As many users know, all programs on Windows are installed by default in the Program files folder.
But not many are aware that you can change the default folder to the one you need. This is what this post will be about.

Changing the Default Program Installation Folder in Windows

Why change the Windows default installation folder? Typically, a system has (should have at least) at least 2 partitions. it system partition(where the OS is installed) usually with a letter FROM: and any other section (for example, D :), where, ideally, everything else should be thrown off. Very often I encounter a situation where my friends install all games and programs on the system disk in the folder Program Files, since it is this folder on drive C: that is specified in the system as the directory for installing programs by default. Many users who are not familiar with computers do not realize (or do not know how) to change the disk when installing a program or game. And after a certain time, when trying to install the next game, they encounter the problem of insufficient memory on the C: drive.
Therefore, when friends contact me with such a problem, I also change the default installation drive on their system from C: to another one. Go!

Instructions for changing the default installation directory

To carry out this operation, we need to make small changes in system registry. That's why:

Now all programs will be installed by default in the Program Files folder on the disk D:.

Ideally, these actions should be done immediately after, when there is nothing superfluous in C: except for the files of the OS itself. But you can just uninstall programs and games from system disk and then reinstall again.
It is not necessary to change the installation directory for those users who, anyway, choose the installation location of the programs themselves. They already hope everything is installed in other sections, and not in the system. That's all. Bye everyone!

Not enough memory and Can't install to default folder on Android. The error "Unable to install the application" in Android occurs periodically for all users. How to fix it? We will discuss in this article and give a couple of working solutions.

After a long android usage in the shop Google Play may appear next error: "can't install app out of memory" or "can't install app to default folder". Due to these errors, you cannot install the application on your android smartphone or tablet.

Unable to install app out of memory

If in Google Play you have given error, about the lack of android memory, although it (memory), as it seems, seems to be there, then first watch the video that we have attached below.

Firstly, there is much less memory on the device than the manufacturer indicates, and secondly, it is distributed across sections. That is, at the output you can get, for example, only 18 GB from the declared 32Gb. But that's not all, some manufacturers allocate a separate section only for applications, and separately only for photos, videos, audio and other files. Plus, Android needs about 500 MB of free space for the operating system to work correctly, when this limit is reached, you will see an error about a small amount of memory. That's why frequently asked question“There is no memory for installing applications, although there is still a lot of it” lies only in not understanding its distribution.

By the way, when you install an application or game on Android, for example, 40 megabytes in size, it will take as much as 50-100 MB in the system and over time it can take up even more space!

How to solve the error "no memory to install applications"

1. Transfer applications to SDCard - most applications allow you to transfer applications to a memory card. All you need to do is go to the " Settings» - > « Applications» go to the application and perform the transfer.

Now let's move on to solving the problem " Unable to install app in default folder».

How to solve the error "the application cannot be installed in the default folder"

With an error about the inability to install the application in a folder, things are somewhat more complicated, since there is no exact recipe for how to solve this problem. More precisely, one of the proposed options will work for sure, but you will have to spend a little personal time.

1. Transfer applications to SDCard - most applications allow you to transfer applications to a memory card. All you need is to go to the section " Settings» - > « Applications" go to the application and perform the transfer.

2. Cleaning Android memory - if you are not an expert in how memory is distributed, then you can suggest performing a general cleaning of the device. Delete manually old and junk files or applications. You can also use special application CCLeaner.

3. Merge memory - starting from 6 android versions the function of combining the internal drive and memory card has been added. If the manufacturer of your Android did not cut out this feature, then by merging you will have additional space for installing applications.

4. Remove the memory card - a proven experiment that has helped many users. All you need to do is remove the memory card from the device and restart Android, then try to install the application again.

5. Cleaning the memory card - how android rule is storing some data on the memory card, format the microSD and check if the problem is solved.

6. Reset settings - if all the previous methods did not solve the problem with installing the application on Android, then try resetting the settings.

