Free module creating photo albums in the DataLife Engine system. The system will be adapted to work with a large volume graphic information and will provide your site with a decent display of a wide variety of images. Users of your site will get real pleasure from viewing photo albums, they will be able to express their opinion about photos, vote for their favorite photo, mark friends and acquaintances. And installing the module for you will be as comfortable and safe as possible for your site.

Easy and safe installation.
- New methods for displaying information and photos, format support.
- Max number of templates is the best kind of photo album.
- Multicategories, with access settings for adding photos and viewing the album.
- Admin control center module, as well as a separate control panel for administrators and moderators directly on the site.
- Marks on photos: just text or user.
- Caching of queries to the database, caching of graphics and other dynamic information.
- Adding photos in multi-user mode, adding photos by archive, as well as by bulk uploading.
- Ajax technologies.
- Operating files are separated from the system.
- System of access levels for groups and users.
- RSS feeds: Unlimited photo feeds, albums, tags.
- Creation of additional fields: from the usual test to file upload.
- Storage of configuration data in the database.
- Moderator system.
- The system is easily reconfigured to other modules, such as a bulletin board.
- Photo search functions, tags, photo rating.
- Support for HighSlide and other widgets.
- Photo effects.
- Setting the quality of the issued photos.
- Rich "usability".
- Editing your photos and your comments by users.

The development was carried out within six months, faster than previous version. In this version, the developer tried to fulfill the wishes of his customers as accurately as possible. For example, a wonderful function has been added to compress photos when uploading. Now your photo album has learned to control the amount of graphics even more better. Herself internal system The module has not changed at all, but significant changes have taken place. And these changes are in the field of graphics processing and the output of photo album pages. Firstly, the cache of some module pages has been canceled, but no one has canceled the cache of the elements of this page, secondly, the most serious change is that the operating files have been moved outside the system, this has reduced the load, and thirdly, the number of templates has been reduced. The module is becoming more and more adapted to a large number of photographs, and can be the foundation of sites such as a photographer's site, a site about children's pictures and masterpieces of art.

1. Compress photos in any download mode.

Now in any photo upload mode, you can set photo compression options. This allows you to save space on the server and save the program from unnecessary load. The number of photos in your photo album can skyrocket if space on your server is severely limited.

2. Editing your own comments and photos.

With each version, the photo album is getting closer to ordinary user: The user can now edit their comments, edit their photos. This function can be disabled in the module settings.

3. Displaying the photo album icon.

Among the most anticipated innovations are album and category icons. For each album, a random icon will be displayed, or the one set as the default. The function can be disabled. Now you can easily make your photo album look like in VKontakte. In the admin in the list of albums, their icon is now displayed, set as the default.

4. Updated template editor.

Information about tags has been added to the module template editor.

5. Ability for developers to add new fields to settings and language packs.

For each developer, it was not convenient to add new language or settings parameters before, it is long and dreary. In the new version of photo albums, this is all automated, but before adding new parameters you will have to pass a small test that claims that you understand and understand the program code.

6. Moderation of added photos.

After adding photos, they are sent for moderation. You can specify for which groups to enable photo moderation in the module settings.

7. Trash or hidden photos.

It became possible to hide photos or "send to the trash". After that, all hidden photos can be deleted at once in the admin panel, or restored. Photos disappear from photo albums, feeds, and other photo outputs.

8. Publication after a certain date.

At the time of adding photos, you can now specify the date after which the photos will become available for viewing. It will be possible to publish future photos from the admin panel, each individually or all at once.

9. Improved log in admin center.

The magazine overview has been redesigned. Added the ability to delete the voting log, as well as any other records. As well as clearing the log completely.

10. New bulk loader.

The new bulk loader is nicer to look at and has more functionality than its predecessor.

11. Added the ability to specify user groups that can add photos to this album.

In addition to the rights to view a photo album, it is now possible to specify a list of user groups that can be added to this album.

12. Removed code from templates, added new tags.

In order not to load the processor of your server, the code from the photo.tpl, photoid.tpl templates was removed.

13. Displaying comments specific user.

Everything is simple here, now you can see all comments on photos for a specific user. And accordingly delete them at once.

14. Displaying the number of comments in the profile.

The user profile now displays the number of comments left on photos, as well as a link to all these comments.

