(14.10.2015 20:01:26)

    Of course, I knew that not everything is going smoothly with medicine in our city, but today I really laughed heartily. It so happened that I had an ingrown nail on my left toe, and all I had to do was a small operation that lasted no more than 10 minutes. But it turns out that not everything is so simple in our city. For a 10-minute surgical intervention, you have to run around the city for about 2 hours to achieve something.
    In order to get a referral to the Semashko hospital, I had to go to the 3rd polyclinic. But it was not there. Having entered the clinic, like all normal people, I turned to the reception with a question - “How to get to your clinic for an appointment with a surgeon.” The woman sitting at the reception desk, wondering what I wanted from her, asked the question again. Having repeated the text that I spoke to her for 2 minutes, I heard the answer - “I don’t understand what you want from me, we don’t have a surgeon, you need to go to the emergency room of the Semashko hospital.”
    Having received the route, I went to conquer this medical institution.
    When I entered the waiting room, I was asked to wait. 5 minutes have passed. The surgeon came down and asked what I was complaining about. I took off my shoes and showed him the finger. The doctor said - "Indeed, you have an ingrown nail!". (Come on? Without you, I could not find out! It was such a discovery for me).
    In the hope that I would be operated on, I put on my shoes and again went to the emergency room. The nurse wrote out some kind of certificate for me. Having finished writing, she gave it to me and said -
    “- Go to the 3rd polyclinic, of course I don’t know what you will find there, but if anything, come back to us after 8 pm!” (cool, go there without knowing where).
    Returning to the clinic again, I gave the certificate issued to me in the hospital. Another girl was already sitting at the reception, who was clearly aggressive towards me. After reading the text on the help, a small dialogue slipped between us:
    Girl - We don't have a surgeon!
    Me - Is this my problem?
    Girl - Oh, not your problem?
    In anger, she threw my passport, found a card and rudely replied that she needed to go to the 1st office in a live queue. Yes, everyone in our world is used to rudeness, but no one expects this from doctors.
    Naturally, I wrote down the name of the boorish woman and it would be foolish of me not to voice it here, so Pashkevich Olga Gennadievna, I send you my deepest regards.
    Then I proceeded to the first office, the queue was not long, I waited for about 20 minutes. Having entered the office, I was received by a traumatologist. Of course he looked as if he himself would soon need a doctor. They say that he is still an alcoholic, but that's not the point. After examining my finger, he told me to steam it in potassium permanganate for two days and then come to him and he will perform an operation on me. Seriously? His hands were shaking so much that he could hardly hold a glass of water, and he decided to perform an operation on me, though not complicated!
    In general, on this I completed my course of treatment. Thank you! Cured.

(14.10.2015 20:01:26)

    Of course, I knew that not everything is going smoothly with medicine in our city, but today I really laughed heartily. It so happened that I had an ingrown nail on my left toe, and all I had to do was a small operation that lasted no more than 10 minutes. But it turns out that not everything is so simple in our city. For a 10-minute surgical intervention, you have to run around the city for about 2 hours to achieve something.
    In order to get a referral to the Semashko hospital, I had to go to the 3rd polyclinic. But it was not there. Having entered the clinic, like all normal people, I turned to the reception with a question - “How to get to your clinic for an appointment with a surgeon.” The woman sitting at the reception desk, wondering what I wanted from her, asked the question again. Having repeated the text that I spoke to her for 2 minutes, I heard the answer - “I don’t understand what you want from me, we don’t have a surgeon, you need to go to the emergency room of the Semashko hospital.”
    Having received the route, I went to conquer this medical institution.
    When I entered the waiting room, I was asked to wait. 5 minutes have passed. The surgeon came down and asked what I was complaining about. I took off my shoes and showed him the finger. The doctor said - "Indeed, you have an ingrown nail!". (Come on? Without you, I could not find out! It was such a discovery for me).
    In the hope that I would be operated on, I put on my shoes and again went to the emergency room. The nurse wrote out some kind of certificate for me. Having finished writing, she gave it to me and said -
    “- Go to the 3rd polyclinic, of course I don’t know what you will find there, but if anything, come back to us after 8 pm!” (cool, go there without knowing where).
    Returning to the clinic again, I gave the certificate issued to me in the hospital. Another girl was already sitting at the reception, who was clearly aggressive towards me. After reading the text on the help, a small dialogue slipped between us:
    Girl - We don't have a surgeon!
    Me - Is this my problem?
    Girl - Oh, not your problem?
    In anger, she threw my passport, found a card and rudely replied that she needed to go to the 1st office in a live queue. Yes, everyone in our world is used to rudeness, but no one expects this from doctors.
    Naturally, I wrote down the name of the boorish woman and it would be foolish of me not to voice it here, so Pashkevich Olga Gennadievna, I send you my deepest regards.
    Then I proceeded to the first office, the queue was not long, I waited for about 20 minutes. Having entered the office, I was received by a traumatologist. Of course he looked as if he himself would soon need a doctor. They say that he is still an alcoholic, but that's not the point. After examining my finger, he told me to steam it in potassium permanganate for two days and then come to him and he will perform an operation on me. Seriously? His hands were shaking so much that he could hardly hold a glass of water, and he decided to perform an operation on me, though not complicated!
    In general, on this I completed my course of treatment. Thank you! Cured.

On March 2, 2020, on the occasion of the International Day against Drug Addiction, the employees of the Center for the Health of Adolescents and Youth "Nadezhda", together with a specialist in the teenage narcological cabinet of the psychoneurological dispensary, the detective of the department for drug control and combating human trafficking of the Orsha District Department of Internal Affairs, the rector of the Transfiguration Church in Baran, Priest Vadim, carried out a preventive action "Live freely" in the educational institution "Orsha College of Educational Establishment" Vitebsk State University. P.M. Masherova" for 1st year students. As part of the action, each of the specialists told what consequences can be with drug use, responsibility in the Republic of Belarus and held games with a survey “A happy life for me is…”. On the eve of the action, a survey was conducted on this topic, before the event, college students produced information and educational material on the problem of drug use, which was presented at the exhibition at this event. At the end of the action, the students were shown a motivational video that made everyone think.

The computer is good, but thinking with your head is better.

per century information technologies it is very difficult to protect children from the use of various technology, electronics and gadgets: computers, phones, tablets, etc. Yes, and is it necessary? Perhaps there are many benefits to using these devices for children? What to do for those who have problems communicating with a computer?

On December 26, students of the State Educational Establishment “Secondary School No. 17 in Orsha” discussed this and many other things during the debate “ computer pluses and cons” as part of the social project “Your ABC of Behavior”.

The event was held in the form of debates. The guys actively discussed the benefits and harms of the Internet and mobile phones, the consequences of excessive enthusiasm for gadgets. The experts were a gynecologist at the Nadezhda Center for Adolescent and Youth Health, a freelance valeologist Yulia Talai-Kazakova, and a freelance psychologist at the OCP of the Psychoneurological Dispensary Svetlana Voskresenskaya.

