Updates/Notes Jerry:

Since posting this article, I have received several email inquiries for a business or [other CMS] site.

The thing is, I always believe that you should run your blog like it's a real business. The tools for market research and marketing for a blog or business website are similar. The marketing strategies and hacks I mentioned in this guide generally work for all types of blogs or websites. Therefore, I see no need for a separate article.

It has become a giant guide with over 6,000 words. And I'm interviewing more bloggers for their contributions, as well as thinking of new ways to improve this guide. Ideas and feedback are welcome! Contact me at [Email protected]

Creating a blog / website is step #1.

To stay ahead of your competition in any niche, you need to actively grow and improve your blog.

There are many factors that go into creating a successful blog. Using the right dataset, choosing best tools and applying the best strategy affects the success of your blog.

What's in this guide?

In this guide, we'll look at a number of things you can do to improve your blog.

Some of them require very little effort and can create instant positive results; while others take more time and skill.

It looks like role-playing games- some levels are easy and some require more time/effort to master the necessary skills and breakthrough.

Data is your friend. But what?

We know that data is critical to measuring your progress and blogging improvement.

But what type of data should you be looking at?

The sample is a GIF I made with ScreenToGif.

2 - Hire a Freelance Designer

In case graphics and photography are not really your thing, you can always leave the job to a freelance designer. The cost of graphic and web design has dropped significantly over last years thanks to free software and fierce competition. Based on my recent research - a designer charges around $26/hour on average and you can go up to $3/mo.

site cost and graphic design Based on Upwork Top 100 freelancer profiles. Average hourly rate = $26.32/hour; highest = $80/hour, lowest = $3/month ().

3 - Pixabay (or other directories that offer beautiful images)

If you must add inappropriate photos to your post - at least you can avoid ugly photos. Not only are they bland and unique, but they can appear on several other sites at any given time, making your blog less unique.

There are countless sites where you can get free, amazing photos. Pixabay is my favorite because of its flexibility. There are no attribution requirements, which means you can do whatever you want with images from this source.

In addition, it is very easy to use - there is even a simple search right on home page, available before you log in. You will have access to photos vector images and illustrations, and you can filter as needed. Uploading real images is incredibly easy and, again, comes with image size options (pixels and MB) to ensure the image you have in your hand is crisp and high quality for any purpose (in my case most likely online for your blog - no huge file size required).

Sample - image found on Pixabay.

Visit website: pixabay.com

Tactic #7. Blog Design: Less Is More

When you want to improve your blog, design is the obvious thing to look at. The overall look of your site is the first impression a site visitor has of your blog. It is important to have a good balance on the page. All elements should come together into a useful and visually pleasing whole.

Learn from Pro: Al Pollis

You are not optimizing pages. You optimize thought sequences.

Nature is the greatest designer. While we are designing for the web, we have a lot to learn by studying Nature itself. In the end, it's all about balance and harmony, the contrast of shapes and colors.

4 tests you can run to evaluate the effectiveness of your design elements:

1- Attention: Each element should grab the attention of visitors and do it in the right order. For example, set a high desirability rate first and then provide a Call-To-Action. Or first orient the visitor, and THEN “create a need”.

2- Direction: Web design elements should logically fit into the visitor's reading path: from left to right, top to bottom. Generate interest and orientation before "creating the need" for information and "Call to Action".

3- Contrast: Strategically change the path the visitor's eyes follow on the screen using contrast. For example: bright colors, especially reds and oranges, attract the attention of visitors. Also, large elements, unusual shapes or parallax effects with their "virtual" third dimension will stand out more. Also use motion: Flying Images, animated dropdown menus, sliders, hover effects. Finally, remember that elements (i.e. rows in different background colors) stand out.

4- Balance: If we want to learn from Nature, Balance is paramount. Keep the relative size of your components equal, or use "amount" to strike a balance. For example, if you're using unequal-width columns, use a few "heavier" elements (such as images) in a narrow column to balance the weight of the wider column.

Real life examples

Example #1: Don't Compress All Content Together

There should be a balance of white space and other elements. The white space should not be white. Notice how Freshbooks uses negative space to create a sleek look. Reduce page clutter. Delete unwanted items or move them to another location. Increase empty space to reduce noise.

Example #2: Use simple construction to minimize distraction

Users should focus on their content. mint does Good work by focusing the reader on the site's purpose - to get you to sign up for account.

