Here is a new version of the additional software module, whose task is to bring into the game various kinds of human needs, namely, what concerns quenching thirst and hunger, overcoming ailments and diseases. According to the developer, gamers are waiting for what is now called "deep immersion" in the virtual environment.

Features of version 2.2

  • added support for graphic modules affecting the satisfaction of basic human needs, which include sleep, thirst, hunger. In addition, there is also a drunkenness widget;
  • it became possible to configure graphic modules-widgets in the mod configuration menu: position, size, transparency, on/off;
  • Added support for FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script to simplify saving/loading widgets;
  • it is possible to set the interval automatic update widgets
  • character can fill containers/bottles from any source of water;
  • hotkey function to customize food from other mods. This means that after throwing any product on the ground, you need to move the mouse cursor over it and press a key combination;
  • added a function in the mod configuration menu to remove penalties for hunger and sleep;
  • added the ability to cook food on the grill (meat, leek, potatoes), using any fires, coals and various sources of fire for this;
  • the ability to control weight has appeared: now a gamer can visually lose / gain weight with the help of a diet while doing bodybuilding. Also get a widget showing your weight and height;
  • a hot key appeared, allowing you to "rest" actively restoring your strength.

Basic Needs

When a gamer runs version 2.2, he actually "checks the needs" of the power supply by associating this function with a hotkey for quick check. In addition, the gamer can use the mode showing the number of points of hunger, thirst, sleep and intoxication. Hunger has 6 gradations, and all other needs have 5 gradations. To survive, your character will need to eat, drink and sleep. He can drink alcoholic beverages. When you become hungry, thirsty, sleepy, or drunk, your character will have reduced stats/stats and visual effects. Consider the basic needs.


  • Gluttony - the character overate. Decreased speed by 30%.
  • Satiety - positively affects health, stamina, recovery (+ 10%)
  • Hungry - ready for a snack (no positive bonuses or negative effects).
  • Hungry - health, stamina, regeneration reduces speed by 30%.
  • Very hungry - health, stamina, regeneration reduces speed by 60%. 25% harder to hide and deal physical damage.
  • Depletion of the body - health, stamina, regeneration reduces the speed by 90%. Carry gravity and attack ability drops by 50%.
  • It's nice that the process of taking water and food is presented in animation.


  • After drinking water - mana, endurance, regeneration (+ 10%).
  • Drink a little - not completely drunk (no positive bonuses or negative effects).
  • I'm thirsty - mana, stamina, regeneration reduces speed by 30%.
  • I was very thirsty - mana, stamina, regeneration reduces speed by 60%. Time between shouts +25%. Spell effectiveness is reduced by 25%.
  • Dehydration - mana, stamina, regeneration reduces speed by 90%. Time between shouts +50%. Spell effectiveness is reduced by 50%.


  • Well, rested - everything is wonderful
  • A little tired - ready to take a nap (no positive bonuses or negative effects).
  • The character is tired of carrying the load - reduced by 30, skills improve 25% slower.
  • Very tired to carry the load -60. Skills improve 50% slower. Speed ​​-20%.
  • Forces are exhausted - carry the load -90. Skills improve 75% slower. Speed ​​-30%.
  • The player character should sleep just enough to get the feeling of a fully rested person. In the event that you wake up, but there is still no cheerfulness, you can simply return and sleep more. It must be remembered that the character can get sick if he lies down to sleep in a dirty place. The conclusion is as follows: choose clean locations and everything will be fine with you.
  • Moreover, after spending the night in such a location, the sleeping bag itself will become dirty. Locations such as dungeons, bandit camps, animal burrows should not be chosen as a place for your overnight stay.

Body weight

The character gets the ability to visually change his appearance. In the event that you eat poorly, then you can see how the character begins to lose weight, and if you eat well, then the appearance will be unchanged. Start to overeat - immediately fill up. Losing weight will affect your "physical" form, which is best avoided. On the contrary, try to do bodybuilding, swing.
Default given function off. You can enable it in the mod configuration menu, after which the widget and notification text that appear will display your weight in kilograms.

  • Inflated - the character is very strong and physically stable, but stamina and speed are low.
  • Training - the character is in good physical shape, physically hardy and stubborn.
  • Wiry - the character is in good physical shape, very hardy and fast.
  • Slender - more emphasis on speed than strength and durability, normal endurance
  • Skinny - not particularly strong, but speed and agility is unparalleled.

Realistic Needs and Diseases mod compatibility

Cannot be used with other mods that add needs or diseases. Please note that this mod must be installed after mods that add new food.

Changelog: v1.9.2.1 -Status translations changed to fit both male and female heroes -Added RND_CheckNeedsTranslation file responsible for changing the needs check notification according to the gender of the character
Description: The mod adds basic needs to the game, such as hunger, thirst, fatigue, intoxication, as well as progressive diseases, disease fatigue, camping equipment.
Installation: 1. Unpack the archive. Copy all files from folder "00 Main mod" to folder Skyrim/data 2. From folder "01 Compatibility patches..." copy necessary files to skyrim/data 3. Make sure files named "RND_patch_name" are loaded after RealisticNeedsandDiseases 4. Start the game, go to the MCM menu Realistic Needs and Diseases 5. Click on the line "Start RN&D" 6. Close the menu. You will receive the status effects of needs, as well as two abilities - "Check Needs" (default - N key) and "Drink from the source" (default - B key)


