with a password.

Mini-Opt 1.5 is a compact trade and warehouse program. The Mini-Opt program has the ability to perform functions for the main modes of working with a warehouse and in trade, printing invoices, TORG-12, invoices and price lists. To use the "Mini-Opt" program, you need to register for free and get a password.

Mini-Shop 1.1 will help to automate the process of accounting in small stores of various profiles and networks of outlets in which it is not possible to enter each product into the computer during the sale. The Mini-Shop program requires a password to run, which is easy to get by registering.

Elf (mini-warehouse) 7.01 is a program for keeping warehouse records, processing and creating primary documents and various reports.

SLS-Sklad-Light 6.117 is a free and fully working version of the system for operational accounting of the SLS-Sklad family. The SLS-Sklad-Light program is designed to automate accounting work in small wholesale, retail or wholesale and retail companies, as well as in service enterprises.

Modern program Win Sprut Pro is an effective tool with a Russian interface that allows you to increase control over the commodity and financial transactions of almost any company, regardless of the field of activity.

Features and benefits of the program
Many companies suffer from the fact that storekeepers and managers do not cope with programs designed for warehouse accounting, and write down data in a simple spreadsheet, or even on paper.

Undoubtedly, a good inventory management program provides much more control, but if employees do not cope with it, think about invoices for a long time and are not willing to learn on their own, this can lead to production downtime and a decrease in company performance.

WinSprut Pro was created specifically to solve these problems. intuitive clear interface programs and maximum ease of use allow any person who is far from modern technologies. Training to work with the program, as a rule, takes no more than 30 minutes, given the minimum level of computer use.

In addition, the system avoids the influence of the human factor - the WinSprut Pro program blocks errors made by the storekeeper and provides only correct data.

WinSprut Pro program - benefits for all departments of the company.

The program implements a whole list of solutions that provide maximum convenience not only for storekeepers and warehouse managers, but also for other employees of the company:

Separation of access rights. Company executives can quickly distribute access rights by closing any accounting areas for managers or storekeepers. In addition, each user logs into WinSprut Pro using their own personal password, and each operation remains in the memory of the program, so that the manager can always view the name of the employee who performed this or that action, as well as the date of any event;
- Simple and clear interface. The rapid uptake of the program provides benefits not only for management, who will not have to spend time and money on training employees, but also for programmers - managers and storekeepers of the company will not waste time with questions about using WinSprut Pro. In addition, the warehouse accounting program requires almost no maintenance and support;
- Large list of features. Despite the ease of use, the program includes a wide functionality that is not inferior to more difficult programs to master.

Accounting for goods in the warehouse using WinSprut Pro - everything you need for any company.

Warehouse accounting in the WinSprut Pro functional program allows you to carry out all the operations that a company may need:
- Detailed accounting of goods in the warehouse, which includes the possibility of using rubles and currencies, setting fixed and "floating" prices;
- Automatic recalculation of prices, allowing you to significantly save time;
- Control over stocks of goods in automatic mode, as well as the distribution of goods in the warehouse in terms of type, cost and other characteristics;
- Registration of purchase and sale of goods to counterparties;
- Providing information on the current balance of goods and registering the full history of the goods, including the date of receipt, movement;
- Formation of turnover sheets;
- Movement of goods in warehouses. The program displays the transfer of goods from one warehouse of the company to another;
- Ability to use a ready-made reporting system.

Inventory management in Excel is a great solution for any trading company or manufacturing organization that needs to keep track of the quantity of materials used, raw materials used and finished products.

Who can benefit from spreadsheets

Large firms acquire ready-made solutions in electronic format for these purposes. However, they are quite expensive, and some complex programs require a qualified employee with a high salary to work in the warehouse. This is not possible for start-ups or small companies. Fortunately, there is a way out, and you can use Excel spreadsheets. This electronic tool, which is second in popularity only to the office Word program, has a functionality that is quite sufficient for solving warehouse accounting problems.

A few important rules

Those who are interested in the question of how to keep inventory records should seriously approach the issue of creating their own from the very beginning. computer program. In this case, from the very beginning, adhere to the following rules:

  • All directories should initially be created as accurately and in detail as possible. In particular, one should not be limited to simply indicating the names of goods and should also indicate articles, codes, expiration dates (for certain types), etc.
  • Opening balances are usually entered into tables in monetary terms.
  • You should follow the chronology and enter data on the receipt of certain goods at the warehouse earlier than on shipment to the buyer.
  • Before filling in Excel spreadsheets, it is imperative to conduct an inventory.
  • It should be foreseen which Additional Information may be needed, and enter it too, so that in the future you do not have to specify the data for each of the goods.

Before you start designing a spreadsheet to provide normal functioning your warehouse, you should take into account its specifics. General recommendations in this case are as follows:

  • It is necessary to compile directories: "Buyers", "Suppliers" and "Points of accounting for goods" (small companies do not need them).
  • If the list of products is relatively constant, then we can recommend creating their nomenclature in the form of a database on a separate sheet of the table. In the future, the expense, income and reports must be filled out with links to it. Leaf in Excel spreadsheet with the heading "Nomenclature" must contain the name of the product, product codes, product groups, units of measurement, etc.
  • The report is generated using the PivotTable tool.
  • Receipt to the warehouse should be taken into account on the "Incoming" sheet.
  • It is required to create sheets "Expense" and "Remains" to track the current state.

