As much as the owners of publics on social networks would not like it, there is definitely no better time to publish posts. It depends on many factors, the most important of which are: social network, the audience of a group or public, the theme of the public and much more.

The ideal posting time for one public or social network as a whole may be completely inappropriate for another similar resource.

The optimal time for posting Vkontakte posts

When posting on the VKontakte social network, you should proceed from the following factors: the time when the traffic of the social network is maximum, the subject of the public in which the post will be posted, the features of the public audience (age, interests) and other smaller features.

Over time, the maximum attendance of Vkontakte is extremely simple, the largest online is from 19 to 21 hours Moscow time. For most publics, this time is ideal, but not for everyone. For example, in various publics designed for a teenage audience, the time of attendance differs in general. In such publics, it is best to post posts in the daytime, because that's when Vkontakte is largest number teenagers.

There are also publics designed for an audience of a certain region or time zone. For example: publics with local news or other similar groups. In this case, it is worth focusing exclusively on local time.

Best time to post on Odnoklassniki

In general, all recommendations for publishing posts will be about the same as for the social network Vkontakte. These resources have the same audience, so there will be practically no differences in the time of publication.

Best time to post on Facebook

With the social network FaceBook, everything is somewhat more complicated, since Russian-speaking users make up only a small part of the entire audience. this resource. Therefore, when publishing your post, in addition to the previously listed things, it is worth considering many new factors that are absent in exclusively Russian-language social networks.

If you look at the audience in general, then the time of the highest attendance starts at 13:00 and ends at 15:00 Moscow time. English-language posts are best posted at this time. Also, the period of the highest Facebook traffic is perfect for publishing posts that do not contain text (various pictures, songs, music videos) on English-language public pages.

With Russian-language posts, you should follow the same tips as for Russian social networks (Vkontakte or classmates). The vast majority of the Russian-speaking Facebook audience visits the site at the same time as Vkontakte with Odnoklassniki.

Best time to post on Twitter

Twitter is less picky about posting time. In this social network, high attendance lasts much longer than in most other similar resources. But even considering this, you should not publish your posts at random.

Definitely not worth posting at night, at this time the attendance of the resource is almost minimal, which makes publication a meaningless exercise. There are no other specific guidelines for posting to Twitter. Many of the tips that apply to other social networks also apply to Twitter.

Best time to post on Instagram

First of all, the time of publication on Instagram depends on the number of your followers. If there are no subscribers other than your friends, you should publish at a time when it is convenient for them. You can not even try to publish posts during the maximum traffic on Instagram, site users view posts of exclusively popular personalities, and they simply will not go to your publications. At the same time, your friends may find it inconvenient to view such publications.

If you were able to gain an impressive number of subscribers (at least a few hundred), you should start publishing posts at the time of the highest traffic to the site (approximately from 10 am to 8 pm Moscow time). This will increase the number of views of your photos, which will positively affect the development of your Instagram account.

General advice about posting.

  • Approximately choose the time of publication, you can look at the popular public pages. You need to find a popular public page with a similar topic and choose the same posting time for your public page.
  • Don't be afraid to post at different times of the day. Through trial and error, you can achieve results that most of the most popular resources cannot achieve.

(this is probably a fact)
Advanced smm "schiks, affiliates, admins think they know the target audience and when to feed it. Self-esteem, as in the graph iPhone sales, grows higher and higher. The intoxicating sensation of success is dizzying. Sometimes the thought even flashes, “But isn’t it enough for me to pay an hour?”.

Only losers are like that. The guys who understand this work hard and analyze the audience, and do not collect the stadiums of schoolchildren.

Posting time is important. Imagine runners on the track. Everyone is standing and waiting for a signal, if you fall off earlier - you lose, later - you won’t be able to catch up with anyone. Only on time and nothing else.

In this article, we will show the main nuances that should be considered when choosing the time for posting.

How to determine best time for posting

(when you monitor the posting time of competitors)

The activity indicator rises from 8:00 to 00:00, showing peaks during the lunch break (12:00 - 14:00) and in the evening (19:00 - 21:00).

Taking into account the average statistics above, community admins buy ads during these periods of time. But it is not always effective. Why?

Problem: tightly linked to prime time and do not follow individual group statistics.

(Tuesday. One of the most rotten days)

(Saturday. Ahead of the day off, you can go to bed later)

At first glance, the captain's find. But many smm "people forget about it. If on weekdays the activity is about the same, then on weekends it is completely different. The morning peak shifts from 8 o'clock, closer to 11-12. Evening activity goes deep into the night.

Solution 3: Experiment

Item for the most courageous. If you are really on fire with promotion and do not look for compromise solutions, life hacks that at the end offer to buy books on smm three years ago, then this option is for you.

Make a tight purchase for the whole day, view the best activity (for each selected public), and only then build an effective promotion strategy.

And further: for travel/fashion/daily blogs or public entertainment/educational content, these items are no exception.

One could answer that the best time to post is when the people you want to show the content to are online.

