Children's safe sites

How to make internet browsing safe for kids.

"The child is at home, at the computer, which means that everything is in order, he is safe." Many parents think so. And they are wrong.

Through computer monitors, threats fall on them by no means less.

Potential Dangers of Children Accessing the Internet Unacceptable materials.

On the Internet, a child may come across materials that encourage dangerous or illegal activities.

A child can be tricked into knowing your credit card number. Children and even teenagers can be coaxed into revealing personal information such as the child's first and last name, address, age, gender, and family information can easily become known to an attacker.

Parental control this name special programs, which allow you to configure the work settings specific user at computer. In particular, you can block access to sites with certain content, limit the amount of time you spend on your computer, and so on.

Encourage children to share their online experiences with you. Go online with your kids. Teach your kids to trust their intuition. If they are concerned about something on the Internet, they should let you know. Explain to the children that the difference between right and wrong is the same, both on the Internet and in real life.

Rules for adults:

Rule 1. Be careful what your kids do on the World Wide Web

Rule 2 Educate your child about the opportunities and dangers of the Web

Rule 3. Choose a convenient form of monitoring the child's stay on the Web

rule4. Upgrade your computer literacy regularly so you know how to keep your kids safe

Basic Rules for a SAFE INTERNET

You should know this:

When registering on sites, try not to provide personal information, as it may be available to strangers. Also, it is not recommended to post your photo, thereby giving an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you look to strangers.

Use the webcam only when chatting with friends. Make sure that strangers do not have the opportunity to see your conversation, as it may be recorded. Unwanted emails from strangers are called "Spam". If you receive such a letter, do not reply to it. If you reply to such an email, the sender will know that you are using your email address. mailbox and will continue to send you spam.

If you receive a message from unknown address, it is better not to open it. Such emails may contain viruses. If you receive letters with unpleasant and offensive content, if someone behaves inappropriately towards you, report it. If someone upsets or offends you, tell an adult.

Children's safe sites
Solnyshko: Daily informative and entertaining portal for children, parents and teachers
Yummy: Everything for children and their parents: nutrition, recipes, development, education, articles, psychology, riddles, names, children's horoscope, holidays. And also: coloring books, cartoons, games, music, photo frames.
Leon4ik: Portal for children and parents, kindergarten teachers. Methodological materials, teaching aids, articles and notes for parents and educators, cartoons, fairy tales, poems, coloring books, educational literature, author's creations and much more.
Visiting Otik: A new site for children and teenagers with the robot Otik. It is specially created to answer your questions, communicate with you online. Come to the robot Otik, you won't be bored. And the fact that the site has various sections, useful and interesting, the Otik robot keeps a secret from adults. And why talk about it, the site is for children!
Everything for your kids
Living planet-zooportal
Children's educational games, lessons, crafts
Forum for children and teenagers. Games and entertainment on the forum. Communication with children from all over the world.
Site for children of mothers and fathers.
Multik.Ru - all about cartoons: news, cartoon forum, screenshots from cartoons, interesting things and usefulness, links and much more
Children's MP3, poster, poems, songs, fairy tales
Collection of fairy tales
Basket of fairy tales - Children's electronic library - children's fairy tales, stories, poems and songs. Free electronic books for kids
Children's page: Children about the Universe, planet Earth, plants and animals
Youth entertainment forum
Children's magazine "Gnome"
Website for girls
Shishkin forest? Site "Shishkin Les" - Internet version of the same name television program for kids. Here you can read, play, draw and, of course, watch programs with your favorite characters - the inhabitants of the Shishkino Les - with the whole family.
At Aunt Owl's: Educational and entertainment online club for children and parents At Aunt Owl's
The children's site ( is a site for children aged 8-14, the only weekly Russian-language online magazine for schoolchildren, published with state support from the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.
Portal for children and their parents. The site contains a lot of material for the development and safe leisure of children. Our site is constantly updated with new fairy tales, cartoons, coloring books, games, jokes, funny pictures, poems.
Chudesenka - a site for children and parents. Here you can listen and learn songs, collected materials for creativity, coloring books, many online games, holiday scenarios, children's news and articles for parents.
All the most interesting on the children's site video, music, news, games for boys, games for girls and other children's games.
TYRNET: one of the few children's resources on the Internet, completely dedicated to solving the problems of the usefulness, safety and fun of the Internet for children
Portal for children and teenagers
Bibigosha: Internet portal for children
Catalog of children's resources
Children's site. Magic coloring, puzzles, find 10 differences, children's chat, children's drawings, etc.
This site was created to help you overcome the problems associated with raising children. The site is divided into sections - in order to make it easier for you to navigate and find the necessary material for all periods of a child's development from pregnancy to adulthood. There is also a forum where you can chat, argue and find answers to non-standard questions that arise in non-standard situations.