Example #3: Use fewer items in the main navigation menu

You can then create subcategories within those larger ones. One example that shows how you can organize multiple categories can be seen on Amazon.com. They break items into categories like Books, but then further break the category into additional subcategories to help you sort and find the specific item you want. extract from thousands. If you have many categories, try to find a few main categories. Reduce the use of pop-ups. Add only one popup at most.

Tactic #8. On-page search engine optimization

When will you have the best ranking in search engines ah, you will see an increase in traffic and revenue. However, figuring out the holy grail on how to rank higher in search engines can feel overwhelming. While it's true that researching and improving off-page factors (like getting links) is naturally important, there's a lot of bad fruit in SEO that many bloggers don't see.

Google changes its algorithms regularly, so it's hard to know what Google wants. You need to focus on three main areas if you want to rank well in the search engine. Google system: content, performance credentials and user interface.

All of these factors come together and combine into what Google considers a “good” block that deserves to rank higher in search results.

Learn from Pro: Michael Pozdnev

Lately I've been looking into ways to increase organic search traffic just by modifying and formatting content (on Page SEO).

And I have good results.

The search traffic of one of my posts increased by 321%!

Here are the basic on-page SEO steps that will help you get more traffic:

Take measures

Some simple things you can do to improve search rankings:

  • Use descriptive alt tags on all images
  • Fix all 404 errors and broken links
  • Turn on keywords into your H1, H2 and H3
  • Internal linking - make sure your important pages are well linked internally
  • Use original, useful content that meets user needs - Google Panda punishes sites with too many thin pages of content
  • Use a breadcrumbs and a sitemap to help Google understand your site's structure and content flow.
  • Use a content table if your content is longer than 2,000 words
  • Test your page titles to improve your search results page. CTR - case studies have shown that CTR affects website rankings.
  • Improving the speed of interaction with the site - the bounce rate and time on the page affect the ranking of the site.

Tactic #9. Eat your dog food

One easy way to improve your blog is to spend time working on old content. Read old posts regularly:

Tactic #10. Good content is not enough

There's no denying that good, well-written content is important if you want to engage your audience. But that's just not enough to drive traffic to your site on its own.

You need to create content that your target audience most wants to read.

Finding Content Ideas

Tip #1 Google Analytics

Look into your Google Analytics. Find out what type of content your audience will like. What parts do they most often interact with or participate in? Create more of those topics and less less popular ones (or reprogram less popular ones to make them more like popular posts).

For example, these are our best records See Blog 10 for Web Hosting Secrets Revealed in January 2016. The Facebook plugin post keeps audiences longer than average. This means that the audience finds this information useful. In fact, they spend 100% more time on this post than some others. Time to find out what makes it work so well and "amplify" the content.

Tip #2 Other media platforms

Get inspired by popular content on Podcast, YouTube channels, SlideShare, etc. This is the window where people in your niche want to learn more. There is a reason that certain content is more popular at any given time.

For example, iTunes allows users to view podcasts by popularity. Pay attention to this topic, as well as how it is presented to the audience.

Use YouTube to find out what vloggers in your niche are doing. Find out which videos are the most popular in your channels. Incorporate these popular videos into your blog content ideas.

Obviously, simply compressing images is not enough. Some other methods besides Daren's suggestions to consider:

  • The speed of your servers
  • If you have access to the Content Delivery Network
  • Plugins that can lead you to a dead end and make it load slowly
  • Multimedia features that can slow down some users who have slow internet speeds
  • Image optimization
  • Image Delivery (CDN)
  • The current topic of your site and how fast it loads
  • caching

Sample Tools

ShortPixel helps you compress and optimize images without compromising image quality. You can and check how much more you can compress your website images with ShortPixel.

Tactic #13. Connect with others in your niche

Most of the blogging guides you find online today focus on improving your writing or adding more content.

However, the truth is that more or even better content is not always the answer.

Sometimes it's smarter to move away from creating more content and explore other things you can do to achieve best results from blogging, such as chatting with peers.

At first glance, it might seem like a good idea to talk to other bloggers in your niche. After all, you are both vying for similar traffic.

However, connecting with other influencers can really benefit you. Enough traffic to go around, and when bloggers recommend each other, visitors to their site tend to pay attention.

