In Russia, since the beginning of 2014, a service for transferring mobile number from one operator to another. And if earlier some difficulties could appear during such a migration, now all this can be done as quickly and simply as possible without losing your number. What is the algorithm of actions? How to switch to another operator while keeping the number? What do I need to do? Especially for you, we studied this problem in detail and prepared a publication with a description detailed plan actions to change the number.

Number portability - what is it?

A mobile phone with access to the Internet and many applications has long become familiar. In the never ending battle for potential clients mobile operators invent new profitable offer and rates. Until recently, if it was necessary to switch from one operator to another, very unpleasant chores were coming, but now there is a unique opportunity to save your number. All this became real thanks to the adoption of a corresponding law, which the press called "the abolition of mobile slavery».

The name of the service is Mobile Number Portability. Its essence lies in the fact that, by submitting an appropriate application, you can keep your current mobile number even if it becomes necessary to change the provider. How does all this work in practice? What documents do you need to provide? Is there a possibility of any difficulties?

Transition from operator: important rules

Regardless of which operator’s SIM card you are switching from, keeping your number, there are several general rules, which do not change:

This service is paid. The cost of the transition is 100 rubles. But there are some differences in additional costs. Therefore, specify what the price of a SIM card and a package of additional services will be.

Mobile Number Portability is a service that you won't be able to use very often. You can switch to another operator, keeping your number, only after two months from the moment you started being served by another cellular company.

The transfer is available only to the owner of the SIM card, that is, to the person whose name was issued to this phone number. The owner must personally apply by providing a passport and writing an appropriate application. And only in exceptional cases this can be done by notarized power of attorney.

There are restrictions regarding switching to another operator while keeping the number. They are regional. In other words, if your region of residence is Moscow and Moscow Region, then you will not be able to change your Moscow number in any other region.

Your mobile number will remain the same, the operator issues a SIM card immediately after the conclusion of the service agreement. You will have to connect all the services and services previously connected to the phone. Mobile numbers that for some reason have been blocked will not be eligible for the Mobile Number Portability service.

Is it necessary to inform the operator about the transition?

The Law on Mobile Number Portability, first of all, on the side of consumers mobile services i.e. subscribers. If you decide that it is necessary for some reason to change the operator, no one obliges you to tell him this. You just need to contact the company to which the transition is being made.

All about the timing of the transfer

At the legislative level, there are certain deadlines that must be adhered to. mobile company when transferring a number. For legal entities that have left a relevant application, the indicated mobile numbers are renewed within one month (29 calendar days). For individuals, such a transition will take place as soon as possible. short time- no more than eight days. The company will need this time to verify the subscriber's personal data.

But what to do during this period? Is it possible to use the services mobile communications? And which, in fact, the operator provides them? For eight (for individuals) and 29 (for legal entities), subscribers continue to use the services of the so-called donor until they receive the corresponding SMS message indicating the exact time and date of the transition.

However, there are some nuances. Those subscribers who have already gone through the transition procedure often warn that it is extremely important that at the time of the transfer there is no so-called zero or negative balance on the donor operator's SIM card. After all, in the absence of funds on the phone account, a refusal to transfer is possible.

Beeline: changing the operator and keeping the number

In order to become a Beeline subscriber and at the same time keep your number mobile phone, you need to do a few things:

  1. First of all, contact the office of the new operator, without forgetting your passport. They will help you write the appropriate application. If it is not possible to personally attend the office, you can leave an online application on the official website of the company.
  2. Next, you need to conclude an agreement with Beeline and get a SIM card, having previously selected one or another tariff plan. When ordering online, you can order the delivery of a SIM card and contract for free on the website.
  3. After that, you should pay for the transfer of 100 rubles.
  4. The company will consider the application within eight days. All this time you will use the SIM card of the previous operator. But at the same time, try not to allow a negative or zero balance. The Beeline SIM card is also valid, but a temporary number will be connected to it.
  5. A day before the transfer, the subscriber will receive a message about when exactly it will be possible to rearrange the Beeline SIM card in your phone.

