In order to independently, without having any practical knowledge, assemble and install the kit satellite television at home, you need to follow a certain step-by-step sequence of work.

Consider the main points that you should pay special attention to when assembling the plate, wiring diagrams, and also focus on common mistakes performed by inexperienced installers.

Mounting materials

Let's start with the necessary materials. For assembly you will need:

Without them, if you have several heads, you will get such a Christmas tree.

It will be required if you want to simultaneously connect several TVs from one dish.


To begin with, it is worth considering the converters themselves in more detail.

They differ in polarization. There are models:

  • with linear polarization (vertical and horizontal)
  • circular polarized

With circular, they are used to receive Tricolor TV and NTV + channels from a satellite of 36 degrees. To receive MTS and Telecard, you will need a Ku band with linear polarization.

You can tell them apart by their markings. On the left in the figure is circular, on the right is linear.

They can also have a different number of outputs:

The converter itself consists of three main elements:

  • irradiator
  • waveguide
  • the electronic unit

Under the cover of the irradiator, you can see a dielectric plate. Its presence indicates that this is a circular polarization converter.

That is, it can be used to receive Tricolor and NTV Plus channels. To turn such a converter into a linear one, to search for other satellites, it is enough to pull out and remove the plate.

By the way, the loss or deterioration of the signal can sometimes be associated with damage to this plate. Due to temperature fluctuations in the street, it gradually collapses and crumbles.

Special converters for multiswitches have 4 outputs.

However, they are not all equal. One with vertical, the other with horizontal polarization. Plus two subranges - upper and lower. This is important when connecting cables via a multiswitch.

Multiswitch connection diagrams

The multiswitch itself must be selected depending on the number of cables and TVs in your home. The wiring diagrams for the most popular satellites are as follows:

If you also have a regular TV antenna, then the multiswitch must have a TerrTV input.

Scheme of connection via the multiswitch of the ABS-2A satellite for receiving a package of channels from MTS:

Keep in mind, when using a multiswitch, dysik = Diseqc is no longer needed.

Assembling a satellite dish

From the assembly tool, a pair of open-end wrenches for 10 and 13 is usually enough, plus a Phillips screwdriver. For fastening to the wall, you will need a puncher and anchor bolts.

When you have decided on the package, first of all, you need to correctly assemble the plate itself. There are several nuances here.

For example, when assembling the traverse, please note that the transverse bar, which is attached to the plate mirror itself, should be superimposed exactly on top of it.

If you screw it on the other side, and this is physically possible, then:

  • firstly, you will have poor hole alignment
  • secondly, the opposite end of the traverse, where the heads cling, will go out of focus

As a result, it will initially be difficult to catch at least some signal. In addition, the mount that goes to the bracket, when setting up satellites above the horizon (relative to your geographical location), should cling with the adjustable part down.

And for satellites below the horizon - on the contrary, the adjustable part is up.

Since in this case, you will no longer need to raise, but lower the mirror.

How to collect multifeed

The assembly of a multifeed is also associated with some features. In a collapsible kit, initially there are two unequal "ears". One is more, the other is less.

A small one is put on a tube assembled with plastic.

A large one is attached to the central traverse. In this case, both ears can be positioned relative to each other with two different ways.

On the same level or in different planes. Most installers are located in the same plane.

Although if you do it the other way around, it will make it easier to complete the very initial setup. satellite dish and save time when searching for additional lateral satellites.

The assembled heads will be on different levels, one above, one below.

Actually, as the satellites themselves fly along the horizon.

But this is of course true if your converters catch three different satellites. When two heads catch one satellite, for example Eutelsat 36E, but with different software packages, then place them in the same plane.

But the third head, mount as described above. The gap between the converters also depends on the diameter of the mirror. The smaller its size, the closer the heads will be located relative to each other.

After the bar is screwed, try to set the head at least by eye so that the central axis of the plastic (where the two halves of the casting meet), and this very attachment to the traverse, are at an angle of 90 degrees. Further, everything will be regulated relative to this initial position.

The order of alternation of multifeeds also matters. The first and closest to the dish should be the multifeed, the position of the satellite of which is closer to your place of residence.

For example, if you live above 40 degrees, then Eutelsat 36.0E should go on your plate first, then Hotbird 13E, and the last Astra 5.0E. The same is true for other satellites.

After fixing the dish on the wall or roof, run coaxial cables from this place to the tuner or switch.

You sign each end from which head it comes from.

If you have a dysec, there will be only one output cable.

F connector connection

To connect coaxial cables, they need to be stripped and put on F-connectors. This can be done in two ways.

1st method - cut off with a knife only the outer sheath of the cable at a distance of 20-25mm. The screen cannot be damaged.

All the wires are carefully bent onto the shell.

Now you need to remove the insulation from the central core. It should protrude from the screen by a maximum of 2mm.

After that, screw on the F connector.

Shorten the excess stock of the central core, leaving no more than 5 mm from the connector plane.