  • Meet other bloggers. You are both targeting a similar audience, so you both win. You can also connect with bloggers in related niches. For example, if you make wooden signs and sell them, you will need to link to a blog that talks about DIY decorating.
  • Provide information to other bloggers. Have you found an ad space that is particularly successful? Don't be afraid to tell others. They, in turn, will tell you where they advertise.
  • Exchange guest posts with each other to reach each other's audience.
  • Introduce your fellow bloggers to your readers by showing interviews, putting an article about them in your newsletter, or simply giving them a shout out in in social networks.
  • Share ideas about writing and editing.

Learn from the Pro: Marius Kinyulis

Achieving Influence: How to Improve Response Rate?

  1. Always include a benefit that influencers might be interested in in your first email. For example, if you are telling them about the possibilities of posting a guest on their site, tell them that you will not only share the post with your social media followers, but also send an email to your followers Email 10,000.
  2. If the first letter didn't work - always follow up. People can say whatever they want, but the follow-up still works incredibly well. And if possible, include an additional benefit. This may increase your chances of getting a response.

Tactic #14. Grow traffic with Facebook Ads

Facebook is too big to ignore the social giant. There are over 1.5 billion users on the social media giant. In 2015, advertisers spent $17.08 billion on Facebook. Since they have such a wide user base from different places and backgrounds, Facebook is the best option for brands and bloggers. However, you have to understand how Facebook works and spend time optimizing for it to be worth the time.

Dig deeper

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Stay tuned for new features (Facebook releases them almost weekly). Be the first to use new ad formats - Instagram videos, DPA ads, local ads, canvas ads, etc.
  • Use the automated A/B testing ad tool to lower your ad cost and improve ad performance. I use Adespresso to upload most of my Facebook ads - it helps me easily create and track hundreds of ads in one campaign.
  • Cross selling or cross promotion. Even if you're not selling a real product, you can still apply the idea of ​​cross selling to keep existing visitors. When someone visits your blog page, you can automatically cross-promote your other relevant content with the retargeting feature. For example, if you are looking at "creating a photo gallery", you can track and promote your "must see" list. WordPress plugins for photo blogs" on Facebook.
  • Understand how you can hone in on your target audience with Facebook ads to reach the exact demographics you want to reach.
  • Study what your competitors are doing. You can even target people who have visited your competitors' Facebook pages and click ads on them.
  • Always reward the benefit, not the product. Sales of products, services or content will naturally be the relationship you build with your audience. You must inform your target audience how your product/content can help them. What problem are you solving?
  • Post more photos. Wish 120% more participation than messages without photos. Posts with a photo album about 180% more engaged.
  • The target audience. Facebook knows a lot about you (and what sites you've visited), and it uses that information so advertisers can show their ads to select groups of people. Your FB appearances are highly dependent on how well you target your audience. Here are 20 no interest targeting Facebook ad ideas.

Real life examples

Tactic #15. Build your team and expand it

As your business grows, so does your team (this is the WHSR team, by the way). Look for people who are trustworthy and offer high quality work for your team. Once they are trained, these people should be able to complete tasks with a little guidance from you. This allows you to expand your advertising and content efforts in much the same way as if you cloned yourself. The goal will be for you to eventually manage the team and leave them the actual work.

With the right team and continued effort, your blog should continue to expand its reach. Over time, you will gain from other efforts. Improving your blog is not a one-time effort. You have to keep improving your blog week after week if you want to be successful.

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  • The blogosphere has long been a prominent phenomenon in Russian public life. Livejournal, the most popular blog hosting in our country, has more than 5 million accounts of Russian users only. News from blogs gets into the media, becomes the subject of a wide discussion of the masses, forms the so-called. public opinion. Too many people strive to make their livejournal popular, but not everyone knows how best to do it. In this note, we will give some tips that may be useful to a novice blogger.

    First of all, you need to decide on the topic of the diary, which must be maintained in the future, so that the blog becomes recognizable, gets into various directories and gathers the target audience. If the blog is run by several people, then they should agree in advance on the policy for selecting and posting posts. One way or another, each blog should have its own specifics, it can be dedicated to entertainment, politics, history, culture, business, Internet technologies, etc., designed to post and discuss thematic photos or videos, dedicated to some project or person . All blogs are different, but to be successful, your blog must be something solid, held together by a common idea, and not a chaotic heap of notes that are not connected in any way.

    To track statistics and keep abreast of the dynamics of the development of the blog in Livejournal is better Just immediately purchase a paid account. It's not that expensive - just $20 a year (not the biggest investment you'll need to run a successful blog). With the transition to a paid account, you will be able to see and analyze the results of each day, week and month.

