If you have forgotten your account password origin records you don't know the answer to Secret Question or faced with the fact that the attackers stole your account, then you have two ways to fix the situation. First of all, you need to try to reset your password via email. If this does not help, or you probably know that the profile is in the hands of scammers, you need to contact technical support.

Password recovery

Let's start with easy recovery a password that does not require an answer to a security question or calls to technical support. So, the user forgot the key to the Origin account, what should he do:

An email will be sent with a link. By clicking on it, the user can reset the password that he forgot. After resetting the key, you need to come up with and write a new cipher twice in order to regain access to your account.

If the letter does not arrive in the mail, make sure that you enter the correct address in the recovery form. Also, check the Spam folder in mailbox. It is recommended that you add your EA tech support address to your contact list Email.

Recovery of a stolen account

Password recovery usually goes without problems, but what if it was stolen origin account. If a account hacked, you need to contact technical support. This applies to several cases:

  • Account data was lost as a result of a hack.
  • The security question and answer have been changed by an attacker.
  • The attached e-mail is replaced by a hacker with another address.

In addition, technical support should be contacted if there are problems with changing account information. If you forgot your secret question, want to change it or set a different answer, then you won’t be able to do without the help of specialists.

To chat with technical support, you need to log in to Origin. Since the account was hacked, you will have to register new profile or use the account of another person who is ready to provide you with authorization data.

Depending on the game, platform and country of residence, the methods of communication may be different. For example, to restore access to Need For Speed on PS4 or FIFA16 on PC, you need to call the technical support number provided. Sometimes the use of email is available, through which you can contact a support specialist to reset your password.

The complexity of recovering a stolen profile lies in the fact that an attacker can change all personal data in a profile in a short time, from e-mail to a security question.

So prepare ahead of time. license key of the purchased game, so that, if necessary, you can prove that you really made a purchase, and now you have become a victim of scammers.

Using chat

The English version of the support site has the ability to enter Live Chat, in which you can have a real-time dialogue with a specialist. This method is faster than sending an application or calling a number that works only during the day.

The answer will have to wait. When the specialist is ready to communicate, his name will appear. Describe the problem, provide the Origin ID and e-mail in which the account was linked. A support specialist can check with you the date of birth specified when registering an account. If you do not remember what you wrote when you created your account, then it will be difficult to regain access. Invite him to provide a license key for some installed game or other information that will help identify you as the owner of the account.

Most of the company's games Electronic Arts only work when running them through the Origin client. To log in to the application for the first time, you need to be connected to the network (then you can work offline). But sometimes a situation arises when there is a connection and works properly, but Origin still reports that "You must be online."

There are several reasons why this problem may occur. We will consider the most popular ways to return the client to working capacity. The following methods only work if you have a working internet connection and can use it on other services.

Method 1: Disable the TCP/IP protocol

This method can help users who have installed Windows Vista and newer OS versions. This is a fairly old Origin issue that hasn't been fixed yet - the client doesn't always see the TCP/IP version 6 network. Let's look at how to disable IPv6:

Method 2: Disabling third-party connections

It may also be that the client is trying to connect using one of the known, but in this moment invalid internet connections. This is fixed by removing extra networks:

Method 3: Reset the Winsock directory

Another reason is also related to the TCP / IP protocol and Winsock. Due to the operation of some malicious programs, installation incorrect drivers network board and other protocol settings could go wrong. In this case, you just need to reset the parameters to their default values:

Method 4: Disable SSL Protocol Filtering

Another one possible reason- Your antivirus has the SSL protocol filtering feature enabled. You can solve this problem by disabling the antivirus, disabling filtering, or adding certificates EA.com to the exceptions. This process is individual for each antivirus, so we recommend that you read the article at the link below.

Method 5: Editing hosts

hosts is system file, which is very fond of various malware. Its purpose is to assign specific IP addresses to certain site addresses. The result of intervention in this document some sites and services may be blocked. Consider how to clear the host:

The methods discussed above help restore Origin to working capacity in 90% of cases. We hope we were able to help you sort out this problem and you can play your favorite games again.

Very often, users encounter an error that network authorization is temporarily unavailable. Origin in this case is an unsurpassed leader. It is this application that most often makes users think about solving a problem. Fortunately, you should not immediately panic, because there are more than enough reasons for the error. Not all of them are dangerous or hopeless. Most failures are fixed on their own and without problems. Why is network authorization temporarily unavailable?

Origin: wrong installation

The first reason is not really correct installation programs. In this case, an error appears almost immediately: network authorization is temporarily unavailable. Origin (application) at the first connection to the system does not allow you to log in.

Don't be surprised and don't panic. Help fix the situation complete removal program and, of course, its subsequent installation. It is advisable to disable all background programs for this period, as well as anti-virus and security systems, otherwise the error may repeat. Ready?

Then run the utility and look at the result. In case of incorrect installation of content, you will no longer be afraid of the message that network authorization is temporarily unavailable. Origin after reinstallation, as practice shows, works great for some time.

