Modern world full of mistrust of people to each other. Often, many couples in love quarrel with each other about any suspicions of treason, disagreements, and many other reasons. Often such situations lead to serious quarrels, and sometimes to parting. Truly loving couples cannot just give up and go to extreme measures, sometimes even illegal ones.

A prime example would be listening to your partner's cell phone.

The Internet industry does not stand in one place, technologies are developing daily, so it will not be difficult for a teenager to listen to the phone today, even if he does not have large sums of money and special skills in using the phone and special programs.

Listening to the phone in modern times is actively popular among huge amount, because by tracking the conversation of the people you need, you can learn a lot useful information and, most importantly, honest. Soon you will be able to sort out all the disagreements, misunderstandings that previously led to inevitable quarrels.

It has long been no secret that they can listen to your conversation at any time, and mobile operators are doing this quite legally and officially. This is done with the aim that in case of difficult situations, law enforcement agencies have the opportunity to listen to the conversation, the perfect suspect. And as they say: "The Internet has an eternal memory." If desired, operators are able to find a record of your conversation, which is already more than a week old. But you should know that no one will listen to you without a reason. This procedure requires permission, the law today is on the side of ordinary civilians. No one will listen to your conversation without a good reason.

It has already been said that eavesdropping can only be superficial, and your colleagues, relatives and other people in your environment have the opportunity to eavesdrop, so protecting yourself from listening to your conversations comes to the fore, but this topic will be discussed in detail later.

Closer to the topic - how to record a telephone conversation of the person you need? First of all, it is necessary to determine the methods and possibilities.

There are only a few ways to listen and record the conversation of your "victim"

  1. The most common - with the help of a mobile operator, this topic has already been sufficiently disclosed.
  2. The second way is expensive and effective, but unfortunately illegal. We are talking about listening to the phone by replacing the base station.
  3. The third method is explained by the interception and decryption of a 64-bit encryption key.
  4. And the fourth - the easiest way is to introduce special software into the phone that can record a telephone conversation.

Now more. If everything is clear with the first method, then a lot can still be said about the second, so - listening to the phone by replacing the base station.

This method is a passive method of listening to the phone. To use this method, you need to have a lot of money. Here keyword- "large". On the "black market" prices for such equipment start at around several hundred thousand euros. With such a setup, you will be able to listen to the phones of people around you within a radius of 500 meters. Today, this equipment is well studied, all the instructions, the principle of operation and other information that relates to the operation of the "spy" device can be found on the Internet.

The manufacturers of this listening system make sure that conversations can be monitored in real time, that is, having bought this device, you do not have to wonder how to record a telephone conversation of your “victim”. The system listens to a telephone conversation not using a mobile phone, but using a SIM card, that is, the owner of such equipment has full access to the database of your mobile operator. But there are cases when it is impossible to get access to the database. But there is a way out here too. The equipment is able to similarly follow the conversation of the person you are listening to and give you his conversation, but with a small delay. This is due to the fact that the system needs to decrypt the code. The system is completely mobile and can listen while moving.

There is also active intervention. For active intervention, special mobile complexes are used. Such a complex is a pair of phones and laptops, which are slightly modified. The price for them is lower, but it also bites quite a bit - a couple of hundred thousand dollars. In rare cases, the price reaches 100-200 thousand dollars. The weak point of this equipment is that only highly qualified specialists can work on it. Principle of operation this device lies in the fact that it is able to intercept the signal sent by the "victim" to the operator, that is, with the help of this device you can become an intermediary. From the moment of “capture”, specialists are able to do everything that an operator can do with a captured call.

It is impossible to determine that you are listening to someone with this equipment.

If it comes to intercepting a conversation from a cell phone, then this procedure will not be a problem, because often the receiver operates at a frequency of 800 or 1900 MHz. A significant problem is revealed when listening to the conversation. Only noise will be available to you, there will be no intelligible speech. This is explained by the 64 bit encryption key. But the Internet is already replete with various tactics to bypass this encryption or the possibility of decryption, so this incident should not arise. Based on the information on the Internet regarding listening using a 64-bit encryption system, you can assemble a complete listening device.

And finally, the final way to listen, with which you can learn how to record a telephone conversation.

Here we will talk about installing special spyware on your victim's phone. various applications There are a lot of applications related to this topic on the Internet today, so it will be very easy to download applications.

