Despite the fact that developers strive for the ideal, a new update of a familiar application does not always bring pleasure to the user. It's more of a matter of habit though. However, many people want to leave the application as it was before the changes and are looking for information about how.

It is worth noting that VKontakte in the fall of 2017 completely updated its mobile app. This is one of the most tangible changes that the program's interface has undergone in recent times, before that a similar upgrade was presented by the developers in April last year. Almost everything has changed, from new user features to the overall organization of the workspace. And even "likes" are now red.

Despite the fact that the optimization is pretty good and the application itself has become more convenient, many (as, indeed, last time) want to continue using the old, more familiar version.

All Android users are well aware of the service for downloading and installing new Apps Play market. Depending on the settings set in this application, the programs installed on the user's device will be updated in two available modes:

  • Manual - when PlayMarket simply offers and recommends available updates, and the owner of the gadget independently decides which one to install and which one to ignore.
  • Automatic - as soon as a new update appears in the Device Market, the installed program independently accepts it and updates itself. In this case, the user enters the application and sees new design and interface (as it happens with VKontakte).

In this connection, the first action that an adherent of the old software for VKontakte should do is to disable auto-updates of applications and switch it to manual mode.

To do this, go to the PlayMarket application menu, to do this, click on the "sandwich" in the upper left corner, in the menu that appears, go down and find the "Settings" section. In a group general settings we find the item "auto-update applications" and select the three proposed settings options "Never".

At this point, the settings are complete. This was the first step in resolving the issuehow to return old version VK for Android.Now PlayMarket will not automatically update installed programs, and the user will be able to safely use the old-style program without fear of autocorrect. Obtain if necessary new version program, it is enough to go to the section of installed applications on your own and check for updates, and also, if necessary, start the upgrade.

After external settings that affect the version update are installed, you can start working with the program on the device itself.if Market doesn't automatically update apps anymore? In this case, everything is quite simple, the process is divided into two steps, which involve uninstalling the updated program and installing the desired version.

Uninstalling the updated app

This step is extremely simple and straightforward, you just need to completely remove the existing . If you are an inexperienced user and are worried that you will lose information or access to your account, then these are groundless fears. The old version will contain everything that is on your page now, it does not depend on the use of the software.

There are several ways to uninstall an installed application:

After the updated version, you can additionally clear the cache and delete unnecessary files on the phone. The procedure is not required, but it will not become superfluous.

Installing the correct version

After the smartphone's memory has been cleared of the remnants of the previous version of the program, it is time to take the final step in resolving the issue,how to return the old version of VK to Android.

The main question of this stage is where to get the distribution kit of the previous version of VK. Today on the Internet you can find a lot of offers to download and install any program, and not just VKontakte. Before turning to any source, you should first check its reliability. Software installation for mobile access to a personal VK page from a third-party resource can be fraught with unpleasant consequences, and VKontakte itself does not distribute previous versions of the application.

Before you download a package of files and install them on your phone, you should look for reviews about the source. Today, old versions of VK can be found on TrashBox or UpToDown.

Before downloading the distribution kit, you need to set the settings on the gadget. For added security, devices have default set parameters, which prohibit downloading and installing applications from third-party resources. To install an older version, you need to change these settings. Usually when trying to install desired program a pop-up window pops up. A warning about unauthorized actions and a suggestion to deny or allow the process.

After the developers in VK carried out large-scale changes in 2017, and installed applications in vk for a phone or tablet, they stopped playing music from the cache, many users began to wonder how to return the old version of Android. In this article, you will learn how to roll back the application to the previous version of Android, while making sure that the software stops updating automatically.

How to return the desired software version: instructions for restoring on Android

Many users are interested in the question of how to roll back VK to older versions. To do this, you do not need to create 2 accounts or change the firmware to the previous version of Android. You can return the old version of the application using the standard settings menu only in the case of pre-installed applications, for example, from the Play Market. But with the social network "Vkontakte" for Android, it's not so easy to return the previous version. The easiest solution on the way to recovery is to delete current version social network, and then download from a third-party resource the version that suits you best. After downloading, simply install it on the device and restore access (enter the password and mail again in the program).