15. When viewing the latest comments, it is indicated to which photo a comment has been added.

When viewing recent photos, it became possible to see which photo this comment was added to. The name of the photo and a link to it are displayed.

16. Reduced number of templates.

So that users can easily and quickly edit module templates, some of them have been removed altogether. But their functionality was assigned to other templates. For example, the ajax comment form and the regular form are now one template, just a new tag has been added.

17. Recalculation of statistics.

In the admin panel, among the commands for clearing the cache, updating photo previews, checking the photo album, one more command has been added - this is the recalculation of statistics. If the photo album is wrong due to a software error, in the number of photos in the album, you can help the module and correct this oversight.

18. Counting the number of photo uploads.

The number of photo uploads is now counted.

19. SEO tricks for photos and albums.

Added a tag (alt) for photos, added filling meta tags for album pages. Description and keywords are generated automatically. It is enough to fill in the description and the name of the photo album.

20. Caching of photos by the browser.

In order for the user's browser not to create additional load on the server, caching of photos by the browser has been added.

21. Removed support for specifying a photo preview and storing a photo remotely.

These functions have become obsolete and due to the loss of popularity among users of photo albums have been removed.

22. Mass move photos.

Take a look at bulk photo operations. Click on the "tick" next to the photo preview or on many photos at once. Under all photos, a drop-down list will become available with possible options actions: delete, hide all photos, send for moderation, move to another photo album. You can select all the submitted preview photos at once.

23. Ability to specify a text mark and user mark.

When creating a checkmark, you can specify what type this mark belongs to: user or plain text. If text - then the link will be to display all photos with this text label, if user - then there will be a link to the user's profile.

24. Improved some requests.

25. Tag cloud displayed on the main page.

The tag cloud is displayed on the pages of the photo album.

26. Custom photo sorting.

Added custom sorting of photos, the most diverse, in ascending and descending order, by rating and by date added, etc. If the user selects sorting, then it is saved. And information is displayed that custom sorting is used, among this information there is a link to reset sorting altogether.

27. Instead of the date the photo was added: today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The mechanism for replacing the date of addition with the names of days has been improved. The bullseye has been removed, but with the help of tags, you can easily display a “new photo” image.

28. Added support for 404 code.

30. Now you can specify which groups have access to a certain type of photo upload.

For each group, it is now possible to differentiate which type of photo upload the group can use.

Hello, today at we present news about a new version of the engine in which the developers have added many new features. And now in detail about the most significant innovations in 10.3.

1. Added the ability to authorize on the site using social networks. This support is enabled in the script settings in the control panel. And the setting directly social networks is carried out in a special new section of the control panel: "Setting up social networks". AT this section you can configure which social networks you want to support on your site, as well as specify the necessary parameters and keys for the operation of a particular social network. This section also provides detailed help on how to create applications in social networks for authorization. Total for this moment six social networks are supported: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Yandex,, Google. Thus, your visitors can quickly log in to your site using their login and password on social networks, without having to go through the registration procedure with entering captchas, e-mail confirmation and other things.

Text , which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Vkontakte social network is enabled. As well as the tag (vk_url), which displays a URL link for authorization in this social. networks.

Text that display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Odnoklassniki social network is enabled. As well as the tag (odnoklassniki_url), which displays a URL link for authorization in this social network. networks.

Text displays the text contained in them if support for authorization using social networks is enabled. Facebook networks. As well as the tag (facebook_url), which displays a URL link for authorization in this social network. networks.

Text , which display the text enclosed in them if authorization via the Google social network is enabled. As well as the tag (google_url), which displays a URL link for authorization in this social network. networks.

Text , which display the text contained in them, if support for authorization using the social network is enabled. As well as the tag (mailru_url), which displays a URL link for authorization in this social network. networks.

Text , which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Yandex network is enabled. As well as the tag (yandex_url), which displays a URL link for authorization in this network.

3. Added the ability to create, when uploading images to the server, not only small copies, but also copies of the average size of uploaded images. Thus, when uploading images, you can now create a small preview of the image, a medium thumbnail copy and the original image.

4. Added the ability to specify in what form to insert them when inserting images uploaded to the news. Namely, to enlarge them when clicking on them to the original image, or to insert them simply as images, without any links in them.

