And at the present stage it is applied everywhere. Of course, he also regularly needs charging. If you purchase a power bank, how to charge its correct and what way to charge better - this will always be important to know.

How can I charge a power bank in different ways

A large number of such portable devices. To understand how to properly charge power bank one or another model, you need to carefully read the attached to it. Please note that different models are charging with certain features and nuances.

The most common method - charge power bank just off the grid. In order to connect power bank to the network, it is possible to use telephone chargers. Considering that the average time during which the device will be fully charged is 4-5 hours, it is better to leave it online at night and turn it off in the morning.

Sometimes novice users ask, which charging method is better - network or using USB - cord from the computer? Any direct connection to the network will help "power" your device much faster than USB -port. Although practice shows that for many it is much faster and easier to connect a power to a computer. To charge the power bank from a PC, you just need to connect the supplied cable to the computer.

As for the popular question of whether charge the device in the sun - you should not make such mistakes if your power is not equipped with a solar battery. Such devices can be found on sale, but they are not cheap and are much rarer than standard models.

If there is a device such as a “cigarette lighter” in the car, it is possible to directly feed your turn. In this case, charging occurs when the car starts moving. By the way, there is another method that is still not used very actively for some reason.

Can quickly recharge the power bank from the mobile phone itself - models with the possibility of using them as an external battery device have already appeared on sale.

Determine if the power bank is charged

How to understand that the power bank is charged? It is easy to find out the percentage of charge when using standard power supplies thanks to divisions or numbers that show the quantitative percentage of charge. When power bank is fully charged, the indicator lamp starts flashing, or the number 100 appears on the display (depending on the device model). On simple external batteries, everything is much simpler due to the fact that there are only two indicator lights.

When the power bank is fully charged, it will be automatically turned off by the system from the mains supply.

Power bank charging time

How long does a power bank charge? The average time is 4-5 hours. Although such models have already appeared on sale that require a minimum time of 3.5 hours for a full charge. For example, power bank xiaomi pro with a capacity of 10,000 mAh (we will talk about it below). It used to be that the larger the power capacity, the slower it charges. But now new production technologies make it possible to minimize this disadvantage.

It is recommended to always charge the power to 100%, fully. When this indicator is already reached, you should not rush to disconnect the device from the network. You need to hold it for about an hour more - so that it receives the necessary drip charging with the help of small currents. It is she who contributes to the long-term preservation and maintenance of the maximum level of capacity of the power bank. By the way, there is a web special application, designed to track the process drip charging. It is suitable for both Android smartphones and Apple.

Do I need to charge a new power bank

There are many different opinions on this matter. Some say it doesn't matter. However manufacturers recommend charging a new full power bank , taking into account the time allotted for "drip" nutrition charged low current devices.

Many Internet sources say that, with which all models of power banks are now supplied, they do not have a "memory effect". But practice shows that this is not always the case. If you look objectively, the "memory effect" in lithium batteries yet there is. But it is less pronounced than in older batteries. Therefore, you should spend several charge-discharge cycles on the new power immediately after purchase.

Do not completely and deeply discharge the power bank A: Li-ion batteries are very sensitive to this. Make sure that your device is not discharged by more than 10-20%.

A full charge-discharge cycle can be carried out no more than once every two to three months. This will help to adjust the operation of the power bank so that the capacity of its batteries is maintained at an optimal level.

Which charger is right for you

Both manufacturers and experts agree that for this you should always use only the charger that fits the power, coinciding with its technical specifications. You should not save on chargers and purchase temptingly cheap models that can contribute to the failure of the power bank.

Why is the power bank not charging?

If the power bank is not charging and has stopped working, the reason may be that it is equipped with a controller of not very high quality. There can be two options here: either the device simply “blinks”, but does not work, or the bank does not turn on - that's all. What to do in this case and is it possible to fix the power?

If the device stops charging at all and cannot be charged even if it is plugged in longer than usual, this means that the controller simply “does not see” the remaining charge level and does not start the battery “to start”. For such a controller, the energy inside the battery simply does not exist.

Therefore, for the future: never discharge "budget" Chinese devices to zero, and make sure that they have at least a minimum amount of charge left. The controller cannot detect the remaining energy level in the battery, so the power bank cannot turn on and function properly.

In this case, it makes no sense to keep it on charge for a long time: the controller will still not start it without additional incentive. This is what is most common cause why the power bank is not charging. You can solve this problem in an elementary way: you need to remove the discharged battery from the device and briefly connect the wires with power to the contacts. It is necessary that the battery be charged "directly" a little. This energy is quite enough to "start" it. And do not be afraid that this method will make the battery unusable. Practice shows that many power sources that were charged in this way did not fail and even began to work better.