This can lead to the appearance of viruses on Android. Users who downloaded the old Vkontakte application, although they return the desired software, complain that important data has been deleted or their pages have been hacked, so download the old version of VK on Android only from those resources that you trust . And the advice “Install an antivirus”, of course, should be done before the download of a file with unknown software begins.

You can roll back not only to the previous version, but also to an older version of VK. This will help you both specialized sites where you can download the necessary software, and public "Vkontakte", which appeared in the wake of the wishes of users to download the old version of VK on Android. They allow you to return the old application to your device for free and enjoy old version. All sites, publics and other resources independently publish instructions describing how to download and install the old version of Vkontakte, while such instructions may differ for each resource.

Remember that the new design of a social network from a computer cannot be changed to the old one. The latest version for PC was introduced for all users forcibly, while the question of how to roll back the system for PC and return old design unfortunately no answer.

How to cancel automatic renewal

To prevent a smartphone or tablet from automatically downloading updates, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Run Play market.
  2. Call the main menu from the left sidebar, and then select "Settings".
  3. Click on the "Auto Update" sub-item.
  4. In the window that appears, select the line "Never".
  5. The same steps can be repeated for two or more devices, for example, if you use both a smartphone and an Android tablet.

After you have learned how to return the old version of VK Android, and were able to restore the application in the form in which it was before the update, you should make sure that your work is not in vain. To do this, in the settings you need to disable the "Auto-update applications" function.

Many social networks are acquiring official applications that will make it easier for users to work with social networks from mobile devices. It cannot be said that such an application will not be relevant, on the contrary, its usefulness is not even disputed. After all, managing a social network on a computer and on a mobile phone is very different, and everything that will be convenient on the first one will be far from being so convenient on the second. The management of such an application is ideally designed specifically for a mobile device, so it will be much more convenient for you to work with your page than through a mobile browser.

App advocates official app social network, so it is perfectly optimized and should go for most modern smartphones, also you will not see any significant bugs or shortcomings here, which you will agree is also quite good. Rather, there may be some minor flaws, but they are promptly corrected. You can download VKontakte for Android, as you can see for yourself very quickly, only for the sake of such advantages. The interface of the application is literally perfect for any touch screen device.

By installing the application, you can easily log into your account or create a new page, of course, in the latter case, you will need to keep a number mobile phone. Thanks to the application, you can easily upload photo and audio and video files, and then share them with your friends. Well, most of the manipulations that you carry out with your page through a computer will be available to you here.

In addition, the advantages of the application include convenient and functional widgets that you can simply install on your device. Moreover, there is a whole set of them here and they all differ greatly in functionality, with the help of one you can simply launch the application, while the other widget will make it easier for you to access music. Perhaps, the additional advantages of the application include its external design, it turned out to be very cute.

But it was not without drawbacks, as you know, VKontakte is now actively fighting against pirates, which in turn results in one thing. You may have problems with music, but you need to add right away, do not blame the application for such a disaster, its fault is committed here, no, the social network itself is to blame for everything. But at the same time, it can be more than confidently added that, it seems, in the near future, such a problem will only get worse. That for people who like to listen to music through VK will undoubtedly turn out to be quite a significant nuisance.

The social network "VKontakte" announced the release of completely updated mobile and iOS. Literally everything has changed in them - both new functions for users and a redesigned user interface. Update earlier this month.

New for leading mobile platforms have lost the sidebar navigation menu, which opens when you click on the hamburger menu. From now on, the so-called tabbar is used - a single panel at the bottom of the screen, which combines the key functionality of the social network. Thus, now users can literally switch between news, messages, notifications and search with just one touch.

Besides, biggest update VKontakte for Android and iOS also introduces brand new recommendations and search sections. They include records, videos, live broadcasts, stories, communities and personal pages that may be of interest to the user. Basically it will be novice musicians, photographers and writers. The recommendations are based on new algorithm"Prometheus" - with the help of it, the social network plans to promote high-quality content.