Progressive Diseases: Diseases are no longer easily ignored bullshit. Initial syndromes are quite subtle (as in the original), but without treatment, your affairs will worsen over time. Look for a cure as soon as possible! But if you can't afford the cure, you can always lie back and hope for the best - there's a chance your body will slowly get over the illness if you get enough rest. By rest I mean a clean bed and warm conditions, spending the night in a dirty bandit camp can worsen your situation with a couple of new diseases. Illness Fatigue: If enabled, you will tire more quickly and be unable to sleep properly when sick. If your character suffers from a sleep disorder, then the first thing to do is to check if your character is sick. Check Needs: When you start the mod, you will get the Check Needs ability, which you can bind to a hotkey for a quick check. You can also turn on debug mode if you want to see need points. Hotkeys: If you have SKSE, then this mod will add hotkeys for "Check Ability" and "Drink from Source" , key is also responsible for "Emptying" the bottles, if you want to pour out the contents of a bottle or waterskin - select an item in your inventory and press the key. Keys are configured via MCM Hunger has 6 states: Overeaten - I ate too much. Movement Speed ​​-30% Satiety - Health Recovery, Stamina +10% Light Hunger - Ready for a snack (no bonus or negative effects) Hunger - Health Recovery, Stamina -30% Extreme Hunger - Health Recovery, Stamina -60%, Sneak 25% heavier. Attack Damage -25% Starvation - Restore Health, Stamina -90%. Carried weight -50. Attack Damage -50% Animations of eating and drinking when you eat/drink -Animations are automatically disabled when playing in first person. New and modified recipes, alternative textures for stews. There is a 15% chance of catching a disease when eating raw food. Stale/spoiled food not only tastes terrible, but can also make you sick. The amount of food in barrels/bags has been greatly reduced and most of what you find will be stale. Some large food items, like large chunks of cheese, contain multiple servings, so you won't be able to eat it all in one sitting. Thirst has 5 states: Drunk - Recovery of Magic, Stamina + 10% Light thirst - Ready to drink. (No bonus or negative effects) Thirst - Magicka Recovery, Stamina -30% Strong Thirst - Magicka Recovery, Stamina -60%. Time between shouts +25%. Spells are 25% less effective. Dehydration - Recovery of Magic, Stamina -90%. Time between shouts +50%. Spells are 50% less effective. When drinking ale, mead or wine, you will receive empty bottles, the original "empty wine bottles" that you pick up can also be used to fill with water. Drinking river/sea water directly can cause disease, boil before drinking. Spring water (available by installing the drinking fountain mod) is safe to drink. The herbal tea will give you +10 Speech for 300 seconds, you can also drink milk if you don't mind being a sucker. If you have the Drinking Fountains of Skyrim mod installed, then activating the fountain will fill your bottles with water, and activating from stealth will allow you to drink from the fountain directly. For cooking, you need to convert bottled water into a simple "Water" (Carafe). I made it so that I don't have to duplicate recipes for different types water bottles. Converting water will return empty bottles to you. Many tavern owners also sell food ingredients like salt, garlic, honey, chicken eggs, elf ears, etc. If you run out of salt, you can collect sea water using empty bottles. Boiling sea water produces salt. As you have already noticed, in this modification it is impossible to die of hunger / thirst. This mod doesn't kill you, but it creates enough inconvenience to stimulate eating. Intoxication has 5 stages with visual effects and the ability to lose balance and pass out. Sobriety - I am sober. (No bonus or debuff effects) Light drunkenness - melee damage +5, damage resistance +10 drunkenness - melee damage +10, eloquence -15, magicka recovery -15, spells 50% less effective, duration -50% - Restore magicka and stamina -25, spells are 85% less effective, duration -85% In the insole - Knocks you out on the spot, as a result you will wake up after 4 hours with a hangover. Fatigue has 5 states: Rested - Same as the original - Werewolves get the "Unstoppable Beast" condition, just to match the atmosphere Slightly tired - Ready for a nap. (No bonus or negative effects) Fatigue - Carry weight -30, skills grow 25% slower. Extreme Fatigue - Carry Weight -60, Skills improve 50% slower. Speed ​​-20%. Attrition - Carry Weight -90, Skills improve 75% slower. Speed ​​-30%. You must sleep enough to rest. While you don't need to sleep for hours on end, if you wake up tired, you can simply go back to bed and continue resting. The possibility of catching the disease due to a dirty sleeping bag depends on the location, and not on the sleeping place used. After all, if the place in which you laid out the sleeping bag is a garbage dump, then your sleeping bag is doomed. Avoid locations like dungeons, bandit camps, animal shelters, etc., choose a clean place for yourself and you will be fine. Camping Equipment: This mod offers a set of basic camping equipment, including a tent, sleeping bag, tinderbox, and a bowler hat. All equipment can be created at the forge or bought from merchants. The sleeping bag can be used both separately and together with the tent. To use, drop to the floor and activate from stealth to deploy the sleeping bag. To deploy a sleeping bag in a tent, you must have both a Tent and a Sleeping Bag in your inventory. Set up a tent: drop on the floor and activate from stealth. The sleeping bag will appear inside automatically. To set up a campfire, you must have at least 3 logs and a tinderbox. Drop the tinderbox, activate from stealth to light the fire. If you have a pot, it will be placed on the fire automatically. The campfire will burn for 6 hours, so you can activate the campfire to add logs, add/remove a pot, or activate from stealth to put out the fire. If left unattended, the fire will disappear after 24 hours.

Details and their solutions

1 I was suddenly teleported to xxx after filling bottles in the river This is a weird bottle filling animation bug that some people have. The reason is not yet known. If this happens to you, just turn off the bottle filling animation in the MSM settings. 2 Can't fill bottles/skins in the river To fill bottles/skins, you must stand directly in the water and click on an empty bottle. If you are using W.A.T.E.R. or PureWaters then install the patch included in the archive and make sure the patch is loaded after W.A.T.E.R. or Pure Waters. If you are using Green Water fix then upgrade to v2. If you are using any other mod, please let me know. 3 I installed drinking fountains, but they don't work. First, make sure you've installed the compatibility patch and your load order looks like this: -Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp -RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp -RND_DrinkingFountains-Patch.esp If the loading menu is fine but the game is still bad, then -1. Disable the drinking fountain mod and the patch. -2. Go into the game and make sure the fountains are gone. -3. Activate the fountains and patch, enter the game. To ensure success, it is necessary to deactivate and then activate the fountains and the patch at the same time, if you activate the fountains first, and the patch later (after you have entered the game and saved with the fountains), then nothing will work. 4 My character has a sleep disorder. Follow these steps: -1. Check the magic effects window. If you are sick, you will quickly get tired and will not be able to get enough sleep. Find a cure - problem solved. If the character is not sick, then... -2. Turn on debug mode, and use the needs check to see fatigue points and how they change when resting. Fatigue must be reduced by 10 or 2*Fatigue multiplier, whichever is greater. Fatigue: Rested(0) - Slight Fatigue(30) - Fatigue(60) - Severe Fatigue(120) - Exhaustion(240) (max 240) whether the problem has been fixed. If not, try making a clean save and reinstalling the mod. Upgrading from some earlier versions may cause this issue. -3. If you get Rested or Well Rested status, check what the effect description says. If you see an inscription that the effect lasts 8 hours, then there is a mod conflict. In case of a mod conflict: -Run this mod last, or after mods that might change the sleep system in some way. - check the data/scripts folder, the files TimedAbilityScript.pex and PlayerSleepQuestScript.pex may be the cause of a potential conflict.