What you need software is installed on the “victim's” phone, at the moment when she does not notice it, that is, the phone you need should be invisible to you for 10-15 minutes. During a call special programs able to activate the third line. This third line will be you, that is, the conversation will be fully broadcast to your number. The only disadvantage of these programs is a number of shortcomings under specific model phone, which you will have to fix yourself. But this is the simplest and most important - the free method of listening. You can listen to almost any person who has close contact with you.

Don't want to become a "victim"? Below are the basic rules that can warn you against this threat..

  1. First of all, do not give the opportunity automatic systems download various software to your phone, where malware can also be detected.
  2. Do not trust everyone in a row and give the phone into the wrong hands.
  3. Pay close attention to extraneous interference and noise during a conversation.
  4. Install an antivirus.
  5. Discuss serious topics not on the phone, but in person.

If you are determined to listen to someone's phone, then you should think about it again, because you can end up behind bars. Be vigilant and do not give people a reason to listen to you. No one will do it without a good reason.

Video about how to listen to the phone

Hello! Welcome to my mobile phone security blog! Have you ever thought about how possible it is to listen to a mobile phone for free, by an outsider? Can anyone install a special application on your smartphone that opens unlimited access to any information from the device's memory? You will find the answer in this article, since this question also interested me a lot. At the very end of the presented material there will be a link to a useful video. You can immediately go there if you don’t want to read the whole text.

As for such programs, there are many of them on the Internet. I decided to check if such applications really work. Listen mobile phone Many promise free, but what do we actually see? One scammer comes across! I reviewed a large number of software, but simply did not find anything really working. But I caught the eye of an interesting service that provides opportunities Reserve copy information. It is about him that I will tell further.

The versatility of the service lies in the support of a large number of applications from which you can collect the history of correspondence. Who will benefit from this? Yes, to anyone, because you cannot be insured against the accidental loss of a smartphone. If you use your phone for business and office communications, it's a good idea to back it up regularly. This service is able to perform such operations independently, in a fully automatic mode!

I installed a special application in Android that collects and archives data, and then sends it to the server. There is Personal Area which no third party can gain access to. Only the person who installed and configured the application. As for the supported software, there are clients for almost everyone social networks and messengers! Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, My World, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, ICQ - this is not a complete list.

But what happens if an outsider installs such an application for you? Free listening to a mobile phone will be possible simply due to the fact that the records of conversations are stored in backup. And it does not matter at all whether it will be the application described above, or some other, but with the same functions. Antiviruses do not block such software, since there is no virus code in it. And the uninstall protection will not let you get rid of the program standard means mobile OS.

I realized one thing: you should treat your mobile phone more carefully! Do not leave it unattended in the office, do not pass it on to unfamiliar people! As for the described service, the following is a link to a useful video. In it, I will talk about how to properly install the program and configure it. But remember that you cannot use such an application on someone else's mobile phone! Personal life is confidential, and few phone owners would like this.

Conversation security: check if the phone is being tapped. Problem detection.


Is it possible to imagine modern man without mobile communications? Older people still remember how long it took to make any decision if the opponent was in another place. Travel, pre-arranged times and dozens of other difficulties that arise without cell phones. No one will argue that mobile phones are best discovery of the last century, which simplified the life of all social strata.

But where there are pluses, there are minuses - there is always a chance that your cellular telephone bugged. And it’s good if you communicate with friends on it and solve minor household issues, but if you discuss secret information during the conversation? Do you voice something that is not intended for third ears and can be used against you? In this article, we will tell you how to solve such a problem, check the phone for wiretapping and protect yourself and your loved ones.

How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped, is there a wiretapping on it?

Today, not only law enforcement agencies can listen to a cell phone, but literally any person with certain knowledge and a little money. Therefore, if you have something to hide, you provide your financial data over the phone, or you simply do not want to be controlled, this article is for you.

So, the first method was used earlier, but today it has practically come out of use - “GSM interception complexes”. The fact is that at present GSM channels are encrypted in such a way that without the support of a mobile operator there is no way to decrypt technical feasibility. The method is expensive and difficult to use, so it is used by special services, and even then not in all operations.

In fact, it is impossible to determine whether there are GSM interception complexes nearby, and therefore, if you are hiding something, and the level of secrecy is high, do not talk about it on the phone. After all, there is no 100% way to check security.

And now let's move on to numerous programs with which you can secretly listen to conversations online, but to do this, you need access to the phone for 3-5 minutes and install the appropriate program. Such programs act like real spy bugs and allow you to transmit conversations, SMS and other information to any distance.

