With the development of mail systems, many Internet users have acquired e-mail, and often more than one. Therefore, for convenience, many begin to use special programs. For example, Microsoft Outlook. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to properly configure it using the example of the two most popular services - Yandex.Mail and Mail.ru.

Description and functionality of the program

Before setting up mail, the user needs to understand what is Microsoft Outlook?

MS Outlook is a program that combines the functions of a mail manager, organizer, calendar, notebook and contact manager.

How to set up Outlook mail?

Having understood the functionality and understanding what kind of MS Outlook program it is, let's move on to setting up Yandex mail in Outlook. Consider mail synchronization with three versions of Outlook - 2003/2007 (in which the settings are similar) and 2010.

Versions 2010

After starting Outlook 2010:

All further actions held in the current window. If you have the 2010 version installed, then go to .

Versions 2003/2007

In Outlook 2003/2007, this window opens a little differently:

Further settings in both versions are the same (with minor exceptions) and change only depending on the selected protocol (IMAP and POP3).

Advice! There is no fundamental difference which type of protocol you choose, but keep in mind that the program settings for them are different!

Yandex Mail

Having found the necessary window, let's move on to setting up the program. Let's go through the points:

  1. In the first column, it is proposed to enter a name, that is, the name of the author of the letter, displayed when viewed by the addressee.
  2. In the second column, enter the address that you registered (in this case, on Yandex.ru).
  3. The record type (aka protocol) is only shown in the 2010 version, since in 2003/2007 we already selected it in the previous step. You can choose any, but the setting of the following items depends on it.
  4. The incoming mail server is configured based on the protocol: IMAP - imap.yandex.ru, POP3 - pop.yandex.ru.
  5. The outgoing mail server for both types is the same - smtp.yandex.ru.
  6. User - he will be entered by filling in the second column.
  7. Password - the password you set on the site (in this case, on Yandex.ru).

In MS Outlook 2010, remove the "Account" check so as not to check until the program settings are completed.

Go to "Other settings":

  1. In the "Outgoing Mail Server" section, you need to confirm the need for authentication.
  2. In the "Advanced" tab, you must select "SSL" encryption.
  3. Depending on the selected protocol, enter "993" in the "IMAP server" field, "995" in the "POP3 server", and "465" in the "SMTP server" (both options). Here you can also configure the storage of letters, their storage period, as well as complete deletion.
  4. After completing the settings, confirm them by clicking on "OK". The login will be checked.
  5. Click next. MS Outlook is configured.


    • incoming mail server: imap.mail.ru or pop.mail.ru;
    • outgoing mail server - smtp.mail.ru;
    • changes in the column "User".

    Important! After entering the address, the "User" field will be filled in automatically. Unlike Yandex.Mail, Mail.ru offers different domains during registration, so you need to enter the mail completely on your own.

    Otherwise, the Mail.ru setting in Outlook is the same as the Yandex.Mail setting.

    If you have any questions about setting up mail, write to us. Let us know what you are having trouble with so we can help.

When using the IMAP protocol, the email client syncs with the server and saves the structure of folders in your mailbox. Messages that you send from the email client will be saved both on your computer and on the server, and you can access them from various devices.

Enable IMAP protocol before configuring your email client:

To set up an email client for the IMAP protocol, you need to specify the following:

incoming mail

  • mail server address - imap.yandex.com
  • connection security - SSL
  • port - 993
outgoing mail
  • connection security - SSL
  • port - 465


IMAP support will be enabled automatically the first time you log in to the mail program.

Configure POP3-based client

When using the POP3 protocol, all messages from the folders that you select in the menu Settings → Email clients will be saved by the mail client on your computer in the Inbox . If necessary, you can set up filters in the email client to automatically move messages to the desired folders. Messages you send will only be saved on your computer.

note. When downloading emails from the server using the POP3 protocol, Yandex.Mail saves copies of the emails on the server automatically, but you can delete the emails using the web interface. If you want to delete emails with an email client, use the IMAP protocol.

Enable POP3 protocol before configuring your email client:

To set up a mail client for the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following:

incoming mail

  • mail server address - pop.yandex.com
  • connection security - SSL
  • port - 995
outgoing mail
  • mail server address - smtp.yandex.com
  • connection security - SSL
  • port - 465

For access to the mail server, provide your Yandex username and password(or the if you enabled two-factor authentication). If you are configuring email delivery from a mailbox such as “ [email protected]com", your username is the first part of the address before the “@” sign.