How to change the operator and switch to Megafon

Those who have decided to switch to Megafon can use two methods:

  • leave an application online;
  • in the communications room.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Leave an application online or contact the salon with your passport. In this case, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement, select a tariff and receive a Megafon SIM card.
  2. Then you need to pay for the service (100 rubles).
  3. After 8 days, the operator will notify you with an SMS message that you can change the SIM card to Megafon.

On the liability of operators

Article 46 of the Law "On Communications" indicates the responsibility of the company for violations of the terms of the transfer of a mobile number. In other words, if, after eight years, the transfer is still not completed, the operator who violated the deadlines must provide the client with free use of cellular communications until the period when the change is actually made while maintaining the number.

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To ensure that the change of operator goes smoothly, before applying, check:

  • data of the contract with the current operator. The number must be issued to you, all the data in the passport and the contract must match. If your surname or other passport details have changed since the conclusion of the contract, go to the office of the current operator and update the information;
  • the region where the SIM card was registered. Changing the operator with the preservation of the number is possible only in the same region (subject of the Russian Federation) where the SIM card was purchased. If you're unsure, check with your current carrier's website;
  • no debt or number blocking;
  • period of use. You must use the services of the current operator for at least 60 days;
  • number format. You will not be able to change the operator, keeping the city number. First, you will have to transfer it to the federal format, and only then apply for transfer.

How to apply for a change of operator

There are two options for applying:

  1. In the office of the new operator. Take your passport and 100-200 rubles, depending on the conditions of the operator. You can see the specific conditions and amounts of different operators in the table below. At the office, you will need to write an application to change the operator and conclude a contract for communication services, after which you will receive a new SIM card.
  2. On the site of the new operator. Fill out the form on the website or in the operator's application. After submitting an application, a consultant will contact you: help you choose a tariff and clarify the necessary information. A courier will deliver a new SIM card and an agreement at a convenient time for you free of charge.

New SIM card with temporary number can be activated and used from the moment you receive it. Also, you can still use the old SIM card. After the transition, it will turn off, and the new one will change the temporary number to yours.

How long to wait for a number change

In most cases, the number is transferred within 8 calendar days. If you need to change your number later, for example, you want to spend money on your account, you can choose a different date for the transfer. The only thing is that it must be no later than 180 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

If you do not have time to spend money on your account, they will not be transferred to the balance of the new SIM card. You can return them by applying with your passport to the office of the previous operator.

During the transfer, you should receive several SMS notifications:

  1. Gratitude for using the service and the date of the planned porting.
  2. Number pre-check results. If all the data from the first paragraph matched, check will pass successfully.
  3. Reminder to change sim card. This SMS comes a day before the transfer of the number and reminds you at what time this will happen.

Do not schedule important calls during the transfer: at the time of the change of operator, outgoing calls and SMS may be limited for 30 minutes, and incoming calls and SMS for six hours.

The above conditions and restrictions are the same for almost all operators. However, there are still slight differences between them.

What conditions are provided by different operators

A mobile phone with many applications and access to the Internet has long ceased to be something unusual. In the daily “battle for the client”, mobile operators invent new “super-profitable” tariffs and offers. Until recently, to keep our compatriots from switching from one cellular company to another, in most cases, could be the inevitable troubles associated with changing the phone number.

Since January 2013, Russians have the opportunity to save their phone number when changing mobile operator. The decree of the government of the Russian Federation, enthusiastically called by the press the Law "On the Abolition of Mobile Slavery", obliged Russian operators cellular communication provide customers with the MNP – Mobile Number Portability service, which makes it possible to apply for the preservation of the current phone number when changing companies.

How is the change of operator with the preservation of the number? What documents do you need to provide for this? Can there be difficulties when changing one mobile operator to another?

General transition rules

Regardless of which company's SIM card is used to change the operator while maintaining the number, there are general principles transition:

  • This service is always paid. The cost of the transition will cost the subscriber 100 rubles. Please be aware of the additional costs. You need to find out, for example, how much a SIM card and a package of connected services will cost.
  • You will not be able to use the MNP service too often. The law "insures" mobile operators, allowing you to switch with the preservation telephone number not earlier than two months after the start of service by a new cellular company.
  • Only the owner, that is, the person whose name is issued on the SIM card with this phone number, can make a transfer to another cellular company with the preservation of the number. He must personally apply by presenting his passport. In exceptional cases, the transition can be carried out by an authorized person who has an appropriate notarized power of attorney from the owner of the number.
  • Switching to another company without changing the number is limited to one region. This means that changing the operator while maintaining the number in Moscow will be possible only in the capital or region. You won't be able to change your Moscow number in any other region.
  • The phone number remains the same, but the operator issues its own SIM card after concluding a service agreement with the subscriber. Services and services connected to a mobile phone number will, in most cases, have to be connected again after switching to another company.
  • Blocked phone numbers are not subject to the MNP service.

