A fairly common problem of restoring tabs after closing the browser has several solutions that will suit both novice and avid browser users.

You can restore not only the tabs that you just closed, but also open those windows that were closed a few days or even weeks ago.

Ways to restore tabs in Google browser Chrome:

  • Various recovery methods through settings, browser history;
  • Using the key combinations "Shift" + "Ctrl" + "T".

Restoring tabs after shutting down the Google Chrome browser

With the help of simple steps, through the browser history, you can quickly restore by accident closed tabs. Do the following:

When the browser is closed Google Chrome entirely, the recovery method will not be much different from opening tabs closed one at a time. Using this method, you will open the browser in the form in which it was closed at the end of the session, with all the tabs. Follow these steps:

By clicking on the specified line, you will restore the number of windows that were open at the end of the Google Chrome session.

Search for closed tabs in browser history, restore them

You can open the browser history with a simple key combination "Ctrl" + "H" (Latin letter) or open the section yourself by referring to the button in the upper right corner of the "Settings and Google management Chrome" (three vertical dots). Click on the specified icon, hover over the line "History" and in the pop-up list, select the line of the same name "History".

When clicked, the browser history section will open, which will indicate the list of visited sites, the date they were visited. This method is really useful and practical, as you can see the names of all the sites you have visited before. To search for a specific resource, a search by sections is provided (the "Search in history" icon). However, if you clean your history regularly, you will not be able to find deleted links and recover them.

Restoring accidentally closed tabs using hotkeys

The browser provides a function to restore closed tabs by simply pressing the appropriate key combination - "Shift" + "Ctrl" + "T", where the letter "T" is Latin. When clicked, the windows will open one after another depending on the number of previously closed tabs. It's quite comfortable and fast way, however, you will not be able to open a specific site in this way, which is a significant disadvantage for some users.

Prevent unwanted tabs from being deleted using browser settings

By setting up your web browser, you can prevent accidental deletion of the links you need and ensure fast recovery closed tabs when you accidentally or intentionally end your browser session. Do the following:

  • Open the "Google Chrome Settings and Controls" tab;
  • In the pop-up list, find and click on the "Settings" item, go to the section of the same name;
  • A window will open in which you should find the section "Open at startup". Check the "Previously opened tabs" checkbox.

Exit browser settings. Changes are saved automatically. In the future, Google Chrome will always start from the last closed tabs. In this case, you accidentally closed the browser or specifically at the end of the session, it does not matter. Windows will be saved at the time of closing and restored with each new launch.

Browser Tracking Extensions

A previously terminated session could be restored by fiddling with the "Last Session" file, renaming it "Current Session". However, this method no longer works. If you do not have the tracking function of the Google Chrome browser enabled and the addresses of visited sites are not saved, you will not be able to resume the work of the windows you are viewing if they have already been closed. To prevent losing the addresses of the necessary tabs, there is a way out in the form of an add-on for the browser "Session Buddy". You can install the extension through the Google Chrome Web Store. "Session Buddy" is a rather convenient add-on that has the functions of saving and restoring completed sessions.

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If you came here, I'm sure that you have experienced this: after an unexpected restart of Windows or Google Chrome, all your open tabs disappeared. After launching the browser, only a blank new tab is open. How to restore missing tabs? To do this, there are several working methods that we have compiled especially for you.

Restore from history

In order to get into the browser history, we will use the Menu button (three dots or stripes in the right upper corner) and then History. In the submenu, you'll see a Recently Closed Tabs item or a button that says something like "5 tabs." Click on it to restore the last closed tabs.

To quickly get into the browser history, use the short key combination CTRL + H. This combination works in all popular browsers.

When you need to find a previously defined open page or tab, then scroll through the history of Google Chrome. Tiresome scrolling can be replaced with a search through the browsing history.

Keyboard shortcut recovery

The Google Chrome browser has secret combination, which allows you to restore recently closed tabs. Lost windows as a result of accidentally closing the browser or crashing it can be restored if you press the CTRL + SHIFT + T buttons at the same time (in the MacBook, Command + Shift + T). Use this several times until you find the right window.

Remember! If you used incognito browsing mode, then all closed tabs and history will be deleted immediately after you close it. There is no way back in this mode.