7. Android Firmware devices - the last step if the rest did not help you. Perhaps the installation will help you new firmware on Android. How to do this is described in detail on our website.

The more and more development information technologies, the more difficult it becomes Operating Systems. Unsurprisingly, this can cause developers to get confused and release an update that conflicts with the hardware or simply makes the system unusable. However, users themselves are often to blame for the errors that occur, or rather their illiteracy. Today we will talk about what to do if the error "The application cannot be installed in the default folder" occurs.

For Dummies"

The very first advice that any technical support of each device will give you is to reboot the device. It doesn't matter what brand of device and what specific model you are using, if any error occurs, try to reboot the OS, even if it is not possible to install the application in the default folder.

The fact is that with a long continuous operation of the device, errors can accumulate, cells are filled random access memory and load many third-party processes. In this regard, when you try to install a new application, there may be a conflict between running programs and the content being installed. Thus, by rebooting the device, you will clean up the device’s memory and improve performance, increasing the chances of installing the application, and you can avoid the appearance of an inscription that says that it is impossible to install the application in the default folder.


The most common reason for the message that the application cannot be installed to the default folder is the lack of free space in permanent memory your Android device.

To do this, go to "Settings" - "Applications". Choose old and unnecessary applications and delete them. Just be careful not to clean your device from useful system programs and utilities. In addition, you can try to free up space on your device by deleting data from your memory card: photos and videos. After all the manipulations, go to "Settings" - "Memory" and check the available free place. If it is enough, then the message that it is impossible to install the application in the default folder should stop appearing.


Theoretically, the previous method includes and this way problem solving. However, if after you have freed up free space on the memory card, the device still writes: "The application cannot be installed in the default folder", then the problem may lie in the Play market.

To eliminate it, we enter already in the usual way in your phone settings and select "Apps". We find in the opened list "Market" and click on it. In its settings, select "Clear cache" and "Erase data". After that, you can try to install the desired program again.

If all attempts fail, you can continue to "conjure" with the "Market". In the settings, click on the "Uninstall updates" button. After that, you need to restart the device and start the "Market" again. Now you can try to install the application again. If this method does not help, then move on to the next method.

Phone update

If you keep getting a message that the application cannot be installed to the default folder, what should I do and where should I look for the reasons? Recently, a similar problem began to appear on most flagship "Android" devices. This is due, oddly enough, to the version of the operating system. Thus, if you have updated the OS on your device or just bought a new one, you have several options:

  1. Roll back your operating system to an older version.
  2. Humbly and patiently wait for the release of the new update.
  3. Install an operating system of a completely different assembly.

In any case, whichever of the three methods you choose, it is better to turn to professionals to implement it, because as a result of unsuccessful flashing of the gadget, instead of a multimedia center, you can get an ordinary "brick".

Try everything

Of course, when solving problems with any technical devices You can not do without tips from users who have gone through this. The advice of different users on the problem we are considering today may differ. For example, some say that you need to remove and reinsert the memory card, and this will help. You can try to remove applications on the gadget using a computer, rather than the built-in utilities. Check your internet connection, or just try downloading the app you're interested in several times in a row.

Last resort

As the name implies, this method will be the final one. Sometimes installation problems can occur due to unsuccessful synchronization of the device with the account. For example, if this process was unsuccessfully terminated. To fix this problem, you need to do the following:

  1. Once again, go to "Settings" - "Applications". We are interested in three utilities: Google Play Market, Google Services Play and Google Services Framework.
  2. For these applications, we execute the commands: "Stop", "Delete updates", "Delete data".
  3. Now we follow the account synchronization settings and remove all the checkmarks there.
  4. We reboot the device.
  5. We restore the synchronization settings and restart the gadget again.
  6. Now you can launch Google Play. At first, there will be a long update process, but after that everything should work as it should.

