Creating reflections of objects from various surfaces is one of the most challenging tasks when processing images, but if you own Photoshop at least at an average level, then this will not be a problem.

This lesson will be devoted to creating the reflection of an object on the water. To achieve the desired result, use the filter "Glass" and create a custom texture for it.

The image we will process:


Creating a texture

  1. Let's create a new document of large size with equal sides (square).

  2. Create a copy of the background layer and apply a filter to it "Add Noise" which is in the menu "Filter - Noise".

    The effect value is set to 65%

  3. Then you need to blur this layer according to Gauss. The tool can be found in the menu "Filter - Blur".

    Set the radius to 5%.

  4. Increase the contrast of the texture layer. Pressing a keyboard shortcut CTRL+M, calling the curves, and adjust as shown in the screenshot. Actually, we just move the sliders.

  5. The next step is very important. We need to reset the colors to default (foreground - black, background - white). This is done by pressing the key D.

  6. Now let's go to the menu "Filter - Sketch - Relief".

    The value of detail and offset is set to 2 , light - from below.

  7. Let's apply another filter - "Filter - Blur - Motion Blur".

    The offset must be 35 pixels, corner - 0 degrees.

  8. The blank for the texture is ready, next we need to place it on our working paper. Choosing a tool "Moving"

    and drag the layer from the canvas to the tab with the lock.

    Without releasing the mouse button, we wait for the document to open and place the texture on the canvas.

  9. Since the texture is much larger than our canvas, for ease of editing, you will have to change the scale with the keys CTRL+ "-"(minus, no quotes).
  10. Apply a free transform to the texture layer ( CTRL+T), press the right mouse button and select the item .

  11. Shrink the top edge of the image to the width of the canvas. The bottom edge is also compressed, but less. Then turn on free transform again and adjust the size to fit the reflection (vertically).
    Here is what should be the result:

    Press the key ENTER and continue creating the texture.

  12. AT this moment we are on the top layer that we have transformed. Staying on it, we clamp CTRL and click on the thumbnail of the layer with the castle, which is located below. A selection will appear.

  13. Click CTRL+J, the selection will be copied to a new layer. This will be the texture layer, the old one can be removed.

  14. Next click right click mouse over the texture layer and select the item "Duplicate Layer".

    In the block "Destination" choose "New" and give the document a title.

    Will open new file with our long-suffering texture, but her suffering did not end there.

  15. Now we need to remove the transparent pixels from the canvas. Let's go to the menu "Image - Trimming".

    and choose crop based "Transparent pixels"

    After pressing the button OK all transparent area at the top of the canvas will be cut off.

  16. It remains only to save the texture in the format PSD ("File - Save As").

Creating a Reflection

  1. Let's start creating a reflection. Go to the document with the lock, to the layer with the reflected image, remove the visibility from the top layer with the texture.

  2. Let's go to the menu "Filter - Distortion - Glass".

    We are looking for an icon, as in the screenshot, and click "Load Texture".

    This will be the file saved in the previous step.

  3. Select all settings for your image, just do not touch the scale. To get started, you can choose settings from the lesson.

  4. After applying the filter, turn on the visibility of the texture layer and go to it. Change the blend mode to "Soft light" and lower the opacity.

  5. The reflection, in general, is ready, but you need to understand that water is not a mirror, moreover, in addition to the castle and grass, it also reflects the sky, which is out of sight. Create a new empty layer and fill it with blue, you can take a sample from the sky.

  6. Move this layer above the castle layer, then click ALT and click with the left mouse button on the border between the color layer and the upside down lock layer. This creates the so-called "clipping mask".

  7. Now add a regular white mask.

  8. We take the instrument "Gradient".

    In the settings choose "From Black to White".

  9. Drag the gradient across the mask from top to bottom.


  10. Lower the opacity of the color layer to 50-60% .

Well, let's see what result we managed to achieve.

