What is a blog and how to create one? Where is the best place to start your personal blog? Is it possible to create a blog to make money online for free?

A blog is not only a way to tell the world about everything that excites you, but also a promising platform for making money. Thousands of people are making money right now with their blog. Do you want to join their number? Read this article!

This is Denis Kuderin, an expert of the HeatherBober magazine on financial topics. I will tell, how to create a blog and why it is needed, how to competently organize the monetization of your resource, what is domain and hosting and how Yandex and Google will help us in promoting the blog.

That's not all: the most patient ones are waiting for an overview of the best sites for creating a blog on the net, plus tips, how to avoid common mistakes neophyte bloggers.

1. Blogging - a way of self-expression or a good income?

Blogs are websites whose main content is regular posts with posts, pictures, videos and multimedia content.

As you can see, the definition of a blog is quite broad and largely conditional. Blogs are called full-fledged author's sites, and accounts on Instagram and Twitter. A typical example of a blog is a page in LiveJournal, the author of which periodically publishes notes about what is happening in his life, in the city, in the country, in the world, and gives all this a personal assessment.

How is a blog different from a regular website? By and large, nothing. Is that the blog is more focused on live communication with readers and tied to a chronological order.

Anyone has the right to comment on blog entries, argue with the author, praise him or criticize him.

I will highlight the most popular goals for creating a blog:

  • income generation (monetization)- public blogs, which are visited daily by thousands of visitors, bring decent money to their owners;
  • promotion of own brand and promotion of services– freelancers, individual entrepreneurs, owners of online stores and everyone who is interested in attracting a client audience have blogs;
  • search for like-minded people and friends– gamers, travelers, young mothers, philatelists, cooks and translators from Hindi have blogs;
  • increased self-esteem: having a blog is a kind of self-identification and individual therapy.

To become a successful blogger, it is not necessary to have literary or any other talent. All it takes is to patiently, purposefully and competently maintain a blog that is interesting to readers.

Blogs are created on special platforms - website builders or based on ready-made services such as LiveJournal or Blogger. The easiest way is to start a blog on a social media page like Instagram.

There are text blogs, photo blogs, video blogs. Some bloggers write serious analytical articles on a given topic, others post several lines a day, others publish recipes, life hacks, and travel reports.

If you are interested in a question, read a special article on our website.

It is difficult to say which theme is more suitable for monetization - almost all directions have a prospect in terms of profit. It is not so much the theme of the site that is important, but the presentation and competent promotion. Success is easier to achieve if the topic concerns you personally, and you are professionally versed in the issues you are talking about.

Experts recommend start with narrow niches, and then gradually expand the reach of the audience. There is less competition in specific topics, so it is easier to achieve top positions in search results. No one will forbid you to choose a popular “mass” topic, especially if you manage to present it in an original way.

I have a friend who runs a blog about sports betting. Such sites in the network are a train and a small cart. But he chose his own format - a critical attitude to earnings in bookmakers.

In his posts, he exposes philistine myths about making money on bets and sells a subscription to his own, non-standard football predictions for this business.

The most profitable niches for subsequent monetization are still blogs about construction, repair, cars, real estate, travel, beauty and health.

But in order to succeed in these topics, you need to invest a lot of time, effort, and even money in your blog - if you choose paid ways promotion.

2. How to create your own blog for making money - step by step instructions

First, you need to clearly define your goals. What is the purpose of your blog? Who will read your posts? Who, besides you, is interested in the subject of the site?

If there are reasonable and definite answers to all these questions, feel free to start creating a resource.

To make it easier and easier follow the expert step by step guide.

Step 1. Decide on a theme

A topic that is close to you will stimulate you to develop yourself. You will be interested in discovering new aspects, delving into details and solving complex problems.

Blogging with the immediate aim of making a profit is the wrong approach. Fill your site with quality content first, attract target audience, study the experience of successful bloggers. Open a blog without deciding on a direction - common mistake newcomers.

Step 2. Choose a domain and hosting

Domain, in simple terms, this is the name of your blog, or rather, the address of your resource on the Internet. The domain consists of the name and the zone in which it is located. For example, "site" means that the site is aimed at a Russian audience.

Some tips for choosing a good domain:

  1. The name should be original and easy to remember: do not use hackneyed phrases and linguistic cliches.
  2. The name should reflect the essence of your blog.
  3. Do not take too long a name - 12-14 characters is enough.
  4. Come up with dozens of name options and check if the name you have chosen is free using a special service.

Hosting- This is a service for the physical placement of a blog on a server that has a permanent connection to the network. In fact, this is the place where your site is located..

Paid hosting gives you more freedom, but involves monthly expenses for blog content. However, most sites do not require the services of expensive and powerful servers. On average, paid hosting costs 100-1500 rubles monthly.

Paid platforms are good because the blog will belong to you and only you as the rightful owner. You can at any time move to another hosting with all the content, “attach” interactive features to your blog.

Besides it is easier to make money on such platforms- your site will be open for traffic and indexing by search engines immediately after launch.

A successful blogger should be a bit of a webmaster and understand the principles of the site and search engines. Or you will have to hire a specialist who will do all the work for you.

But even in this case, it is worth at least in general terms to understand how a blog works, how readers find it, and what to do to get more visitors.

Step 3. Choose and install the site design

The appearance of a blog largely depends on the capabilities of the server, but on which it is created. The platforms offer several ready-made themes or templates that you will use as mockups.

Choosing a design from scratch is always difficult, especially if you are not a designer at all. To make it easier, research the blogs you like and focus on them.