The guys agreed with the experts that the computer pulls teenagers into virtual reality, online entertainment becomes more interesting than real-time communication. However, during the debate, the students came to the conclusion that computer technology is good, but thinking with your head is still better. It is important to limit the time spent online for health reasons.

On February 24, the final medical Council was held at the Orsha District Executive Committee, at which the results of the work of the Orsha Central Polyclinic healthcare institution for 2019 were summed up and the best were awarded.

In the large hall of the district executive committee, under the leadership of the head of the main health department of the Vitebsk regional executive committee Yuriy Derkach, with the participation of the deputy chairman of the district executive committee Andrey Konstantinov, medical workers reported on the work done in 2019.

The most important priority in the development of healthcare in the region is human resources. The administration and the trade union committee of the institution carry out diverse work to secure medical personnel. Most recently, on February 21, 40 families of medical workers received keys to new rental apartments.

Yury Derkach, head of the main health department of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, thanked the medical workers for their work. The well-coordinated work of all employees of structural divisions, from a nurse to a doctor, ensures the stable functioning of the healthcare system in the Orsha region.

The culmination of the event was the awarding of the best employees of the institution.

Keys to happiness!

On February 21, in a solemn atmosphere, 40 families of medical workers of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" received the keys to brand new apartments and will soon celebrate a housewarming.

The first rental house for medical workers was built as part of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 506 “On the development of the Orsha district Vitebsk region”, this is another evidence of the increased attention of the Head of State to the workers of the industry.

On February 21, a new comfortable house in the Andreevshchina settlement hospitably opened its doors to newcomers.

In a solemn atmosphere, the future tenants of the five-story building were handed over the keys by honored guests: Anatoly Linevich, Assistant to the President-Inspector for the Vitebsk Region, Boris Androsyuk, Deputy Minister of Health, Oleg Matskevich, First Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, Igor Isachenko, Chairman of the Orsha District Executive Committee, member of the Council of the Republic, Head of the Main Department for health care of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Yury Derkach, deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Vitaly Vasyukov, Inna Krachek.

Ahead of happy medical workers are pleasant chores associated with relocation, arrangement of brand new apartments.

"The speaker must exhaust the subject, not the patience of the listeners" Winston Churchill

From 17 to 21 February at the recreation center "Logoisk" training courses were held for youth trade union activists on the topic "Mass media and the image of the trade union organization in them."

Taking care of its image on the Internet, the primary trade union organization of the Orsha Central Polyclinic sent the deputy chairman of the trade union committee to current training courses.

This quote of the great politician can be directly attributed to the training courses of the youth trade union activists on the topic "Mass media and the image of the trade union organization in them."

"Why?" - you ask. Yes, because five days of training from February 17 to 21 at the Logoisky recreation center, which is located 50 km from Minsk, flew by in an instant. I was sent to these courses by the Vitebsk region of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers.

The teachers listened to the lectures as if spellbound, which were accompanied by presentations, videos, comparative tables, verbal examples from life. Yes, and it’s hard to call it lectures, rather a conversation in informal setting. Simple and clear presentation of important topics!

Remember the soldiers-"Afghans"!

31 years ago, employees of the Orsha Central Polyclinic healthcare institution honorably fulfilled their international duty in Afghanistan, including a paramedic, a doctor's assistant and drivers.

As part of various types and levels of events dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the participants in the war were provided with material assistance from the employer's funds in accordance with the Collective Agreement.

On February 15, 31 years ago, with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the war ended, which lasted twice as long as the Great Patriotic War.

31 years after the end of the Afghan war, on these memorable days, international medical professionals gathered together in labor collectives and remembered this difficult time. After all, this tragedy and this pain will not be forgotten.

In the Orsha region, as well as throughout the country, various events were dedicated to this date, including a solemn rally at the memorial sign to the soldiers-internationalists, a festive meeting and a concert.

The primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" did not stay away from this memorable date, took an active part in all the festive events.


The problem of the use of alcohol and drugs by students is very relevant today. The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, youth, as well as the health of expectant mothers and fathers. After all, all these substances have a particularly active effect on an unformed organism, gradually destroying it. With the systematic use of alcohol and drugs, dangerous diseases develop - alcoholism and drug addiction. They are not only dangerous to human health, but also practically incurable. Thus, all this causes great damage to society, its cultural, material and spiritual values.

Thus, within the framework of the social project “Your ABC of Behavior”, which was developed for all students of our city and district, preventive measures are being taken to preserve reproductive health, strengthen family relationships and prevent addictions. The team gathered: specialist of the health center for adolescents and youth "Nadezhda" Yulia Talai-Kazakova, specialist of the psychoneurological dispensary (freelance psychologist) Svetlana Voskresenskaya, educational psychologist of the Orsha Medical College Inna Kolechkova with her information and educational group "Our Time", as well as the rector Church of the Transfiguration in Baran Priest Vadim.

On January 23, 2020, once again, specialists held the action “Express your refusal! In the new year - healthy, active and passive" on the prevention of alcoholism among young people in the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 17 of Orsha", at which each of the specialists spoke about the impact of alcohol on the health of young people. After the event, the volunteers of the information and educational group "Our Time" treated all the children with fruits and reminded them of a healthy lifestyle through quotes and aphorisms of great people.

In the New Year - healthy and strong!

Within the framework of the social preventive project “Your ABC of Behavior”, on December 18, an action “In New Year– healthy and strong” at the Orsha State Medical College.

The participants of the action were students of the Orsha State Medical College, pedagogue-psychologist Inna Kolechkova, specialist of the Health Center for Adolescents and Youth “Nadezhda” Yulia Talai-Kazakova, freelance psychologist of the neuropsychiatric dispensary Svetlana Voskresenskaya and rector of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord Father Vadim. All participants of the action, each from their own position, told the students about the harmful effects of alcohol on the mental, physical and spiritual health of a person. Wishing everyone a good and safe year. The final moment of the action was the presentation of an apple with a wish to everyone, as a symbol of a healthy and strong life.

Yulia Talai-Kazakova, chief freelance valeologist of the Orsha Central Polyclinic

Weekend tour with UE "Belarustourist".

On December 7, the chairman of the shop committee of the children's polyclinic No. 2 of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" organized a trip to ski resort"Silichi".

In the primary trade union organization, favorable conditions are created for the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle for medical workers, funds are allocated for organizing a variety of outdoor activities, interesting cultural leisure, including sightseeing trips and weekend tours, which, on the recommendation of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, are organized with the help of Belarustourist .

The focus of attention of the administration and the trade union committee of the medical association is not only the provision of practical assistance to employees in creating comfortable conditions at the workplace, but also the organization of active meaningful recreation.

The trade union leader of children's polyclinic No. 2 is constantly working to attract trade union members to active recreation, finds new opportunities and ways to diversify the leisure time of his colleagues.

With the help of UE "Belarustourist" a weekend tour to the ski resort "Silichi" was organized.

Here, union members found everything for an exciting and unforgettable winter holiday: 9 ski slopes different levels difficulties, an ice rink, SKI service, modern ski equipment, an excellent lunch in a restaurant, a lot of positive energy and drive.

