It took us a year and a half to create a community that is ready to promote the project with us and share its values. It was smm work, and community managers, as well as a moderator, event organizer, partner manager and senior counselor.

5 advantages that the community has given us

People tend to come together to solve problems, especially when it comes to travel. There are a lot of similar projects in the network now, so it was important for us to differ from them in some way. We bet on the community and got much more than we expected.

1. Self-generated content

A self-filled content site is the only model where a magazine doesn't spend millions on editorial budgets and still creates maximum contact with readers. Now we publish at least 5 materials a day, of which no more than 50% are editorial texts, the other part is written by the “people's editorial board”. Of course, this was not the case right away, the process began actively after about six months of work.

How it works?

From time to time, we publicly ask who is interested in publishing, and we collect a base of applicants from those who want to share their stories, write reviews and instructions. Topics are distributed among the volunteers (someone proposes them himself), then everyone sets deadlines for himself and marks them on a tablet. Everything rests on a simple phrase: "promised - do it."

For those who do not want to communicate with the editors, the site has a button "send text".

2. PR without a budget

When we make an annual Trip Secrets Fest, we immediately attach a link to a press release and an accreditation form for journalists to the announcement post on social networks. Then people realize what specific benefit they can bring to the project with their repost.

3. Traffic

Due to the fact that we do interviews with personalities who are known in our community, the materials are well read and diverge on social networks. In addition, we sometimes prepare articles with the opinions of our active readers. They are pleased - they share it with their friends, and friends come to our site.

Such mechanics helped us in March of this year to increase traffic by 3 times in a month.

4. Testers and intelligent critics

Friends and acquaintances are biased towards our project because of sympathy, therefore, before an important release or change, we write to those who are most loyal to us. We ask them for a critical look at the product and advice on what could be changed.

5. Resources

When we do not have enough specialists, necessary projects or partners, we first of all use not personal acquaintances, but the public of our project. As practice has shown, readers get out of the ground what we need, because they know our ideology well and understand the goal. Now we are looking for a buyer to sell most of the project, and the community is actively helping us by spreading information among interested people.

Tip: formulate exactly what you want to get from your audience, then you won’t have to parse a bunch of unnecessary information that users will carefully throw off for you.

12 steps to building the perfect community

Task: unite active users around the pain that your business solves and fight this problem together, make users full participants in the process, leaving the final decision to yourself. At the same time, the audience should understand what specific benefit it will have from communicating with you.

1. Develop a roadmap

Analyze what kind of audience you need and who you already have, and then develop two plans:

  • General - for your social networks and other channels. Write down on the calendar the actions that you will do regularly. Such a strategy may overlap with the one developed by .
  • Individual - where the algorithm of actions will be prescribed for each person, which must be strictly adhered to. For example: a personal message/greeting → inviting him to comments and discussions → an invitation to a private chat → to a private meeting → introducing readers to his story on the pages of a magazine → an invitation to the organizational staff of an offline event, and so on.

It's great if you build a system to accurately track the number of people at each "step", and write down how long a person should be at each level.

2. Personalize and meet

When I see especially active participants in the comments, I write them a personal message (do not hesitate to add active users as friends), where I introduce myself, tell briefly about our project, about how we can be useful to each other, and I am interested in the field of activity of the person himself . As a result, I get many interesting acquaintances.

Most community members eventually have their own role: someone likes to share your posts, another - to criticize, the third - to throw ideas and complement. It is important to encourage this (at least with a thankful comment) and indicate that the person was heard and his actions were useful.

3. Engage influencers

Both among the professional community and among travelers, I have always looked for leaders.

  • Now we have a table of 200 travelers with their blogs and personal pages, with a note of which countries they specialize in, where they have been lately, where they are going, as well as some comments about their character and preferences.
  • The same plate is collected for a professional audience in and (we often discuss new applications and sites for travelers).