It’s not worth doing direct borrowing, but it’s also useless to get hung up on the search for a super-original idea - it is better to spend time on the content (content) and not on the form.

Step 4. Setting up the blog

The designed blog is, in principle, ready for launch, it remains only to configure it. Need bring permalinks to your blog into a readable form (url). If this is not done, the addresses of your entries will look like unreadable gibberish.

Understand the functionality of the website building platform you use. So it will be easier for you to add posts, set up monetization and promote your resource in search engines.

Step 5. Create a content plan

Posts (records) should be published regularly. Therefore, it is advisable to plan in advance for the release of publications. Since content is the main thing in a blog, you will have to spend a lot of time creating it.

Posting can be configured in automatic mode. For example, write 5 articles a day and make sure that they will be published every day at the same time for the next five days.

Step 6. Publish Content

Short articles are less promising in terms of search promotion. Systems love detailed publications with pictures, videos, graphs, tables.

The blog should stand out from the rest, while not losing its functionality and remaining convenient

Maintain feedback with the audience. Respond to comments, do not be afraid to engage in polemics with readers. A blogger needs to know who he is writing for.

A separate moment is the promotion or promotion of a blog or page on a social network. Natural ways of promotion are good, but too tiring. Even super interesting and original content does not guarantee getting into the TOP of search engines and attracting the target audience to the site.

Exit - use special servers. If your task is to gain subscribers on social networks, I recommend the site. This resource guarantees safe promotion in all popular social networks. Suitable for video bloggers, owners of commercial accounts on Twitter and Instagram.

Another popular service is. Created specifically for those who have an account on Instagram and are engaged in its monetization. "Do Insta" guarantees 50,000 unique views per month and at least 6,000 new subscribers for the same period.

Step 7. Monetize the site

The most pleasant moment is the reward for the work, the receipt of income from your blog. There are many monetization options. The more readers you have, the more ways you have at your disposal to make a profit.

Start small and never quit your job if your initial income seems meager. All of the now successful bloggers who earn hundreds of thousands on their sites started with penny profits. This is a stage that must be passed without fail.

3. Where is it better to create and maintain your blog - an overview of the TOP-3 popular sites

There are dozens of sites for creating a blog, but not all of them are convenient and understandable for beginners.

I propose an overview of the three most reliable and popular resources, which are successfully used by thousands of Runet bloggers.

1) Ucoz

A free website builder that has stood the test of time. Its main advantages are convenience, availability and speed. Even those who have no idea how websites are created on the network will understand how this is done if they use the simple and effective Yukoz functionality.

To get started, you need to register, select the type of site from the proposed categories and follow further instructions. Free functionality is enough for blogging. There is also a paid tariff: if you switch to it immediately after creating a blog, get 50% discount.

2) Wix

Free service to create the website of your dreams. Vicks is based on visual editor - this means the pages of your blog will have to be designed in manual mode. But beautiful and original design you are guaranteed.

Add to this reliable hosting, round the clock service support, an intuitive designer without any programming, and get the perfect platform to launch and maintain an author's blog.

3) WordPress

The most popular platform in Runet for creating blogs, websites, online stores, information magazines. Our portal "HeaterBober" was created precisely onWordPress.

There are several thousand templates and all free, as well as powerful support and assistance tools that will help you create a blog with zero knowledge of how it works.

« Wordpress is loved by search engines: with promotion, if you set it up correctly, there will be no problems.

Site comparison table:

4. How to monetize your blog - 5 proven ways

There is an opinion among beginners that you need to choose one way to make money from a blog and use only it. This is fundamentally wrong. Bloggers have access to almost all sources of income at the same time. The main thing is to be able to use them.

Consider the most popular options.

Method 1. Earnings on contextual advertising

This is the easiest way available to everyone and everyone. Even if you have only 10 visitors per day, you have every right to connect contextual advertising. Another thing is that the income from it with such attendance will be small.

Method 2. Earnings on teaser and banner advertising

Method 3. Selling links

There are services that deal with the purchase / sale temporary and eternal links . The higher the blog traffic, the more expensive the links. The process of trading links is automated, you only need to set it up properly.

Method 4. Affiliate programs

For many bloggers, affiliate programs are the most preferred and understandable form of income. You place an affiliate link on your page and receive money every time a reader performs some useful action through the affiliate program.

If your audience is several thousand people, the income from affiliate programs will be very decent, and most importantly, stable.

Yandex Blogs is a service that allows you to find up-to-date information and opinions on any topic: a reflection of the mood of users on the network and public opinion.

In the general sense of the word, a blog is a network personal diary, exposed to the public, which stores records in reverse order, resembles an event log.

The principle of operation of the search service for blogs and forums

The principle of the search engine is as follows:

  • The service bot regularly explores the Internet, indexes blogs and forums for enrollment in the database.
  • All selected sites are ranked automatically.
  • Searches require standard queries and you can use the usual functions and filters.


As you can see, you can specify the city and region in which you want to search.

Search for specific sites

A useful search function is available on a specific site. How to use: write in line specific name resource for searching on the subject. For example, we will look for VK masters: then indicate vk.com in the site line. And then the search results in this social network will be displayed.


This plays a big role in the search for unique information, because many turn to foreign resources for this: the most popular are English-language ones. Why do you think? That's right, we all learn this language at school without fail and know it a little bit!

Search period

Here it is possible to set the interval for the appearance of news and mentions on the specified topic in blogs and accounts.

File type

This parameter is necessary to search for a specific file on the topic you are looking for. You can choose the resolution that you can open on your device.