5. In the script settings in the script control panel, the time offset setting has been removed. Instead, a more convenient choice of the server time zone for which the script will work has been added. The use of time zones is more convenient, because the transition to summer and winter time will be automatically performed (for example, if the server is located in Europe, and you have set the Moscow time zone, then you do not need to make settings twice a year). And also the correct time zone of your server will be broadcast in RSS.

6. Added the possibility of personal choice by each registered user of his time zone in which he is located. This feature allows site visitors to see for themselves the correct time of publication of articles and comments. For example, if the server and administration of the site is located in Moscow, and the registered user is located in Krasnoyarsk, then this user can go to the site in his profile settings and select the Krasnoyarsk time zone, and after that he will see the date and time of news and comments already in his Krasnoyarsk time, etc.

7. For the user profile editing template (userinfo.tpl), a new tag (timezones) has been added that displays a list of available time zones in the system and allows him to select his own time zone for his profile on the site.

8. Added the ability for polls added to publications to display them not only when viewing full news, but also when viewing short news. To do this, you can use the (poll) tag in the short news template (shortstory.tpl). The design of the poll itself is also carried out in the poll.tpl template

9. For short news output templates (shortstory.tpl), the ability to use banner tags added in the management of advertising materials in the admin panel has been added. Thus, you can very flexibly display banners on the pages of your site together with tags (banner_x) and independently determine after which news on the page you want to display advertising.

10. For short and full news output templates (shortstory.tpl and fullstory.tpl), new text tags have been added that display text in them as a link to adding news to bookmarks on the site, as well as text tags have been added that display text in them in the form of a link deleting news from bookmarks on the site. These tags will allow you to more flexibly customize the design of your site, for those who want to abandon the general tag (favorites), which displays only one pre-programmed image for these actions.

11. Added new global tags for templates: text , which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed using a smartphone, as well as text tags, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed by a visitor not from a smartphone. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the output of your site's content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of ads for devices and much more.

12. Added new global tags for templates: text , which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed using a tablet, as well as text tags, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is not viewed by a visitor using a tablet. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the output of your site's content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of ads for devices and much more.

13. Added new global tags for templates: text , which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed using a desktop browser ( desktop computers, laptops), as well as text tags that display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed by a visitor not using a desktop browser. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the output of your site's content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of ads for devices and much more.

14. Added the ability to specify template files for static pages that are not only in the root folder of the template, but also files that are in the subfolders of the template.

15. Added the ability in the cross-references module to assign for each keyword how many replacements for this word should be made on the page.

16. For full-text search on the site, a logical search mode has been added, which can significantly improve the search on the site and the relevance of the information found by search query. This innovation allows showing the visitor the news, comments or static pages that are most suitable for his request.

17. Improved algorithm for processing already existing links on the page when replacing keywords from the cross-references module. Mandatory absence is no longer required HTML tags inside links, the replacement will not be done regardless of this.

18. The algorithm for finding and replacing keywords from the cross-references module has been improved, thanks to which it was possible to significantly increase the speed of the script with a large amount of links.

20. Added the ability to edit the values ​​of additional fields for the user profile, directly in the admin panel of the script in the settings section of the user's own profile.

21. For the template for displaying information about a registered user on the site (login.tpl), the ability to display the values ​​of his additional fields, which he filled out during registration or in his profile settings, has been added. To display additional profile fields, exactly the same tags are used as in profile templates (userinfo.tpl) and comment templates (comments.tpl).

22. Stationary ICQ field has been removed from the user profile database. This solution accepted with the fact that this messenger has lost its relevance and the use of this field is insignificant, despite the fact that it takes up space in the database. At the same time, if necessary, you can create this field as an additional field for the profile and use it if necessary on the site.

23. Added indication of the page number of the full news page being viewed, in the title meta tag, if the news was divided into several pages.

24. Added the ability to assign a separator character to the "speedbar" module (breadcrumbs) in the script settings. This symbol will be used when displaying navigation this module, separating sections of the site. Thus, you can specify any custom delimiter, instead of the previously used symbol "»".

