So, today we will talk with you about how to find out the subscriber's phone number. In fact, there are a lot of different approaches that will help you cope with the task. True, not all of them guarantee 100% success. Sometimes the situation can get out of control, in connection with which you will not be able to realize the idea. Nevertheless, let's try to understand how to find out the phone number (MTS, Megafon, Beeline and other mobile operators) of a person. Let's start with the simplest and most reliable ways.


The first scenario is an independent dialogue with the owner of the phone. It is the conversation that will help you quite easily get all the necessary data. Try to get to know the person and then get their number.

Frankly, this is not the best method if you want to remain anonymous. Yes, and talking to people is not always good. For this reason, you have to look for other options that will help you figure out how to find out a person's phone number. In fact, there are quite a few different approaches that are sure to help you. You just need to get to know them. And that's what we're going to do now.


For example, an appeal to the subscriber's mobile operator is suitable. True, you will have to find out the name of the service provider company from the person himself. It is this step that does not arouse suspicion in people. After you receive the necessary information, you can come to the salon cellular communication user and request his data.

To be honest, this move doesn't always work. If you want to understand how to find out the user's phone number, and with a 100% guarantee, then you can leave this option development of events. After all, the provision contact information It's not entirely fair and legal. Not every employee of the company will agree to this. But there are exceptions. If everything worked out for you, then you should not worry about solving today's issue - you will always cope with it. But in the case when this method didn’t work, you have to think again and again about how to find out the phone number (Megafon, MTS, and so on). Let's try to figure out if anything else can be done to solve the problem before us once and for all.

Buying a base

You can try to buy a special base of subscribers. This service is usually offered in the radio communication markets. It is here that for some fee (usually high) you will be given a catalog of all the working phones of a particular operator with user data.

All that remains is to find the subscriber by name / surname and some data (for example, address and date of birth) and read it cell number. Nothing difficult or supernatural. In addition, this method is also well suited when you already have the initials of a person, but there is no number. And you need him. That is, this scheme works in both directions.

If you are thinking about how to find out the phone number (MTS, Megfon and other operators), then you can very well use this scenario. It is only worth noting right away that this method is not honest, and is also often famous for its high cost and risks. After all, you may simply not be provided with a working base of subscribers. And it will be useless to contact law enforcement agencies with statements about fraud in this case. Thus, we have to think about what else can help you solve the question before us today. Luckily, we have a few other quite interesting approaches that are sure to help you.


You can resort to the help of the Internet, because now a variety of specialized sites are widespread on the World Wide Web that offer a subscriber search according to data. Both initials and mobile phone number can be used here. You enter data, and you are given complete information that can only be associated with the number.

All you have to do is type the person's initials, then enter the special security code(it will be sent to your phone), after which you will have access to the data. It would seem that nothing difficult or special. Yes, but this scenario is not particularly successful, because the bulk of specialized sites offer paid services. And few people want to pay from 50 rubles for 1 request to who knows. Maybe we have some scammers in front of us.

With free hosting, things are a little better. It is they who are preferred if a person wants to understand how to find out the subscriber's phone number. True, there are risks here too. We will talk about them a little later. In the meantime, let's find out with you another rather interesting approach to solving our today's problem. In truth, it does not give us a 100% guarantee of success, but it is quite safe. Let's get to know him soon.

Search engine to help

Well, if you want to get the subscriber's phone number, but you know only some of his personal data, then do not despair. You can always turn to the help of the Internet. But now we are talking not about special hosting, but about the most common search engines. It is they who will help you deal with the question posed to us today.

If you want to understand how to find out the number mobile phone user, then just open any search engine and enter his data there. Now look at the results of processing the request. Pay special attention to social networks. It is there that you can often find the phone numbers of users.

Honestly, this approach is the safest. Given the fact that modern users almost always leave phone numbers in their profiles, then it is quite possible to hope for success. Basically, that's all possible options development of events. But we forgot about one thing important point. And these are the risks from the operations performed.

risky business

Well, it's time to end our conversation today. It remains only to note what exactly you agree to when trying to find out someone else's phone number.

The first scenario has already been announced - you can stumble upon scammers. They only charge you for services not rendered. Not the most pleasant outcome.