Attention. We do not recommend using your provider "s mail server for sending mail in your name on Yandex.

You can set up message delivery over POP3 from any folder, including Spam . To do this, go to Settings → Email clients and select the folders.

By default, when downloading folder contents using email clients, messages are not marked as read. If you want to mark the received messages as read, enable the corresponding option.

Problems with the email client

I got a message that there is an error with my mail client

Select the message you received:

"No connection with server"

If you receive a message that there is no connection with the server, try reentering your username and password in the web interface.

Make sure that the protocol you want to use is checked in .

Make sure the settings of your mail program are configured exactly as given below:

  • for IMAP addresses imap.yandex.ru and port 993 with SSL
  • for SMTP addresses smtp.yandex.ru and port 465 with SSL
  • for POP3 addresses pop.yandex.ru and port 995 with SSL

if you receive “Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM”, it means that Yandex.Mail determined that the contents of your email were spam. To solve the problem, open the Yandex.Mail and send any email as a test. This way you prove that a robot is not sending the emails.

Please also check your computer for viruses with free anti-virus programs such as CureIt! from Dr. Web and Virus Removal Tool from “Kaspersky Lab” .

The program does not receive or send emails

If an email program does not receive or send emails, check your email client settings and your internet connection settings.

If you use an anti-virus program, firewall, or proxy server, disable them and see if the problem persists.

Emails have disappeared from the mailbox

If emails disappeared from your Inbox , they were probably moved to another folder, like Trash or Spam . If you remember the name or the address of the sender, a part of the message wording or the subject, try to look for the email in all the folders in your mailbox.

Restoring emails from the Trash folder

If the missing emails are not found under Trash , it is possible that a month has passed since they were moved to Trash and that the folder was emptied automatically. Therefore, such emails cannot be restored.

If the emails were deleted less than a month ago, you can restore them. To do this, go to the Trash folder, select the required emails, click on Move to folder and select the required folder from the list.

Why emails end up in the Trash and how to avoid this

The other mail service is set up for the collection of emails from your Yandex mailbox

If you have a mailbox at another mail service that has an importer set up to import emails from your Yandex mailbox, then your emails will be automatically deleted from Yandex.Mail. To resolve this problem, enable the option to save a copy of forwarded emails when you set up your Yandex.Mail to forward to another address . Then disconnect the mail collector on the other email service.

A message deleting filter has been configured. Make sure the are not configured to delete incoming mail. If there are any, try to disable them temporarily and whether messages will be received in see the Inbox . Another user has access to your mailbox

Emails can be deleted by a user who, for some reason, has access to your mailbox: you may have forgotten to close your session on somebody else's device. To close the session, click Log out from all devices in the account menu. You can also do this on the page from the link Log out on all computers .

Emails are not deleted in my mail client

If you delete emails in your mail client but they are still in your Yandex.Mail folders, it probably means that your mail client uses the POP3 protocol. Due to certain features of the POP3 protocol, email client mail may not sync correctly with the server. We recommend using the IMAP protocol for Yandex.Mail. For details on how to switch between POP3 and IMAP, see Switching from POP3 .

Sent mail is not displayed in my mail client

If you don't see your sent emails in your mail client, it probably means that your mail client uses POP3. Due to certain features of the POP3 protocol, email client mail may not sync correctly with the server. We recommend using the IMAP protocol for Yandex.Mail.For details on how to switch between POP3 and IMAP, see Switching from POP3 .

Messages are copied on the server when deleted/moved using IMAP

Message copying during the movement or deletion over IMAP is based on special features of the IMAP protocol and synchronization settings of email clients. In this event, folders should be forced to synchronize with the server so that the data matches after the actions are performed. In Mozilla Thunderbird, the Compact function must be used.

A non-delivery report is received after sending the message

The report always refers to the cause for non-delivery. For details on the most frequent reasons, see Message was sent, but didn't reach the recipient .

I get errors due to an incorrect certificate

If during the activation of SSL-encryption you get errors about an incorrect certificate, make sure that the mail client and the operating system are configured correctly:

  • The correct time (without any delays and “dates from the future” ) is set on the computer. If a wrong date is set, the system erroneously defines the certificate period as not yet started or already elapsed.
  • All are installed.
  • Checking of the HTTPS-connections is disabled in the settings of your antivirus software You can change your antivirus settings following our instructions for Kaspersky Internet Security and ESET NOD32 Smart Security in the I see an error in the security certificate section.