Finding such "bugs" is easier than ever, unless, of course, an amateur installed them and did not hide the traces of his destiny:

  • Go to installed mobile applications and check everything installed programs. Those that you personally did not install - feel free to delete;
  • Reset all settings to factory settings, plus format the memory card.

Please note that phone tapping programs without operating systems simply does not exist! Now you understand why almost every businessman has a phone in his pocket, which many consider not only suitable for communication, but simply a rarity.

Listening programs can get into the phone using:

  • Downloading from a link or installing a mobile application;
  • Installations using a PC or other mobile device;
  • Sending a link via MMS;
  • By Bluetooth channel;
  • By WiFi channel.

How and with what to check: is the cell phone tapped or not?

In fact, wiretapping programs are divided into two groups:

  • During a conversation, wiretapping is activated and all calls are recorded directly to the phone's memory (note that this action is hidden, often the folder where conversations are written). Please note that programs compress information well, and an hour of conversation can easily fit into 5-6 MB, so you will not be able to detect memory overload. Further, as soon as the phone is in close enough contact, conversations are rewritten on a PC or another phone using WiFi, GPRS, WAP, 3G. It should be borne in mind that in this case, the funds from the account for the transfer of information are debited directly from the tapped phone, which will clearly appear on the cost of communication, and this may be a signal for action;
  • Conference call. Another clever method for listening to other people's conversations. To do this, at the beginning of the conversation, an SMS is received with the phone number of the incoming or outgoing call of the mobile device. Then the attacker calls back to the number, and becomes the third participant in the conversation. The method is very complicated and requires a lot of expenses, plus the beginning of the conversation is lost, and if the conversation is short, then the attacker ends up at the end of the conversation. Therefore, it is used extremely rarely;

Remember to watch out for someone else mobile device, listening and recording calls is prohibited and criminal liability is provided for this. If you suspect that you are being tapped, do not continue to use the device until the device is checked by specialists.

How to detect wiretapping on your cell phone:

  • Suddenly, the battery began to overheat, especially when making calls. If you are watching a movie on your smartphone or playing online game and the battery is heating up - this is normal, but overheating during a call is a sure sign that you need to pay extra attention to the device to check. Of course, these can be running viral applications, or those that you actively use that are not closed, but if there is a suspicion, the phone must be checked;
  • The phone you are using normal mode, and the battery has ceased to cope - requires frequent recharging. Of course, there is a possibility that the battery fails, but if the situation does not change after buying a new battery, check for hidden applications;
  • Delay when turning off the phone. Perhaps your phone needs a flashing or repair, but there is a possibility that you are being tapped and turned off before disconnecting hidden programs and because of this, the phone began to work worse than usual;
  • Incredible in the work of a familiar smartphone? Are you talking on the phone, and in the meantime, the backlight is actively turning on and off, updates are being installed, files are being saved, etc.? There is a risk that your phone is being controlled remotely. Of course, you need to understand that these are not auto-updates, accidental pressing on the keyboard with your ear or cheek, etc. To check the situation during conversations, put on speakerphone and watch the reaction of the phone - and then you will surely make the right decision;
  • Presence extraneous noise. In the case of online listening or conference listening, the phone will have interference, noise, rattling, crackling;
  • During the conversation or immediately after the end of the conversation, the presence of interference near household appliances. "Gurgle" as when sending or receiving notifications;
  • When making an outgoing call, when choosing a network operator, a stranger appears in the list of operators without a logo, but with one or another number. In the event of such a detection, you can know without a doubt that your phone is being tapped.

In conclusion, I would like to add that it is better to prevent than to "treat" the problem. Therefore, do not leave the phone unattended and be attentive to various nuances.

Video: Listen to you or not. How to find out? Visual aid with examples

Video: Checking the Phone for Wiretapping!!! How to find out?

Ecology of knowledge. How can you listen to conversations on mobile phones, is it possible to protect yourself from such attacks, and how can a subscriber determine that his phone is being tapped? In light of recent spy scandals, these issues are back on the agenda. AIN.UA asked Ukrainian mobile operators tell you what to do in such cases.

How can you listen to conversations on mobile phones, is it possible to protect yourself from such attacks, and how can a subscriber determine that his phone is being tapped? In the light of recent spy scandals these issues are back on the agenda. AIN.UA asked Ukrainian mobile operators to tell what to do in such cases.

Surprisingly, many market participants were unable to answer such questions - we received a full answer only from MTS Ukraine. Life:) did not respond to the request at all, and Kyivstar stated that the operator is not an expert in such matters, therefore they advised them to contact civil service representatives for comments. In addition to MTS answers, we used information about wiretapping from open sources.