The second option is to infect your own phone with viruses. A very common problem that appears after we have used free services, offering services for obtaining information about subscribers.

In addition, you may feel guilty. After all, almost all the options that we have listed are not honest. Try to get all the information only in legal ways, although this is not so easy.

1. USSD request

To find out your phone number, dial *205# and press the call button.

2. Site

If you run out of money on your account, but there is still Internet traffic, you can connect to the Internet through the Megafon network and go to the website. Your number will be displayed at the top of the screen.

3. Hotline

Here you can not only find out your phone number, but also get full information about the status of the account. Number hotline"Megafon" - 0500 .


1. USSD request

Beeline subscribers just need to dial *110*10# and press the call button. After entering this request, you will receive an SMS with your phone number.

2. Service number

Dial a number from your phone 067410 and press the call button. Within a minute you will receive an SMS with a number.

3. Hotline

Call the customer service center and an operator will help you. Hotline number - 0611 .


1. USSD request

Dial a command from your phone *111*0887# and press the call button.

2. Short number

Call to short number 0887 , and the autoinformer will dictate a phone number to you.

3. MTS Service *111#

Dial from your phone *111# , and then select the desired menu item. To quickly go to the "Tariffs" section, where you can find out your number, use the request *111*2*5# . After selecting the desired item, you will receive an SMS with a number within a minute.

4. Hotline

Operators will not only prompt the necessary numbers, but also advise on all issues related to your phone. MTS hotline number - 0890 .


1. USSD request

To get a phone number, dial *103# and press the call button.


1. USSD request

Use the team *201# and press the call button.

2. Hotline

Call the Tele2 customer service center at the number 611 . Operators will answer any question related to the maintenance of the phone, and will help to eliminate the difficulties that have arisen.

If you know other ways to find out your phone number without money in your account, tell us about them in the comments. If you are tired paid subscriptions, read .

In this article, you will find information on how to check which number is on the SIM card of any Big Three operator and on Tele2. I know for myself - it is not often that you find out your mobile phone number, but sometimes you need to.

Find out your number - all ways on one page.

Now it is not difficult to buy a SIM card, they sell it on almost every corner, especially in large cities. Moreover, as a rule, large retail chains have their own sales plans for each of the telecom operators and, in case of failure, receive remuneration at a reduced rate. I have had such situations - I go to replenish the balance of the phone, they offer me to issue a Beeline card for free, on the balance of which there will be 150 rubles. Why not? It seems that you help people, but they give you more money. What to do with this SIM card later - it's up to you to decide whether to keep it for yourself or close it, but, most importantly, do not leave it unattended, because you have entered into an agreement, which means you bear financial obligations . If you refuse, then go write an application for termination of the contract.

From the great abundance of SIM cards from various operators, one problem arises: how to find out your phone number on a new SIM card?

Of course, you may need to find out your number not only in this case. Information on how to do this is below.

There are universal ways to determine your own phone:
1. Look into the contract for the provision of communication services.

2.Through Personal Area on your carrier's website.

3. Call a friend and ask what number you are calling him from.

4. Call the contact center.

5.Through SIM menu in phone. If you need an explanation of what a sim menu is - write a request in the comments, I will write in detail.

You can find out your number in other ways, for each operator they differ from each other.

Here are a few ways for MTS:
1. Call 0887 - free of charge home network.

2. Dial USSD command *111*0887#

Ways y Beeline:

1. Call 067410.

2. Dial USSD command *110*10#

At Tele 2 I found only one way - dial the command * 201 # and the call key.

At MegaFon I know the most ways
1. USSD request*205# or *225*5*1# and a call key.

2. Call 0105 and navigate through the menu to find your balance.

3. Go via the Internet on the SIM card to the operator's website, in the very top line there will be information about your number.

4. Send an SMS message with the text "6" to the number 000100.

All of the above methods are free only in the home network of your telecom operator. As a rule, only USSD requests will be free in roaming.

A huge request, if you know other ways to find out your mobile phone number - please indicate these methods in the comments.

People often experience problems figuring out how to recognize a phone by last name. Situations can be of a different nature - from searching for a person you like to an important contact. Back in the Soviet Union, there were special certificates or entire catalogs for this. In Russia, with the help of the Internet, it is much faster and more convenient to do this.

