How I safely visit ANY websites and run virus-infected programs without infecting my PC. Do not use Internet Explorer.

  • How to safely use keygens (even if they are with Trojans)? - by running them in a virtual machine or in Sandboxie (paid, but there is a trial)!
  • How to use different software without installing it on your computer? How to check your PC with another (two, three) antivirus?
  • How to safely download using torrent programs? How to safely download from a hacker site (only a visit to which should have infected your PC) and get away with it, then you are welcome to read this article to the end.

Once you get to know the Virtualbox program, you will agree that it has a lot of useful features, so I now call it Pandora's chest (for greedy software producers).

How to safely use keygens.

I will make a reservation right away. Some keygens hack the program during operation - they need “body contact” and they are launched in a virtual machine only to hack the software that you install in this same virtual machine. Others, by date and other data, select the code and give it to us. These can be run in a virtual machine, and the software can be installed on your PC. Why all this? The fact is that some cracks at the same time as hacking software put a Trojan. Which one of them will do it “by face” cannot be determined, therefore, for the safe use of keygens, it is good to isolate them all in a virtual machine. And I heard that sometimes antiviruses on a keygen that DOES NOT put a trojan say - TROJAN! That is why it is not always easy to figure out which of the cracks is with the Trojan and which is without.

How to use a bunch of software without installing it on your PC?

Putting it in a virtual machine! In total - we have that some of the cracks are installed by Trojans. So let these trojans live in a virtual machine ... Of course, putting games there is not always good. For example, Starcraft 2 and similar monsters cannot be played in a virtual machine. Although in Diablo 2 you can. Any photoshop there is quite possible to put there. You can then send pictures to yourself by mail. Shared folders with such an infected machine it is better not to do it. But it's easier to put a trial Photoshop, right offsite - using the eternal trial technology. Which for Photoshop has some differences. Here's Photoshop for free! And how to scan your computer from Virtualbox with another antivirus.< И наконец, как защититься от интернет вирусов и хакерских сайтов? Как безопасно качать по торрент протоколу?

You already understood that by installing Ubuntu OS in a virtual machine, we can organize a secure Internet. Most dangerous sites work like this. When your browser visits the site, it downloads HDD files. in the temp folder. And if among them there is a virus, then here is the infection for you. Or, Windows vulnerabilities that have not yet been closed by updates are used. Or some other way. I offer two options for how to use the Internet safely.

  • Visit not the sites themselves, but their copy stored in the cache of Yandex, Google. There are no internet threats and no internet viruses. Pay attention to the reputation of WOT. ATTENTION! The swindlers are already doing such a feint - by creating 50 false accounts in WOT, they turn the color of the icon green, through fake votes. But if you go to the reviews about the site, you will see the statements of real people (and not really - they give themselves overly loud praises to the site). This will help you get an idea of ​​the site.

  • Visit sites through proxy servers. For example , - malicious scripts are not designed to "break through" the PC sitting behind the "mighty back" of the proxy server. A large collection of such "convenient" proxies is opened on the website in the Anonymizer section.

  • If the above options are not suitable, visit sites whose content may contain Internet threats using a virtual machine. The same method is needed for secure torrent downloads.

A method for safely visiting web pages and downloading files using the torrent protocol.

When downloading a torrent, the program receives a list of participants. Those. the IP and operating system versions of those who exchange files are known. All participants - and hackers too. Next is the matter of technology. Using the IP address, which is clearly visible in the torrent downloader window, we scan the ports and attack the user's PC. The result - the file is uploaded and a trojan is installed as a gift.

If we go to such a site from virtual machine, in which a different operating system is running, then hacking will either not happen (more often such sites are designed for Windows users), or Ubuntu will be hacked. Which is not very critical. Why? Because the order of using such a virtual machine, for safe internet surf looks like this.

  1. Install Virualbox on your PC.
  2. Turn off the virtual machine with Ubuntu OS and copy virtual hard drive from drive C to drive D.
  3. We download torrents inside the virtual machine, and then upload them from the virtual machine to or Yandex disk. Then we turn off the virtual machine and calmly download the files using the more secure http protocol.
  4. After an intensive search for something like that on the Internet, having copied all the necessary data from the virtual machine to our hard drive, we replace virtual disk with Ubuntu installed, a clean copy from drive D.