Setting details

You can adjust your Hunger/Thirst/Fatigue multipliers, disease chance, and many other settings to better suit your play style. For those who want to remember the math, here are the details: Hunger: Overeaten(0) - Full(5) - Slightly Hungry(30) - Hunger(60) - Very Hungry (120) - Starving (240) (max 240) Thirst: Drunk(0) - Slightly thirsty(40) - Thirst(80) - Extremely thirsty(160) - Dehydrated(240) (max 240) Tired: Rested(0) - Slightly tired(30) - Tired(60) - Extremely tired (120) - Exhaustion (240) (max 240) Using Hunger as an example, with the standard multiplier of 6 meaning 6 hunger points per game hour, it will take 10 hours to go from Overeaten(0) to Starvation(60), and if you increase the multiplier to 10 - only 6 hours. The same applies to Thirst/Fatigue. (Please note: you will get hungry/thirsty/tired faster if you fight a lot, this feature is still in development but already affects the calculations.) This mod is not timeline dependent as I use internally play time, not real. It doesn't matter which timeline you use, in-game day = 24 in-game hours. Although the timeline will affect your perception of how often you have to eat during the game. Intoxication: Sobriety(0) - Light Intoxication(30) - Intoxication(60) - Strong Intoxication(90) - Asshole(150) (max 150) The higher the value, the faster you get drunk. Using the example of honey (a light alcoholic drink): a standard multiplier of 10 means that when you drink one bottle of honey, your level of intoxication will increase by 10, (the actual number differs slightly from bottle to bottle) when the level of intoxication reaches 30 (about 3 bottles of honey ), you will become slightly drunk, reaches 60 (6 bottles) - drunk. Therefore, if you reduce the multiplier from 10 to 5, then you will need to drink 12 bottles in order to become drunk. For the correct operation of the mod, it is recommended to use SKSE and SkyUi Compatibility Naturally, it is not compatible with other mods for your needs. Also, you may need to load this mod after all mods that change the standard food. The mod is compatible with Frostfall. The mod is compatible with Better Vampires. The mod is compatible with Skyrim Redone, download this mod after SkyRe. The mod is compatible with Sands of Time. The mod is compatible with Harvest Overhaul. The mod is compatible with Nature of the beast II. The mod is compatible with Fishing in Skyrim. Patches for the following mods are included in the archive: HearthFires, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, W.A.T.E.R., Pure Waters, Drinking Fountains of Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Realistic needs and diseases

Game platform: TES V: Skyrim Legendary Edition​

Name: Realistic Needs and Diseases​

Russian name: Realistic needs and diseases

Current version: 2.3.4​

Mod language: Russian

The size: 5 MB


The modification radically changes all the gaming needs of your character. The plugin completely changed the system of food and diseases, and now they are not almost purely decorative elements of the game, but become really important elements of the gameplay. The mod adds hunger and thirst to Skyrim, intoxication and the need to sleep, the ability to drink and fill empty bottles from all sources of water, adds food and alcohol poisoning, and much more.

Progressive diseases

  • Diseases are no longer easily ignored bullshit. The initial syndromes are quite subtle (as in the original), but without treatment, things will get worse over time. Look for a cure as soon as possible! But if you can't afford the cure, you can always lie back and hope for the best - there's a chance your body will slowly get over the disease if you get enough rest. By rest I mean a clean bed and warm conditions, spending the night in a dirty bandit camp can worsen your situation with a couple of new diseases.

Fatigue from sickness

  • If enabled, you will get tired faster and will not be able to sleep properly when you are sick. If your Sim suffers from a sleep disorder, the first thing to do is to check if your Sims are sick.

Checking Needs

  • When you run the mod, you will get the "Check Needs" ability, which you can bind to a hotkey for a quick check. You can also turn on debug mode if you want to see the need points.


  • If you have SKSE, then this mod will add hotkeys for "Ability Check" and "Drink from the source" , key is also responsible for "Emptying" the bottles, if you want to pour out the contents of a bottle or waterskin - select an item in your inventory and press the key . Keys are configured via MCM.

Six stages of hunger

  • Overeaten - I ate too much. Movement speed -30%.
  • Satiety - Recovery of Health, Stamina + 10%.
  • Light Hunger - Ready to snack (no bonus or negative effects) .
  • Hunger - Restore Health, Stamina -30%.
  • Strong Hunger - Health Regen, Stamina -60%, Sneak 25% harder. Attack Damage -25%.
  • Starvation - Restore Health, Stamina -90%. Carried weight -50. Attack Damage -50%.
  • Animations of eating and drinking when you eat/drink.
  • -Animations are automatically disabled when playing in first person.
  • New and modified recipes, alternative textures for stews.
  • There is a 15% chance of catching a disease when eating raw food.
  • Stale/spoiled food not only tastes terrible, but can also make you sick.
  • The amount of food in barrels/bags has been greatly reduced, and most of what you find will be stale.
  • Some large food items, like large chunks of cheese, contain multiple servings, so you won't be able to eat it all in one sitting.

Five stages of thirst

  • Drunk - Recovery of Magic, Stamina + 10%.
  • Light thirst - Ready to drink. (No bonus or negative effects).
  • Thirst - Recovery of Magic, Stamina -30%.
  • Strong thirst - Recovery of Magic, Stamina -60%. Time between shouts +25%. Spells are 25% less effective.
  • Dehydration - Recovery of Magic, Stamina -90%. Time between shouts +50%. Spells are 50% less effective.
  • When drinking ale, mead or wine, you will receive empty bottles, the original "empty wine bottles" that you pick up can also be used to fill with water.
  • Drinking river/sea water directly can cause disease, boil before drinking. Spring water (available by installing the drinking fountain mod) is safe to drink.
  • Herbal tea will give you +10 Speech for 300 seconds, you can also drink milk if you don't mind being a sucker.
  • If you have the Drinking Fountains of Skyrim mod installed, then activating the fountain will fill your bottles with water, and activating from stealth will allow you to drink from the fountain directly.


