With the modern rhythm of life, the phone remains an integral part of it. Every day, millions of calls are made in the world and a huge number of SMS messages are sent. But there are situations that do not allow you to be in touch with your loved ones. One of these is a zero or negative balance of funds on mobile device. Therefore, subscribers need to keep track of the balance and know how to check the balance on Megafon in their phone.

Phone check

To determine how much money you have left in your account, you can use several quick and free methods:

  • Request usingUSSD- code- perhaps this method remains the most familiar and frequently used for most subscribers cellular network. To find out the balance on the phone, you need to open the dialing field, enter the symbol combination "* 100 #" and press the call button. In response to the request, information about the balance on the phone with the Megafon operator will be displayed on the screen: obtaining this information will take no more than 5 seconds.

You can also use the request “* 111 * 1 # to check the balance of the phone. »: This method is especially suitable for people who are in roaming.

To control money transactions corporate number the command "* 105 * 1 * 1 # is used. ".

  • SMS toshort number - another simple and fast way find out how much money is left on the device. To check Megafon's balance using a shipment, you need to dial "B" or "C" in the text of the message and send this request to the number "000100". In response, you will receive all the necessary information about the status of the account on the SIM card.

If you decide how to find out the balance on your device while roaming, then this option not suitable for a network outside the home: the ability to find out the balance on Megafon via SMS will become paid.

  • Call to service phone. If you do not want to send commands and messages, as well as for people with visual impairments, there is the best option to check the account on Megafon: you can call 0501 and hear information about the balance on Megafon - a female voice will dictate it to you.

If you are in roaming, then the call should be made to the phone 89221110501: with it you can not only find out the Megafon balance, but also check the tariff and other services on your number.

With free access to the global network, the idea of ​​​​how to find out the status of an account on a mobile phone should not cause any difficulties.

For users of the Megafon network, it is possible to find out their balance through the "Personal Account" on the official Internet resource of the company. To do this, you need to go to https://lk.megafon.ru/ and log in to your personal account: in the required boxes you need to enter your number and password. If you have forgotten your password or have not logged into your personal account yet, you can create it by typing “* 105 * 00 # . ".

After logging in to your personal account, you can see the status of your personal account on your mobile, as well as find out the tariff, connect necessary services and bind the card to your number.

In order not to constantly ask the question “How to find out the balance on Megafon?”, The operator offers its users to connect services for detailed tracking of money transactions on their number:

  1. Information by e-mail. In salons cellular communication it is possible to enable this option: it includes daily sending of messages to email with information about the account, about tariffs and about packages of other services.
  2. live balance. This service allows you to find out the amount of money left in the account when performing any action (surfing the Internet, sending messages, making a call, etc.). The information will be displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. You can activate the option using the "Personal Account" or by calling a special combination of characters "* 134 * 1 #. » on your gadget. For the use of this service, the subscriber is charged a monthly fee of 30 rubles.
  3. SMS check. Also at given operator it is possible to connect the "SMS check" option, which allows you to enable SMS notifications when funds are deposited to the account. SMS includes information about the time, amount of crediting, as well as how much money is in the account. To activate the option, you need to execute the USSD command by sending the code * 313 * 10 # , and then pressing the call. You can disable the option in the same way - by running the request * 313 * 2 # .

How to find out the status of the number of loved ones

Above we figured out how to find out your balance on mobile phone. But there are situations in which it is necessary to monitor the state of the account of a child or another loved one. An option such as "Balance of loved ones" allows you to perform these actions from your cellular device.

To use this option, another person, through whom you want to watch, needs to add your number to a special "white list". To do this, call the request "* 438 * 1 * 9ХХХХХХХХ # . ".

You can add no more than 5 subscribers to the "white list of guardians".

After this action, to track the status of the account on someone else's phone by number, you need to make a special request. It will look like this: “* 100 * 9ХХХХХХХХ # . ".

As you can see, for Megafon "How to find out the status of your account?" - the question is not so complicated, you just need to figure it out and choose the best option for yourself.

More and more often you can hear a question from Megafon subscribers: how to find out the balance of another subscriber. There are situations when it is simply necessary to control someone else's balance. For example, parents want to keep track of their children's account balance, or one spouse likes to control the other and constantly replenishes his account.