Yandex Blog rating (what is it and analogues)

Some time ago, along with a blog search, there was their rating. It was a small service that allowed you to find discussed and popular entries. This service did not become popular and remained specialized for a narrow circle of bloggers, it became an amplifier, robots and schemes for getting into the top appeared to promote and advertise any area or product. Therefore, his support was stopped and he ceased to exist.

Today, Blog Search allows the owner of a page or full-fledged site to obtain ranking data and control this process.

This service has several popular analogues that rank blogs and posts according to certain parameters, with the network address and benefits can be found here:

  • http://alltopnews.ru/ (categorization, rating archive for all time).
  • http://artlebedev.ru/tools/blogs/ (beautiful design aimed at convenience, plus post previews).
  • http://currentnews.ru/ (there are statistics on blogs and users, fast loading).
  • http://ljrate.ru/ (rather intuitive beautiful interface, readability, convenient placement).
  • http://lleo.aha.ru/blog/yandextop (simplicity, a large number of filters).
  • http://lopni.ru/ (dividing the rating into categories, the dynamics of moving records in the top).
  • http://rublogs.info/ (personalized rating based on interests and liked posts).
  • http://t30p.ru/ (there is a keyword search, a rating with a preview and text, mailing).
  • http://top-50.ru/ (convenient to leave reviews, sort entries).
  • http://whoyougle.ru/blogs/ (opportunity to influence the rating by ratings).

Brief description of the official Yandex blog

The company blog contains last news about activities and news, description of products and services, announcements of upcoming events. There is an archive of topics and discussions, you can leave feedback on the record.

The service contains a convenient form for searching by tags. A large amount of information for learning: articles, video lectures, videos from master classes and conferences. It is possible to subscribe to a blog in various social networks absolutely free of charge.

Blog on Yandex Zen: how to create, maintain and promote?

What is a personal channel? Personal platform for authors and publishers. Any user with a Yandex account can become the first.

The owners of their own channels have the opportunity to earn money by gaining popularity for their unique content, thanks to advertising and promotion of brands and goods in publications.

Step-by-step instructions for logging into the service:

  • Register or log in using your Yandex.
  • Click "Become an Author".
  • There can only be one owner, it is advisable to have a separate account.
  • At the moment, creation is possible only by individuals.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a personal blog:

  1. The name and logo must be unique and not violate the copyrights of other creators.
  2. You should enter the "Editor".
  3. In the corner of the settings menu, click on the logo icon.
  4. Set parameters:

After that, it becomes possible to post the first articles. You need at least three posts for the service algorithms to choose an audience for these materials.

When registering, it is possible to change the URL to a more suitable and shorter one. This is available to anyone who has 7k reads in 7 days.

Instructions to change URL:

  1. In the editor on the left upper corner click on the logo.
  2. Next, click on the "Create a short address" button.
  3. Enter a new URL in the window.
  4. If it satisfies the conditions and is not busy, then the "Apply" button will appear.
  5. Then click "Change address" to confirm the change.

A new service called Zen has recently appeared in Runet. They talked a lot about him and are talking now, especially in circles where it is common. So what is Yandex Zen in simple words?

This is a blogging platform where you can start your own channel and start posting articles and narratives. Yandex Zen has pay-per-views. That is, the blogger begins to publish articles, and if they are interesting, then he receives money for this.

In this article, you will learn how to start a blog on Yandex Zen, how to promote it, what content to publish, how much Yandex Zen pays for 1000 views, and so on.

Before creating a channel, you need to register or log into your Yandex account. When the mailbox registration is over, you will need to move to the publisher platform. It is located at the link https://zen.yandex.ru/media - this link cannot be found on the main page of the service https://zen.yandex.ru. You need to click on the "Login" button, and then click on the "Yandex" button. This will link your account to your mailbox.

  • avatar;
  • title;
  • description;
  • links to social networks;
  • contact information.

Also in this menu, you can specify a site if it is linked to a system account, and add a metric. To do this, you will have to create a counter in the metric and then select it in the settings.

This completes the registration and the question arises of how to promote a channel in Yandex Zen. The advantage of the platform is that all publications are displayed in the user's feed. And the more time he reads the feed, the more interesting the publications will be for him, because the algorithm selects articles similar to those that the user liked.

So far, the developers do not advertise how promotion works in Yandex Zen. Therefore, it is difficult to say for sure how to increase impressions in Yandex Zen. But you can add topical words to the blog description so that the algorithm can quickly find an audience that will be interested in the published content.

Also, all materials can be tagged. Tags in Yandex Zen appeared relatively recently. But you can already see that they work.

For the most part, promotion is not needed in Yandex Zen. Because all content, even from young blogs, is displayed in the feed. And beginners can get several tens of thousands of impressions on the first day. They only need to interest the reader so that he views the article and captivate with high-quality or interesting content so that he reads it.

Some are interested in Yandex Zen, why there are no impressions in the feed. There are two options here:

  1. This is the work of algorithms that do not work well so far. Even on well-known channels, some posts get a lot of views while others sag.
  2. The promotion of the Yandex Zen channel was in violation of the rules. If the rules have been violated, the administration can remove the channel from the feed.

And the rules are really strict. For example, you can not use clickbait (enticing headlines and a picture that does not match the content of the article), pornography, violence, and so on. The full list can be found on the channel page. Drafts with rules, conditions of earnings and so on automatically appear there.

Now it's time to come up with content for Yandex Zen. Here the recommendations are the same as for any other content - it should be interesting and useful. To begin with, you have to choose what to write about in Yandex Zen.