  • For cooking, you need to convert bottled water into a simple "Water" (Carafe), I made it so that I do not have to duplicate recipes for different types of water bottles. Converting water will return empty bottles to you. Many tavern owners also sell food ingredients like salt, garlic, honey, chicken eggs, elf ears, etc. If you run out of salt, you can collect sea water using empty bottles. Boiling sea water produces salt.
  • As you have already noticed, in this modification it is impossible to die of hunger / thirst. This mod doesn't kill you, but it creates enough inconvenience to stimulate eating.

Five stages of drunkenness

  • Intoxication has 5 stages with visual effects and the ability to lose balance and pass out.
  • Sobriety - I am sober. (No bonus or negative effects).
  • Light drunkenness - melee damage +5, damage resistance +10.
  • Intoxicated - Melee Damage +10, Speech -15, Magic Recovery -15, spells are 50% less effective, duration -50%.
  • Highly Intoxicated - Magicka and Stamina Recovery -25, spells are 85% less effective, duration -85%.
  • In the insole - Knocks you out on the spot, as a result you will wake up after 4 hours with a hangover.

Five stages of fatigue

  • Rested - Same as the original.
    - Werewolves get the "Unstoppable Beast" condition, just to match the atmosphere.
  • Slightly tired - Ready to take a nap. (No bonus or negative effects).
  • Fatigue - Carry Weight -30, Skills grow 25% slower.
  • Extreme Fatigue - Carry Weight -60, Skills improve 50% slower. Speed ​​-20%.
  • Attrition - Carry Weight -90, Skills improve 75% slower. Speed ​​-30.
  • You must sleep enough to rest. While you don't need to sleep for hours on end, if you wake up tired, you can simply go back to bed and continue resting. The possibility of catching the disease due to a dirty sleeping bag depends on the location, and not on the sleeping place used. After all, if the place in which you laid out the sleeping bag is a garbage dump, then your sleeping bag is doomed. Avoid locations like dungeons, bandit camps, animal shelters, etc., choose a clean place for yourself and you will be fine.

Camping equipment

  • This mod offers a set of basic camping gear, including a tent, sleeping bag, firebox, and cooking pot. All equipment can be created at the forge or bought from merchants. The sleeping bag can be used both separately and together with the tent. To use - drop on the floor and activate from stealth to deploy the sleeping bag. To deploy a sleeping bag in a tent, you must have both a Tent and a Sleeping Bag in your inventory. Set up a tent: drop on the floor and activate from stealth. The sleeping bag will appear inside automatically. To set up a campfire, you must have at least 3 logs and a tinderbox. Drop the tinderbox, activate from stealth to light the fire. If you have a pot, it will be placed on the fire automatically. The campfire will burn for 6 hours, so you can activate the campfire to add logs, add/remove a pot, or activate from stealth to put out the fire. If left unattended, the fire will disappear after 24 hours.

milking cows

  • To milk cows, you will need a milk pail to make it, just take any pail and remake it on the tanning rack. Crouch near the cow, aim your crosshair at the cow, then press E, it takes from one hour in the game to milk the cow. The base success rate is 50%. Bring straw to the cow to feed her, this will greatly increase your chances of success. Also, avoid visiting the cow at night, they don't like it.


  • You can adjust your Hunger/Thirst/Fatigue multipliers, disease chance, and many other settings to better suit your play style.


  • Hunger: Overeaten(0) - Full(5) - Slightly Hungry(30) - Hunger(60) - Very Hungry (120) - Starving (240) (max 240).
  • Thirst: Drunk(0) - Slight Thirst(40) - Thirst(80) - Extreme Thirst(160) - Dehydration(240) (max 240).
  • Fatigue: Rested(0) - Slight Fatigue(30) - Fatigue(60) - Severe Fatigue(120) - Exhaustion(240) (max 240).

For example, hunger:

  • With the standard multiplier of 6 meaning 6 hunger points per game hour, it will take 10 hours to go from Overeaten(0) to Starvation(60), and if you increase the multiplier to 10 it will only take 6 hours. The same applies to Thirst/Fatigue. (Note: You will get hungry/thirsty/tired faster if you fight a lot, this feature is still in development but already affects the calculations.) This mod is not timeline dependent as I use in-game time rather than real time. It doesn't matter which timeline you use, in-game day = 24 in-game hours. Although the timeline will affect your perception of how often you have to eat during the game.


  • Sobriety (0) - Slightly drunk (30) - Intoxicated (60) - Strongly intoxicated (90) - Asshole (150) (max 150).
  • You can change drunkenness multipliers from light/regular/strong alcoholic drinks. The higher the value, the faster you get drunk.
  • Using the example of honey (a light alcoholic drink): a standard multiplier of 10 means that when you drink one bottle of honey, your level of intoxication will increase by 10, (the actual number differs slightly from bottle to bottle) when the level of intoxication reaches 30 (about 3 bottles of honey ), you will become slightly drunk, reaches 60 (6 bottles) - drunk. Therefore, if you reduce the multiplier from 10 to 5, then you will need to drink 12 bottles in order to become drunk.

Five stages of body weight

  • There will be a visual impact on your character's body. You will lose weight when you don't eat enough and get fat and gain weight when you are full or eat a lot. Weight loss will affect "physical" strength. This functionality works very well with the "Pumping Iron" mod.
    1. Muscular - You are very strong and physically stable, but your stamina is low.
    2. Trained - You are in good physical shape, physically hardy.
    3. Wiry - You are in good physical shape, stubborn, very hardy and nimble.
    4. Slender - You gain agility, you are inferior in strength, and your stamina is excellent.
    5. Skinny - You are neither healthy nor strong, but your speed and agility are second to none.


  • Compatible with Wamirism, Cannibalism and Werewolves.
  • Compatible with: Frostfall; Better Vampires; Sands of Time; Harvest Overhaul; Nature of the Beast II; Fishing in Skyrim; Skyrim Redone.
  • after SkyRe and mods that change the default food.
  • The MCM is used to start and stop the mod.
  • All camping equipment is activated from the sneak (remove it from inventory, go into stealth and use it) .
  • Fresh water must be boiled to reduce the chance of infection to zero.
  • Boiling sea water will give you salt.
  • Spring water is only available from Drinking Fountains and is safe for health.
  • Using the drinking fountain in the sneaker will allow you to drink directly from the fountain instead of having to fill the containers.
  • For cooking, you need to convert water into a special one, in carafes, in the miscellaneous section. Made in order not to duplicate, say, the recipe of the same soup, in recipes separately with boiled / spring / fresh water.
  • The disease is progressing. .
  • Whether the sleeping bag gets dirty depends on the location in which it is activated.
  • You can study the rest of the mod's features in the screenshots or directly in the MCM menu in the game.
  • Vampires don't need food or drink, while werewolves and cannibals' food will satisfy their hunger and thirst.
  • This mod works well with Perseid's Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced, after all, they are made for each other. And yet, skooma can be very useful in some situations, and if you are not a completely law-abiding person, then keep a couple of bottles in a backpack won't hurt.