The 2nd way is easier. Again, take a clerical knife. Step back about 1 cm from the edge of the cable and cut off all the insulation. Including external and internal, up to the central core.

Then, stepping back 3mm, cut off only the outer braid.

Make sure that no fibers or wires get between the braid and the central core.

There is no need to remove the insulation and bend anything. Just insert and screw on the f connector from above.

Next, you do the cabling around the apartment in all the rooms where you have TVs. You also sign all of them.

At the same time, it is much more reliable to run the cable directly into the device, and not connect it through a satellite TV outlet. This can be associated with both a loss of quality and a general loss of the signal.

The wiring diagram when using a multiswitch may look like this:

Connecting Diseqc

If there is only a daisik, the connection and configuration of satellites is carried out in the following sequence.

Remember that any self-respecting store of satellite equipment and similar systems always sells tuners already programmed for certain channels and satellites. Otherwise, competitors will simply survive from the market.

At the same time, when buying, be sure to ask the seller to write you the ports of the Diseqc switch, since they were set by him during the settings. It is through these ports that you will have to make all cable connections.

When mounting, you first connect the cables to the heads, and then run them to the dysik. Just the same on it, it is advisable to connect everything initially with the “factory” tuner settings.

If you have any satellite in the receiver configured on the first port, accordingly, do not let it go to port number 1. If on the second, then port No. 2 is also used in the switch, etc.

All input ports are always signed. The central single connector is the output to the tuner itself.

Search for satellite and channels

Setting up and searching for a satellite can be done without sophisticated devices using the receiver itself.

True, you will have to drag the tuner itself + some small TV to the roof.

Unless, of course, you will install a motor suspension.

Another setup is done by two people. One person on the roof is moving the plate, the other cell phone controls the TV signal at home.

If you are not satisfied with either one or the second option, you can buy a cheap portable device from the Chinese for setting up and analyzing a satellite signal - or here.

Then the setup will not be difficult at all. By the way, it will come in handy in the future if, after a strong wind, your signal worsens or you want to add a satellite over time, or maybe even change heads. Set up satellites with MTS and Tricolor, instead of Amos, Astra, etc.

Start tuning from the center head. Initially, set the plate with a slight rise to the horizon. In order to orient in the direction, look at the nearest neighbors.

In our time, you will clearly not be a pioneer, and finding a pair of three tuned cymbals will not be difficult. Sometimes there are so many of them that they interfere with each other.

In extreme cases, you can use the programs on smartphones - Satellite Director or SatFinder.

Install the program, run it and start turning the smartphone in different directions in search of the desired satellite. The coordinates of most of them are already loaded into the program and you don’t need to look for anything.

An icon marked with a circle or a cross will show the correct direction for the satellite dish. Check it out for him.

Turn on the tuner, select a satellite from the central converter and look for at least some signal from this head. The search is performed by raising, lowering and turning the antenna itself.

The signal quality is indicated as a percentage scale and is located at the bottom of the screen. You need to achieve the maximum possible value.

To do this, very, very slowly begin to turn the plate in different sides. The mirror itself cannot be closed at the same time.

If there is no signal, or if it is of very poor quality, the dish will lower slightly. Further, the process of reversal to the sides is repeated. As soon as the signal was received in height good quality, the plate is pre-fixed vertically.

After that, again, you can twist it around to the right and left to find the highest possible quality. There will never be 100%, just look for the highest possible figure - 68-75%, etc.

Having found the best position, finally clamp the rotary mechanism to the right and left. Just do not immediately completely tighten one bolt at a time, otherwise the plate will be taken to the side by a couple of degrees. Tighten the nuts evenly, as on the wheels of a car or engine head.

When the corners are all set, it is necessary to again adjust the entire structure in height. After loosening the fasteners, you begin to raise or lower it vertically, all the while controlling the signal.

Remember that the maximum is always searched for by dropping down.

What is it for and what does it give? In the process of long-term operation under the weight of snow, wind, rain, the dish will still go down a little, worsening the signal.

You also need to expose it as if in a stretch. This will keep the signal quality for a long time.

Keep in mind that the plate must initially be fixed to the wall or roof exactly in level.

If this is not observed, then having found the maximum of the signal horizontally, you will start looking for max vertically. And in the process of doing this, the horizontal position will go away. You will have to adjust the horizontal-vertical several times.

Then proceed to the next stage of setup - scrolling around its axis of the central converter clockwise or counterclockwise. Here you can also achieve a signal improvement of several percent.

Thus, you have set up the cymbal itself and the central head. Let's move on to setting up side converters from other satellites.

Switch the tuner to the next satellite and call its information line. Thanks to the multifeed, the converter of this satellite can also be rotated up and down, zoomed in or out of the dish.

As well as with the middle head, first look for the maximum on the vertical, and then move the side converter closer or further away from the center one. At the end of the settings, rotate it around the axis.