Is the subscriber obliged to notify the operator about the change of number?

It is logical to assume that the "Law on MNP" is primarily on the side of consumers of cellular services, that is, subscribers. But are the rights of a mobile operator losing a subscriber protected by this resolution? For example, if the operator is changed while maintaining the number from MTS to Megafon, is the subscriber obliged to notify MTS in advance of this?

In order to change the operator, the owner of the number must leave an application only in the company where the transfer will be made. He is not obliged to warn in advance the company from where the subscriber is going to transfer.

Transfer terms

Legislators have set specific deadlines within which the cellular company must change the operator while maintaining the number. For any legal entity that has submitted an application for this service, all numbers indicated in the application are renewed within 29 days. For an individual, this period is even shorter - only 8 days. During this time, the operators must carry out the necessary reconciliation of the subscriber's personal data.

How does the subscriber use cellular communications until the change of operator with the preservation of the number is made? During this period, having both SIM cards in hand - new and old, the subscriber continues to use the services of the "donor" until he receives an SMS indicating the time and date of the transition.

Subscribers who have already gone through the number-preserving transfer procedure often warn that it is very important not to allow a "zero" or negative balance on the "donor" operator's SIM card during the transfer. No money in the account cell phone may well serve as a reason for the operator to refuse the transfer.

Transition to "Beeline"

What does a subscriber need to do in order to become a Beeline subscriber by retaining the existing cell phone number of another operator? For example, let's consider how the operator is changed step by step while maintaining the number from Megafon to Beeline.

A subscriber who wants to change the SIM card served by Megafon to a Beeline SIM card without changing the previous phone number will need to contact any office of the new operator, having an identity document with him. The employee will help the future client fill out an application to change the operator while maintaining the existing number. In addition to a personal appeal to a communication salon or office, subscribers now have the opportunity to leave a corresponding application online in a special section on the operator's website.

The next step is to conclude an agreement with Beeline and receive a SIM card from this company. The subscriber for the new SIM card will need to choose any tariff of the new operator. If the application was made online, you can order courier delivery sim cards and contracts for free.

Next, you need to pay 100 rubles for NMP and additionally for a new SIM card, according to the selected tariff. The completed application for the NMP service will be considered by the company within 8 days. Throughout this period, the subscriber can use the Megafon SIM card, while not allowing a zero or negative balance. The Beeline SIM card can also be used immediately after being handed over - it will be connected to a temporary number.

The subscriber will be notified about the current status of the submitted application and about all operations by means of SMS messages. A day before the transfer of the number, the subscriber should receive a message with information about the time when it is necessary to rearrange the Beeline SIM card into your phone.

Transition to Megafon

For those subscribers who decide to use the services of another major operator - Megafon, there are also two ways to fill out an application: in a communication salon or on the official website of the company. What does it look like, for example, changing the operator while keeping the number from Tele2 to Megafon?

  • In order to inform Megafon of its decision to change the operator without changing the Tele2 number, the client must either apply with a passport (identity document of the owner of the number) to a communication salon or company office or fill out an application in a special section on the Megafon website . Here, on the official website of the company, it is possible to obtain free shipping agreement and a new SIM card with a visit to the subscriber's address by a company specialist to conclude an agreement and consult on the proposed tariffs.
  • Further, the contract is concluded, the tariff is selected and the Megafon SIM card is received.
  • Payment for the NMP service (100 rubles) and a package of a new SIM card is carried out in accordance with the tariff chosen by the subscriber.
  • After an eight-day period after receiving an SMS notification of a change, the operator needs to change the Tele2 SIM card to Megafon in the phone.