25. In the script settings added the ability to assign a symbol - separator, for the list of categories assigned to the news. This symbol will be used when displaying the list of categories when displaying news on the site, separating the assigned categories. Thus, you can specify any custom delimiter, instead of the previously used symbol "»".

26. Added display of information about third-party modules installed in the script control panel in the left side panel for quick navigation through modules in the admin panel.

27. Redesigned keyword management for tag cloud, meta tags and extra values. fields of type cross-references. Now you can not only delete them in one click, but also edit without deleting them, for this you need to double-click on the word you need. And also added automatic parsing of inserted words using Ctr-V, without having to press Enter.

28. In the script control panel, a button has been added to quickly collapse and expand the sidebar. This innovation will be useful for users with monitors with low screen resolution to increase the working area.

29. Added automatic cache reset of compressed CSS and JS files when editing these files in the control panel template editor.

31. Support for apostrophes has been added for additional news fields that have the "Use values ​​as hyperlinks" type, and for which it was not enabled safe mode. Thus, you can use, for example, words such as O "Brien, d" Artagnan, etc.

32. Added automatic generation of the CNC name for the category, when it is created in the admin panel, if it was not set by the user. In this case, when creating this name, transliteration from the specified category name is used.

33. When adding and editing categories in the admin panel of the script, added control of reserved CNC link names for categories so that users do not add names that are reserved in DLE for other needs. For example, you won't be able to add a root category named "catalog" because that name is used to organize a directory site, but you can use that name for a subcategory where given name no longer reserved, etc.

34. Added a more convenient selection of categories when creating or editing additional news fields in the script control panel.

35. Added the ability to specify the number of days during which it is necessary to store the script logs in the script settings for the "List of all actions performed in the script administration panel" module. At the same time, the minimum number of days for security purposes remains 30 days, so that an attacker cannot delete the action logs, and the site administrator, if desired, can increase the required number of days, for example, up to three months or a year, etc.

36. Updated Jquery library to the current version v1.11.1

37. Updated visual editor TinyMCE to the current version.

38. Updated to the current version of the HTML5 player, in which some errors with playback were fixed.

39. An issue has been fixed in which script settings management in the admin panel did not work when using smartphones and tablets.

40. An issue has been fixed where an incorrect check for fullness of the add. fields, if there was a required field with a different type before the field with the "list" type.

41. Fixed a problem where if the search is repeated, and the user was not on the first page search results, it could get a blank page if fewer news items were found in the new results. Now the new search returns the user to the first page of the search results.

42. Fixed the issue where the "speedbar" module (breadcrumb) displayed nested user location on a static page, while in fact he was on the main page of the site, if the display of the static page was enabled by default for the main page of the site in the script settings .

43. A problem has been fixed where if a user edited a news item that was waiting for moderation on the site, he could not manage the pictures uploaded to this news item, and if he uploaded pictures again while editing the news item, they were not assigned to this news item.

44. Fixed problem with text tags not working correctly when used in custom tag news output (custom ...)

45. Minor bugs in the script that were discovered and announced earlier have been fixed.

See all the latest daily in our category, interesting and, read the most.
At http://www..3 DLE Press Release where the developers have added many new features, all the best we have are forums, hacks, modules, templates.

So a new version of the DataLife Engine 10.0 Nulled / Original script has been released and is now available on our website both the original and the nulled version that you will not need to activate. It is worth noting that in the new version you will find new system spam protection based on cloud service. which will significantly reduce spam on your site and make it cleaner. has been updated mobile version template, as well as improved integration with social networks, which is important now with the great growth in the popularity of social networks. The possibilities of the custom function have been extended, making it even more convenient to use. If you are interested in a more detailed list of all changes, then you can look at the list of changes on the official website and get acquainted with all the changes.

I would also like to remind you that we try to provide on our site only current version The archive with the template is often updated, changes are made to the script that the developer does not mention. You can also download dle 10 nulled from our website in two encodings of your choice. We kindly ask you not to ask questions about the category in the comments, in private messages. Our task is only to provide you with the opportunity to download the current version for the tenth version from our website. Just below you can find instructions for updating templates, here it's up to you to decide whether to update your template or not. We did not update, and there is no special point in this.