When tuning satellites from the side converters, pay close attention to where you stand in relation to the dish. On the side heads, the signal from the satellite enters the center of the mirror and, as in billiards, is reflected on the converter.

So, in order not to block this signal with your body, you should be located on the nearest side of the adjustable head, and not on the opposite side.

After searching and setting up a satellite from all three converters, the process can be considered completed. Hide and seal the daisy from rain and precipitation, and securely fasten the satellite cables with cable ties so that they do not dangle in the wind.

Installation and connection errors

1 Incorrect crosshead assembly

At the very beginning, make no mistake with the fasteners of the traverse to accommodate the converters. It should be installed under the bracket, not on top of it.

Otherwise, there will be big problems with finding a signal even on the central head. It will be the wrong focus that will be to blame.

2 Using feed-through sockets

Pass-through sockets are the first enemy of satellite TV. From such devices, there may not be a signal at all.

Therefore, only terminal ones can be used. Often they are paired with television.

3 Splitters

They can only be used for analog television. Satellite TV should not have any splitters. The fact is that the broadcast of channels usually occurs on two polarizations.

And the splitter is not able to simultaneously pass them through itself. As a result, some channels on some TV will simply be absent.

4 Large number of connections

Any connection is a loss of signal quality, including seemingly convenient sockets.

Make sure that there are no connections in places of high humidity - attics. In bad weather, the signal will generally disappear because of this.

5 Cheap cable

Do not buy a Chinese cable of dubious production. Almost half of the level of the signal that comes from the dish to the receiver can depend on the quality of the cable.

6 Wrong insulation Diseqc

Never wrap a dysek in a plastic bag. Even if this saves you from direct raindrops, condensation will still form inside over time.

And it is he who will cause the failure of the switch, which necessarily requires ventilation and communication with air. The simplest and cheap option- an empty plastic bottle, also does not really save.

Therefore, it is best to place a waterproof box next to the plate and install the switch in it.

7 F-connector isolation

Also, do not tape the F connectors. Such insulation does not help much against rust, and only worsens the situation, since sooner or later moisture still penetrates under the electrical tape.

And instead of gradually evaporating or rolling off the surface of the connector, it lingers on it and accelerates the corrosion process several times. Also remember to put an insulating cap on the free Diseqc port.

In any, even in a large, even a small team, in a student group, in school class, in a word, wherever people live or work, in addition to names and surnames, for some reason they assign nicknames to each other. Whether it's because it's shorter, or it's more fun, I don't know. In our village, many also have such nicknames.

I won’t write about other people’s nicknames here, but I’ll speak for myself - here, behind my back, they call me TV SATELLITE. It's because I repair TVs and stuff. household appliances, as well as very often I install and configure satellite dishes.

Here's how to minimal cost quickly and correctly set up any satellite dish, I will tell you using the example of the Tricolor satellite.

First, some economics.
When buying a set of satellite equipment, the seller will definitely offer you the services of specialists (usually his friends) to install it, because the vast majority of buyers do not know how to install satellite dishes.

At the cost of equipment sets, for example, 9..10 thousand rubles (Tricolor), or 5 ... 8 thousand rubles. (Telecard), the cost of installation services in our area ranges from 1.5 thousand rubles to 2.5 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the installation work. Not 15 kopecks, however.

And in order to install an antenna in a rural area, you will also have to pay for the master’s travel there and back, at the rate of about 7 ... 8 rubles. per kilometer, because he will not go to you by bus, but with his tool and devices in his car. And then the cost of installing a satellite dish increases significantly.

That's why they turn to me, because I do it cheaper, and I don't take money for the road ...

For self installation satellite dish will need the following.

1. A set of satellite equipment (dish, receiver, converter, antenna wire)
2. Antenna tuner Sat Finder (any make and model)
3. Adapters, F-connectors in the amount of 2 pcs.
4. Three self-tightening anchor bolts M6 X 120..150 mm, if the walls of the house are stone
5. Three large bolts - wood screws M6 X 150 ... 200 mm, if the walls are wooden
6. Perforator if the walls are stone
7. Wrenches or adjustable wrenches, 10, 13, 14, 17 (depending on the bolts)
8. Compass.
9. A piece of antenna wire 1.5..2 meters

And now, as expected, a little theory. To understand what needs to be done and why.

There are many satellites in the sky (or rather, in space). They hang there motionless, in geostationary orbit, rotating with the earth, at a distance of about 36,000 km, and of course, they are not visible. Each satellite is located in its own point of space assigned only to it. The location of each satellite is precisely known, it is immutable, and very accurately maintained. In order to understand how and where the satellites are located, imagine ... a rainbow. The satellites above the horizon are located in approximately the same arc, from its left edge to the right. Depending on where you live in our large country, you will be able to “see” with your antennas a little more or a little less different satellites.