  • Skyrim
  • DLC Dawnguard
  • Dragonborn DLC
  • HearthFires DLC
  • (optional)


  • Naturally, it is not compatible with other mods for needs.
  • Also, you may need to load this mod after all mods that change the standard food.
  • The mod is compatible with Frostfall
  • The mod is compatible with Realistic Water Two
  • The mod is compatible with WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux
  • The mod is compatible with SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators
  • The mod is compatible with Expanded Towns and Cities
  • The mod is compatible with Better Vampires
  • The mod is compatible with Skyrim Redone, download this mod after SkyRe
  • The mod is compatible with Sands of Time
  • The mod is compatible with Harvest Overhaul
  • The mod is compatible with Nature of the beast II
  • The mod is compatible with Fishing in Skyrim
  • 00 Core - Main Files - Main mod (requires unofficial USKP patch)
  • 05 Optional - Realistic Wildlife Patch
  • 10 Optional - Animal Loot - Optionally, adding the meat of wolves, bears, saber teeth, mammoths
  • 11 Compatibility Patch - Pure Waters v4.6 +DG+DB - (this patch if you have all DLCs installed and the Pure Waters v4.6 mod itself)
  • 21 Drinking Fountains of Skyrim - patch for mod Drinking Fountains of Skyrim
  • 30 Food Patch - USKP - Install this patch if you use USKP for delicious meat pie.
  • 40 Colored Widgets - Install this bsa. if you want to have colored widgets.

Optional patches(via additional link)

  • 01 Unique Booze Bottles - patch for mod Unique Booze Bottles
  • 11 Expanded Towns and Cities - patch for the Expanded Towns and Cities mod
  • 20 Destructible bottles - patch for Destructible bottles mod
  • 30 Babettes Feast - patch for the Babettes Feast mod
  • 31 Herbal Tea - Herbal Tea mod patch
  • 40 Requiem - patch for mod Requiem

Update from version 2.1 to 2.3.4:

  • In the game in the MSM menu, disable the mod, after a minute save to an empty save slot, exit the game.
  • Delete all files and patches of the mod, and also delete the RND_CheckNeedsTranslation.bsa and RND_CheckNeedsTranslation.esp files, they are no longer needed.
  • Enter the game from the last clean save and save again to an empty save slot, exit the game.
  • It is highly recommended to clear the last save through the program "Cleaning scripts in saves".
  • Install new version 2.3.4.

Update from version 1.9x to 2.3.4:

  • Delete patch files RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp, RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp, RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp if any.
  • Delete the RND_Water-Patch.esp patch for the W.A.T.E.R. mod, if there is one, as it is no longer needed.
  • And do the same as in the description of the steps to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.3.4.


  1. Place the RealisticNeedsandDiseases.bsa and RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp files from the 00 Core - Main Files folder into the data folder in the skyrim / data game, activate in the launcher.
  2. To run the mod in the game, open the MCM menu and click "Launch RND", then exit the menu.
  3. The first time you start, you will receive the effects of needs (can be viewed in the magic menu) and two powers, "Check Needs" and "Knock Out of Source".
  4. To uninstall a mod, you must stop it: open the MCM menu, click "Stop RND" and make sure all need and disease effects are gone before deleting files.

Known Issues and Solutions

  • Suddenly transferred to xxx after filling the bottles in the river:
    This bug is related to the animation during the filling of the bottle. If this happens, just turn off the animation of the filling of the bottle in the MSM menu settings.
  • Can't fill bottles/waterskin in the river
    To fill the bottles/waterskin, you must stand directly in the water and click on the empty bottle. If you are using PureWaters then install the patch included in the archive and make sure the patch is loaded after PureWaters. If you are using Green Water fix then upgrade to v2.
  • I installed drinking fountains but they don't work.
    First, make sure you've installed the compatibility patch and your boot order looks something like this:
    - Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp
    - RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp
    - RND_DrinkingFountains-Patch.esp
    If everything is fine in the boot menu, but the game is still bad, then
    -one. Disable the drinking fountain mod and the patch.
    -2. Go into the game and make sure the fountains are gone.
    -3. Activate the fountains and patch, enter the game.
    To ensure success, it is necessary to deactivate and then activate the fountains and the patch at the same time, if you activate the fountains first, and the patch later (after you have entered the game and saved with the fountains), then nothing will work.
  • My character suffers from a sleep disorder.
    Do the following:
    1. Check the magic effects window. If you are sick, you will quickly get tired and will not be able to get enough sleep. Find a cure - problem solved.
    If the character is not sick, then...
    2. Turn on the debug mode, and use the needs check to see the fatigue points and how they change when resting. Fatigue must be reduced by 10 or 2*Fatigue multiplier, whichever is greater.
    Fatigue: Rested(0) - Slight Fatigue(30) - Fatigue(60) - Severe Fatigue(120) - Exhaustion(240) (max 240)
    If the calculation is not correct, then try turning the mod off and on from the MCM menu and see if the problem is fixed. If not, try making a clean save and reinstalling the mod. Upgrading from some earlier versions may cause this issue.
    3. If you get Rested or Well Rested status, check what the effect description says. If you see an inscription that the effect lasts 8 hours, then there is a mod conflict.
    In case of a mod conflict:
    - Run this mod last, or after those mods that can somehow change the sleep system.
    - Check the data/scripts folder, the files TimedAbilityScript.pex and PlayerSleepQuestScript.pex may be a potential conflict.

This mod once again expands the gameplay possibilities gameplay with Scarime
Have you ever wondered why your or your GG in the game quite often uses liquids or eats food, for example, the same healing potions, wine, skooma or just water, food and never goes out of need? a person needs relief, but your or your GG, having consumed a lot of liquid or food, is still running around and does not need simple human needs to go out of need. Now this misunderstanding will be corrected!