Setting up Google Chrome

Is it possible to set the browser to remember what you were viewing before closing? Yes, there is such a possibility. Open Google Chrome Settings in the browser menu.

Now look for the Launch Chrome section. It has several options for opening the program. We need to tick the mode so that it restores "Previously closed tabs". After that, you can close the settings window, since the changes take effect immediately.

When working in an Internet browser, each person may experience unforeseen situations that are very unpleasant at first glance. For example, you found in world wide web interesting page, followed the link to another page and closed the first tab by mistake. Annoying? But there is no need to worry or despair. Everything can be easily fixed.

Restore tabs in google chrome

If your browser is Google Chrome, then you can restore the lost page in several simple ways.

Method 1: Recovery via the tab menu

If a particular tab was closed by mistake within the current session, the user can quickly restore it. To do this, it is enough to use context menu tabs, the same for all pages opened in the browser.

Method 2: Key combination

Another simple way to restore a tab is to use a combination of several keys on the keyboard. Suitable for users who prefer to use hotkeys instead of mouse clicks.

Method 3: Restore recently closed tabs

Google Chrome, like other browsers, has a built-in tool that displays the history of the last few sites visited in an ordered list. It is convenient to use it if the tab was closed not very long ago, but it is long and inconvenient to search for it by previous alternate methods.

Method 4: Browsing History

If you need to see all the closed tabs, then go to the page of the history of visits. Unlike the previous three methods, it allows you to find and restore pages closed not only during the last session of the Internet browser, but in any time period up to the moment last cleaning visit history.

Method 5: Saving the browser session

In order not to look for tabs when you accidentally close Google Chrome by mistake, you need to make the appropriate change to your browser settings. Thanks to this, the last browser session will be saved until the next opening. Therefore, all tabs that were open at the time of completion Chrome works, will reopen the next time you start the program.

So, finding and restoring tabs in Google Chrome is quite a feasible task for every user. Keep calm. A website is not a needle in a haystack. As the ancients said, "he who seeks will always find."

Tell your friends on social networks

Often working in the browser, many users accidentally close tabs that they need to continue working with.

Luckily, if you close an important tab, it's easy to restore it. Below we will look at how you can restore a closed tab in the Google Chrome browser.

There are several ways to restore a closed tab in Google Chrome.

Method 1

The easiest way to do it. Just press the keyboard shortcut at the same time Ctrl+Shift+T , and the last closed tab will be restored. Thus, you can press the keyboard shortcut as many times as you need to restore closed tabs.

Please note that this simple method is universal, so it is suitable not only for Google Chrome, but also for any other browsers.

Method 2

A slightly different way to execute, but the result will be the same. Click on horizontal bar, which contains the tabs, right-click, and then click on the item "Open closed tab" .

The browser will restore the last tab you closed.

Method 3

Each browser installed on the computer captures the history of visits, with which you can find any site you visit.

To open history in Google Chrome, open the browser menu and go to the menu "Story" . The screen will display the sites you recently visited. If the site you need is not among these links, click on one more item "Story" or perform a simultaneous keypress ctrl+h to open the entire browsing history.

In the window that opens, using the date you visited the site or the search bar to find the site by name, you can find desired link and click on it to open it in a new tab.

We hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments.


Everyone has sites that they use most often, but even when bookmarked, they are not always easy to find.

That's why it's worth using new feature google chrome programs - pinning bookmarks. Performing this type of action is quite simple, but you need to decide how to do it correctly.

To pin new tab, it is worth exploring all the features of this process a little closer.

Algorithm for attaching a new bookmark

How to fix a new bookmark in Google Chrome is not known to everyone, because the version of the program that allows this has appeared quite recently. In fact, this is a fairly simple process that does not require special knowledge and skills.

Actions. Which must be repeated, in order to carry out such a process, must be performed in this order:

After the transfer, the toolbar will not display the name of the page or its address, but only the image pointing to it. To open such a tab, the user just needs to click on such a small picture, thus transferring to the desired site.

I can’t pin a tab - why is this happening, what to do

Submissions to the attention of the user browser is not all updated in a timely manner. This is one of the reasons that does not allow the performance of the designated operation. In order for the pinning process to be successful, quickly, correctly, a visitor to the worldwide web should do this:

If you cannot drag a tab, you should contact the service center. A person wishing to remove a pinned object must follow the steps presented earlier in reverse order.