Each satellite has its own name, like a name. For example, the Tricolor satellite, to which we will tune our antenna, used to be called Evtelsat W4 36E, now it is called Express AMU-1 - 36E. And Tricolor is just the trade name of the organization that transmits the signal through this satellite. Telecard (Continent TV), for example, has another satellite, Intelsat15 85E.

In addition, the name of the satellite usually contains a number, for example, 36E, 85E, 90E, 5W, 9W, which indicates the longitude over which it hangs, that is, the approximate direction to this satellite on the horizon.

But in our case, the sun and a compass will be used to determine the direction to the satellite.

First of all, before installing the antenna, you need to decide on which side of the house it should be placed. For the area in which I live (Bashkortostan, 56 degrees east longitude) and the Tricolor satellite, this will be the south side, approximately the place from which the sun is clearly visible from 12 to 14 o'clock in the afternoon. There should be no interference in the form of trees, roofs, and high-voltage power lines between you and the sun (satellite). The height of the antenna installation on the wall does not matter, mount it where it will be more convenient for you to adjust it, only so that the antenna does not interfere with the passage or passage. For example, I have one of the antennas right on the ground, on an iron stand. I do not advise you to put an antenna on the roof, then you will be tormented by climbing if something happens to it. Naturally, a dish should not be fixed under the edge of the roof either, so that rain, snow and ice subsequently do not fall on the antenna. It should be possible to rotate the antenna when tuning to the left and right as wide as possible.
Here is an example of what it looks like.

Now about the plate. In fact, it is not quite a plate; rather, it is part of it, slightly compressed from the sides and elongated. Such a dish has an egg-shaped shape and is called offset, it works like a curved mirror, not only collecting, but also REFLECTING radio waves from the satellite to the receiving converter.

Therefore, the procedure for adjusting the position of the dish is approximately the same as if you came to the shooting range and began to aim at the target, standing with your back to it, through the mirror.

Before the actual dish, with the receiving converter, is attached to the wall of the house, you need to more accurately determine the direction to the satellite. While it will be approximately, according to the compass. Once again, for my area it will be an azimuth of 204 degrees. Let me remind you, if anyone does not remember: in order to take the azimuth, you need to set the compass so that its arrow points to the north, and below it is the zero mark of its scale. Without moving the compass, find 204 degrees on the scale and note this direction on the ground. Let it be a direction to some tree, building, bush, stone, or whatever you have.

High accuracy is not required here, everything is about. After that, stand at the place of the future installation of the antenna and look carefully in this direction at the sky, at an angle to the horizon of about 20 ... 25 degrees. The Tricolor satellite is somewhere out there. There should be no obstacles in this direction in the form of roofs, trees, branches, poles, power lines. Here somewhere here and fasten your plate.

If the wall of the house is wooden, then the process of attaching the plate should be taken with special care, making sure that the screws get into the supporting structure of the house, into the timber, into the log or into the partition. If you simply screw the plate onto the boards or the crate, then with a difference in humidity (summer - autumn - winter - spring), the tree will swell a little or shrink a little, the plate will move, the signal will disappear. This has happened many times in my practice.

The accuracy of the installation of a satellite dish greatly affects the quality of reception, the permissible vibration or error here is no more than 3 (three!) Millimeters.

After the plate is fixed, first set the position of the mirror strictly vertically, according to the level or plumb, and then tilt it back a little by 1.5..2 centimeters. Do not overtighten the bolts on the plate mount.

Here in this photo you can clearly see how much you need to deflect the plate.

Connect the receiver to the TV as directed in its instructions. Turn it on. The receiver will enter channel search mode. Do not press anything, leave it as it is. Connect the antenna wire from the dish to the receiver. Then, on the street, connect the wire coming from the receiver using F-connectors to the Sat Finder device, connect the other wire, pre-prepared, short, to the converter on the plate. An approximate view of the wire cutting in the figure.

If there are no breaks and short circuits in the wiring, then the backlight of the scale will light up in it. This means that food is being delivered to the plate. By turning the sensitivity control of the device, make the device start to crackle a little from interference (but not squeak).

A little about the Sat Finder device.
Don't think of it as advertising. His name is SF-9501, sold in almost all electronic stores, or in extreme cases, on An indispensable thing when setting up any satellite dish. With a relatively low cost (400 ... 600 rubles) saves great amount time and nerves.

The principle of operation of this device is based on measuring the signal strength at the output of the converter and its sound and pointer indication.
There are various models and modifications, with displays, programmable, etc., but in our case the simplest model will be more than enough.

Now that all the connections have been checked and you can hear the noise crackling in the device, start slowly, very slowly moving the plate horizontally to the left and then to the right. As the dish moves, you will hear several different signals from various satellites (there are many of them). Your task is to choose the strongest of them and leave the plate in this position.

Then reduce the sensitivity (buzzer volume) of the Sat Finder with the regulator and select more precisely the position of the plate in the horizontal plane.