Information provided by

Safe Kids Browser

This collection contains only proven, fun, interesting and useful sites for children and parents. (

  • Smeshariki
  • Sun
  • planet of fairy tales
  • gnome
  • Basket of fairy tales
  • Children's riddles
  • Children-online
  • Our Philippok
  • Let's play!
  • Everything for children
  • Download coloring pages
  • Rebziki
  • Karusel-TV
  • Miraculous
  • Bonfire
  • Teremok
  • Games for girls online
  • Children's World
  • Klepa
  • Children's Radio
  • Barbariki
  • Children's Playroom
  • Murzilka
  • Gudgeon
  • Marusya
  • fairy forest

List of safe sites for kids Center Safe Internet in Russia. The site is dedicated to the problem of safe, correct and comfortable work on the Internet. More specifically, he deals with Internet threats and effective countermeasures against them against users. The Center was established in 2008 under the name "National Internet Security Node in Russia". / - Friendly Runet Foundation. main goal The Foundation is to promote the development of the Internet as a favorable environment, friendly to all users. The Foundation supports projects related to the safe use of the Internet, assists Russian users, public organizations, commercial companies and government departments in countering the circulation of illegal content, as well as in countering other anti-social actions on the Web. The Friendly Runet Foundation is implementing a comprehensive strategy in Russia in the field of safe use of the internet. The main projects of the Foundation are: Hotline for receiving reports of illegal content, a specialized help line for children "Children Online" and educational projects. - Help line "Children online". Providing psychological and practical assistance to children and adolescents who have encountered a danger or negative situation while using the Internet or mobile communication. Helpline "Children Online" is the first and only project of this kind in Russia and is being implemented as part of the Year of the Safer Internet in Russia. Company Microsoft posted on his website a lot useful information on the safety of children on the Internet. The notes and tips below will help you keep your children safe, whether they use the Internet to find information, develop school projects, play games, or chat with friends. By watching these videos, you can increase your knowledge of the basic security issues that apply to you as a home user. - ON-land is a safe web country. This site provides materials for children, their parents and teachers - interactive scenarios, short tests, ready-made lesson plans - thanks to which children can learn the basics of safe Internet use. The site offers clear, practical information on Internet security, having studied which even novice users will be able to effectively use network resources and protect themselves from inappropriate content. - Webkinz - global social network for children, which is completely safe and offers the possibility of social adaptation to adulthood. Community members can become owners of soft toys of the same name, which carry secret code to access the site. - Internet filter for children. Internet censor. The "Internet Censor" program is designed to prevent visiting sites that are contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as any sites of a destructive nature by persons under 18 years of age. "Internet Censor" provides parents with full control over their children's online activities. "Internet Censor" is distributed free of charge, very easy to use and well protected from being deleted by a child. - Children's Internet adapted for young children and their parents, as well as for teenagers; it makes it possible not only to play, but also to learn programming in the innovative Scratch computer environment; create computer games aimed at the smallest users; actively deals with the problem of quality computer games and sites for children. and - electronic course of the program "Health and safety of children in the world computer technology and the Internet". The program is a 72-hour course consisting of 6 modules. Each module of the program provides detailed description and recommendations for keeping children safe on the computer and the Internet, as well as an extensive list of further reading and web links. In addition, the program contains a voluminous application, which includes diagnostic tests, descriptions of exercises, as well as various texts recommended for use in the process of mastering it. A feature of the program is also the fact that each of its modules can be used both separately and in combination with other advanced training programs. social project for the protection of children's rights "Do Not Allow" - a social project for the protection of children from abduction, sexual exploitation and abuse has been implemented since August 2009. Project organizers: Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, ROCIT (Regional Public Organization "Center of Internet Technologies"), Interregional human rights public organization "Resistance". The site "Child Psychology for Parents" was created by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow and is an Internet project of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. The purpose of the project is the psychological and pedagogical education of parents on age-related problems of education, upbringing and development of children, as well as the prevention of violations of personal development. Journal "Health of schoolchildren" Monthly magazine "Health of Schoolchildren" is a project of the ICFER Publishing House, which publishes 25 professional journals of federal significance with a circulation of 250 thousand copies per month and up to 100 titles of books annually with a total circulation of about 300 thousand copies. "Student health" - new magazine about the psychology of growing up and the physical development of children, about the possibilities of modern medicine, about the relationship between parents, children and teachers, about leisure and a healthy lifestyle. The magazine is aimed at a wide range of readers, and in the first place, at parents of school-age children. - "Big break" site for schoolchildren and their parents - "Tvidi" - children's portal-social network: games, communication, diaries, photos and video materials. - "Country of Friends": children's social network: communication, music, photo albums, games, news. - Smeshariki: entertainment social network: games, music, cartoons. - "Sun": children's portal. Developing, educational games for the little ones and many more interesting things for parents. - "1001 fairy tales". On the site you can download audio files - fairy tales, audio books - learn, play, develop! - Pioneer pages about friendship, friends and comrades. - The school "Know-it-all" blog - these are news feeds on all school subjects, virtual excursions, psychological and legal advice on problems at school and on the street, educational videos, reviews of the best resources World Wide Web.

