Insert an internet cable into the WAN (or Internet) port of your router (aka router).

Connect the router to the computer: insert one end of the network cable into any of the LAN ports of the router, and the other end into the PC network card connector. Can be used instead of cable wireless connection, but at the configuration stage it is better not to do this.

Plug the router into an outlet. If your device has a power button, press it. Then wait one or two minutes for the router to boot up.

2. Check the internet

If your router was pre-configured by the provider or received settings in automatic mode, then the Internet can work in a few seconds after connecting the router to the PC.

To check, launch a browser and try opening several sites. If there are no problems accessing web resources, you can skip the fourth paragraph of the article.

In the address bar of your browser, enter or and press Enter. One of these IP addresses should lead to the router's settings menu. If both options do not work, find the correct IP address in the documentation for your router model and try entering it.

When the settings login page appears in the browser window, the system may request a username and password. Most often, during the initial connection, one word is suitable for both fields - admin. Less often as standard password router manufacturers use a combination 1234 .

If necessary, you can find the login information in the instructions for the router or on the provider's website. Well, or try an alternative.

4. Set up an internet connection

If the Internet is still not working, the router needs special settings. Which parameters you need depends on specific model device and internet service provider. There is no universal configuration. To get the instructions you need, check the provider's website or request it from the support service.

Once you've got a setup guide for your model, follow its prompts. If in the process you set up both an internet connection and home network Wi-Fi, you can skip the fifth paragraph of the article.

To Wi-Fi, it is important to choose the right security settings.

In the settings menu, find the section responsible for the wireless network (see the documentation for your router model). Be sure to ask here strong password(it will be needed to connect your devices to the router via Wi-Fi) and select WPA2-PSK as a means of protection.

6. Change the password to enter the router settings

Just in case, it is better to restrict outsiders' access to the router's settings menu. If the router is still protected by the default password, replace it with your own.

Find the settings section that is responsible for the security (see the documentation for your router model) of the device, and enter a new strong password here. Save your changes.

If your computer has a Wi-Fi module, after completing the setup network cable can be pulled out of the PC and connected to the router via a wireless connection.

7. Install the router in the optimal location

Ideally, the router is in the center of the zone in which you use Wi-Fi. Thus, the signal will be equally available to all connected devices.

The fewer walls, furniture, and other obstacles between the receiver device and the router, the better the wireless network works.

If you are a regular reader of our site, then you probably remember our article in which we told,. In the continuation of this article, we want to tell you how to set up wifi router in the apartment, placing accents when setting it up.

Wi-Fi network application at home

For beginners, a few words should be said about what you need WiFi at home and what are its benefits. Wi-Fi at home is necessary in order to use a router to divide the Internet into several devices. Wi-Fi is also needed to create local network. It should also be noted that many devices, such as tablets and smartphones, do not support an Ethernet connection, so Wi-Fi is the only way to transfer the Internet to these devices.

Thanks to the creation WiFi networks at home, you can get rid of the wires in your apartment, as well as access the Internet in any room of the apartment or private house. As mentioned above, to create a Wi-Fi network, you need a router, about correct setting which will be discussed next.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router correctly

If you followed the recommendations of the site that were given in the article about the Wi-Fi router, then you should have chosen the right Wi-Fi router that will fully satisfy all your requirements and perform all the tasks assigned to it.

In the article about, we gave recommendations on where it is best to install a Wi-Fi router. When a place is selected, and this place is most likely located near a desktop computer, then this computer you need to connect to the router using a twisted pair cable (network cable), which comes with all models of routers. If the location of the Wi-Fi router is not near the computer, then in any case initial setup router must be made via an Ethernet connection - cable.

When the router is connected to a computer or laptop, you need to go to the router settings menu. The router settings menu is made in the form of a website, so you should not have any difficulties with it. In order to open the router settings, you need to enter the local address of the router in the address bar of the browser: "". Before logging in, enter your username and password to access the settings menu. Login and password are the same: "admin". The router menu will look something like the one shown in the picture below.

