Online reputation- this is a special segment of reputation regulation, which is achieved through special methods used by the so-called SEO-optimizers and a number of programs. As a rule, the purpose of promoting the reputation, image and brand of the company through the Internet is to promote sites in the top list of search engines. To date, this method of positioning own services, products and goods are used by about 80% of all business leaders, a similar trend is dictated by the success of colleagues from the West.

Online reputation management, causes

Online reputation is a relatively new phenomenon, and targeted online reputation building began in the US with the advent of Microsoft. In fact, previously, reputation management was associated with the concept of service delivery and customer relations, but now it touches more on the virtual aspects of adjustment and enhancement.

In general, the term online reputation and its management implies a system of complex methods aimed at identifying significant factors that form the business reputation of a business or individual (most often politicians, artists, managers). Successful reputation management through the network involves the search engines displaying a site with positioning and demonstration on the first lines. Such positions in the ratings enable users to turn to these resources in the first place, avoiding the rest.

Reputation on the Internet and its increase through the network is actively monitored by analysts. So, in 2010, Microsoft recorded that 70% of those applicants who applied to the company obtained information about it exclusively by contacting the Internet. Also, the statistical data directly affected the attitude of managers and the frequency of their access to the network. Approximately 1 out of 4 managers of large companies initially submitted a request to the Internet in order to be informed about the applicant. Moreover, every 10th manager turned to social networks to get acquainted with the personal profile of the applicant.

In view of such trends, online reputation is an effective set of measures that allow you to track the factors that influence its formation, the factors that contribute to its increase, as well as the methods that practically allow you to increase your reputation on the Internet.

Internet Reputation Techniques

Reputation management via the Internet has a key goal - to increase reputation by promoting a site with information about services, products and ways to obtain these services. This goal is realized by a number of tasks. First of all, reputation on the Internet involves reducing the level of negative information about a particular company and replacing it with positive information, including consumer reviews, authoritative opinions, confirming objective data, etc.

Methods that are applied to regulate the reputation coefficient through the network:

Why is it worth raising your reputation on the Internet?

Online reputation is highly regulated, so a growing number of legal and individuals use this remedy. Online reputation management has the following benefits:

Thus, online reputation is well regulated objectively and is the most effective method of raising the reputation of individuals and legal entities to date.

Online reputation

Modern mass media, which are widely spread and have a high popularity, which is growing every day, have become a kind of substitute for the transfer of information through person to person directly. The possibilities of these media are limited only by the set of factors that must be observed in order to have access to them. It is logical that TV and the Internet are much more popular than newspapers, since you don’t even have to leave your home to pay for them and conduct them. The information provided on the network is so diverse that it allows a person to almost completely abstract from other data sources. It is for this reason that online reputation has become very important for companies and individuals who are worried about what partners and customers (both existing and potential) think of them

What affects online reputation?

It is reviews that are the main factor influencing the “reputation on the network” indicator, since, according to the dictionary wording, and guided by logic, people tend to believe that customer reviews are written by buyers, and partner comments are genuine. It is this psychological property of a person to simplify his life and not think about the details that has become a powerful weapon in the hands of macrologists and sales psychologists, who have developed hundreds of techniques for raising the online reputation indicator and the sales indicators themselves by writing fictitious reviews.

The ability to create reviews and publications with any information is provided by several factors. First of all, the legislation of many countries, in particular the CIS countries, does not take Internet data into account for courts; they are not only evidence for administrative and civil courts, but they are not always a reason for considering claims. At the same time, information that affects the "reputation on the network" indicator can be distributed completely anonymously, and the lion's share of hosting stores data forever, which makes it a serious threat to the work of a company or a person if the information is negative, as well as a wonderful trade engine if the data have a positive connotation.

How is the impact on the reputation on the network?

Through the use of all sorts of technologies that start with elementary sales psychology and end with rigorous text analysis and influence on it, data on the Internet that affects the “reputation on the network” factor can be positioned both higher in the result of the search engine, and lower, away from eyes of potential partners, employers or customers. Considering the influence of online reputation on sales, it should be noted that, according to analysts, there is an increase in sales in cases where online reputation is regulated by specialists. At the same time, such specialists often include “in the cost” of their services monitoring of new information about a company or a person, so that one can track the development of reputation and establish how certain variables affect reviews and their appearance.