Such an action is very simple, every person who has installed a new version google chrome and have a stable internet connection. The algorithm of actions is simple, it is easy to make any object available for permanent viewing in a few minutes.

Tabs were invented in order to open several sites in one browser.

In order to open a new tab, you need to click on the cross icon above the address entry field or press the key combination “Ctrl + T”.

A few words about terminology. In the article, along with the word “tab”, we will use a slightly pretentious synonym for “subwindow” in order to avoid overloading the material with a large number of identical words.

How to revive a lost page in an Internet client

There are two ways to restore an accidentally closed tab:

  • Using browser history;
  • Using the operational menu of closed sites.

Strictly speaking, restoring windows in the first way will not work, it is designed to clarify the site address and re-enter its address bar. To go to the archive of visited URLs, you need to click the settings menu in the top bar of the browser and select “History” –> “History Manager”, or press “Ctrl + H”. This will take you to a list of visited sites sorted from newest to oldest. You can also navigate by the right column, which shows the date of the visit. If you know the name of a web resource or part of it, as well as several letters from the URL, you can use the search in the history database. This method will allow you to restore only those sites whose URL or name you managed to remember while exploring the repository.

To restore a tab that was just closed, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T

If you used the “Incognito” mode, then this recovery option is useless to consider, since the web client will not be able to save the resource to storage.

The second possibility to restore the window is to call the quick menu of bookmarks.

It is better to use it if the page was closed quite recently, just a few seconds ago, in extreme cases it should be one of several recently closed tabs. The browser stores no more than 8 URLs in the operative menu of closed subwindows. In order to open it, you need to click on the settings menu at the top of the program and select the “History” item. The list is located under the heading “Recently closed sites”.

It is not always possible to return Internet resources to their rightful place, and in order to avoid this, it is useful to first save them using “attachment”. But we'll talk about this below.

How to create an anonymous window in the Yandex client

An interesting definition of the word "Incognito" is given by Wikipedia.

Incognito - a person who hides his true name and surname, for the society acts under an invented name. It does not pursue criminal goals.

The “Incognito” mode provides the ability not to save passwords, sites that the user visits, as well as queries entered into the search engine (when normal mode such requests can damage the reputation, as search engine remembers everything entered and subsequently displays these queries in the first place).

There are two ways to open a tab in incognito mode:

  1. Open the settings menu (at the top of “Yandex Browser”) and select “Advanced” -> “New Incognito Window”;
  2. Press the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+N”.

Keep in mind that in Incognito mode, the program will not be able to save data to the cache, so if you later want to restore this page, then opening the history will be useless.

How to make sure that the Internet client does not lose the subwindow

To save tabs in Yandex Browser, just “attach” them. To do this, just right-click on the window and select “Pin Tab” from the drop-down menu. Such icons are shifted to the right and remain on the panel of the Internet client even if it is closed and opened.

How to remove the active subwindow

To delete an open tab, you need to click on the cross in its uppermost continuation, where the site icon is displayed, after which it will close. If it was fixed, then you must first do the unpinning procedure. Right-click there and select the unpin option from the menu that opens. After that, it can be deleted as usual.

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Everyone probably had such cases when they worked on the Internet, and then, as luck would have it, the light turned off or something else, which led to a crash from the browser.

Do not despair, there are several options to protect yourself from such troubles or solve them if they have already happened.

How to restore closed tabs in chrome on pc

Chrome is one of the most commonly used browsers. And this article is about him. So, the easiest solution to the problem is a combination of hot keys Ctrl+Shift+T .

Each time you press these buttons, you will open one tab at a time in the order in which they were closed. Yes, by the way, I must say that only the last 10 are saved in Chrome open tabs. But I don't think anyone else needs it.

The second method is that in the browser settings you go to the history, where you can see all the sites that you visited earlier. With one click, you can go to any desired.

Chrome also offers to open multiple tabs if you click on the "Recently closed" item in the "History". The history of visits can also be called up by writing to address bar Chrome://history or with a combination ctrl+h .

