There are a number of reasons why it becomes necessary to restore a SIM card:

  • the card has been blocked due to prolonged non-use;
  • the SIM was blocked by the user through the service " Voluntary blocking»;
  • the sim is broken or lost.

There are two main ways to restore an MTS SIM card:

  1. In the official salon of MTS.
  2. With the help of the courier service "SIM-card delivery" from MTS.

Salon restoration

There are almost everywhere MTS salons where you can restore a SIM card, so this path will be the most logical and convenient.

It is enough to come to the communication salon of the home region. The cardholder (or an authorized representative of the owner) must present a passport (an authorized representative is also a notarized power of attorney) and fill out an application for the restoration of a SIM card.

Question: How to find the nearest MTS communication salon?

Answer: Use your Internet search engine, or send an SMS message with the text "MTS" to the number 6677. You will receive a response SMS with the address of the nearest salon.

Courier delivery of a new SIM card

To do this, you need to send an application for SIM card recovery by e-mail; You can find out the e-mail address to which you want to send a letter by dialing 0890 from your mobile phone.

After that, you need to use the service "Delivery of a SIM card" on the official website of MTS

You can also order a SIM card by calling free number technical support MTS 88002500890 or 0890.

Unfortunately, the "SIM-card delivery" service is available only for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Question: How much does shipping cost?

Answer: Delivery is free of charge, but there are paid options "express" and "expedited", which cost 200 and 90 rubles, respectively.

How much does it cost to restore a SIM card?

Wanna get it all useful commands your carrier?

Not at all. All measures to restore the SIM card are provided by MTS absolutely free of charge.

How long does it take to restore a SIM card?

When contacting the MTS salon, a new SIM card is issued on the spot; you just need to wait until the salon employee performs some actions that take only a few minutes.

To find out how soon an application submitted under e-mail, you need to dial 0890 from the phone and ask about the application.

Will the data be saved on the new SIM card?

Yes, the new SIM card is a copy of the old one: the tariff, all connected options and services, tariff balances and, most importantly, the number of the old new SIM card will remain unchanged. If phone book numbers or any other information were recorded on the SIM card, then this data will not be transferred to a new SIM card.

Sometimes a situation happens when the SIM card in the mobile phone is blocked. In this case, you can not call loved ones, go to the worldwide network. If a friend calls you, he will hear in response that the specified phone number is blocked. There are several ways to restore an MTS SIM card. The choice of a specific method depends on the cause and type of blocking.

Recovery by calling the operator

If the SIM card in your phone is blocked, you can restore it yourself without visiting the service office. To do this, there is a help desk operator who helps subscribers in difficult situations. To contact the operator, follow the steps:

These steps will allow you to restore the SIM card in a few minutes.

Contacting the MTS office

This SIM card recovery option is the most reliable. Before visiting the service office, do not forget to take your passport, and, if necessary, the power of attorney of the SIM card owner, if the number is registered in someone else's name. Otherwise, you will be denied the restoration of the SIM card.
  1. Ask an office worker to restore the SIM card of your mobile device.
  2. Present your passport.
  3. Fill out and submit to the employees an application for the restoration of a SIM card.
  4. Wait for the recovery procedure to finish.

Recovery in the Personal Account

The self-service service allows the user to perform various operations with the phone account, including the possibility to restore the SIM card. To restore a SIM card in a personal account, follow these steps:
  1. Go to .
  2. Click the "Login" button - « mobile connection» at the top right of the website page.
  3. Log in by entering the phone number and password you received earlier during registration.
  4. When you first log in, you must register and receive a password to enter. A phone number is used as a login.
  5. All procedures related to blocking and restoring a SIM card are carried out in the tab "Room Management"- "Block". Click on this link.
  6. If the SIM card is blocked by the subscriber on a voluntary basis, press the key "Unblock number", then follow the system instructions.
  7. If the SIM card is blocked for other reasons, visit a communication salon or service office to restore it, as described earlier.

Recovery by replenishing the balance

If the SIM card is blocked due to a negative balance or a large debt, to restore it, it is enough to top up the phone account so that the balance becomes positive.