Add the certificate to the list of trusted certificates manually (Windows)

Attention. If you are not sure that you can install the certificate yourself, contact a specialist.

To add the certificate to the list of trusted certificates:

    Open the Start menu.

    Enter certmgr.msc in the search field and press Enter .

    In the program, click on the folder in the folder tree.

    Right-click on Certificates in the right part of the window and choose All tasks → Import.

    Click Next.

    Click on View and select the earlier downloaded file CA.pem . Click Next.

    Leave the default settings in the Storage of certificates section and click Next .

    click Done.

    (Optional) Click Accept in the pop-up dialog.

    Click on the folder Trusted Root Certification Authorities→ certificates in the folder tree.

    In the list of certificates (on the right), find the certificate Certum CA , right-click on it and select Properties .

    Go to the General tab.

    Make sure that the option Server authentication is enabled in Allow only the following destinations.

    Click OK .

Problems with confirmation of the certificate in The Bat!

If there are problems with confirmation of the security certificate in mail client The Bat!, upgrade the software to version 6 or higher . Perform the following actions after the software upgrade:

    Choose Properties → S/MIME and TLS in the program menu.

    set S/MIME Implementation and TLS certificates to Internal .

    Click OK .

    Try sending an email. If you get another certificate error, go back to Properties → S/MIME and TLS → S/MIME implementation and TLS certificates and set it to Mircosoft CryptoAPI .

You can receive and send mail not only through the web interface, but also with the help of various mail clients. For example:

If you want to receive mail using your mail clients, enable POP3 or IMAP protocols.

To do this, go to the Settings of your mailbox on Yandex, open the " Mail programs". Select the protocol you want to use by ticking its box. Save the result by clicking the "Save Changes" button.

Read more about POP3 and IMAP protocols below.

IMAP setup

Using the IMAP protocol, the mail program will not only download new letters, but will synchronize the information on your computer with the data on the server, displaying the entire structure of your mailbox at once - all folders, both standard and manually configured by you.

To set up an email client using the IMAP protocol, specify the following data:

  • In chapter Incoming mail/Incoming mail (IMAP) you need to specify the address of the imap.yandex.ru mail server, set SSL protection and port 993. If for some reason your program does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 143 and connect without SSL
  • In chapter

All further actions are carried out in the current window. If you have the 2010 version installed, then go to.

Versions 2003/2007

In Outlook 2003/2007, this window opens a little differently:

Further settings in both versions are the same (with minor exceptions) and change only depending on the selected protocol (IMAP and POP3).

Advice! There is no fundamental difference which type of protocol you choose, but keep in mind that the program settings for them are different!

Yandex Mail

Having found the necessary window, let's move on to setting up the program. Let's go through the points:

  1. In the first column, it is proposed to enter a name, that is, the name of the author of the letter, displayed when viewed by the addressee.
  2. In the second column, enter the address that you registered (in this case, on Yandex.ru).
  3. The record type (aka protocol) is only shown in the 2010 version, since in 2003/2007 we already selected it in the previous step. You can choose any, but the setting of the following items depends on it.
  4. The incoming mail server is configured based on the protocol: IMAP - imap.yandex.ru, POP3 - pop.yandex.ru.
  5. The outgoing mail server for both types is the same - smtp.yandex.ru.
  6. User - he will be entered by filling in the second column.
  7. Password - the password you set on the site (in this case, on Yandex.ru).

In MS Outlook 2010, remove the "Account" check so as not to check until the program settings are completed.

Go to "Other settings":

Mail.ru setup

Many Runet users do not use Yandex as their mail, so you can’t deprive them of attention. A popular service in Russia is Mail.ru. Setting up Outlook for Mail.ru is very similar to Yandex, with the exception of a couple of details.


  • incoming mail server: imap.mail.ru or pop.mail.ru;
  • outgoing mail server - smtp.mail.ru;
  • changes in the column "User".

Important! After entering the address, the "User" field will be filled in automatically. Unlike Yandex.Mail, Mail.ru offers different domains during registration, so you need to enter the mail completely on your own.

Otherwise, the Mail.ru setting in Outlook is the same as the Yandex.Mail setting.

If you have any questions about setting up mail. Let us know what you are having trouble with so we can help.

Yandex mail settings for client mail clients:

IMAP setup:

Using the IMAP protocol, the mail program will not only download new letters, but will synchronize the information on your computer with the data on the server, displaying the entire structure of your mailbox at once - all folders, both standard and manually configured by you.