The great deceiver Photoshop has once again proved (with our help, of course) its worth. Today we killed two birds with one stone - we learned how to create a texture and imitate the reflection of an object on the water with it. These skills will be useful to you in the future, because when processing photos, wet surfaces are far from uncommon.

What You'll Be Creating

One way to add effect to an interesting landscape is to recreate a digital lake! This creates not only aesthetic symmetry, but also uses one of classical tricks photo manipulation, reflection creation. In this tutorial, we will create a reflection effect on the water surface, including ripple distortion.

1. Create a Simple Reflection

Creating a reflection from an original scene is a great way to learn some basic photo manipulation techniques. The technique is quite simple: you need to create a copy of the original scene, which should be reflected on the water surface, and then flip it. Next, adjust the perspective so that the reflection becomes part of the horizontal surface of the water.

Step 1

Choosing the right source image for this technique is one of the most important aspects of achieving great results.

The most important detail when choosing an image is a clear horizontal line, which we use as the water edge. For example, in this photo of Chau Say Temple by photographer Donyanedomam, the bottom step of the temple makes for a great reflection point.

Step 2

Open original image in a programme photoshop. Choose a tool Frame Select the Crop Tool (C). Drag the top center knot down to crop the image right above the big tree to the left of the temple. Next, drag the bottom center knot down to add some white space below the image.

Step 3

Activate the rulers on the screen, for this we go View - Rulers(View > Rulers) or press the keys ( ctrl+r). Next, click on the top ruler, and then hold it down with your mouse button and drag it down to create a horizontal guide line. Move this guide line down to the bottom step of the temple. This will be the water horizon of our digital lake.

Step 4

With a tool Rectangular area(Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), create a selection from the top edge of the image. Since the line of the selection will be brought very close to the guide line, it will snap to it, creating a precise selection in the right place.

Step 5

Next, let's go Layer - New - Copy to New Layer(Layer > New > Layer Via Copy) or press the ( Ctrl+J) to duplicate the selection on a new layer. In the layers panel, you can see this layer called Layer 1 (Layer 1). Double click on the layer name to rename it, name this layer Reflection (Reflection).

Step 6

This layer will be slightly distorted. Each time you warp a pixel, it's wise to first convert that layer into a Smart Object - this will preserve the pixels when you warp. For this we go Layer - Smart Object - Convert to Smart Object(Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object). On the layer's thumbnail, you'll see a small square appear in the bottom right corner, signifying that it's a Smart Object.

Step 7

Next, let's go Editing - Transform - Free Transform(Edit > Transform > Free Transform) or press the keys ( ctrl+t) to activate the layer's transformation region. Select the top center node and then drag it down past the bottom of the main scene, this will completely flip the image. Drag the transformation knot to the bottommost outline of the working canvas.

Step 8

Out of the mode Free transformation(Free Transform), right-click on the transform area and in the window that appears, select the option perspective(Perspective). Select the bottom left knot to drag it to the left. Note that the right knot is also shifted, giving the image a perspective effect. Press the key ( Enter) or click the checkmark icon in top panel controls to exit transformation mode.

2. Creates Ripples on the Water Surface.

Water is a turbulent substance and it is very rare that large bodies of water have an absolutely smooth surface or create an ideal mirror reflection. The water surface of most reservoirs, especially in jungle conditions, is covered with ripples or has slight fluctuations.

Step 1

Create a new layer on top of the reflection layer, for this we go Layer - New layer(Layer > New Layer) or press the ( Shift+Ctrl+N).

In the window that appears New layer(New Layer), specify the name of the layer water gradient (Water Gradient), check the box Use previous layer to create clipping mask(Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask), and then click the " OK". You won't see any noticeable changes on the working canvas, but in the layers panel, you will see a new layer with the layer thumbnail offset. This means that the layer is clipped as a clipping mask or its visibility is limited to the layer Reflection (Reflection).