The use of factors that belong to the cognitive group of psychological aspects and encourage a person to apply to a particular company or a certain specialist is another important point that is necessary to create good indicators of the online reputation aspect. At the same time, not only the market on the Internet is taken into account, but competitors' websites, advantages and weak sides which can serve not only as an excellent reason to highlight your company, but also as a wonderful tool for redirecting the flow of visitors from a competitor's website to your own.

Considering that human psychology, as well as its impact on the purchase of goods and services, is a complex concept that requires constant measures and attention, online reputation is exactly the area in which it is better to turn to specialists who have the time, and most importantly – skills to monitor and influence the Internet in general and potential clients in particular.

Site reputation

While the attention of the masses was riveted on usual ways obtaining information abroad, and now in the territory of the CIS countries, the Internet has become one of the most trusted and popular sources of information. The Internet is so trusted as a source of a variety of data, a huge range of products and guides, that there are cases of targeted visits to acquaintances, even by the age group over 40, in order to “sit and look for reviews or recipes.” All this is complemented by the widespread creation of online stores and systems electronic money, which allow not only to share information and watch TV shows online, but also to buy something for real money, which is not available in local stores. Naturally, in order to attract the attention of consumers, an important factor is site reputation.

How to raise the reputation of the site?

In order to understand the methods of increasing consumer confidence in the site, it is worth reminding yourself once again that the Internet is still considered a free and little moderated base in which many or even everyone can freely leave a review or opinion about a product that was purchased in the same network, about the nuances of delivery and pricing policy. This makes it possible to promote the site itself, as well as influence the concept of "site reputation" by optimizing two types of factors - real and fictional.

Among the real factors from which the opinion about the site is formed, we can single out those that the site can influence on its own. For convenience, let's take an example of a Rozetka store that sells thousands of items of goods, from computers to tents or vacuum cleaners, online (the so-called online store). The factors that Rosette itself influences are the speed of delivery, price policy goods, especially in relation to other stores, the speed of communication with the client upon request, the convenience of completing the latter, as well as promotions and bonuses that allow you to get more benefits for the same money. The site must regulate these factors independently, since they are included in the concept of the site's reputation and are a segment of its competence.

What factors should not be regulated by the site, so as not to spoil the reputation

Among fans of online shopping, a popular method of evaluating a product and its quality is to read reviews on the supplier's website. People far from online shopping may be surprised, but 80% of people believe that the site hosts on itself. This is approximately the same as the reviews about a deputy or a presidential candidate that the president himself leaves (self-promotion). So that such reviews do not “hurt the eye” and raise such a factor as the reputation of the site, it is worth entrusting their writing to companies that can analyze what factors people use to distinguish real reviews buyers from the fake that the site itself makes.

In addition, there is a segment of the information about the site that is not located on it itself, being controlled by other sites or companies. To work with such reviews, you should not even involve the specialists of the site itself or the management of the latter, polemics and disputes on "foreign" territory can only damage the reputation. For such needs, there are analytics companies that have people on staff who can do the following things:

  • Completely remove a negative review using links to the forum or site management, or mark it as "unreal, not justified", which, in fact, is tantamount to deletion.
  • By influencing the mechanics of the work of search engines, make sure that the reputation of the site and the site itself, as well as the positive aspects of its work, are higher in the search result than the rest, which will prevent 90% of people from reaching them (this is how many people do not read further than the first search engine pages).
  • On the forum itself, using facts, arguments and preliminary rhetorical preparation, enter into a discussion and prove to the client that he is wrong, the product was bought the one he wanted, for the money that he costs. Admitting a client that he was wrong is many times better than deleting a review, since a link to such a controversy can convince everyone once and for all that the site's reputation is really good and justified.

Working with texts of reviews, search engines and social opinion is an area that not only requires special training, but also almost daily monitoring of the reviews themselves, the work of search engines and the psychological tendencies of the masses. For this reason, it is worth entrusting this work to specialists.

When people search the Internet for a product or service they are interested in, ideally they should find your company's website, your page on a social network, and positive reviews about you on other sites.