To configure an email client using the IMAP protocol, specify the following data:

in the section Incoming messages / Incoming mail (IMAP) you need to specify the address of the mail server imap.yandex.ru, install SSL protection and port 993 port 143 and connect without SSL in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) section, you must specify the server address smtp.yandex.ru, and connect using a secure SSL connection port 465. In case you cannot use a secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server using ports 25 or 587

When configuring email programs, you must specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password for accessing the mail server. You must enter the full address as a login mailbox.

Support for the IMAP protocol will be enabled automatically upon first authorization in the mail program. You can also enable IMAP protocol support yourself in the Settings ("Mail Clients" section)

Enabling IMAP may take some time.

After successful activation, the checkmark will become inactive, and the inscription will change to "IMAP enabled". It will be impossible to disable IMAP support for your mailbox, you can simply not use this protocol.

POP3 protocol setting:

When using the POP3 protocol, all your letters (from those folders that you specify in the mailbox settings) will be downloaded by the mail program to your computer in the "Inbox" folder, after which they can be sorted into folders, if necessary, using filters configured in the mail program itself .

Keep in mind that many email programs delete emails from the server by default when downloading. In this case, all letters in your mailbox will be moved to the "Deleted Items" folder, from where they will be deleted after a week.

To save letters in the mailbox, you can set in the settings mail program the option to save copies of messages on the server when downloading, if your program allows you to do this. It is not possible to make this setting on our side.

When setting up a mail program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following data:

in the section Incoming messages / Incoming mail (POP3) you need to specify the address of the pop.yandex.ru mail server, install SSL protection and port 995. If for some reason your program does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 110 and connect without SSL in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) section, you must specify the server address smtp.yandex.ru, and connect via a secure SSL connection via port 465. In case you cannot use a secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server using ports 25 or 587

When configuring email programs, you must specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password for accessing the mail server. If you configure access to a mailbox of the form , the first part of the address - login is the login. If you use Yandex.Mail for Domains, you must specify the full mailbox address as a login.

If you download mail using a mail client using the POP3 protocol, you can:

Leave all default settings. Then only letters from the Inbox folder will be downloaded. Set up downloading emails from any set of folders, including the Spam folder or your own folders. You can select folders for downloading on the "Settings" page - in the "Mail clients" section. You can also set the setting "When receiving mail via POP3, mark letters in the Yandex.Mail mailbox as read", which already in the web interface will allow you to understand which letters were picked up by the mail client. When clients download mail, emails are not marked as read by default.

In the last article, I described the method. And this article is about Mail settings for working with the service Yandex Mail, which is quite popular in the CIS. Mail from Yandex has significant advantages over mail from Microsoft - Hotmail, even if only because of the support of the IMAP protocol, which allows you to synchronize the mailbox for convenient operation from multiple devices. Let's start setting up...

Go to program settings mail.app(select from the menu bar) Mail > Preferences... or hotkey combination cmd+,) and go to the tab Accounts. Click on the bottom left side [+] - create a new account.

In the pop-up window that appears, fill in the fields: Full name- enter the Name and Surname at your discretion, they will be automatically substituted in the sent letters; Email address- enter the full email address from Yandex, for example [email protected]; Password- enter the password for your account in Yandex. After filling in all the fields, click Proceed.

In the window that appears, you need to make settings in manual mode. Incoming mail server settings: Account type- choose from the drop down menu IMAP; Description Incoming mail server- enter the address imap.yandex.ru; Username- just in case, enter the full address of the mailbox (for example [email protected], i.e. the same as in the previous step); Password- enter the password for the mailbox (the same as in the previous step). Click Proceed.

Now let's move on to the Outgoing Mail Server settings: Description- at its discretion, for example "Yandex"; Outgoing mail server- enter the address smtp.yandex.ru. Don't forget to check the boxes Use only this server and Use identification. Further: Username- enter the full email address again (although by default it will already be entered); Password- enter the password (by default, the field may already be filled in). Click Proceed.

The last window with summary information appears, we check whether everything is filled out correctly. If everything is correct, put the flag Connect account(and just do it by default) and click on the button Create.

Now another mailbox has appeared in the Mail window on the left side - Yandex, you can use it!