In social networks, I specifically wrote more than once: “Let's invite in the comments<…>, because he has such and such an experience ... ”, showing that this is a normal practice, and that the others also invite their acquaintances. I marked those who could answer questions of interest to us or bring a new point of view to the discussion.

Tip: there are people who you can’t immediately say that they are “authoritative”, since initially they are better known on LiveJournal or Instagram. Inviting them into the comments just helped us attract a new audience from other sites where we were not ready to go.

4. Get involved

Tell us what you plan to do and why, let's get the opportunity to participate in the process. For example, we do not always have enough hands to create content, and we threw out a call, inviting everyone to help us with the translation. And when we organized our first festival in 2015, they offered to support us and help with the installation. Of course, both of them are work that is done for money. Another thing is that it was precisely because of the general mood of the project and the company that people enjoyed spending time on this.

Tip: give thanks for the fact that people followed your idea and spent the most valuable resource - time.

5. Create private chats

It is important that there is a sense of access to closed exclusive information for a select group of people. In our case, this is a Telegram channel, where we post several times more advantageous offers for travelers than what is on the site.

6. Start discussions

For example, on Thursdays and Sundays, we have a discussion in our communities (the topic is proposed by the founder of the project, and two opposing opinions are voiced in it in advance). In addition, when there is news or material from another site that is worthy of discussion, we publish it outside the schedule.

It is difficult to maneuver between many different opinions, but this "heat" is the whole point. You only need to ban those who are inadequate when the situation develops in such a way that it is uncomfortable for the majority (your core). Moreover, this must be done ruthlessly, because it is very important to preserve the microclimate. But, on the other hand, this is a great situation for bringing the participants together. It works like an online team building.

Tip: it is important that the leader of your community, the organizer of the conversation, has his own opinion and does not change it depending on the situation.

7. Support beginners

On our website, we provide informational support for travel projects: travelers, expeditions, social and educational projects. We advise and tell how best to prepare a publication, how to make a media project out of your journey and find sponsors / partners, help those who raise money on Boomstarter, introduce journalists.

Over time, a pool of projects has formed that have become the same opinion leaders for their audience and are already broadcasting not only their own, but also our values.

8. Spread the logo

Make your community influencers the bearers of your logo. Our brain is constantly looking for "ours", and this can be used.

For branding, choose what will be present in the life of your user most often. For example, we give stickers to our audience (let's call it nomads), which always carries laptops with them.

9. Meet the most active users

We are talking about small closed meetings where discussions and discussions take place: what people need from your product, what problems you could solve. Well, conversations “for life”, of course, are also needed. This can be done by sending out a questionnaire to everyone, but then it will not be possible to conduct an in-depth interview and ask a hundred thousand whys and get to the bottom of all the real reasons.

Invite no more than 15 participants to create a working atmosphere, otherwise you will not get a discussion, but stupid monologues and speeches.

Be prepared, at such events there will be transitions to personalities, gossip, possibly quarrels, but this is just a sign that the project is alive, and the community really exists not only in your head.

10. Organize regular offline meetings

They can be big or small, it doesn't matter. It is important to systematically establish contact with people in real life! Never sell anything at such meetings - if you like them, they themselves will vote for you with a ruble and buy your product.

Think over and calculate all organizational moments to the smallest detail. During events, start communicating even before it starts: let the founder or community manager greet all the guests, communicate and try to remember those who came not for the first time (it's great to talk with such people in person).

11. Create a Flagship Event

This year we organized the largest travel and self-education festival in Russia: Trip Secrets Fest. It was held in the Museon and gathered more than 35 thousand people.

We made 3 lectures, invited 76 travel companies that made interesting activities and special offers for guests. All this ended with the performance of cosmonaut S. Ryazantsev, who was not allowed to leave for more than three hours, and he competed with our own musical concert on the next stage.

12. Speak at friendly events

Create a calendar of upcoming events and try to understand which company representatives can speak where. Formulate a list of topics for each and offer them as speakers.