- Added a patch for compatibility with Realistic Needs and Diseases Mod v1.9.5.1 - Realistic Needs and Diseases (your bladder will fill up whether you drink or not. When you drink, your bladder will fill faster. However, your intestines won't fill up if you haven't eaten at all. In the bowel settings MSM menu, there will be settings to determine how quickly the bowels will fill up after a meal, and the bladder settings will determine how fast the bladder will fill up. This RND patch in currently does not have adjustments and settings in the MCM menu, but will be added in a future update)
- Removed some debug scripts for better mod performance

- The names of the slots for removing clothes have been changed in the MCM menu (now each slot has a specific name, but I could not understand what the author meant in the word “Chest” and translated it as “Chest”, although what does the chest have to do with clothing slots? )
- In the game when you click hotkey"Go out of need" will now display a window with a choice of what you want to do
- Fixed minor bugs (the author does not indicate what exactly)
- Fixed reverse disable options for "Pee" and "Defecate"
- The executable files Private Needs.bsa and Private Needs.esp now do not have a space and look like this: PrivateNeeds.bsa and PrivateNeeds.esp and therefore when updating the mod be sure to delete these files with a space from the Data folder in the game otherwise you will have 4 files
- Added Interface\translations folder for MCM menu (be sure to install, as in text file is the entire translation for the MCM menu, it used to be in pex. file)
- Removed from the MCM menu as unnecessary the option "For companions" (while the author can not do anything)
- Completely redesigned MSM menu with settings
- Added facial expressions for the GG with the setting in the MSM menu of facial expressions for different cases (anger, joy, horror, surprise, sadness, bewilderment, disgust)
- Added functions for personal hygiene (added the spell "Bath" to your inventory, cast by shouting while in the water, there will be an animation of washing)
- Added soap for hygiene (lavender soap, spriggan resin soap, toilet paper rolls, sold from merchants or need to be boiled in a pot)
- Added functions of pollution of the character and the ability to wash in case of pollution or sweating (messages will pop up about what state you are in now)
- Separate files Manure.bsa and Manure.esp responsible for excrement have been removed from the mod, now they are sewn into the main Private Needs.bsa file (these 2 files will need to be removed from the game, and if you want animals to be able to walk around needy, then you can these 2 files that were in the archive in previous version leave if someone is installing this mod for the first time and if you want animals to defecate too, then install this mod Animal manure - Manure)
- Disabled options and features for companions (will be in the next updates, as they did not work)
- Fixed bugs with premature incontinence when urinating and in need for a lot
- An option has been added to the MSM menu to apply all actions to the opposite sex, that is, if you are a woman, you can activate it and you will go to the toilet like a man, that is, you will write while standing (I don’t know why)
- Added support for the mod "Northern Bathhouses of Skyrim - Northern Bathhouses" (you can wash in these baths using the "Bath" spell)
- Also in the process of translating the mod, into esp. The file contained lines such as “Weak laxative” and “Strong laxative”, most likely this is a remedy for constipation in the player, but I did not find these funds in the game from merchants, maybe they need to be done by myself, I don’t know, the author of this mod does not write any description at all, everything that you read here is stated by the method of checking the mod in the game
- Redesigned script structure
- Added the ability and options "Constipation" (if you don't walk for a long time), affects recovery and movement speed
- New stages of intestinal filling and painful outcomes from constipation
- New pop-up messages and notifications about your (her) GG's constipation problem
- Options and design in the MSM menu redesigned again
- Now in the MSM menu there is a general option to turn on and off the mod "Activation / Deactivation Mod" and individually activate and turn off "Bladder", "Intestines", "Constipation" and "Needs for Companions", they can be turned on or off by separately
- Fixed a large number of bugs and errors
- General change of options in categories in the MCM menu
- Added the ability to go to the toilet "for the most part" (defeat)
- Added new options in the MCM menu for the "big" needs settings
- Added animation of defecation with the release of excrement (excrement borrowed from the "Dung from animals" mod)
- When updating, be sure to read the description below, otherwise the new options in the MCM menu will not appear
- Added support for a hotkey for need instead of using a shout spell (you can assign a key in the MCM menu)
- Added "Check Bladder Fill" spell
- Now companions can also urinate through dialogue (the parameter for companions can be changed in the MSM menu) Currently only one companion is supported, more precisely, the author tested with only one follower)
- Added new dialogs for companions so they can go to the toilet
- Added more toilets in cities and towns
- Minor script fixes

- The need to "Go out of need", urination and defecation is added to the game gameplay
- After drinking some liquid or food, you will need bladder or bowel relief
- When you relieve, you will see how you pee or defecate and there will be a sound when you urinate and defecate
- Added animation "Relief" in several variants and poses, for male characters and for female characters
- Pop-up messages are added in the upper left corner of the screen in the game about the status of your GG with warnings that you need to go out of need
– The game will have a threshold for urination and defecation, that is, if you don’t go out of need in time, then you can describe yourself in your pants
- In the game you will not be able to go out of need if you are in a public place (there will be a notice that there are a lot of people)
- In the MSM menu, you can set the removal of clothes when you go out of need (turn on the slots for clothes)
- In the MCM menu, you can configure the mod's functions for your companions so that they also go out of need (new dialogues will be added when communicating with companions)
- In cities, latrine booths will be added, in which you can enter, sit down and relieve yourself
- According to the author, after buying furniture in his house, in the house there will be a separate restroom (I personally did not see the restrooms when checking the mod, but they are on the streets)
- For male and female GGs and NPCs, 6 different relief poses will be added (pose settings in the MSM menu)
- In the MSM menu, you can also customize everything according to your needs

MSM menu settings:
- When you first enter the game, after installing the mod, go to the MSM menu and turn on the options "Urine", then "Intestine" and "Hygiene" (turn on in turn and each time exit the MSM into the game and wait for the activation message
- You can also enable the option for companions, turn it on and exit, the option is activated (does not work yet)
- Also in the MSM menu you can select and turn on "Wet" - this is the probability of pissing in your pants if you do not go to the toilet for a long time
- Also in the MCM menu you can select and turn on "Seclusion" - your character will not be able to relieve himself in public (you will need to look for a restroom or a secluded place on the street)
- Also in the MSM menu you can select and turn on "Constipation" - your character will have a slow recovery of stamina and movement speed when constipated (when the "Constipation" option is activated, the checkbox will not be checked immediately, you must exit the MSM menu and then this option will be activated
- Also in the MSM menu you can select and turn on "Hygiene" - your GG, if dirty, will have the opportunity to wash in water, in the river with animation of washing and washing intimate places
- Also in the MSM menu you can adjust facial expressions during all actions
- Also in the MSM menu you can set up slots for taking off clothes when you go out of need (you need to mark the slots, each is responsible for different parts of the clothes)
- Also in the MSM menu you can configure after what time you will need relief
- You can also choose the duration of urination
- You can also assign hotkeys in order to go out of need and a key to check the status of your GG (there will be pop-up messages)
Slots for urination and bowel movements - these are the slots for clothes that will be removed automatically when relieved (tick the appropriate slots)

A separate section “ZAZ Animation Pack” will also be added to the MCM menu, this is a pack with animations for the “Go out of need” mod, do not change anything in the settings !!!