Switching to MTS

The process of transferring to the MTS cellular communication company with the preservation of the telephone number is almost the same. But it is worth noting that this company does not have an online application filling service. Changing the operator while maintaining the number from Tele2 to MTS includes the following steps:

  • Contacting a subscriber to an MTS salon or office with a passport or other identification document. To change the operator, you will need to fill out an appropriate application.
  • Concluding an agreement, choosing a tariff and receiving an MTS SIM card.
  • Payment for NMP service and SIM card package in accordance with the tariff.
  • After an eight-day period after receiving an SMS notification about the change of operator, you need to change the Tele2 SIM card to MTS in your phone.

Transition to Tele2

Separately, it is worth mentioning the transition with the preservation of the number to Tele2, an operator that is not included in the Russian top three, but has already gained some fame in our country with a relatively democratic pricing policy.

To switch to the service of this operator with his telephone number, the subscriber will have to personally write an application at the Tele2 office (communication salon). Further, the procedure is not much different from the examples already given: the subscriber to whom the SIM card is registered needs to come with a passport to the communication salon and write an application, sign an agreement with the company. On the same day, he will be given a SIM card from the Tele2 company.

After that, within 8 days, the subscriber should receive an SMS indicating when the phone number will be transferred, and they will need to rearrange the SIM card in their phone. During this period, the subscriber is obliged to liquidate debts to the “donor” company, if any.

After turning on the Tele2 SIM card, the subscriber's number may be unavailable for some time, but not more than half an hour - as a rule, this is warned in advance when concluding an agreement.

Operator liability

Amendments to the Federal Law "On Communications", namely in Article 46 of this law, provide for the responsibility of a cellular communication company for violation of the terms for transferring a telephone number. Thus, if the transfer of the subscriber's telephone number is still not completed within the prescribed 8 days, the operator who has violated the deadlines for transferring the number to another company is obliged to provide the client with the opportunity to use cellular communications free of charge until the moment when the operator is actually changed while maintaining the number.

(Information current as of December 2013)

From December 1, it became possible in Russia to switch from one mobile operator to another while maintaining the same phone number. This service is called MNP (Mobile number portability). You can change the operator without changing the number only within the same region. The cost of the transition is 100 rubles. You can transfer only a number in federal numbering (city numbering cannot be transferred). In addition, both operators (the donor operator and the recipient operator) must have technical capabilities for transfer (at the beginning of December, the list of "ready" ones included: Beeline, MegaFon, MTS, Rostelecom, Tele 2, SMARTS). A second change of operator is only possible 70 days after the previous operation.

So, to port a number, you have to do only two operations: write an application and insert a new SIM card after receiving confirmation from your new operator. In fact, the process is somewhat more complicated.
  • 1. First you need to select the operator you want to switch to, come to one of its offices with a passport and write an application for porting the number. The number, of course, must be registered to you and in the region where you plan to make the transition. If the number is not issued to you, you need a notarized power of attorney.
  • 2. After signing the contract and choosing a tariff plan (according to some reports, there are restrictions in the choice), you will receive a SIM card with a temporary number from the recipient operator (that is, the one to whom you are leaving the previous one). It is best not to use this SIM card for the time being. It works, but during the transition period (which can take a long time), you will pay the costs of both SIM cards.
  • 3. The recipient operator will send the application to single center(it is served by the Central Research Institute of Communications), where the donor operator will compare the full name. subscriber with his data and find out the amount of debt (if any).
  • 4. On the second or third day, the subscriber may receive an SMS about the debt to the previous operator. It must be repaid before the end of the fourth day from the date of signing the contract.
  • 5. After the two operators settle all the formalities, you will receive an SMS reminder of the date of the transfer to the old number.
  • 6. At X hour, you can throw away the old SIM card and insert a new one (it should automatically activate). After that, outgoing calls and SMS may not work for half an hour, incoming calls and SMS may not work for several hours.
  • 7. If there is money left on your old account, you need to come to the office of the donor operator and write an application for a refund.
  • 8. According to the law, the translation process should take no more than 8 days. But, given the unavailability of all mobile operators in Russia, shortcomings in the regulatory framework and the implementation of certain technical issues, the mobile operator has the right to transfer you no later than April 15, 2014.
  • 9. Thus, the actual transfer time may take from 8 days to three to four months.
  • 10. We strongly discourage you from switching carriers anytime soon. The fact is that after the transition, roaming (national and international) may not work for you, and there may also be no connection with wired (fictitious) telephony subscribers. > Change of mobile operator without changing the number