To set up a service Yandex Mail on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch you need to use the following settings:

Incoming mail server

  • Description: at your discretion, for exampleYandex
  • Account type: IMAP
  • Incoming mail server: imap.yandex.ru
  • Username: [email protected] (or @ya.ru, @narod.ru …)
  • Password: mailbox password

Outgoing mail server

  • Description: at your discretion, for example Yandex
  • Outgoing mail server: smtp.yandex.ru
  • check boxes Use only this server and Use identification
  • Username: [email protected] (or @ya.ru, @narod.ru …)
  • Password: mailbox password

If there are checkboxes during account creation Use SSL- install them.

If something doesn't work?

  • If you use standard mail (@yandex.ru, @ya.ru, @narod.ru and so on), try using only the first part of the mailing address as a login, that is, without @yandex.ru.
  • If used corporate mail or mail with a unique domain name, for example [email protected] website, connect to the server using only login user without @website will not work, in this case, enter the full mail address in the server settings for incoming and outgoing mail.
  • Sometimes for correct operation you must manually set the parameters for connecting to the server. We go to Mail > Settings> choose an account Yandex> tab Account Properties look at the parameter Exodus server. mail (SMTP) click on the list > select from the list Ed. list of SMTP servers > Additionally>check the box Use SSL if it is not worth > in the parameter we prescribe the port 465 > Additionally Additionally) > check the box Use SSL if it is not worth it and prescribe Port: 993(almost always this parameter is set by default).
  • Mail 5 on Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 4 flatly refused to connect to servers with SSL enabled. In order to at least somehow make it work with Yandex.Mail, go to Mail > Settings> choose an account Yandex> tab Account Properties look at the parameter Exodus server. mail (SMTP) click on the list, select from the list Ed. list of SMTP servers> in the pop-up window, select our account and click on the tab Additionally> uncheck the box Use SSL(in addition, you can also in the parameter Use custom port register port 465 ) > click OK. Further in the account "Yandex" tab Additionally(Account Properties | Mailboxes | Additionally) > remove the checkbox Use SSL and prescribe Port: 143 if it is not installed automatically. The problem with SSL was present in iChat before Mac versions OS X Lion DP3, so these measures for Mail 5 on Mac OS X Lion DP4 are temporary and this problem must decide with the release of the final version of the OS.
  • If there are problems? Leave questions in the comments to this topic and I will try to help.

These settings are also relevant for the program. mail 5 in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. Tested personally, everything works!


Let's start with the oldest mail service Mail.ru. After completing a simple and understandable registration procedure, you will receive a mailbox in any of the four domains of your choice (mail.ru, inbox.ru, bk.ru, list.ru). The size of the mailbox is unlimited, initially equal to 10240 MB, as soon as your mailbox drops below 100 MB free space, the volume can be increased by another 2 GB.
The maximum size of the letter you send should not exceed 30 megabytes, the number of recipients of the letter should not exceed 30.
To configure a local email client using the POP3 protocol, use the following options:

  • Incoming mail server (POP3 server) - pop.mail.ru; port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  • smtp.mail.ru; port 25, 587 or 2525 (no encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • , including username, dog "@" sign and domain (for example, [email protected]);

The features of this service include the ability to use a non-standard SMTP port 2525 in the settings (in addition to the standard 25 and 587) to bypass the prohibition of some Internet providers for outgoing TCP connections on port 25 and, alas, complete absence IMAP protocol support.
Restrictions on mass mailing service does not declare. However, the following picture emerged experimentally:
after sending 120 letters, there were significant delays in mail delivery (up to 40 minutes), after sending 182 letters, error 553 began to appear (the server does not want to send mail), which disappeared after a while (from 5 minutes to an hour) and arose again after sending letters. After 2 days, the restrictions continued to operate. The picture didn't change much even after sending responses to the initial mailing list (no more than 5 emails per hour). Use free Post service Mail.ru, like any other free postal services, for any serious distribution is impractical.

Yandex Mail

In the Russian segment of the Internet, perhaps one of the most popular free mail services is Yandex.Mail.
Immediately after registration, the volume of the mailbox is 10 gigabytes. As soon as less than 200 megabytes of free space remains in it, the mailbox will automatically increase by 1 gigabyte, provided that the user logs in regularly, enters the Yandex.Mail web interface using a browser.
Of particular note that a newly created mailbox should first be allowed to use the POP3 and/or IMAP protocols in the Yandex.Mail web interface before starting to work with this mailbox in the mail client. This feature is, unfortunately, very common cause refusal to send/receive mail in an absolutely correctly configured mail client! Be careful!