Re-flashing the router for high-quality work

To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about the firmware. Advanced Users we would advise you to reflash the Wi-Fi router, since in the vast majority of cases standard firmware routers are not fresh, and therefore there may be some shortcomings in them. To fix this, we recommend flashing the router to improve the quality of the Wi-Fi network and the performance of the router.

You can download the firmware file on the official website of the router manufacturer. You can reflash the router by going to the section " System Tools” to the “Firmware Update” category. If your router has an English shell, then go to the "System Setup" section in the "Firmware upgrade" category. Specify the path to the firmware and update it. Now let's move on to setting up a Wi-Fi network.

Setting up an Internet connection and Wi-Fi network

First you need to configure the WAN connection, that is, configure the router to connect to the provider so that Internet traffic arrives at the router.

  • WAN connection type. To configure the router - open the "Network" section and the "WAN" category. In the WAN connection settings, you need to set the type of your Internet connection. As a rule, most modern providers use dynamic IP (Dynamic IP), for which you do not need to enter settings. If your provider uses a PPPoE connection, then you need to select the appropriate item in the menu and enter the settings for its connection, specifying your login and password. For static IP address you must also select the appropriate connection type and enter following settings: IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.
  • Setting DNS. If in your settings the provider sets the obligatory prescription of the DNS server address, then enter the primary and secondary DNS (DNS1 and DNS2). For a dynamic connection type, you do not need to enter DNS, as it will be set automatically.
  • Now let's move on to setting up a Wi-Fi network. Go to the section " Wireless mode» (Wireless), where you can set the following settings.

    • Network name. The network name refers to the name of your Wi-Fi router, which will be displayed in the device list for WiFi connections. The name of the router must be unique, because otherwise, if there are 2 Wi-Fi routers with the same names in the same coverage area, this may lead to problems with access to wireless network. Having come up with a unique name for the router, we proceed to the choice of a communication channel.

    • WiFi channel. Here you need to select the channel on which it will be transmitted wifi signal. All routers can work in 13 channels, but you need to select only one. It is important to note that if a large number of devices work on the same Wi-Fi channel, there may be interruptions in access to Wi-Fi, as well as a drop in speed. Most often, users set automatic channel selection by the router, but this can cause problems. We recommend checking the number of Wi-Fi routers that are available in your apartment, if there are few, then leave automatic channel selection, if there are many, set it manually. We recommend setting the channel from 10th to 13th, as these channels are used the least.

    • Transfer mode. Wi-Fi has its own data transfer modes. To date, there are several WiFi standards: a, b, g, n, ac. The most used is the “n” standard, but we do not recommend installing only it, since devices that do not support this standard will simply not connect to a Wi-Fi network. Therefore, we recommend setting the parameter: "b/g/n".

    • Type of data encryption. Encryption is used to secure data transmission. There are several types for Wi-Fi encryption. Unlike the data transfer mode, only one encryption type can be selected, so devices that do not support the latest encryption type will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi. In turn, we recommend using the encryption type: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. If all your devices support it, then this is very good, as it is the most reliable. If some WiFi devices and it is not supported, you will have to set the encryption type to WEP.

    • Transfer rate. As for the data transfer rate, we recommend setting the maximum allowed speed by the router.

    • . Well, the last thing you need to pay attention to is the password. The Wi-Fi password should be as complex as possible so that it cannot be guessed. We recommend that you use letters, numbers and special characters in your password. symbols.

    Setting up Wi-Fi on devices

    In order to set up Wi-Fi on your devices, just find the name of your Wi-Fi router in the list of Wi-Fi devices and connect to it by entering the password you set.

    How to set up Wi-Fi on a laptop

    You can set up Wi-Fi on a laptop by clicking on the network connections icon in the system tray, in which you will be offered a list available WiFi devices. To connect to a Wi-Fi router, select your device from the list and click the "Connect" button. Enter your password and save it.