http://www. teenclub. ru / - "Teen club" - a portal for teenagers. All in one place: essays, essays, horoscopes, jokes, news, education, love, gaming news, health, fashion, style, dating, ads, forums, chat, website promotion, design and much more. - Country of the best sites for children.

Russian educational portals and sites.

Russian educational portals and sites for schoolchildren. Catalogs of educational Internet resources - portals, sites, electronic libraries, etc. Lists of educational institutions. Legislation. Normative documents and standards.

edu - "Russian education" federal portal. Catalog of educational Internet resources: Russian education. Legislation. Normative documents and standards. Educational institutions. Catalog of sites (you can choose: subject, audience, level of education, type of resource) and electronic libraries. Educational-methodical library.

- - portal resources for general education - "Russian general educational portal" . Catalog of Internet resources: preschool education; primary and general education; distance learning; pedagogy; training; reference and information sources. - "Portal of information support of the Unified State Exam" News. Regulations. Demos. Preliminary USE results.

fepo - "Federal Internet Exam in the Field of Vocational Education" In order to assist universities in creating quality management systems for training specialists on the basis of an independent external evaluation The National Agency for Education is conducting an experiment to introduce F federal uh higher education P professional about education (FEPO). .

allbest - "Union of Educational Sites" Select the button at the top left "Home". We get to the main page. Here is a selection of resources: Libraries, Tests, Abstracts; below - Foreign languages ​​and most importantly - the so-called "Digital Libraries" - these are simply collections of sites on various topics. There is a rating of sites by sections (when registering, they give a personal number.

fipi FIPI- Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. USE - control and measuring materials (demo USE); Federal bank of test items (open segment); Research work; Training. - "Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation". - Management of education. Ensuring the educational process (regulatory documents; Information; News; Statistics, etc.). - "Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science". - Official documents. Supervision. Education quality control (USE). Licensing. Certification. - Official site Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. - National project "Education".

edunews - "All for Applicants" The main sections of the portal: Schoolchildren and preschoolers; Applicants and students; Exams and tests; Additional education. Thematic links to educational resources and educational materials themselves on the site. - Single window of access to educational resources. Subject catalog of educational resources.

The art of learning

35 sites with which the school curriculum will become easier and more interesting

It doesn't matter whether you decide to educate your child on your own by choosing a family education, or send it to a school, lyceum or gymnasium, study assistants are never superfluous. We have selected 35 sites with which the study of the school curriculum will become a real holiday for both the child and the parents.