Restoration by period of inactivity

If the sim card for a long time didn't work and then you put it in mobile device, and decide to use it, then the recovery will depend on the duration of the period of inactivity of the sim card. On some tariff plans, MTS blocks SIM cards after two months, on others after six months. If these periods are over, recovery is not possible. You will need to buy a new SIM card with a different number.

Conditions for restoring an MTS SIM card

  • Restoration is possible only on the passport of the owner of the room.
  • If the SIM card is issued to another person, a power of attorney certified by a notary is required, indicating the necessary powers.
  • During recovery, the ability to send SMS messages is blocked for 24 hours.
  • After the restoration of the SIM card, the function of payments through MTS Money is limited on the number within 24 hours.

Have you accidentally lost your phone and along with it the SIM card? Did an intruder “seize” a cell phone from your purse? Do not know what to do in order to return your old number and continue using communication services "with old numbers"? - The mobile company MTS LLC offers its subscribers an excellent opportunity to return the lost card and, along with it, the phone number.

If you want to know how to restore an MTS number, you are invited to read the information below in detail. In it you will find all the necessary information that will help you solve the problem of blocking and subsequent recovery of your number. Do not panic: mobile operator MTS always comes to the rescue.

IMPORTANT: We strongly ask you not to forget that the information posted on the site is relevant at the time of the creation of this article. If for some reason you could not solve your questions, most likely the information has lost its uniqueness. For fully updated information, it is recommended to visit the official portal of MTS LLC.

Stages of MTS number recovery

If you are faced with the problem of losing your mobile phone or your SIM card, you should not immediately, as they say, “shed tears”, because at present there is a complete list of necessary steps to go through which means getting your number and card back. We present all of them below.

  1. First of all, at the moment of detection of the loss, you need to immediately block your number so that the attacker cannot use the calls at his own discretion. For example, there is a fairly large amount on your personal account. It is logical that it is not advisable to give it to someone else, so you just need:

Select the required way to block your number and use it. If you like the first option the most, go to the main site mobile company and click on the "Internet Assistant" service. In the drop-down menu, click on " Personal Area". Next, select the necessary items that will match your request. They are called "Service" and "Lock and restore". In the indicated menu, perform all necessary actions to block.

If you chose the second option for solving the problem “How to restore an MTS phone number?” - do not forget to bring your driver's license or passport with you, as employees are authorized to check the similarity of your identity and the identity of the SIM card holder.

And finally, if you decide to call Single number type "0890" - be prepared for the fact that the operator on duty will definitely ask you about several nuances, consisting in the passport number, personal data, code word.

  1. It is important to know that in certain cases, blocking a SIM card can be done without theft or loss. Similar probabilities of the development of the situation - a long time of “idle” of the phone without using mobile services; disuse paid services(services); non-replenishment of the balance in the negative mode.

IMPORTANT: In such cases, it will be impossible to restore the card. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend that you carefully monitor how services are paid for and do not leave your mobile phone idle (in cases where you have gone abroad for a long time).

  1. And finally, the last, third step in solving the problem "How to restore MTS sim?" - the process of the same name "recovery". Currently, there are two main ways in which each interested subscriber can restore a lost SIM card. For this you need:
  • Apply to any nearest MTS office with an appropriate application. The amount required for the provision of the restoration service will be 12,600 rubles including VAT.
  • Or order a unique service called “Sim Card Delivery”.

It must be remembered that in the salons of the MTS mobile operator, a SIM card can be restored only by the following application:

  1. The legal owner of a specific contract for a number
  2. Trusted person on behalf of the owner
  3. SIM card user

What do you need to know?

The process of recovering a mobile phone number does not take much time if everything is done quickly and accurately. Remember that in cases of an application from an authorized representative, it is necessary to transfer to the necessary person a notarized document that gives the right to exercise authority on behalf of the SIM card owner. Otherwise, employees of the mobile company may simply refuse the operation.

In general, the question "Is it possible to restore the MTS number?" - extremely simple for all those who do not yet know how to use the service of obtaining a new "plastic" with a saved number.

In conclusion…

The portal site strongly recommends that all subscribers of MTS LLC carefully monitor how you treat mobile phone. Do not leave it in prominent places when you are at work or school. By doing this, you will save your nerves and financial resources, since the restoration service costs about 13,000 rubles.