If not at hand suitable wires, but there is an unnecessary electronic lighter, wiring can be borrowed from it, having previously tinned them. Then the case of the power is carefully disassembled with a knife, the battery itself is removed. You can not touch the board, handle it as carefully as possible so as not to damage it. Connect the wires to the contacts, and a new AA battery can serve as a power source, to which the wiring is actually connected.

Keep the power bank battery on such an impromptu charge for thirty minutes. After that, the controller should "see" the charge of the battery of the power. When this happens, proceed to charge the device in the usual way. You can assemble the case back with a simple superglue.

Xiaomi power bank model: a breakthrough in charging time

Not so long ago, a new power bank of the famous Chinese company Xiaomi was released, which can be charged for no more than 3.5 hours. At the same time, its declared capacity is 10,000 mAh. This device has a universal cable with which you can properly charge not only X iaomi power bank pro, but also any other gadget suitable for it. This power supply supports the fast charging function, or fast charge 2nd generation. He not only fast charges the gadget connected to it, but also charges itself at the same time. In this way, the entire power bank is charged in 3.5 hours.

A universal cable with which you can charge the bank itself, has the ability to connect to type C- port, network, or computer. If you need to charge any device that has a type c port, insert this port into USB power bank - and charge it. When you need to charge your device with micro USB-output, but there is no cable from it, just remove the large nozzle and get a micro USB-adapter. When buying such a power, we get a universal cable with an adapter, as well as with the function of automatic voltage selection.

Progress does not stand still. There are Xiaomi power banks with a much larger capacity.

Thus, if you have a power bank, how to charge its correct and how much time is needed for this time becomes quite clear, and the appearance on the market of new, more “advanced” models can significantly reduce the actual charging time - if the device has significant indicators of actual capacity. In order to properly carry out the charging process, do not forget to follow the recommendations that the manufacturer always gives in the attached instructions.

When you connect the phone to a portable battery, the process of charging it is not in normal mode and it fails to charge. Or it is very quickly discharged. Or the charge lasts a few seconds and stops. What to do if the external battery does not charge the phone - consider possible options and give answers.

External battery, portable charger, portable battery, universal battery, "Power Bank" (energy keeper, English) - these are all synonyms for a device that you can have with you for the purpose of autonomously charging devices.

For normal phone charging external battery you have to choose the right one first. When buying, of course, the first thing they pay attention to is the size and weight. They try on how it fits in the hand (together with the phone), what place it occupies in a purse or in a handbag.

When choosing a Power Bank, you need to pay attention to the size of the device

But the most important parameter is its capacity. At the same time, it must be remembered that its efficiency is approximately 80 percent of the capacity indicated on the package (nominal). And the rest during operation is converted into heat or lost during transmission.

Current strength

Also, the case of a universal battery is marked with the value of the current strength at the connectors and which is actually supplied for energy storage. On the one hand, the speed of the process depends on this value, and on the other hand, some devices (or rather, their controllers) require compliance with a clear value.

As a rule, a current of one ampere is considered normal for a phone.

We identify problems

If problems are found when transferring the container from the portable charger to the phone's battery, you first need to make sure that the Power Bank-cable pair is working properly.

To do this, connect another gadget to the device. And if the process is going well in it, then the cause of the problem is hidden in the phone itself.

Then you need to move on to diagnosing the problem - how exactly does the phone not charge?

  • Not charging at all?
  • Charges extremely slowly (the current discharge of the mobile is not blocked by the incoming charge)?

Port contacts

Poor quality contacts inside ports due to manufacturing defects or frequent disconnection can cause no power flow.

To fix this problem, you need to remove the battery with the phone turned off and carefully lift the fasteners inside the port with an object such as a toothpick. After that, return everything to its place.

Replacing a broken wire

broken wire

Violation of the charging process can also be due to poor-quality or broken wire. Currently, due to cheaper wires, they are produced very thin and delicate. In the process life cycle they are constantly twisted, pulled together in different ways several times a day. No wonder their breaking, imperceptible from the outside.

You need to check the operation of the wire with another cable. If necessary, replace.

Stripping port contacts

The inside of the phone is more clogged for some, less for some, but one way or another. Small specks, fabric spools, dust, and “wreckage” stuck inside the ports can cause a power failure inside the phone. Performing a sweep will return working condition smartphone.

IMPORTANT. Do not load in a humid or hot environment. If the connection to the outlet is too long, the contacts will fuse with plastic and even the batteries will explode. - Protection mechanisms do not always work! And factory marriage is no exception.