So, here are the basic parameters for setting up a mail program using the POP3 protocol:

  • Incoming mail server (POP3 server) - pop.yandex.ru, port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP server) - smtp.yandex.ru; port 25 or 587 (no encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is, in this case, the first part of your email address before @yandex.ru, for example, if you registered a mailbox [email protected], then the username should be 'myname' (without '@yandex.ru')
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

Basic parameters for

  • imap.yandex.ru, port 143 (no encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

The maximum message size is 30 megabytes.

To features service, you should add the so-called "disposable" addresses for your e-mail, which look like "your login + [email protected]", for example, [email protected] or [email protected] A message sent to such an address will be delivered to your inbox. This feature can be useful in many cases where you don't want to share your real email address.
Another feature- mail aliases (pseudonyms) of your mailbox in the domains @narod.ru, @ya.ru, @yandex.by, @yandex.com, @yandex.kz, @yandex.ua.
You can enable and configure this feature in your account settings on the Yandex.Mail web server. Subsequently, you will be able to receive letters to the aliases you configured. For example, you created an alias (alias) [email protected] and [email protected] Letters sent to these addresses will arrive in your inbox. More detailed information these features should be searched in the relevant section of the Yandex.Mail help system.

The service also does not declare restrictions on the frequency of sending. During the experiments, it turned out that after sending 90 letters, an error 550 occurred, in fact, after that it was possible to send no more than 4 letters per hour. The delivery time of letters did not fall.
After 2 days, the restrictions also continued to operate. On the 3rd day, after the generation of return letters, the possible delivery speed to new addresses exceeded 80 letters per hour and remained at this minimum for a day.


Another free mail service is provided by the Rambler.ru search portal. Mailboxes in the domains @rambler.ru, @ro.ru, @lenta.ru, @myrambler.ru and @autorambler.ru are available for registration. The initial volume of the box is 500 megabytes (in fact, it turned out to be 512 megabytes). It can be increased in stages up to 1500 megabytes. An increase in the volume of the box is possible when the amount of free space is less than 10%.

The parameters for setting up an email client using the POP3 protocol are as follows:

  • mail.rambler.ru, port 110 (no encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption);
  • mail.rambler.ru, port 25 or 587 (no encryption or STARTTLS encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including username, dog "@" sign and domain (for example, [email protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, except for the incoming message server:

  • Incoming message server IMAP server - mail.rambler.ru, port 143 (STARTTLS encrypted) or 993 (SSL encrypted);

Unencrypted IMAP connections are not allowed in this service. The configuration features include the requirement for the contents of the “From:” (“From:”) field of the letter: the email address you specified in the settings of the mail client must match the username that you use to log in to the SMTP server.
The size of files that can be attached to an email is limited to 20 megabytes.


Post service google search engine. The new mailbox has a size of 7659 MB without the possibility of expanding the space (at least the author of the article could not find any information about expanding the space for mail in the service's help system). Only the gmail.com domain is available for registration.
With Gmail, you can send and receive messages up to 25 megabytes in size. Maximum amount recipients in a letter sent through the mail program is limited to 100 addresses, and through the web interface - 500 addresses.
The features of this service include only encrypted connections using the POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols (even on port 25 a secure connection is used).
Pay special attention to the fact that, as in the case of Yandex.Mail, before using a mailbox on gmail.com in a mail program, you must first enable the use of POP3 and (or) IMAP protocols in the account settings in the gmail web interface. com!

To configure your mail program for POP3 protocols, use the following options:

  • Incoming mail server (POP3 server) - pop.gmail.com, port 995 (with SSL encryption);
  • Outgoing mail SMTP server - smtp.gmail.com, port 25 or 587 (STARTTLS encrypted) and 465 (SSL encrypted);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including username, dog "@" sign and domain (for example, [email protected]);
  • In the account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, except for the incoming message server:

  • Incoming message server IMAP server - imap.gmail.com, port 993 (with SSL encryption);

Another feature of gmail.com is that some types of files are prohibited from sending and receiving, namely files with the extensions “ade”, “adp”, “bat”, “chm”, “cmd”, “com”, “cpl”, “exe” , "hta", "ins", "isp", "jse", "lib", "mde", "msc", "msp", "mst", "pif", "scr", "sct", " shb", "sys", "vb", "vbe", "vbs", "vxd", "wsc", "wsf", "wsh". Moreover, such files are not accepted (and not sent) even inside archive files. However, if necessary, this limitation can be circumvented by placing such files in a password-protected archive.