And our dearest Windows will remain intact.

With the advent of bank plastic cards, everyday life has become much easier. With the help of modern banking technologies, you can easily pay utility bills, book a plane or train ticket, and purchase something in online stores.

People no longer have to stand in endless queues when paying utilities, for theater or train tickets. Everything has become much faster and more convenient. But has it become safer?

What is the danger of online payments?

Every plastic card holder should be aware that every time a purchase is made using bank card All information goes to the bank. There it is checked for authenticity. If the verification is successful, the bank will transfer the funds to the seller's account and the purchase will be completed.

Attackers always strive to collect as much data as possible about the card (its number, expiration date) and its owner. Then they pay for their purchases via the Internet at the expense of the unsuspecting cardholder or transfer funds to their personal account.

What is a phishing site?

This term"phishing" comes from two combined English words "fishing" - fishing or fishing, catching fish and "password" - password. It is this word that is called the most popular and common method with bank plastic cards on the Internet. Its purpose is to fraudulently obtain as much of the cardholder's identity as possible. Fraudsters seek to “catch” the card and account number, login and password of the owner from the Internet.

Fraudsters create a fake site (so-called phishing site) that appearance and content resembles the official page of a bank or other financial organization that also conducts financial transactions, for example, WebMoney. In order for cardholders to give out theirs, attackers arrange a spam attack, send threatening letters if cardholders do not confirm their data.

Fraudsters today have in stock contented cunning and sophisticated ways to fish out information. They come up with good reasons why bank customers should provide all the information they need about their funds and card.

The most common reason is that it is necessary to carry out an urgent data check due to the fact that a system failure has occurred, a protection system is being installed against hacker attacks or data has been lost. Letters with such content, as a rule, attach a link to a "fake" site where data of gullible citizens is collected and which will be used in illegal actions of malefactors. An example of such a letter.

How to protect yourself from scammers?

To protect yourself and your money from encroachments of scammers, you need to take a number of necessary measures:

1) Do not keep all your money or a very large amount on one bank plastic card. You can calculate a certain limit for yourself, and put the rest of the money into a completely different account that will not be associated with the card.

2) The SMS notification service is useful, which can be connected at the bank or independently through the Internet bank, if you have it connected. By setting the SMS notification function for yourself, you will receive in a timely manner all the information about transactions made with your card (for example, transfer or withdrawal of funds, payment for purchases).

If you received a notification about an operation unknown to you, it means that your card was used illegally. You should immediately contact the bank and report the problem, freeze all transactions carried out with the card, and simply block it.

3) Apply for a regular account statement. It is too effective method find out if you are a victim of fraud or banking failures payment system.

4) If you are going to use the services of an online store, choose only trusted and reliable sites and companies. If you have doubts about the honesty and reliability of the company, it is better to use WebMoney or Yandex.Money payment systems. You can replenish your e-wallet with only the amount necessary for the purchase, and then use it to pay for your purchase.

5) Never use your bank plastic card with shared computer in public places, such as Internet shops or cafes.

6) Many banks are now issuing new service- specially designed for online payments. Using this service, the client receives the necessary details, as well as an account linked to a virtual card, where you can deposit or transfer funds necessary to make an online purchase and use its details. So scammers will not be able to get to your money, and even if this happens, they will receive only a small part that was transferred to virtual card. Also, these cards have a different validity period, which also allows you to provide decent protection for all payments made.

7) And remember, to protect yourself from fraudulent activities, never share your security pin code with anyone. bank card.

Also, do not forget that bank employees will not ask their customers to provide or remind them again of their personal data (pin code, CVV2 or CVC2). This information is known only to you.

8) Do not click on links or pop-ups, or use attachments from incomprehensible resources. Be careful before submitting your details, as often the domain or website URL provided by the scammers is incorrect. Be vigilant and save your money!

P.S. It's also helpful to take a look.

Recently, more and more news has begun to appear about new security threats on the network and, in particular, when using public WiFi networks.

Since Opera Max, our Android data saver app, has recently supported and WiFi connections, we thought it would be useful to dedicate our today's post to a few tips to help you secure your data when using public Wi-Fi networks. Here are some tips from Sigbjorn Wiek, security expert at Opera, on how you can protect your personal information online.