The reports of the platform itself are very helpful in this. This is how popular topics were published in Yandex Zen:

  1. Society.
  2. Hobbies and professions.
  3. Travels.
  4. Stars.
  5. Finance.
  6. Science and education.
  7. Cars.
  8. Story.
  9. Literature.
  10. Cinema and music.
  11. Health.
  12. Children.
  13. Internet technologies.
  14. Sport.
  15. Tips and shopping.
  16. Psychology.
  17. Animals.
  18. Relations.

These are the topics for Yandex Zen that people are fond of. Most of the niches are not yet occupied, so you can try to write about something from this list. And it is better to try to choose topics from the top of the list, because the rest are not particularly in demand.

Now we need to figure out how to write an article in Yandex Zen. To do this, go to your channel and click the "+" icon. In the drop-down list, click on the item "Article" or "Narrative". Next will be shown detailed instructions how to work with layout.

When the question of how to write articles in Yandex Zen is resolved, another one appears. Where to get pictures for Yandex Zen. You can make them yourself or look on sites with stock photos. Or you can just take them from search engines.

The main thing is that they are not too large, otherwise they will take a long time to load. Also, high-resolution images are poorly displayed in the body of the article for Yandex Zen, and in order to see them well, you have to click on it. But this is better to avoid, because users are too lazy to perform additional actions.

It seems strange to many that you can get money for views. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out what Yandex Zen pays for. Money is paid for displaying ads in their articles. Approximate earnings - from 40 to 180 rubles per 1000 views.

But in order to earn money on Yandex Zen, you need to collect 7000 rereads longer than 40 seconds in the last 7 days. After that, it becomes possible to choose a monetization method: simple (ads are added to posts automatically) or more complicated (through YAN). Both methods are good enough, but if you only want to create content, then it is better to choose the first one.

But that's not all you need to know about how much you can earn on Yandex Zen. Because in order to start receiving income from Yandex Zen, you need to indicate your passport details, TIN and SNILS. The company will send 13% of the amount to the tax office and will pay insurance premiums.

You can get earnings on the Internet from Yandex Zen to the wallet of the same company or PayPal. You can do this 1 time per day.

Advantages and disadvantages of earning on Yandex.Zen

This way of earning money has its advantages and disadvantages, so you need to first familiarize yourself with them in order to decide whether you need to do this.

Positive features:

  • You don't need to promote content yourself. The system gives scope for self-realization, and takes care of all the problems with promotion.
  • Lots of free niches. Not all topics have been occupied yet, so you can easily break through in any topic.
  • The presence of narratives. You can create short materials to attract users to your channel or to another resource.
  • . By connecting monetization, the user begins to receive insurance premiums, which is another significant plus.
  • There are several ways to monetize. A blogger can choose how he earns.
  • At the beginning of the year, you can get a 2-NDFL certificate. Available individuals. The reference is for the past year.

Negative Traits:

  • Taxes. This is a minus for those who do not want to give away part of their money. For law-abiding citizens, this is rather a plus, because there will be no problems with the law.
  • There is a threshold of 7000 reads. If money is needed here and now, then it is better to choose something else. But for those who are looking for a long-term perspective, this is a great way to earn money.
  • The service is still young. So far, the principles of the algorithms remain unknown. It is also not known how long the site itself will work - it may be closed, or it may continue to be engaged in its support.
  • Limited design functionality. Opportunities for the design of articles are rather meager, so you won’t get around too much.


Although this is a young project that is still being finalized, it has already become popular enough to deserve attention. It can be used both for earning money and for self-realization - for this, opportunities are given in the design of articles and narratives. They also plan to add videos that can be viewed directly on the main page. But until that happens, there are other aspects worth exploring.

Post publication date: 16-02-2012

How to create a blog on the Internet is the most common question newbies ask me. In fact, you can create your own blog different ways. The choice of a specific method depends on the goals for which the blog is being made.

I will tell you how and where you can create your blog. So, let's begin.

How to create your own blog for free?

There are special blog hostings that allow you to create your own blog for free. I will list the most popular, their capabilities.

Many beautiful templates allow you to create a blog that is very attractive to visitors. Moreover, the template can be quite flexible to customize yourself.

A very attractive feature of blogs on Blogger- the ability to register in and earn money without having to worry about installing and configuring the advertising code. Everything is done very quickly and conveniently, even for the beginner.

In addition to many settings, it is possible to transfer to your own domain, which you can buy directly from your Google account. We bring to your attention several domain zones: *.com, *.biz, *.org, *.net, *.info.

For earnings, blogs on Blogger fit quite well. Links from posts in such a blog are not framed with nofollow tags, which allows you to fully trade links. And as mentioned above, Adsense integrates perfectly into the blog, and will allow you to earn on clicks. Also, it’s good to make money on such blogs in .

3. Ya.ru This is a blogging service that provides . An excellent platform for personal blogs, which is perfectly indexed by Yandex. You can create a personal blog on Yandex.

Blog Service Ya.ru offers many personal page design styles, the ability to create a completely unique design. There is a flexible management of widgets. Of course they are less than blogger, but there is a choice.

One of the distinguishing features of Yarush blogs, from other free blog forms, is the presence of a personal “Ku” title for each user. The more you blog, the higher your Ku score. According to Yandex itself, when you type "Ku" equal to 90, you can delete any comment on any blog. But I don't know any such users yet.

Another attractive feature is that the Ya.ru service is at the same time social network, where you can add friends (readers), share photos and videos. Which is very convenient for personal blogging.

For a blog where you can make money, Yarushki is not very suitable. Firstly, they are very poorly indexed by Google, and secondly, blogs are often moderated. If you sell posts from a blog, then moderators can easily ban it, and it will be extremely difficult to restore it. I already got caught once, you can read about it in the post "".

