If suddenly needed as soon as possible download a large file or you urgently need to send someone a large amount of information and you urgently need to increase the speed of the file hosting service, you can connect useful service"Turbo button" MTS.

And also thanks to this service you can easily install yourself on mobile services « Home Internet and Home Cinema. Time of action useful option 2 hours, but if necessary, the service can be extended. We will describe below how to connect the MTS turbo button, and also, if necessary, disable it.

Service connection

The service can be enabled on their mobile phones by customers using the Home Cinema or Home Internet mobile applications. If these functions are available on your mobile, go directly to step by step instructions how to connect turbo button:

  1. First of all, we go into our personal account, select the “Services” category on the panel, then press the “Turbo button” key.
  2. Then you need to read the terms of the agreement and check the appropriate box.
  3. Next, we find the acceleration section (for 2 hours) and click on the "Connect turbo" button.

From this very moment, the function is enabled, and you have become the proud owner of additional Internet traffic. The expiration time of the function can be viewed in the corresponding section. At the end of the time, your billing will be the same in automatic mode, if you wish, you can extend the service.

How to cancel the service?

In case you did not notice the activation of the service, you can easily measure the data transfer speed. For these purposes, you can use any free Internet program.

If a feature doesn't suit you, you can easily turn it off. A function such as the “MTS Turbo Button” is deactivated in 15 minutes. The procedure is performed as follows: go to your personal account and on the corresponding menu, click the "Refuse" button. Next, you will see a window in which you will be asked to clarify the reason for the refusal. If it doesn't bother you, answer in a nutshell why this option did not suit you. This is necessary so that the mobile operator has the opportunity, based on the comments of customers, to improve the service.

If you disable the option, you can reactivate the service no earlier than ten days later. In this case, the money debited from the account will be returned within 15 minutes.

How to connect the service for a certain number of megabytes?

The operator allows its customers to choose the traffic speed that suits them. So, mobile operator prepared for its subscribers the following services:

  1. To get an additional 50 megabytes of speed, you will need to dial: * 111 * 05 #. The price of this connection can be checked with the operator.
  2. Turbo button on MTS 100 Mb can be ordered by sending the following request: * 111 * 284 # . But that's not all. Next, you need to send an SMS to 5340 with the text 05. The 100 MB Turbo package will be valid for 24 hours. If the traffic is used faster, you automatic order return to the standard Internet billing on MTS.
  3. There are two ways to connect a 500 MB turbo button to MTS. In the first case, you will need to reset the USSD request to * 167 # or dial * 111 * 167 * 1 # . Then you need to confirm the request for the telesystem by sending an SMS with the text "164" to the number 5340. The second option is to enable the button for bonus points. If your card has accumulated 600 points or more, you can take a button for free by dialing the following combination: * 111 * 455 * 35 #.
  4. And here's how you can order a button for 1 gigabyte: dial * 467 # on your phone and wait for an SMS message. As soon as the system sends a response USSD request, it means that the button for 1 gigabyte is already working.
  5. To get a 2 GB turbo button, you need to send an SMS to 5340 with the text "168". The 2 GB turbo button on MTS will be valid for a month or until the Internet limit is completely exhausted.
  6. To get a button for 5 GB, you need to enter your personal account and click on the corresponding icon. Then select the function "Turbo button 5 gigabytes" and confirm the connection. Next, send a USSD request to * 168 # . After confirmation, you can safely use the useful service.
  7. For those who need to fully work in world wide web, a 20 GB button will do. The standard validity period for a 20 GB package is 30 days. You can add a 20 GB button to yourself as follows: send an SMS request to * 469 #, and then send a confirmation to 5340 with the text "469".

To quickly find out the rest of the traffic, dial * 111 * 217 # . After some time, you will receive a notification about the status of your Internet traffic. However, you need to remember that while roaming, the calculation is made at the standard rate.

Turbo button MTS - a package with the option of additional Internet traffic. There are four types of MTS turbo: a 100 MB button, a 500 MB turbo button, a 1 GB turbo button, a 2 GB button, a 5 GB button, and even a 20 GB button.

MTS made this option one of the first. This is an indispensable option when the Internet of the main package is over, and traffic is needed urgently.

The easiest option, how to connect a turbo button to MTS 100 mb, is to dial on your mobile code*111*05# and activate it using the call key.