If the signals are weak or not audible at all, tilt the dish back a little (by 1 cm) and repeat the signal search in the horizontal plane again. Thus, by searching horizontally and raising the dish slightly above the horizon with each pass, you will find the satellite with the strongest signal. After such a signal is found, try moving the dish up or down a little (by a centimeter, no more), achieving the maximum signal strength. If necessary, reduce the sensitivity of the device for more precise adjustment.

On the installation of satellite Internet and configure it yourself. Since the Eutelsat W6 (21.5) satellite is the most common among satellite Internet users, the setting will be considered using its example. In setting up satellite Internet, not only setting up a DVB receiver will be described, but also setting up the GlobaX program, which increases the data transfer speed and at the same time reduces the cost of using the global network.

Benefits of satellite internet

Satellite Internet is becoming more and more popular every day. The reasons for its growing popularity lie in several things.
The first advantage of satellite Internet is its speed, which reaches 400-450 Kb/s. The second is the ability to connect anywhere in the satellite coverage, where telephone and cable providers refuse to lead their network. The third advantage is the price, which is about 2 cents per 1 MB. It is quite possible and even comfortable to play online games on satellite Internet. A delay of 300 ms does not play any role, even the world famous World of Warcraft works quite well with a delay of 1200-1500 ms.
But satellite Internet has its drawbacks, one of the first and most important is the attachment to the land line. Since the dish can only receive a signal, but not transmit. As a result, you need to use a terrestrial channel (as a rule, use a terrestrial GPRS channel). MirSovetov, of course, cannot but take into account those cases when a transceiver converter is installed on the satellite dish, but this will significantly increase the cost of the equipment. The second disadvantage of satellite Internet is unstable operation in bad weather conditions. When it rains and the sky is covered with clouds, the signal may drop - this will affect the speed of the Internet.

Satellite Internet Equipment

  1. Plate with a diagonal of 90cm - 1.20m.
  2. Cable
  3. Converter
  4. bracket
  5. dvb card
  6. F-ki, anchors, heat shrink
You can get acquainted with the list of equipment, its connection and configuration in more detail in the article "". Here we will consider the assortment of DVB-cards, select the best one, and also deal with the issue of its software settings.
The choice of DVB-maps is not so great, but good cards and even less. The biggest brand in the market of DVB receivers for satellite Internet is the TecniSat brand. This brand produces three PCI devices - these are SkyStar1, SkyStar2, SkyStar3.
SkyStar1 is a rather unfinished and expensive receiver, but it has many advantages that are unlikely to be needed by an ordinary user (you can learn more about the advantages from the equipment seller or on the official website). The SkyStar2 is a solid DVB card that has proven itself to be a reliable and good quality receiver. But here MirSovetov would like to make one important remark: since this card "won" the name "people's", it was sold and is being sold in very large quantities, fakes began to appear on it in large quantities. It is impossible to distinguish a fake. The only difference is that the fake will work on the strength of 15 minutes and warm up to 60 - 70 degrees. In such cases, the card should be immediately taken to the seller. DVB-card SkyStar3 did not deserve its rightful place in the market due to its price and a large number of shortcomings.

DVB receiver setup

The first thing we need to set up satellite Internet is to set up a terrestrial channel. DialUp, GPRS or other connection. How to set up a land line, you can ask your provider or mobile operator.
The second stage of setting up satellite Internet is the installation and configuration of a DVB-card. It must be installed in any free PCI slot, MirSovetov recommends installing it away from the TV tuner (if any) to avoid interference. Then we need the disk that comes with the DVB-card and install the driver from it. The DVB card is defined as a network device.
After installing the driver, a red icon should appear in the tray (in the lower right corner of the monitor, near the clock). Right click on the icon and open tab select the line Setup4PC.

In the “Add” button that opens, enter the name of the satellite “Eutelsat W6”, leave the rest unchanged, confirm by pressing the “OK” button.

Then click on the "Transponder Management" button and click "Add" in the window that opens.

We introduce a new transponder (for the Eutelsat W6 (21.5) satellite it is 11345, speed 28782, polarization "H" (Horizontal)). After that, if the satellite dish is configured correctly, the signal level bar (Signal Quality) should appear. This completes the transponder setup, click "OK", and then the "Close" button.

Next, we need to, for this, in the Setup4PC window, select the "Data Services" button.
In the provider name window that opens, click “Add” and enter the name (in our case, this is SpaceGate).

On the right in the Transponder window, select the “Add” button and in the window that appears, select the transponder in which you entered the frequencies. In the MirSovetov example, this is Eutelsat W6. Enter another name to display in the tray, click OK.

Now let's enter the PID List, enter 1024 and press the "Insert" button. Then click "OK" and "Close".

Now we need to set up a network connection. To do this, go to "Start" - "Settings" - "Network Connections". Right click click on network connection and go to Properties. In the "General" tab, select the TCP / IP protocol and click the "Properties" button. Next, “drive in” the IP address that should be on the sheet personal settings, which comes with the DVB-card. The subnet mask must be After you have entered the IP, click on the "OK" button.