Broken phone charger

Checking the battery

Despite the number of charge-discharge cycles, a phone battery does not last forever. Usually it will work without problems for two years. But over time, it becomes more and more difficult for her to keep (accumulate) the charge. You need to make sure it works.

In the presence of deformation or swelling, corrosion - immediately replace the element.

ADVICE. An interesting simple way to check a non-removable element is proposed - try to spin it on a flat table like a spinning top: the problematic one will easily spin.

Is a socket better?

If you can’t fully charge the battery from an external battery, you should try to charge it from a regular wall outlet. In this case, the amount of electricity supplied can be up to two times higher than when supplied through the USB port.

Try charging your smartphone from a power outlet

"Power Bank"/wire

Another reason for insufficient power supply may be the use of "foreign" devices. In this case, the strength or power of the current supplied to the battery may not be enough to accumulate the resource.

Running applications

The culprits for weak charge flow can be services, services or applications running on the phone. And this is not surprising - they require a lot of energy. This is especially true for toys, Skype in audio video mode, hard Internet surfing, using high brightness on the monitor, connecting to 4G networks. The cardinal way to speed up the charge is to turn off all these charms. And the most reliable is to completely turn off the phone.


Sometimes modern devices make unjustified mistakes. For example, the phone turns itself off due to the fact that "it considers" its charge to be less than it actually is - no more than two or three percent. And the corresponding message is sent to the system. Although the gadget is charged.

Calibration is just the process of "teaching" the battery its capabilities. Helps solve many nutritional problems before they occur. It is worth doing this before you have to update the batteries with new ones.

Smartphone needs to be calibrated


Application updates, firmware installation and rollbacks to previous versions can also be the cause of disruption in the flow of electricity.

This is explained by the fact that new devices are optimized for modern versions and they are equipped with more powerful batteries. But those purchased even a couple of years ago - can not always cope with the load.

Therefore, if you find a sharp change in the efficiency of the gadget, you should try to roll back its software. Although it happens that a new version just reduces the exorbitant power consumption.

Presence of current in the socket

If these methods do not work, you should really check for voltage in the outlet or in the USB port. As ridiculous as it sounds, this is also possible.

The last option is to replace the portable device.


Through various network windows, the phone can be infected with viruses. Some of them, due to excessive activation of some application, can deplete the energy reserve (for example, the Carib virus seriously activates Bluetooth).

IMPORTANT. A visit to the service center is indispensable in case of a sharp discharge due to vibration or sound signal. This occurs when there is a problem with the power amplifier.

Why is the external battery not charging the phone? - We shared with you all aspects of this problem. And you share with your friends and write in the comments.

Every owner of a smartphone or any other portable device is familiar with a power bank charger (“power”, as it is colloquially called). It is very convenient to use it, because the phone can be recharged at any time. However, many people have to face the problem when the power bank does not charge the phone for some reason, even if strictly observed. It may also happen that the device is running very slowly. In any case, do not rush to contact the repair service: it may be possible to eliminate the cause yourself.

What could have happened

Before you begin to deal directly with the bank, you should understand whether it is the essence of the problem. It is possible that it is the phone that does not work well, and not the device for charging it. First of all, plug your phone into another charger and see what happens.

The USB cable used may also be the reason why the bank does not charge the phone: for example, the cable is damaged or kinked too much . Therefore, you need to carefully inspect it for external damage. If they were found, it remains only to replace the old cable with a new one. Or you can immediately purchase a higher quality USB device.

When the problem is in the device itself

If the power bank was recently purchased or has not been used for a long time, You can also try recharge it for 8 hours . The fact is that while the device was in storage and not used, the chemical processes inside it could slow down considerably, which is typical even when they do not work. It is possible that the power bank does not charge the phone for this reason. When it “builds up”, the substances that slow down the battery will disintegrate, and the device will produce the required amount of energy.

It happens that at first the charging process goes on, and then it starts to be interrupted. Since all power bank chargers are offered in China, it is not surprising that the capacity indicated on the charger does not correspond to its real level. Of course, a power bank with a real capacity of 2000 mAh with a little will not be able to fully charge a smartphone whose battery has a capacity of 3000 mAh. To the question of what to do next, there is an extremely simple answer: purchase a charger with a capacity of at least twice the capacity of the phone .

There is another reason why the powerbank first charged and then stopped charging the phone. Often the controller turns off the process - in the presence of overheating or some kind of malfunction. Contacts may also be weak or faulty. In these cases, it is already advisable to contact the repair service center.

Many owners are forced to charge their smartphones from the power bank only when the devices are turned off: otherwise, they charge very slowly or much longer. Naturally, in this way it is impossible to recharge the phone and search for something on the Internet at the same time, it is very inconvenient.