Another way to connect is to send via SMS digital combination"05" to the phone 5340. 30 rubles will be withdrawn from the account, and the Internet will appear on the phone mobile telesystem MTS. True, just for a day.

To disable the turbo button on mts 100 megabytes, you do not need to do anything. The team at MTS has thought of everything for you. The Internet package turns off automatically after a day. Therefore, there is no independent way to disable the turbo button on MTS. Any unused MB will be forfeited.

As for other types of buttons, they will turn off themselves as soon as the expiration date or megabytes expire.

Connect 500 mb

Connecting 500 MB using a button is designed for a monthly period of use and costs 95 rubles. You can activate the package by dialing *167# on your mobile code or by sending an SMS to the previously indicated number 5340 with the text "167".

Two gigabytes for work and leisure

If you plan to use traffic in the amount of two gigabytes, then you can take the appropriate package. It also works for a month. Note that all packets are also dropped when the traffic is completely exhausted. To activate the service, dial *168# or send the number 188 by SMS to the same number 5340.

5 GB for those who need the Internet constantly

To enable 5 GB of Internet on your device for a month, you need to pay 450 rubles. This package will also last a month or until the Internet runs out. Turn on this MTS button like others - using a combination or SMS. Only this time the combination *169#, respectively, and SMS should be sent with the text 169 to the number 5340.

Another way to connect a turbo button is to go to your personal account and select the desired option in the services section.

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to use the bonus to purchase a turbo button. The same situation is with the purchase for mts points. You must have the appropriate amount of money in your account.

The Internet has become part of the daily life of most people. If the traffic provided under the tariff ends, then the client cannot communicate with loved ones. Therefore, MTS has developed an option called "Turbo Button", which allows you to increase the Internet by top speed.

Turbo button 100 megabytes

One of the most common types of Internet extension from MTS is the Turbo Button service for 100 megabytes. The term for providing the service is set to 24 hours. The option may turn off faster if the number of additional megabytes for accessing the Internet is completely exhausted.

The cost of a button in different cities

The price of a "Turbo button" of 100 megabytes from MTS varies depending on the region of residence:

How to connect "Turbo button" to 100 MB

In order to activate the option, you need to use the USSD command designed to activate the service. To do this, dial *111*05*1# from your mobile device. In addition to this method, you can use and activate the service yourself.


The service is valid for 24 hours or until the quota is exhausted, after which it automatic shutdown. During the period of validity of additional traffic, the remaining Internet is not debited from the tariff or is not charged from the provided package.

"Turbo button" for 500 megabytes

"Turbo button" 500 megabytes from MTS is not provided for 24 hours, as a smaller amount of traffic, for 30 days already. Clients are satisfied that this volume is just enough in cases where the package limit is completely exhausted and they want additional Internet at high speed.

Cost in different cities

Sometimes the cost of additional traffic for 500 megabytes may vary. In major cities, the following rates are given:

How to connect "Turbo button" to 500 MB

If the subscriber wants to connect to the tariff plan additional option, he needs to dial on his mobile device a combination of numbers and symbols. It was developed by MTS as follows: * 167 #.

There are additional ways to connect the option - this is a call to a specialist on hotline MTS or self-visit, where each subscriber can activate additional traffic.


The validity period is set to 30 days. However, if the provided amount of megabytes is exhausted before the end of the term established by the terms of service, then the client will lose the opportunity to access the Internet earlier, since the 500 megabyte quota will come to an end.

"Turbo button" for 1 GB

If the user wants to get more Internet, then he should pay attention to the "Turbo button" with a volume of 1 gigabyte. With it, the subscriber can view movies and photos without fear that the limit provided by the company will quickly end.

Tariff price

The price for 1 gigabyte of additional traffic in large cities is distributed as follows:

Connect "Turbo button" to 1 GB

There is one of effective ways, which is used by many clients of MTS. If there is a desire to activate the service, then you should enter the command *467#. Activation is allowed in or in the communication elephant from the MTS company.


The validity period is set to 30 days. After that, the service will be automatically terminated. It can also be suspended after the quota provided under the terms of the option is completely exhausted.

"Turbo button" 2 GB

Clients who do not wish to be limited to social networks or communication within instant messengers, it is recommended to turn to the "Turbo button" for 2 gigabytes in 2018. With the option, you can watch movies or share photos, since there is enough traffic for this.