Setting up the GlobaX program

The GlobaX program needs to be downloaded from the Internet, you can ask the seller of satellite equipment about this.
We go into the directory where GlobaX is installed and look for a file called globax.conf. Open it with a regular notepad and enter these settings.

log = client.log
server = (for each subscriber, an individual one must come with a DVB-card)
login = (for each subscriber, an individual one must be included with the DVB-card)
passwd = (each subscriber must have an individual one with a DVB-card)
speed_in = 100000
speed_out = 4096
port =
service_int = 0
port =
service_int = 2

Save and close Text Document. Now you should configure the Browser, in our case it will be Internet Explorer. Most other browsers, including Opera, "pick up" the settings automatically.
Open IE, click "Tools", then "Internet Options", then select the "Connections" tab and see our terrestrial connection (DialUp, GPRS). Select it and click the "Settings" button. Now you need to enter the address and port (address, port 3178). We press "OK".

Internet connection

Now let's connect to the Internet. After booting the computer, you should pay attention to the system tray icon: the driver icon should be green, which means that there is a good signal strength. Only then can the land line be connected.
When the landline is connected, you need to go to the directory where the GlobaX program is installed, and, having launched it, click on the “Start” button.

On this, the connection and configuration of satellite Internet can be considered completed. Can be opened

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Television has long been an integral part of life. Even in villages, you rarely find a house where TV is not installed. Moreover, the broadcasting of channels can occur in different ways: through a stretched cable or satellite. The possibilities of broadcasting via cable are limited and the quality of the channels is worse. Therefore, many consumers are thinking about how to set up a satellite dish on their own, so as not to spend money on calling a wizard.

Installed Antenna

In space, at the level of the Earth's equator, television satellites rotate, which send a signal to the planet, where it is received. special devices- antennas, and then this signal is decoded on the set-top box to the TV and transmits the image.

In this case, the satellite dish acts as a kind of lens that collects radio waves into one beam, amplifying for stable reception. At the same time, the farther the satellite is located from the equipment, the larger the diameter of the dish will be required.

Accordingly, without high-quality receiving equipment, the signal will not reach the TV. Therefore, it is important to choose the right plate, the signal from which enters the convector, then it is converted and goes to the receiver, and only then it hits the screen.

The receiver is installed near the TV. The number and clarity of transmitted channels depend on the power and quality of this equipment. The installed software allows you to "catch" and recognize a huge number of TV shows. By updating the firmware version of the receiver, you can access new channels.It is this affordable and high-quality television that raises the question of how to set up a satellite dish yourself, and then TV channels.

How is the installation of a satellite dish on your own (instruction for dummies)

In order not to assemble a set for satellite TV in parts, you can buy it in a specialized store or order it via the Internet. Models are updated, too outdated should not be taken. This package includes the following items:

After purchasing the equipment, the question arises of how to independently install a satellite dish on the roof or outside the window.

Related article:

How to make a do-it-yourself antenna for a TV. In the article, we will consider simple methods on how to make a do-it-yourself antenna for a TV that may come in handy.

Location selection

First, assemble the antenna itself according to the instructions. Check the tightness of all bolts and nuts. Leave only one fastening slightly screwed (to the convector itself), which will be responsible for the vertical slope.

The convector must be fixed in the middle, watch its length. The cable exit should be perpendicular to the ground. Full anchoring occurs after receiving a clear signal and sufficient power.

Now you need to select the installation location. Usually mounted on a wall or roof. The sun will fall on the right side at lunchtime. You can see how the same equipment is installed at the neighbors.

Most of the dishes are directed in one direction, most often it is 56 degrees east longitude (Trikalor and NTV plus). If you connect to Raduga TV, then the equipment will be directed a little to the left (by 19⁰). The Continent of TV and Telecarat is set to 85⁰.

When you select the direction and place of installation, you need to check that the signal is not interfered with by foreign objects, that is, nothing should block the antenna. After all checks, you can proceed to the stage of fixing the equipment.

Bracket installation

The bracket must be firmly fixed, and different bolts are used for different walls. For brick, concrete or wood walls, a 17 or 13 head plumbing screw is suitable. If you are using a standard 90 s antenna, a 6 cm screw length will suffice.

You can simply screw a screw into a tree, for concrete or brick, first make a hole with a puncher, and put dowels in bulk.

Important! If you are mounting satellite equipment on foam concrete or aerated concrete, then purchase suitable dowels.

If the dwelling is sheathed with siding, then longer plumbing bolts will be required, and spacers from metal tubes are also mounted. First, prepare holes of the desired diameter, then make spacers and install the antenna.

You can also fix the equipment on a metal beam, for this you should use metal screws with a special drill with a hex head.When the equipment is assembled, but the last bolt has not yet been tightened tightly, it is necessary to check the quality of the signal. To do this, use a device for tuning a satellite dish, you can do the tuning without it, with your own hands.