You can download from the link below latest version script with all the changes made to the distribution after the release. If you are unable to download from the suggested links, we can offer you alternative download links. You just need to report it in the comments. Also below you will find instructions for changing the template from one version to another. In the template, you will only need to make changes in one file, and it seems to us that this will not be very critical if you decide not to make changes. You can find out more about all the changes in the new version of the script on the site and decide for yourself whether you should upgrade or not.

Attention important information for those who update old version script to a new one:

You must strictly follow the instructions for updating the script, which is located in the distribution archive in the file /Documentation/upgrade.html

During the database update new version, the update script makes complex MySQL queries that change the structure of tables. On large databases, such operations are very resource-intensive, and it is possible that they will take several minutes to complete, and if they cannot be performed after PHP script, you will need SSH access to the server to make these requests. Before everyone similar request, the update script will show you this request, save it to yourself so that if it is impossible to execute it through the script, you can execute it via SSH access.

Due to the fact that new versions of the script contain changes in the structure of the database, it is strongly recommended to disable the connection of third-party modules in the template files before updating, otherwise you may see errors on the MySQL website after the update.

The difference between the null and the original is only that only 1 file (init.php) was decoded and replaced, no other code changes were made!

A free third-party module for creating photo albums in the DataLife Engine system. The system will be adapted to work with a large amount of information and will provide your site with a decent display of a wide variety of photographs. Users of your site will get a real pleasure from viewing photo albums, they will be able to express their opinion about photos, vote for their favorite photo, mark friends and acquaintances. And installing the module for you will be as comfortable and safe as possible for your site.

- Easy Installation in 3 minutes
- The functionality of the module extends the standard features of the system
- Wide application of the minimum number of templates
- Categories and albums with permission settings
- Admin center, admin panel on the site, panel for moderators
- Tags on photos: users or text
- Request caching
- Bulk adding photos, adding photos by archive
- RSS feeds
- Additional fields
- Packs of settings and languages
- Search by photos
- Tags and photo rating
- Support for "HighSlide" library
- Photo effects
- Photo widgets
- Different algorithms for creating previews
- SEO support
- Watermark
- Publication after a certain date, hiding, moderation
- And other...

Below is a screenshot of the demo site, in "dark" style.
Go to the photo album demo site.

Below is a screenshot of a photo album in a standard DLE design.
View demo site in standard DLE design.

"Titan" is one of the most interesting and wonderful versions of the photo album module for DataLife Engine. In this version, we tried to take a big step in separating the user and administrative areas of the module. In earlier versions, very often, administration errors appeared due to the strong connection of the admin center with the public files of the module. For example, restoring the settings package. When the request went to the "operational" file "flash" - "lightning" shared with the site; now the request is rotated 180 degrees - to the admin center. The second position that was observed during the development of the module is to support the direction of the module with a large amount of various information. In this spirit, the algorithm for processing photo previews has been rewritten, the algorithm for updating photo previews has been rewritten - now it is a gradual mode that does not load the processor. Another cool thing introduced in this version is the easy management of photos and comments in the admin center. Where mass material management is an integral part.

Module admin center view:

Now let's take a look at what our module has learned new.

1. New section"Informers" in the admin center
2. Duplication of the "Albums" section in the admin center
3. New section "Photos" in the admin center
4. Transferring the "Management" section to the admin center
5. New "Comments" section in the admin center
6. Transferring the "Optimization" section to the admin center
7. Transferring the "Cash" section to the admin center
8. Transferring the "Preview" section to the admin center, the algorithm for updating the preview has been rewritten
9. Transferring the "Statistics" section to the admin center
10. New section "Watermark" in the admin center
11. New preview processing algorithm
12. New Fixed Clipping Algorithm for Photo Previews
13. The ability to display a list of albums only on the main page
14. New features of the "Settings" and "Languages" sections in the admin center
15. New photo preview template tags
16. New SEO features like photo alt, keywords and photo page description
17. New SEO features for albums, such as keywords and description
18. New field for albums "Rules"
19. New algorithm for counting the number of photos in an album
20. Ability to limit available links for downloading photos of other sizes
21. Display in the user's profile of photos in which he is tagged
22. Custom Album Date Formatting in the Languages ​​Section of the Admin Center

Of course, these are not all innovations, the most “delicious” inside. Fixed all found bugs and shortcomings, grammatical errors. Including, not without the help of our users and customers. Thank you.
Photo albums for DataLife Engine go further in their development and prosperity, we are waiting for your wishes and comments.