When speaking, make sure you stand out from the rest. For example, give a useful souvenir for an original question from the audience or put on a bright branded T-shirt.

When we support various events as media partners, we do not use press walls that are useless. We try to come up with an original and useful topic and give our own lecture in order to once again tell everyone about our ideology.

The main thing you need to know about the community

Before you get involved in such a long-running story, think about what tasks the community will solve for you and what is the price in money. If everything works out, then you will not only attract the attention of the audience, but also make it yours. competitive advantage, which will distinguish you from dozens of other companies.

In today's note, I want to touch on the topic of using another marketing tool that can both harm and help companies in strengthening their competitive position. We will talk about the use of community marketing or "community marketing".

First of all, let's define the concept of community (community). In the case of a product or service (namely, this area will be discussed), the community is a group of active users united by a common interest in this product. The concept of "interest" is quite broad - these are tips on using the product, its scope, discussions on improving functionality, discussion of competing products, solving problems using the product, etc.

The key point for the formation of a full-fledged community is the possibility of communication between its members, it is not for nothing that the word community is consonant with the word "communication".

per century information technologies Having a community around your product can add significant value to your marketing mix. Let's take a look at these benefits:

Viral Marketing

The members of the community around your product are active people in their own right, they tend to visit various forums and conferences on the Internet, where they discuss various topics, including discussion of products in your category. Do I need to explain which side your "fan club" members will take when discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different products?

As a result, your product and related news will, like a virus, spread through various Internet channels.

By the way, in Runet there is an agency "Hidden Marketing", which provides promotion services on forums and conferences in World Wide Web with the help of their agents. I have no information about whether the customers are satisfied with the cooperation with the "mercenaries", but in my opinion - their own shirt is still closer to the body.

90% of the most visited and "influential" forums in your market are able to support their people from the user community, the remaining 10% will not play a key role. Well, if you compare the level of knowledge about your product among “mercenaries” and “ours”, it is clear that the quality of information for the former will depend on you, as well as your response time to additional questions.

Helping hand

Whatever your Help Desk, potential customers will always be interested in getting information about the product from those who already use it, and not from the manufacturer. And here, having a community of your fans is much more beneficial than getting an answer on thematic forums.

To give an example from our practice, our community forum ( has almost 20 thousand members, 2.5 thousand of which are active. About 50-60 "guests" are constantly present at the forum, and the peak attendance this year has reached the simultaneous presence of more than 1000 people.

The forum discusses various issues on the use of the product, solving particular cases, news, features of the functionality. The most important thing is that a large number of users who are still making a purchase decision come to the forum, they ask their questions or just read, receive answers from active users and moderators. All this helps to tip the scales in favor of our product.

Thus, as a manufacturer, we receive tangible support from this community. By the way, on request "firewall forum" this resource is at the top of Google.

Product Animation

In continuation to the previous advantage, it is worth noting that the presence of a community, or rather a certain place (forum or a special portal) where this community communicates, can “revive” your product.

This is especially important for "intangible" goods, the use of which is not public and "tangible", for example, for software. First of all, any person who encounters a new product experiences whole line doubts, including such as “is this product a one-day product”, “how firmly is the manufacturer on its feet”, “is the visible benefit of the product just loud advertising”, etc.

If the user sees that a whole community of its fans has formed around the product, who discuss its features and future development, many of these doubts disappear. After all, a potential client is no longer dealing with just a product - but sees real people, with their emotions and impressions about this product, thus the level of trust increases significantly.

Apart from potential clients the visibility of "real" human users is no less important for other market participants: your potential partners and journalists.

From our experience, I can confirm that most journalists read our forum while writing stories about Outpost Firewall. In this there is obviously positive side and potential threat. Namely, if the opinion of the community about current version product at the moment will not be the most optimistic - this will be reflected in the press reviews.