1. is a real storehouse, there are video lessons, simulators and tests for all school subjects from grades 1 to 11.

2. - a stunningly beautiful program that simulates a planetarium. Indispensable for anyone interested in astronomy, given that this subject will soon appear in the school curriculum.

You can search for nebulae and galaxies on this site for hours.

3. - the site has ready-made homework in various subjects and textbooks, but sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers are more valuable here.
4. - "high-speed" English lessons for beginners.
5. is 2000 works of the school curriculum in a summary.
6. - interactive learning service of English language. There is free and extended paid access (the cost for a year is comparable to 2-3 lessons with a tutor).
7. - a large online children's library that contains the texts of program works on literature from grades 1 to 11.

On the portal you can read software works online

8. - a huge reference and information portal on the rules and complexities of the Russian language.
9. - a portal that contains links to useful resources, books and texts in all subjects of the school curriculum.

On the site you can find textbooks and assignments in many school subjects.

10. - an interesting service for learning English for students of varying degrees of preparation.
11. - a site with a huge number of biographies of writers, summaries and full texts of literary works and hundreds of critical articles.
12. - mathematics program from 1st to 11th grade, preparation for exams in the subject and ready-made homework.
13. - online solver and calculator with solutions of examples and equations in mathematics of varying complexity.
14. - textbooks, problem books, laboratory works and tests in physics for students in grades 7-9 and physics teachers.
15. - project of the Department of General Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. Lectures on physics and a separate section for schoolchildren "Popular about science".
16. - collection of publications in chemistry, contains textbooks and workshops on the subject, developed, among other things, at Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
17. - interactive multimedia textbook on organic chemistry for schoolchildren.
18. - an electronic training course "Open Biology" with division into areas "Botany", "Zoology", "Man", "General Biology" and "Ecology".
19. - a mega-encyclopedia about animals inhabiting the planet. is a national project that collects author's developments and presentations of teachers in all subjects. - learning portal with a huge number of lectures, reports and reference books on various subjects.
22. - universal popular science online encyclopedia.
23. - universal dictionary and interdisciplinary encyclopedia.
24. - electronic library of non-fiction
25. is an online platform where students learn school subjects in an interactive and fun way. In addition, subject Olympiads are held here and archives of already held Olympiads are stored.
26. - interesting quests and tasks in mathematics, logic, reading and English for children aged 5-10.

Pixelmania is one of the most interesting tasks on the site, children can do it for a long time.

27. - a collection of elementary school lessons from grades 1 to 4 in mathematics, the Russian language, the world around and literacy. Access is paid, but the cost for a year does not exceed a thousand rubles.
28. - a magazine dedicated to entertaining questions and problems in mathematics, linguistics, physics and other sciences.
29. - online courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture, art history, linguistics.
30. - free educational videos and lessons in physics and mathematics.
31. - online school from 5th to 11th grade. The resource has preparation for the OGE, USE and Olympiads.
32. - Internet circles and Olympiads in foreign languages, chess, mathematics and science subjects for students in grades 1-9. Access is paid.
33. - a convenient and simple service for learning English.
34. - math service for students in grades 5-11. Detailed analysis topics and step by step solution tasks.
35. - online translator from a dozen languages, as well as grammar for English, German and French.

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Many people remember how they nod off under the monotonous retelling of Pushkin's biography and got bored studying chemical reactions by formulas. And then the teacher suddenly says: “They closed the textbooks and took out double sheets of paper!” It's great that now there is an opportunity to make learning enjoyable and at the same time more effective. For example, at school, learning the Russian language takes an average of 175 hours a year, not counting homework. And online resources allow you to go through the same amount of information in 35 hours if you study once a week.

We are in website chose sites that will help you quickly and with pleasure master the school curriculum. Information is presented there in a variety of formats: in the form of lectures, games, interactive tasks, films, tests and experiments. And as a bonus, there are several educational resources for adults, from which it is simply impossible to break away.