With these 3 giants, I want to stop looking at ways to create free blogs. If you want more choice, then Yandex 101 service for creating your blog on the Internet for free! Choose, register.

How to create a unique blog?

If you are not satisfied with blogging on free platforms, then we take matters into our own hands and start making your own blog. First, you need to buy the desired domain and buy .

Next stage - choiceCMS(content management system). For blogs, I recommend installing the . This is a great blogging engine that has a lot of settings and is installed in just two clicks.

Creating a blog is about creating it uniqueness. And uniqueness is good design. There are many options here too. For example, a template for a WordPress blog can be downloaded for free or ordered from designers, or made up by yourself. Who will be comfortable.

The only thing left to do is to fill the blog. Write to it regularly, do not copy other people's articles - be creative!

And finally, for beginner bloggers:.

There is no need to think about ways to make money on such a blog. You can use everything from link exchanges to teasers and contextual advertising. There are a lot of options for making money on a personal blog. And I assure you that if you write a blog at least occasionally, and at least somehow monetize it, then the costs of hosting and a domain will instantly pay off. And the profit will not be long in coming.

Yandex office on Leo Tolstoy street

119021, Moscow, st. Leo Tolstoy, 16


You need to take the metro to the Park Kultury station. If you arrive at the radial, exit to Komsomolsky prospect. There is only one exit at the ring road, you can't go wrong there. On the street, turn right and, after going around the subway pavilion, go along the avenue. You need the second turn to the right, in front of the church. Turning from Komsomolsky, you will find yourself on Timur Frunze Street - go along it to a red brick building, then a little more along it until you see a sign on the wall with the Yandex logo and the inscription "Now to the left." Turn into the courtyard and climb the wide stairs - you are there!
The first entrance under the arch is the main entrance to the office. The second entrance is for couriers. If you need to get to Yandex.Money, go through the archway, then through another one, at the far end of the courtyard, and move straight to the brick building facing you (this is the Stroganov business center, building 18B on Lev Tolstoy Street) .

For motorists

You can drive up to the Yandex office along Lev Tolstoy or Timur Frunze Street, following the signs with the company logo.

Yandex office on Sadovnicheskaya street

115035, Moscow, st. Sadovnicheskaya, 82, building 2


If you are traveling by metro, you need the Paveletskaya station - it doesn’t matter if it’s a circle or a radial line, from both you can go up to Zatsepsky Val street. As you find yourself on the street, go left along Zatsepsky Val. Behind the Maly Krasnokholmsky Bridge, after the Mechta cafe, you will see a complex of buildings lined with glass and brick - this is the Aurora Business Park.

For motorists

Move along the inner side of the Garden Ring, cross the Bolshoi Krasnokholmsky Bridge and turn right before the next bridge - onto Sadovnicheskaya Embankment. Behind the first building there will be an entrance to the territory of the business center.

On April 3, Yandex invited a small number of journalists to a seminar “How Yandex.News and Yandex.Blogs work”. The specialists responsible for these services told what principles their work is based on, what technologies are used, what problems the services have and how they are solved, and then answered the journalists' questions.

The seminar was not widely announced, personal invitations were sent to the press. This was a consequence of the fact that such seminars for Yandex are a kind of new form communication with experts and users. The company plans to hold such meetings for a wider audience, but is first trying to determine in an experimental format how best to organize them.

The reason that the first meeting was devoted to news and blogs is clear enough. Both services are often subject to accusations of manipulation by Yandex and manipulative behavior by everyone. Blogs now and then talk about whether Yandex rules the top blog posts with “handles” in order to pull out what someone needs there, or vice versa to remove it. The news is still sharper, because here the work is not with opinions, but with facts, events, and analytics. A news headline formulated in one way or another, whether or not certain media outlets are included in the story - all this can raise many questions. Yandex often answers such questions, but in the end came to the conclusion that it was necessary to talk about technologies in as much detail as possible.

The first speaker said that Yandex has no secrets from the press, that everything said can be taken out in any form.

Whether this means that not everything was told to journalists, or that Yandex is so tired of the accusations that it is ready to tell everything, if only to lag behind, it is impossible to judge. But the editors of our blog really liked the notepad and thermo mug with an elk named Our Elk.

The essence of the blogosphere, according to Yandex, is that it is a repository of opinions. People read other blogs, search through them, and look at the ratings in order to keep abreast of opinions on a certain issue.

Yandex.Blog numbers and main services

  • Million entries and comments from blogs and forums every day
  • 7 million sources indexed
  • 14 million user profiles are indexed. Approximately half of the users create a blog and do not make a single entry there, but, for example, use it for commenting or abandoning it. Hence the difference.
  • about a billion documents
  • blogs - one-fifth of Runet (by the number of items to be indexed)
  • New entries are indexed within 10 minutes on more than 120 blog hostings

Yandex.Blogs consists of the following services (in order of importance): search, topics of the day, and popular posts (“top blog search”, “Blog search”), ratings, and the pulse of the blogosphere.

Search is the most needed blogging service for people.


However, many Internet marketers are much more interested in the Top Blogosphere, so first - about it.

“Popular Posts”, or Top Blogosphere

Anton Volnukhin, responsible for blog search, said that being in popular posts does not carry “commercial value” - the largest possible traffic from there is calculated in a few thousand blog visitors. Wind up the top is usually those who want to manipulate opinions. It is because of such cheaters that Yandex accuses that it edits the top manually, while in fact, according to Anton, it is formed completely automatically.

What is the “ranking formula” for entries in the Top of the Blogosphere?

