Each computer user will soon encounter such a problem when, when turning on the computer, it asks to press the F1 or F2 key. If you do not press a key, the system will not start booting, but will wait for that key to be pressed. Some users do not pay attention to this and press the key, believing that this is how it should be. But it's actually not normal, the system should boot itself without errors. In this article, you will learn what to do to remove the F1 keystroke and find out what is the reason for such an error.

Why does the computer only start with F1

There are several reasons why the computer only starts after pressing the F1 key. In general, this appears in order for the computer user to pay attention to the problem and fix it, while the computer may work, but not quite properly, so it is possible to continue downloading by pressing F1. If the error were critical, then the system would not be able to boot. And to find out for what reason the system does not want to boot itself is quite simple. Above the line Press F1 to continue, the very reason why this happens is written. Let's look at all the possible reasons why it asks to press F1.

CMOS checksum bad/CMOS Checksum Error

This is the most common mistake which can meet and ask to press F1. The malfunction of Cmos checksum bad is that the battery has sat down on motherboard and it needs to be replaced. After replacing the battery on the motherboard, the error will disappear.

Smart status bad backup and replace/Immediately backup your data and replace your hard disk drive

If you see such a record on your monitor screen, then from this phrase you can understand that your HDD is in bad condition. Therefore, you need to copy all necessary information off the disk and buy a new one. Soon the hard drive will stop working.

cpu fan error

cpu over temperature error what does it mean

If before the message Press F1 to Resume, you see the inscription Cpu over temperature error, then this means that the problem is in the processor temperature. Most likely, the processor is overheating, because of this, this error occurs. Therefore, you should check the temperature of the processor and if the problem is overheating, then you should clean the computer or laptop from dust and replace the thermal paste.

Сhassis intruded fatal error system halted how to fix

But the Chassis intruded error when you turn on the computer is corrected by disabling the case opening check through the BIOS. This error says that the case was opened.

This error occurs when the processor and motherboard are incompatible. The problem will most likely be fixed by updating the BIOS.

Floppy disk fail 40 how to fix

This error appears when the floppy drive is faulty. You can solve the problem by disconnecting it physically, that is, disconnecting it from the motherboard. But it's best to disable the floppy drive through the BIOS.

Sooner or later, on almost any computer, when you turn it on, you need to press the F1 or F2 key. If this is not done, it simply will not turn on, remaining hanging on a black background with white letters. In this article, we will tell you what this means, as well as how to get rid of the constant pressing of the F1 button when you turn on the computer.

Why is the computer asking me to press F1?

There are several possible causes, on which each time you turn on you need to press the F1 button. Thus, the system draws the user's attention to the presence of a problem. There is always a message just above the “Press F1 to continue” line that caused the F1 prompt to appear. Now we will consider all possible options.

CMOS checksum bad/CMOS Checksum Error

Error loading Cmos checksum bad

Smart status bad backup and replace/Immediately backup your data and replace your hard disk drive

If there is a similar phrase before the phrase "Press F1 to continue", it means that the hard drive is in bad condition. Like , it is recommended that you immediately copy important data to another hard drive and replace the current one.

Smart status bad backup and replace

cpu fan error

cpu temperature error

Chassis intruded!

If the option to track the opening of the case is activated in the BIOS, then in this case the message “Chassis intruded!” will be displayed. You just need to enter the BIOS settings and disable.

Chassis intruded! Fatal Error…System Halted

intel cpu ucode loading error

This message indicates compatibility issues with the processor and motherboard. Probably needs an update motherboard BIOS fees. Learn more about the error in .

For many of us, computers are an integral part of our lives. During prolonged use of the same computer, turning it on and off becomes such a monotonous task that we perceive the appearance of an inscription in the form of a request to press F1 or Del at boot and enter the BIOS for settings - we perceive it as a serious breakdown. Then, having climbed in the settings, we see that either the default settings have been lost, if we understand them, or nothing happened. But why then does the inscription appear? - we suggest to understand this note.

As a rule, the appearance of this inscription is described by persons who brought the computer to a computer service in Moscow after it had completely stopped loading, so the appearance of the above inscription should be considered a symptom of future problems. First and most common cause the appearance of a request to enter the BIOS settings was once a low battery permanent memory CMOS, where computer settings are stored. But modern CMOS memory has begun to consume so little memory that motherboards with one battery can easily last ten years or more. Therefore, the most common reason for a reset BIOS settings is a device test error when the computer boots.

The most common error occurs on the part hard drives and solid state drives. The latter began to be sold recently, so these are more often hard drives. Hard drives die and S.M.A.R.T error data is entered into their controller. The presence of these problems can be easily read using the CrystalDiskInfo program. The program is free and if you encounter problems with hard drive will inform you about it. If there are problems, you need to buy a new storage device on the same day and transfer everything of value there. Then you can remove the hard drive from the system and the inscription will stop appearing.

The third most common cause of problems is the instability of your power supply. Voltage surges 5 volts, 12 volts, 3.3 volts are monitored motherboard and are specified in the settings in the "monitoring" tab. If this is really due to voltage drops, you need to change the power supply, as it allows for drawdowns, in fact, without any serious loads. Also this problem occurs when the processor fan suddenly stops or does not start. As a rule, this happens due to its burning out or getting any cord into its blades.

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Lots of people have this problem, right? You boot up the computer and it asks you to press F1. The download won't happen if you don't. In this article I will try to explain to you what this means and how to “eliminate” it.

And so, I immediately inform you that simply, stupidly reinstalling Windows and you will not be able to fix this problem. This is what most forums and advice on the internet offer. But, again, this is not true, for a simple reason - the message pops up when the system has not even booted yet. You are dealing with the BIOS. So keep pressing F1 every time you restart or turn on your computer, or read on.