In general, today we figured out how to get an old number. Just contact any branch office of the company and get the necessary instructions right on the spot. The information that is posted on our portal will help you "arm yourself" with the necessary information that you will need when applying. Together with it you will save time.

Blocking the SIM card deprives the subscriber of the opportunity to use the services cellular communication. Fortunately, the operators have provided the possibility quick recovery sims. The MTS company was no exception, which, despite the reasons for blocking the SIM card, allows you to restore the number completely free of charge and without any problems. In this article, the Internet assistant will tell you how to unlock the MTS SIM card in a minimum amount of time.

Below will be given all the currently existing methods that allow you to restore a SIM card, regardless of the reason for which it was blocked. You just have to read the material below and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

  • Attention
  • If the reason for blocking the SIM card was the incorrect entry of the PIN code, then you can restore the number using the puk code, which you can find out from the contract or the plastic carrier of the SIM card. Be careful when entering the puk code. 10 wrong entries result in a permanent ban.

MTS SIM card recovery

There are quite a few reasons that can serve as a reason for blocking an MTS SIM card. The most common are the following reasons:

  • Sim card blocking occurred automatically due to a large debt;
  • the Subscriber to use the "Voluntary blocking" service, as he did not plan to use the services of MTS for a long time;
  • The subscriber blocked the SIM card after the theft or loss of the mobile phone.

Of course, there are other reasons for blocking a SIM card, but the process of recovering a number in almost all cases will be the same. The exception is situations when the subscriber decides himself forever by taking appropriate measures for this, or exceeding the allowable number of entering the puk code (no more than 10 times). In these cases, it is impossible to restore the SIM card.

How to unlock an MTS SIM card - 3 ways

  • Important
  • If the number was blocked due to a large debt, then to restore it, it is enough just to replenish the balance to a positive one.

When a SIM card is restored, it is reactivated. That is, after unlocking the number, the balance of the personal account and all previously connected services will be restored.

You can unlock the SIM card mts in one of the following ways:

  1. MTS office. Most reliable way Restoring a SIM card involves contacting the nearest MTS communication salon. Moreover, if the SIM card was blocked due to theft or loss of the phone, then this is the only option to restore the number (with the exception of the "SIM card delivery" service, which we will talk about later). Before unlocking the MTS SIM card, the employee of the communication salon will ask you to provide a passport, as well as write an application for the restoration of SIM cards. This whole process will take only a few minutes, after which you will receive a new SIM card with the same number, balance and previously connected services.
  2. Call to the contact center. If the blocked SIM card is at your disposal, then it is not necessary to visit the MTS office to restore it. You can simply call the operator and report your desire to unlock the SIM card. Depending on the specific situation, a contact center specialist will help with solving the problem. To , dial 0890 . For calls from landlines and mobile numbers other operators, you should use the number 8 800 250 08 90 .
  3. Personal Area. If the SIM card was intentionally blocked using the "Voluntary blocking" service, then in addition to the above methods, it can be restored through. To do this, go to the "Number Management" section and select the "Block" item. Then follow the instructions of the online assistant.

"SIM-card delivery" service

With how to unlock the MTS SIM card, everything is clear. However, what to do in cases where it is not possible to personally visit the MTS office, and the reason for the blocking was the loss or theft of the phone? The operator has provided solutions for such cases. You can use the service "SIM card delivery". The service is available on the official website of the operator. Follow the link and a form will appear in front of you, as in the picture below.

In this form, you need to select the country of residence, city and type of delivery. Do not forget to check the box next to the item "I agree to the terms of service" and click the "Next" button. We are interested in restoring a SIM card, so in the page that opens, in the column “Information about a lost SIM card”, we indicate the number of the SIM card that needs to be restored. After that, fill in the remaining required fields, following the instructions of the online assistant. Now it remains only to wait for the SIM card to come to your mail. The waiting time depends on your locality.

This is where we will end this article. Now you know how to unlock the MTS SIM card and order it at home if it is not possible to personally visit the communication salon. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in restoring the number.

  • Has your phone been stolen or lost and you want to block it so that a stranger or intruder cannot use your SIM card?
  • Do not plan to use MTS services for a long time and want to keep your phone number and SIM card?