These 9 tips will help you achieve such a noble goal. Online reputation is one of the most important assets in terms of managing your company's reputation. If it gets tarnished, you will lose customers, sales, employees and partners.

Of course, this is not news to anyone, but it is worth touching on such a topic. Many firms do not pay enough attention to building a reputation for their business on the Internet - to how well they respond in Yandex and Google searches.

The main points in protecting your brand, according to virtual reputation management experts, are active work in this area, proper content optimization, constant monitoring of results, readiness to respond to negative messages and, above all, a realistic assessment of your efforts.

9 tips for managing and building a reputation for online business and brand protection.

1. Optimizing your company website.

Optimize several pages of your site using key keyword phrases to search for your company name. What for? Search engines will see your company's website as the most authoritative source for providing information about you. Topic authority is one of the main factors that search engines look for when choosing the right search results to display. under your company name, you will help keep these pages at or near the top of the search results. Not only will this help your site appear more frequently in search results, but it will also lower negative content about the company that you have no control over.

It is best to use your company name in important places on the site, such as HTML tags headings and URLs (if possible), in particular on pages that talk about your company, such as "About Us" or "Contact Us".

In addition, on their websites, some companies refer to themselves in the first person. For example: "We make the most advanced widgets", instead of: "<Компания>makes cutting-edge widgets." However, using a third-person description is better, as it allows you to insert the company name, which will show up in the search results.

2. Diversify your online presence.

Your goal should be to actively occupy all niches in all 10 search results in Yandex, Google for the keywords of interest, on the one hand, this will show the superiority of your company in this area. On the other hand, you will be more likely that negative content about a company or product will not appear in the top 10.

You will never be able to get rid of negative information that you cannot control, citing negative reviews and newspaper publications as an example. “But, still, you can balance this information by posting your positive content that you can control."

To achieve a level in the top 10, your reputation on the Internet must be spread apart from the company's website, in such thematic blogs and in social networks like Vkontakte, Google+, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. So far, social media promotion is low. search engines Google robots scan these social networks as reputable sources that can be trusted; all of these will be important factors in order for these sites to rank more successfully.

Anchor text is a hyperlinked word or phrase, such as online reputation management tips for job seekers, that will take you to another page by clicking on it. search engines used to determine the relevance of the page being linked to. If several pages from authoritative sites link to this article, this will increase the ranking of this article.

Of course, creating high-quality hyperlinks with anchor text from other sites is not an easy task. Those sites are out of your control and influence.

The best way is to simply ask someone to insert a link with anchor text relevant to your business. However, don't ask everyone to link with the same anchor text. Google monitors all attempts by people to influence bypassing the system and may lower the position of the page, considering that aggressive methods of promotion are being used.

If 60 percent of your links have the same anchor text, that's too much. Try to create a variety of . Get links from multiple quality sites using a variety of relevant link anchor text.

4. Constantly track your positions in search engines at least once a month.

Google your company name at least once a month, Beal advises. Do this more often if you have a large company that is often featured in the news. Use for important keywords so you know when new content about you appears on the Internet.

Don't just look at the first page of results Google search Even though most users don't scroll any further, always check two or three pages of search results for negative reputation reviews. Due to rapidly changing ranking results, such content can appear at any time.

Carefully review the content on the third and fourth pages of search results for negatives, as it may soon make it to the first page. Record what you find in a table: URL, page title, page status (can you influence it) and its rating (content is positive, negative or neutral).

5. To manage negative reputation, contact its creator.

Even if you constantly monitor your reputation on the Internet, one morning you can find an unpleasant surprise. The bigger your company, the more you will find articles with negative content about it in the top search results.

When this happens, contact the blogger, site owner, or other person who created and posted the content right away. Ask him if there is anything you can do to turn a negative opinion into a positive one. If that doesn't work, leave a (if possible) comment with your side of the story. Explain what you are doing or trying to do to improve the situation.

6. Also take care of your offline reputation.

If a bad reputation on the Internet becomes the norm for you, you need to think about why this is happening. Your reputation in the offline world is transferred to the world of the Internet. Treat your customers and customers well, encourage those who are supportive of you and leave a positive comment. Focus on your reputation in the offline world, your online reputation will depend on it.