Before telling you the reason and its solution, you can read our article about what BIOS is.
So, to make it clear, this message indicates that some changes have occurred in the BIOS, which it invites you to familiarize yourself with, after which you can press F1 and continue loading.

This problem, quite possibly, is caused by a dead battery on the motherboard, we wrote about it earlier and you can read this article. You already know how to pull it out and replace it, or how to reset the BIOS settings.
If you do not want to open the system unit, look for the battery, pull it out and change it, then you can simply fulfill the system requirement, enter the BIOS and exit it. To do this, you need to press the del button before the download itself starts, when you see the message "Press del to enter setup".

Then exit the BIOS, but before that, press F10 - this will save the settings.

Also, if this method did not help, you can use the previous method mentioned above and reset the BIOS. Well, if that doesn’t help, then the problem is most likely in the equipment. But hardware problems are very rare, so the above two methods (replacing the battery and getting in and out are enough to solve this problem).

Good day friends. Since I am writing here, it means that I will again tell you about something useful and interesting in the field of computers and the Internet. For some, this will become new knowledge, and for some, it may simply consolidate their already acquired knowledge. And today we will talk about small problems that can happen over time with almost every computer. It seems to me that many have encountered such a problem when, at the very beginning of the download, i.e. before loading the operating system, the computer asks you to press the F1 button and only after that it loads itself operating system Windows.

This is, unfortunately, a fairly common occurrence. Although in most cases this situation does not threaten your iron friend, but it (the situation)< доставляет пользователю определенные неудобства. В этой статье я постараюсь поведать вам о наиболее частых причинах такого поведения вашего детища и о possible ways eliminate the causes of such behavior.

Bios asks you to press the F1 button when loading. Reasons and solutions.

Say exactly why the system requires you to press F1 for further download windows difficult, because there are many reasons for this, and the actions of the system are usually identical, i.e. the system simply won't boot until the user presses F1 button. But in some way, the inscriptions that appear on the screen along with the requirement make it easier to make a diagnosis. press the F1 button

Inscription number 1. "CMOS checksum error - Default loaded or CMOS battery failed
The most common reason for the appearance of the inscription Press F1 when the system boots, according to statistics, there is a "dead battery", which is located on the motherboard. Another, obvious, evidence indicating the exhausted energy resources of the battery is erratic system time on the computer. Those. if you have a full shutdown system block from electricity (let's just say - they pulled the plug out of the socket), and then when it is turned on and loaded again, the system requires you to press the F1 button, and besides, after loading windows, the time in the system also goes astray, then the diagnosis is 99% that the battery on the motherboard has run out.

Inscription number 2.CPU Fan error
Such an inscription appears in cases where the fan (cooler) located on the processor does not work at all (does not spin) or works, but spins too slowly. In addition, it is possible that cooler not connected properly, i.e. to the wrong connector on the motherboard and therefore there is no such cooler for the motherboard, although in fact it works properly. Of course, there are also such cases when the cooler spins normally, and the sensor simply gives incorrect information. To correct this situation, remove the side cover of the system unit case and first check whether the fan is rotating. If it does not rotate, then carefully remove it and clean it. (I wrote about cleaning dust in the system unit. We also look at the correct connection of the fan to the connector on the motherboard. It is quite easy to make a mistake here, because as a rule there are several identical connectors on motherboards. These are connectors like CPU FanSystem Fan and Chassis Fan. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken, we look at the inscription, which should be (may not be) right on the motherboard next to the connector, and plug the plug from the cooler into the connector with the inscription " CPU Fan". If all of the above does not help and the fan is still not spinning, then try moving, pressing on the wires of the connector and plug, and also check if the signal wire that removes the speed from the cooler has jumped out.
Inscription №3.Keyboard error or no keyboard present
This inscription usually appears when, let's say, the motherboard does not see the keyboard connected to it. In most of these cases, the reason is that the keyboard connector has simply come off. But it happens, of course, albeit less often, that the cause is a keyboard malfunction (or controller, joystick). And then you are not destined to press F1 :). To fix this problem, you need to turn off the computer, pull out the keyboard connector, check if the contacts in the plug are bent (only if the keyboard is not USB connection) and reconnect. If it does not help, then take another working keyboard and connect it. If it works, it means that the first one was covered with a copper basin, and therefore we replace the keyboard with a new one :). If this second keyboard also did not work, then most likely the connector on the motherboard itself failed. In this case, we give the motherboard for repair or stomp to the store and buy a keyboard with a USB connection.

Inscription number 4. "Press F1 to resume, F2 to Setup" or " Press F1 to resume, Del to Setup".
This error usually appears with small configuration changes. bios"a. To eliminate the appearance of this inscription in the BIOS, you must reset the settings to the factory settings and save the changes and exit. This method Of course, the solution is not suitable for those who, for their own specific needs (for example, to overclock the system), changed the BIOS settings. They will have to dig and find and fix the parameters that caused such an error.

Inscription No. 5. A:Drive Error Press F1 to Resume.
This inscription indicates that the boot priority of the OS in the BIOS is set to the disk drive A:Drive. By default, this is a floppy drive (floppy). And the inscription appears because you do not have this drive or it does not work. To fix this error, in Bios in the Boot tab (in different models BIOS may be different) set the system boot priority to Hard (hard) disk or CD / DWD drive.

Inscription No. 6. No IDE Master H.D.D. Detected! Press F1 to Resume
In this variant, probable cause as a rule, it is a disconnected or failed wire from the hard drive. In other words, this inscription tells us that there is no connection between the motherboard and the hard drive.

Well, that's how it is friends. I hope this article will help you and your iron friend to avoid similar problems in the future. I wish you that you press the F1 button only at will, and not at the request of the computer. Always your home Web and Sys.Admin on Teanikam.ru!