    Sometimes users have a problem accessing a Wi-Fi network when the Wi-Fi network is unavailable. To do this, look on the laptop for the function key responsible for turning on and disable wifi module in a laptop. Turn on the module, and after that the Wi-Fi network will be available.

    How to set up Wi-Fi on a computer

    Most computers do not have a Wi-Fi module, and therefore, it will be impossible to connect to a Wi-Fi network. In order to access a Wi-Fi network on your computer, purchase a Wi-Fi adapter. This device connects to a computer via a USB port. After you install the drivers for the adapter, the Wi-Fi network will be available on the computer as well.

) for a network of home computers. The exact names of the router configuration parameters may vary depending on the model. and it can be both wired and wireless communication. This general router setup procedure guides you through the process general settings home network.
1. To get started router setup, choose a comfortable place, such as an open space on the floor or a table. This will not be the permanent location of the device. In the beginning, it's best to choose a place where it's easiest to work with the router, and worry about the final placement later.

2. To set up a router, connect the power supply to the router, and then turn it on by pressing the power button.

3. Connect the cable provided by your ISP to your router. This cable is connected to the main input of the router, it is usually marked with WAN.

Do not connect the main network cable to the LAN connector !!!

4. When configuring the router, even if the router is wireless, you need to connect it to the host computer through a network cable. If desired and technical feasibility, once connected, the connection method can be changed to wireless.

5. On the computer connected to the router, open any . Then enter the router address in address bar browser. Many routers have an address or Refer to documentation for setting up a router, to determine the exact address for your model. Please note that you do not need an internet connection for this step.

6. The page you will be taken to will ask you to enter a username and password. They are in the router documentation (set by default: username - admin, password - admin). You should change your router's password for security reasons, but you can do so after installation is complete to avoid unnecessary complications during installation.

7. Choose router operating mode. The router has several modes of operation:

DHCP Mode- allows the router to automatically distribute addresses to all computers connected to the network. This mode is most convenient when a lot of computers are connected to the network, and it will be quite problematic to configure on each computer.

NAT Mode- using this mode of operation, all computers connected to the network will be perceived by others as one computer, with one IP address. But inside the network, each computer gets a separate address. This mode is good because many ISPs limit the number of computers that can be on the local network, so using NAT Mode you can mask the number of computers, since they will share one common IP.

Bridge Mode and Access Point Mode- in these modes, the router passes the entire flow of information through itself, and you will have to configure the connection on each computer.

8. After you have selected the mode of operation of the router, you need to configure the router WAN and LAN, and if your router has a wireless interface, then you can still configure router through WiFi connection. These settings are usually not complicated.

Era computer technology is developing quite rapidly. If earlier we could only dream of having the Internet with us everywhere, now it is quite possible. Thanks to a Wi-Fi router, you will secure your entire apartment or house wireless internet. But for correct operation you need to know how to set up a router, how to increase its productivity and adjust it to the work of your computer.

What is a router

A router (or router) is a mini-computer that distributes network flows to different computers. That is, it literally divides the entire speed of the Internet, which the provider gives, to all computers existing in this network. What is a network? This is the number of computers connected to one channel. For example, if you have several computers at home, then you need a router. Using a cable, you connect all the computers to it, and it already divides the speed between them.

What is a Wi-Fi router

Now there are Wi-Fi routers. The principle is the same: the machine divides the speed, distributes it to all participants. Only now we do not use cable, but waves. Every Wi-Fi router has an antenna. This is the transmitter of the waves that transmit the Internet.

We will not delve into the history of how Wi-Fi appeared and what it is, but let's go directly to how to set up a Wi-Fi router. There are several ways to do this, and we will get acquainted with each of them in detail. To get started, read this article:. Here is a detailed description of how to enter the router settings.

Of course, the differences in the settings of routers depend on the model and company. But each of them has a certain set of data that can be configured. First of all, use the instructions that are necessarily attached to each device. But if you still have questions after that, let's try to figure it out.