  1. Entries are sorted by the number of links to the post in the last three days.
  2. Links are taken into account only from blogs that exist for more than six months
  3. links in the last 8 hours have double the weight - this is necessary so that the top is “refreshed” more often
  4. Posts lose weight every hour they are in the top - for the same purpose
  5. No more than 1 entry from 1 blog can get to the top at the same time.
  6. Rating is recalculated every 20 minutes
  7. The fewer times a particular blog has linked to a blog containing a top entry, the more weighty the link.

Yandex, of course, is faced with the task of combating top cheating. It is planned to add more data sources for rating - take into account comments and attendance. In the near future, users will be able to view different unfiltered sections for each of the sources, and cheats will become visible to everyone. Finally, it is planned to make more different ratings, which will reduce the potential for influence on the minds of each of them.

How blog search works

The PPB index base is replenished, firstly, with entries on blog hosting sites already known to the search, secondly, with those that came through the add form, and, finally, with sources from a web search that finds a link to a new RSS on the Internet. However, everything that feeds RSS is not considered a blog. By default, an RSS feed is not considered a blog at all; there are a number of automatic rules for classifying it as such. Errors of machines are ruled by content managers.

As a result, a standalone blog on a non-standard engine not known to robots may not be included in the PPB index. The owner of such a diary needs to write to blog support and ask to be indexed.

Anton Volnukhin regretfully admitted the fact that the owner can manage the indexing and participation in the search for his blog only with the help of support letters. This is not convenient for anyone, so Yandex is going to make a control panel for the relationship between the blog and Yandex, giving each blogger full control over his presence in the services for the blogosphere. While this is not the case, many issues are not being resolved very conveniently for bloggers because Yandex wants to maintain a kind of diplomatic neutrality.

For example, if a post was included in the TPAP and then disappeared from the blog, the link from the top will automatically lead to the saved copy of the post. Yandex does not know why exactly the entry disappeared, whether the blogger or Hacker Hell, or the Abuse Team from LiveJournal wanted to delete it.

The main differences between blog search and web search are as follows:

  • very fast indexing records. By personal experience editors of this blog, in LJ entries are indexed in just five minutes.
  • in search results ranking by time
  • search processes a large number of small texts
  • it is possible to take into account information about the author (social demographic) and his connections within the social service. This allows you to specify gender, age, place of residence in an advanced search and search, for example, for information on the blogs of twenty-year-old Muscovites
  • data is not reindexed each time, but accumulated in the index
  • RSS does not contain information about the deletion of the entry, so the deleted post remains in the blog index until the author writes to support.

The main problems of blog search are spam, duplicate filtering, indexing of deleted and hidden entries.

33% of blog entries are spam. Typically, such entries are automatically generated texts (records and comments) with the necessary keywords or links designed to influence web searches and rankings. To combat spam, both special blogging technologies and Spam Defense are used. Yandex believes that it manages to keep the level of spam in search and its impact on rankings low.

The problem with duplicates is that among the same entries, the latest is shown. It follows from this, firstly, that by copying an entry, you can get into the search instead of its author, and secondly, that from several broadcasts of the journal, the entry is shown in the one in which it hit the latest. Again, there is only one solution - write to support, complain about the malicious copying of records or indicate the broadcast that you want to see in the search. Similarly, in the order of correspondence with support, a record that is deleted or hidden in the “for friends” mode is removed from the search.

In its frankness, Yandex went so far as to show how Yandex.Blogs works:

Patriotic browser response Google Chrome, which is characterized by a wide binding to Yandex services and a number of unique features.

The Site Administration has a partnership with Yandex to distribute this software.

JSC "Yandex" www.company.yandex.ru

Current stable release: 17.
Supported OS: Windows, Mac OS X.
engine: webkit.
Plugins: advanced system of add-ons (due to Chrome Web Store).
Skins: a large number of themes and extensions for working with themes.
License: GPL.

Yandex.Browser - Chrome with Yandex flavor

Success Chrome browser, developed by the owner of the largest search engine, Google, led to a very interesting situation: many other companies began to use the achievements of Google programmers in order to create their own browsers. So a lot of browsers appeared, basically having code from the Chromium project, but differing in the start page, search engine by default and bindings to the services of a particular company. So there was Chrome with the taste of Yandex, Chrome from Rambler, the Internet browser from Mail.Ru and many others.

A few months ago, Yandex representatives reported on the development of a web browser underway in the bowels of the company. However, they did not provide any details at the time. And so, in early October, the company announced the first release of the browser, which, no matter how strange it may sound, was called Yandex Browser.

I must say right away that Yandex.Browser is another project based on the Chromuim project code, so it is very similar to the already well-known Google Chrome. Let's look at what Yandex programmers have invested in their application.

Claimed Unique Features

  • Smart line - gives answers to questions right in the address bar.
  • Technology accelerated download Turbo pages (from Opera).
  • Reliable virus protection is a joint solution between Yandex and the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Lab.
  • A smart string that understands what you are looking for faster.
  • Website translation from 9 popular languages.

Search from Yandex, news from Yandex, calendar, blogs….

If you are suddenly a fan of the service of a domestic search engine and at the same time Google Chrome, then Yandex.Browser can become a very convenient assistant for you. Moreover, Yandex will not allow users of its program to forget for a moment that they are using the application from Yandex. To go to Yandex, there is even a special button on the web browser panel. It replaces the homepage button.

Now your Homepage- this is Yandex and only Yandex. And no nails. However, I do not see any problems in making Yandex the default search and in standard Google Chrome. It is not necessary to change the browser to change the search.