This would be a simple but not useful answer.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a definite answer. For different business areas, this may be different days and times of day. It all depends on the platform you use, how your target audience interacts with this platform, on the region, on the type of content (entertainment or serious), and on your goals (click or share).

Take this data into account and it will help you determine your ideal time to post content.

The best time to post on Facebook

People access Facebook like mobile devices, and with desktop computers both at work and at home. How is social the network is entirely dependent on the characteristics of the audience.

Facebook- It's 15.00 on Wednesday. Also, the optimal time can be attributed to 12.00-13.00 on Saturday and Sunday, and 13.00-16.00 on Thursday and Friday.

From 13.00 to 16.00 on weekdays there is the best click-through rate, and by the end of the week, on Thursdays and Fridays, the degree of engagement is the highest.

On Fridays, Facebook traffic increases by 10%. Since people feel happier on Friday, experts advise posting upbeat, cheerful content in order to match the mood of the audience.

The worst times to post on Facebook are weekends before 8:00 am and after 8:00 pm.

Post frequency

It is recommended to post at least once a day. Although, again, it depends on the type of content and the characteristics of the target audience. In addition, you should regularly monitor the reaction of the audience and promptly respond to questions and comments posted on your page.

Best time to post on Twitter

Like Facebook, people access Twitter from both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home. And also its use depends entirely on the audience. However, as a rule, people perceive Twitter as an RSS feed, as something to read during breaks at work or on the way to work.

The best time to post inTwitter- These are weekdays from 12.00 to 15.00 and at 17.00.

For B2B companies, the most successful days for publication can be considered all weekdays, especially Wednesday, when the CTR is the highest. For B2C organizations beyond the environment better days are still the weekend. According to a study by marketing company CoSchedule, content created for the B2B sector is 16% more effective during business hours, while B2C content is 17% more effective during weekends.

It is worth repeating that the best time for posting is individual for different business areas. There are cases where content has been successful when published at 2 am, 6 am and 10 pm. Experiment and find the perfect time for you!

Post frequency

The lifetime of a tweet on the visible part of the news feed is quite short, lasting approximately 8 hours. In this regard, in order to consolidate your presence on the feed, it is recommended to post at least 4 times a day. You can even retweet your previous posts if they are still relevant.

The best time to post on Instagram

From the very beginning, the developers of Instagram assumed that the application would be used on mobile devices. But despite the fact that today people use the Internet anytime, anywhere, they become truly involved after hours.

The best time to post inInstagramcan be considered Monday and Thursday at any time except the interval from 15.00 to 16.00.

As for video, according to research by the marketing company TrackMaven, it is most popular at night on any day of the week from 21.00 to 08.00. Some businesses successfully publish videos on Wednesdays at 19.00, as well as any day at 2.00. This time is worth experimenting with.

Post frequency

Analyst company Union Metrics recommends posting as often as possible. According to her research, on average, businesses post content to Instagram 1.5 times a day. But there are companies that post every hour throughout the day and are very popular with users.

The best time of publications in Vkontakte

Like Facebook and Twitter, people access Vkontakte from both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home.

The largest number of visitors to Vkontakte is reached at 21.00. Therefore, the best time to post publications is from 17.30 to 22.00 every weekday. Also, the optimal time can be attributed to 13.00-15.00, this is the time of breaks at work, so quite a lot of people are online.

Post frequency

Experts recommend publishing posts with an interval of approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the time of day and the characteristics of your business. Post more often in the evening than in the morning. But remember that quantity does not always mean quality. The victory will still remain with rare unique content with high-quality images.


At what time it is better to post VKontakte posts, no one can say for sure. Periodic analysis of activities, coverage and advertising response allowed us to calculate two main time periods when the effectiveness of the posted posts will be the highest.

The first interval is from 12 noon to 3 pm, that is, a lunch break and the hours adjacent to it. The surge in activity in this period is due to the fact that on the eve of lunch, many employees begin to kill time on social networks, sitting in their favorite groups, they prefer to combine the meal process with monitoring the news feed, and spend the afternoon in tuning into a working mood, again disappearing among spaces of social networks.

The second period is the hours from 21 to 23. This is the best time for placement, and it is in the evening that maximum coverage is achieved. Returning from work, people monitor the news feed on their devices on the go, and when they get home, they often switch to computers, or fall into a comfortable chair with their phone, continuing to explore the expanses of social networks in search of new posted content.

But all this is only average data, which depends on the age of subscribers, their place of residence, hobbies and other factors. Any community has a different audience, different attendance and activity. Therefore, in each separate case it is desirable to independently conduct an analysis in order to always know when it is better to display this or that information.

Important! Post posts on Vkontakte not at even hours, but a couple of minutes later. For example, it’s good to display a record not at 20:00, but at 20:02, not at 12:00, but at 12:01, etc. Similarly. This is necessary for the reason that posts in most communities come out at the same time, which forces you to compete for coverage in an unequal struggle with hundreds and thousands of other, larger, publics. If the post is displayed a couple of minutes later, then the peak of posting will pass, and you will find yourself in the feed above the vast majority of other communities.