How to set up a router through a router

In order to understand how to configure a router through a router, you need to figure out what it consists of. Take a good look at your router. Consider it from all sides. There must be an entry point and several exit points.

An entry point is a port where you insert a regular cable that used to be plugged into a computer. Quite simply - a port to receive an Internet connection. This port must be WAN signed.

There are three to five exit points in modern routers. Remember that the router primarily works in order to be able to divide the stream between several computers. So, all these ports, which are signed as LAN, can connect several computers. They will be useful if you have several desktop computers without Wi-Fi acceptance device.

Now let's move on to how to configure the router itself. A connection cable must be included with the device. We insert it into one of the LAN ports. Next, we remove the cable from the connector in system unit your computer, and insert it into an external port (the same WAN). We connect the second end of the cable, which was bundled with the router, to the network card connector. And, of course, do not forget to plug the router into a power outlet.

That's it, your device is connected, it will light up with funny lights, usually blue, red or green. If it doesn't, take a look, maybe you just didn't turn it on. To do this (usually on the back) there is an on / off button.

If you did everything correctly, then the computer will tell you that a new network connection has been detected. To set it up, click right click mouse and go to the properties menu.

How to set up a router through a computer

You already know how to enter the router settings, now you need to understand what is there and where to enter. Some devices come with a special installation disk. By inserting it into the drive and following the instructions, the system will do everything itself.

But if there is no such disk, do not worry, everything can be configured manually. So, you are in the window for editing the properties of the new network connection. Next we do the following:

  1. We find the section we need - this is the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP). Select the properties menu again.
  2. Find the menu here manual setting IP addresses. It's usually called "Use the following IP address".
  3. Enter the following information in the IP address field:
    • Subnet mask:
    • IP address: (
    • DNS: (
    • Default Gateway: (

We specified the standard local IP ( and Perhaps yours will be different. Look in the documents for the router to see if the IP address is listed there. If yes, then you should use it.

To make sure that everything will work correctly, we execute the “ping” command. In the "Start" menu we find the item "Run", and in it - the command (cmd). Enter ping 192.168.x.1. If the IP address is different (the one in the documents), then enter it, and not 192.168.x.1. Press "Enter".

Web interface setup

If everything went well and you didn’t get any errors, proceed to setting up the web interface.

  1. To do this, in the browser in the address bar, we drive in http://192.168.x.1
  2. A page will open in front of you where you will need to enter your username and password. As a rule, these data are indicated in the documents for the router. If there is no information about this, then enter “admin” in both fields - these are the standard login and password. If not, try leaving the fields blank.
  3. You are in the admin menu. We go into the settings of the Wi-Fi router and select the "Wi-Fi" section. Perhaps it will be called "Wireless", since the name Wi-Fi itself stands for Wireless Fidelity - wireless fidelity.
  4. Select the current profile or create a new one, specifying the following settings:
    • Wireless Mode: auto
    • Name (SSID): (name of your network)
    • Channel: auto
    • WEP Encryption: TKIP
    • Authentication Method: WPA-PSK
    • WPA Pre-Shared Key: Internet access password

We leave everything else as default. As a matter of fact, that's the whole setup of the web interface. Now we configure the Wi-Fi network itself on devices - mobile phone, tablet, laptop and so on.

How to set up a network through a router

We have already done most of the work. We set up the router itself, its web interface and made settings for the computer. Now it remains to learn how to configure the router mode and connect all computers on the network.

Router modes

  1. Bridge. The router acts as a transmitter of information. But the settings for the IP address, ports and gateways will need to be set on each computer separately. This option is hardly suitable for large corporations with more than a hundred computers on the internal network.
  2. access point. The properties are about the same as in the previous mode. It also requires configuration for each individual computer.
  3. NAT. masking mode. The router translates addresses, but all computers on the network have the same external address, and therefore look like one computer. Within the network itself, each machine is assigned its own address. But for ISPs who like to limit the number of computers on a local network, everything will look like one computer.
  4. DHCP. A mode that allows you to automatically determine the addresses of each network computer. This is the best option for large networks with quite a lot of computers.