But what if this method did not help and you again get a message that it is impossible to install the application in the default folder? "Android" leaves no choice but to wait until an update is released that will fix the error, or reinstall the entire system. Although there is always one main way out - to return the gadget for warranty service, let the professionals figure out why the device refuses to work normally.

Finally, try changing the default application installation location. To do this, go to the "Settings" of the phone, the "Memory" section and switch the checkbox from internal memory to an external SD card.

If applications are not installed on Android, then the first step is to restart the device. Perhaps the cause of the error is a system failure, which will be fixed when you restart Android.

If, after rebooting, the programs from the Play Market are still not installed, look for other causes of the malfunction. We will talk about this further.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

Why is the application not installed on Android?

The main reason is the lack of internal memory of a smartphone or tablet. If the phone does not have enough memory, it cannot save the installation file of the application and perform the installation (installation). There are two ways to fix the problem:

To see where applications are installed, go to the "Memory" section in the settings. At the top there will be an item "Installation location", when clicked, a list with available options will appear. In order for applications to be installed on a memory card, you need to select it in this list. In this case, the system will download the installation file and store the application data on microSD. The storage location does not matter - it will work equally well from a memory card and Flash Player, and Viber.


This option is not available on all devices and depends on the shell provided by the smartphone manufacturer.

Another one possible reason installation errors - unstable internet when downloading an installation file from the Play Market via 3G. Connect to WiFi hotspot to connect at normal speed.

If the application is not installed from the Play Market, but simply from the Internet in the form of an .apk file, then the reason for the system refusing to install it may be firmware incompatibility or blocking by the antivirus. It is recommended to install applications only from the Play Market, which are suitable for the Android version on your phone/tablet.

In addition to problems with the application, errors in the operation of the Google account may also occur. To fix them, delete your account and add it again.

  1. Open the settings, find the "Accounts" section.
  2. Select "Google".
  3. Click on the account you are using.
  4. Expand the additional menu and select "Delete account" (note that the data associated with it will be deleted, you need to make a backup copy).


After deleting your account, restart your smartphone. The next time you turn it on, add your account again and try downloading applications from the Play Market.

The last resort in case of problems with installing applications will be resetting the settings to the factory state or flashing the device (relevant for phones with custom, not official firmware).

How to install applications correctly?

Every user should know how to android different ways- through the Play Market (Google Play) and the APK file. This allows you to reduce the number of errors during installation of programs and makes it possible to choose more suitable method for each specific situation. To install an application from the Play Market:

  1. Run Play app Market on Android. If you haven't added yet Google account, the system will prompt you to create a new account or specify the data of an existing profile.
  2. Type in the search bar the application you want to install.
  3. Open the page of the found application. Make sure it's compatible with your device and click Install.
  4. Accept the required permissions.
  5. Wait for the download and installation of the program to complete.

After successful installation, a notification will appear stating that the application has been installed. Open it to check the work. Similar steps can be performed on a computer using the Google Play website.

  1. Open the Google Play website in your browser. Log in to the account that is added to the phone.
  2. Find the app, make sure it's compatible, and click Install.
  3. If the account is added to several devices, select the phone on which you want to install the application.


The main condition for remote installation of the program is to connect the phone to Wi-Fi. Through mobile traffic The app will not be downloaded from Google Play. Increase

Now you can download the application's APK file to your computer and transfer it to your phone's memory. You can transfer the file in any way - via a USB connection, by mail, via Bluetooth. The main thing is to remember the folder where you sent the APK.

To install the application from the APK, use any file manager. Find and run the APK file. The system will install the application and report the successful completion of the operation with a notification.

To simplify the procedure for installing an application from a computer, use special software - for example, a program. When using such software, you do not need to transfer the APK file to the phone's memory. You simply add it to the program interface and install it on a device connected to your computer.

For such utilities to work, phone drivers must be installed on the computer, but some models still won’t work.

In this article, I will tell you about the ten most common reasons why programs do not install. You will learn about the symptoms of a particular cause and be able to diagnose and eliminate it yourself.