We create directories

To develop a program to keep inventory in Excel, create a file with any name. For example, it may sound like "Warehouse". Then we fill in the reference books. They should look something like this:



Legal address


Moscow LLC

OOO "Summer-3"

CJSC Morning

In order for the headers not to “run away”, they need to be fixed. To do this, on the "View" tab in Excel, you need to click on the "Freeze Panes" button.

The "Customers" table looks exactly the same.

It will be able to provide a convenient and partially automated free service if you create an auxiliary directory of goods release points in it. True, it will be required only if the company has several outlets (warehouses). As for organizations that have one point of issue, it makes no sense to create such a directory for them.

Accounting points



Shop 1

Own program "Warehouse": create a sheet "Incoming"

First of all, we need to create a table for the nomenclature. Its headings should look like "Product name", "Sort", "Unit of measure", "Characteristic", "Comment".

  • Select the range of this table.
  • In the "Name" field, located directly above the cell with the name "A", enter the word "Table1".
  • Do the same with the corresponding range on the "Suppliers" sheet. In this case, "Table 2" is indicated.
  • Fixing of income and expenditure transactions is carried out on two separate sheets. They will help you keep inventory records in Excel.

For "Incoming" the table should look like the figure below.

Arrival of goods


Accounting point

Unit meas.

Accounting automation

Inventory accounting in Excel can be made more convenient if the user can choose from a ready-made list of the supplier, the name of the product and the accounting point.


  • the unit of measurement and the supplier's code should be displayed in the table automatically, without the participation of the operator;
  • invoice number, date, price and quantity are entered manually;
  • the program "Warehouse" (Excel) calculates the cost automatically, thanks to mathematical formulas.

To do this, all directories need to be formatted as a table and a drop-down list should be created for the "Name" column. For this:

  • select a column (except for the header);
  • find the "Data" tab;
  • click on the "Data Check" icon;
  • in the "Data Type" field, look for "List";
  • in the "Source" field, specify the function "=INDIRECT("item!$A$4:$A$8")".
  • check the box next to "Ignore empty cells” and “List of allowed values”.

If everything is done correctly, then when filling in the 1st column, you can simply select from the list. At the same time, in the column "Unit. rev.» the corresponding value will appear.

Similarly, auto-completion is created for the "Code" and "Supplier" columns, as well as a drop-down list.

To fill in the column "Cost" use the multiplication formula. It should look like - "= price * quantity".

You also need to create a drop-down list called "Points of Accounting", which will indicate where the incoming goods were sent. This is done in exactly the same way as in the previous cases.

"Turnover sheet"

Now that you have almost created a convenient tool that allows your company to keep inventory records in Excel for free, all that remains is to teach our program to correctly display the report.

To do this, we start working with the corresponding table and set zeros at the beginning of the time period, since we are still going to keep inventory records. If it was carried out earlier, then this column should display the balances. In this case, the units of measurement and names of goods should be taken from the nomenclature.

To facilitate inventory control, the free program should fill in the "Shipments" and "Receipts" columns using the SUMIFS function.

The balance of goods in the warehouse is calculated using mathematical operators.

This is how we got the Warehouse program. Over time, you can independently make adjustments to it in order to make accounting for goods (your products) as convenient as possible.

MySklad is a convenient and easy-to-use Excel-based program, especially in comparison with WMS. Programming skills are not required to operate the application - its interface is intuitive for almost every user.

The free warehouse application provides truly unlimited possibilities for optimizing any business processes: with the help of this program they become simpler and faster.

With the help of the warehouse accounting program, you can perform various actions. For example:

  • register the receipt and shipment of goods,
  • keep a daily record of shipment and receipt of goods to the warehouse in Excel,
  • carry out regular inventory
  • print warehouse documents and send them,
  • set up an exchange with 1C,
  • receive information about real stock balances.

Such functionality greatly simplifies warehouse management and saves time and labor costs of personnel working in the organization.

The free program for the warehouse "MySklad" gives maximum opportunities to users, without limiting them in working with familiar additional services and tools. You will definitely appreciate how functional the Warehouse program is: in Excel, many of the functions and features that we offer are simply not available. You can get the most out of an automated accounting system by integrating it with electronic and sms mailing services, as well as with 1C. In addition, any warehouse equipment can be connected to the system.

Warehouse accounting program MySklad and its advantages

The free program "My Warehouse", which you can download on our website, has a lot of advantages. Among them:

  • Ease of use. Everyone will be able to fully use the program, since it does not require certain programming or accounting skills to work with it. All you need to do is register on the website of the MySklad service, download the application and create Accounts every employee.
  • Ability to access from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. You can download documents created in the application to any tablet, laptop or computer. You can control the warehouse online.
  • Reasonable price. Download trial version to test the program is free. For further use of the application, if more than one user will work, it will be required subscription fee: You can choose one of the tariffs that best suits your business.
  • qualified technical support. The specialists of our company will always help in mastering the trading and warehouse program, although you can deal with its functionality on your own - it is intuitive and simple. Service updates occur automatically without additional effort and payment.

Download free warehouse program MyWarehouse for warehouse management in Excel right now and test it in practice. Familiarization with the application during the test period (14 days) is free of charge. Using the demo version, you will learn the basic principles and mechanisms of the program and evaluate how convenient and functional the free warehouse program is. You can also choose a tariff that is best suited for your business.