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How to write a message on VKontakte if he is not your friend and there is no way to contact him?

Under the avatar of any user, there is a Send message button, with the help of which communication takes place. You can send a message to a girl or a guy, but you can't do it anonymously. When there is no such button, this means that the user has limited the circle of communication and does not want to receive mail from unknown project participants.

However, it is not at all necessary to visit the user's page and try to establish contact. Each project participant on their page in the menu has a My Messages function, through which you can write a request for communication.

In the same way, through this function, you can organize communication with several recipients at once. This is quite easy to do, because user-friendly interface and pop-up hints will not let you make a mistake when entering data. By clicking the Write message button and specifying the first user, you can add other project participants using the Add button. You should be aware that the participants in the conversation in the group cannot be more than 50 people at the same time.

How to write a VK message if access is limited and the user is blocked?

If you cannot send a message to a friend, but instead a window pops up stating that the user has restricted access, this means that you are blacklisted and his page is closed to you. It is impossible to remove such a restriction, since the right to remove the veto belongs to the user himself. The imposed sanctions do not allow reading information from the user's page and sending him messages. The only way to restore contact is to inform the user about the problems with the help of mutual friends and ask him to remove the restrictions.

Since VKontakte is mostly free communication, you can also receive unnecessary advertising or spam in your name in the message. You can restrict this unwanted mail by clicking on the message and clicking the Spam button at the top. So - you can use the Block button to blacklist the user and isolate him from yourself.

How to write a message to yourself VK and what is it for?

Such a function is provided by VKontakte so that on your page you can create a similarity notebook. It is necessary to find your page with familiar users in friends and send information to yourself. In the future, in the My Messages menu, you can always find this dialogue, the personal will save it.

How to write to VK if a person’s personal is closed: 4 ways

To avoid intrusive SPAM messages and communication with unwanted users, the VKontakte social network allows a person to block access to personal correspondence with him, limiting the circle of people who can write to him, for example, only to friends or to friends and their friends. This is an important and convenient feature that should be present in every social network, but it can lead to some difficulties. If a user who is not your friend urgently needs to contact you, and you have such restrictions, he may have difficulty with this. However, they are quite easy to overcome, and in the framework of this article we will consider how to write to a person in VK if his personal is closed.

Table of contents: 1. Send a message along with a friend request 2. Contact a user via notifications 3. Contact a user via group chats 4. Send a message along with a gift

Send a message along with a friend request

No user can turn off the ability to add himself as a friend, and this can be used if you need to send a message to a person. In order for your message to be sent along with the application for friendship, you need to do the following:

After that, when the user sees your friend request, it will be displayed along with this message.

Note: This method not the most effective, since not all users regularly check the list of friend requests, often doing this every few days, weeks or months, due to which your urgent message may not be read by the addressee out of time.

Contact the user through notifications

Another way to contact the user is to send him a notification. You can do this from any group or from your personal page, just mention the user in the message as follows:

  1. Insert "@user-id" into your message. Instead of a user ID, you need to write the ID of the person you want to contact. You can find out the ID on his page;
  2. Along with this signature, write the message you want to send to the user, and then publish the message.

The person whose ID was used in the message will receive a notification. By clicking on it, he will be able to read the message that was sent.

Contact the user through group dialogs

Perhaps the best way to contact the user is to use group dialogs. You need one of your mutual friends to create a dialogue in which they would add both of you, after which you can correspond with each other.

If you need to contact a person whose personal messages are closed, and you do not know any of his friends, you can try to find such a friend of his who has private messages open. Contact such a friend and describe the situation to him. Ask him to add to your dialogue a person with whom you need to talk.

Despite the fact that it is most likely to get in touch with a person in this way, since VKontakte users regularly check their messages, this method is still very complicated and requires the ability to negotiate with strangers who will unite you with the addressee in one dialogue.

Send a message along with a gift

Another way to contact an unknown user is to send him a message along with a gift. This will require:

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to contact the user if his private messages are closed. If you urgently need to "get through" to a person, you can use all the above options.

How to write to a person with limited access


When you find the right user, pay attention to his page. If there is an inscription “Send a message” under the photo, then the account owner allows the possibility of correspondence with strangers. Click on this link, type the text of the message, click "Submit". If necessary, you can add a photo, document or musical composition. Below the link of the text resource there is an inscription "Add to friends". If you do not click it, you will have a limit on the number of sent messages, namely twenty. When a user is added as a friend, the restriction on correspondence is removed.

If there is no “Send a message” sign under the photo, then you can correspond with this user only after adding him as a friend. Also, you will not be able to write to your friend if you are on his blacklist. You will be able to start communication only after he removes you from this list.

Sometimes on the Internet, on forums or on special pages, they post a proposal to use a code (or script) to bypass privacy settings. It is impossible to prohibit their use, but you must understand that you take responsibility for the consequences. The VKontakte administration does not offer this kind of service, because it violates the privacy policy of users, ethical and moral standards. In addition, there is no guarantee that such a script will work and be safe.