So, let's go - a dozen reasons why programs on Windows are not installed.

The most common cause why programs are not installed, this is the lack of a system library NET Framework required version. This library contains resources that are needed for the normal operation of a particular program. Therefore, if it is not there, then the program will not be able to install.

It is recommended that you install all versions of the NET Framework on your computer, starting with 2.0 and ending with the oldest version that your Windows supports. This will ensure the normal operation of all programs compatible with your OS.

To find out which NET version Framework is installed on your computer, click on the "Start" button, select "Control Panel", then open the "Programs" section, and then "Programs and Features" (example for Windows 7).

You can download the versions that you are missing on the Microsoft website, .

As a rule, if programs are not installed due to the lack of the required NET Framework, a message appears indicating the version that needs to be downloaded.

Lack of Visual C++ and Direct X required version

The next common reason why programs fail to install is the lack of Visual C++ and Direct X components. Visual C++ is required for programs that are written in the popular C++ language, and Direct X is required for most games. As with the NET Framework, there is different versions these components.

You can find out the version of Visual C ++ in the same way as you can find the NET Framework - in the "Programs and Features" section.

And in order to find out the version of Direct X, click "Start" and open "Run" (or ctrl + R). Write down the dxdiag command and click OK.

As a rule, if the program is not installed due to the absence of these components or their correct version, a corresponding message appears. The required versions of Visual C++ can be downloaded, and Direct X .

Incorrect bitness of Windows

Windows can be 32 or 64 bit. On 64-bit operating systems, you can install 32-bit and 64-bit programs. And on the 32nd bit systems only a 32-bit program will work. Therefore, you will not be able to install a 64-bit program on it.

To determine the bit depth of the system, click right click to "Computer" and select "Properties".

The capacity of the program can be found in its description. If it does not fit, then an appropriate error will appear during the installation process.

Corrupted installation file

If during the installation of the program an error occurs that the installation file is damaged, then you should get this file again. This can happen due to the fact that the program file has not been completely downloaded, or has been posted on the site already damaged. To solve the problem, you need to try to download the program installation file from another location.

Missing Required DLL

A rare reason why programs are not installed is the absence of some libraries in the system that should have been in it by default. This happens if you use an unofficial Windows assembly or those libraries were removed intentionally.

The problem manifests itself in a message that swears at some DLL file.

To solve it, you need to download the required dll file and place it in the correct directory (in system32 or SysWOW64). You can download the libraries.

After that, you should register the library. To do this, click "Start" and select "Run" (or keys ctrl + R). Then write cmd and click OK. AT command line libraries are registered with the regsvr32 file.dll command, where file.dll is the name of the library file.

Software build curves

A common reason why programs are not installed is the crooked hands of pirates who hack them and give them to you for free, or somehow modify them, that is, they make their own assembly (repack). To avoid this, check out the comments of those who have already tried what you are installing.

It is difficult to say what errors can be when installing such programs. It could be anything.

Without administrator rights

If you work in an office, then you may find that your user does not have administrator rights. Your System Administrator may intentionally prevent the installation of programs. To resolve this, contact him for help.

This can happen not only in the office, but also at home if your user on the PC does not have administrator rights.

Blocking by security programs

All computers have antiviruses and some software can be blocked by them. This is also a common reason why programs are not installed. Solving it is simple - disable your antivirus or other security program and install the program. If necessary, add this software to the trusted list in the antivirus or security program.

Be carefull. If you are not sure about the reliability of the source of the program, then it is better not to install it if the antivirus swears.

Conflicts with incompletely removed old versions of programs

If you are updating a version of the program, and first uninstalled the old one, and then try to install a new one, then a conflict may occur if the components old version have not been completely removed. This often happens when using the standard Windows uninstaller.

To fix this problem, you need to uninstall all components previous version manually. You can also use cleaner programs such as CCLeaner.

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