Step 2

Choose a tool Gradient(Gradient Tool (G) and then in Control Panel this tool, set black to white gradient, gradient type Linear(Linear). Now drag the gradient from top to bottom to create a gradient fill. Release the mouse button at the bottom edge of the working canvas, so the black part of the gradient will be at the top of the canvas, and the white part of the gradient at the bottom of the canvas.

Step 3

The gradient completely captures the reflection area. The default blend mode for this layer Normal(normal).

Change the blending mode of the gradient layer to Multiplication(Multiply). This mode only shows the dark tones, so the white tones will become invisible.

Step 4

Now we need a new document to create the ripple texture. Let's go File - New(File > New) or press the keys ( Ctrl+N) to display a dialog box. new document(New Document). Set value Widths(Width) on 2000px, meaning Heights(Height) on 2000px, Background content(Background content) White(White) and then click Create(Create) ( or button"OK " in earlier versions of the program before version CC 2017).

Step 5

Press the key " D" to make sure the foreground and background colors are set to black and white by default. Next, let's go Filter - Rendering - Fibers(Filter > Render > Fibers). Install Intensity(Strength) to 16 , a Mismatches(Variance) on 4 . Thus, we will create a pattern of torn vertical stripes.

Step 6

With a tool moving(Move (V), move the Fiber texture to our working paper, to do this, hold down the texture with the mouse button, and then hover over the tab of our working paper. Don't release the mouse button just yet! As soon as Photoshop switches to our working paper, release the mouse button to add texture to the working area. Notice that a new layer has appeared in the layers panel. Name the texture layer fibers (Fibers). At this point, the document you created to create the texture can be closed without saving, because we won't need it anymore.

Step 7

Convert the fiber layer into a smart object, for this we go Layer - Smart Object - Convert to Smart Object(Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object). Next, again with Free transformation(Free Transform), rotate the texture. During the turn. hold the key ( Shift) for fixed angle rotation on 45 -degrees. Rotate the texture to 90 degrees and then apply Scaling(Scale) to completely cover the reflection area.

Step 8

Let's go Editing - Transformation - Perspective(Edit > Transform > Perspective). Adjust the perspective of the Fiber texture in the same way as we edited the perspective of the reflection layer. Press the key ( Enter) to apply the transform changes.

Step 9

Next, go (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Apply Radius(radius) blur 1.5px. Another benefit of using a smart object is that the filters are applied as smart filters, which means that the settings are active and can be changed at any time.

3. Applying the Displace Effect to the Reflection

We have rippled the surface of the water accordingly, but the generated ripples should look realistic. Photoshop has a useful Displacement filter that's perfect for this task.

Step 1

At the bottom of the Layers panel, there is an icon with a curled corner of the paper. This is an icon New layer(New Layer). Holding down the key ( ctrl), click this icon to add a new layer below the current layer. So we will create a new layer below the Fiber texture layer.

Step 2

Let's go Editing - Fill(Edit > Fill). Change Content(Contents) to 50% gray(50% Gray), and then click " OK" to fill the new layer with midtone gray.

Step 3

Next, let's go Image - Duplicate(Image > Duplicate) and in the window that appears Create a duplicate image(Duplicate Image), specify the name of the document Offset_Water_Ripple (Water_Ripples_Displacement) and check the box Duplicate just the flattened image(Duplicate Merged Layers Only). Click " OK" and Photoshop will create a new document where the gray background and the fiber texture layer will be merged together.

Now let's go Save as(Save As) and save this document as Displacement_Water_Ripples.psd(Water_Ripples_Displacement.psd). It is very important that the document be saved as psd file is the format Photoshop files. Once you've saved the document, you can close it - later, we'll use it as a displacement map.

Step 4

We return to our working paper and delete the layer with a gray fill, for this we go Layer - Delete - Layer(Layer > Delete > Layer). Next, click on the Fiber Texture layer in the Layers panel to make sure it's active. Change the blending mode for this texture layer to Soft light(Soft Light), and also reduce Opacity(Opacity) to 25% .