Prevention of HIV infection and sexually transmitted infections. Point of no return.

Currently, the problem of HIV/AIDS is very relevant both for Belarus and for the whole world as a whole. Unfortunately, today HIV infection is incurable, and there are no predictions yet that this problem can be solved in the near future.

The unfortunate fact is that this problem mostly affects the younger generation, and therefore, people of reproductive age.

The best way to stop the epidemic is to change people's behavior: spreading knowledge about HIV prevention.

In the educational institution “Orsha State Medical College”, the main conceptual concept of preventive work is the activity of the information and educational group “Our Time” (headed by I.N. Kolechkova, teacher-psychologist). The implemented approach “An equal teaches an equal” assumes the formation of a value attitude towards health among students.

The information and educational group "Our Time" conducts classes with elements of training on this issue not only with students of the medical college, but also with students of other educational institutions in the city of Orsha. So, on November 20, an interactive communication "Point of no return" was held on the prevention of HIV infection and sexually transmitted infections among young people at the educational institution "Orsha State Polytechnic Vocational College". The atmosphere of trust reigned at the meeting, the participants openly expressed their opinion. Present at the meeting, the chief freelance doctor-valeologist of the health center for adolescents and youth "Nadezhda" Talay-Kazakova Yu.N. and chief freelance psychologist of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" Voskresenskaya S.F. focused the attention of young people on the development of a system of relationships, value orientations, life skills that contribute to the formation of responsible behavior. In addition, students had a unique opportunity to take a rapid saliva test for HIV right in the classroom.

The active participation of young people in prevention work will help develop self-protection skills and reduce discrimination against people living with HIV.

Our time requires awareness of the need for health. We must strive for a healthy lifestyle. Only a healthy person can feel like a full-fledged person, feel all the beauty and charm of life in all its manifestations.

I will justify the trust!

The administration and trade union activists of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" solemnly congratulated Inna Yuryevna Krachek, the head of the city maternity hospital, on her election as a deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the seventh convocation, wished her success in her new career.

Trade union leaders of structural divisions, employees of the institution were part of the initiative group for the nomination of Krachek Inna as a candidate for Parliament and actively collected signatures in her support, and the chairman of the primary organization was the candidate's confidant.

The labor activity of Inna Yuryevna is connected with the Orsha region. She went from an intern doctor to the head of the city maternity hospital.

Today, she is a highly qualified specialist, an experienced, competent and confident leader who successfully solves any tasks, a responsible and caring person. Inna Yuryevna has experience as a deputy, she was elected a deputy of the Orsha District Council of Deputies of 27-28 convocations.

Awarded with the badge “Vydatnik of good health”, “Ganarov letter” of the Vitebsk Regional Council of Deputies, laureate of the title “Person of the Year of the Vitebsk Region-2018”, winner of the Republican contest “Woman of the Year 2014”. He is the chairman of the Orsha regional organization of the NGO "Belaya Rus".

Campaign "Examine yourself - stay healthy" and Campaign "Health figures: blood pressure"

On Tuesday, October 22, at lunchtime at the Centrum shopping center, on the initiative of the employees of the Nadezhda Adolescent and Youth Health Center, two preventive campaigns “Examine Yourself - Stay Healthy” were held as part of Breast Cancer Prevention Month and World Stroke Day. » on the prevention of breast cancer and «Health figures: blood pressure» on the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

With the help of seven training dummies of the mammary glands, the gynecologist of the Nadezhda Health Center taught the participants of the action how to properly conduct self-examination of the mammary glands, when, why? How to tactilely learn to identify neoplasms, in what position is correct, and much more - said valeologist, gynecologist Yulia Talai-Kazakova.

The purpose of such an examination is the timely detection of formations in the mammary glands, including cancer, the incidence of which remains very relevant. Early diagnosis of breast cancer allows you to identify the disease in the initial stages and start timely treatment.

During the event, this hot topic interested a lot of buyers. Orshanki willingly took part. Some of them listened attentively to the information, some asked questions to a specialist, learned to palpate the mammary gland and identify various formations.

In addition, the action had the opportunity to measure blood pressure, the level of subcutaneous and visceral fat, calculate the body mass index, as well as get expert advice on the spot. Everyone was given information and educational material on the prevention of stroke and heart attack, self-control diaries blood pressure and a reminder on self-examination of the mammary glands.

Buyers who had high blood pressure numbers were advised to visit a local therapist.

Such preventive measures encourage citizens to think and pay attention to their health in order to prevent an increase in the incidence.

Learn to value health!

For the sixth year in a row, the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" is one of the organizers of the republican universal exhibition-fair "You live well", which opened on September 25, 2019 at the Ice Arena.

"Learn to value health!" - this is the goal that the organizers of the republican universal exhibition-fair “You live healthy” have been promoting for the past six years.

On September 25, 2019, the grand opening of the exhibition took place at the Ice Arena, where, in addition to numerous citizens, there were guests of honor from Tver and Vitebsk.

The work of the forum involves the medical and diagnostic direction, commodity-industrial, various seminars, lectures, trainings, master classes and a sports program.

Sport for all generations sports events included competitions in the following sports: mini-football, billiards, volleyball and bowling.

Traditionally, four teams were formed: a mixed team of students - teachers of the educational institution "Vitebsk State Medical University", employees of the Orsha Central Polyclinic, employees of the Department of Education, Sports and Tourism of the Orsha Regional Executive Committee.

Bright and colorful. Action "Single day of safety".

September 1 - children's laughter, good mood, joy reigned in the city children's park "Fairytale Country"!

Employees of the Health Center for Teenagers and Youth "Nadezhda" also took part in an exciting event for residents and guests of the city of Orsha.

On interactive entertainment sites, parents and children of all ages actively participated in competitions and passed tests, because for each correct answer, participants received tokens in return, which they could exchange for valuable prizes. Each participant had to pass interesting and at the same time useful tests.

Valeologist at the Nadezhda Health Center for Adolescents and Youth Yulia Talai-Kazakova taught adults how to act competently in case of asphyxia.

Employees of the Orshagaz PU demonstrated a real explosion of household gas with the help of a special installation and told how disaster could be avoided. The guys called the numbers "101" and "112", competently called the rescuers, and also competed in the speed of unwrapping sweets in real lifeguard gloves. With great pleasure, parents and children passed interactive testing, thereby testing their knowledge and learning a lot of new things. Most of the participants in this event mobile app"Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus: Help is near."

In a stubborn struggle, autonomous fire detectors were raffled off, which were provided by the Orsha firefighting enterprise of the NGO "BDPO", as well as adults and children received a lot of useful literature and new knowledge about safety as a gift.

The names of such doctors are not forgotten ...

On City Day at the central entrance of the building of hospital No. Semashko, a solemn opening of a memorial plaque to the surgeon of the highest category, excellent health worker, honored doctor of the BSSR Mikhail Petrovich Usevich took place. The names of such doctors are not forgotten, they remain in the memory of colleagues, patients, and the history of the city for a long time.