    The number of posts can be very different, depending on how interesting they are to readers. It is best to choose a system of even number of posts each day - it can be 1 or 20 posts, but posted daily so that the audience expects them to appear. Daily stable work is the key to success in any business.

    At first, the main task is to attract regular subscribers. This can be done through mutual friendliness, by attracting them through interesting content, or through the purchase of “friends” on a special online exchange. However, in the future, everything will be determined not by the number of "dead souls" or recruited friends, but real traffic. If you have many friends and links to your blog, but almost no one really views it, then it will never reach the top and increase its place in the ranking.

    Rating and tops is a special topic that I would not get hung up on. The main thing is to have a real result of work every day. Over time, he will justify himself. If you systematically increase the number of visitors and blog views, then over time your Internet diary will enter the tops on its own and rise in the rankings, it will inevitably attract attention, since it will be really interesting to a wide range of people. There are many ways to increase traffic, but it is best to increase it naturally and steadily, due to visible results of work.

    It is extremely important to establish a communicative connection with readers who leave comments. They should feel comfortable in your blog, in communication with you, they should feel that they are important to you, that you are interested in their opinion. If you manage to win over the audience, then it will actively work to promote your blog - make reposts, share your posts with friends, recommend your posts on LiveJournal and other reviews of the blogosphere.

    In the following posts, we will tell you in more detail about the methods of blog promotion. Stay tuned!

    Good day, friends. Today I am publishing an unusual article, written while waiting for better times and thinking about the meaning of my diary. AT this moment I am not sure whether my blog will be a happy owner of the target audience, whether its entries will be useful to readers. There is only desire and hope.

    If you, Dear Reader, have landed on this page with a search for an answer to the question: "what to write about in a blog" or to determine a blog development strategy and have the same characteristics as listed below,

    I will be happy to suggest that you adhere to the development strategy indicated in this article.

    The fact is that about two months ago my blog changed its address. This had a negative impact on the number of visitors coming from search engines. Today, most of the posts have already been transferred to a new address and engine, some of them are waiting for their turn in drafts, their publication requires SEO optimization.

    Considering that the blog currently receives very few visits from search engines and it does not have a large number of subscribers, it is not possible to reliably evaluate my creation.

    These circumstances, to tell you honestly, made me think about the advisability of writing a blog and developing it with an emphasis on public viewing.

    Initially, the blog was created as a personal reminder, available everywhere, and only after I found that targeted visitors from search engines get to it, I changed its registration and optimized the text for better search results.

    The small number of visitors and the inability to draw conclusions at the moment made me think, what will I write about tomorrow? I have no desire to rewrite other people's articles, to increase their number to form imaginary signs of development.

    Despite this, I still want to maintain and develop a blog, do not lose hope of getting readers and like-minded people. I will also consider it a success if my articles are useful to at least one person.

    I realized that in order to continue my stay in the blogging field, it is necessary to develop a blog development strategy, especially since it belongs to a very competitive topic.

    A long-term blog development strategy based on nine principles:

    1. The topic of the new publication will be determined personal experience- a detailed description of the solution of the difficulties that I encounter in computer and Internet activities, as well as conclusions and feedback;
    2. The article should give an answer to the question posed, the solution of which is not found on the Internet or is incomplete;
    3. The article should convey to the reader truthful conclusions and reviews about life on the Internet, based on personal experience;
    4. Do not create clone articles;
    5. Publish the article as the event occurs, see paragraph 1;
    6. Do not pay attention to the number and frequency of publications of new articles;
    7. Prioritize article quality over quantity;
    8. Conduct analysis search queries and reflect the answer to them in blog articles, conduct search engine optimization;
    9. Focus on the main source of traffic from search engines.

    From today, I consider it appropriate to adhere to this strategy for writing articles for the blog and its development.

    P.S. For me, also, the opinion of experienced bloggers and beginners left in the comments will be very useful.

    Good luck friends and achieve your goals!

    Maria Zhuravleva

    *Update article

    Before you start a blog, you need to decide on a topic. Marketers blog to promote the site and business, someone blogs about their favorite business, and someone shares personal stories and experiences on the blog. If you want to start blogging and make money but can't decide on a topic, here are some inspirational ideas.

    1. List articles

    List articles, like any form of content marketing, have their pros and cons: people love to read them, but many resources churn out monotonous, repetitive ratings.