What type of personal information is at risk when using public Wi-Fi networks?

A typical problem is, of course, the use of passwords to enter certain sites. Everything that passes through the network can potentially be viewed, including credit card numbers and personal messages. In some cases, even background app updates, extensions and programs can be used to install malware.

How can you tell if a public Wi-Fi network is safe or not?

Unfortunately, many Wi-Fi networks are configured to intercept secure communications and force users to accept the server's certificate. Once a given certificate is accepted, it can be reused without the user being aware of it. So public Wi-Fi is by nature not a secure connection.

In general, it is quite difficult to determine how secure a particular Wi-Fi network is. Of course, communication between the user and the owner of a Wi-Fi network can be transmitted through a tunnel (and, accordingly, be secure), but at the same time there is no universal and understandable method for determining the security of this process. Even if the third party does not intercept the information, the user must at least trust the owner of the Wi-Fi network. In most cases, it is impossible even to say who owns a particular network.

How can you stay safe on a public network?

In public networks, try to observe the following rules:

  1. Avoid validating invalid certificates. If you are prompted for a certificate when you open the first page, try going to a regular http page and see if you can sign in to the Wi-Fi network instead. If you need to accept an invalid certificate in order to register online, then restart your browser afterwards. This usually allows you to revoke a previously accepted invalid certificate while still remaining connected to the network.
  2. Make sure connections to websites are secure. Anything sent over an unsecured connection can be viewed by third parties on public Wi-Fi networks. To avoid this, you must use a VPN connection.

What can happen to personal information if it has already "leaked" through a public Wi-Fi connection?

One of the very unpleasant consequences is the theft of identification data, and through this, the user's money. The computer can also download malware by connecting through an insecure connection. It depends on who has access to your data.

Are there any threats to mobile phones?

In the case of mobile phones, the situation is slightly different. For example, if you accept an invalid certificate in a browser mobile phone, then potentially the same certificate can be accepted by the entire operating system. In addition, the value of the data stored and used on a mobile phone may also differ from the information contained in our laptops and computers.

The Internet has become an important part of many people's lives. There are entertainment and useful information, and convenient services, but there are a number of dangers associated with the Internet, even if you think that you are completely protected. To protect your personal information and important data, you should train yourself to use the Internet with care.


How to protect passwords

    Use complex unique passwords. If you need to set a password, use numbers, symbols, and lowercase letters. upper case. Do not use the same password for different accounts. Multiple passwords will be harder to remember, but your data will be more secure.

    Use an application to store passwords. Special applications can generate and store strong and unique passwords for all your accounts. You will need to create one password to enter the application and this will keep all accounts secure.

    Activate multi-factor authentication on all accounts. Multi-Factor Authentication makes your account more secure, because you need to log in to account an additional action is required (for example, entering a code that was sent to a mobile phone number). Many services Email and social networks offer to use multi-factor authentication.

    • To check if multi-factor authentication is provided by the Internet service, go to the settings.
    • Entering codes can be inconvenient, but this will help protect your data more reliably.
  1. Register only on trusted sites. Before you open an account on a site, consider whether you trust this site, even if you just need to enter your email address. No matter how secure your passwords are, your data will be at risk if you enter it on phishing sites.

    • Pay attention to errors in the site name. Often scammers create copies of sites with similar names.
    • Beware if the site opens a lot of additional windows, and the site address contains a lot of numbers and random characters.
  2. Log out when you finish using the site. When you log in to your account, the site creates a cookie that can be used to identify the user. If this information is intercepted, your data will be compromised. This is especially dangerous if you work with your bank account or use credit card. Always log out of the system when you're done.

    • Log out at all sites if you are using a public computer or connected to a public network.
    • Sign out of your online banking or online store accounts, even if you're on your computer and connected to your home network.
    • You can't log out of your accounts home computer(for example, from email or social networks), but it's important to set a password on the computer and lock it if you need to step away.
  3. Don't open emails and files from people you don't know. Phishing is the sending of fake messages that can be used to gain access to a person's personal data. If you receive a message from unknown address or you received a message from someone you know, but the content of the letter seems questionable to you, move the message to your spam folder.