Blocking and restoring a SIM card is very easy!

Step 1Lock your SIM card

Activate the "Voluntary blocking" service, which blocks the possibility of using communication services. When the "Voluntary blocking" service is activated, it is not possible to obtain a password for the Personal Account from the MTS website.

If you are in a voluntary blocking, the monthly / daily fee for the tariff and previously connected services and options is not charged. After disabling voluntary blocking, the monthly/daily fee for the tariff and previously connected services and options is charged for the current period.

The service is provided to subscribers of all tariff plans.

Ways to connect the service "Voluntary blocking":

  • use your personal account
  • dial the command on your phone *111*157#
  • call mobile assistant number 1116
  • call the MTS Contact Center
  • contact the nearest MTS salon

The cost of the service "Voluntary blocking":

Connection - 0 rub.
Daily fee - 0 rub. - the first 14 days, 1 rub. - starting from the 15th day. In addition to the MTS Tablet tariff - a fee of 1 rub. starting from the first day.
Shutdown - 0 rub.

After deactivation of the "Voluntary blocking" service, the billing of services is resumed in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan and previously connected services and options.

Communication may be limited due to the presence of a financial block on the number.
Blocking is set:

  • in the absence of funds on the account
  • when going beyond the provided limit (when using the service "On full trust")

Step 2. SIM recovery

When the SIM card is restored, the existing number is reactivated, the balance of the personal account is restored and all services that were connected to this number at the time the SIM card was blocked are activated.

There are two ways to recover a SIM card:

  • contact the MTS salon in the region where the SIM card was purchased
  • use the "SIM card delivery" service

In MTS salons, the SIM card is restored according to the application:

  • number owner
  • authorized representative of the owner of the number

Restoration of the SIM card is made only upon presentation of an identity document of the applicant. The authorized person also needs to provide a notarized power of attorney indicating the authority or a previously issued MTS power of attorney from the owner. When the SIM card is restored, the SMS service is blocked for a day, except when the SIM is replaced when the owner of the number contacts with a passport.

For users of SIM-cards, a subsequent change of number is possible.

After restoring the SIM card within 24 hours, the number is subject to restrictions on making payments through the MTS Money Wallet service.

    Automatic blocking of the SIM card by MTS

    The SIM card is blocked automatically if you for a long time:

    • did not call from this number
    • did not use any paid services on this number
    • did not replenish the personal account with a negative balance

    In this case, it is not possible to restore the SIM card with the previous number. You can purchase a SIM card with a new number.

    Automatic blocking takes effect if the SIM card has not been used for 60 to 183 days; the exact start date of the blocking depends on the conditions of the chosen tariff plan.

    How to unlock

    Type of blocking * Services available when blocked How to unblock a number How to determine if a number is blocked
    Voluntary . Call to the MTS Contact Center at 0890

    . Personal Area
    . through personal account
    . personally in the MTS salon
    . by calling the MTS Contact Center
    . in dealer showrooms
    you call:

    They call you:

    Financial . Call to the MTS Contact Center at 0890
    . Mobile assistant (call to number 111: balance check, payment receipt, promotions)
    . Personal Area
    . MTS Service - *111# (balance check, payment receipt, conditions of your tariff plan)
    . call for emergency operational services (number 112)
    Replenish the account with the required amount (depending on the tariff) / Pay the invoice (you can check the invoice amount using the *132# command). you call:
    . "The call could not be established. Please call back help desk your network. The call cannot be completed, please call your Customer Service"

    They call you:
    . “The subscriber is temporarily blocked. Sorry, the mobile number is temporary blocked"

    Automatic blocking of the SIM card by MTS Buy a SIM card with a new number They call you:
    . “The subscriber is temporarily blocked. Sorry, the mobile number is temporary blocked"
    you call:
    outgoing communication is not available, because. SIM card is not registered on the network
  • Faulty/dilapidated SIM card

    Like any technical device, The SIM card may break or fail due to physical wear and tear. In this case, you need to contact any MTS salon for a free replacement of a faulty SIM card with a new one. MTS number, tariff plan, connected services and account balance will remain unchanged.

    The SIM-card is replaced at the request of the owner of the number and upon presentation of an identity document.