Step 5

Click on the layer Reflection (Reflection) to make it active. Next, let's go Filter - Distort - Offset(Filter > Distort > Displacement). Install Scale horizontally(Horizontal Scale) on 25 , a Vertical Scale(Vertical Scale) on 10 . For parameter Undefined areas(Undefined Areas), set to Repeat border pixels(Repeat Edge Pixels), and then click the " OK". Photoshop will prompt you to select a displacement map. In the navigation window that appears, select the file Displacement_Water_Ripples.psd (Water_Ripples_Displacement.psd) that we created earlier.

The displacement map uses the gray values ​​of the map to distort or offset the pixels in a given layer. Mid-tones of gray don't move pixels, while black-and-whites move them the most, but each in the opposite direction. The offset value is given by horizontal and vertical values. In the case of creating a reflection, horizontal shifts must be more significant than vertical shifts.

Step 6

The reflection of the water surface should have a slightly different color tone and brightness than the actual objects that are reflected - this creates a subtle visual reference, which makes the reflection more realistic. Let's go Image - Correction - Color tone/ Saturation(Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation). Set value Saturation(Saturation) to +28 , and the value Brightness(Lightness) on -21 .

Step 7

The image displayed on the water surface also needs to be slightly blurred in comparison with the original temple. Let's go Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Apply Radius(radius) blur 1.5px.

Note that the filters are located below the layer thumbnail. Reflection (Reflection) as Smart filters . If at some point you need to edit the filter settings, just double-click on the filter name to open the settings window for that filter.

Step 8

In the layers panel, you can see a small white rectangle next to the caption Smart Filters (Smart Filters). This is the mask thumbnail that is used to apply filters to the layer. Reflection (Reflection). Click on it to make it active. The white outline around the layer thumbnail will tell you that the mask is active.

Next, select the tool again Gradient(Gradient Tool (G), settings should be the same you used last time, gradient black and white, gradient type Linear(Linear). Drag the gradient down again to create a gradient fill on the mask. This will help to darken the effect of the filters, as the reflection is closer to the temple and farther from our vantage point.

If you didn’t like how the gradient lay the first time, then try creating another gradient! Keep creating gradients until you are satisfied with the result.

Congratulations, we have created a digital ripple!

So, we have completed the lesson! In this tutorial, we created a digital water surface on a landscape image, including water ripples and water reflection vibrations. Great job!

This Photoshop tutorial is about creating a realistic reflection effect from the water surface. Once you become familiar with the methods described here, you can use them in your own projects.

Some of the techniques used here are known only to a limited number of people. experienced users, but thanks to their detailed, step-by-step description, you should not have any problems completing the lesson.

Finished Image

Step 1
Open the castle stock in Photoshop. It's quite large, so let's scale it down a bit. Press Ctrl + Alt + I to open the Image Size window and make the following settings:

Step 2
Select the Crop Tool and move the handles to remove the logo at the bottom, as well as unnecessary areas on the sides and top.

Step 3
Duplicate the background layer by pressing Ctrl + J, and rename the copy to "Reflection".

Step 4
Now let's increase the size of the canvas, because we need somewhere to position our reflection. Press Ctrl + Alt + C to open the Canvas Size dialog box (Ctrl + Alt + C) and make the settings below.

Click on the reflection layer in the layers palette to activate it, then, by pressing Ctrl + T, turn on the Free Transform mode. Right-click on the canvas and select Flip Vertical. Finish the transformation by pressing Enter.

Step 5
Select the Move tool and, with the reflection layer active, hold Shift and drag this layer down, positioning it exactly as shown in the image below.
As a result, we have already got something similar to a reflection, but it looks extremely unnatural. This is because the imaginary surface of the water is absolutely calm, and there is not the slightest ripple on it. In the next steps, we will fix this shortcoming.

Step 6
So, we need to create a ripple. For this purpose, we need a special texture that resembles ripples, which we could apply to the reflection layer. Let's start working on the texture by creating a new document (Ctrl + N), 4000x4000 in size.