The notifications section with a new design now includes all alerts and friend requests - just like in the web version of VKontakte. Likes have also changed to red, and the view counter is shown on each post without the need to open a separate post.

The update will be available for installation in Google Play and App Store within the next days. Or you can download it on the Thrashbox.

To use the VKontakte network, there is an official client that we are used to seeing on our computer. But in order to access the site on an Android device, it is not necessary to use only a browser tab - you can install a third-party client that will have a more interesting design and additional features.

If you are not satisfied with the official VKontakte client, then you can easily install a suitable

In addition, since in mobile version the user is often deprived of some functions, they can correct this situation, which makes them even more attractive to users. So let's take a look best apps VKontakte for Android devices, which will surely come in handy for you to access this network.

The best applications for using Vkontakte on Android

If you do not want to use the official client for a social network, pay attention to the following programs:

  • Kate Mobile. So far, this is the best VKontakte application for Android, if we evaluate it by popularity among users. Why did it deserve such a celebrity? The client has the most accessible set of features that you are used to on a PC, and which are not available in a simple mobile version. For example, in this VKontakte application, you can view community statistics or draw graffiti on the wall. However, you cannot watch videos from the page or edit personal information here. Separately, it is advisable to mention that the application for Android, which you first need to get used to, but you can customize the design theme in it - this feature will appeal to many users. In addition, this version of the VKontakte client is attractive in that its design takes a minimum amount of resources, and this is important for those who use mobile internet, where every megabyte counts. With a small data consumption, it turns out that VKontakte pages load faster, and this is another significant plus of the program. In general, when choosing a client, you need to focus on the functions that have for you highest value, and if they are in Kate Mobile, we assure you - this version is definitely worth installing on Android.

  • VK MOD. for VK does not have special functionality, but is focused on the difference in appearance. Compared to the official version, it looks better and is adapted for those who like Material Design. It is this style that latest versions Android operating system, and if you want the design of the VKontakte client not to differ too much from the general look of the system, then you will certainly be interested in this product.
  • VK Coffee Mod. This shell for Android in appearance completely repeats the familiar interface of the VKontakte site, but offers larger set functions. For example, with such an application, you can download music from VK audio recordings, be offline for friends, set an identifier, and even use multiple accounts at the same time. Last Opportunity will certainly be of interest to users who, by the will of circumstances, use a pair accounts and forced to constantly log in and out of each profile. In general, the VK client for Android is perfect for those who strive to get more functionality and want to see the site in its original form.

  • Lynt. This is probably one of the most famous and successful unofficial clients for the VKontakte social network on Android. It has an excellent design and at the same time contains a lot of additional features. Its interface is made in beautiful colors, the design can be slightly changed for yourself, and Material Design is still the most relevant among users, so everyone will like it. The application works quickly and has a number of additional features - using multiple accounts, working with documents and synchronization with the music service. It is worth noting that this client, like the one mentioned by Kate Mobile, is not in the Android store, but they can be downloaded from other resources to install on the device.
  • Dark VK. This is an Android application with the usual interface of the VKontakte website with one difference - that's it. This is made for lovers of black color and convenient use by the client in the dark, in poor lighting conditions. In addition, the use of such shades leads to less resource consumption, which means longer battery life - this is especially true for AMOLED screens. In general, we are sure that you probably use the site not only during the day, but still spend more time online in the evening or at night on your Android. Therefore, such a VK application will certainly relieve some of the load on your eyes. It is worth mentioning that this application and looks stylish and beautiful in its own way.

We have reviewed the best VK apps, and as you can see, they can be more attractive than official version networks. Note that mobile platform Android has so many features and can make even a simple visit to a social resource more enjoyable and comfortable. So don't be afraid to try something new and download at least one of the above clients for VKontakte - who knows, you might even find it more convenient to use than the main version for Android.

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