Charts help you present numerical data in a graphical format, making it much easier to understand large amounts of information. You can also use charts to show relationships between different data series.

Component office suite from Microsoft Word program, also allows you to create charts. We will describe how to do this below.

Note: The presence on the computer installed software product Microsoft Excel provides advanced features for building diagrams in Word 2003, 2007, 2010 - 2016. If Excel is not installed, Microsoft Graph is used to create diagrams. The chart in this case will be presented with related data (table). In this table, you can not only enter your data, but also import them from a text document, or even paste them from other programs.

There are two ways to add a diagram to Word - embed it in a document or insert it Excel chart, which will be associated with the data in the Excel sheet. The difference between these charts is where the data they contain is stored and how it is updated immediately after being inserted into MS Word.

Note: Some charts require a specific arrangement of data on an MS Excel sheet.

How to insert a chart by embedding it in a document?

An Excel chart embedded in Word will not change even if you change source file. Objects that have been embedded in the document become part of the file, ceasing to be part of the source.

Since all data is stored in Word document, it is especially useful to use injection in cases where you do not need to change this very data, taking into account the source file. Also, embedding is best used when you do not want users who will work with the document later to have to update all related information.

1. Click with the left mouse button in the place of the document where you want to add the chart.

2. Go to the tab "Insert".

3. In a group "Illustrations" select "Diagram".

4. In the dialog that appears, select the desired chart and click "OK".

5. Not only the chart will appear on the sheet, but also Excel, which will be in a split window. It will also display sample data.

6. Replace the sample data provided in the Excel split window with the values ​​you need. In addition to data, you can replace examples of axis labels ( Column 1) and legend name ( Line 1).

7. After you enter the required data in the Excel window, click on the symbol "Changing data in Microsoft Excel» and save the document: "File""Save as".

8. Select a location to save the document and enter the desired name.

This is just one of possible methods, with which you can make a chart according to the table in the Word.

How to add a linked Excel chart to a document?

This method allows you to create a chart directly in Excel, in an external sheet of the program, and then simply paste its associated version into MS Word. The data contained in the linked chart will be updated when changes/updates are made to the outer sheet in which it is stored. Word itself stores only the location of the source file, displaying the associated data presented in it.

This charting approach is especially useful when you need to include information in your document for which you are not responsible. This may be data collected by another person who will update it as necessary.

1. Cut out the chart from Excel. This can be done by pressing the keys "Ctrl+X" or with the mouse: select the chart and click "Cut out"(Group "Clipboard", tab "Home").

2. In a Word document, click where you want to insert the chart.

3. Insert a chart using the keys "Ctrl+V" or select the appropriate command in the control panel: "Insert".

4. Save the document with the chart inserted into it.

Changes you make to the original Excel document (outer sheet) will immediately appear in the Word document where you inserted the chart. To update the data when the file is reopened after closing it, you will need to confirm the data update (button "Yes").

AT specific example we examined a pie chart in Word, but in this way you can make a chart of any type, whether it is a graph with columns, as in the previous example, a histogram, a bubble chart, or any other.

Change the layout or style of a chart

You can always change appearance chart you created in Word. It is not at all necessary to manually add new elements, change them, format them - there is always the possibility of using a ready-made style or layout, of which there are a lot in the arsenal of Microsoft's program. Each layout or style can always be manually changed and customized to meet the necessary or desired requirements, and you can work with each individual element of the diagram in the same way.

How to apply a ready layout?

1. Click on the chart you want to edit and go to the tab "Constructor" located in the main tab "Working with charts".

2. Select the chart layout you want to use (Group "Chart Layouts").

3. The layout of your chart will change.

How to apply a preset style?

1. Click on the chart you want to apply the preset style to and go to the tab "Constructor".

2. Choose the style you want to use for your group chart "Chart Styles".

3. Changes will immediately be reflected in your diagram.

This way you can change your diagrams on the go, choosing the appropriate layout and style, depending on what you need. this moment. For example, you can create several different templates to work with and then modify from them instead of creating new ones. (we'll talk about how to save charts as a template below). For example, you have a graph with columns or a pie chart, by choosing the appropriate layout, you can make a percentage chart out of it in Word.

How to manually change chart layouts?

1. Click on the chart or individual element whose layout you want to change. You can do it the other way too:

  • Click anywhere on the diagram to activate the tool "Working with charts".
  • In the tab "Format", Group "Current Fragment" click on the arrow next to "Chart elements", after which you can select the desired item.

2. Tab "Constructor", in a group "Chart Layouts" click on the first item "Add Chart Element".

3. From the drop-down menu, select what you want to add or change.

Note: The layout options you choose and/or change will only apply to the selected chart element. If you have selected the entire diagram, for example, the parameter "Data Labels" will be applied to all content. If only a data point is selected, the changes will be applied exclusively to it.

How to manually change the format of chart elements?

1. Click on the chart or its individual element whose style you want to change.

2. Go to the tab "Format" section "Working with charts" and perform the required action:

How to save a chart as a template?