Primary School

simple science
What is the most interesting thing in chemistry? All schoolchildren know what experiments are. There are a lot of them here: how to get pharaoh snakes, fluffy reefs, burning iron - these are just the first things that caught our eye. There are also experiments in physics.

Another resource with experiments in chemistry. More than a million subscribers confirm that there is something to see here. Non-trivial experiments with explanations, which is very important. Ice molecular caviar, transparent quantum cola, foil battery, nickel eternal leaves are a good selection.


History of the Russian Federation
Chronology of events, short course of history, timeline, personalities and tests. Everything you need to immerse yourself in the history of your country.

1968 digital
The stories of the world-changing heroes of 1968, told from the screen of a smartphone they could have had. 40 episodes are planned, there are already 35.

Foreign language

british council
Website for learning English, created in the UK. Songs, poems, texts, exercises that train reading, writing, grammar, pronunciation - everything is designed in the spirit of today's best interactive educational resources.

It offers free study of 18 languages, including English, French, Spanish, Korean, Turkish, Japanese or, for example, Greek. You can start practicing immediately with short basic phrases. Comfortable and captivating.

Jobs School
Foreign language for lovers of serials. Dialogues, line-by-line translation, and you definitely won't get bored.

Native English
Grammar, tests, phonetics, vocabulary, games, tutors and a forum for discussing pressing issues. good base for learning the language: there are exercises, you can pick up theoretical tips for yourself, listen to pronunciation and read topics.


Distance training in informatics
A team of leading teachers from schools and universities has created a website that collects everything about programming languages ​​and practice. Convenient, visual and free.


A state-supported resource where schoolchildren can participate in competitions and receive prizes. Photo; illustration; writing poetry, essays and fiction; research is only part of the areas in which competitions are held. For successful participation and victory, points are provided, which in the end can be exchanged for valuable prizes, including a tablet.

Lots and lots of information for adults, but a convenient filter helps to show lectures intended for schoolchildren. Olympiad mathematics, blockchain and cryptocurrencies, ecology, fractions and self-management skills - a good set that simultaneously echoes the program and boldly steps beyond its scope.

National Electronic Library
A huge collection of a variety of books, from periodicals to collections of music. If you understand the theme of the collections, you can find real treasures.

An impressive database of courses from leading Russian teachers and universities. Pedagogy, business, literature, cinema, exact sciences. You just need to find time, and you can study without stopping.

Archive of video lectures on the achievements of fundamental science and important modern technologies. The content of the resource is created by 800 scientists, including Nobel laureates. The evolution of composites, the whole truth about the modern school, what satellites are made of - only on home page topics that you want to study right away. Here scientific approach everything is complicated and very interesting. There is a library, courses, games and even animation.

web paint
Project based on Mark Kistler's book "You can draw in 30 days". The philosophy is this: if you draw for 20 minutes a day, you can become an artist. Many lessons in different techniques.