Situations are different, but the need for such a service periodically arises

Of course, this information is secret, and you can find out, for example, the balance of loved ones on Megafon only with their permission. Megafon provides such a service. In order for your parents, friend or spouse to know your balance, you must first add it to the list of allowed subscribers. To do this, you need to dial the following ussd command on your phone: *100*79ХХХХХХХХХ#, where 79ХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber you allow verification. By the way, the list of allowed numbers is limited, you can add only five subscribers to it. In order to see who you have already added to this list, and just to check if you did everything right, you can enter a ussd request - *438*4#. The list of subscribers will appear on your screen. This list can be controlled by adding and removing subscribers with a few simple ussd requests. So, for example, to delete a subscriber you need to dial the following command: *438*2*subscriber number #. To delete all subscribers at once, dial *438*3#. When all subscribers are removed from the list, the service is automatically deactivated.

On Megafon, the balance of loved ones is possible only with their permission

This function is also convenient when you use the Internet on a tablet. For your convenience, you can add your phone number to the list of trusted persons and check the balance on your tablet from your cell phone!

If your balance can only be viewed limited quantity persons, then you can follow all the subscribers who will give you permission. It's the only one possible way find out the other person's balance. Neither the Megafon operator, nor office employees have the right to provide you with this information, even if you prove your relationship with the owner of the SIM card. By the way, this service is provided completely free of charge and none of the ussd requests for subscribers is charged.

Today, subscribers have the ability to control their spending in real time. You can view the balance of Megafon, as well as any other operator, equally easily both from your phone and from a computer or tablet. If the subscriber cannot check the balance on Megafon, most likely the reason lies in his lack of awareness. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this material, which will help you learn how to easily and easily control your funds.

If the SIM card is not blocked and registered in the home region, it is enough to send a free balance request on Megafon via sms - for this purpose, the operator has allocated the number 000100. In the text of the message, you need to type the Latin letter "C" or Russian "B". The answer will come detailed information indicating the rest of the traffic, minutes and SMS.

Note! If the phone is in roaming, then sending a request via SMS will be charged in accordance with the terms of the tariff.

How to find out a friend's balance from your phone to Megafon

Often, close friends, acquaintances, employees or relatives want to check the balance of another subscriber's Megafon account in order, for example, to replenish it in time so that the person is not left without communication. This opportunity is provided by the operator within the framework of free service"The balance of loved ones". Already from the name it becomes clear that it is impossible to find out about the state of the account of a completely stranger. To gain access to such confidential information the subscriber's consent is required.

Only a friend, acquaintance or relative can provide access to the data of his personal account by activating this service on his own phone. To do this, he must enter the number of the subscriber who will have access to receive information in the list of trusted contacts in one of the following ways:

  1. Send USSD request by dialing *438*1*number# on the screen and pressing the send call key. The phone number of the trusted subscriber must be entered in a ten-digit format. For example: *438*1*9XX1234567#.
  2. Send an SMS to 000006, in the text of which, also in 10-digit format, indicate the number, before which put a “+” sign. For example: +9XX1234567.

For one subscriber, the maximum number of numbers that he can allow to receive information about his personal account is three.

After connecting the "Balance of relatives" service and adding your number to the number of trusted ones, it will be possible at any time to control the balance of funds on the balance of your friend. To do this, you just need to dial a query like *100*number# on the mobile screen. Moreover, in a similar way, you can control the accounts of an unlimited number of people who have given their consent in the manner described above.

For those who wish to find out the balance of someone else's number without the consent of the subscriber, Megafon blocks access to obtaining confidential information. Attempts to take possession of any alternative way are illegal and can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, to obtain such information, it is best to obtain the consent of the person whose account you plan to control.

If a person who does not use MegaFon communications wishes to check the balance, for this he will need modern smartphone, on which you can install one of the many mobile applications for iOS or Android such as AnyBalance. You can find and download these or any similar (both free and paid) applications using the services App Store and Google Play. The main advantage of such programs is the ability to control the count of countless numbers regardless of the operator.

Cellular subscribers, which today are all people, are systematically interested in certain issues directly related to the services they use. And some of the answers to such questions seem extremely simple and obvious, but at the same time, finding them is not so easy.

For example, one of these is the question of how to check the MegaFon balance from the phone. It is to him that we will pay attention in our today's article, because there are several options for obtaining up-to-date information about the balance, but most subscribers do not know even one of them.

Using a USSD Request

One of the easiest and most obvious ways to check the Balance on a MegaFon phone is a short number entered on a physical or on-screen keyboard device. It looks like this: *100# .