The price for large cities of the Russian Federation is set according to the following conditions:

Enable "Turbo button" on 2 GB

In order to quickly and independently connect the service for 2 gigabytes, you need to use a simple command: *168# . It is allowed to use activation after authorization in if the client wants to activate the service on his own.


The option is set to 30 days. After the end of the set period, the option will be terminated. It will also be suspended at the end of the provided quota.

"Turbo button" for 5 GB

If the client does not have enough megabytes to communicate, and he wants not to refuse to receive additional traffic, then he turns to the activation of the "Turbo button" of 5 gigabytes. However, you need to know its features.

Cost of use

The service provides for prices established by the conditions for each of the regions of the Russian Federation. In major cities, prices are as follows:

Connection rules

If you need a quick and efficient connection to the service, then you need to dial *169# or use the help of an operator. It is allowed to connect the option when visiting.


The validity period of the service is set to 30 days. It ends when the provided quota expires or after 30 days have completely expired. Therefore, the client must be aware of this before connecting.

"Turbo button" in 20 GB

Not every client wants to connect such a large amount of additional traffic as the "Turbo button" of 20 GB. However, there are customers who want to watch TV online or live video and they cannot do without this option.

Service cost

The price for activating an additional 20 GB from MTS in 2018 is set on the following terms:

Connect "Turbo button" to 20 GB

In order to activate the option, you must enter the combination *469# and the call key. In addition to the combination of numbers, there is an option to connect the option to. Activation can be carried out in the communication salon or by calling the hotline.


The validity period of the option with the provided traffic of 20 gigabytes is provided only for 30 days. After deadline will pass, the remaining traffic for accessing the Internet is lost, and the service will be suspended, as in the case if the quota is completely exhausted.

Unlimited for 3 hours

"Turbo button" with unlimited for 3 hours allows the client to extend the speed and get the opportunity to access the Internet for a certain period. However, you need to know the details of the service.


The cost in large cities is distributed according to the following conditions:

Connect unlimited Internet MTS for 3 hours

You can enable the option by dialing *637# or in . You can also connect the option in the communication salon, as well as by calling the hotline number.


The validity period of the service is defined as three hours, after which the service will be disabled automatically. In this case, the Internet from the package is not consumed.

Unlimited for 6 hours

Unlimited for 6 hours allows you to get temporary traffic at maximum speed. However, you need to know the basic conditions of this offer from MTS.


The price for the provision of services in major cities of the Russian Federation is distributed as follows:

Connect unlimited Internet MTS for 6 hours

In order to connect an unlimited duration for six hours, you need to enter the command *638# or contact and activate the option yourself.


The option is valid for six hours. After this time, the option will be terminated and the subscriber will be deprived of further opportunity to use the quota.

How to check the balance of MTS traffic?

If there is a need to obtain information on the rest of the traffic, then you should use the following command *217# and the call key.

It is important for MTS subscribers using the Internet to know how to connect the Turbo button. This service allows you to get additional traffic for the Internet and can be connected on different conditions with different costs.

Often we have come across a situation where the Internet speed on the phone drops sharply or the traffic stops altogether. Previously, there was no way to fix this problem. I had to wait for a new month and save traffic. Today, MTS launched new program"Turbo button", which is aimed at solving this problem.

Program features

Turbo button is an opportunity for MTS users to receive additional traffic in different sizes. This option contains several programs of different cost and with different volumes of additional high-speed provision of the Internet network.

Turbo button 100 MB

This is a service for people who need the Internet very rarely, but urgently. A small fee, and you have 100 MB to search for information on the Internet. Package with favorable conditions, while it can be combined with other programs to provide additional traffic.

Turbo button 500 MB

Here, a larger amount of high-speed provision is already given for accessing the network. During the month you will have an additional 500 MB in case you use all the allowed amount of traffic in your main package.

Limit 500 MB
Price 75 rubles
Validity Within 30 days, the countdown starts from the moment the option was connected.
Area of ​​effect The Internet will be available according to the terms of your tariff.
The program can function with others, however, in any case, the traffic from the 500MB Turbo button is first calculated, and then from the rest of the functions.
Relevance Suitable for those who need access to the Internet often, but in small quantities.

Turbo Button 2GB

This program is for those who need access to the Internet very often and in large volume. A great option for businessmen or people whose work is concentrated on the Internet. Since there is high speed and compatibility with other features.