  1. - Lukoshko- Children's electronic library - folk and author's tales, poems and stories for children. Dictionary.
  2. - Spas-Extreme- All about "child safety site" - Games, photo galleries, creativity, comics, stories and more.
  3. - AboutRiddles- Here you will find cool and funny riddles, as well as riddles for children and adults.
  4. - Cool magazine- A modern interactive magazine for children of primary and secondary school age ( the target audience 7-11 years old, boys and girls), has been published since 1999 and is one of the most popular children's weeklies in Russia.
  5. - DataGames- Flash games for girls online. Everything is free and without registration. Play and bookmark.
  6. Playroom- Children's playroom.
  7. Ship of Friends- An interesting and informative site for children and adults.
  8. - WhyChka- A site for children and their parents - educational activities, wall newspapers, crafts, presentations, didactic games, methodological developments.
  9. - Dawn- Children's newspaper №1 of Belarus. Children's stories and poems. Kindergarten, school. All about children's creativity, sports, leisure and education. School for young journalists. Cartoons. Drawings. Contests. Readers' comments. Journalism web format 2.0.
  10. - Children's educational portal- Scenarios of holidays, children's events, games and contests, riddles, proverbs and sayings.
  11. - Children's joys- A site of fun and exciting entertainment in online mode for children, as well as a free service for placing and storing user information and organizing access to them.
  12. - Child's world - Great amount material for children: scanwords, games, coloring books, fairy tales, comics, puzzles. Also information for parents.
  13. - Fun4child- Children's site for parents, child development, health, fairy tales, poems, congratulations, English for children.
  14. - Klepa- Portal for small and large, children and adults, students and teachers.
  15. - Marusya- Monthly colorful magazine for girls only. Published since 1991. Fashion, beauty, love, psychological problems. Needlework, cooking, as well as the branded contest "Cover Girl" and many tests, horoscopes.
  16. Coloring- Print coloring pages and download coloring pages - cartoon characters, animal, transport, nature coloring pages.
  17. Murzilka- Children's magazine and website for children. Murzilka is children's poems and fairy tales, high-quality children's literature.
  18. - Teremok- Children's games, coloring online, riddles, cartoons. There are many children's games in Teremka. All games for children presented on the site will allow the child to develop logical thinking, memory, attention, help to learn letters, numbers.
  19. - Bonfire- Children's literature, books, poems about St. Petersburg, library, poetry, poems, birthday greetings, holiday scenarios.
  20. - Children's lessons- Child development, educational games for children - Children's lessons - games, crafts, origami, applications.
  21. - LizMult- Everyone's favorite Soviet and foreign children's cartoons can be downloaded for free and without registration. In addition to cartoons, you will find many educational materials for children.
  22. - All For Children- Songs, riddles, crafts, poems, entertaining puzzles, coloring books, games, popular science - everything for children.
  23. - Barbariki- Helping a child to navigate in a complex world, feel not alone, find a friend, as well as create a new children's series of positive toys that unite children from 3 years old with the idea of ​​kindness and friendship.
  24. - Gudgeon- Children's electronic library. A.P. Gaidar. Children's stories and fairy tales.
  25. Sun- All about children, for children, for families. Contests, games, cartoons, wall newspapers, scripts, fairy tales, parenting experience.
  26. - Let's play- Children's educational games, exciting tasks, funny coloring pages, colorful puzzles, ingenious puzzles, interesting riddles! This and much more awaits you on the children's gaming site Let's play!
  27. Nachalka - Primary School children, parents, teachers.
  28. - Miraculous- A site for children and parents, interesting scenarios for holidays, children's songs and backing tracks, online flash games, child psychology, parents' school, riddles, children's horoscope, creativity and coloring.


  1. - Carousel TV- Children's and youth channel.


Children's radio

The only radio station in Russia whose broadcast is entirely dedicated to children. The round-the-clock broadcast of Children's Radio consists of children's songs, performances, educational and entertainment programs and headings, information and educational programs for parents. The radio station takes into account the age characteristics and daily routine of listeners: the morning block is addressed for preschoolers, daytime programs for children over seven years old, late in the evening - a block for parents, at night - music for sleep.


Russian language


English language

Chat noir

Get the black cat.
The game is similar to the principle of tic-tac-toe.
Click on the circles to prevent the cat from running away.


Russian language

For kids

A site for children, parents and educators. Useful materials for the development of children. Fairy tales online, children's songs, educational games, audio fairy tales for children and parents online.



The children's magazine and website "Our Filippok" is a colorful educational publication for children from 6 to 12 years old.

The magazine helps kids

  • broaden their general outlook, give them information in an accessible form on various branches of knowledge and, above all, aimed at the formation of universal human values.
  • assimilate curriculum, to provide great practical material aimed at the development of logical thinking, creative imagination of the child.

Journal headings

  • Heroes of my country. The history of our Motherland and its heroes.
  • Russia is my homeland. The section tells about the structure of our state, about the great people who glorified our Motherland.
  • Life of wonderful people. Biography of famous people, athletes of the present and past centuries.
  • Contests and quizzes. Opportunity to win prizes and gifts by participating in contests and quizzes from Filippok.
  • Who to be. The rubric helps children in choosing their future profession.
  • History of ordinary things. Tells about the structure of things familiar to us (when, from what and how they are made).
  • Space. The "Space" section is a journey through the vast outer space.
  • Filippka's workshop. The development of creative abilities, DIY crafts.