Mikhail Petrovich Usevich was born in the Gomel region. In 1938 he entered the Minsk State Medical Institute. Before the start of World War II, he managed to finish 3 courses at the university. From April 1942, he was a member of the partisan movement of Belarus - an underground member of the Rogachev partisan party and Komsomol underground, and then - a partisan of the detachment named after. Voroshilov. Since 1943 he began to work in the Rogachev district hospital. In 1944 he continued his studies at the Minsk Medical University, graduating in 1946. Mikhail Petrovich Usevich was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class, 9 medals, including for "Courage", for "Victory over Germany". Having received a medical degree, the young specialist was sent to work in the Orsha region in the surgical department of the hospital. Voroshilov. A year later, Mikhail Petrovich became the head of the Orsha Nursing School. From 1953 to 1991, he worked as the chief physician of the city hospital No. 1. The doctor was not only a talented surgeon, who had more than 20 thousand operations on his account, but also a competent, competent organizer and leader. During his activity, the hospital became the largest medical unit of the city, where 12 medical and diagnostic departments were opened.

– To earn such respect that even many years after his death, the inhabitants of Orsha came out with the initiative to perpetuate his memory – it is worth a lot. It must be earned, - noted during the solemn event, acting. Lyudmila Petrova, Chief Physician of the Healthcare Center "OCP". - Mikhail Petrovich Usevich was loved, appreciated, respected for the fact that he helped people. The doctor did a lot for the city hospital. Semashko and for Orsha healthcare in general. Unfortunately, a worthy generation of doctors is leaving. Together with Mikhail Petrovich, Gennady Antonovich Titov, Stanislava Mikhailovna Suzina, Antonina Vasilievna Shamota with her husband, Anatoly Maksimovich Shumeiko, couples of doctors Alexander Alexandrovich and Olga Evdokimovna Einysh, Timofey Andreevich and Irina Vladimirovna Plytkevich, etc. worked. These doctors have not been working for a long time , but they laid the foundation, the best traditions of healthcare, which I hope will be continued. Let this memorial plaque be the beginning of a tradition that will allow us to keep the memory of the best people who worked in Orsha health care.

An Early Intervention Center for children aged 0 to 3 was opened.

The Early Intervention Center was established on April 1, 2019 on the basis of the children's polyclinic No. 1 of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic", located at the address: Orsha, st. Pionerskaya, 15.

June 27, 2019 official opening center, which was dedicated to the Day of the foundation of the city of Orsha.

The organization of the Center's activities became possible thanks to the huge support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic".

UNICEF provided assistance in the form of various toys, educational aids, children's transport, musical instruments, sports equipment, which are made at a high European technological level: environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, bright and attracting the attention of not only kids, but also their parents.

Thanks to the help of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic", repairs were completed and a computer was donated.

The Department of Culture of the Orsha Regional Executive Committee, the City House of Culture, CJSC "Orsha House of Trade" and friends of the Center helped organize and hold a bright holiday.

Safe blood for everyone.

Every year on June 14, World Donor Day is celebrated, members of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" did not stay away from the events dedicated to this date.

"Safe blood for all" - under this motto in the Orsha region at the blood transfusion station, a charity event was held to donate blood.

Donation is an exceptional opportunity to donate your blood to a stranger who needs it and save his life.

Free blood donation is one of the manifestations of disinterestedness, humanism and a desire to help patients in need of transfusion assistance.

The topic of gratuitous voluntary blood donation found a lively response from the trade union activists of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic".

The chairman of the trade union committee was among the first to donate blood and by her example demonstrated the importance and necessity of this event.

Being a gratuitous donor is worthy, prestigious, it means that you are a healthy person who has an active citizenship, who wants to make the world a little better.

Traditionally, on June days, the administration and the trade union committee of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" organized a real holiday for their employees, surprising the audience with unusual scripts and amateur performances.

For the Orsha health care, the celebration dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker was held at a high level, the festive mood of doctors was shared by the deputy chairman of the regional executive committee Kolochev Viktor Stepanovich and the chairman of the regional Council of Deputies Silchenko Anatoly Mikhailovich.

This year for medicine passes under the sign of the 100th anniversary of the national healthcare of Belarus. The success of a country is largely determined by a healthy nation. In turn, people's health depends on the professionalism of medical workers.

The celebration is not complete without honored guests. This year, the deputy head of the district Viktor Stepanovich Kolochev and the chairman of the district Council of Deputies Silchenko Anatoly Mikhailovich came to congratulate medical workers.

The deputy chairman of the district executive committee addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, congratulated them on their professional holiday, wished them health, good luck and prosperity.

Let there be more orshas!

In early June, the staff of the city maternity hospital of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" celebrated the 50th anniversary and the fifth anniversary of the preventive campaign "Together for Life".

Every eighth child of the Vitebsk region is born in the Orsha city maternity hospital. Five years ago, employees of the maternity hospital began to conduct a regional preventive action "Together in defense of life" - and during this time they saved 52 children.

“Happiness is born here” - these are the words people greet in the Orsha city maternity hospital. Like 50 years ago, the house is bright and comfortable, but during this time the possibilities of the medical institution have become much wider.

Today it is one of the largest perinatal centers in the Vitebsk region, which provides qualified assistance to residents of the Orsha, Dubrovno and Tolochin districts. Festive anniversary events began in the maternity hospital itself.

The team was congratulated by Nikolai Kasperovich, Deputy Head of the Main Department for Health of the Oblast Executive Committee, Alexei Korotkiy, Chief Physician of the Orsha Central Polyclinic, Archpriest Valery Serko, Dean of the Orsha Central District, and other honored guests.

Then the traditional regional preventive campaign "Together for Life" started.

New in cosmetology!

A highly efficient, professional, new-generation ultrasonic device of the SILK SONIC brand, made in Italy, was purchased for the cosmetology room of the Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, effectively solving such problems as acne, increased sebum production, dull complexion, and reduced skin turgor. It is possible to carry out ultrasonic peeling both on the face and on the body, in the décolleté area. Ultrasonic peeling is the cleansing of the skin of the face with the help of ultrasound. The procedure of ultrasonic peeling lasts no more than half an hour. It is not painful, non-traumatic, does not require a rehabilitation period and can be recommended to patients of any age.

The effect of hardware cleaning appears almost immediately. The face looks visibly refreshed, rejuvenated. The skin becomes velvety and firmer to the touch, while deeply cleansed pores appear smaller.

- problematic, polluted skin;
- enlarged pores;
-increased seboproduction;
- wrinkles of average depth of the forehead and corners of the eyes;
- scars after injuries and operations;
- shallow tattoos;
- prevention of skin aging.

An automatic immunochemiluminescent analyzer was put into operation in polyclinic No. 3.

Access 2, a fully automatic immunochemiluminescent analyzer, was put into operation in the clinical diagnostic laboratory of Polyclinic No. 3.