Users of social networks can restrict access to their page for persons with whom they do not like to communicate, as well as with the authors of advertising and spam mailings. Get rid of annoying invitations by adding a contact to the ignore list - blacklist.


In the social network "VKontakte" in the menu on the left, find the "My settings" button, click. On the new page select the "Black list" tab and in the input field write the name or id of the contact. If you enter a name, a list with all bearers of the name will appear on the next page, select one person and click the button to the right of the contact ("Add to ban list"). In the social network "Facebook" click on your photo in the upper right, select the path "Account" - "Privacy settings" in the menu. Scroll the page to the very bottom line and find the link "Block lists". Follow it, then in the first line enter the name of the contact from whom you do not want to receive messages, or his e-mail on the second line. After entering, click the "Block this User" button. Below, in the paragraph “Block app invites”, enter the name of the user from whom you do not want to receive invitations to applications. In the “Block event invites” column, specify from whom you do not want to receive event invitations. In these columns, blocking occurs without additional confirmation.

Is it easy to find out information about the person you like? About 20 years ago, one of the few solutions to this problem would have been to contact the secret services. Now come to our aid modern technologies. But how can you use all this to get more full access to information about the person.


Turn to word of mouth. Recall the theory that all people know each other through five handshakes. This means that you can not only learn some information about a person through acquaintances, but also get to know the person you are interested in personally. But if your goal is only to find out something about a person, then the actions will be as follows: ask your mutual friends about him. Of course, if you have these common acquaintances. Make inquiries through intelligence agencies. Of course, this option can be used by a very limited number of people. But still, if you have such an opportunity, try to turn to police bases or other equally serious sources. Write to the program "Wait for me." This is one of the most neglected cases - if you are looking not only for information, but also for the person himself. There is a chance that this TV show will be useful for you and will help you find a person and, in addition, information about him. Take advantage of the resources of the Internet. Nowadays, you can easily enter a person's first and last name into a search engine and get a lot of information on a given person. There is one significant disadvantage here - the requested person must be more or less known, at least as a blogger. Otherwise, you will receive a lot of information on namesakes and namesakes of the requested person, but necessary information so you won't find it. Turn to social media for help. Now, thanks to social networks, people voluntarily post all the information about themselves. They get a rating for this to emphasize their importance, and in return they post all the information about themselves for general use. If information about a person is limited for you on social networks, then do not despair. Add the person you are interested in as a friend and get access to information. So it's not that hard these days to look up information about a person.


  • Learning to read information from a photo

How to write a message on VKontakte if the personal is closed

Let's talk about sending VKontakte messages. It is enough to click on the appropriate button, write the text, and now you are already having a conversation.

But what if private messages are closed? How can I contact the user in this case? You can use a couple of secrets.

Now I will show you how to write a message to the user if the personal is closed.

Why can't I send a private message

With the help of privacy settings, the user can restrict access to view his page. And also block sending him private messages. Here detailed information- how to change the privacy settings of VKontakte, how to make a page on VK closed.

How to send a private message along with a friend request

So, we have found a user with whom it would be nice to start a dialogue. But, unfortunately, his personal is closed. What will we do in this case?

There is a little trick. When you send a friend request to a user, you can additionally send him a message. This is done in the following way.

Go to his page. If there is no "Send message" button, then the personal is closed.

We do the following. We send a request to friends - click the "Add to friends" button. After that, it will change - it will say "Application sent".

Now click on it again. A dropdown menu will appear. In it, click "New message".

A window will open - you need to type a message in it. Then we press the "Submit" button.

After that, the user will receive your friend request. And with it your message.

Sending a message via notifications

The second way is to send a notification (see how to delete notifications in a contact). We will need to find out the id of the user we want to send a message to and our community.

Here is the information for you - how to find out the user id of VKontakte, how to create a VKontakte group.

I'm going to the community. Now we need to create new record. At the very beginning, you should write “@user-id”. In our case, it will look like this:

We send it. Now the user will receive a notification and read our message. It will look like this.

As you know, on the social network VKontakte, the user is endowed with quite large rights and he can do a lot with his page. For example, if he wants to, he can close messages from those users who are not his friends. The question arises - how then to write a message to this user?

The easiest way is to apply as a friend. The fact is that during the application you have the opportunity to add a message. Yes, you will be added to the list of subscribers to this person, however, he will receive your message.

This is how it is done. Go to the page to the user and click on the "Add to friends" button.

You will see a small window to fill out. Write your message in it and click on the "Send" button.

The second option, if the first one does not suit you for some reason, is to write a message to a friend of this user who has a personal account open. You can write to him about your intentions, and this friend will already tell the user what you want from him. Yes, it's not the best option, but it's better than nothing.

The third option is to find groups or publics in which given user writes messages. In this case, you can ask him a question that interests you. Another thing is that the user in these communities does not unsubscribe.

How to write messages on VKontakte if you are on the black list?