    For example, the top 10 best films or books, selected according to an incomprehensible principle, maybe someone will repost. But basically, the glance slips past, everything is bad and sad, and one list is copy-pasted by another.

    Take compilation seriously. It is not enough just to collect 15 American comedies in one text. You must be able to interest the user: read these 100 books on psychology and give a voluminous thoughtful comment on each one, try all the mailing services you offer for yourself, do not lie to the reader. Blogging is work. And not repeated clicking on Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

    A unique look, an expert serious approach, personal cases are what enliven all these lists, tops and compilations. Approach the matter with heart and soul.

    2. Practical guides

    How do people know how to do something? They google. WikiHow became popular thanks to guide articles alone.

    You would be surprised to know how broad the audience's interests are. If you can find your niche audience and satisfy their curiosity, then your blog will be popular.

    Write different kinds practical guides. Step-by-step guides for beginners are very popular, such as our complete beginner's guide to creating a WordPress website.

    Note that you don't just have to rewrite someone else's instructions. Take a topic that you are well versed in, enliven it with presentation and personal experience, describe the guide in as much detail as possible, and people will definitely appreciate your material.

    3. Politics

    Politics is always a popular topic, especially in the year of elections, both local and state. A blog about politics is maintained, for example, by the Snob magazine.

    However, popular does not mean simple: blogging about politics is a rather time-consuming task. Of course, you can start a platform in which, without much understanding, you will shake your fist in the air, scold the rich and distribute their wealth to the poor in words. But this is not enough for a competent political blog.

    We are all to some extent involved in this hot topic, but that is why, in addition to emotions, it is important to cultivate the ability to analyze, distinguish communism from anarchism, understand the law a little, and quickly navigate informational events. However, be careful: even with maximum correctness and restraint, get ready for holivars. They will absolutely tie up in the comments.

    4. Cooking

    New trendy diets are constantly emerging. For example, recently in the USA they determined the best diet for 2020. Let's not languish: Mediterranean food is in trend (little red meat, lots of fruits, vegetables and nuts). But that's not the point.

    Culinary subjects in general are very popular. Video blogs are especially popular due to their visibility. Often they are dedicated to a specific topic: vegetarianism or, conversely, harsh "male cuisine" with an abundance of recipes for meat dishes. Good example culinary channel - vlog cool guy Ramsay Gordon. He's also a comedian.

    Remember: when it comes to food, pay special attention to visuals. Learn quality food photography. The problem of many culinary blogs is incomprehensible muddy photos on a smartphone. Food must look appetizing, so that you want to eat it right from the screen.

    5. Science

    Suddenly you were lucky, and you are the second Stephen Hawking? It's time to create a sci-pop channel! And then maybe write a book. Or even take a picture of a black hole, who knows.

    But be careful: without critical thinking and caution, it’s definitely not worth moving forward here. If you decide to reveal to the world that aliens live among us, or that we actually evolved from sentient mayonnaise, slow down a bit. Perhaps your hypothesis will be disproved very quickly. Although, on the other hand, some people still prove to the entire Internet that the Earth is actually flat.

    6. Interview

    Engaging specific people – clients, professionals, experts, executives – is a great way to add personality and persuasiveness to your blog. The occasional use of personal information such as photos, interviews, and quotes helps to establish a more personal connection with the audience. The best way stand out from other bloggers - publish interviews taken from industry experts, both from people on your team and from representatives of other companies. For example, we have an interview with the editor-in-chief of Lentach Taras Sychev.

    An interview in our age does not have to take place live and with a dictaphone. Many journalists have already adapted to making appointments via Skype. And you can always limit yourself to correspondence, although, of course, she won’t convey intonation, and you won’t be able to take a selfie with the interviewee either.

    But believe me: for interesting cool material, a simple correspondence with an interesting and cool media person is quite enough.

    11. Personal experience

    Moved to another country, started breeding horses or decided to lose 30 kilograms? Share your experience on your blog. Such a blog is interesting to readers, because the events in it take place almost in real time. The author in this case is a specific person who makes mistakes and makes progress and tells his audience about it. A good example is a blogger Osia.

    12. Health

    A healthy lifestyle has now become a real trend. Sports, proper nutrition, disease prevention are popular topics. And no wonder: there is no such thing as too much health.

    However, we remember that it’s not enough just to start going to the gym and memorize the magic formula “chicken-buckwheat” in order to teach people a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is a topic not far from medicine, and here you need to be well versed and keep your nose to the wind, following the current research in this area.