If you want to open several tabs at once, then in the "History" click on the line that says "Tabs: 5".

Instead of 5, there may be another number indicating the number of windows that need to be opened.

Through the context menu, you can also solve the problem. Right click mouse click on free space tabbed panels. A list will appear in which you should select the "Open closed tab" function.

The creators of Chrome have also come up with various add-ons that help in solving problems associated with unexpected browser closures. In the Chrome store, search for Session Buddy and install the proposed extension for free.

It saves your last session with two clicks: 1 - the icon in the top panel, 2 - the Save button. Everything is easy and simple.

Among other things, in the browser settings, you can adjust the recovery process. To do this, in the "Settings" section, find the inscription "Open at startup" and check the "Previously opened tabs" item.

After completing this operation, you can be calm, because now the next time you enter Google Chrome, all the sites that you visited before closing the browser will open.

When the PC freezes, there is a chance that recent visits are not saved in the Google Chrome history. In this case, you will have to restore the tabs manually. The main thing is not to go into the browser until the restore operation is completed. So, first we go to "My Computer", where in the top panel we click on the "Organize" item.

Next steps: Folder Options → View → Hidden files and folders → Show. After that, go to drive C and open the following directories in order: Users → User (or the name of your computer) → App Data → Local → Google → Chrome → Default.

Here you will find the Current Session file, which should be deleted, replacing it with a copy of the Last Session folder, previously renamed to Current Session.

Restore chrome tabs on phone

There is a method to instantly restore a Google Chrome tab, but only the last one. To do this, close one of the existing windows. When it disappears, you will see the inscription "Cancel", clicking on which will reopen the site where you just were.

To restore the last few visits, other methods are required:

  1. Let's go to start page Chrome, where we click on the image of the clock below. As a result, we will see all sessions.
  2. Click on the button in the form of three dots located one above the other. In the list that appears, click on "Recent Tabs". The advantage of this method is that it is possible to restore tabs closed from the computer. This is possible if Google account sync is enabled.
  3. Using the same pop-up list, you can go to the visit log. There you can restore a site of any prescription, unless, of course, cleaning has been carried out.

Here, in principle, all the necessary instructions for those who do not know how to restore closed tabs in chrome. You can also use the profile synchronization option. This will help to save all Chrome data, so you will never have problems with losing the information you need.

By restoring Google Chrome, users can mean many different actions. Often we are talking about restoring data and accidentally closed tabs, sometimes this means fixing problems and crashes in the program caused by actions malicious scripts or reinstalling the browser after uninstallation. This article describes how to restore the Google Chrome browser.

If you accidentally closed desired tab, in Google Chrome there are special tools with which you can restore it. Most fast method- use the hotkey combination Control + Shift + T (in the Russian keyboard layout it is "E"). So you will rediscover the last closed page. Clicking again will open the previous page.

The second way to resume a session is to use Google history Chrome:

You can open any of them with a simple click.

Last Session File

If during your work in Google Chrome the program freezes, then the information might not have time to be saved to your browsing history. In this case, you can restore an incorrectly terminated session manually, bypassing the standard Google interfaces. In no case do not restart Chrome after such an accident! If you open a browser, this way becomes unavailable to you. Just follow a few steps in the instructions:

Do not be afraid to damage something in this way - these service files are automatically restored after deletions.


If you want to restore all your personal data after uninstalling and reinstalling Google Chrome, you should use the synchronization with the server function.

The essence of the service is quite simple - you register and log in to the system, after which all your settings are stored on the Google server. After reinstalling the web browser, the data from the server will be automatically downloaded to your Personal Computer that fully restore functionality and appearance browser.

In order to use the service, you need to register an email google box. To do this, follow the instructions:

Now, if your browser suffers from the actions of virus programs, you can easily recover all personal information lost from your computer.

Removing Incorrect Google Chrome

If, as a result of system failures or after infection with viruses, your browser began to work poorly (freeze, turn off spontaneously, often give errors, take a long time to load), it should be reinstalled.

First of all, you need to remove the infected or broken version:

Wait a moment while the Windows Install Wizard removes the application from your computer.

Installing a new version

After successfully removing the corrupted application, you can proceed with the installation current version. Also, this section of the guide will be useful to users whose browser just disappeared from the computer.