In this case, the community amplifies the "effect", be it positive or negative. I have been convinced of this more than once, up to the coincidence of the wording, both in the case of positive assessments and critical ones. How you can influence the tone of ratings on the forums, read below.

Continuing the topic of “animating products”, I will note one more usefulness. Namely, the benefits of communities for the marketing department. Let the members of your community be the extreme right wing of your target group, but nevertheless, their opinion about your product, scenarios for its use, development options is extremely valuable. It is also important to monitor problematic questions asked by users. Reading discussions where "newbies" ask questions of "experienced" as well as the answers of the latter, you will take a big step to understand the logic of your customers. And no matter how knowledge of the logic of customers will help you improve your products and their marketing.

Community Marketing Tips

1. Create a community platform

The minimum requirement is a forum, if your product and its application areas are multifaceted, you should think about creating a whole portal.

An example of such portals can be a site of a community of amateurs Opera browser, as well as similar Firefox fan portal.

2. Choose Sovereign Community Leaders

Any community without governing bodies turns into anarchy and falls into decay. Choose the most active and intelligent users and invite them to become forum moderators or "chairmen" of the club of your product lovers. Give leaders enough freedom to make decisions, otherwise strong personalities will simply refuse to be your puppets, and a fully controlled community will be “fake” and will not bring you tangible benefits.

3. Keep in touch with community leaders

Your community leaders have become so because of their activity and the level of knowledge of your product and industry. Leaders have some power and authority to make decisions about the development of the community, but in order to strengthen their position and keep them motivated, you need to provide them with "access to the body." In other words, they must know something that ordinary users do not know.

Given the "sophistication" of the leaders, it would be a mistake to reduce all their contacts with the company to communication with a full-time PR manager or an employee of the Support Department. We need to give them something more valuable.

For example, in our company, the managing director regularly communicates and answers questions from the forum moderators. Often, this is "insider" information about the company's plans, but regular questions are also raised. In addition, the company's Lead Analyst regularly discusses technical issues and future product releases with moderators and beta testers in a "hidden forum".

4. Upgrade the skills of active participants

As mentioned above, the community, through its active members, provides significant assistance by answering questions from potential customers, as well as newcomers who have just bought a product. Although most of the answers are correct, sometimes, due to lack of qualifications, incidents happen.

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately explain the “rules of the game” to the leaders. Let's say with complex products some kinds of issues can't be resolved through a forum recommendation and it's important that moderators give strong advice to contact Support. In addition, it is important to improve the skills of active participants in general, this can also be done through communication with moderators on "hidden forums".

5. Listen to the community

The realization that his opinion was taken into account can inspire any of us, especially when it comes to a hobby or passion. Of course, it is impossible to 100% follow the recommendations of the "fans" of your product and at the same time develop the company's business in the most optimal way. Sometimes, the situation on the market dictates changes that can be taken with hostility by the adherents of an existing product.

However, this is an extreme case, and even when ensuring sustainable feedback its consequences can be mitigated. In the case of the progressive development of the product, it is simply impossible not to listen to the opinion of your community. Just remind the community members that you are a commercial organization, and it is impossible to fulfill absolutely all wishes, but the most requested wishes will certainly be realized.

When creating a specification new version 4.0, our analyst spent a month discussing with a group of active users options for implementing various security mechanisms in Outpost Firewall Pro. According to reviews, it caused a lot of positive emotions on the part of all participants.

6. Encourage the spread of the virus

When a large number active participants have the opportunity to provoke a variety of viral actions.

For example, the Firefox community is promoting the idea of ​​voting for this browser on the popular portal, in order to maintain a consistently high rating for the product.

Other actions are also possible, for example, if your product is unfairly criticized on some forum or in an online article, you can arrange a “raid” in order to protect justice.