Type of use: free, subject to copyright
The cost of removing copyrights, "license": 840 rubles or $28
"License" provides the ability to hide public copyrights, and also gives the right to change php code for your purposes.

Supported systems: DLE 9.2 - 10.1 (win-1251+UTF-8).

The following changes have been prepared and implemented:

1. Added the ability to upload images to the server for comments published on the site. This feature is enabled and configured in the group settings. For each user group, you can enable or disable uploading images for comments. Also, for each group, you can set different individual parameters for uploaded images, for example, maximum amount uploaded images to comments, their size and weight, etc. When uploading images to comments, the user has access to a simplified form for uploading comments, and images are uploaded according to the parameters specified in the group settings. At the same time, the user can manage his uploaded images. He can delete or replace them if he is allowed to edit his comments.

2. Added support for InnoDB engine for MySQL database. When installing the script, you can choose which type of storage to use. You can choose to use either InnoDB or MyISAM. When choosing an engine, we recommend to be guided by the following criteria. If your site will rarely be updated with new content (registration of a large number of users, active addition of new comments, etc.) i.e. reference site, it is recommended to use MyISAM type, it is faster when fetching from the database. If the site is planned to be actively discussed by a large number of users, it is recommended to use InnoDB type of. For most sites, InnoDB will be the best choice, because. it scales more easily in the future. The choice of database engine is only available if your server has MySQL version not lower than 5.6.4. If version MySQL servers below, only MyISAM is available.

3. Added the ability to create and use playlists when playing videos on the site. To do this, video files are simply listed in the video tag separated by commas. For example:

4. Added the ability creating a description, for a video that will be visible when shown in the player, for this, the following format is used in the video embed tag: , the same can be set for all files if a comma-separated file playlist is used. You can see an example of the display in the screenshot above.

5. Added the ability to use in the tag, also links to videos in the Youtube service. Thus, you can organize mixed playlists that include your video and videos on the Youtube service.

6. Added the ability to create and use playlists when playing audio on the site. To do this, audio files are simply listed in the audio tag separated by commas. For example:

7. Added the ability to create a description, for audio that will be visible when playing music in the player, for this, the following format is used in the audio embed tag: . You can see an example of the display in the screenshot above.

8. Added the ability for the audio player adding links to play streaming audio. Thus, you can set and display playlists to listen to on your site of radio stations.

9. In the settings of the players, in the admin panel, added the ability choosing a theme for the player. You can choose either a dark or light theme for the player, which makes the display of the player on your site more organic.

10. Improved procedure for inserting video and audio materials in editors. When adding a video, you can immediately create playlists, and you can immediately set in the input window not only a link to video and audio, but also links to posters for them, and a description for video and audio files.

11. A new WYSIWYG editor has been added to the DataLife Engine. The name of the new editor is FroalaEditor. This editor has an easy and clear interface(in our opinion the best interface) for creating and editing content, the HTML code generated by it is one of the cleanest and has almost nothing superfluous, has a relatively small weight, has a fast rendering of the editor on the page.

12. Added a new type for additional fields of publications:"Downloadable image gallery". While creating of this type fields you can set parameters for uploaded images, as well as the maximum number of images that can be uploaded for this gallery. When adding a publication in the admin panel or on the site, the image can be uploaded in one click. When displaying this field on the site, the images will be grouped into a gallery of pictures, which can also be flipped through each other when viewing, if small copies were created for the pictures.

13. For additional fields of type"Download Image" and "Download File", added automatic ban on re-uploading images and files until the previous uploaded image or file is deleted. This reduces the likelihood of attaching unused files and images to the news.

14. For additional fields of type "Upload image" new tags added: and , which output only the URL for a thumbnail of the uploaded image and the URL for full image respectively, where "X" is the name of the additional field. These tags will be useful for webmasters who want to personalize the uploaded publications on the site, for example, in combination with other additional fields.

15. For additional fields of the type "Switch Yes or No", Added the ability to assign the state "Enabled" or "Disabled" by default, which will be used when adding a new publication.