    Yes, of course, if you're athletic and cool, the abs will do the talking for you. Take a photo, insta blogger, and inspire others with your wonderful body. Sport is a good thing. But still, talk about trauma and the right technique, otherwise you will harm someone.

    13. Mythbusting

    Every realm has its own facts and fiction, which is why shows like MythBusters are so popular.

    It is sacred to destroy stereotypes and legends that interfere with life, fool the head and simply harm. Of course, battles of the titans and public outcry always arise around this, but you can contribute to the development of critical thinking among subscribers.

    Exposure and destruction of stereotypes likes, for example, TrashSmash.

    14. Virtual reality, AI, technology

    The popularity of digital technologies will only grow over the years. According to a 2019 study from KPMG 21% Russian companies uses VR/AR technologies. And that's just us.

    We are surrounded by smart machines, complex algorithms, neural networks. It's even a little scary. And it is even more relevant in our age to start a blog on this topic. If you understand what's going on, help others figure it out.

    15. Economy, budget

    If you catch the slightest fluctuations on the stock exchange once or twice, know how to make two million out of two rubles, plan everything to the penny and navigate the rates of all currencies with your eyes closed, this direction is right for you.

    Talk about bitcoin, Karl Marx and loans. Money is an inexhaustible topic. Although, alas, they themselves are very exhaustible.

    In general, with a competent approach, you definitely won’t have to complain about the lack of subscribers.

    Articles about the economy writes, for example,.

    16. Automation

    Automation is an important trend in the B2B space, so posts on this topic are a goldmine of the Internet. Automation is a broad concept. You need to choose what type of automation posts will bring you really valuable traffic. The Arbus blog, for example, talks about automating the restaurant business.

    19. History

    History lessons are a great way to fill your blog with useful and interesting information. But here, too, one must be careful with too free interpretation of facts and bold theories. It is one thing to tell interesting about this or that period of history. And on the basis of fragmentary and vague data, deducing that you are descended from the Spanish king is another thing.

    21. Funny stories

    Humor is always popular. Funny posts are the most shared on social media. Therefore, such resources as Pikabu and Chips.net are among the most popular sites on the Russian Internet.

    Memes, comics, pies - what is our life without them? So arm yourself with a sense of humor and joke like it's the last time. And let the world become brighter from the smiles of your audience, the grasshopper will sing on the violin, and the next cat picture will get a new cool inscription.

    Parents will always be interested in advice written specifically for them. And now honest, conscious, courageous parenthood is developing more and more - not only pink heels and the happiness of motherhood, but also involved fatherhood, upbringing without violence, attachment theory and a reasonable approach to health a la Komarovsky.

    Well, since we are talking about honesty, it is worth mentioning the honest media for parents, which is called "No, it's okay".

    23. Upcoming events

    The news about an upcoming significant event always causes increased interest and a lot of discussion in the blogosphere. It doesn't matter if it's the Olympics, which will be followed by the whole world, or a local concert, search engines will be flooded with requests for an upcoming event. So, for example, for movie lovers, the Cinemaholics website maintains its “Doubtful poster”.

    24. Internet Stars

    26. Pets

    Blogs about pets have a huge audience. One of the most striking examples among popular animals is Grumpy Cat, who died on May 14, 2019, but managed to become a real Internet star. She not only became a meme, but also starred in commercials, and two books were published about her, which were sold around the world in huge numbers.

    27. Business, management

    How to choose a remote employee? In which startup to invest a million lying around? How not to be torn apart when choosing a CRM system? How long will the performers goof off? To whom to delegate everything in the world?

    In general, there is a whole ocean of questions that can be covered. Business is not just a way to make money, but art, sports and a headache.

    One blog for entrepreneurs is Blogtrepreneur.

    28. Psychology, self-development

    Actually a very broad topic. You can approach from an everyday point of view, or you can work in a specific direction of psychology. But if you do not have the appropriate education, try to position yourself as a person who has certain important thoughts about this, and not as a professional psychotherapist who categorically tells how to treat phobias or start a relationship. The incompetence is immediately visible. You won't increase your credibility by taking on someone else's role.

    And even despite this small limitation, in this area everyone has where to turn around. Tell us about your experience of overcoming fears, about working with anxiety, about improving sleep. Such stories resonate because they are close to everyone.

    An example of a popular science portal on psychology -