Is it possible to find a phone number by first and last name for free

Knowing the details of the wanted person, you can find the number home phone by last name for free, In addition to the city, there is the possibility of finding the alleged mobile. There are several ways to find out a phone by last name, but not all are legal. Often methods are limited to the use of stolen databases. By using some of them, users may violate laws. Search methods exist for a fee, but there are many online and free ways because of their demand and popularity. You can choose any, depending on what you need.

Ways to find out the phone number by the name of the subscriber

The use of directories is an actual technique, how to find out the phone by the existing last name. They use directories, results of data on the Internet or databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, social networks, where you can see other information about a person, such as date of birth, education, etc. All of these options give positive result at , but the data are not always reliable. It's connected with rapid change contacts, when one number is replaced by another simply on a whim, and not for a good reason. It is difficult to get information about those who deliberately hide from the wanted list or do not want publicity due to a number of reasons.

In addition to the Internet, you can use the search through acquaintances or friends of your wanted person. They can help out, give the real contact you need. This method may be the most effective, perfectly legal, simple and effective. Its advantages include simplicity, efficiency, because it is easier to find through familiar people than sitting at a computer, looking for a suitable option. In addition to the number, it's easy, then all the information will be complete, necessary for certain actions.

Via home phone directory

Directories and address books were popular at a time when there were no mobile phones. Then it was easy to figure out how to find out the home phone number by last name. The owner had a registration address, and each apartment had a landline phone, the number of which fit into the pages of the directory. It was extremely easy to find the right person, the information was not classified, there was free access to absolutely every citizen, except for officials. But it was also possible to find them with a little effort and connections.

Modern city apartments still have city subscriber numbers, so this search option remains relevant. The directories have been converted into electronic versions with easy navigation, they provide information by last name in alphabetical order, and the ability to search through the input of available information. You can only find in this way home number. For mobile phones, you will have to look for other options, inconvenient, difficult, costing a round sum, requiring time and searching for connections.

Download database of phone numbers

There are popular sites on the network that appear due to queries based on the existing name. All of them issue links to special databases that are formed by mobile operators, such as MTS. Such databases are illegal due to the fact that companies do not have the right to post them for free review. This is always stolen information or copied from an incomprehensible source. Therefore, it can be difficult to trust her because of the reason for the rapid obsolescence of information.

Through law enforcement

When identity is lost, and the reasons for this are important, such as debt or crime, you can contact the police, where law enforcement officers will help you. They have their own databases. Thanks to fresh updates, the police will find the right person without delay. To access the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need a weighty reason for the search, a statement with an accusation against the wanted person. Otherwise, you'll be wasting your time.

In a world that keeps up with the times, mobile communications are everywhere. Calling people who are located on another part of the globe is not difficult.

Now many have modern smartphones, mobile communications are well supported by them. Some have the ability to support two SIM cards and allow the owner to use two at the same time. Few people forget their personal phone numbers.

There are times when people use two phones at the same time, this further exacerbates the problem and this happens quite often. There are times when you urgently need to find out the number, but you do not know it, for example, to replenish the balance.

It is easy to meet those who, when asking for a number, shyly say that they have forgotten it. To prevent this from happening, we will consider options for how to find out your number and not forget it.

Find out your Megafon number

Find out your number on Megaphone is the following combination of characters in the ussd request: *205#


Find out your number on Beeline is the following combination of characters in the ussd request: *110*10#


The command that allows you to find out your number on the MTS is the following combination of characters in the ussd request: *111*0887#


The command that allows you to find out your number on Tele2 is the following combination of characters in the ussd request: *201#


Find out your number on YOTA is the following combination of characters in the ussd request: *103#


Find out your number on Motive is the following combination of characters in the ussd request: *104*28# or send an SMS notification with empty content to 1024

Ways to find out your phone number

  1. With the help of a telecom operator;
  2. USSD requests;
  3. call to a loved one;
  4. Through the device settings;
  5. SMS message;
  6. Packaging itself SIM cards;
  7. Personal Area.