Instructions: how to switch from one mobile operator to another while maintaining the subscriber number

(Information current as of December 2013)

From December 1, it became possible in Russia to switch from one mobile operator to another while maintaining the same phone number. This service is called MNP (Mobile number portability). You can change the operator without changing the number only within the same region. The cost of the transition is 100 rubles. You can transfer only a number in federal numbering (city numbering cannot be transferred). In addition, both operators (the donor operator and the recipient operator) must have the technical capabilities for the transfer (at the beginning of December, the list of “ready” ones included: Beeline, MegaFon, MTS, Rostelecom, Tele 2, SMARTS). A second change of operator is only possible 70 days after the previous operation.

So, to port a number, you have to do only two operations: write an application and insert a new SIM card after receiving confirmation from your new operator. In fact, the process is somewhat more complicated.

  • 1. First you need to select the operator you want to switch to, come to one of its offices with a passport and write an application for porting the number. The number, of course, must be registered to you and in the region where you plan to make the transition. If the number is not issued to you, you need a notarized power of attorney.
  • 2. After signing the contract and choosing a tariff plan (according to some reports, there are restrictions in the choice), you will receive a SIM card with a temporary number from the recipient operator (that is, the one to whom you are leaving the previous one). It is best not to use this SIM card for the time being. It works, but during the transition period (which can take a long time), you will pay the costs of both SIM cards.
  • 3. The recipient operator will send an application to a single center (served by the Central Research Institute of Communications), where the donor operator will compare the full name. subscriber with his data and find out the amount of debt (if any).
  • 4. On the second or third day, the subscriber may receive an SMS about the debt to the previous operator. It must be repaid before the end of the fourth day from the date of signing the contract.
  • 5. After the two operators settle all the formalities, you will receive an SMS reminder of the date of the transfer to the old number.
  • 6. At X hour, you can throw away the old SIM card and insert a new one (it should automatically activate). After that, outgoing calls and SMS may not work for half an hour, and incoming calls and SMS may not work for several hours.
  • 7. If there is money left on your old account, you need to come to the office of the donor operator and write an application for a refund.
  • 8.

    How to switch to another operator while keeping the number

    According to the law, the translation process should take no more than 8 days. But, given the unavailability of all mobile operators in Russia, shortcomings in the regulatory framework and the implementation of certain technical issues, the mobile operator has the right to transfer you no later than April 15, 2014.

  • 9. Thus, the actual transfer time may take from 8 days to three to four months.
  • 10. We strongly discourage you from switching carriers anytime soon. The fact is that after the transition, roaming (national and international) may not work for you, and there may also be no connection with wired (fictitious) telephony subscribers.

Internet portal "". Last update: 06.12.2013

Change mobile operator while keeping your number. abolition of mobile slavery. What needs to be done to change the mobile operator and save the number.

Question: Change mobile operator keeping your number what it is? How to lure an operator while keeping your number.

Answer: In this article, we will see how to change the mobile operator while keeping your number and what needs to be done for this. The end of mobile slavery and the beginning of an improvement in the services provided by telecom operators.

Great news for those who have long wanted to change their mobile operator, but couldn’t do it because they didn’t want to change their number. Now the owners Beeline, Megafon, MTS numbers or other mobile network there was an opportunity to lure the operator and save your number. What does it look like? Yes, it's very simple, the number does not change, but the mobile operator changes. What is bad about this, when they call you, they will think that they are calling to the number of your old operator, as a result they call the SIM card of another operator, as a result, more money is debited from his account.

What's good about being able to change mobile operator while keeping your number? In fact, this should significantly improve the quality of service for their customers, while increasing competition and lowering the price of tariff plans so as not to lose their customers. If earlier you couldn’t somehow influence your mobile operator due to poor service or the high cost of the services provided, now they themselves should try to keep their SIM card users by providing more favorable rates and providing good support services.