The study of the level of thyroid hormones is carried out for patients with thyroid pathology in the direction of endocrinologists, pediatricians of polyclinics, gynecologists of antenatal clinics in accordance with the indications. Blood sampling for thyroid hormones is carried out in the treatment rooms of the structural units of the institution from Tuesday to Friday on a weekly basis with the subsequent delivery of biological material to the clinical diagnostic laboratory of polyclinic No. 3.

At the request of the patient, a blood test for hormones can be done for a fee. In this case, a doctor's referral is not required. The analysis is carried out on an empty stomach. Contact 206 office (cash desk) of polyclinic No. 3 from 7:30 to 17:00 on weekdays. On Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00 - contact room 309. For more detailed information call 56-75-64, or contact 411 office of polyclinic No. 3.

In Orsha healthcare, they remember their veterans of the Great Patriotic War and are proud of them, the feat of medical workers does not fade over time.

In the Orsha region, there are 7 veteran doctors who have risen to defend their Motherland. Among them: doctors, paramedics and nurses. On the eve of the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory, each of the veterans was surrounded by attention and received financial support.

Victory Day is a great and sacred holiday for each of us. We remember those who accomplished a feat in the name of our bright future, we remember the heroes who defended the world from fascism.

Medical workers of the healthcare institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" are immensely grateful to respected veterans for their contribution to the Great Victory and traditionally took an active part in the regional celebrations dedicated to May 9th.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of our medical association have not lost contact with the trade union activists of the structural units where they worked, we try to surround them with care, warmth, and provide all possible assistance.

On the eve of May 9, honoring medical workers - veterans of the Great Patriotic War were organized.

It has become traditional to congratulate veterans by trade union activists, the administration, the Council of Veterans and colleagues with home visits. Each veteran received three base units.

Medical care for participants in the Great Patriotic War is always in the field of view of medical workers.

World. Work. May.

On May 1, the country celebrated the holiday of labor and the 115th anniversary of the formation of trade unions in Belarus, the workers of the Orsha region gathered on the square of the Collegium of the Jesuits to honor the leaders and veterans of the trade union movement, and the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" did not stand aside.

The activities of the trade union are inextricably linked with the working man, with the improvement of his socio-economic status, it is symbolic that the celebration of the 115th anniversary of the trade union anniversary is timed to the Labor Day - May 1.

In the Orsha region, the Labor Day was celebrated on the square in the city center by honoring the leaders and organizations listed on the Board of Honor, trade union leaders who made a significant contribution to the history of the Orsha trade union movement and a big festive concert.

Traditionally, the best workers who make successful not only their enterprise, but the city as a whole are listed on the Board of Honor, the chairman of the district executive committee thanks for their work, presents diplomas and flowers. Among them are employees of the medical association, this year they are Dmitry Yakushevich and Vladimir Kokostikov.

Dmitry is a young X-ray endovascular surgeon at the angiography room of the city hospital No. Semashko, stood at the origins of the development of a new direction in the health care of the Orsha region.

Vladimir is an experienced leader, head of the Kopysskaya district hospital, who has made a significant contribution to improving the quality of medical care for rural residents.

World Day for Safety at Work was celebrated in a new way.

As part of the World Day for Occupational Safety and Health, employees of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" took an active part in various events of various levels dedicated to this date.

The Main Department of Health of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, together with the Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers, the administration and trade union committee of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" pay close attention to the implementation of the policy in the field of labor protection, are looking for non-standard ideas that can effectively influence workers, encouraging them to comply with labor protection requirements.

Much attention is paid to educating employees in a responsible attitude to their own safety, both at the regional level and at the level of the medical association.

For the employer and the trade union organization in this regard, the main thing is to preserve the health and life of workers, providing them with decent and safe working conditions.

Traditionally, on the eve of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, diverse events are organized to promote multilevel system labor protection.

On April 25, a regional industry seminar was held dedicated to the World Day of Occupational Safety and Health 2019 "Safety at work and the future of the world of work", which ended with a tournament in the "Brain Ring" on the topic "Legislation on labor protection of the Republic of Belarus".

The event brought together labor protection specialists, chairmen of primary trade union organizations, chairmen of public labor protection commissions and public inspectors from all over the region.

Remember the liquidators!

April 26 is the Day of the Chernobyl tragedy in our country, 28 employees of the Orsha Central Polyclinic healthcare institution, including doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics and drivers, took part in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

As part of various types and levels of events dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, the liquidators were provided with material assistance from the employer's funds in accordance with the norms of the Collective Agreement.

More than six hundred thousand people from different republics of the former Soviet Union took part in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Among them were 28 employees of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic".

33 years after the disaster, on these memorable days, they will gather together in labor collectives and remember this difficult time. After all, this tragedy and this pain will not be forgotten.

Diverse events of different levels will be dedicated to this date.

The primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" did not stay away from this memorable date.

Thanks to the effective social partnership between the administration and the trade union committee, an additional norm was fixed in the Collective Agreement, expanding the scope of labor legislation and making it possible to provide annual material assistance in three basic amounts to the participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Sports achievements of Orsha doctors

On the initiative of the administration and the primary trade union organization, on the eve of the World Health Day, the IV Spartakiad was held in the physical culture and sports complex "Orsha" among employees of the structural divisions of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic".

Sports events unite and inspire. 120 people took part in the Games.

Competitions were held in eight types: kettlebell lifting, darts, flexion and extension of the torso arms for women, pull-ups on the crossbar for men, swimming (3x50m relay race), air rifle shooting, table tennis and volleyball.

According to the Regulations, the main condition was the participation in the Spartakiad of the head of the structural unit and at least two heads of departments. Thus, 10 teams were formed.

The following teams took part in the Olympics: City Hospital No. Semashko, team of city hospital No. 3 and polyclinic No. 4, city maternity hospital, ambulance and emergency station medical care, Polyclinic No. 1, Polyclinic No. 2, Polyclinic No. 3, Children's Polyclinic No. 1, Psychoneurological Dispensary and Office.

“I grew up here and this region is dear to me”

As part of the implementation of the action plan of the Year of the Small Motherland, on March 15, at the sports club "Liga", on the initiative of the primary trade union organization, an intellectual game "Battle of the Minds" was held, timed to coincide with the Constitution Day, under the title "I grew up here and this land is dear to me" among employees of the structural divisions of the institution health care "Orsha Central Polyclinic".

Within the framework of various types and levels of events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Basic Law of our country, the primary trade union organization organized an intellectual game aimed at forming an active citizenship, popularizing the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of the native land, fostering patriotism, love and respect for the small motherland .

The intellectual game "Battle of the Minds" dedicated to the Year of the Small Motherland and the Constitution Day "I grew up here and this land is dear to me" among employees of the structural divisions of the institution was held for the first time.

Participants competed in the ability to find the correct answer to the question in a limited time.

The game consisted of 6 rounds, included 40 questions, which were textual, visual and musical fragments, one way or another affecting our small homeland - Orsha region.

Social partnership in action.

On March 13, 2019, at the Medical Council of the Orsha Central Polyclinic, the chairman of the trade union committee reported on the results of the implementation of the Collective Agreement for 2018.

The employer and the primary trade union organization build their work in accordance with the Collective Agreement concluded for 2016-2019.