The funny thing is that the user needs to install extensions and add-ons for Yandex.Browser from the application catalog ... Chrome Web Store. It's funny, isn't it? Of course, representatives of the Russian search giant promise to develop their own catalog of applications sooner or later, but the timing of its appearance is unknown. For the most part, an inexperienced user will have to do without extensions if he does not guess that they are available for Google Chrome.

What's new?

The developers spoke with pomp about the new mechanism of the so-called widgets, which largely duplicates the Speed ​​Dial familiar to users of most popular browsers. In other words, the browser brings your most visited sites to the first page so that you can get to them faster. Yandexoids are proud to note that their designers hand-drawn images for 150 of the most popular Russian sites. However, even here it was not without a fly in the ointment: it is completely incomprehensible how you can remove unnecessary sites and add the ones you need.

Thus, the user will have to observe “manually drawn” logos of sites that you absolutely do not need every time you open a new tab.


Yandex.Browser is an application for a person who actively uses the services of the corporation of the same name, but is not experienced and active user other web services.

In addition, the browser, unlike its "progenitor", is only for operating systems Windows families and Mac OS X, but not Linux. There is also no comprehensive synchronization available from Google Chrome, which helps me out so much when changing computers.

clickhouse. Just makes you think faster.

  • Run more queries in the same amount of time
  • Test more hypotheses
  • Slice and dice your data in many more new ways
  • Look at your data from new angles
  • Discover new dimensions

Blazing Fast

ClickHouse’s performance exceeds comparable column-oriented DBMS currently available on the market. It processes hundreds of millions to more than a billion rows and tens of gigabytes of data per single server per second.

ClickHouse uses all available hardware to its full potential to process each query as fast as possible. The peak processing performance for a single query (after decompression, only used columns) stands at more than 2 terabytes per second.

Independent Benchmarks

Linearly Scalable

ClickHouse allows companies to add servers to their clusters when necessary without investing time or money into any additional DBMS modification. The system has been successfully serving Yandex.Metrica, while the count of servers in it’s main production cluster have grown from 60 to 394 in two years, which are by the way located in sixly geographically distributed datacenters.

ClickHouse scales well both vertically and horizontally. ClickHouse is easily adaptable to perform either on cluster with hundreds of nodes, or on a single server or even on a tiny virtual machine. Currently there are installations with more than two trillion rows per single node, as well as installations with 100Tb of storage per single node.

Hardware Efficient

ClickHouse processes typical analytical queries two to three orders of magnitude faster than traditional row-oriented systems with the same available I/O throughput. The system's columnar storage format allows fitting more hot data in RAM, which leads to a shorter response times.

ClickHouse allows to minimize the number of seeks for range queries, which increases the efficiency of using rotational disk drives, as it maintains locality of reference for continuously stored data.

ClickHouse is CPU efficient of it’s vectorized query execution involving relevant processor instructions and runtime code generation.

By minimizing data transfers for most types of queries, ClickHouse enables companies to manage their data and create reports without using specialized networks that are aimed at high-performance computing.

Fault tolerance

ClickHouse supports multi-master asynchronous replication and can be deployed across multiple datacenters. Downtime of a single node or the whole datacenter won't affect the system's availability for both reads and writes.

Yandex's mission is to help people solve problems and achieve their goals in life.

Distributed reads are automatically balanced to live replicas to avoid increasing latency. Replicated data are synchronized automatically or semi-automatically after server downtime.

Features Rich

ClickHouse features a user-friendly SQL query dialect with a number of built-in analytics capabilities. For example, it includes probabilistic data structures for fast and memory-efficient calculation of cardinalities and quantiles. There are functions for working dates, times and time zones, as well as some specialized ones like addressing URLs and IPs (both IPv4 and IPv6) and many more.

Data organizing options available in ClickHouse, such as arrays, array joins, tuples and nested data structures, are extremely efficient for managing denormalized data.

Using ClickHouse allows joining both distributed data and co-located data, as the system supports local joins and distributed joins. It also offers an opportunity to use external dictionaries, dimension tables loaded from an external source, for seamless joins with simple syntax.

ClickHouse supports approximate query processing – you can get results as fast as you want, which is indispensable when dealing with terabytes and petabytes of data.

The system's conditional aggregate functions, calculation of totals and extremes, allow getting results with a single query without having to run a number of them.

success stories

When to use ClickHouse

For analytics over stream of clean, well structured and immutable events or logs. It is recommended to put each such stream into a single wide fact table with pre-joined dimensions.

Some examples of viable applications:

  • web and app analytics
  • Advertising networks and RTB
  • Telecommunications
  • e-commerce and finance
  • information security
  • monitoring and telemetry
  • time series
  • business intelligence
  • online games
  • Internet of Things

When NOT to use ClickHouse

  • Transactional workloads (OLTP)
  • Key-value access with high request rate
  • Blob or document storage
  • Over-normalized data

Highly Reliable

ClickHouse has been managing petabytes of data serving a number of highload mass audience services of Yandex, Russia’s leading search provider and one of the largest European IT companies. Since 2012, ClickHouse has been providing robust database management for the company’s web analytics service, comparison e-commerce platform, public email service, online advertising platform, business intelligence tools and infrastructure monitoring.

ClickHouse can be configured as a purely distributed system located on independent nodes, without any single points of failure.

Software and hardware failures or misconfigurations do not result in loss of data. Instead of deleting "broken" data, ClickHouse saves it or asks you what to do before a startup. All data is checksummed before every read or write to disk or network. It is virtually impossible to delete data by accident as there are safeguards even for human errors.

ClickHouse offers flexible limits on query complexity and resource usage, which can be fine-tuned with settings. It is possible to simultaneously serve both a number of high priority low-latency requests and some long-running queries with background priority.