With the help of a telecom operator

The operators have provided for the situation when the user forgets his number, the subscriber can call his operator through the support number at any time.

Operators will always be ready to remind forgetful subscribers of their personal phone numbers. So you can call the support service and clarify your number, specialists will provide you with the necessary information.

You can also contact us for other technical questions. The service is completely free for all customers. This option is useful for those who are in a different area or do not know special commands.

You can contact the support service using the phones:

For telecom operators of the Russian Federation

  1. MTS: 0890. This way you can verify your phone number. The number 0990 is also valid for legal entities. 0887 - after the call to which, the robot will dictate your personal number. This only works within the Russian Federation.
  2. Tele 2: 611. After the call, you will listen to a message from the operator. After listening, you press the 0 key to contact the operator.
  3. Beeline: 067410. Use this number to request an SMS reply. There is also a number 0610 to contact the operator.
  4. Megaphone: 0500 - number to contact technical support (press 9, then 0).

For telecom operators in Ukraine

  1. Phone numbers for subscribers mobile communications Kyivstar in Ukraine: 466 (free from Kyivstar mobile phones) 0 800 300 466 (free from rooms networks fixed and mobile communications Ukraine)
  2. For mobile subscribers Vodafone: You can use the quick connection service with the contact center operator by calling free number 555 . The service is activated by connecting with the operator.
  3. For network subscribers Lifecell +38 063 5433 111 or +38 044 233 6363 , who are in roaming, the call is charged according to the tariffs of the operator of the host country.

When using this method, always be prepared to be asked for your personal information for identification purposes.

USSD requests

One way to find out your number is a USSD request, this is a very convenient and affordable option for solving such a problem. Based on numerous calls to the technical support service, these teams were created. There are a lot of different commands, they help to solve all the actual problems.

List of all USSD commands:

  1. MTS: *111*0887#.
  2. Tele 2: *201#.
  3. Beeline: *111*10#.
  4. Megaphone: *205#.

Call to a loved one

We can say that this is one of the most affordable ways to solve this problem. To do this, you only need the phone of your friend or someone close to you, it does not matter, you just have to call this person.

Then write down the number on the book, some may be shy when calling. You should not be shy because this can happen to anyone, a low balance, lack of a phone nearby can also become an obstacle.

Via phone settings

And you know that you can find out the phone number thanks to the settings of your smartphone. This method is very convenient and simple, since we hold the smartphone in our hands very often, we can open the settings at any time. Instructions for finding your number:

  1. Smartphones with operating system Android: Need to go to Settings , then in Phone information and State . After that in My phone number . Your phone number will be listed there. Smartphone under Android control, requires early manual numbering.
  2. Smartphones with the IOS operating system: First, go to Settings , then in Telephone . Then in My number .
  3. For those with an iPad: Let's go to Settings , Main and Mobile data number .

Via SMS messages

You can clarify the phone number by sending a message, this function is available to MTC subscribers. Need to send a message 0887 to number 111 .

Packaging of the SIM card itself

If you have forgotten your number, then you can find the package of the SIM card itself, your phone number will be indicated there. It may also be specified in the contract, some may not find the package or contract, therefore, this method is not useful for everyone.

Personal Area

Operators have developed applications for smartphones through which you can easily manage your personal account. You can set up your account in your personal account, which is very convenient for subscribers.

Operators provide various services to subscribers, where you can replenish your personal balance. A personal account provides subscribers with great opportunities.

With the help of the same personal account, you can find out your number. These apps can be found in any app market. They are absolutely free and allow you to enter your personal account without any problems.

The telephone plays an important role in human life nowadays. It is needed to communicate with other people, friends, relatives for communication. AT modern world A lot has to do with the phone number.

Websites use phone numbers to identify users. With the help of them, complete security of the entire account is ensured, it protects from unauthorized persons, therefore, people should not forget the number.

How not to forget your phone number?

Those people who work with a notebook and diary can write down the number there, it is best to memorize it. Because at the right time, a phone or a notebook may not be next to you, then everything can end badly.

I hope I helped you with the problem of "how to find out your number." I think that this problem has already been solved and I have helped many people. Most likely, the number of people who could not solve the problem decreased. If you somehow forgot your password, you can follow these tips.