7. Send out optimized press releases regularly.

Believe it or not, they can rank highly on Google for relevant keywords, giving your company another position in the rankings. search results. Press releases are like leverage to artificially fix a bad online reputation.

8. Pay attention to your Wikipedia page.

A Wikipedia entry about your company will almost always rank in the top 5 search results for your company name, Beale says. To see how this works, search Google for the names of well-known companies such as Microsoft, Sberbank, McDonald's. In most cases, you won't have to search further than the first three search results to find a related Wikipedia article.

You won't be able to control Wikipedia entries, as anyone can edit them. You must not interfere with the development of this Wikipedia article, as it would be against the rules of the public encyclopedia. If a Wikipedia article about your company contains negative or false information, contact the Wiki Community to find out how to fix it.

9. Constant monitoring of online reputation

It is very important to keep track of all or at least some of the messages from the top search queries. The sooner you notice them, the more chances you have to level it. “One of our clients had seven negative reviews on the first page of a Google search”, “It took me a year and a half to get only positive information on the first page of a search.” (hereinafter referred to as “SEReputation”, “we”, “us” or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of customers who can be identified in any way and who visit the website ( hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) and use its services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”). Amendments to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Site and/or Services and will be effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of the Services following the posting of any changes to the Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

Consent to collection and use of information

When you join us as a user of our Services, we ask for personal information that will be used to activate your Account, providing you with the Services, interacting with you about the status of your Account, and for other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Your name, company name, address, phone number, address Email, data credit card and some other information about you may be required by us to initially provide access to the Services, or must be provided during the use of the Services. You will also be prompted to create personal password, which will become part of your Account.

By providing personal information to us, and thereby retaining our ability to provide services to you, you voluntarily agree to the collection, use and disclosure of such personal information as specified in this Privacy Policy. Without limiting the foregoing, we may seek your consent from time to time as we collect, use or disclose your personal information in specific circumstances. Sometimes your consent will be implied through your interaction with us if the purpose of collecting, using or disclosing the information is obvious and you voluntarily provide this information.

We may use your personal information or Account data for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with the Services and to improve the quality of the Site and Services,
  • To provide information to you so that you can use the Site and Services more efficiently,
  • To create, manage and control your Account and to verify access rights to services and software,
  • To charge your Account,
  • To communicate with you about changes or additions to the Services, or the availability of any services we provide,
  • To evaluate the level of service, monitor traffic and measure the popularity of various service options,
  • To carry out our marketing activities;
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  • To respond to claims regarding any violation of our rights or the rights of any third parties;
  • To meet your customer service needs;
  • To protect the rights, property, and personal safety of you, us, our users, and the public, and as required or permitted by law.

From time to time we may notify you about our products, services, news and events. You have the option not to receive this information. We provide the option to opt out of all mail messages of this kind, or suspend notifications for the purposes described above, if you contact us and confirm your desire not to communicate this information to you. The only type of communication you cannot opt ​​out of is mandatory announcements regarding the Services, including information related to your Account, planned suspensions and deactivations of the Services. We will try to keep such alerts to a minimum for you.

Age of majority

We do not knowingly provide the Services and will not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of majority.

Rights to your information

You have the right to access and edit your information at any time through the web interface provided as part of the Services.

Information disclosure

We will disclose your information to third parties only in accordance with your instructions or as necessary in order to provide you with a particular service, or for other reasons in accordance with applicable privacy laws. As a general rule, we do not and will not sell, rent, distribute or disclose your personal information without first obtaining your permission or without setting out the necessary conditions for doing so in this Privacy Policy.

Aggregate data

We may also use your personal information to obtain Aggregate Data for internal use and to share with others on a selective basis. “Aggregate Data” means data that has been stripped of unique information to potentially identify customers, landing pages, or end users, and that has been altered or combined to provide aggregated, anonymous information. Your identity and personal information will be kept anonymous in the Aggregate Data.


The Site may contain links to other sites and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those sites. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of the linked sites. Their privacy policies and practices differ from our Privacy Policies and Practices.