Let's add some noise. Go to the menu Filter> Noise> Add noise (Filter> Noise> Add Noise), and set the parameters shown below.

In order for us to get realistic ripples, we need coarse grain. There is one trick here: we will blur the noise layer, after which we will increase the contrast. Apply a 5-pixel Gaussian blur: Filter> Blur> Gaussian blur (Filter> Blur> Gaussian blur).

Now go to the menu Image> Adjustments> Curves (Image> Adjustments> Curves), and by placing the sliders as shown below, change the shape of the curve as follows:

Go to the menu Filter> Filter Gallery (Filter> Filter Gallery), and in the Sketch section (Sketch) select the filter Relief (Bass Relief). Set the Detail and Smoothness to 2. Our texture is starting to look like ripples. But wait, that's not all.

Apply a 35-pixel dynamic blur: Filter> Blur> Motion Blur (Filter> Blur> Motion Blur). This is in order to get softer and more oblong waves.

Step 7
Now apply our ripple texture to our reflection layer. To do this, temporarily move the texture to our main canvas (with a lock). With the texture document active, press Ctrl + A to select all its contents, then press Ctrl + C to copy everything to the clipboard. Switch to your main document, and by pressing Ctrl + V, paste what you copied into it.

Next, we need to transform the texture so that it has the same perspective as the elements on our castle canvas. Activate Free Transform (Ctrl+T).
Decrease the height of the texture so that it takes up the bottom half of the image.
Right click inside the borders of the transform area, and select Perspective. Move the top and bottom transform handles as shown in the image below.
Make sure the top of the texture layer doesn't go beyond the top of the reflection layer. To make it easier to align these layers, just turn on the snap: View> Snap (View> Snap). By pressing Enter, complete the deformation.

Step 8
Click in the layers palette on the newly transformed texture layer. Now, hold down Ctrl and click on the thumbnail of the reflection layer to select its pixels. Next, by pressing Ctrl + J, duplicate the selected area (with the texture layer active). Name this layer “Texture”, and delete the previous one (Layer 1).
To make sure you did everything correctly, Ctrl-click on the reflection layer in the layers palette, then, while holding Ctrl, click on the texture layer. The selected area should remain unchanged. If it turns out to be larger, then you made a mistake and this step needs to be done again.

Click on the layer palette RMB on the layer with the texture and in context menu select item Create a duplicate layer (Duplicate Layer). In the dialog box that opens, in the Destination section, select Document: New (New document). Give it a meaningful name and click OK.

Step 9
You can see a transparent area in the upper part of the texture. We need to get rid of it, for which we use the menu Image> Trimming ... (Image> Trim). In the dialog box, select Transparent Pixels, and click OK. Save the texture (Ctrl + S) somewhere on your computer (just remember where).

Step 10
Close the texture document and switch to your main document. Turn off the visibility of the texture layer by clicking on the icon with an eye next to the layer name on the layers palette.

Step 11
Right-click on the reflection layer on the layers palette, and in the context menu that opens, select Convert to Smart Object.

With the reflection layer selected, go to the menu Filter> Filter Gallery (Filter> Filter Gallery). In section Distortion (Distort) select filter Glass (Glass). Pay attention to the icon in the Texture section. Click on it and click “Load Texture” (Load Texture). Specify the previously saved texture (in step 9).

To get a more pronounced effect, increase the amount of Distortion (Distort). And to get less noticeable - set a smaller value (6-7). The benefit of using Smart Objects is that you can change the settings of the filters applied to them at any time. Our effect is almost complete. But despite this, we can still improve something.

Step 12
In reality, water has a certain degree of reflection, which has not yet been taken into account in our work. Remember the texture layer we turned off earlier? Turn on its visibility again by clicking on the eye icon (or rather, where it should be). Change the Blend mode of this layer to Soft light (Soft Light) and reduce Opacity (Opacity) up to 18%. Now you can see that the degree of reflection of our water surface is more in line with reality.