Slow charging speed can have the following reasons:

  • controller is out of order , or it is with an internal defect;
  • initial current is insufficient (the power has an output current of 1 A, and the phone has 1.5 A);
  • thin cable, poor quality - reduces the voltage indicator;
  • Several devices are connected to a phone with a small battery .

First of all, you need to do the following: check the current output on the charger and phone connectors . If the amperage is different, the device should be changed. A thin cable needs to be changed to one whose quality and conductivity will be better - you can buy it in specialized stores or order it online.

In order to know what to start from in the assumptions why the powerbank does not charge the phone, it is advisable know exactly the capacity of both the device and the charger without relying only on the inscriptions of Chinese manufacturers.

What else can interfere with a full charge

Some users like to download high-capacity applications and games from the Web to their devices. This means that the phone will now take much longer to charge. In the early days, this is imperceptible, but later it can greatly affect the charging speed. In addition, if the powerbank charges the smartphone weakly, you can try calibrate the battery for both him and the phone (by discharging to zero and recharging the devices). It is recommended to do so three times and, if there are no other problems, the essence of which was described above, this method will be effective. You do not have to contact the service center.

Sometimes, when the smartphone is actually fully charged, the program incorrectly displays the charging indicators. For a more accurate check, you can independently try to charge the phone simply from a 220 V network.

If the phone does not charge at all

It happens that the purchased power bank is just incompatible with one or another device model.

The main signs of such incompatibility are that the device naturally accumulates energy when it is connected to the network, it starts flashing, but nothing happens to the phone. There is only one way out: try connecting a phone of a different model and check how charging will take place. If the power bank begins to charge another device without any problems, you will have to exchange it for another one, having previously clarified the issue of compatibility with consultants.

If earlier everything was fine with the charging process, and suddenly the turn stopped working, the problem may lie in one or the other battery, as well as in the condition of the contacts of the connector and the board. Errors in operation and mechanical damage, of course, can also become the reasons for the failure of a particular device. If the phone is already more than three years old, one should keep in mind such a phenomenon as the natural percentage of battery wear, and then it is not at all surprising that.

Of course, before you get upset and contact the service center about problems with the bank, it will never be superfluous to carry out a few simple and affordable steps on your own. At least in this way it will be possible to find out what could be the cause of the malfunction, and, based on this, already make an appropriate decision.

External batteries seem to have recently appeared on the market, but today they are owned by a lot of users. No wonder: a small “box” allows you to charge a discharged smartphone, phone, tablet or other gadget away from home. In addition, the Power Bank fits easily into any bag, and there are models that can even be carried in your pocket!

But today we are not talking about size. Many users are interested in how to charge an external battery. In fact, everything is very simple, although there are nuances that are worth knowing.

Charging Options

First, let's look at charging options.

The first and perhaps the most popular - from a computer or laptop via a USB port. Connect the Power Bank with one side of the cable, insert it into the other USB port, the device starts charging immediately.

True, charging is not as fast as we would like - it's all about the features of USB technology.

Second option- charging from the network. Have you noticed that external batteries are sold without a charger? It is understood that the user will charge the gadget either from the USB port of the computer, or from the charger that comes with the smartphone or tablet. Note that charging from the network is much faster than from USB.

Third option can be called exotic - charging from the sun's rays. In this case, it is assumed that you are using a special Power Bank for solar panels, which can actually be charged with the energy of the sun. Here's what it looks like:

Fourth option- charge the Power Bank from your phone or smartphone. Think this is a joke? Now mobile gadgets have appeared that can act as a kind of external battery, which means that they can also be used to charge the Power Bank. Like this.

How long does an external battery charge?

It depends on the capacity of the external battery, as well as on the charging method. The fastest way to charge the gadget is from the mains charger. The average charging time for a 5000 mAh battery from a 1A charger is 5 hours. Accordingly, if the battery has a capacity of 10,000 mAh, charging will last about 10 hours - from 0 to 100 percent.

If you charge the Power Bank in other ways, the charging time can seriously increase - even several times. Solar batteries take the longest time to charge from the sun.

Power Bank Charge Features

  • In order for the external battery to gain full capacity, it must be charged to 100% at least 3-4 times.
  • It is believed that Li-Ion batteries do not have the so-called "memory effect", which we are talking about. But there are people who think otherwise, so they recommend charging the Power Bank always up to 100% in order to maintain maximum capacity.
  • As for discharging, it is not recommended to discharge the external battery to 0% - no more than 10-20%, after which it must be charged. You can find this out using the display level. If there is none, try to do it by eye with LED indication.