Stances and postures for relief:
- Squatting legs apart
- Squatting legs shifted
- Standing, one hand behind the back
- Standing, one hand on the groin
- Standing, both hands on hips
- Like a dog
- Squatting, hands behind the back (tied)
- Standing, hands behind the back (tied)

Facial animations:
- Anger
- Joy
- Horror
- Astonishment
- Sadness
– bewilderment
- Disgust

How the mod with companions works: (this function does not work yet !!!)
- After activating the option for companions in the MCM menu, a new dialog box will appear when you talk to your followers
“Now you can ask them if they want to pee?”
- If there is no toilet in that area and you are not indoors, then your follower will look for a suitable place or will ask to use the toilet
- If you are near the toilet, then talk to your follower and you can tell him that you have found the toilet and he can use it

Outdoor toilets:
- In cities, latrines will be added to some houses, in which you can relieve yourself
- Also, according to the author, after buying furniture for your house, the house will have a separate restroom (I personally did not see the restrooms when checking the mod, but they are on the streets)

How to wash:
- In the inventory in the Magic menu, you will have a new spell "Bath", activate it in any hand
- When your character needs a bath, messages about the current state of the player will pop up
- You will need to find a river, a lake and, entering the water, cast the "Bath" spell and your GG will wash with animation
- If you have soap, then you will wash with soap (soap is sold by merchants or boiled in a pot, I didn’t find soap at the seller, but I didn’t try it in a pot)

Realistic needs and diseases
Skyrim Northern Baths - Northern Bathhouses
Love in Skyrim
Sexual life in Skyrim
Additional UFO dialogue

Current Bugs:
- Puddles will not be able to spawn on some surfaces

— Game version and higher
- SKSE 1.06.16 and higher
- SkyUI 4.1 and higher (to configure the mod in the MSM menu)
- FNIS 4.0 and above

How to upgrade from v1.23 to v2.1:
1. In the MSM menu, turn off the options “Bladder”, “Intestines”, “Hygiene” and “Needs for Companions”
2. Exit the MCM menu into the game, wait until the mod is removed (messages will pop up) and save to a clean save and exit the game
3. Delete the Manure.bsa and Manure.esp files responsible for excrement from the Data folder in the game, now they are sewn into the main file Private Needs.bsa (if you want animals to be able to go out of need, then you can leave these 2 files, this is if who had version 1.23 installed, in new versions starting from 2.0.4 these files Manure.bsa and Manure.esp are no longer there)
4. Be sure to delete the files Private Needs.bsa and Private Needs.esp now do not have a space and look like this PrivateNeeds.bsa and PrivateNeeds.esp and therefore, when updating the mod, be sure to delete the files with a space from the Data folder in the game otherwise you will have 4 files
5.Install the new version of the mod v2.0.4 over v1.23 with file replacement and run GenerateFNIS for Users, click ‘Update FNIS Behavior’ and that’s it, close FNIS
6. Enter the game and turn on all the necessary options in the MSM menu one by one, first "urination", then "Efection" and then "Hygiene" and then all the options to choose from (animations, time, and so on)

How to upgrade from v0.98 to v2.1:
If you have any spell from this mod equipped, then unequip it.
In the MSM menu, click disable mod and exit the MSM menu and save to a clean save and exit the game
ALWAYS delete 2 files from mod version v1.21: The Need to Urinate.esp and The Need to Urinate.bsa from the Skyrim/Data folder - now renamed to Private Needs.esp and Private Needs.bsa
ALWAYS delete the files if there are any left from v0.98:
BurstScript.pex and pec.
InitneedtourinateEffects.pex and psc.
initwetselfscript.pex and psc.
NeedtoUrinateMCMmenu.pex and psc.
OuthouseScript.pex and psc.
selfwetscript.pex and psc.
selfwettingmonitorscript.pex and psc.
StopneedtourinateEffects.pex and psc.
Urinatescript.pex and psc.
urinetimerscript.pex and psc.
from 2 folders at Skyrim/Data/Scripts and Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Source
disable The Need to Urinate.esp in the launcher

If you do not remove them, then there will be a conflict between the new version of the mod and old version fashion, since these files are now packed in bsa. file
Enter the game with the mod disabled and again save to a clean save and exit
Install the new version of the mod and in the MCM menu in the game, activate the mod again and configure it as you need
And don't forget to refresh in the FNIS window

There are 2 folders in the archive, the main mod and a patch for the Realistic needs and Diseases mod (a patch for those who use this mod Realistic needs and Diseases)
1. Install the mod only on a clean save, that is, in the game, before installing this mod, save to a new cell for saving on pause in the game menu!
2. Exit the game and install the mod
3. Install the required plugins SKSE 1.06.16 and FNIS 4.0 and SkyUI 4.1
Place the Data folder from the archive in the root of the game and activate Private Needs.esp, ZaZAnimationPack.esm and ZaZAnimationPackConfig.esp in the launcher (Remove activation from the Manure.esp file in the launcher!!!)
Run GenerateFNIS for Users, click ‘Update FNIS Behavior’ and that’s it, close FNIS and enter the game, the settings will appear in the game menu in MCM (enable the mod)
In the game, in the MSM menu, activate the mod in all the necessary categories and set everything up as you need
After activating the mod, you will have activation messages
Wait a few minutes while the scripts process all the changes made by the mod to the game
Once everything is processed, you can start studying the mod!
If you have the Realistic needs and Diseases mod installed, then install the patch and activate it in the launcher

If in FNIS clicking ‘Update FNIS Behavior’ gives an error, then delete the conflicting files that are marked in the FNIS window if any (approximately, it can usually give an error on the mt_behavior.hkx file
Sample conflicting files
Delete "data\meshes\actors\character\behaviors\mt_behavior.hkx"
Delete "data\meshes\actors\character\characters\defaultmale.hkx"
Delete "data\meshes\actors\character\characters female\defaultfemale.hkx"

This mod adds certain needs to the game that your character will experience. The mod also significantly reworks the effects of diseases and their effect on the patient's body.