How carriers protect their networks

GSM technology was initially developed and implemented taking into account the requirements of government agencies in terms of security level. To maintain this security, most governments in the world prohibit the use and sale of powerful scramblers, scramblers, cryptographic equipment, as well as highly secure public communications technologies. The telecom operators themselves protect their radio channels by encryption, using rather complex algorithms for this. The choice of cryptoalgorithm is carried out at the stage of establishing a connection between the subscriber and the base station. As for the likelihood of a subscriber's information leaking from the operators' equipment, MTS claims that it is reduced to zero due to the complexity and controllability of access to facilities and equipment.

How can you "listen" to phones

There are two methods of listening to subscribers - active and passive. Passive listening of the subscriber will require the use of expensive equipment and specially trained personnel. Now on the "gray" market you can buy complexes with which you can listen to subscribers within a radius of 500 meters, their cost starts from several hundred thousand euros. They look like the picture on the right. On the Internet, you can easily find a description of such systems and the principle of their operation.

Manufacturers of such equipment claim that the system allows real-time monitoring of GSM conversations based on access to the facility's SIM card or operator database. cellular communication. If there is no such access, then conversations can be listened to with a delay, depending on the level of encryption used by the operator. The system can also be part of a mobile complex for tracking and listening to moving objects.

The second method of eavesdropping is active over-the-air interference with control and authentication protocols using special mobile systems. Such equipment, despite its apparent simplicity (in fact, it is a couple of modified phones and a computer), can cost from several tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Working with such complexes requires highly qualified service personnel in the field of communications.

The principle of operation of such an attack is as follows: the mobile complex, due to its closer location to the subscriber (up to 500 m), “intercepts” signals to establish a connection and transfer data, replacing the nearest base station. In fact, the complex becomes an "intermediary" between the subscriber and the base station with all the ensuing security problems.

Having "caught" the subscriber in this way, this mobile complex can perform any function to manage the subscriber's connection, including linking it to any number the attackers need, setting a "weak" encryption algorithm or canceling encryption altogether for this communication session, and much more.

As an example of such listening, we can cite the events of the beginning of this year in the center of Kyiv. During the mass protests against the Yanukovych regime, the crowd seized the car with the SBU officers, from which the frequencies of the walkie-talkies and phones of the protesters were “wired”. What such equipment looks like is clearly visible in the picture.

There is a third possibility for listening to conversations and intercepting traffic mobile subscriber. To do this, you need to install virus software on the victim’s smartphone. When installing malicious software, attackers can "on their own" choose or cancel the encryption algorithm altogether, transfer (or destroy) unauthorized confidential information subscriber and more.

How to determine that the phone is tapped

As MTS Ukraine told AIN.UA, to directly determine whether the this moment telephone, it is impossible, but it is possible to obtain indirect confirmation of a certain probability of this. Many old models push-button phones they even displayed a special icon (closed or open padlock) that showed whether the conversation was encrypted at the moment or not.

AT modern phones this feature is not provided. However, smartphones have special applications, which can inform the user about the configuration of the settings of the current communication session, including whether his speech is transmitted openly or using an encryption algorithm. Here is some of them:

EAGLE Security

A powerful program to protect phones from listening. It allows you to prevent connection to a false base station by checking the signatures and identifiers of the base stations. In addition, it monitors the location of stations, and if a base station moves around the city, or periodically disappears from its place, it is marked as suspicious and the program notifies the user about it. You can also use the program to get full list applications that have access to the phone's microphone and video camera, as well as block unwanted software from accessing the camera.


The program helps to track any suspicious activity cellular network, including SMS that are sent without the knowledge of the user. The program also evaluates the security of the network in real time, shows which algorithms are used to encrypt the conversation, and much more.

Android IMSI-Catcher Detector

Another software package, which allows you to protect your smartphone from connecting to false base stations. True, he has a small minus - the application is not available in Google Play and it will take a bit of fiddling to install it.


CatcherCatcher, like the Android IMSI-Catcher Detector, allows you to distinguish a real base station from a false one.

In addition, MTS recommends using applications for security, including for encrypting conversations. For example, among anonymous web browsers, Orbot or Orweb can be noted. There are also applications for encrypting phone conversations, photos, and many secure messengers. published

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Before you think about, say, how to listen to your wife's mobile phone, you should take into account the fact that any interference in a person's personal life is completely illegal. And it doesn’t matter who he is to you: wife, husband, sister, mother, and so on. Therefore, if suddenly you seriously decide to take care of this problem, keep in mind that all the actions you take are against the law.