Step 13
The water has the color of the sky. Let's reproduce this effect on our image. Select the Brush tool, and while holding Alt, click somewhere in the area of ​​the sky above the castle, taking a sample. The color currently under the cursor will be set as the Primary.
Now create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N) and fill it with Foreground color: Alt + Backspace. Name this layer "Color".

Move this layer below the texture layer (by clicking on it and dragging with the mouse pointer). Next, etch the color layer on the reflection layer: holding Alt, click on the dividing line between these layers.
Etching one layer on another means that the top layer will only be visible on top of the pixels of the layer below it.

Press D to reset the colors to default, then press X to switch between them.
By clicking on the special Add layer mask button at the bottom of the layers palette, create a layer mask for this layer. Select the tool Gradient (Gradient tool) and on the options bar at the top of the program window, specify the gradient From Main to Background (Foreground to Background).

Step 14
Click on the layer mask with the Gradient Tool active, hold down Shift and drag the mouse in the direction shown below. This step eliminates the possibility that the color will not be visible at the top of the image, but will gradually fade towards the bottom of the image.

How to draw water in Photoshop: lessons on creating an effect and reflection

Water is a very complex structure. It suffices to recall that in computer games Until now, it is water that spoils the whole feeling of realism. Here in Adobe Photoshop drawing water is not easy. This tutorial will show you the easiest way to create a water surface effect. In our example, a kind of water surface of the pool will be created.

To begin with, we create Photoshop new image with the resolution you need. Then select the Gradient tool. Set the foreground color to white and the back color to blue. The color of the future water surface depends on this setting. If you need to give a sense of depth, then it is better to experiment with blue and dark blue colors. After choosing colors, move the cursor to the top edge of the image. Clamp left button mouse and drag the mouse to the bottom edge. Release the button, after which the standard white or transparent background will be painted in the colors of the gradient.

Photoshop Lessons: Water

Now we will gradually impose tiny waves on this surface. It all starts with a filter located along the path “Filter>>Texture>>Stained Glass”. The exact parameters of this filter depend on the resolution of your image. It is necessary to get a picture at the output, which consists of many irregular polygons. Reduce the light intensity to "one".

These polygons need to be turned into random shapes. The waves on the water surface are not exactly the same. To perform the next operation, follow the path "Filter>>Distort>>Glass". Set the Texture to Blocks. You can see the rest of the settings in the screenshot below.

How to draw water in Photoshop

At the output, you will already get something like a water surface. But this result requires further refinement.

Our camera is located above the water expanses. This needs to be corrected, for this it is necessary to change the perspective. Follow the path "Edit>>Transform>>Perspective". Now tilt the image so that about 1/6 of the area in the picture remains white. It will look like we are looking at the horizon.

We have already managed to draw water in Photoshop. Only a few small touches remained. Go to the Layers panel. Duplicate the current layer in it with the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + J". For the overlay effect, select Multiply. The picture will immediately become clearer and brighter. But we use this effect not only for this.

Water effects in Photoshop

Go back to the bottom layer. His perspective now needs to change a bit. In which direction, it doesn't matter. This will simply allow us to add even more highlights and waves to the water we have drawn.
Now both layers need to be blurred. To do this, go to the path "Filter>> Blur>> Border Blur". The blur radius of the bottom layer is 5 pixels. At the top layer, bring the blur radius to only two pixels. The result will be the effect, as if the shooting of the water surface was carried out with a sufficiently long exposure. If you don't like it, you can make the blur radius even smaller.

The water effect in Photoshop is almost ready. But the resulting picture still lacks something ... You need to make the water in Photoshop heterogeneous. In the pools, you have noticed more than once that in some places the water is a little lighter than in others. This effect can be obtained using the Dodge tool. Make it light spots in several areas of the image.

Reflection in water in Photoshop

After that, the picture can be considered finished. In this tutorial, water was created in Photoshop. How to use this drawing is up to you. It can be placed on the background of the site as a texture. Or you can write the text and add its reflection in the water in Photoshop. This can turn out to be a great “header” for a magazine or the same site. This image can be improved by adding all sorts of highlights, plants and swimming fish. It all depends on your imagination.