There is also an opinion that commercial posts are better placed on weekdays than on weekends, since on Saturday and Sunday people devote more time to family and leisure, preferring to put social networks in the background.

We distribute posting correctly - a system of 6 points

It is not enough to know the most effective hours for competently building a publishing system. You need to properly distribute content throughout the day. For most communities, with an average frequency of 10-20 posts per day, the following system will do:

  1. morning (6:00-7:00) starts with positive, simple posts;
  2. from morning to afternoon, with not very frequent frequency, there are posts of medium quality, sometimes alternating with strong content;
  3. at lunchtime, the quality of publications is slightly enhanced and high quality blanks are used;
  4. from lunch to evening, medium posts alternate with strong ones, gradually increasing the frequency of publications;
  5. in the evening prime time, you need to use the strongest content and increase the frequency of its posting in order to reach the maximum audience, which in this moment actively flipping through their news feed;
  6. the day ends with simple fasts closer to midnight (23:00-1:00).

Scheduling delayed posting

Wherever you are and whatever happens to you, posts should always come out. One or two days of downtime of publications may well block the entire previous long work, therefore, in no case should such a situation be allowed, and here a delayed post will come in handy.

To help set up a competent posting process in the community and on the page, there is a timer that allows you to create delayed posts. Thanks to this functionality, you can prepare content in advance, placing it at the best time, and it will go on the wall on the right day and at the specified hours, maintaining the interest and activity of subscribers.

With the help of auto-posting, you can provide the community with material for a long period of time, taking up other important areas of project development.

A little parting word

The functionality of the VKontakte social network is quite extensive, and with its proper use, you can facilitate the work of maintaining a community by automating part of the workflow as much as possible. Develop a content strategy, prepare blanks, ideas and templates for publication, decide on target audience and the right time to post, set the content on a timer and start. And remember: the main thing is the quality of the content, because without it, even the most productive hours will become just bygone time.

Internet services for business.
Link to the material is required!

Many SMMs are very often interested in what time is the best time to post in their group. Western colleagues wrote a lot of articles about this, drew a bunch of infographics. But all this is about facebook, twitter, pinterest, and not about our VKontakte, where we spend a lot of time.

In fact, this article will not talk about publishing posts to your group or public page, but about what time is best to place ads in VK communities to attract users to a group or to commercial sites (you sell something)

It’s probably worth starting with the fact that, like on television, the Internet has prime time - the period of time in which the Internet is maximum amount users. There is a prime time and VK. It looks like this

  • Activity - users online in the social network VKontakte
  • Color - the red, the more users online in a given period of time
  • spaces- at some points in time it was not possible to receive data from VK
  • Data - Russia, Moscow, different age groups (gathered separately)
  • Time- according to MSC

From the picture "14-80" you can see that the general "prime time" starts at 20:00 every day of the week (slightly less on Friday and Saturday) and ends at 00:00.

Activity (the number of users online in VK) starts to grow from 8 am to 4 pm, where it hangs until 8 pm and the growth continues after which, at about 01:00 am, it starts to fall rapidly until 04:00 am. From 04:00 to 07:00, there are fewer people from Moscow on the social network.

Few people are interested in the overall picture of activity, so let's consider the activity of individual age groups

We are interested in the age groups 22-30, 31-45 and 46-80 and the general group 22-80 ... with schoolchildren, children have not yet learned to work, except perhaps in applications.

Based on activity, different age groups, you can build template models of user behavior. Approximately it looks like this

…woke up, had breakfast, checked through a smartphone if anyone had written on the social network during the night, the way to work, turned on the computer at work, looked at My News, received the first stream of information for discussion with colleagues at lunch, worked until lunch , sometimes being distracted by “My News” and a personal message, had lunch, after lunch, to enter the working mode, he again checked the social network for new messages, and also quickly ran through the news feed, worked, checked the social network again before leaving work, the road home, came tired, washed, ate, simultaneously turned on the radio or his playlist on the social network, continued to do household chores, sometimes got distracted by answers in a personal message, shared a couple of funny pictures for relaxation and a sense of moral satisfaction, watched some series or movie on a social network, fell asleep ...

Of course, for a more accurate construction of the template, it is necessary to survey the group that advertising on the social network will target (target audience).

My personal experience promotion of the meta-search engine for air tickets showed that social network users react to information about air ticket sales (put likes, repost, follow links) better from 11 to 15.00, the peak of transitions from advertising fell exactly at 11:00-12:00. At the same time, the placement of advertising in "prime time" did not give the same effect, despite the high activity of social network users.

The heat map shows that the majority of requests for advertising in groups are placed from 13:00 to 16:00 on weekdays. Most advertisers have come to the right conclusion - VKontakte's "prime time" is not suitable for advertising, users want to relax and do household chores, and not receive information about tire sales in a group about cats.

In fact, based on the information above, we can also draw conclusions about effective posting to your group or public page:

  • Understand who your user (TA) is: at what time he is active on the social network, what he does, what communities he subscribes to - create your own user behavior template to determine at what moment and what information he is ready to receive;
  • Experiment and analyze. Track everything you can. Data will help build a pattern of behavior

General conclusion