Turbo button 5 GB

If you spend most of your time on the Internet and at the same time visit entertaining web pages, then 5 GB from MTS will be an excellent offer for you. Use this function You can within a month, after which you need to connect it again.

Limit 5 GB
Price 95 rubles, but the price may vary depending on which region you live in. As a rule, the amount varies up to 150 r.
Validity The service can be connected for a month, while the traffic is deducted not according to the calendar month, but from the moment the option is connected.
Interaction with other packages The package can function with other programs that provide an additional amount of traffic for accessing the Internet. However, traffic from the Turbo button is consumed first, and only then from other programs.
Relevance Suitable for those who need access to the network constantly and in a considerable amount.

Turbo nights

There are a lot of people who go online mostly at night, for example, they come home from work. This option will be relevant for them. The undoubted advantage unlimited Internet.

Limit Unlimited
Price 200 rubles. But if at the time of connecting the service, there are not enough funds on your account, payment will take place in the following way: every day 8 rubles will be debited from your account until the amount is debited in full. That is, these 200 rubles will be divided into small payments of 8 rubles.
Validity For a month, but only at night.
Interaction with other packages Along with this service, you can connect other programs. At night, traffic will be taken only from Turbo night.
Relevance Ideal for those who need access to the network only at night. At the same time, you can sit as long as you like.

Information on the cost of services can be changed at any time, so check the information on the official website of MTS. Also, the terms of the package may be changed due to the release of new functions. To do this, go to the section "Mobile connection":

Then we choose - "Mobile Internet"- "Tariffs" and scroll through the window that opens to the section "Internet for one device" and go to the window marked with an arrow:

We select the package we need and look at the current information:

For many, life takes place online: playing, working, communicating and receiving information. The World Wide Web has no restrictions and is filled with a lot of data and information that does not provide restrictions from any side, but there is always some kind of but ....

The low data transfer rate, when downloading the necessary content, confuses the purpose of the search, makes you distract from the resource, and depresses the desire for something, so users of the Internet resource are looking for a reliable provider. Now there are no restrictions on access to the Internet with the advent of the mobile Internet network, and in order to receive and send data at maximum speed, you should opt for mobile internet from MTS.

The internet is more accessible anywhere than you think

The service is not needed, first of all, by subscribers who have a package of services that allow them to get sufficient speed. Existing communication subscribers also do not need to purchase a new package of services.

You can't get the freedom to use the Internet by using personal account or mobile application. Some will immediately have the question "how to connect 100 MB to MTS." The connection consists in a set of commands:

  • through a combination that automatically sends an application to the operator to switch to another service package - * 111 * 05 # in dialing mode;
  • by sending an SMS message with the text 05, enter the number 5340 as the recipient.

Using the service is quite convenient. After connection, the user fee is deducted from the main account, and if the balance is negative, access to the Internet is limited. No penalty is charged for an account that has not been replenished on time, and when the balance is replenished, the service is activated again.

Online again

The speed and access to the Internet is limited after the monthly limit is used up. There is no need to wait for the start of a new payment period, just use the turbo button.

The turbo button has its own action conditions regarding:

  • traffic volume;
  • validity period.

Each tariff plan has its own conditions for using the turbo button service.

On the considered service package of 100 Mb of Internet, the turbo button adds 100 Mb to the daily traffic. Additional traffic is valid for a day from the moment of activation of the service, after which it is disabled.

The two components of the service depend on each other, and the end of one terminates the second. Thus, the use of 100 MB in less than a day disables the service, and the expiration of 24 hours also terminates the service, regardless of whether there are unused megabytes left.

Connection and tariffs of the turbo button 100 Mb

As previously defined, the "100 Mb" service operates from a set of combinations. The end of the main traffic and the need for access to the Internet will ease the fate of the subscriber after dialing *111*05*1#, or by sending an SMS message to 5340 with the content of the message 05.

One of the ways how to connect a 100 mb mts turbo button activates it for a day. The cost of a one-time connection in all regions of the country is the same and is charged 30 rubles. This service is not the main one and is not included in the service package, which does not oblige operators to notify subscribers when tariffs for its connection change.

Megabytes for bonuses

Almost every subscriber for using the services of the operator, namely, communicating via calls and SMS and being online, receives an incentive in the form of bonuses stored on the bonus account.

Dialing a combination in the call mode *111*455*0# will open available bonuses on the account in front of the subscriber. Internet users also receive a bonus for this, having accumulated which they can be exchanged for additional megabytes.