Modem as a router

If you do not use cable Internet, but a modem, then you have the opportunity to configure the modem as a router. There is nothing complicated here either.

  1. We enter the modem settings. Here we set up network card to your modem's network so that it doesn't automatically select something else.
  2. Set up a network card. Go to the "Network Connections" folder. Here we find the item "Local Area Connection" - it should be active. If the network connection is disabled, right-click and select "connect".
  3. Now we go to the properties (also through the right mouse button), there we find the "Internet Protocol TCP / IP" and open the properties again. Here we prescribe everything that was indicated earlier when we set up the router through a computer.
  4. Now we configure the modem itself. We enter the modem settings. We find the "Advanced Setup" tab, select "WAN" there. After that, press the "Add" button and create a new connection. Be sure to uncheck "auto-connect" and then fill in the VPI (1) and VCI (32) fields.
  5. Select the "PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)" section and click "NEXT".
  6. Fill in the fields "PPP Username" and "PPP Password". This is the login and password that you specified when you started working with the provider to access the Internet.
  7. Set the "Authentication Method" menu to "PAP". Select the checkboxes "Enable Firewall" and "Enable NAT" and click "Next".
  8. But here we do not touch anything, let everything be as it was. Press the "Save" button and automatically go to the page with the newly created connection. Click "Save/Reboot" again to reboot the device. Now the new settings take effect.

That's all! And now it remains to figure out how to set up a windows 7 router.

Router and Windows 7

  1. Check the version of the router. As a rule, it is indicated on a sticker located on the bottom of the device.
  2. Now we go to the official website of the manufacturer and download the latest "firmware" - a set of updates software for the successful operation of the router.
  3. If the file is downloaded as an archive, then unpack it where it is convenient.
  4. Now let's set up the computer itself. We go to network connections. In Windows 7, they are located in the Control Panel, which can be accessed through the Start menu (Start - Control Panel - Network Connections).
  5. We go from the settings of the network profile that is currently working for you. There we select "Internet Protocol TCP / IP". And then we look, what do we have? DHCP or Static IP? The first option is with an automatic IP address. Then the subnet mask and gateways will be empty. If they are filled, this is Static IP.
  6. Find out the IP address of our router. It is in the documents for the device. Or you can find it in the Network and Control Center and public access, in the Network Connections Manager (all in the same Control Panel).
  7. Here we click on the network connection shortcut with the right button and select the "Details" item. The default gateway is the IP address.
  8. In the browser, enter the IP address in the address bar. Again, enter "admin" in the login and password fields.
  9. In the window that opens, select the “Tools” section. In it we find the subsection “Firmware”. Now we indicate the place where we downloaded the firmware from the official site, and click “Upgrade”.
  10. The device will reboot itself after the updates are installed. Do not unplug it at this point, because everything will go to waste. When the router works again, reset the hardware settings by pressing the “reset” button for about 15 seconds. That's all. Restart your computer and use the new router!

Now on sale great amount different Wi-Fi routers from different manufacturers. And that's good, there are plenty to choose from. But right after buying a router, we need to install, connect and configure it. And if the connection process practically does not differ depending on the model, then the setup process itself and the page with the settings of the router can be different even from one manufacturer.

It is very difficult to give detailed and step by step instructions by setting different models. But I'll try. In this article, I will describe in detail and show how to install and configure a Wi-Fi router. No matter what make and model you have. This universal instruction Suitable for both setting up a new router and re-configuring. You can do everything yourself. And it is not necessary to pay for the setup of specialists.

Entering the router settings. How to access the web interface?

Each router has its own web interface (site with settings, control panel), which can be accessed through a browser by going to the appropriate address.

Important! To enter the router settings and configure it, your device (PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet) must be connected to the router via a cable, or via a Wi-Fi network. In this case, access to the Internet on the computer may not be. You don't need internet to access the control panel!