For example, the Xiaomi Power Bank LED indication:

  • It is believed that if you discharge the Power Bank "to zero" every 2-3 months, this will allow it to "calibrate".
  • Do not charge the Power Bank in direct sunlight (except for external batteries designed for solar charging).
  • Always use only original cables and chargers.

We have already learned a lot about portable power bank, and now I would like to talk about cases when the Power bank does not charge the phone, what to do and what are the ways to solve this problem. Do not think that this trouble can only befall low-quality cheap models. Even the owners of eminent "energy reserves" are not immune from device failures.

In fact, many of us do not always correctly diagnose our gadgets. Perhaps the mope does not turn the bank, but mobile device. Therefore, the first thing to do is to “power up” another device (smartphone, tablet or e-book). Or connect the device to a fixed network and see if the power is restored. If charging does not go, then we begin to deal with the power bank. For iPhone, the most common cause of poor charging is port contamination, so if you own the gadget for a long time, then you should start with cleaning.

At the second stage of diagnostics, you should check the integrity USB cable. The presence of cracks and kinks should alert. Try using a different cable. If the phone is charging safely, then it will be enough just to replace the damaged cable.

Problems with power from an external battery can be of the following plan:

  1. at first, the battery is being filled, but then it is interrupted;
  2. charging is very slow;
  3. the battery capacity in the phone is not fully replenished;
  4. The gadget is not charging at all.

Each case will have its own solution. Let's consider them in more detail.

Charging goes on at first, but then stops

If you have a Chinese power bank, then it is quite expected that the declared capacity will not match the real one. In this case, it will be problematic for a device with a real capacity of 3000 mA h to fully charge a smartphone with a 2200 mA h battery. What to do? Buy a portable battery with twice the capacity of a smartphone.

Another reason that the power bank first charges the device and then stops may be hidden in the controller, which interrupts the power due to overheating or failure. It is possible that the premature termination of the process is due to a malfunction of the contacts, which at times simply move away. More specific information can be obtained only after inspection at the service center.

Slow charging speed

Often, users are faced with the need to charge an iPhone from a power bank only when it is turned off. The only inconvenience is that everyone would like to stay connected or continue to "dig" the Internet while recharging, and not wait patiently for several hours. And so the whole meaning is lost. portable battery. And so, why does the phone have to be turned off? The problem is hidden in a very low charging rate, which does not cover or barely covers the rate of current energy consumption.

This may be due to:

    • defective controller;
    • insufficient current at the output (if the power bank has a 1 A connector, and the smartphone needs 1.5 A, then the energy transfer rate will drop significantly);
    • too thin cable that cuts current and voltage (ideally, you should use not the universal wires that come with the kit, but the original ones bought in a specialized store);

  • Connecting multiple devices at the same time to a battery with a small capacity.

Running "heavy" applications and viruses on the phone can interfere with full charging. Also, if the power bank does not charge the smartphone well, then it is worth calibrating the battery. To do this, you must first completely discharge the batteries, and then charge up to 100% and do this 3 times. You need to calibrate both the power bank and the smartphone. If the phone is already more than 3 years old, then we must not forget about the natural process of capacity reduction. Visually check the battery for bulges and swellings - such a battery should not be used.

Smartphone cannot be charged up to 100%

We touched on this problem in part in the previous sections.

Regardless of the reason, before visiting the service center, I recommend that you do the following:

  1. check if it passes full charge when the smartphone is turned off;
  2. calibrate using a fixed network.

It is quite possible that it is not the power bank that does not fully charge the smartphone, but simply the program incorrectly displays the charge level. To check this, you need to use additional devices, or compare with the process from a 220 V network.

Phone won't charge at all

The first thing you should pay attention to is the compatibility of the power bank and the smartphone model. In case of incompatibility, the bank accumulates energy, works properly, the indicator flashes, but does not charge the connected device. To check, plug in another smartphone and see if it charges. If it turns out that the power bank does not charge only your smartphone, then there is only one way out - to buy another, specifying compatibility in advance.

If before the transfer of energy went smoothly, but suddenly the power bank stopped charging the phone, then there is definitely a malfunction, or wear of one of the two batteries. The fault may be related to the cable, the condition of the connectors and the board. The reason may be a fall, improper operation, the action of high humidity (oxidation of contacts), the banal depletion of battery life.

The recommendations provided in the article should be taken as advice, not instructions. They will help to understand the problem and avoid unreasonable contact with the service center, however, in the event of a serious malfunction, specialists should solve the problem. Incompetent "treatment" of the device can lead to irreparable consequences.

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