Related article:

In the article we will consider the features of the application, the variety of the device, the secrets of selection and installation.

How to set up a satellite dish yourself: checking the satellite signal

When the antenna is mounted on the roof, it remains to connect the cable to the receiver and make the settings, but it is at this stage that the question arises of the correct direction of the dish on the roof.

You can constantly go down and check the signal on the receiver or lift a portable TV on the roof and check on it. But there is a much easier option: buy a special device to check the satellite signal without leaving the antenna itself.

If you decide to save money, consider how to set up a satellite dish without a device yourself:

  • Connect the power cable (220W) to the plate.
  • Next, install the receiver, which was included in the kit.
  • Bring a portable TV to the inspection site.
  • Connect everything according to the diagram and check by adjusting the direction of the plate.

If there is no desire to drag everything up, then it is still worth buying a device, while the tuner and TV will remain in their places. The data on the incoming signal will be displayed on the screen of the device. In this case, the power to this equipment comes from the receiver, so it remains only to adjust the direction of the plate itself.

Most simple options display the scale on the screen and serve sound signals, more expensive ones will display the frequency and range, which will allow you to quickly adjust the direction of the antenna.

Connecting and setting up a satellite tuner yourself

Before proceeding to the answer to the question of how to set up channels on a satellite dish, you should connect the tuner to the TV yourself. To do this, you can use several options from manufacturers.

Table 1. Connecting the tuner to the TV yourself

Connect using a standard HDMI cable, the necessary connector is available in almost all modern TVs.
Sometimes a scart-to-scart (comb) cable may be included.
Tulips are one of the most common ways to connect a tuner and TV. Insert by color into the corresponding connectors on the back or front of the TV.
Another version of tulips Y, Pb, Pr can also be found in the configuration.
The last option is a coaxial cable input using RF OUT.

After connecting the equipment and turning it on to the network, go directly to setting up channels on TV. To do this, first press the menu button on the remote control from the tuner. If nothing happens on the TV screen, something is not connected correctly or not included in the network.

Satellite television is gaining the market of television services at a steady pace, and even "yesterday's" luxury - a satellite dish - has become commonplace in millions of families. There is an opinion that the installation of a "dish" is the lot of professionals, and that an ordinary person simply cannot understand how to set up an antenna.

Below we will try to dispel this myth, showing in practice what and how to do in order to join the era of satellite television on our own.

Satellite selection

After you got the idea to purchase a satellite dish yourself, you need to decide on a satellite television operator, in other words, with a satellite, the signal from which the antenna will receive.

Satellite television is named so because it uses a system of orbiting satellites in space. They receive a signal from television stations and then broadcast it to vast areas below them. Satellite dishes receive the signal and reflect it to the collecting head (converter), which transmits it further to the receiver (tuner), from where it goes through the final decoding stage and enters the TV in the form of images and sound.

It becomes clear that one satellite dish is not enough to receive a signal. To do this, a whole system of satellite equipment must be installed and correctly configured. We will begin its consideration a little later, but for now we will return to the choice of a satellite.

Today there are two types of satellites. The first broadcast open channels, others - encrypted. It happens that the equipment on the satellite is used by different operators. In this case, you will have to purchase a card for decoding each channel separately.

But most often the channels are collected in packages, and it is enough to purchase one single card on your own to get access to all at once.

Russian-language channels are broadcast from various satellites located over different latitudes and meridians. In order to receive a signal from a certain source, it is necessary to set (direct) the antenna to it with the utmost accuracy and adjust the reception frequency. If your preferred satellites are close to each other, then you have every chance to receive a signal from them using just one satellite dish.

Satellite "YAMAL 201" allows you to watch up to 30 Russian-language channels in open access. There are also many other satellites in Earth orbit that broadcast free channels. When choosing a satellite TV operator, pay attention to Tricolor-TV. For several years of work given operator has grown a solid client base, which is direct evidence of the high quality of the services it provides. In addition to him, you can advise NTV-Plus (with an extensive list of channels) and Rainbow-TV.

You can independently find a list of satellites with free broadcasting on the website, with a paid one - on the official websites of the above operators.

When choosing a satellite, check whether you will be able to point your satellite dish at it. In the event that there are objects that interfere with the signal path (another house, power lines, trees, etc.), consider installing a “dish” on the roof. Well, if this turns out to be impossible, you will have to turn your attention to the satellite located in the intended antenna visibility zone.