Cookies and logging

We use "cookies" (cookies) and "logs" (log files) to track information about users. Cookies are small pieces of data that are transmitted by a web server through your web browser and stored on your computer's hard drive. We use cookies to keep track of page variations that a visitor has seen, to count clicks made by a visitor on a particular page variation, to monitor traffic, and to measure the popularity of service settings. We will use this information to provide you with relevant data and services. This information also allows us to make sure that visitors see exactly the landing page they expect to see if they return via the same URL, and it allows us to tell how many people click on your landing pages.

Transfer of property or business

In the event of a change of ownership or other business transfer, such as a merger, acquisition or sale of our assets, your information may be transferred in accordance with applicable privacy laws.


We will strive to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information, however, no transmission of data over the Internet, mobile device or through wireless device cannot guarantee 100% security. We will continue to strengthen the security system as new technologies and methods become available.

We strongly recommend that you do not disclose your password to anyone. If you have forgotten your password, we will ask you to provide proof of your identity and send you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password and set a new one.

Please remember that you are in control of the data you provide to us when you use the Services. Ultimately, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your identity, passwords and/or any other personal information in your possession while using the Services. Always be careful and responsible with regard to your personal information. We are not responsible for, and cannot control, the use by others of any information you provide to them, and you should exercise care in choosing the personal information you provide to third parties through the Services. Similarly, we are not responsible for the content of personal information or other information that you receive from other users through the Services, and you release us from any liability in connection with the content of any personal information or other information that you may receive while using the Services. We cannot guarantee and we accept no responsibility for the verification, accuracy of personal information or other information provided by third parties. You release us from any liability in connection with the use of such personal information or other information about others.

Contact Us

If you have questions or suggestions regarding the Privacy Policy, please email us at [email protected]

In order to understand exactly how online reputation management works, you must first understand what determines the position of sites in search results. And here we are faced with SEO or search engine optimization.

Increasing a company's reputation with SEO

In the early days of the internet, positioning a site for a particular word or keyword was fairly easy. All that was needed for this was just to mention this word many times in the text of the page. Another way to achieve a similar result was to create incoming links to the site with the required word or phrase in the link text.

None of these methods is no longer relevant today, moreover, the abuse of these methods may even result in sanctions for the site from search engines. That's why it's so important, whether it's a company, brand, or individual, to understand why, where, and how mentions of you appear in the search results for a query.

Whether you are an individual, a blogger, a social media user or a company representative, content will be the main criterion for online visibility. And while most companies and brands invest money and time into writing content, not all of them do it right.

Marketing Land recently published a wonderful article that is relevant for both companies and ordinary users, which tells about 9 ways to promote on the Internet, allowing you to improve the position of your content and any other positive information and displace the negative from the search results.

1. Use the company name in positive articles and materials

The main factor of content relevancy is still the correct use of keywords and phrases within the content. Focus on such parameters as readability of the material, and its focus on site visitors, and not on search robots.

2. Make sure positive articles include the company name in the title

In addition to using key phrases in the content itself, it is important to know how to properly format it. The latter implies the presence keyword in the title of the article, and possibly in the headings of its sections.

3. Make sure positive articles include the company name in the URL

Each article has a URL address, which is the address of the page on the site where the article is located. You can increase your chances of ranking higher in the search results for a given word by including that word in the URL string.

4. Register and deploy a domain containing the name of the company

Domain names help people find websites. Once a domain is registered, it becomes unavailable for ordering and a second one cannot be registered. Everyone should try to register a domain with their company name or name before anyone else does.

More than 2 billion people have already registered on social networks. If you are still not one of them, now is the time to fix it. Social profiles rank well in search results. Just like with domains, it pays to hurry up and take your name before someone else takes it.

6. Post images related to your company

Content, of course, will take the lead, but pictures and videos can also affect its ranking. At Google help Images you can find millions of images on the web. Try to use positive images next to the mention of the company or your name, so they can increase the weight of the article itself in the eyes of search engines.

As already mentioned, links are the main factor influencing the position of the promoted content. This means that you should cite reliable sources in articles and get links to your sites, social profiles and positive mentions on other sites.

8. Create a video about your company

YouTube is the largest video hosting and at the same time search engine. Creating videos dedicated to the company or you personally is a great way to stand out from the crowd and reserve the first positions in the search results.

9. Repeat