If a user has brought you to, you will not have the opportunity not only to write to him, you will not even go to his page. Here's what you'll see:

The best way to contact him is through friends. Or personally, if you know the person.

Many are able to navigate the site “with their eyes closed”, but for beginners it is sometimes difficult to figure out the menu. For example, how to write a message in Contact, for them it is not such a simple question as for experienced users. This “science” is very simple, but no one was born with this knowledge.

How to send a message in Contact

There are several options:

  1. Go to the page of the person you want to write to, click under the avatar on "Send a message". But there is a nuance here. If you are not in his friends list, and his privacy settings indicate that only friends can write, then this button will not be. It will only "Add to friends". In this case, you can send a message only after a friend request and its approval. The situation is similar for users who carry out, but they not only cannot write a letter, but also ask for friends.
  2. If you have already corresponded with someone before and just forgot how to get into the conversations, click on the "My Messages" link in the menu on the left. All the dialogs you have had recently will open. On the left - avatars, opposite each - last message. Click on the desired line, and the dialog will open completely.
  3. Use the mini chat. To do this, click on the small blue square with a number in the lower right corner of the page. The number means the number of friends who are online. Select a contact and you can start chatting in a small dialog box without looking up from other activities on the site. For example, you can watch a video at the same time.
  4. Go to the menu "My friends", and on the right you will see the link "Write a message".

You can also write to several friends at the same time by creating a chat. To do this, in the dialogue window with one contact, at the top, click "Actions" and "Add interlocutors", select people for the chat, set the name of the conversation and click "Create conversation".

How to read a message in Contact

If you are online, when you receive a new email, you will hear sound signal. If it's sent from a chat, the text will pop up on the right. On the left in the "My messages" section, a number with the number of unread emails. If something came when you were offline, you will see this figure anyway. Click on the section and you will be taken to the dialogues where you can read the message.

Is it possible to restore messages in Contact

Unfortunately, this is not possible, as the support service warns about. The only option is to ask for a copy of the opponent's correspondence, if he has not deleted it either. Another option: if you do not have notifications turned off, copies of letters are sent to the mail. Try looking there, if they're not too long, get copies.

Programs and services that are offered on the network will only help you acquire viruses or lose money, but not restore correspondence, so be careful.

Video and audio messages in Vkontakte

Alas, there is no interesting function - to record a video or audio message, as in Odnoklassniki, in Contact. But you can send in the application: audio, video file, photo, gift, card or document.

The recipient will be able to watch the video or photo and listen to the audio directly in the dialog box. While in the dialog box, click in the lower right corner of the text field, click on the "Attach" link, select the file type, upload it from your computer and you can send.

Method 1. In the menu on the left, open "My Messages". On the page that opens, there is a button "Write a message", click.

A window has appeared in which you can select a recipient from among your friends or (!) send a message to any person by E-mail.

When writing a message, you can use emoticons and attach files (images, music, videos, documents)

Method 2. Go to the page of the desired user. Under the avatar (main photo) there is a button "Send a message"

How to write a message in VK if the user has limited the circle of senders?

It happens that a person has limited the circle of users who can send messages to him (that is, there is no "Write ..." button under the avatar).

There is still a way out! In the same place under the avatar there is a button "Add to friends". VK makes it possible to attach a message to it when sending a friend request!

Therefore, click "Add to friends" and a window appears in which you can write text.

This attached message will be sent to the user along with the application in the "My friends" section, it will also be duplicated in "My messages"

We continue to dispel the myths. Next in line is our conversation on the topic of sending messages to a user who has blocked this opportunity using privacy settings (see).

Many people ask if it is possible to get around this limitation and force the user to read your message. Now we will try to figure it out.

Is it possible to?

I will certainly disappoint many if I say that there is no such way. At least not directly. There is no special spell that will take and remove the lock on sending private messages. As there is no special hack method that could help you.

The VKontakte administration cares about its users. And if they decide to isolate themselves from the outside world, then they cannot be disturbed.

But there are some workarounds, using which there is a chance that your message will still be read. Now I will show you them (see).

Sending a message when adding as a friend

This is a very handy feature. Go to the page to the user to whom we want to inform something. If he is among your friends, then delete him.

After that, a pop-up window will appear in which they offer to fill out the message that the user will see, along with the application. Here we will write what we need.

And don't forget to click the "Submit" button.

This method will work if the user has not limited the function of accepting friend requests.

Using other pages

The second way that can help you is to send a message from another page. Here you can go two ways. Ask any person to send a message to the right user. The likelihood of success will increase if it is your mutual friend.

Or use the fake page, since you can buy it for little money (see). Then do the same - find the user by id (see), and write to him.

This method may not work if the person has restricted your ability to contact him, not with the help of a black list (see), but by completely blocking the incoming message function.


In any case, do not be upset if these tricks did not help you contact the user. After all, there is still real life, phones and Email. If you wish, you can get in touch with a person, and you can limited access to private messages in VK.


In contact with