03.10.2009 27.01.2018

A good lesson that reveals the methods of working with water in Photoshop and what can be done from water. AT this example how to make a skirt out of water. Photoshop can do wonders.

Create a new document in Photoshop. Make the background color #909090. Now using Blending option apply layer style gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay) for Layer 1. (NS: open layer first background- double click on the layer, in the window that opens, enter a new name for the layer "Layer 1" and the program will rename the layer and release it from the lock. Next, right click and select Blending option). Convert the effect to a layer, right-click on gradient overlay(line in the layers palette) and select Create layer(Create layer). Then, holding alt, click between "Layer 1" and "Layer 1 Gradient Fill" (NS: the cursor will change its appearance and the program will cancel the one created by the previous action, clipping mask). Move "Layer 1" up, change the blending mode for this layer to overlay(Overlay), reduce the Opacity to 75% , applicable Filter > Noise > Add Noise(Filters > Noise > Add Noise) (amount approx. 5,5 ), and then Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen(> Sharpen > Sharpen) twice.

Rename the layer "Layer 1's Gradient Fill" in " background gradient " (background gradient), and layer "Layer 1" on " background sharpened" (background sharpness), and place them in one group called "background".

Next, your task is to pick up a photo of a girl on which we will put on a water skirt. Select the girl using the tool pen tool for the outline, and Filter > Extract (Alt+Ctrl+X) for the hair) and place it in our document (resize if necessary). You can rename this layer "Lady".

Water Skirt will have good view on the natural body. I will not use a photo of a naked body in the lesson, but I will use a little trick. Click on the "Lady" layer while holding alt, and using the tool Clone Stamp Tool(S) (Stamp), remove part of the clothes (no need to make it perfect and realistic).

Note: I recommend doing the following - create a new layer above the "Lady" layer and, taking a clone sample in the "Lady" layer, mask the clothes on this new layer. This will keep our original image. I did this and named this layer "Lady panties mask".

Now let's select the material for the Water Skirt. Since you, I think we need a photo of a water splash. I found this photo: Only registered users can download files

We only need the top part of this image (which looks like a skirt, by the way). We use Rectangular Marquee Tool(M) (Rectangular Selection), cut out this part, and using Free Transform(Free Transform)( ctrl+t), we place it in our project. Name the layer with this splash "skirt" and place it in the "water skirt" group.

Tool Magic WandTool(W) (Magic wand) select area, set tolerance(Tolerance) on 5 and remove the blue background (select the area and press Delete). After that we clean up Eraser Tool(E) (Eraser).

Note: If you are using a different splash image, you will have to use a different tolerance value (depending on the image) or even a different selection method.

Let's change Blend Mode(blend mode) layer "dress" on Luminosity(Glow). Now we use Filter > Liquify (Shift+Ctrl+X) to make this splash more natural, like a skirt. Use Forward Wrap Tool(W) to do it.

Duplicate the "dress" layer, change Blend Mode on the overlay(Overlay) and lower the Opacity to 40% . Make sure you are on the "dress" layer, and click on the "Lady" layer (in the layers palette, click on the icon), holding ctrl to load the selection. Now using BurnTool(O) (Darkening) process the area of ​​​​the legs "under the skirt" until we get good effect. After that, remove the selection.

Note: Try experimenting with the brush size of the tool BurnTool(O) and value exposure(Influence - in the options panel). If you are using other splash/model images, experiment with the Opacity for the "skirt copy" layer.

We're almost done. Select sharpen tool® (Sharpness) and using a different brush size, we will process the “dress” layer. After a few clicks, you will understand why we are doing this - the water will look more ... sharp.

Note: Try experimenting with the tool sharpen tool®, brush size and values exposure(Impact). Do not paint over the entire skirt, just choose some areas. So the sharpness of the water drops will look better.