And yet, in spite of the fact that abolished mobile slavery, the quality of communication has not improved at all and many still complain about it. There are already those who have changed their mobile operator while maintaining their number, and it is not always a fact that the new operator will be better than the old one. Almost all official mobile communication sites have a web page where they ask you to change the operator along with your number, there is also a description of how to switch from one mobile operator to another and what is needed for this.

What you need to change your mobile operator and keep your number? There is nothing complicated about this, if you have a work number issued to you, then you need your passport and a work number with a positive balance. We visit, taking our passport, the mobile communications office to which we want to transfer the number, fill out an application and pay 100 rubles (the fee for changing a mobile operator while maintaining the number may change). You will receive all the details at the customer support offices, you will be very welcome and they will tell you what you need to do to change the operator to your own. As you can see, the fee for this service is insignificant, the main thing is that there is a desire. It is also worth choosing a tariff plan, although I think those who want to change their mobile operator have long chosen a certain tariff plan for themselves.

After signing the contract with the operator, where do you go with your number and it will take some time until the transition is complete, this moment this is a maximum of 8 days. During this time, monitor the balance on the SIM card, if there is a negative balance on the account, then change operator will not work.

In any case, you should not immediately change your operator, it does not always happen that when you change the operator, the quality of the services provided is not the best, and sometimes even worse. If you still decide, then at least read the reviews that users write, what are the pros and cons, and is it worth doing all this. Just as we wrote above, changing your mobile operator may be beneficial for you, but for those who will call you it will not be entirely acceptable due to the difference in price.

I would like to hear your opinion about the change of mobile operator service with the preservation of the number. Will the quality of services provided improve after the abolition of mobile slavery, what will be the pros and cons?

How to transfer a number to another operator without leaving home

Looking forward to your comments on this topic.

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How to change cellular operator while keeping the number

On December 1, 2013, the Federal Law of December 25, 2012 N 253-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Communications”” came into force. The norms of the law granted the subscriber the right to make a decision to keep his subscriber number when concluding a new agreement on the provision of communication services with another mobile radiotelephone operator, the consent of the federal executive authority in the field of communications to transfer the subscriber number to the specified communication operator for the duration of such an agreement is not required.

Mobile radiotelephone operators are obliged to provide the ported numbers database operator with the necessary information about subscriber numbers stored by subscribers when concluding new contracts for the provision of communication services.

Government Russian Federation the operator of the database of transferred subscriber numbers was determined - the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Communications".

Preservation of the subscriber number is carried out on a reimbursable basis. The amount of the fee is set by the mobile radiotelephone operator when concluding a new contract for the provision of communication services, but cannot exceed one hundred rubles.

The procedure for transferring (saving) a subscriber number is regulated by Section IV (1) of the Rules for the provision of mobile communication services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2005 No. 328, as amended.

How to switch to another operator while keeping your number

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2013 No. 599, of November 28, 2013 No. 1094).

Information for the consumer about the possibility of switching to another mobile operator while maintaining the number

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2013 No. No. 599, amendments were made to the "Rules for the provision of mobile services" (cellular), establishing the procedure for porting numbers between mobile operators. From December 1, 2013, that is, from the moment of entry this document into force, subscribers are given the opportunity to switch from one mobile operator to another, leaving behind an already existing, well-known number.

According to the changes, the subscriber must fully repay the debt to the telecom operator, the number of which is transferred to another operator (debts to the “donor operator”), submit an application to the new operator (“recipient operator”) to terminate the contract with the donor operator and transfer the subscriber number .

The new operator must start providing communication services using the transferred subscriber number within 1 hour from the time specified in the subscriber's application. If the subscriber has not determined the start date for the provision of services, then the new operator will connect individual to your network on the 8th day from the date of conclusion of the contract, entity on day 29.

Beeline Megaphone MTS Tele2 Yota
Number change fee 100 rubles is free 100 rubles is free is free
Translation time, not earlier 8 days 11 days 8 days 8-9 days 8 days
Possibility to use a temporary number there is yes (you can use a SIM card with a temporary number even if the transfer did not take place) yes (to use a SIM card, you need to deposit 200 rubles on your account) there is yes (mandatory initial payment of 300 rubles)