7. Be prepared for the consequences

Yes! You were not mistaken, because it was not in vain that I deliberately did not put a comma in the title of the note. If you "fake", do not fulfill your "obligations", release a frankly weak product or start taking your "fans" for granted, they can criticize you to the nines. As a result, all those pluses that were described above quickly turn into minuses.

The risk of amplifying the "effect" of any oversight and fear of fair criticism is one of the reasons why big sharks like Symantec try not to advertise their forums where users discuss their products.

8. Tag Active Members

In addition to access to the latest betas, insider information, and communication with company employees, do not forget to somehow celebrate the fact that you appreciate the contribution of active members of your community to the success of your products. In this regard, I recall the phrase that "it is not so much the gift itself that is important, but the attention itself." Send me souvenirs with product branding or something similar in the mail, a trifle, but people will be pleased.

So, we decided to recognize the most active beta testers and moderators of the forum and sent them polo shirts with an embroidered color Outpost Firewall emblem, as well as certificates of beta testers. According to reviews, everyone really liked this sign of attention.

As a curious illustration of the point about initiating viral marketing, here is a screenshot from the Opera Browser Forum, where one of the users was concerned about the viral marketing of Firefox on and suggested a counterattack.

My name is Andrey Fedotov, I am in charge of social entrepreneurship at Impact Hub Odessa. I hold seminars, discussions, advise social projects, help them find a model of financial sustainability.

When I came to Impact Hub Odessa about six months ago from internet marketing, I was sure that I needed a good website, SEO and PPC, content marketing, that is, all those things that are discussed at business conferences dedicated to online promotion. In the social sphere, the Internet occupies an important, but not a key place in working with target audience.

For me, as a marketer, it was initially difficult to understand how successful educational and cultural projects can be carried out without strong Internet promotion. But I came to the conclusion that working within one city requires not only the generation of content, cool videos, competent texts in social networks, etc. It also needs high publicity and openness of direction leaders, as well as their ability to command the respect and recognition of the community.

I met something similar in the field of holding industry events when promoting technological services. Then the communication business leader holds an event and proves his expertise in personal communication with clients. It's a mini-community, similar to the community marketing I'm talking about. In the social sphere, such activity does not occupy 15-20% of marketing activities, but all 90%.

Working within one city requires not only the generation of content, cool videos, competent texts in social networks, etc. It also needs high publicity and openness of direction leaders, as well as their ability to command the respect and recognition of the community.

What is the main challenge of this approach?

My colleagues and I spend a lot of time on personal communication through social networks, personal and public conversations, working with the media and various partner groups. If you hire a special person for such work, then, most likely, the indicators of engagement of the target audience will begin to fall, because mechanical actions will not be enough, deep immersion in the topic and a certain social weight of such a media representative are necessary. We proceed from the fact that it is easier to take someone who is already actively communicating with the target audiences we need, rather than someone who will do it based on their own job descriptions. In the social realm, this formal approach doesn't work, and in fact, it will negatively impact community marketing's ability to help you achieve your goals.

This approach was tested during the organization of the Creative Economy Day in November 2016 and the School of Engineering in March 2017. Most interesting contacts and sales are due to the effect of community marketing, not FB events and posters. On the one hand, this is possible due to the small scale of events, on the other hand, because commercial KPIs are not the key parameters for us that we focus on.

In short: if you are a good marketer, but have been thinking about starting to work in the social field, think twice. This is more difficult than in the commercial sphere, because here there is less clarity and the usual tools work inefficiently, and what works requires a titanic effort to find your contacts and develop a certain weight of the organization in the target communities.

A community is a separate group of people who are united by common interests and hobbies. They communicate with each other via the Internet. Each member of the community community has a specific goal, view, and opinion. In most cases, they coincide with those of other participants. The main task of such a virtual community is communication.

What is this association?

Community is a definition that is very similar to the term "community". Some people constantly confuse these two concepts. But there is a significant difference between them. The word "community" can accurately and correctly characterize a separate group of people who live in the territory of one region. The goals of their association may be the creation of a blog or forum, the cultivation of a land plot.