If you have on your computer high speed connection (may be with the name of your provider), then after connecting through the router, you do not need to run it!

To enter the settings we need find out the address our router and factory username and password for authorization. This information is located on the body of the device itself. Looks like this:

On a computer, or mobile device, which is connected to the router, open the browser (Opera, Chrome, Yandex.Browser, etc.) and go to the address indicated on the case. Or try and

Important! The address is entered in the address bar, not in the search bar. Many people get confused, and instead of a page with settings, they end up on a page with search results of some search engine.

On the login page, you need to enter a username and password. The factory ones are indicated on the body of the device. Most often these are admin and admin. On some models, the default settings are not protected, and immediately after entering the control panel, you need to set a login and password.

Articles that may be useful to you at this stage:

If the settings page has opened, then we can continue. If not, then see the article with solutions to this problem at the link above.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router?

In order to use the Internet through a router, you need at least:

  • Set up an internet connection.
  • Set up a Wi-Fi network.

In most cases, this is sufficient. I also advise you to change the password that protects the web interface of the router. Is there some more IPTV settings, USB drives, parental controls etc., but not everyone needs them.

In the control panel of almost every router there is a so-called "Master quick setup", aka "Quick Setup". On some devices, it is open immediately after entering the control panel. It can be used to configure the Wi-Fi router step by step. Internet connection, wireless network, etc. For example, how it looks like TP Link:

You can try it, it's very convenient.

Internet setup. The most important step

The main thing is correctly configure the router to connect to the provider. If he can not connect to the Internet, then on all devices there will be a connection "Without access to the Internet." Many users who try to set everything up with their own hands most often encounter problems at this stage.

Each ISP uses a certain type of connection. Dynamic IP (DHCP), Static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP. This type of connection must be specified in the control panel of the router, and set certain parameters that are issued by the Internet provider.

Important! You must know exactly what type of connection your ISP has. Also all the necessary data to connect (Username: Password) if they are needed. As a rule, this information is indicated in the contract that you received when connecting to the Internet.

Some providers bind by MAC address. This is also desirable to clarify.

If your provider uses a "Dynamic IP" (DHCP) connection, then the Internet should work immediately after the connection, since this type of connection is set by default on routers.

If the Internet through the router is already working (and you didn't run any connections on the computer), then you can skip this section and go straight to setting up Wi-Fi.

When the connection type is PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP, or Static IP (which is very rare), then you need to set the necessary parameters. Usually, this is the username and password that the provider gave you. In the control panel, the section with these settings is most often called: "WAN", "Internet", "Internet".

For example, what the setting looks like PPPoE connections on ASUS router:

Other examples:

Target: so that the Internet through the router will work on all devices. By cable and Wi-Fi. If this does not happen, then it is pointless to continue the setup.

You can always call the provider and clarify what parameters and where you need to specify. Many of them help over the phone.

Articles you might find useful:

I hope everything worked out for you.

Change Wi-Fi network settings

I highly recommend changing the Wi-Fi network name and password. It is also desirable to set your region. Everything is simple there. You can do this in the section with wireless network settings. It can be called differently: "Wi-Fi", "Wireless network", "Wireless", "Wireless mode". If you have a dual-band router, then the settings must be set separately for the network at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

  • In the field "Network name" (SSID) you need to register a new name. English letters.
  • In the "Password" field (wireless key) think up and write down a password. Minimum 8 characters. Protection type - WPA2 - Personal.
  • Well, there should be a "Region" field. Change it to yours.
  • IPTV on ASUS routers.

    If something goes wrong during the setup process, you can always reset the settings to the factory settings and try to set everything up again. On the case, find the "Reset" or "Reset" button, press it and hold for about 10 seconds. By the indicators, you will understand when the reset occurred.

    You can leave questions in the comments. Only I have a small request, describe the problem in detail. Write the router model. And it is very difficult to understand and advise something when you do not understand the question itself. Good luck!