This mod is compatible with vampires, werewolves and cannibals. Vampires do not need food or water, while werewolves and cannibals can quench their thirst and hunger in the way they are accustomed to.

The mod is compatible with SKYUI 3.0, what's more, if you have SKYUI 3.0 installed, you can use its setup menu instead of dragees to customize RN&D to your liking.

Progressive diseases: from now on, diseases are no longer easily ignored nonsense. The initial syndromes are weak (as in the original), but if the disease is started, the situation will sharply worsen. Treatment must begin as soon as possible! If you are not able to afford treatment, then you just have to rest and hope for the best, rest, of course, means a clean bed and a warm hearth, the chances of catching the disease are much greater if you sleep in a dirty bandit camp. Also, when you are sick, you get tired faster, which can lead to complete exhaustion.

Needs check:

When you activate this mod, you will add the "Check Needs" ability, which you can set to a hotkey for quick access.

Hot Keys: If you have SKSE you can also use the N key (default) to check needs and the B key (default) to drink from the source. The B key is also used for emptying, so if you want to empty a bottle or waterskin without drinking its contents, just select it in your inventory and press B. The keys can be remapped to MCM.

Hunger has 6 stages:

Overeating - You have eaten too much. Speed ​​- 30%.

Satiety - restore health, stamina + 10%.

Light hunger - you can have a snack (no bonuses or negative effects).

Hunger - restore health, stamina -30%.

Strong hunger - restore health, stamina -60%. Hide is 25% harder. Attack Damage -35%.

Exhaustion - restore health, stamina -90%. Carried weight -50. Attack Damage -50%.

The mod has an animation for eating and drinking.

New and changed recipes, alternative textures for stews.

There is a 15% chance of catching a disease when eating raw food.

Spoiled food not only tastes disgusting, but can lead to disease.

Hugely reduced the amount of food found in barrels and sacks, and what is found will be mostly spoiled.

Some large foods, such as cheese circles, are divided into several portions, so you won't be able to eat them all at once.

Thirst has 5 stages:

Thirst quenched - restoration of magic, stamina + 10%.

Light thirst - you can drink. (no bonuses or negative effects).

Thirst - restoration of magic, stamina -30%.

Strong thirst - restoration of magic, stamina -60%. Time between shouts +25%. Spells are 25% less effective.

Dehydration - restoration of magic, stamina -90%. Time between shouts +50%. Spells are 50% less effective.

You can refill empty bottles and wineskins in any river, or you can ask for clean water in taverns.

Drinking river water can lead to illness, boil water before drinking. spring water (in this moment available only in drinking fountains) is safe to consume.

Green tea grants +10 damage. to the Speech skill for 300 seconds, you can also drink milk if you are not afraid to be branded as a milk sucker.

If you have installed Drinking Fountains of Skyrim, then activating the fountain will fill all your empty bottles, activate from stealth to drink from the fountain.

Intoxication has 5 stages:

blurred vision and stumbling effects are present.

Sobriety - you are sober. (no bonuses or negative effects).

Dizziness - you feel great, only your head is spinning. Damage Resistance +10, 5% chance to stumble.

Intoxication - you think badly. Speech -15, magicka recovery -15, spells are 50% less effective, duration -50%, 30% chance to stumble.

Highly intoxicated - you're drunk as hell... magicka and stamina regeneration -25, spells are 85% less effective, duration -85%, 60% chance to stumble.

Fainting - you faint right on the spot, and wake up only 4 hours later with terrible dizziness.

Sleep has 5 stages:

Good/rest is the same as in the original.

Werewolves will be disturbed by their animal blood.

Light fatigue - you can take a nap. (no bonuses or negative effects).

Fatigue - carry weight -30, skills grow 25% slower.

Severe fatigue - carry weight -60, skills grow 50% slower. Speed ​​-20%.

Exhaustion - carry weight -90, skills grow 75% slower. Speed ​​-30%.

To rest, you need to get a good night's sleep, but no one forces you to do it all at once. If you wake up and still feel tired, you can continue sleeping. The chance of catching the disease while sleeping on a dirty sleeping bag depends on the location, and not on the sleeping bag itself. If the place is dirty, then your sleeping bag will get dirty as soon as you lay it out on the floor. Avoid sleeping in dungeons, bandit camps, animal dens. Choose clean and comfortable places.

Hiking equipment:

This mod offers a set of basic camping equipment, such as a tent, sleeping bag, flint, camping kettle. All camping gear can be crafted or purchased from vendors. You can also get a test set of equipment in the settings menu.

The sleeping bag can be used separately or together with the tent. To use, first drop the sleeping bag on the ground, then enter stealth mode and activate it to spread it out. To place a tent along with a sleeping bag, you need to have both, then drop the tent on the ground, activate it in stealth mode, and the sleeping bag will be added automatically. To build a fire, you must have at least 3 logs and a steel. Throw away the flint and activate it in stealth mode. If you have a cast iron ladle in your inventory, a pot will appear by the fire. The fire burns for 6 hours, by activating it - you can add firewood or add / remove a pot, activate it in stealth mode to put it out.

Known issues:

Q: I suddenly suddenly teleported somewhere while I was filling the bottles in the river.

A: This is a strange animation bug that some users sometimes encounter. If this happened to you, then just turn off the bottle filling animation to fix the problem. Dragee >> settings >> animation switcher >> other = 0

Q: My screen goes black unexpectedly during the intoxicated and high intoxicated stages.

A: Turn off visual effect intoxication. Dragee >> Settings >> Animation Switcher >> Clouding = 0


You can adjust the level of hunger / thirst / fatigue and the chance of catching a disease.

Hunger: Overeating(0) - Satiety(5) - Light hunger(30) - Hunger(60) - Strong hunger(120) - Exhaustion(240) (ceiling 240)

Thirst: Thirst Satisfied(0) - Light Thirst(40) - Thirst(80) - Strong Thirst(160) - Dehydration(240) (ceiling 240)