Community is the connection of a person with other people. Now it does not matter the geographical location of the participant and the area of ​​his residence. Particular attention is paid to common interests and hobbies. People communicate using online space. Participants correspond in social networks, forums, blogs or chats.

How can you create a community?

In order to organize a society, several fundamental conditions must be taken into account. To do this, absolutely all participants must have common interests, goals, objectives and needs. You should also take care of a permanent resource to which a separate group of people will have unlimited access. You can connect to the Web around the clock, when you have a desire and free time. The ability to find mutual language in order to communicate with each other. The "Steam" community, for example, is a separate platform that opens up opportunities for communication between members who have a common group. Separate groups are usually clearly separated and have a certain number of members. Scientists have found that each person in such a community can remember up to 140 participants and keep their names in their head.

The use of the community in modern life

Thanks constantly emerging technologies, in modern business quite actively used "Steam" -community. With its help, businessmen promote their own products, goods and services. Recently on site Russian Federation the position of community manager. The people who founded this kind of movement were the creators interesting games in online mode. This profession was recognized as valid in 2007. If there are more than 140 members in the community, then they form a set, the main difference of which from groups is the absence of any connections. These are ordinary people who are in the same community. They can watch the same movie or play interesting games of chance. The age of participants is not limited.

Today, a large number of people with common interests prefer to communicate in communities and forums. A community is a group that has united because of the common interests of its members. That is why a new position was introduced. Community manager is a rapidly growing profession. The person in this position is responsible for creating the brand, its further development, self-management and communication with other participants.

In 1990, the first signs of the work of online moderators were noticed. The main difference between a community manager and a moderator is the publicity of the latter's profession. Such people can express their own opinion and point of view, personally be present during online events. Managers must be sure to support users and be on their side.

Companies that own large online games, first of all, took care of having managers who worked on the steam community platform. They did their best to ensure that the leaders could understand the needs and needs of this or that community. The people in this position dealt with all the emerging issues in a timely manner and gathered leaders to form a plan. further action. According to this scheme, the development of the gaming portal took place.

The main tasks of a community manager

Community is an activity that requires constant attention from the manager. A person in this position should become the bearer of the idea of ​​the promoted brand of the company in which he works. The manager must necessarily engage in the formation or determination of a loyal attitude towards a product or service on the part of customers. It engages community members in conversations to discuss the brand of a particular company. The community manager must first plan and outline further discussion. He keeps order in the group and comes up with interesting topics for communication.

"Comfort Town" community, for example, is a small social network where various investors communicate. Managers monitor the communication on the forum and answer all questions of interest to users.

Question: who sells in a crisis?

Answer: companies that know how to create a community around themselves. And we are talking not only about large corporations, but also about micro-businesses.

It's time to remember that the most expensive and cost-effective resource is people. Not the ambitions of the owners, not the brand name, not innovative technologies, and not even a product (it is difficult to find a product that has no analogues), but people.

Knowing how to work with this resource, you will sell even when the dollar exchange rate knocks out most of the players in the market. Human relations is perhaps the most stable currency in the world. Yes, you need to invest time and money in it first. But subsequently, it will keep your business afloat not for years, but for decades.

In this article, we will talk about ten ways to create communities, some of them are very low-budget.

10 ways to build a community

Interestingly, only three ways out of ten involve the online space. The remaining seven are about going offline. Agree that a personal acquaintance can take the business to a completely different level. There are thousands of examples around.

Let's start with the online community and end with live events.

Groups in social networks

An easy way to organize a community that you can use right now is a closed group on Facebook or VKontakte. It is created in a minute. But before that, think about the purpose for which you are gathering people, around what idea are you uniting them?

For example, you organize excursions. Gather around you fans of street walks and sights, connoisseurs of history or even connoisseurs of clothing for marches on foot.