It often happens that the diagram you created may be needed in the future, exactly the same or its analogue, this is not so important. In this case, it is best to save the diagram as a template - this will simplify and speed up work in the future.

To do this, simply click on the diagram in right click mouse and select "Save as template".

In the window that appears, select a save location, give the desired file name, and click "Save".

That's all, now you know how to make any diagram in Word, embedded or linked, having a different appearance, which, by the way, can always be changed and adjusted to your needs or necessary requirements. We wish you productive work and effective learning.

Visualization of information greatly enhances its perception. The Word editor from the notorious Microsoft Corporation has all necessary tools to create charts. Creation of graphic data directly depends on the version of the editor used.

The Microsoft Word interface of the 2016 sample is optimized as much as possible for the end user. The algorithm for creating graphs is as follows:

On a note! The editor gives a choice of the appearance of the charts. It all depends on the needs of the user. The desire to visually highlight specific data will easily satisfy a graph with markers, to display growth - a stacked graph.

The created chart can be changed at any time, just select the area of ​​interest and press the right mouse button. It is possible to change how background information, and the color scheme:

The 2016 version of the text editor has changed the graphics from a visual point of view (lines are smoother, the overall picture is sleeker, and ), but general principle construction remained the same. And this is important to understand when working with older products from Microsoft.

Graph in Word. Other versions

The only version in which the creation of a graph looks a little different is Word 2003. The whole process can be described in the form of the following steps:

Microsoft's policy has always been about accessibility and simplicity for the end user. Over the 15 years of Word's existence, the general principle of creating a visual display of data has not been touched upon, and therefore, having mastered at least one version, you can easily create graphs in other editors.

find out detailed instructions, from our new article.

Related graphic: Improve your productivity with Word

The method will be useful if you need to frequently change the source data. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Open an Excel spreadsheet with the required data.

  2. Select the required cells from which the graph will be built.

  3. Select the "Insert" section and find the "Chart" tab.

  4. In the "Diagram" tab, find the "Graph" icon, click on it with the left mouse button.

  5. Select the created chart. It is enough to click on its border.

  6. On the Home tab, click Clipboard.

  7. Cut out the graph.

  8. Paste it in right place textual Word file by clicking on the "Paste" icon in the "Clipboard", and selecting the appropriate paste option.

This method greatly simplifies the work with graphical data. The clipboard allows you to save the items you need and instantly move them from one text file in another. In addition, you can create visual elements in a text document directly from the Excel spreadsheet editor.

Video - How to create a chart Word, Excel 2016


Following the above instructions, the user will learn how to create graphs and modify them to suit their own needs, regardless of the version of the text editor. Simplicity and accessibility are the main directions of Microsoft policy, and creating charts in Word is proof of this.

Video - How to build a graph in Word

Charts are able to visually represent complex tabular information. Decorating your text report with a beautiful graph is not difficult; Microsoft Word provides good tools for this. We will tell you how to make a chart in - directly in text editor or transfer from Excel, how to customize its appearance.

To make a graph in Word, you will need numerical data on the basis of which a graphic image will be built. How to create a chart: go to the "Insert" tab, in the "Illustrations" section, select "Insert Chart". In the window that appears, select the type - histogram, bar, petal, or any other. Click "OK", the template will appear and an Excel table below it with numbers for example.

Let's make a pie chart - enter your data into the plate, the chart will automatically change. The first column is the labels of the categories, the second is their values. After completing the entry, close the plate by clicking the cross button, the information will be saved and available for editing at any time.

How to draw a graph: Select the "Graphs" type when creating. The first column is the marks of the points, the rest correspond to the lines. To add an image of another line, simply enter the numbers in the next column, to make subtract lines - delete the last column. Number of rows - the number of data for each category.

Import from Excel

If your data is stored in Microsoft Excel, you can build a chart there and then copy it into Word. The documents will be linked, when the initial data in the table changes, the appearance of the graphs will be automatically updated.

How to insert a chart from Excel:

  • Click on the graph in Excel, select "Cut" or press Ctrl+X. Graphic image will disappear, only the data will remain.
  • Go to Word, place the cursor where you want it, click on "Paste" or Ctrl+V.
  • Save the document. The next time you open it, select "Yes" to update the details.


We figured out how to build a graph, now let's set up its display. If you need to change the values, click on the histogram with the right mouse button, in the menu go to "Change data". An editable table will appear. Through the same context menu, you can change the type of chart, the format of labels and a number of values.

Tools for quickly editing the appearance appear on the right when you click on the chart with the left button. They will help you add or remove individual elements, apply a style, and customize the display of points.

For flexible chart settings in Word, there are 2 tabs: "Designer" and "Format". They appear in the menu when you click on the created chart. In the "Designer" tab, create a unique look with ready-made templates express layout, style and color schemes.

You can also change the details of any fragment manually: click on the desired element of the chart, go to the "Format" tab. In the "Current Fragment" section, select "Format Selection", an additional menu will appear on the right. Draw your style by changing the fill, borders, shadow parameters, effects. For text, you can change the outline, fill, insert WordArt styles.


We talked about how to build charts in Word and how to change their appearance. Try to make your own charts - thoughtful tools make the process fun.