16. Added the ability online viewing documents, uploaded to the site through the DataLife Engine script. To do this, the following tags have been added to the uploaded files output template (attachment.tpl): (online-view-link) which displays a URL link to view the document online in the browser, as well as tags text, which output the enclosed text if the loaded document is in a supported format for viewing. The following types of documents are supported for online viewing: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. Documents are viewed directly in the visitor's browser using Google service Docs Viewer so visitors don't need to have installed programs from Microsoft or Adobe.

17. Due to the fact that the developers of the WYSIWYG LiveEditor decided to stop any work on this editor, and it has not received any updates for several years, it was decided to remove this editor from the DataLife Engine. Sites that previously used this editor will automatically switch to using the FroalaEditor.

18. Added the ability to set a description of images (alt attribute) when mass inserting images into news. To do this, you need to select the desired images, and by clicking on any of them, set a description. Then click on the "Insert Selected" button. The specified description will also be added for all pictures when pasted.

19. Added automatic cache reset Zend OPCache when changing site settings. Thus, when this caching is enabled in the server settings, you do not need to reset the cache yourself, or wait for the changes to take effect.

20. When viewing the list of categories in the admin panel, in the category editing section, the display of the list of categories has been changed. Now all subcategories are shown collapsed and can be opened directly when needed for a particular parent category. And also added buttons, thanks to which you can quickly expand or collapse all categories in the list in one click. Adding a new category is carried out in a pop-up window. This simplifies the work with a large number of categories and subcategories in the admin panel.

21. Added the ability to unsubscribe all users, subscribed to comments, for each news separately. If the news has subscribed users, then when editing this news in the control panel, in the "Advanced" tab, you can see the number of subscribers and unsubscribe them from comments on this particular publication. This innovation will be useful, for example, if the news is closed from further commenting.

22. Added the ability to subscribe to comments to the news when a comment is posted, even when the comment is being moderated.

23. In the user profile on the site, added the ability unsubscribe from subscribed comments to publications, indicating the number of publications to which the user is subscribed. To do this, in the template userinfo.tpl (unsubscribe), which displays a checkbox for unsubscribing from comments, and the number of subscribed publications.

24. In the user profile on the site, the ability to automatically subscribe to receive notifications about new comments that are added to the news, the author of which he is. Thus, the user does not need to subscribe separately to each of his news, it is enough to cancel the corresponding checkbox in the settings of his profile. To display a checkbox, in a template userinfo.tpl added new tag usage (news-subscribe).

25. In the user profile on the site, the ability to automatically subscribe to receive notifications of new comments that are responses to his own comments. To do this, just uncheck the corresponding checkbox in your profile settings. To display a checkbox, in a template userinfo.tpl added new tag usage (comments-reply-subscribe).

26. Added support for PHP Memcached extension. The DLE script automatically determines which PHP extension is installed, Memcache or Memcached on the server, and depending on this, uses one or another PHP extension, if Memcache caching is enabled in the script settings. Thus, it is no longer necessary to install the PHP Memcache extension on the server.

27. In the admin panel, in the section for editing publications, to the list of mass actions on publications, the ability to add categories to publications has been added. Unlike the existing "Edit Categories" item, the "Add Category" item allows you to mass-assign new selected categories to publications, without changing old, previously added categories.

28. For the template tag Text added the ability specify a news range using a dash character. For example, you can specify Text Text. This makes it easier to create the design you need, and there is no need to prescribe all the IDs of the required publications separated by commas.

29. For the template tag Text added the ability specify range desired pages using the dash character. For example, you can specify Text. Similarly, the range can be set for the opposite tag Text. This makes it easier to create the design you need, and there is no need to prescribe all the numbers of the pages you need, separated by commas.

30. Added the ability to unsubscribe to site users from mailing letters, which are sent from the "Messaging" section of the admin panel. To do this, when sending emails, you can set either in the template or directly in the message text the tag (%unsubscribe%), which displays in the sent email the URL for unsubscribing from receiving the newsletter for the user. When you click on this link, for the user profile, the status "Do not receive emails from the site" is set. At the same time, the user just needs to follow the link, he does not need to log in or perform any other actions on the site. Thus, he can easily unsubscribe from letters from the site if he has long lost interest in the site. Despite the fact that sending letters allows you to still send a message to the user, even if he has expressed a desire not to receive letters. We strongly recommend that webmasters, in order to avoid getting the server into spam filters, always take into account the status that the user has set in their profile when sending messages.