Important: This group must match your target audience. Look for common signs that can connect you and the future of the community.

Closed mailing lists

Chats on Skype or Whatsapp

Organize a community in a closed chat. Who can you invite there: customers, customers, friends of the brand, fans, interested people, partners.

Example: You sell sports bikes. Why don't you gather people around the theme of "bike ride"? Find an audience, organize a chat on Whatsap and exchange news: where, when, what time will you meet for the next bike ride.

Thematic meetings

My friend, a nutritionist, organizes bachelorette parties in the bathhouse once a month. Everyone comes there, and already on the spot, the guest girls smoothly transform into clients. Great idea for a micro business.

But also big business there is room to expand. For example, you are engaged in the production of baby food. Why don't you gather caring mothers of the city around the brand at regular thematic meetings?

Invite interesting speakers, arrange tastings. Any form of activity will be met with optimism. The main thing is not to turn the community into a vanity fair. But we will talk about the rules for working with communities a little later.

Master classes, workshops, seminars

Here we will not only talk, as in the format previous version, but also to learn new things, to try, to do something with pens. For example, the other day the Lvivska Chocolate Maker brand organized a series of workshops on making chocolate products.

As a result, the entire Facebook feed was full of photos of happy girls covered in chocolate. Will they become customers of the brand? Of course!

Here you can add developing games that are gaining momentum. Pick a few games for the community and host internal championships with a prize pool.

Offsite events

Why not gather your community and take it out of the city or even abroad? These outings will turn participants into lifelong brand advocates waving your company flags.

Business breakfasts

An interesting networking format. Here you can kill a dozen birds with one stone: dating, discussing market and industry news, solving business problems, creating joint projects, presentation of the first persons of the company, work on their expertise and, of course, a delicious breakfast.

Business tours

Invite the audience to the production or office. If you have nothing to brag about, then organize a tour of thematic places. For example: a fitness club can conduct workouts at the best sports grounds in the city, and dental office take clients to an anatomical exhibition.

Closed clubs with name cards

Elite and secret societies are always successful. Everyone wants to be part of a closed club with interesting prerogatives. Make each meeting of such a club something unusual, out of the box.

For example, the Kharkov organizer of the Cash Flow business game once a month holds games in the city's most fashionable conference hall. Gentlemen come in suits, ladies in evening attire.

Joint projects, experiments

Here, according to tradition, I will give an example of the idea of ​​the Starbucks brand when they attracted customers to create a new recipe for a coffee drink.

You can write a book with your community, work on a product recipe, come up with a product model, brainstorm about a service, and so on.

10 rules for working with the community

As stated above, the main thing is not to turn the community into a vanity fair and a one-man show. Your task is to unite the audience around an idea that would be indirectly related to your business. Although in some cases fan communities created by fans of the brand are possible.

So, ten rules for working with the community:

  1. Going offline. go beyond virtual reality look your audience in the eye.
  2. Gratitude. Thank people for following you, for the idea. That they spent on you the most valuable resource - time
  3. Investment. Invest time and money in communities. Surprisingly, both of them will pay off handsomely in the near future.
  4. Honesty. Be honest with the audience. If at the meeting you will offer a product, say so. If you need to pay for coffee at a business breakfast, please let us know in advance.
  5. Not "venal". Yes, it is very difficult NOT to sell a product when there are so many potential buyers around. But these people will want to buy from you if they believe you.
  6. Demonstration of values. When inviting people to the community, tell them about the values ​​of the community.
  7. Announcement of benefits. Why should people follow you or an idea? Ask yourself this question and write down the benefits of participating in the community.
  8. Regularity. Be regular. This is the key to success.
  9. Careful preparation. Think and count to the smallest detail. Don't let an oversight get in the way of the organization.
  10. Promotion. Use advertising and marketing tools to promote.

We wish active communities and big sales! We will be happy to help you create a community idea and help with promotion.