Five tips for virtual travel without fear.

Do not join without knowing the risks.
This is a local bar, a city-owned network, or a hotspot from your mobile operatorpublic networks Wi-Fi continues to proliferate. Especially in business districts, where you will instantly find a high-speed network to connect to.
However, network access is usually provided along with the requirement of some personal information. Once connected, you find yourself sharing a network with many other people - and some of them may want to spy on your activities.
Listed below are five tips for using public Wi-Fi safely and protecting your information at the same time.

1. Consider risks

Don't stay online longer than you need to.
Public Wi-Fi is already inherently less secure than yours home network because you are sharing a network with dozens, sometimes thousands of strangers, rather than a small group of people you trust. So if you want absolute, 100% privacy and security from public Wi-Fi, just don't use it. And if you absolutely have to make this contact, then consider that you are taking the risk that a complete stranger can spy on your session on the Internet.
How will this knowledge help you? With this in mind, using common sense and caution, you will be sure that the session will not become dangerous. If possible, avoid making bank transactions or viewing business emails. Choose neutral activities - browsing sports and news sites or something like that, when it doesn't matter if your activities are being watched.
In addition to caution in the actions themselves, try to follow these rules: stay online as little as possible, disconnect the connection immediately after you finish, and make sure that antivirus software laptop and phone remained relevant.

2. Read the fine print

Don't ignore security policy pop-ups.
What to read, what is written in small print, we are all convinced, but do not really follow this advice. This is especially important when connecting to a public Wi-Fi network. What exactly do you provide in return? wireless internet? Like your emails telephone number Or is there something else you plan to use?
You are essentially giving the company or individual confidence that they are not following you. Let's take popular network coffee houses: the brand is unlikely to covertly monitor the activity of customers on the Internet, but rather collect insignificant information for marketing purposes. So weigh the options and make a choice.
For completeness, you can read the brand's Wi-Fi policy beforehand. Before leaving for the city, if you know your future route, you can identify establishments where it seems safer to make a connection.

3. Opt for an HTTPS connection

The green "HTTPS" beginning in the link text indicates increased connection security.
When your browser navigates to a site whose URL starts with "https://", address bar a green padlock icon appears. This means you're on a site that uses Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, or HTTPS - jargon that means you're using an encrypted connection to that site.
In fact, HTTPS mechanisms encrypt all your activity on a given site. This makes it harder for someone sitting behind you in a cafe, or the owner of a hotel router, to keep track of the data you share. Visit, if possible, only sites that use this protocol.
As we said above, it is better to visit sites with general information when using public Wi-Fi rather than browsing social media or email.
However, if you need to visit a site with more sensitive information, pay attention to the green padlock and "HTTPS" to make sure it's safe. Fortunately, most of the popular sites that require authentication, from Google to Facebook (and Orbios as well), now use HTTPS.

4. Install a VPN

Choose a VPN, but choose wisely.
Installing the VPN App ( Virtual Private Network, Virtual Private Network) is perhaps the most efficient, accessible to everyone, way to securely use public Wi-Fi. But even he, however, this does not give a complete guarantee of security. While providing the ability to spoof your location or watch foreign TV, a VPN also encrypts all data sent and received through your computer or phone. Like working with HTTPS, the program will make it much harder for other people on the same network to follow what you're doing.
You will have to spend some time choosing a quality VPN, because, in fact, you will entrust all your Internet traffic to its developers. Generally reliable and fast work implies payment. If you intend to use a reliable and proven service, take a look at this regularly updated VPN app rating. We wrote in more detail about VPN.

5. Select a network

Not all Wi-Fi networks are configured the same.
The principles of operation of different Wi-Fi networks are not the same. Since you can usually choose from several networks for connection, you should make best choice. Any network that is difficult to connect to, such as buying coffee, asking staff, or paying a small fee, will be much more secure than a completely open network that anyone can use.
For security reasons, it is also worth choosing a network created by a well-known company or brand and avoiding networks that appear out of nowhere. Finally, we recommend that you still connect to the same networks in the same establishments. The more access points you use, the more companies you give away your personal data to be torn apart.
Orbios uses all the technologies that increase the security of your session, but you should not neglect the described rules when working with any sites.