After entering this combination of numbers and symbols, as well as pressing the call key, in a few seconds information with the current information will be displayed on the gadget screen. this moment account status.

The service is offered free of charge and without restrictions on the number of uses per day or per month.

How to check the balance on MegaFon via SMS

Many subscribers are also systematically interested in the possibility of receiving up-to-date information about the status of their account via SMS. Unfortunately, the operator did not implement such an opportunity. However, via SMS, you can request a password to access your personal account, where, by the way, among other things, there is also the ability to view the balance.

By typing on your phone a request in the format *105*00# , and pressing the call button, after a few minutes, the message will receive an access code in the personal account. By logging into your personal account given code, it will be possible to home page see the current account balance.

How to check the balance on a MegaFon tablet

If you use a SIM card installed in your tablet, all of the above methods for obtaining information about the state of your account remain relevant for you. In addition, you can also view the balance on the official website of the operator if you go to it directly from a tablet connected to MegaFon's mobile Internet (and not to Wi-Fi).

How to check the balance on the MegaFon modem

Subscribers mobile internet, using modem devices and routers, they are not able to check the account balance using standard combinations. However, the method remains relevant for them using the megafon.ru website, as well as directly personal account, which can be accessed from a modem connection even without entering a password.

How to check the balance of another MegaFon subscriber

The last issue that we planned to pay attention to is the possibility of checking the balance of another subscriber's account. Of course, it is impossible to see just how much money is in the account of any client at any time. However, there is such a service as "Balance of relatives", thanks to the use of which you can check the account of relatives and friends. It is noteworthy that it is provided free of charge, and if desired, each subscriber can connect it, with the exception of business clients.

In order to be able to check the account of any other MegaFon client, you must first enter the combination on the phone of this client *438*1*PHONE NUMBER#, where instead of "PHONE NUMBER" is entered contact number"guardian", who will be allowed to check the account of the "ward".

By connecting your number, in the future it will be possible to check the account of the ward by typing a USSD request in the format *100*TELEPHONE NUMBER OF GUEST#. The number of the "ward" is indicated without the use of the "eight".

Get lost when they need to check the balance on their mobile phone. The thing is that many popular tariffs involve replenishing the account once a month. For a payment that is made once a month, the subscriber receives a package of Internet traffic, a certain number of minutes and messages. That is why there is no need for a person to monitor the status of his account on a daily basis.

Many subscribers, wondering how to check the balance on Megafon, cannot quickly find an answer to it. Let's try to understand this issue together.

Check balance on Megafon using USSD request

There are many various ways find out the balance on the phone. You can do this by sending a message by calling free number or via USSD. Each of the options is fast and completely free.

It's easiest to use ussd command. This Megafon balance check is the most popular among users of this mobile network. Despite the fact that the command number is extremely simple, not all subscribers can immediately remember it.

  1. This issue is especially relevant for subscribers who have only recently changed providers. You can check your account balance by dialing *100# . As you can see, everything is quite simple. You will immediately see on the display the balance of funds that you have in your account.
  2. You can also use the short number *111*1# . Thus, you will also know the balance on the account. It is recommended to use the last moment for subscribers who are in roaming.
  3. Another simple and popular way is to send a message to the number 000100 . This service is completely free. In response to your message, you immediately receive an SMS with the balance on your account. You won't have to wait long for a response.
  4. If you do not want to deal with sending messages, you can simply call the toll-free number 0501 . A pleasant female voice will tell you how much money you have left in your account. As you can see, all short numbers of this operator mobile communications pleases with its simplicity, so remembering them is not at all difficult.

Checking the balance on Megaphone via the Internet

As you can see, checking the balance of Megafon will not take you much time and effort. But many users use SIM cards not only for calls, but also for the Internet in modern gadgets. How should they act?

Megafon is one of the few operators that make it possible to find out the status of another subscriber's account. This feature is very practical and convenient, it helps out in many cases. Thus, you can control the availability of funds on your child's phone and top up his account when the need arises.

Also, each Megafon subscriber can activate the Live Balance service. Payment for it is 30 rubles per month. This service allows you to always see the status of your account on the screen. Signing up for the service is easy. It is enough just to type *134*1# and it will be automatically connected. You can opt out of using it at any time if you wish.

Another convenient and practical service is SMS balance. It helps to keep track of the balance of your phone. If the money on the account is finished or the balance is changed, you will immediately receive a notification. The service is completely free. To connect it, you need to dial a short number *105*600# .