Simple and Handy

ClickHouse streamlines all your data processing. It's easy to use: ingest all your structured data into the system, and it is instantly available for reports. New columns for new properties or dimensions can be easily added to the system at any time without slowing it down.

ClickHouse is simple and works out-of-the-box. As well as performing on hundreds of node clusters, this system can be easily installed on a single server or even a virtual machine. No development experience or code-writing skills are required to install ClickHouse.

Quick start

System requirements: Linux, x86_64 with SSE 4.2.

Install packages for Ubuntu/Debian:

For other operating systems the easiest way to get started is using official Docker images of ClickHouse . alternatively you can build ClickHouse from sources according to the instruction.

After installation proceed to tutorial or full documentation.


Or email ClickHouse team at Yandex directly: turn on JavaScript to see email address, for example if you are interested in commercial support.

Friendly reminder: check out the documentation in English or Russian first — maybe your question is already covered.

Like ClickHouse?

Help to spread the word about it via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!

ClickHouse source code is published under Apache 2.0 License. Software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

Fork me on GitHub

Yandex Mail. Entrance

Quick login to Yandex mail

Yandex.Mail is one of the most popular free email services. There you can freely register and get an address that ends with @yandex.ru.


The Yandex mail service is convenient, easy to use and always available on your computer, tablet or smartphone - all you need is Internet access.

If your mail is on Yandex, then you need to enter its site every day. Easy access to the mail provides start page"Login" - just add the address there mail.yandex.ru, and set the “Login” page itself (address vhod.cc) as the start page in the browser.

The entrance to the mail will always be at hand, you can get there literally with one click:

When you log in to Yandex.Mail for the first time, you will need to provide your username (postal address) and password. If you already indicated them (entered), then yours will simply open mailbox with letters, and it will be possible to work with them.

And, of course, if you already have a mailbox on Yandex, you can always get there with home page Yandex (link in the upper right corner).

Registration in Yandex mail

To register in Yandex.Mail (get your address), you can open the Yandex.Mail website through the VHOD.cc start page, as we just described, or simply open Yandex and click in the upper right corner "Get a box." Whatever method you use, a simple registration procedure will begin. You will need to come up with a name for the box (your address, at the end of which there will be @yandex.ru, for example: [email protected] ) and a password that must be remembered and kept secret. You will also need to provide basic personal information.

Please note that you can specify your phone number - this is very useful if you need to restore access to your mail in the future (for example, if you forget your password). Indicate the number that you use and that you always have with you. If you do not indicate the number, then how will you be offered to assign instead Secret Question, the answer to which only you know (this is necessary in order to protect yourself from hacking).

How to enter Yandex mail through VK, Odnoklassniki, Facebook ...?

When you open the Yandex website, you will see the entrance to the mail in the corner, and there are buttons for logging in through VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other sites. In our picture, they are underlined - first comes VK, then Facebook, then Twitter. If you click on the ellipsis, then the entrance will appear through other sites, including Odnoklassniki:

And if you have already opened the Yandex.Mail website, then you will see similar buttons just below the buttons "To come in" and "Registration". That is, for example, if you want to enter the mail through VK, then you do not need to press "Registration", and immediately press the button with the letter "AT":

How to use Yandex.Mail

So, if you have already registered and you have a mailbox. What to do next?

How to view the letter?

When you log in to Yandex.Mail (for example, via VHOD.cc), you get into your Inbox folder. These are the letters you received. Among them may be letters from people, mailing lists, advertising, and so on. The screen shows how many unread emails you have and how many emails are in this folder. For example, "Inbox 2 / 99" means that you have 2 new letters, and there are 99 in total in the folder.

The most recent messages are shown at the top, the older ones below. New emails highlighted in bold. To open the letter and read it, just click on it! To go back, click on "Inbox" or swipe backward if you're reading emails on your phone.

How to reply to a letter?

Open the email you want to reply to. At the bottom there will be an empty field (you need to scroll to the end if the letter is long), where you can immediately write an answer. When you're done, click "Reply".

Another option is to click the button "Reply". With this method, the reply window will quote the letter you are replying to. You can simply write a response, or you can respond to individual parts of the letter by inserting your answers between the lines. When finished answering, press the button "Send".

How to write and send a letter?

Click the button "Write". Where there is an empty field "To whom", enter the recipient's address (for example, [email protected] ). It is also advisable to briefly indicate the subject so that the recipient immediately understands what the letter is about. Write your letter below. When you're done, click "Send".

There is another question!

Look at the Yandex.Mail help - most likely, there is an answer there.

What should I do if Yandex.Mail does not open?

First of all, use the "Login" start page to enter your mail.

Perhaps you are entering somewhere in the wrong place - the start page will help with this.

If the mail says that the password does not match, most likely you are entering the password incorrectly. Even if everything seems to be right. Maybe included capital letters? Or is the language wrong? Check and try again.

If you forgot your password or it doesn't work, use the restore access - open the Yandex.Mail login page and click on the link "Remember password".

Yandex.Mail on the phone

Yandex has mobile applications Yandex.Mail, which allows you to use mail directly on your phone. All the necessary functions are there, the applications themselves are free. There are options for iPhone and Android (to install, open Epp Store or Google Play on your phone and type in the search "Yandex Mail").

Another way to install mail on your phone is to go to the Yandex.Mail website from a computer or tablet and order a link to your phone (you need to specify the number).

A bit of history

Yandex.Mail appeared in 2000 (Yandex itself was launched in 1997). Now Yandex mail is used by about 27 million people.