31. Added automatic addition for everyone external links, which are published in the news and comments, attribute rel, containing the parameters "external noopener noreferrer". This attribute allows you to reduce the likelihood of a possible attack on the site using social engineering mechanisms.

32. In the script settings, added the ability to specify the number of days, during which to cache the full news after its publication. Creating and updating the cache is also a resource-intensive operation. Over time, the publication also loses its popularity, and if it is not often read, then it is not advisable to create and control the cache all the time for it. If your site publishes little news, then you can increase the number of days during which to cache, if a lot, then reduce. In any case, we do not recommend setting the cache time to less than 30 days. For a small number of days, use only if there are problems with free space on the server's hard drive, or if you publish a very large amount of news per month. But for those who have little news on the site, we recommend increasing this value.

33. In the admin panel, in the user editing section, the ability has been added quick transfer of all publications from one user to another. To do this, click on the number of publications of the user, select the transfer of publications to another user, and specify the username of the user to which you want to transfer publications. This innovation will be useful if, before deleting a user from the database, you need to transfer all of his publications to another user.

34. In the admin panel, in the user editing section, the ability has been added quick recalculation of the number of publications by the user. To do this, click on the number of publications of the user and select the recalculation of publications in the menu. This option will be useful if mass manipulations with publications were performed, or additions to the database bypassing the script.

35. In the admin panel, in the user editing section, the ability has been added quick recalculation of the number of comments a user has. To do this, click on the number of user comments and select the recalculation of comments from the menu. This option will be useful if mass manipulations with comments were performed, or additions to the database bypassing the script.

36. Improved performance of news output when using sorting by rating and views. Also improved the performance of the output of comments that use sorting by rating.

37. Improved the system for accounting for the number of user comments in his profile statistics. Mass deletion of news also automatically recalculates user comments. This eliminates the need for periodic recalculation of statistics.

38. Optimized the display of the DataLife Engine admin panel on mobile devices in portrait orientation. Thus, the control panel has become more convenient when using it on smartphones.

39. Jquery library has been updated to line 2.xx

40. Updated the TinyMCE editor to the current version.

41. Fixed a problem where it was impossible to use the dot in the add. fields of the cross-reference type.

42. Fixed a problem where an invalid layout was formed HTML comments when using tree comments.

43. Fixed a problem where for the tag (category-url), the URL to the category was displayed using the CNC, regardless of the CNC settings in the script's admin panel.

44. Fixed a problem where there was a duplication of indexes of additional fields, having the option of cross-references, if the news is published in several categories.

45. Fixed a problem where the text and text tags for the main page did not work correctly if the script settings enabled displaying a static page on the main page as the main one.

46. ​​Fixed a problem where if the news was cleared of comments in the publication editing section, then the return to the first page of the news editing section was always performed, regardless of the search filters and displaying publications for editing.

47. Fixed a problem where it was impossible to enter the correct answer to the Q&A system if the user is replying to a comment rather than adding a new one.

48. Minor bugs in the script that were discovered and announced earlier have been fixed.

Information for downloading the script for clients:

Important information for those who install the script for the first time on a new domain:

  • /Documentation/upgrade.html
  • You must activate your copy only on the domain or subdomain on which you will use the script in the future, and in no case activate the copy on test domains, after activation your key will be blocked exactly on the domain on which it was activated. To activate the script, in the admin panel of the script, enter your activation key, which you can see in your profile on this site.

Attention important information for those who update the old version of the script to the new one:

  • Follow the instructions for updating the script, in the distribution archive in the file /Documentation/upgrade.html
  • During the update of the database to a new version, the update script makes complex MySQL queries that change the structure of the tables. On large databases, such operations are very resource-intensive and may take several minutes to complete, and if it is not possible to perform them through a PHP script, you will need SSH access to the server to execute these requests. Before each such request, the update script will show you this request, save it with you so that if it is impossible to execute it through the script, you can execute it via SSH access.
  • Due to the fact that new versions of the script contain changes in the structure of the database, it is strongly recommended to disable the connection of third-party modules in the template files before updating, otherwise you may see errors on the MySQL website after the update.