Purchase of equipment

Before installing and configuring satellite equipment, it must be purchased. You need to go to a specialized store for following elements for assembly:

  1. "Dish" (antenna). She will "collect" the signal from the satellite, concentrate and reflect it into the converter. The recommended diameter is more than 90 cm.
  2. Converter (head). It picks up the signal that hits the antenna, and, after converting, transfers it to the receiver. The choice depends on the polarization (circular or linear) of the preferred satellite, in the description of which this parameter can be found.
  3. Receiver (tv tuner). It will receive a signal from the converter, then it will decode it (“translate” into the language of the TV) and transmit it to the final destination - the TV. Setting up this device does not require special knowledge.
  4. Bracket ("leg"). Provides secure mounting of the antenna on the wall (or roof) of the house. In addition, it will allow you to quickly rotate the dish in two planes (to search for a signal). Make sure that the plate is far enough away from the house so that it does not touch the wall during rotation. In general, it is not possible to install an antenna without a bracket.
  5. Cable (coaxial). Acts as a signal conductor, connecting the converter to the receiver (tuner).
  6. DiSEq. Masters simply call it "disek". It will be necessary if you decide to receive a signal from several satellites at once. In this case, it will help to combine a group of converters into a common cable.
  7. "F-ki". Without them, it is impossible to connect the cable to each link in the antenna-receiver chain. You will need 8 pcs. (for reinsurance - 10).
  8. Cable for connecting the receiver to the TV. Can be: composite (tulip), SCART, or HDMI (for the highest quality). It is necessary to independently check which cable is suitable for your case.

All of the above devices and devices can be purchased in a satellite television kit, which has already been assembled by professionals. You can assemble it yourself - in this case you will be sure of the quality and reliability of each element of the system.

Self-installation of the antenna

Before proceeding to this step, you must be absolutely sure where your satellite dish should be pointed. The service will help you make the right decision. You just need to indicate the place where you plan to install the antenna, and select the desired satellite. The screen will then prompt you to select a direction.

Before proceeding with the installation of the system, it is recommended to make sure that there is a signal (it should reach 60-70%), holding the antenna in your hands. If the test is successful, the next step is to install the bracket.

Make sure that the place for fastening is reliable and, using a perforator, make holes in the wall for anchors, the size of which should be selected depending on the material of the wall and the weight of the entire structure to be mounted. Having fixed the bracket, proceed to install the satellite dish itself (description this process find it in the manual). Remember: until you are sure that it is in the right direction, there is no point in tightening the nuts. First you need to set up a satellite dish.

Connection and setup

Setting up satellite dishes does not start on its own until they are connected to the receiver. To do this, you need to prepare the cable (wind the F-ku on it) and transfer it from the converter (head) to the tuner.

We prepare the coaxial cable according to the algorithm:

  1. Cut off the insulating layer (1.5 cm from the edge) of the cable;
  2. We bend the shiny braid (from small aluminum strands) outward;
  3. We release the core of the cable from the foil screen (you need to get rid of about 8-9 mm of the screen);
  4. We clean the core (the main copper core) from the remaining enamel and put on the F-ku.
  5. It remains to make sure that the core "peeps" out of the F-ki by no more than 2 mm. All excess must be cut off with wire cutters.
  6. We do the same with the other end of the cable (having previously measured the required length on our own).
  7. We connect the cable to the converter (if there are several of them, then we combine them into one with the help of a disk), and pull the other end to the receiver.

System installation is complete, the next step is configuration.

The antenna is set correctly and "looks" at the satellite (approximately so far). We go into the settings of the receiver and select, for example, the Sirius satellite. For it, you need to specify the frequency "11766", the speed "2750" and the polarization "H". Two bars will appear on the screen: the first shows that the dish has caught the signal, the second shows its power. If the satellite dish is installed correctly, you should see at least 40% signal strength. It remains only to improve the quality, which is still in the region of zero. We leave the TV and go to the plate. It is desirable that you can see the changes on the signal scale. But if you can’t monitor them yourself, leave an assistant who can correct your actions - it will be easier to set up the system with him.

Start by turning the satellite dish all the way up to the right. From this position, slowly, constantly observing the signal level from the satellite, rotate the dish to the left.

If the signal could not be caught, it is necessary to lower the antenna a couple of millimeters (the fasteners are usually marked), and then repeat the rotation of the dish.

Setting up a satellite dish on your own just means a painstaking search for a signal by manual adjustment.

First you need to achieve at least 20% quality, after which you can fix the satellite dish stronger. After that, with light manipulations (literally by degree), we turn the plate left and right in search of 40%. But even this is not enough. For good work, you need at least 60-80%. Further "adjustment" is made by manipulating the converter, which must be turned clockwise or counterclockwise. When the signal level is satisfactory, you can proceed to debug the side converters (if you do not have them, skip this step).

Setting up additional heads will be much easier, since the main antenna already picks up the signal in full. All that remains is to specify your satellite for each converter (select in the receiver settings, as well as indicate the frequency, speed and polarization) and by rotating or bending the head leg to catch an acceptable signal.

Pay close attention to the labeling of the inputs in the disc (A, B, C…). In the same sequence, they will need to be specified in the tuner.

The last step is setting up the TV

It remains only to scan the satellite for channels and set up the TV (arrange the channels in the desired sequence for easy searching). If you are dealing with a paywall, insert an unlock card purchased in advance from a satellite TV operator.