The Collective Bargaining Commission, consisting of representatives of the employer and the trade union committee, summed up the results of the implementation of the Collective Agreement for 2018.

Of the 212 adopted points of the local legal act, all 212 have been implemented.

A significant place in the system of collective-contractual regulation of social and labor relations is given to employment issues. The main form of labor relations is the contract form of employment. All contracts are backed by incentive payments.

The internal labor regulations, which are the Appendix of the DD, clearly spell out the working hours of all structural divisions, as well as all employees.

Work schedules are brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before they are put into effect against signature, indicating the date of familiarization.

In Orsha health care, the results were summed up and the best were awarded.

In the last days of February, the final medical Council was held at the Orsha District Executive Committee, at which the results of the work of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" for 2018 were summed up and the best were awarded.

The traditional annual summing up of the results of work for each member of the team is the basis for a more demanding and self-critical attitude to their work, because the Orsha physicians have a primary task - to raise the health care of the region to a qualitatively new level of medical care.

In the large hall of the district executive committee, under the leadership of the head of the main health department of the Vitebsk regional executive committee Yuriy Derkach, with the participation of the deputy chairman of the district executive committee Viktor Kolochev, medical workers reported on the work done in 2018.

Healthcare of the Orsha region pays special attention to improving the quality and accessibility of medical care to the population.

Alexei Korotkiy, Chief Physician of the Orsha Central Polyclinic Healthcare Institution, spoke in his speech that the issues of reducing morbidity and mortality, primarily among the working-age population, and the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle are under special control.

Remember the soldiers-"Afghans"!

30 years ago, employees of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" honorably fulfilled their international duty in Afghanistan, among them a paramedic, a doctor's assistant and a driver.

As part of various types and levels of events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the participants in the war were provided with material assistance from the funds of the employer and the trade union budget.

On February 15, 30 years ago, with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the war ended, which lasted twice as long as the Great Patriotic War.

She walked thousands of kilometers from the Orsha land, but left scars in the memory of not only the employees who went through it, but also all medical workers.

30 years after the end of the Afghan war, on these memorable days, international medical professionals gathered together in labor collectives and remembered this difficult time. After all, this tragedy and this pain will not be forgotten.

In the Orsha region, as well as throughout the country, various events were dedicated to this date, including a solemn procession, a rally near the memorial sign to the soldiers-internationalists, a festive meeting and a concert.

"Orsha ski track - 2019" is a holiday of good mood!

In the best sports traditions, on February 9, our city hosted a winter mass holiday "Orsha ski track-2019", in which members of the trade union of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" took an active part

The main goal of the sports competitions "Orsha ski track-2019" was the promotion of physical culture and sports, the popularization of skiing, the creation favorable conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture.

Traditionally, "Orsha ski track" gathered a large number of both participants and fans.

As part of the winter sports festival, medical workers took an active part in cross-country skiing.

Not only seasoned skiing enthusiasts started, but also those who participated in such competitions for the first time.

Everyone from secondary school students to pensioners took part in the sports festival.

Competitions were held in different age categories, among men and women.

Representatives of the administration, colleagues and the chairman of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" came to support their team.

Medical workers took two prizes in the personal age city classification:

I place - Drankov Eduard, head of the blood transfusion station;

II place - Tamara Komisarova, instructor-methodologist of physical rehabilitation of polyclinic No. 2.

We have opened a new modern dental office.

Dental office on the basis of the city hospital No. Semashko provides paid dental services to all categories of citizens:

Dental treatment with modern methods using high-quality materials to achieve the maximum therapeutic and cosmetic effect;

We are located: City Hospital No. Semashko building 1,2 floor, office 220.

Record by phone 50-12-24.

Treatment for adults and children.

We are there, we treat, we work for you.

Trade union care for children.

During the New Year and Christmas holidays, the mass concern of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" for the children of their trade union members is always felt.

Millions of children around the globe are waiting for New Year's miracles, the arrival of Santa Claus, gifts and surprises, the children of our trade union members are no exception.

The trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of the healthcare institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" does everything to ensure that the children of trade union members see love and care for themselves.

This is especially felt during the diverse New Year's events. New Year is the most magical, most long-awaited, most wonderful holiday.

Trade union activists always want to add magic to the holidays so that children get a lot of pleasant impressions and positive emotions.

The collective agreement is the main tool in protecting the labor and socio-economic rights of workers.

Chairman of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" on November 14, 2018 on the basis of the city hospital No. Semashko met with interns and spoke about the role and importance of the collective agreement, its functions and principles of conclusion.

In 2018, 18 interns of various specialties arrived at the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" and the task of the trade union is to acquaint them with the main local regulatory legal act, because it is the collective agreement that regulates labor and socio-economic relations in the institution and helps to avoid conflicts.

The chairman of the trade union committee spoke in detail about the fact that the collective agreement, as the main document of the institution, reflects the issues of remuneration, employment guarantees, work and rest conditions, labor protection and health of workers, everyday life, social protection youth, mass cultural and sports and recreational work, as well as additional benefits and guarantees.

On the agenda is the study of trade union activists.

In accordance with the calendar schedule, the new 2018-2019 academic year has begun at the school of the trade union activists of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic".

At the present stage, due to the increasing role of trade unions, trade union leaders are required to have high competence, the ability to analyze ongoing processes, creatively apply the accumulated experience, make the right decisions in difficult situations, and conduct a constructive dialogue with the employer.

In this regard, the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" pays special attention to the training of trade union activists in all areas of the trade union's activities to implement the statutory goals and objectives in the field of protecting labor rights and socio-economic interests of workers.

The training of trade union leaders is carried out on the basis of methodological recommendations for organizing training for primary trade union organizations approved by the presidium of the regional committee of the Vitebsk regional organization of the Belarusian trade union of health workers.

Labor union paratroopers.

The trade-union activists of the city of Orsha organized a labor raid to assist in restoring order to Orshaagroprommash OJSC.

Despite the fact that the month of restoring order announced in the Orsha region has come to an end, diverse landscaping work continues on an ongoing basis.

Trade unions never stand aside. The trade union leaders with great enthusiasm supported the idea of ​​the chairman of the regional association of trade unions - to help OJSC "Orshaagroprommash" in restoring order.

The released trade union workers of all branches organized a labor landing and helped the team in the improvement of shop No. 1, where internal repairs are being carried out.

The chairman and chief accountant of the primary trade union organization "Orsha Central Polyclinic" took an active part in the community work day to restore order.

Low bow to mothers in white coats!

As part of the established good tradition in Orsha health care, the week dedicated to Mother's Day has come to an end.

The primary trade union organization took an active part in diverse events glorifying motherhood; on the eve of Mother's Day, families with many children and families raising disabled children under 18 years of age were provided material assistance from the trade union budget.

Mother's Day is one of the most sincere and cordial holidays in our country. Happy is the man who is kept by maternal love and prayer.

Each of us, regardless of age, should say warm words of gratitude to the dearest person.

Employees of the structural divisions of the Orsha Central Polyclinic received this opportunity.