System failure

Move on. It is not always the program itself that is to blame for certain errors. Sometimes it happens that the operating system is the main cause of problems. Network authorization is temporarily unavailable (Origin)? What to do in this case?

You can try closing the program and restarting it, or even better, turn your computer off and on again. As a last resort, rebooting your "machine" is very effective method dealing with many application errors. If the "root of evil" was a system failure, it will disappear. And you can continue to work with the program in full force.

No document

What else can you assume if you see an alert: Network authorization is temporarily unavailable (Origin)? How to fix the situation? It all depends on when the error started bothering you. If immediately after installation or short-term use, you can resort to one more trick.

For example, find a special one. Sometimes it is simply missing or, for some unknown reason, is not registered in the operating system. Therefore, the application is having problems. Download it and then run it. This must be done with administrator rights.

Usually this method helps. And you will no longer have a message on the screen that network authorization is temporarily unavailable (Origin). Still no progress? Is the error still showing up? Well, there is no need to be upset. Instead, you can think about what other reasons exist.

Lost network

Sometimes they cause the failure of certain applications, Origin also applies here. If an error occurs that says that network authorization is temporarily unavailable (Origin), before starting all actions and thoughts, check the Internet is working.

Maybe the network disappeared or disappeared for a few seconds at the time of connecting to the program? Or is it not working for you at all? The World Wide Web? In this case, there is no way to deal with the error, unless you just wait for the Internet to restore its functionality.

Please note that if you have too many programs enabled at the same time that require a network, this can also lead to an error. Unfortunately, here you will have to disable everything that is possible, to minimize the entire sector of running utilities that work with the Internet. It's also a very effective approach. If the error in Origin no longer recurs after disabling any specific applications, simply do not activate the software at the same time.


But this is not the end either. If you receive a message that network authorization is temporarily unavailable (Origin), Windows 8 or 10 may be hiding the reason. These operating systems experience some issues with some applications. Origin is one of them.

It's all about the banal incompatibility of the system and content. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. You can try running Origin using the compatibility settings as an administrator, but don't rely on it too much. In Windows 8, this method can still help, but Origin is not yet compatible with Windows 8. And so there are two ways out.

The first is the rejection this application basically. This will save you a lot of headaches. Second - change operating system to the one that works fine with Origin. This method is most commonly used by users.

Viruses and registry

So we got to the last reasons that can generate a message that network authorization is temporarily unavailable (Origin). These include infection of the computer with viruses, as well as "littering" of the computer registry.

As soon as you first encountered this problem, and also eliminated all system failures and reinstalled the content, you need to scan the OS for spyware and viruses. Cure all potential threats, and what cannot be cured must be removed once and for all. Please try again with Origin.

Does not help? Then you can try to clean the system registry. Better to do it automatically. CCleaner will help with this. Analyze your computer, and then click on "Cleanup". System registry clean It is advisable to reboot the system before resuming attempts to work with Origin.

Here is what we have learned possible options, in which a message appears in Origin about the impossibility of authorization. You can see that there are a lot of them. It is simply impossible to predict what exactly happened. It is better to try the entire list proposed to deal with the problem, some of this will definitely help you.

The Origin error is terribly infuriating, the solution is achieved as follows.

Error type:

  • Network authorization is temporarily unavailable;
  • When logging in for the first time, you must be online;

To resolve the issue with the error as much as possible, follow the options and try until it starts.

Option 1

Both valid and correct.

  1. We reboot the modem for a couple of minutes, turn it off.
  2. Uninstall Origin via Add/Remove Programs Control Panel
  3. If possible, perform windows updates, but unless it hangs with updates for you.
  4. Downloading from the official site latest version, install.
  5. Let's try to launch. If we see network authorization is temporarily unavailable, or when you log in for the first time, you must be online - go to option 2.

Option #2

Let's start with more probable cause removing old certificates. You can remove them in two ways:

  1. Method one.

2. Method two.

  • certmgr.msc
  • In the left column, select - trusted root CAs -> certificates
  • In the right sort by name, we are looking for VeriSign and delete everything
  • close try to run, straight without restarting the computer.

Option #3

Cleaning up the hosts file

  • File path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
  • Opening with notepad
  • We delete everything that we see there except for the line localhost
  • If it doesn’t let you save, transfer the file to the desktop, delete the file from system folder, make changes to the file on the desktop and transfer it to the folder where the file should be.
  • Launch Origin

Option #4

  • Find the browser icon Internet Explorer
  • Press right click mouse and run as administrator
  • open browser properties -> connection tab -> network settings button
  • Put a tick in the box - automatic detection parameters
  • Launch Origin
  • If again we see that authorization is temporarily unavailable, we go further.

Option #5

Let's clean up the registry.

  • Press Win + R on the keyboard, write the command regedit
  • In the panel at the top, select search, enter origin there and press search by folders.
  • how to find - delete everything exe and folders
  • When searching, simply press F3, after deleting what is found, and when pressed, the search will continue along the registry branches.
  • It's not bad to use the Glary Utilites program as well. perfectly removes everything superfluous.