How to listen to a mobile phone legally?

The answer is simple - no way. Only law enforcement agencies can carry out actions to wiretap the phone, and only with a court order for this. In this case, they are assisted directly by the mobile operator, which is obliged, according to the decision, to provide maximum assistance to law enforcement agencies.

Ordinary person given service mobile operators will never be able to use it. Unless you find someone in law enforcement who is willing to help you with this problem.

Are there other options for listening to a cell phone?

In our modern time, when, as they say, progress is advancing by leaps and bounds, there are many ways to listen to a mobile phone. One of them is the use of special equipment. Based on this option, a person who needs to obtain certain information uses special, usually very expensive equipment, thanks to which the outgoing signal from the victim's mobile phone is intercepted on the way to the base of the mobile operator.

Although this way- the pleasure is more than expensive, it allows you to listen without making contact with the victim.

Strange MMS

It's no secret that most detective agencies employ former employees of the secret services. Sometimes they reveal their secrets of how to listen to a mobile phone. This option is possible thanks to the genius of programmers or hackers. In order to use this method of listening, all you need to know is the victim's phone number. A special virus program is attached to the picture, which is sent as a regular MMS message to a specific number. As soon as the subscriber opens the message for reading, the Trojan program is quickly activated in the phone and starts its work.

Now you can talk not only about how to listen to someone else's mobile phone. This virus allows you to listen to conversations that are conducted outside the device. Even if the subscriber turns off the smartphone, listening will continue.

Smart phones

If we talk about what kind of listening devices for mobile phones exist, then first of all I would like to note the device itself.

It is known for certain that there are certain models of smartphones that have built-in programs that allow not only to listen telephone conversations subscriber, but also read all SMS correspondence, as well as listen to the environment. Of course, you will not find such devices on free sale.

It is known that some Internet resources are actively selling listening devices and the smartphones described above in particular. If you have an idea to buy such a phone to give to your wife or spouse, then pay special attention to such offers. Otherwise, you risk paying 30 thousand for a regular chinese smartphone without any spyware.

Do you trust sites on the Internet?

Believe it or not, it's up to you. In fact, sources that offer help in deciding how to listen to someone else's mobile phone should be treated with extreme caution. If you look closely, the cost of any equipment for wiretapping is quite high. Here we are talking not only about spy phones, but also about bugs and other devices.

You may be asked to pay only a fraction of the cost. But such an amount is also very impressive, especially when you consider the fact that there are at least a dozen like you.

Therefore, before you rush headlong into an adventure, acquiring super-listening devices, think carefully about whether you are ready to throw a certain amount of money down the drain. Yes, just take it and throw it away! Not? Then, perhaps, it is not worth trying, buying who knows what and who knows from whom?


In fact, you can manually install a virus on your phone that will spy and send you reports about the information received. In order to understand how to eavesdrop on a cell phone using spyware, you will need the program itself and access to the victim's phone.

Install via the Internet, activate and ... listen to everything and everyone. True, for this you need to have the software itself available. But, again, be careful, because there are plenty of people who earn money by “divorcing” users on the network.

As a rule, such "craftsmen" in all colors paint the charms of this program. They offer an absolutely perfect option on how to listen to the victim's mobile phone. The scammers justify their kindness by the fact that, for example, being once deceived by their beloved wife or husband, they show solidarity and want to help everyone who finds themselves in such a similar situation.

Further, as a rule, detailed description programs, instructions for use are given, detailed screenshots of the screen are given, and then it is proposed to download the installation file itself either through a paid file hosting service or by sending SMS to short number. Sometimes, after downloading the program, you will suddenly find the simplest software for installing bluetooth, for example.

In some cases, the program will download to your computer without an installation file, which you will be offered to buy at a separate price.

Be carefull

In fact, when deciding how to listen to a mobile phone, you may be under the hood yourself. Ask yourself the question: do you know exactly what files you install on your PC? But what if they contain some Trojan viruses that will later steal your personal information?

Well, if you have an excellent computer on your computer antivirus protection. But it is known that some users simply neglect it.

Performing deliberately illegal actions, think about the fact that the question of whether they can listen to a mobile phone that is in your personal use, you may well get an affirmative answer. I wonder how you would feel in such a situation? Will you be offended and outraged because you are an honest person? Think about it, perhaps the person you are going to spy on does not do anything immoral either. Maybe you just misunderstood something?