The primary trade union organization of the health care institution with joy and enthusiasm supported the idea of ​​the Republican Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers to organize a festive event to honor mothers - the action "Congratulate Mom Together".

In the halls and foyers of the structural divisions of the institution, thematically designed "points" were organized, where anyone could fill out free of charge greeting card and send it to your mom.

Let the autumn of life be golden!

Orsha health care remembers and is proud of its veterans, and on the Day of the Elderly, they tried to surround them with attention and care.

On October 1, in the midst of golden autumn, the Day of the Elderly is celebrated all over the world, children call their parents, grandchildren grandparents, colleagues to former employees to once again express their respect and love.

The medical workers of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" are immensely grateful to the workers of the structural divisions who went on a well-deserved rest for their experience, wisdom, knowledge, kindness and invaluable professional and everyday advice.

Veterans have not lost contact with the employees of their structural units where they worked, they actively participate in the diverse work of the veterans' organization, the primary trade union organization and the entire medical association.

On October 1, traditional solemn meetings were organized in structural divisions with older people who previously worked in teams, with tea drinking and warm communication.

They put things in order in the Year of the Small Motherland and summed up the results.

The administration and the trade union committee of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" summed up the results of the contest "The best improvement of structural units", which is especially relevant in the Year of the Small Motherland.

Every year from April to September, the Orsha Medical Association holds a competition to bring the territories of the medical structural divisions of the city and the region into proper condition.

In our country, much attention is paid to restoring order on Earth.

Structural divisions of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" do not stand aside.

In a constant mode, medical workers are working on landscaping and landscaping of the adjacent and assigned territory.

This includes planting and pruning trees, laying out flowerbeds and lawns, caring for flowers, creating landscape compositions and alpine slides, and equipping footpaths with curb tiles.

Much attention is paid to the illumination of the territory, the installation, in accordance with the current norms and requirements, of energy-saving lamps.

Learn to value health!

For the fifth year in a row, the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" is one of the organizers of the republican universal exhibition-fair "You live well", which opened on September 26, 2018 at the Ice Arena.

"Learn to value health!" - this is the goal that the organizers of the republican universal exhibition-fair “You live healthy” have been promoting for the past five years.

On September 26, 2018, the grand opening of the exhibition took place at the Ice Arena, where, in addition to numerous citizens and guests, guests of honor were present, headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Orsha District Executive Committee.

The work of the forum involves the medical and diagnostic direction, commodity-industrial, various seminars and a sports program.

Sports for all generations sports events include competitions in the following sports: mini-football, billiards, darts, bowling and track and field relay. For the first time, the Orsha marathon for 8 kilometers will be held.

Three teams are traditionally formed: a mixed team of students - teachers of the Vitebsk State Medical University, employees of the Orsha Central Polyclinic, a mixed team of students - teachers of the Department of Education, Sports and Tourism of the Orsha Regional Executive Committee.

We solve youth problems together.

The administration and the trade union committee of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" are carrying out joint serious and diverse work on the adaptation of young specialists in labor collectives, the development of a mentoring system.

It is well known that the attitude to medicine largely determines the satisfaction of society with the ongoing social policy. In this regard, the personnel issue is of strategic importance. Therefore, the administration and the trade union committee consider work with youth to be one of the priorities of their work.

In the institution, the administration, together with the trade union committee, actively promotes an attentive attitude towards young people, forms an orientation towards the promising future development of medicine, prestige and pride in their profession.

They begin joint work with the adaptation of young specialists so that, having plunged into practical medicine, they do not lose confidence in their abilities and knowledge, but feel like full members of the team.

Serious methodological and organizational work is being carried out in this direction in our institution.

Negotiations have begun to conclude a new collective agreement.

Due to the expiration of the current collective agreement, the administration and the trade union committee of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" began collective negotiations to develop a draft of a new local regulatory legal act.

The value of the collective agreement for our medical workers is obvious. It establishes the norms and amounts of guarantees relating to labor relations, in addition to those established by law, the existence of a collective agreement allows the employer to optimize the solution of many problems.

In February 2019, the collective agreement between the administration of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" and the trade union committee expires.

At a meeting of the trade union committee, a resolution was adopted to start negotiations with the employer to conclude a collective agreement for 2019-2022, and the personal composition of the collective bargaining commission was approved. The trade union committee, together with the commission on collective bargaining, was instructed to prepare a draft collective agreement.

Trade union leaders have begun explanatory work in structural divisions and collection of proposals from employees.

The work of public inspectors to control the primary.

In the primary trade union organization of the healthcare institution “Orsha Central Polyclinic”, the issue “On the work of public labor protection inspectors” is considered quarterly at meetings of the trade union committee.

The practice of our work clearly shows that in order to address issues of labor protection, businesslike, constructive relations between the administration and trade union activists are necessary, such relations have developed between public inspectors for labor protection and the leadership of the structural divisions of the medical association.

Occupational safety in the structural divisions of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" requires constant attention from the employer and the trade union.

40 public inspectors have been elected and are working in the primary trade union organization. It is their conscientious work in their structural subdivisions that forms a culture of behavior in the workplace and helps prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

Public inspectors actively exercise public control over compliance with labor legislation and labor protection at each workplace, according to an individual work plan.

Participation of the primary in the summer children's health campaign.

The primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" summed up the results of the children's health campaign in 2018 and compensated from the trade union budget 50% of the parental surcharge for the purchase of vouchers to children's health camps with round-the-clock stay of children.

The trade union committee summed up and analyzed the issues of organizing a children's summer holidays, the availability of information in the structural divisions for trade union members about the possibility of summer recreation for children and decided to continue the practice of partial compensation for parental expenses for purchasing vouchers for summer health camps with round-the-clock stay of children.

At a meeting of the next trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic", the issue "On the results of the children's health campaign in 2018" was considered.

The commission of the institution for health improvement, the trade union leaders of the structural divisions informed the members of the trade union in good faith through informational resources about the possibilities of summer children's health improvement.

Regarding the purchase of vouchers for summer camps, 22 people applied to the health improvement commission, which is 6 more than in 2017. All received applications were satisfied. Children had a rest in camps of Orsha, Dubrovensky and Liozno areas.

The secret of a trade union leader's success.

The administration, trade union activists and employees of polyclinic No. 2 of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" solemnly congratulated the head of the dental department, trade union leader, member of the trade union committee and just a wonderful person Alexander Grigoryevich Kravchenya on his 65th birthday.

It has become a good tradition in the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" to honor the anniversaries who have made a significant contribution to the development of Orsha health care, have shown high professionalism and responsibility in the field of health protection.