To create a new diagram in Word 2003, you must click " Insert”, select the item “ Picture", and then -" Diagram».

Then something like this will appear:

By clicking on the graph right mouse button, you can change it type of.

Can be intuitively chosen suitable look and select " OK».

Next, a picture similar to the installed type appears.

If you double-click on the image, a label will appear that allows you to change and add data. After changing, press " Enter».

The resulting graph will display changed values.

Editing graph: double click on the graph, a "highlight area" will appear.

When you press the right mouse button, a list will appear from which you will need to select " Area Format».

Here you can easily change the fill of the selected area, the color of the frame and the font.

Here's roughly how it should turn out.

In addition, you can set Options, on which the chart will be built, to launch this option, you can also click on the right mouse button and select the desired item.

You can choose what to correct in all the tabs present.

To make the data larger and the image more noticeable, it can be stretch by pulling corners.

To make changes to legend format, you need to right-click on it and select the desired item.

Can be change color, font and layout.

Double-clicking with the right button will allow you to change the part that was clicked. The main thing to start highlight all with a double click.
Among other things, you can change row format data.

Thanks to this, interesting results can be achieved. You can also set the fill method when choosing a color from the options provided by the palette.

If you want to set color only one part or change colors on certain parts, you should select these parts by clicking on the border with the mouse. And then right-click on the area itself and select "".

You can change the color and click " OK". It is preferable to change the color and other nuances at the very beginning.

Building a chart in Word 2007, 2010

Working with Word 2007 is different from working with previous version but it's not hard to adapt.

To create, press " Insert", choose " Illustrations", and then " Diagram».

The window that appears allows you to select the type and form.

This is what it looks like" Volume cut circular". Another window opened along with the diagram. office program- Excel, where the table is already prepared.

Regarding Word 2003, the work is easier, because: it is much easier to select an area with just one click on the right mouse button. That is, significantly simplified change, removal and other manipulations with each site. For example, work with the "point format" is shown.

In the window that appears, there are many parameters that can be easily changed to suit your own needs.

You can pay special attention to the fill, experiment with "Gradient Fill" by clicking "Color", and selecting this item there.

Can be set border color.

And her styles.

Chart can drop shadow, this creates an interesting visual effect.

The "" tab is also interesting. All changes must be done with each part of the graph.

This is how easy it is to transform any chart.

legend it is not more difficult to change, for this you need to click on it and select the item that changes its format.

Each section can be changed by clicking on it with the mouse. It will look something like this finished work if you change everything.

To change the data in the Excel window that appears, you must correctly fill in the table. If the table is already closed, you should right-click on the chart and click on the item " To change the data". Then Excel will open again.

It is possible to sign data areas, These signatures will displayed and in the legend.

How to insert a chart from Excel into Word

If Excel already has a ready-made chart, but you need it to appear in Word, it is not necessary to create it from scratch and try to make a 100% copy. You can just copy already available. The clipboard will be used, which is necessary for copying any information on the computer.

To perform this procedure, you must open desired file and sheet in Excel, select the necessary data with the mouse, select the tab " The main thing", find there " Clipboard", and there you need to click on " Copy". You can do the same by selecting all and clicking CTRL+C.

After that, you need to open Word, click on the place where you want to insert the chart, click " The main thing», « Clipboard", and then click on " Insert". This can be replaced with hotkeys CTRL+V.

Sometimes, while working in the program Microsoft office Word, we urgently need to build a graph. Many users open other programs for this, because they do not know how to plot a graph in Word. However, this is done quite quickly, the main thing is to know which tabs to use.

We build a graph in Word

To build a graph in Word editor you need to have a minimum knowledge of the principle of constructing graphs and charts in any other program that is included in the Office package. It is better, of course, that it be MS Excel. Before you make a graph in Word, you need to run it to create a new document or open an existing file. Then you should place the cursor in the place where your graph will be located. Next, you need to go to the "Insert" tab and in the "Illustrations" section, click on the "Diagram" button. After these steps, a new "Insert Chart" window will open in front of you. In its left part, from the presented templates, you need to select the "Chart" item by clicking the left mouse button. In the right part of the window, you can select the desired type of chart from the thumbnails presented.

After selecting the desired thumbnail with the left mouse button, you should click on the OK button. Then you have to wait for the opening. Microsoft document Office Excel. As a result, the view of the workspace is transformed, and on the left side of the screen you will see text document, and the Excel document is displayed on the right side. On the Excel sheet you must enter the data you need, set the parameters, change the data range, and rename the coordinate axes. All results of the introduced changes in Excel document, can be found on the left side of the screen, that is, in a Word document. After finishing editing the graph data, you will need to close the Excel document.

If the data was entered incorrectly or you just need to make changes to the constructed graph, then you should use context menu"Working with Diagrams". It will become available if you select any element in the chart area. So, if you made a mistake when entering data in an Excel document, then you should open the “Designer” option in the “Working with Charts” menu and click on the “Change Data” button in the “Data” section and change what you need. Now you know how to draw a graph in Word and save your time opening unnecessary programs.