This tradition did not bypass our hero of the day, Alexander Grigoryevich Kravchen, a respected and authoritative person.
We can say that the anniversary is a kind of summing up the results of life and work.
The secret of the success of the hero of the day is the desire to help people. Throughout his life, the motto of Alexander Grigoryevich is the words: “If not me, then who?” He does not give advice, but takes on the solution of a specific problem.
For more than 40 years, Alexander Grigoryevich has been an active member of the branch trade union, for 20 years he headed the trade union committee of the city territorial medical association No. 2. Now he is the chairman of the shop committee of polyclinic No. 2, a member of the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization, chairman of the commission of the trade union committee on labor protection, chairman of the Council of Veterans.
Alexander Grigoryevich takes an active part in the public life of the Orsha health care, makes a significant contribution to the implementation of the statutory tasks of the branch trade union. Conducts effective work to protect the labor rights and legitimate interests of trade union members, is competent in matters of labor and economic legislation, labor protection and safety.

Strengthening intra-trade union discipline on the control of the primary organization!

At an expanded meeting of the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" the planned issue "On the implementation of a set of measures to strengthen intra-trade union discipline" was considered.

In order to implement the decision of the Presidium of the Regional Committee of the Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers dated August 13, 2015 No. 149 “On strengthening intra-trade union discipline”, the primary organization developed a “Complex of measures to strengthen intra-trade union discipline in the primary trade union organization”, which was approved at a meeting of the trade union committee on August 28. 2015 Decree No. 61.

The work of our trade union committee is aimed at creating a strong trade union organization, solving the tasks assigned to it, affecting the interests of all members of the trade union. We consider publicity, collegiality and intra-trade union discipline to be the main thing for achieving this goal.
The trade union committee of the primary trade union organization builds its work on the strict and unconditional implementation of the norms of the Charter, taking into account the activities contained in the work plans of the presidiums of the Republican and regional committees of the Belarusian trade union of health workers.
We analyzed the certificates of the FPB Monitoring of intra-trade union discipline in sectoral trade unions and the resolution of the Presidium of the Republican Committee of the BPRZ dated February 20, 2018 No. 66 in order to identify similar problematic issues in the primary trade union organization and their subsequent elimination. All documents on intra-trade union discipline are collected in one folder.
We timely inform the regional committee of the trade union about the problems that arise in the teams of structural divisions, including on issues of remuneration and employment, we comply with the deadlines for submitting the established reporting.

The professional holiday was a success.

On the eve of the professional holiday, the best medical workers of the Orsha Central Polyclinic healthcare institution, who devoted themselves to a noble cause in the name of preserving human life and health, were honored at the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers.

For the Orsha health care, the celebration dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker was held at a high level, the festive mood of doctors was shared by the deputy chairman of the regional executive committee Smirnovsky Oleg Valerievich.

There are many professions in the world. A medical worker is, without exaggeration, one of the most necessary and noble.
Every year in June, the administration and the trade union committee organize a real holiday for their employees, surprising the audience with unusual scripts and amateur performances.
The celebration is not complete without honored guests. This year, the deputy head of the district, Smirnovsky Oleg Valerievich, came to congratulate the medical workers.
The deputy chairman of the district executive committee addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, congratulated them on their professional holiday, wished them health, good luck and prosperity.
The speaker assured that the executive branch would continue to provide assistance to medical workers. To secure young professionals in the Orsha region, rented apartments and places in hostels of enterprises and organizations of the city and region will be allocated.

The main thing is family values!

As part of an established tradition, the Orsha Central Polyclinic is holding a week from May 14 to 18 under the auspices of the International Day of the Family.

The family, as the main element of society, has been and remains the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development.

May 15th is International Family Day. In the structural subdivisions of Orsha health care, a traditional week dedicated to the family is held.

Good fairies in white coats

On the eve of the International Day of the Nurse, the administration and the trade union committee of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" organized a solemn congratulation of nurses in the assembly hall of the city hospital No. Semashko.

It is difficult to imagine our medicine without a nurse. This is one of the most humane professions of our time, since human life and health are the most important values ​​of our society. Nurses fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions, their indifferent word plays a significant role in the patient's recovery process.

Summed up the results of the competition on labor protection

As part of the World Day for Occupational Safety and Health, the structural subdivisions of the Orsha Medical Association took an active part in various events dedicated to this date, one of which was participation in a competition for the best organization work on labor protection.

The administration and the trade union committee of the healthcare institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" summed up the results of the annual competition for the best organization of work on labor protection among structural divisions for 2017.

We remember and are proud of veteran doctors!

In the Orsha Healthcare they remember and are proud of their veterans, the trade union committee, the administration, the veterans' organization and colleagues are trying to surround them with care, warmth, and provide all possible assistance.

There are 7 medical veterans left in the Orsha region who took part in the Great Patriotic War. Among them: doctors, paramedics and nurses. On the eve of the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory, each of the veterans was surrounded by attention, received financial support, flowers and sweets.

Union without borders

On March 23, 2018, a delegation of the administration and trade union activists of the Vyazemskaya Central District Hospital of the Smolensk Region paid a friendly visit to the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic".

The international meeting was held within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the Smolensk Regional Organization of the Trade Union of Health Workers Russian Federation and the Vitebsk Regional Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers.

The trade union will understand, help, support, lend a shoulder!

Due to the fact that it is the financial support of trade union members that most often underlies the formation of the motivation for trade union membership, the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" analyzed the provision of material assistance. In 2017, material assistance was provided to 333 trade union members in the amount of 17,993 rubles 90 kopecks.

Since 2016, the primary trade union organization of the health care institution “Orsha Central Polyclinic” has been building its work in accordance with the Standard for the nomenclature and norms for the use of trade union membership dues, which made it possible to develop a unified approach in the formation of trade union budget budget items, as well as targeted and rational use of membership dues.

Social partnership in action

On March 27, 2018, at the Medical Council of the Orsha Central Polyclinic, the chairman of the trade union committee summed up the results of the implementation of the Collective Agreement for 2017.

Effective regulation of labor relations, guarantee social peace and progress constitutes social partnership, primarily through the Collective Agreement, the analysis of the implementation of which showed that the norms and guarantees of the local legal act for the reporting period were fulfilled in the institution.

The action "Congratulate Mom Together" was held at a high level.

The good tradition of holding diverse events dedicated to Mother's Day in the Orsha Central Polyclinic was adorned with participation in the trade union Republican action “Let's congratulate mom together”.

The primary trade union organization of the healthcare institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" with joy and enthusiasm supported the idea of ​​the Republican Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers to organize a festive event in primary trade union organizations to honor mothers - the action "Congratulate Mom Together".

The conditions for the nutrition of workers have been improved!

The trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of the healthcare institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic" continues to exercise effective public control over the implementation of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 27, 2012 No. 127 "On creating conditions for the nutrition of workers."

A striking example of coordinated actions to improve working conditions is the opening, on the initiative of the public inspector for labor protection, of a dining room for employees of the housekeeping staff of the city maternity hospital.

World Health Day Orsha doctors spent in the gym.

On the initiative of the administration and the primary trade union organization, on the eve of the World Health Day, the 3rd Spartakiad was held in the physical culture and sports complex "Orsha" among employees of the structural divisions of the health care institution "Orsha Central Polyclinic".

The main goal of the organizers was to promote physical culture and sports by creating favorable conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture for medical workers, whose professionally significant quality is increased responsibility for their own health.